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Feature Report

Engineering Practice

Crossover Applications for the

Equipment Standard
William M. Huitt
The content of the ASME-BPE Standard is universal and
W.M. Huitt Co.
can be applied broadly throughout the CPI to meet the

ecause the global chemical pro- needs of complex engineering designs and operations
cess industries (CPI) encom-
pass so many varied industry
segments including the con- concern about conflicting statements codes and standards beyond those
version of raw materials and interme- between those standards. That is not spelled out in B31.3.
diates into chemicals and petrochemi- to say that a more stringent require- For instance, the project require-
cals, fats and oils, paints and coatings, ment will not exist in one standard ments may include standards for com-
food and beverages, the refining of over another. Such a situation is easily ponents and materials of construction
petroleum, the production of pharma- rectified by including, in proprietary (MOC), as well as specialized needs
ceuticals and others there is con- specifications and guidelines, a state- from other standards, such as the
siderable overlap in terms of the types ment that specifies that the more BPE Standard, or requirements for
of equipment, instrumentation, pipe, stringent requirement shall govern. boiler external piping, which is not
tubing and design elements, as well When adopting existing industry covered by B31.3 but is instead cov-
as industry codes (mandatory) and standards, the project team draws ered by ASME B31.1 Power Piping.
standards (voluntary) that are used upon the consensus of committees of Component- and material-related
during the design, construction and industry experts whose efforts have standards that is, different stan-
operation of CPI facilities. In many been undertaken to ensure that the dards related to such items as pipe,
cases, a given set of codes and stan- pertinent subject matter has been fittings and flanges are generally
dards created for one industry seg- thoroughly assessed, analyzed, de- adopted in their entirety. However,
ment will, quite possibly, contain con- bated, and voted on at multiple levels, users may also pick and choose op-
tent that is meaningful and relevant reaching broad consensus and culmi- tional, individual manufacturing re-
to facilities operating in other sectors. nating in the publication of the ac- quirements contained within those
For instance, the ASME-Bioprocessing credited standards. standards when those requirements
Equipment (BPE) Standard was cre- What this means for the end user is are specifically needed.
ated for the pharmaceutical industry that unless a project is regulated by When adopting a piping code such
but can be useful in the biofuel and a specific code that has been adopted as B31.3 as a base code for a project,
chemical industries, too. as part of a prevailing federal, state or other piping codes and standards can
Across the spectrum of the more municipal regulation, the project team be referenced for compliance when the
than 200 American National Stan- is free to specify through contract following occurs:
dard (ANS) developers (organizations stipulations or project specifications 1. The referenced requirement is not
accredited by the American National the most appropriate set of codes and already contained in the base code
Standards Institute, ANSI) to develop standards that are required to meet 2. The referenced requirement is more
industry standards, and the more than the varied requirements of a project or stringent than that contained in the
10,000 American National Standards facility. For example, the project team base code, or
that are published by ANS developers, may specify ASME B31.3 Process 3. The referenced requirement does not
there is ongoing effort to ensure har- Piping as the main compliance piping conflict with a not permitted state-
monization among those standards. code for a given project, with or with- ment in the base Code. For example:
As a result of this harmonization out exceptions. In addition, the project B31.3 Para. 306.4.4(c) a flared lap
effort, engineers at a CPI facility can requirements will likely dictate the is not permitted under severe cyclic
readily make use of multiple industry need to reference specific require- conditions
standards on a single project without ments published in other relevant Even though a project has adopted
46 Chemical Engineering www.che.com October 2010
Baseline piping code
ASME B31.3
AWWA standards standard
API standards Slope requirements
wastewater piping PSVs Documentation
Underground Valve testing standards
requirements Standard, there will be an additional
city water piping Design for CIP section added: Part PI Process In-
Design for SIP strumentation. This Part will cover
storm water piping ASTM material and Orbital tube weld requirements for the design, instal-
testing standards replacements
Underground lation, and application of process in-
sewer water Pipe and fittings Dead-leg
piping limitations strumentation. The word process
Inline compounds Design
Examination in the title of this Part also includes
Inspection Gasket material Fabrication
Installation utility fluids, such as purified water,
Leak testing
water for injection (WFI), clean steam
MSS standards and other utilities that come in con-
