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Risk Analysis, Vol. 19, No.

3, 1999

Use of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Constituents as

Markers for Exposure

Judy S. LaKind,' Roger A. Jenkins; Daniel Q. Naiman: Michael E. Ginevan;

Carol G. Graves,U and Robert G. TardiffS

The 16-CityStudy analyzed for gas-phase environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) constituents
(nicotine, 3-ethenyl pyridine [3-EP], and myosmine) and for particulate-phase constituents
(respirable particulate matter [RSP],ultraviolet-absorbingparticulate matter [UVPM], fluo-
rescing particulate matter [FPM], scopoletin, and solanesol). In this second of three articles,
we discuss the merits of each constituent as a marker for ETS and report pair-wise compari-
sons of the markers. Neither nicotine nor UVPM were good predictors for RSP. However,
nicotine and UVPM were good qualitative predictors of each other. Nicotine was correlated
with other gas-phase constituents. Comparisons between UVPM and other particulate-phase
constituentswere performed. Its relation with FPM was excellent, with UVPM approximately
1%times FPM. The correlation between UVPM and solanesol was good, but the relationship
between the two was not linear. The relation between UVPM and scopoletin was not
good, largely because of noise in the scopoletin measures around its limit of detection. We
considered the relation between nicotine and saliva cotinine, a metabolite of nicotine. The
two were highly correlated on the group level. That is, for each cell (smoking home and
work, smoking home but nonsmoking work, and so forth), there was high correlation between
average cotinine and 24-hour time-weighted average (TWA)nicotine concentrations. How-
ever, on the individual level, the correlations, although significant, were not biologically
meaningful. A consideration of cotinine and nicotine or 3-EP on a subset of the study whose
only exposure to ETS was exclusively at work or exclusively at home showed that home
exposure was a more important source of ETS than work exposure.

KEY WORDS:16-City Study; environmental tobacco smoke; markers; nicotine; personal monitoring;
saliva cotinine; workplace exposure.

1. INTRODUCTION piing and analysis. According to the guidelines set

forth by the National Research Council (NRC),(') any
A fundamental aspect of data collection in envi- chemical selected for use as an ETS marker should
ronmental tobacco smoke (ETS) research involves be present in a fairly consistent ratio to the ETS
the selection of chemicals for inclusion in the sam- component(s) of interest under a range of environ-
mental conditions. Generally, researchers have fo-
I LaKind Associates, LLC. cused on either or both of two criteria for ETS chemi-
* Oak Ridge National Laboratory. cal selection: first, how well the chemical performs
'The Johns Hopkins University,Department of Mathematical Sci- as a marker for ETS. and second, whether the chemi-
ences. cal is present at sufficiently high air concentrations
' M. E. Ginevan and Associates. t o be measurable. An additional consideration has
5 The Sapphire Group, Inc., Metro Center, Suite 700,
Bethesda, MD 20814. been whether the ETS-related chemical has
To whom all correspondence should be addressed. toxicological/pharmacologicalproperties of interest
0272-433u99/0600-0359$16.00/18 1999 Society for Risk Analysis
360 LaKind et al.

