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3/27/2017 MaxAbsolutestressinPlateContourRAM|STAADWikiRAM|STAADBentleyCommunities

Max Absolute stress in Plate Contour

Applies To

Product(s): STAAD.Pro

Version(s): All

Environment: N/A

Area: Postprocessing Solutions

Subarea: N/A

Kris Sathia
Original Author:
Bentley Technical Support Group


In the Plate Stress Contour tab of the Diagrams window, a choice under stress type is Max Absolute
(See the following screen shot). 1/3
3/27/2017 MaxAbsolutestressinPlateContourRAM|STAADWikiRAM|STAADBentleyCommunities

What is the definition of Max Absolute?


The membrane stresses and bending stresses can be combined to form the principal stresses, SMAX
and SMIN, on the top and bottom surfaces of plate elements. The procedure for obtaining these is
explained in example problem 18 of the
Application Examples manual.

Thus, for each load case, there is an SMAX and an SMIN on the top surface as well as on the bottom
surface of each element - four numbers per element. Let us denote them as SMAX_top, SMIN_top,
SMAX_bottom and SMIN_bottom.

Themaximum from among SMAX_top and SMIN_top is termed as "Max Top" in the Plate Contour -
stress type - selection box.

The minimum from among SMAX_top and SMIN_top is termed as "Min Top".

Similarly, the maximum from among SMAX_bottom and SMIN_bottom is termed as "Max Bottom".

The minimum from among SMAX_bottom and SMIN_bottom is termed as "Min Bottom".

The absolute maximum from among "Max Top" and "Max Bottom" is the quantity termed as "Max
Absolute". 2/3
3/27/2017 MaxAbsolutestressinPlateContourRAM|STAADWikiRAM|STAADBentleyCommunities

max absolute plate stress Max Absolute

Created by Kris Sathia

When: Thu, Jan 9 2014 2:24 PM

Last revision by Steve Crabtree

When: Fri, Jun 24 2016 11:23 PM
Revisions: 6
Comments: 0 3/3

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