Pipe supports and hangers tact either directly with the product
or indirectly through contact with the
Pipe fittings
product-contact surface during clean-
Valve manufacture standards ing or sanitization (Note: The product-
Valve testing standards contact surface includes the internal
tubing, component and equipment
surface that comes in contact with raw
materials and utilities that also come
Figure. This rather simplistic Venn diagram provides a basic representation of the in contact with the product).
possible codes and standards used on a project in a CPI facility Hygienic operations. At the core of
the BPE Standard is the need to install
a base piping code (either by the au- while the initial impetus for the cre- piping systems and equipment that
thority of government regulation or ation of the BPE Standard was, and will become (and will remain) hygieni-
by decision of the project team), the still remains, to meet the needs of the cally clean by making them drainable
engineer should look to other relevant pharmaceutical industry, its content and easily cleanable to a microscopic
standards to help define additional is more universal and can be used in level. Residual hold-up of product
project requirements beyond those many other CPI sectors. cannot be tolerated in pharmaceuti-
covered in the base code. Rather than In fact, the BPE Standard, first is- cal operations, nor can a system that
spending time and money defining sued in 1997, dovetails nicely with facilitates the onset and growth of
requirements that may be needed the ASME B31.3 Process Piping Code, bioburden. As a result, such systems
but are not covered by ASME B31.3 the essential piping code for the CPI. must be designed in a way that allows
or ASME B31.1, the engineer should The initial BPE Standard consisted of them to be properly cleaned or steril-
look to other existing standards that the following six parts, which is dis- ized in place.
are able to provide detailed, vetted cussed in greater detail further on: Certain aspects of cellulosic biofuel
requirements to match the projects Part GR General Requirements processing and other CPI processes
needs. A good case in point is the BPE Part SD Design for Sterility and have a need for such hygienic opera-
Standard. Cleanability tions, but for altogether different rea-
The Figure (above) shows how a Part DT Dimensions and Toler- sons. For instance, in bioprocessing
given projects many codes and stan- ances for Stainless Steel Automatic operations, it is necessary to create
dards requirements may be repre- Welding and Hygienic Clamp Tube an environment that will promote the
sented graphically in a rather sim- Fittings growth and activity of a living organ-
plistic Venn diagram. Such a diagram Part MJ Material Joining ism or bacteria, in order to perform a
shows the necessary piping codes and Part SF Stainless Steel and step in the process.
standards for a given CPI project and Higher Alloy Surface Finishes The problem lies in the fact that the
shows how they overlap and com- Part SG Equipment Seals environment created for the selected
mingle within the framework of the The most recent version of the BPE bacteria is also beneficial to bacteria
project or within the infrastructure of Standard (which, at this writing, is that may be detrimental to the pro-
plant operations and maintenance. In the 2009 issue) looks much different cess. In order to keep detrimental bac-
actuality, such a diagram will be much than its inaugural predecessor, and teria in check and allow the process
more complex due to the volume of has content that is much more encom- to remain stable and viable, it is im-
codes and standards that are required passing and broad-ranging with the perative that a segment of the piping
by any CPI project or plant. addition of these three parts: system have sterilize-in-place (SIP)
Part PM Polymer-Based Material capabilities, to allow the needed clean-
Where the BPE applies (added in the 2002 issue) ing to be carried out at periodic time
The BPE Standard was developed in Part MMOC Metallic Materials of intervals. Similarly, ethanol manu-
an effort to instill a sense of continu- Construction (added in 2009) facturing processes must be designed
ity and standardization into an in- Part CR Certification (added in with clean-in-place capabilities (CIP)
dustry that seriously needed it the the 2009 issue) for the fermenters, the beer well, the
pharmaceutical industry. However, In the next publication of the BPE filtrate tanks and propagators as
Chemical Engineering www.che.com October 2010 47
Table. Ra Readings for Product-
Contact Surfaces
Mechanically polished
Engineering Practice
Ra max.
Surface -in m
well as other segments of the process Content of the standard
SF0 No finish re- No finish re-
stream, to prevent residue buildup on As noted earlier, while the BPE quirement quirement
equipment and piping. Standard dovetails with, and ref-
SF1 20 0.51
When designing a process that re- erences to, many aspects of B31.3,
quires CIP or SIP capabilities, there it is markedly different in both SF2 25 0.64
are specific piping and equipment de- layout and content. Nonetheless, SF3 30 0.76
sign requirements that need to be met. the discussion below shows how 1
Mechanically polished and electropol-
These include requirements related to universal the nine current parts ished
