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Individual Needs - What works?

Hands on for mindmapping

Friday Workshop 4 Sharon Goldie


Hands on for Mind Mapping
Uses across curriculum

Which software?
Sharon Goldie
Education Consultant Hands on session of Inspiration
iANSYST Hands on session of Mind Genius


Sharon Goldie
Learning Works
Individual Needs - What works? Hands on for mindmapping
Friday Workshop 4 Sharon Goldie

easier to
noting only
remember relevant words

Uses for mindmaps :-
appropriate SAVE reading only
relevant words
I i ti

essential words
real issue
easily discernible


Mind Maps

Used for :
Planning essays
Which software :-
Problem solving/Comprehension
Personal organisation
Teaching tool
Assessment tool

Sharon Goldie
Learning Works
Individual Needs - What works? Hands on for mindmapping
Friday Workshop 4 Sharon Goldie

How do I choose How do I choose

Consider Consider

butterfly brain OR structured
structured thinker? process
process OR end
end result?
result ?

Inspiration :- Examples of Inspiration

Sharon Goldie
Learning Works
Individual Needs - What works? Hands on for mindmapping
Friday Workshop 4 Sharon Goldie

Fun Fact
Fun Fact Food Medicine
Bog moss Plants
(Sphagnum Sundews
imbricatum) is
Rich in fossil Uses for bog
carbon plants
And es pecially, from
Ling heather Then, the people yearn to
Plants Common go on pilgrim ages , and
every county's end in
plants and Bog-moss England they go to
palm ers s eek out foreign
Canterbury, to s eek the When April's s weet s howers
s hores to go to dis tant
Greenland Contain rare holy, bles s ed m artyr have pierced March's drought
Why are they What s hrines known in various
white- and who helped them to the root
lives in a lands
fronted endangered important? when they were s ick.
goose species

Thanne longen folk to And s pecially from every s hires ende

Skylarks goon on pilgrim ages , Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende,
Whan that Aprill with his
The Irish Animals And palm eres for to The hooly blis ful m artir for to s eke,
s houres s oote /The
and little birds s eken s traunge s trondes , That hem hath holpen whan that they were s eeke.
Boglands droghte of March hath
m ake m elody To ferne halwes , kowthe and bathed
perced to the roote,
Largest and s leep all in s ondry londes ; every tiny
Help to supply animal night with root with
Examples clean water to open eyes (s o the liquid
rivers nature that brings
Excellent Ireland prom pts And s m ale foweles m aken m elodye, General
What are Prologue: The And bathed every veyne in s wich licour forth
source of today them ) That s lepen al the nyght with open ye
bogs? (s o priketh hem nature in hir corages ); Canterbury Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
preserved Red Deer Tales
Whan Zephirus eek with his s weete
and the yonge s onne breeth
What is Types of Bog
Hath in the Ram his halfe cours yronne, /Ins pired hath in every holt and heeth
Peat? bogs structure
The tendre croppes ...
When the s weet
Top layer and the young breath of the
s un is halfway Wes t Wind has
Colour is Generally Bogs consist als o brought out
Definition Raised bogs Blanket bogs through the
brownish- 90% water of two layers the tender s hoots
s ign of Aries a
black and 10% in every wood
Bottom and field


Roman Roads

Important to
the Empire's
by skilled

Many are still

in use
How they
were built
Strong enough to
support half-ton,
Wide enough to
Demonstration & Hands On of :-
metal-wheeled horses and chariots
wagons. riding side by side.

1 Army 2 3 4 6
A trench The Another 5 Topped Kerb
was dug trench layer of with stones at
where was filled cement paving the sides

the road with big mixed stones to held in
was to go stones, with make the the
and filled pebbles, broken road paving
with big cement tiles was surface. stones
stones. and sand, added. and
then made a
packed channel
down. for the


Sharon Goldie
Learning Works
Individual Needs - What works? Hands on for mindmapping
Friday Workshop 4 Sharon Goldie

You will learn how to

Create a diagram
Add ideas and topics
Mind Genius :-
Link your ideas

Personalise your map colours, shapes, pictures

colours shapes

Add notes and hyperlinks

Outline View reorganise your ideas

Transfer it to Word


Examples of Mind Genius Selection of map layouts available

Sharon Goldie
Learning Works
Individual Needs - What works? Hands on for mindmapping
Friday Workshop 4 Sharon Goldie



