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With the upcoming evolution and the changes in the market, every company is set to strive to
stay updated in order to stay in the market competition regardless of the size of the company.
Web 2.0 is revolution in the market since a few years thus, this article will be mainly revolving
around what Web 2.0 is and the impact it can bring in the culture and profitability of KTF. This
file will highlight the major and notable solutions web 2.0 will be providing to the identified
problems of the company. Moreover collaboration tools such as, slack, red pen and trello will
also be focused along with the comparison of the tools opted and their significance to the case.
The usage of appropriate techniques to overcome certain faced challenges will be brought to

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is a collective outcome for the maturity and development of the internet, increased
number of internet users; desktop computers are outstripped by the smart phones by a factor of
two (Musser & OReilly, 2006) and lastly post dot com boom (fall 2001) the apprehension
efforts of software sector (OReilly, 2005).

According to OReilly Web 2.0 is defined as The revolution in the computer business sector
initiated by the revolution of internet as a platform and its attempt to comprehend the rules and
regulations for accomplishment on that platform. Building applications that bind the network
effects to get better the more people use them. (Musser & OReilly, 2006)

Some major characteristics of Web 2.0 are

User Participation/ Involvement

Web Standards

Further characteristics involve freedom, openness and combined intelligence by way of user
involvement, can also be considered as vital features of Web 2.0.

According to the point of view of some scholars cloud computing is a part of WEB 2.0 due to the
reason that it is an inference of calculating via internet. (Patrick S. 2005)

Some features of web 2.0 are (Web apparater, 2010)

1. User Participation/ Crowd Sourcing
For the content sourcing, users are given the authority to participate (Crowd
sourcing) in Web 2.0. Crowdsourcing provides and independence from the top
down directive hierarchies. It is not an isolated phenomenon but a well-used
process to gather enriched data for profit generation. For example Philips, a health
care, consumer lifestyle products generating company, uses web 2.0 to gather
ideas through internal crowd sourcing maintaining a confidential demeanour
emphasizing internal work as much as open portals. (Innocentive, 2013)

2. Rich User Experience

Web 2.0 uses Asynchronous Java Script and XML which provides its users a
vibrant and rich experience. One of the most notable example of web 2.0
application utilizing rich user experience would be YouTube. They provide the
tools for an online community that is driven by sharing and collaboration
providing many features to all levels of users. (All Thing Web 2.0, 2012)

3. Collaboration
Several channels such as file sharing are used for collaboration. From document
sharing tools like Scribd and Google Docs, Web 2.0 includes inherent
collaboration qualities. Many use networking and communication capabilities for
the users to know the status of document such as who edited and what changes are
made to the document. This is important for geographically dispersed
organization while collaborating. (Information Management, 2009). For example,
One of Cisco s strategic imperative is to form a collaborative platform that will
not only create the focus the collaboration within the organization itself but also
enable the companys productivity and growth. (Cisco IT, 2008)

The main problem being faced by the company itself is the disoriented communication bridge
between the teams, suppliers and clients. The company needs to organize a strong bond not only
within the company itself but with their clients and their suppliers as well. In order to do that
they need to gain assistance from WEB 2.0.

Implementing Web 2.0 will be benefitting the company in some ways such as

1. One of the biggest highlighted problem the company is facing is the problem with the
communication with the teams associated with the clients and across teams as well.
Therefore for this problem the most notable solution would be bringing up a
collaboration. In the provided scenario the data will be transferred among all the
necessary departments thus resulting in keeping actual observation and problem
identification in KTF for any case. Such as, the trend setters will observe the latest trends
in the market and will share the information to the team where the designers will use the
provided data to sketch the designs which will be approved by the developers, who will
in turn forward the list to the buyers and then collectively all the information will be sent
to garment and trading technologists so that the production department could start
producing the products. Normally, the company is already following this process but with
Web 2.0 all this data will be provided online thus will be the information will be
transferred to all the departments. In fact it will be both cost and time effective and will
increase the level of communication within the team. If the company is able to identify
and utilize the right communication tools the hurdles in the transfer of information can
strongly be avoided. The biggest example would yet again be the strategies implemented
by Cisco IT.
2. Another factor which is an identified problem for the company is those issues which are
causing the existing employees to quit their jobs and thus resulting in the loss of the
opportunity to gain valuable informations. The employees usually leave the job due to
the dissatisfaction in their present workplace (Campion, 1991). There are certain reasons
which can be accountable for turnover such as (Insperity, 2015) lack of motivation, poor
management, boredom etc. but with respect to the current view the reason to be
highlighted is substandard facilities i.e. if the working conditions are substandard such as
lacking major facilities like web access, health provisions, they will not prefer putting up
with the inconvenience for a long time. (AHM Shamsuzzoha, Md. Rezaul HS, 2013).
Therefore the most suitable solution to this problem could be to provide authority to the
employees to participate i.e. internal crowd sourcing. As a result of this not only will
they feel authoritative, worthy and find the environment update, but the KTF will also be
getting some valuable information through the whole process since employees will be