minimum slope, maximum acceptable of the BPE Standard are for many
Ra max. -in. m
dead-leg, internal weld finish, fitting diverse facilities throughout the
and fabrication tolerances, surface fin- CPI. SF4 15 0.38
ishes, and so on. These are all design Part GR General Require- SF5 20 0.51
considerations needed to accommo- ments. This section sets the tone SF6 25 0.64
date CIP or SIP protocols. The design and defines the scope of the stan-
General notes: (a) This table replaces previously
attributes needed to integrate CIP dard. It defines terms that are published Tables SF02, SF-4, SF-6, SF-8, and SF-10.
and SIP into a system can be found in (b) All Ra readings are taken across the lay, wherever
specific to the bioprocessing in- possible.
the BPE Standard. dustry and other terms that may (c) No single Ra reading shall exceed the Ra max
Sloped piping and maximum ac- have originated elsewhere and value in this table
(d) Other Ra readings are available if agreed upon
ceptable dead-leg criteria. Simi- been adopted by the BPE stan- between owner/user and manufacturer, not to exceed
larly, designing a process system that dard with a slightly different in- values in this table.
Note: (1) or any other finishing method that meets
may not necessarily be concerned terpretation. the Ra max
with bacteria may still have a need for Part SD Design for Steril- Source: ASME-Bioprocessing Equipment (BPE) Standard.
sloped piping and maximum accept- ity and Cleanability. Part SD
able dead-leg criteria. The criteria for provides discussion on how to design the availability of the BPE Standard
these design elements exists as vetted cleanability and sterility into a sys- and Part DT, there were no industry-
information within the BPE Standard, tem. It also covers specific design is- standard dimensions on fittings and
and thus can simply be referenced in sues with regard to instrumentation, valves, and no common set of manu-
a specification drawn from the BPE hose assemblies, filtration and other facturing tolerances. This meant that
Standard, rather than basing design equipment. In addition to hydrostatic components from one manufacturer
criteria on some arbitrary rule-of- testing, this section also touches on to the next were not necessarily in-
thumb principal. testing fundamentals for spray balls, terchangeable a situation that has
Documentation requirements. drainability, cleanability and sterility. long presented a nightmare for many
Meanwhile, while facilities that are It also provides a listing of documenta- projects and that all fittings had to
outside the realm of strict biophar- tion that can be selected by, and used be purchased from the same manufac-
maceutical manufacturing may not for, industries beyond bioprocessing. turer to ensure compatibility.
require the same exacting documenta- This section is one place in which Part MJ Material Joining. This
tion trail all CPI facilities do require the BPE Standard diverges from the section touches on all aspects of the
varying degrees of documentation re- main focus of the B31.3 format. For welding of pressure vessels, tanks,
lated to material, fabrication, exami- instance, while B31.3 is developed tubes and fittings, and provides guid-
nation, and testing. Nonetheless, fa- around the cornerstone of safety and ance on acceptable requirements
cilities whose documentation records system integrity, the BPE, while inte- related to material selection, inspec-
are not required to be as extensive as grating safety and integrity, is focused tion, examination and testing. It also
those required by the biopharmaceuti- mainly on providing acceptable crite- discusses joining processes and proce-
cal industry can still benefit from the ria for system design. dures, weld joint design and prepara-
portion of the standard that relates to Since its inception, the SD subcom- tion, weld-acceptance criteria, proce-
documentation requirements. mittee has taken on the task of re- dure and performance qualification
Specifically, the laundry list of docu- searching accepted industry design and documentation requirements.
mentation that is specified in the BPE practices that are currently being used Several tables list weld-acceptance cri-
Standard can be utilized by other in- in the bioprocessing industry. This is teria, and detailed graphics illustrate
dustries simply by selectively referenc- an effort to validate, and, where neces- acceptable and unacceptable welds.
ing that part of the standard. Rather sary, rectify those largely unqualified Part SF Surface Finish. A cru-
than a company having to write out a design practices and criteria, through cial element in the ability to attain
proprietary requirement one that the development of new and appropri- and maintain a clean system is in the
may already be contained in a vetted ate design criteria for adoption into quality of the finish on the product-
industry standard the company can the BPE Standard. contact surface. Whether in the bio-
simply reference the respective seg- Part DT Dimensions and Tol- processing industry or other sectors
ment of the standard that spells out erances. This section has basically in which at least a segment of the
the needed requirement. standardized many of the practices processing scheme involves biopro-
in the bioprocessing industry. Prior to cessing (such as biofuels production),
48 Chemical Engineering www.che.com October 2010