Demonstration & Hands On of :-

Mind Genius


Sharon Goldie
Learning Works
Individual Needs - What works? Hands on for mindmapping
Friday Workshop 4 Sharon Goldie

You will learn how to

Create a mind map

Add and delete ideas Sharon Goldie
Personalise your map colours,boundaries,pictures Education Consultant
Add notes and hyperlinks

Transfer it to Word 0771 409 0027

Transfer it to Powerpoint

Sharon Goldie
Learning Works
Every school is different and
we work very hard to tailor our
events to suit the context,
pupils and particular needs of

To discuss your ideas and/or

book your professional
training or pupil challenge
event please ring Dominique
+44 (0)1672 512914
or email Fil directly:
12h Annual Residential SEN Conference 2009
Individual Needs - What works?

CAP It All!
Fil Came and Gavin Reid

Described as 'a practical manual for assessing individual needs' Baroness Mary
Warnock goes further in her foreword and suggests that 'CAP It All' is a tool kit 'that all
teachers can use'. It is certainly all of these things and much more besides!
The introduction recognises that busy teachers need to identify problems before they
begin to interfere with a student's learning. Not all teachers have specialist training in SEN,
but they are required to cater for all students in their classes. This book will enable
ANY teacher to work through a process of assessment efficiently and professionally.
Those who are familiar with Gavin Reid's work will recognise the sound research on
which it is based, and those who have worked with Fil Came will rejoice to see so much
that is practical and instantly usable!
Clearly organised into 10 separate areas, any teacher can go straight to the section
they require by consulting the detailed table of contents.
Specialist teachers will find much within these pages to interest them and support
them in their quest to develop excellent specialist practice. There is a superb glossary of
assessment terms which is a helpful reminder to us all and a really useful tool when
delivering INSET to colleagues. The, resources section also holds a wealth of information
particularly for those involved in outreach to parents and carers. The pupil selfassessment
section is interesting exploring ways of encouraging students to take responsibility for
their own learning.

CAP It All is excellent. Clear, accessible and so useful. It may perhaps appeal more to
those in the primary sector where initial concerns and accurate assessments as early as
possible are so vital. However, it will also prove invaluable to those of us who work with
older students, enabling us all to keep clear, concise records of student development and

Edwina Cole
SENCo and Head of ALC Stanbridge
Earls School
Romsey. Review 1

2009 Learning Works +44 (0) 1672 512914 email

12h Annual Residential SEN Conference 2009
Individual Needs - What works?

CAP It All!
Fil Came & Gavin Reid
Fil Came is leading consultant for Learning Works, having previously been a teacher,
Research Fellow at Bristol University and later an SEN adviser. Dr. Gavin Reid is an
experienced teacher, author and international speaker. This book aims to be a practical
manual for assessing individual needs and can be used as a resource bank for busy
teachers, learning support staff and SEN coordinators who work with pupils who have
learning difficulties. Its purpose is to assist the process of identification and assessment of
pupils who are beginning to cause concern, due to their lack of progress in learning so
that remediatory strategies can be applied to help reduce the problems.

Ten sections in the book explore the following:

Initial Concern, outlines initial assessment and where to find information and evidence.
Useful proforma are included.
Formal Assessment examines standardised tests and advises which ones to use.
Informal Assessment helps to gather information about/from the pupil. Helpful tick
sheets and checklists are included.
Assessing Literacy Skills advises on checks to make such as, prereading skill, phonological
awareness, vocabulary, reading strategies used, spelling and writing.
Assessing Maths Skills helps to identify concepts where difficulties are common, such as
the counting system, vocabulary, syntax and the four rules.
M o n i t o r i n g Be h a vi o u r h a s c he c kl is t s a n d assessment sheets to help record
behaviour patterns over time.
Pupil Selfassessment sheets help pupils to realise what type of learner they are and how
they feel about their own learning.
Planning to make a Difference advises on targets and Individual Educational Plans
The book concludes with useful websites, lists of resources and support groups.

All resource material is written in accessible language, ensuring qualifications in SEN are
not required to fully access this solutionfocused manual. Those working with pupils with
SEN in all phases will find this a brilliant resource.

35.00 from LearningWorks

Tel: 01672 512914 Peer
For more information and sample pages visit: Review 2

2009 Learning Works +44 (0) 1672 512914 email

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