possessing some unique ideas as well. According to a survey conducted by Andrew Wyatt
and his team, 65% managers tend to believe that usage of web collaboration in an
organization results in increased employee productivity (Image 1). Therefore through Web
2.0, employees can have the right to participate in giving ideas for the changes to be brought in
the company which will in turn keep them involved thus resulting in reducing the turnover rate.
3. Leading to the next observed problem is the lack of attention provided to the instructions
and information provided by the customers. Measurement standards and preferences are
to be centrally located and easily updated across all the teams according to all the
information provided by the customers. This can be done by providing the users a Rich
User Experience in form of a website through Web 2.0. The clients prefer the transfer of
knowledge and informations on faster note rather than meeting again and again,
therefore through Web 2.0, KTF gets the source bridge to communicate in an easier and
faster way to its clients. It will be helpful to create a communication bridge between
clients, the consultants and suppliers faster and effectively. That means that the company
has to give authority to clients to upload their ideas of garment designing. To elaborate
we can observe the trend being carried by Nike that it provides its customers the option to
customize their shoes themselves and that customization is forwarded to the design and
manufacturing department.


However, implementing web 2.0 will not be a piece of cake. There will be challenges will KTF
might have to face while implementing this solutions to the provided problems such as

1. While collaboration would be an effective method to resolve the problem of lack of

communication within the organization. However adding up so much data online without
any prior training and immediately would be difficult to handle for the employees.
Initially some of the employees might resist to this change as well. In addition to that the
alignment of the data and transferring of it would be quite a troublesome task for the
2. Even though implementing web 2.0 will help reducing the turnover rate by providing the
employees authority to participate, however we still would not be able to bring the
turnover rate to the ignorable level because there will be employees who might be
dissatisfied to do any reason possible such as being undervalued, lacking decision making

ability or lack of growth opportunity etc. (Peoria Magazines, 2009). Apart from that some
employees might also quit in response to resistance to change. Although 60% of chiefs
say that they trust representatives to utilize the web or long range interpersonal
communication locales dependably, there is some confirmation that this trust might be
somewhat confused as a noteworthy extent of office specialists admit to conduct that may
not be very as welcome inside their association. According to a poll 25% have sent
content through email or interpersonal interaction destinations that they later regretted. To
some degree incomprehensibly, more than half (54%) of office laborers would be
awkward with individuals from work seeing their private social organizing data
proposing a requirement for additional training among in the working environment about
the dangers related with long range interpersonal communication destinations. Other than
the turnover there can be another challenge while the implementation that people might
misuse their authority to contribute (web spy, 2015)
3. Though using a Rich user experience based website for the customers to place their
orders in a better way will solve the problem of failure to understand the orders of the
client there still will be some customers who will not be able to place order through this
source. Moreover the team will also face difficulty while understanding the whole
procedure as well.

Suggested Tools:

The company needs to make sure that such tools are introduced in to the organization which can
help in gaining these opportunities and minimize the chances of these setbacks simultaneously.
Moreover, since the company is a small one therefore we have to keep in mind that the software/
tools we are opting are not much costly and are user friendly. The three tools which can be
brought in to organizations practice are Slack, Red pen and Trello.


Slack is a simple group based interface forum which can be used to develop different methods of
communication between the employees to discuss particular topics which will be resulting in
gathering and collection of all the necessary data in a single place, sending direct messages to
users in order to keep the discussion to the point, making live video conferencing calls, and

sharing important data files. Moreover, this interface has the capability to archive files and
conversations which can be used for future referencing. (Slack, 2017)

Red Pen

Red pen is the online tool which is known to be used by not only organizations but also for the
freelancing and online teaching purpose. The main task to be performed by this tool is to
critically analyze and criticize the employees, students and at times customers in order to
demand justified output. Moreover, this tool can be used by the CEO of the organizations to keep
a check on the mistakes by other employees. Though it is a paid tool but 14 days trial is available
and then option to upgrade is available. The latest version provides the facility of drag and drop
thorough which an employee can be criticized individually. (Red pen, 2017)