the cleanability of the product-contact

surface is crucial (Table). In addition
to Part SF providing the methods
by which surface finishes are classi-
fied, it also spells out the acceptance
criteria for compliance.
Part SG Equipment Seals. This
part covers equipment seals, and pro-
vides a classification scheme that de-
scribes the required integrity of a seal
under specific service conditions.
Part PM Polymer-based Materi-
als. Added to the Standard in 2002,
this section covers criteria related to
both thermoplastics and thermoset-
ting materials. It touches on design
considerations, joining methods, inte-
rior product-contact surfaces and ma-
terials of construction.
Part MMOC Metallic Materials
of Construction. This section was
first published in the 2009 issue of the
BPE Standard. Its incorporation into
the standard was driven by the grow-
ing importance of alternative materi-
als of construction beyond Type 316L
stainless steel. The main objective of
this section is to help system design- ANOTHER
ers and facility owners improve sys-
tem quality and sustainability, and
to improve compatibility with fluids DONT GOLF IN
450 C
that are too aggressive for Type 316L
stainless steel.
Adding Part MMOC allows the stan-

dard to elaborate and expand its infor-
mation on metallic materials in a cen-
tralized and comprehensive way. This
section offers a definitive listing of Graphite oxidizes at high temps.
acceptable materials in their various
forms, and provides further informa- So gaskets made with graphite
tion on Pitting Resistance Equivalent deteriorate as well. Thermiculite ,

Number Rankings (PREn), corrosion

test references for alloys, discussion the revolutionary sealing material
points on superaustenitics, duplex
from Flexitallic, maintains its integrity
stainless steels, nickel alloys, ferrite
content restrictions and much more. up to 982 C. Preventing leakage and the
Part CR Certification. This part
loss of bolt load that can be so costly
was first included in the 2009 publica-
tion of the standard, and gives users a and ultimately dangerous. Replace your
way to ensure that the tubing and fit-
graphite gaskets. It will cut your handicap.
tings they purchase are compliant with
BPE Standard requirements. This is Visit: www.flexitallic.com, or call us at
achieved through a well-defined and
implemented certification program for USA: 1.281.604.2400; UK: +44(0) 1274 851273.
compliance with the BPE Standard
by those manufactures, fabricators,
and service providers that qualify. The
certification process is a multi-faceted
program based on an in-depth Quality
Circle 17 on p. 66 or go to adlinks.che.com/29255-17
Engineering Practice

