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MTS3072- Mobile App Development

Assignment 2 (60 marks - 15%)

Deadline: 14 April 2017

1. Write a program to prompt a user to enter name, dob (using a pop up date),
designation and salary received. The user is also asked to choose a gender,
either female or male. Display the values entered by the user in the next
layout file.

2. Create an option menu where a user can go to the second page, third page or
exit from the main page. On the second page, display three images on it.
Create a context menu where a user is given an option either to remove or to
edit the image when the long pressed event occurred on that particular
image. An appropriate toast message should be displayed upon selection. On
the third page, prompt a user to display a name. The name should be sent
back to the main page.


1. Only one word file is allowed to be submitted.

2. The file should contain the followings:
a. 5 files for question 1 (2 java files, 2 xml files and 1 manifest file)
b. 7 files for question 2 (3 java files, 3 xml files and 1 manifest file)

3. Online submission only via MyGURU

Rubric for the both questions
Low Fair Above average Excellent

Criteria 0 1 2 3 4 Mark

Program Completion No Implemented only a Moderate Most of the task was The task was
2.0 implementatio small chunk of this implementation of the implemented correctl implemented 8
n of the tasks task task correctly successfully

Coding Standards Wrong coding Codes were not well Codes were organised in Codes were organised Codes written were very
organised moderate manner properly well structured and 2
0.5 creatively organised

Runtime The program The program was not The program was The program was The program was
could not be executed due to executed but mostly executed mostly with executed with all the
executed at all errors with incorrect output the correct output correct output
OR the program was OR the program was AND the program was
2 executed with the executed with the executed by fulfilling 8
correct output but the correct output but the all the requirements
written coding did not written coding did not as stated in the
fulfil all the questions fulfil few of the question
requirements questions
Interface Layout file The layout and widgets A few widgets missing Interface looks nice but The interface is nice and
2.0 cannot be are not nicely placed wrongly widget used. easy to understand 8
Requirement of No Incomplete Brief documentation with Good documentation Excellent
Documentation documentation documentation & without source code file together with source documentation and
(Source Code files & & source code source code file code file complete with source
Document file. file code file
Document file has
1 4
copy of codes,
screenshots of the
program output and
program comments)

Total 7.5 30

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