This device is an administration oriented device for the organizations. It resembles an enchanted
customizable schedule on a solitary interface where individuals can impart to each other
continuously. In the light of cards arrangement content and data can be classified and arranged
in the way the individual wants it to be. Moreover, it is a state of the art device through which
one can keep eye on the ventures pipeline. (Trello, 2017)

Technical Analysis

Installing Slack will help KTF in resolving one of the major issue of the company that was
communication as dedicated channels can be made to transfer knowledge and relevant
information. For example, KTF a channel with the representation from the clients can be formed,
resulting in gaining all sorts of relevant information. The information and the outcome can be
archived in the data base so that upon future assistance the results and data could be recycled.
Moreover for Red pen, it would be helpful to KTF to clear the problems of time competency for
the staff, if installed. The old employees wont be able to resign and if there exists a conflict
between employees they can be highlighted for consideration. And as for the new clients, their
performance can be analyzed critically and then feedback can be given to them. And finally
installing Trello will help out the organization in sorting the tasks by making a to do list. Any

employee can use it to keep a record of the daily goals resulting in better punctuality in the

Nontechnical Analysis

Slack would be focusing on the enhancing the communication of individuals that will help the
employees to work out of the comfort zone and interact with one another which will result in a
stronger team work while Red pen will be a perfect tool to identify the strengths and weakness of
every individual so that they could enhance their strengths and minimize their weakness. And
Trello will help the suppliers and the employees to arrange and organize their tasks properly.

Keeping all the three tools in mind, Slack is a simpler option to use, however initially the
training is necessary to get the best outcome from the software while being free for limited
functionality whereas charging $15/month per user for full access. It can be used globally
without any restriction and this compatibility makes it a useful option for effective team
communication. As for red pen, it is simple and efficient tool, thus no budget would be needed
for the training though but it offers a trail version for 2 weeks and after that it has to be
purchased thus resulting in as a very costly option if it is to be purchased for every single
employee and is simply out of the budget. Whereas trello is an internet based global product
being absolutely free and the cost of implication is also nil. However the tool is complicated and will cost
a large training cost for the organization. Moreover, Slack can be a source to keep the collaboration
among the team members within and across the department and internal crowd sourcing to be
implemented in a better way reducing the chances of challenges.

Therefore, observing all three options the best preference for opting would be Slack. As it will be creating
an overall positive impact.

(2533 Words)


Image 1


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Impact on Theories Governing the Public's Right to Spectrum Access], Patrick S. Ryan,
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2 Web App rater, 7 key features of Web 2.0, anonymous author, June 29, 2010. Available at: (Accessed :
3 Musser, J. and OReilly, T. (2006), Web2.0 principles and best practices, (electronic
version), OReilly Radar, fall 2006.
4 OReilly, T. (2005), What is WEB 2.0 design patterns and business models for the
next generation of software, available at: (Accessed :
5 Singel, R. (2005), Are you ready for WEB 2.0?, available at: discoveries/news/2005/10/69114
6 McLean, D. (2007), the new web: rewards and risks for businesses, (electronic
version), PCWORLD, January 25, 2007.
7 Weinberger, D. (2007), The real difference between the two 2.0s, KM World, Vol. 16
8 "A Conversation with Jeff Bonwick and Bill Moore". Association for Computing
Machinery. November 15, 2007. Retrieved December 6, 2010.
9 Slack, Official Website, Product, 2017 available at: (Accessed :
10 Red pen, Official Website, About , 2017 available at: (Accessed :

11 Trello, Official Website, Tour , 2017 available at: (Accessed :
12 Information Management, Web 2.0: benefits and Consideration, 2009 available at
ons.aspx (Accessed: 4/ 15/ 17)
13 Web 2.0 in the enterprise, Cisco, 2008, available at
nds_in_IT_Comm_and_Collaboration_article_009.pdf (Accessed : 4/15/17)
14 Rich user experience, All Thing Web 2.0, 2012 available at (Accessed :
15 Innocentive, companies innovating with crowd sourcing, 2013 available at
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16 CAMPION, M.A.: Meaning and Measurement in Turnover: Comparison of
Alternative Measures and Recommendations for Research. Journal of Applied
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17 Peoria Magazines, 12 reasons employees leave organizations, Jimmy L. Smith, 2009
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18 Web spy, Web 2.0 in the work place, Andrew Wyatt, 2015, available at
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