Management System (QMS) program resent everything from fitting dimen- necessarily included in the body of the
that is defined in Part CR. sions to mechanical seals, and include standard, is, in many cases, valued
Specifically, the program requires acceptable nozzle projections, side- and information. The Non-Mandatory Ap-
that the applicant for certification cre- bottom-nozzle pads, vessel sight-glass pendices section houses much of this
ate a QMS manual, as defined in the mounting design, double mechanical- information. This section contains in-
BPE Standard, which is expected to cartridge-seal design, single dry-run- formation that is deemed to be useful
mirror the quality program actually ning contact seal, weld profiles, design to readers, but is not appropriate for
being used in their production process. diagrams and more. codification. Presented in this way, the
Among many other requirements, the In addition to the many tables on information in this section can be pub-
manual should reflect a companys dimensions and tolerances for the lished for use while still remaining
organizational hierarchy, inspection manufacture of fittings, additional segregated from the requirements of
protocols, materials-handling proce- tables provide weld-acceptance crite- the standard, should the entire stan-
dures (from receiving through manu- ria for: welds on pressure vessels and dard be adopted as code.
facturing and shipping), process for tanks, welds on pipe, welds on tubing, For instance, some of the topics
segregation of materials, inspection- and tube-attachment welds. Another covered in the Non-Mandatory Appen-
personnel qualifications, reject-resolu- table provides acceptance criteria for dixes include:
tion and documentation needs. the mechanically polished product- Appendix A Slag
contact surface of stainless steel and Appendix B Material Examination
Extras within the Standard higher alloys, and a table of surface- Log and Weld Log
The 2009 publication of the BPE finish designations. Appendix C Slope Measurement
Standard contains more than 60 fig- The tables, graphics, and intellec- Appendix D Rouge and Stainless
ures, 60 tables and 9 non-mandatory tual information contained in the BPE Steel
appendixes all developed to make Standard are the product of a very Appendix E Passivation Procedure
the compliance requirements more structured data-refining process. The Qualification
Chemical Engineering e 86x123_2010.qxd:MullerGmbh_e.qxd
explicit for the user. The figures rep- supporting research data, while not Appendix F Corrosion Testing
Chemical Engineering e 1_1 86x123 08/2010


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50 Chemical Engineering www.che.com October 2010
Appendix G Ferrite of the contractual requirements for employ the many available standards
Appendix H Electropolishing Pro- a project or facility. is made much easier and more
cedure Qualification The same holds true if your project relevant today. 
Appendix I Vendor Documentation is handling, say, hydrogen gas. There Edited by Suzanne Shelley
Requirements for New Instruments may be circumstances in which it may
be practical to require compliance with Author
Wrap up isolated segments of a Compressed W. M. (Bill) Huitt has been
While this article provides a cursory Gas Assn. (CGA) Standard such as involved in industrial pip-
ing design, engineering and
overview of the BPE Standard, the G-5 Hydrogen and/or G-5.4 Stan- construction since 1965. Posi-
tions have included design en-
major take-away should be the under- dard for Hydrogen Piping Systems at gineer, piping design instruc-
standing that a great deal of useful, Consumer Locations. It would then tor, project engineer, project
supervisor, piping depart-
vetted information is available in the be appropriate to adopt and reference ment supervisor, engineering
many American National Standards that segment of the CGA standard. manager and president of W.
M. Huitt Co. (P.O. Box 31154,
that are available today. While some There are numerous standards St. Louis, MO 63131-0154.
may require compliance from a regu- (from ASME, API, CGA, and others) Phone: 314-966-8919; Email: wmhuitt@aol.
com) a piping consulting firm founded in 1987.
latory standpoint, others may be ad- that are required to deliver the nec- His experience covers both the engineering and
construction fields and crosses industrial lines
opted and specified voluntarily. essary codes and standards to a proj- to include petroleum refining, chemical, pet-
As noted earlier, it is not necessary ect. Without harmonization efforts by rochemical, pharmaceutical, biofuel, pulp and
paper, nuclear power, and coal gasification. He
to adopt an entire standard if all the developers of todays standards, has written numerous specifications including
you need are isolated sections. If, for the usefulness of industry standards engineering and construction guidelines to en-
sure that design and construction comply with
example, a given project only needs would most likely be diminished by code requirements, owner expectations and good
some or all of the content on CIP re- conflicting requirements and overlap- design practices. Bill is a member of ISPE (Inter-
national Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers),
quirements from the BPE Standard, ping stipulations. However, with har- CSI (Construction Specifications Institute) and
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engi-
then users can reference just that seg- monization and self-familiarization, neers). He is a contributor to ASME-BPE and sits
ment, which will then become a part the engineers effort to select and on two corporate specification review boards.

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