(i.e., whether the chemical causes adverse health ef- of exposure to other ETS-related compounds has
fects). been challenged, principally because of its distinctly
The ETS-related chemicals analyzed for in the different decay kinetics. Nicotine does not exhibit
16-City S t ~ d y ~included
.~) the gas-phase chemicals first-order decay properties. ReasoP) noted that de-
(nicotine, myosmine, and 3-ethenyl pyridine [3-EP]) spite the fact that nicotine is specific to tobacco
and the particulate-phase constituents (respirable smoke, nicotine should not be employed as a SUITO-
particulate matter7 [RSP], ultraviolet-absorbing par- gate for other substances in ETS because nicotine
ticulate matter [UVPM], fluorescing particulate mat- ages differently from other substances and therefore
ter [FPM], solanesol, and scopoletin). correlates poorly with other ETS-related chem-
The study also analyzed saliva samples for coti- icals.(l1J19)
nine, a metabolite of nicotine. Each of these chemi- Because of nicotines complex decay kinetics,
cals meets at least two of the preceding criteria. That researchers have searched for alternative gas-phase
is, each has been explored in previous research as compounds to use as markers for ETS exposure. Both
a potential marker for ETS,(4-8)and each has been myosmine and 3-EP have been suggested as candi-
determined as present in sufficient quantities to be dates. Myosmine is present at 2% to 7% of the gas-
measurable in field or chamber studies. phase nicotine concentration, is easily measured, is
It should be noted that these chemicals were unique to ETS, and may be a conservative gas-phase
not necessarily selected because of their toxicological tracer of ETS.(7)Results of Benner et a/.(8) also suggest
impacts. However, both nicotine and ETS-related that myosmine could be used as a particulate tracer
particulate phases have been the subject of of ETS, despite the fact that it is present at low
toxicological/pharmacologicalstudies (see, for exam- concentrations in ETS and reactive in the presence
ple, be now it^'^) and Benowitz and Jacob(Io)).Also of ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
of note, most ETS-related chemicals of toxicological The compound 3-EP is formed by the pyrolysis
interest are not present in the work or home environ- of nicotine when tobacco is burnedJ) is unique to
ment in sufficient quantities to be measurable with tobacco smoke, is present only in the gas phase, is
current sampling capabilities. similar to nicotine in concentration, and exhibits
This article examines relationships among the greater stability under UV irradiation than nicotine.)
ETS markers analyzed in the 16-City Study and dis- Although the use of 3-EP as an ETS marker has
cussed in the first article in this series of three. In the been criticized due to lack of correlation with source
final article in this series, doses are modeled for the strength and detection limits,21)the ETS concentra-
constituents determined in this article to be good tions of 3-EP are only slightly lower than those of
markers for ETS. nicotine, and 3-EP detection limits are 2 to 4 times
lower than those for nicotine. Furthermore, 3-EP
may be more suitable than nicotine as a tracer for
2. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ON ETS- ETS because (1) it has been shown to follow first-
RELATED CHEMICALS AS MARKERS order decay kinetics, (2) it increases linearly with the
number of cigarettes smoked, and (3) it closely tracks
Nicotine has been used extensively as a marker the vapor phase of ETS as measured by carbon mon-
for estimating exposure to ETS. Several of nicotines oxide.(16)Nelson et U Z . ( ~ )reported that 3-EP followed
properties make it ideally suited for such a purpose. first-order decay kinetics for the first 2 to 3 hours
These include its uniqueness to tobacco smoke, its after smoking. Its decay then slowed, suggesting that
abundance in side-stream smoke,(JI)its relative ease an adsorption/desorption phenomenon similar to,
of measurement,(12)and the ability to sample one of but not as pronounced as, that observed for nicotine
its metabolites (cotinine) in several body fluids. A was taking place. Nelson et a/.(20) concluded that 3-
constant relationship between nicotine and RSP, EP is a good predictor of gas-phase ETS components.
based on time-averaged measurements, has been re- Balter et also found 3-EP to be a conservative
ported. Ratios of RSP to nicotine include, for exam- tracer for the particulate portion of ETS.
ple, 14.1 ? 1.9 :1 in a chamber study,(*)9 :1 in public Respirable particulate matter commonly has
facilities and offices,I3) and 10.3 :l.(I4) been used as a marker for ETS exposure because (1)
In contrast, the utility of nicotine as a marker compounds of toxicological significance are found in
the particulate phase ETS, (2) RSP has been corre-
RSP is defined as particles 3.5 pm or smaller. lated with the number of cigarettes observed in in-
Use of ETS Constituents as Markers 361

