Interpreation 1

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Four tropic birds came to the ship, which is a very clear sign of land,
for so many birds of one sort together show that they are not straying about,
having lost themselves. (Christopher Columbus Extracts from Journal)This
is new for me because the bird can the sign and let them know they are not
2. At night the needles varied a point towards the northwest, in the morning
they were true, by which it appears that the polar star moves, like the
others, and the needles are always right. (Christopher Columbus Extracts
from Journal) This is new to me because they are very smart to use the star
to judge the needles are always right.
3. It appears to me, that the people are ingenious, and would be good servants.
(Christopher Columbus Extracts from Journal)They were friendly to people of
island, they just want to take them back to the king as servants?
4. They all go completely naked, even the women. (Christopher Columbus
Extracts from Journal)It is new to me because I think all people will wear
clothes in this period.
5. people all came down to the shore, calling out to us, and giving thanks to
God. (Christopher Columbus Extracts from Journal)It is my first time to
know people think they are god.
6. They have no iron or steel or weapons, nor are they fitted to use them.
This is not because they are not well built and of handsome stature, but
because they are very marvellously timorous. (Columbus Letter to King
Ferdinand)It is new to me because they didnt have weapons because of their
timorous, so they did not make weapon.
7. they are so guileless and so generous with all that they possess, they
invite anyone to share it and display as much love as if they would give
their hearts. (Columbus Letter to King Ferdinand)The people of island were
so guileless, Columbus could easily turn them into Christians.
8. I have seen one of these canoes with seventy or eighty men in it, each one
with his paddle. (Columbus Letter to King Ferdinand) It is new to me a
canoes can carry seventy or eighty man.
9. I saw no great diversity in the appearance of the people or in their
manners and language. On the contrary, they all understand one another, which
is a very curious thing (Columbus Letter to King Ferdinand) people who
were on island get along with each other, it is very peaceful.
10. The women work more than do the men. (Columbus Letter to King Ferdinand)I
just hear man work and take more responsibility before, it is new to me.
11. Christian eats and consumes in one day an amount of food that would suffice
to feed three houses inhabited by ten Indians for one month. (The
Devastation of the Indies) it show the difference between Christians and
12. they committed other acts afforce and violence and oppression which made
the Indians realize that these men had not come from Heaven (The Devastation
of the Indies)In my previous reading Columbus is a god, people treat them
13. Christians, with their horses and swords and pikes began to carry out
massacres and strange cruelties against them. Before I read this, I think
they just turn them to Christians and catch them to be their slave, not to
killing them. (The Devastation of the Indies)
14. Spanish captains, enemies of the human race, pursued them with the fierce
dogs' they kept which attacked the Indians, tearing them to pieces and
devouring them. (The Devastation of the Indies) Spanish were very brutal
on Indians.
15. After the wars and the killings had ended, when usually there survived
only some boys, some women, and children, these survivors were distributed
among the Christians to be slaves. (The Devastation of the Indies) India
already ruled by the Spain.
16. the men died in the mines and the women died on the ranches from the same
causes, exhaustion and hunger. And thus was depopulated that island which
had been densely populated. (The Devastation of the Indies) The behavior
of Christians that gave a big damage on Indians, it made the population of
Indians go down.
17. there were more than one million inhabitants, and now, in each ofthe two
islands, there are no more than two hundred persons, all the others having
perished without the Faith and without the holy sacraments. (The
Devastation of the Indies) Spain carried out serious aggression against all
the islands.
18. , Christopher Columbus, are going by our command, with some of our vessels
and men, to discover and subdue some Islands and Continent in the ocean, and
it is hoped that by God's assistance, some of the said Islands and Continent
in the ocean will be discovered and conquered by your means and conduc

(Columbus Contract) Ferdinand and Isabella Columbus reward Columbus conquest

the ocean, but Indians have different view on this.

19. shall have taken the usual oath in such cases, that they for the future,
look upon you as long as you live, and after you, your son and heir, and so
from one heir to another forever, as our Admiral on our said Ocean (Columbus
Contract) Columbuss can inherit his honor that is new for me.
20. they treat you and your Lieutenants, by you appointed, for executing the
employments of Admiral, Vice-Roy, and Governour (Columbus Contract)
Columbus a great honor on his conquest the ocean, and get a high right from

Ferdinand and Isabella.

After I read four document. I learn a lot of information about Christopher

Columbus how to discover the new world and conquest the new world. The story on
The Devastation of the Indies are different to the Christopher Columbus
Extracts from Journal and (Columbus Letter to King Ferdinand There are
two different view on Columbus conquest new world. Span Spanish think they are
treat each other friendly, exchange something and convey the Christian. They get
along well with each other. However, in Indians view is Spanish did a lot of
cruel behavior to them. They destroy their land, massacre them rape their wife,
and enslave them.

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