door environments, and (3) RSP is easily measur- fluorescing,25)it has been used as a calibration surro-
able.@)However, because RSP is not unique to ETS, gate for analysis of FPM.(5)Only recently has scopo-
it is likely that total RSP levels represent an overesti- letin been explored for its suitability as a marker
mate, to a variable and in most cases an unknown for ETS.(5,63)Ogden et ~ l . (reported
~) results from a
degree, of exposure to ETS-related RSP.(UP)There- chamber study demonstrating that scopoletin slightly
fore, fractions of RSP that can be related to combus- overestimated the particulate phase of ETS as mea-
tion are thought to be more representative of expo- sured by RSP.
sure to ETS, although it is likely that these too Solanesol, a trisesquiterpenoid alcohol found in
represent a possible overestimation, because other tobacco leaf, cigarette smoke condensate, and the
sources of combustion-derived RSP may be present RSP of ETS, is unique to ETS.@)Solanesol is the
as a result of cooking and heating or automobile and particulate component of greatest abundance in ETS,
truck exhaust. averaging about 2% to 4% of the weight of RSP col-
Two alternative particulate matter candidates lected from the ETS generated from reference ciga-
related to combustion that have been explored to rette~.~~) Because of its high molecular weight (631
varying degrees are UVPM and FPM. Whereas g/mol), solanesol has very low volatility and is ex-
UVPM is calculated by measuring ultraviolet absorp- pected to remain part of the particulate matter even
tion of a methanol extract of collected particulate at high dilutions.(4)Therefore, solanesol is not ex-
matter,(7)FPM is based on the fluorescence of metha- pected to shift equilibrium between vapor and parti-
nol extract of filters used to obtain gravimetric RSP cle phases of the ETS aerosol under any normal con-
determinations.() Nelson et al.(19)measured ETS ditions encountered in an indoor envir~nrnent,~~) nor
components in a chamber over time and found that will it be lost from filter pads used for collection
ratios between RSP and UVPM remained essen- because of evaporation, as can happen with nicotine
tially constant. and other major tobacco smoke constituents.(z4)So-
In a later study, Nekron etal(m)notedthat UVPM lanesol in ETS particulate matter was found to be
and FPM were not unique to ETS-related particles, reactive in the presence of intense ultraviolet (UV)
but that they place an upper limit on the fraction light. However, this is not anticipated to be a factor
of RSP caused by smoking. For example, in a study in indoor environments.(u)
conducted in the home of a nonsmoker, UVPM con- Whereas solanesol may be ETS-specific and,
centrations were found to be approximately one or- therefore, could serve as a useful ETS particulate
der of magnitude lower than RSP. It was postulated matter its relationship to other constit-
that measurable UVPM most likely originated from uents of ETS has not yet been clearly established.
cars, suggesting that UVPM may slightly overesti- Nelson et UZ.(*~) found solanesol to be superior over
mate ETS-related RSP.(=)Nelson et al.) noted that nicotine as a marker for ETS-related RSP. We found
the ratio of UVPM to RSP varied by a maximum of the greatest variation in the RSP/solanesol ratio to
about 60%. Ogden and Maio10~~) hypothesized that be approximately 50%. Tang et ~ 1 . found
~ ) the ratio
when ETS particulate matter is the only source of of solanesol to other constituents of ETS to be inde-
RSP (e.g., in a chamber), the results for UVPM and pendent of the total number of cigarettes burned.
RSP should agree. Their research demonstrated ex- However, Ogden and Maio10(~~) reported measurable
cellent agreement with UVPM/RSP ratios of approx- differences in the solanesol percentage of RSP deliv-
imately 1 Ogden and Maiolo() concluded that the ered to the environment from different smoking
ability of UVPM to predict the correct apportion- products. It has been suggested that these differences
ment of ETS particulate matter in RSP is good. The might limit the usefulness of solanesol as a marker
other particulate matter, combustion-related constit- for ETS.@)In a later study, Ogden etal.@)found that
uent, FPM, is theoretically more specific for ETS solanesol concentrations, as measured in a chamber
than UVPM because of the inherent selectivity of study, grouped tightly around RSP concentrations.
fluorescence over UV absorbance.(20) The average amount of solanesol in ETS in-
Two additional ETS-related chemicals, scopo- ferred from data for indoor samples in the presence
letin and solanesol, have been explored as potential of heavy smoking has been reported to be 1.7 ? 0.1
markers for ETS exposure. Scopoletin is a coumarin wt% solanesol.(u)This is in good agreement with the
derivative found in a variety of plants, including to- value of 1.6-3.6 wt% solanesol in indoor ETS re-
bacco and oak leaves,(25)cassava,(%)and seeds of two ported by Ogden and Maiolo:) who concluded that
Legurninosaeplants.) Because scopoletin is strongly [tlhe ability of the UV-PM procedure to predict the
362 LaKind et al.

correct apportionment of ETS-PM in RSP for these where a is the intercept term, and P is the slope of
conditions is quite good, while that of solanesol is the regression line. In terms of the untransformed
excellent. According to Tang et ~ 1 . , (the
~ ~ concentra-
) concentrations, this relationship takes the following
tion of solanesol parallels that of particulate-phase form:
nicotine and 3-EP in indoor environments.
McAughey et al.(29) found solanesol levels to be ap- Y = 1oX@ (2)
proximately 1.3% of total particulate levels (mea- (i.e., the linear relation between logarithms of the
sured as UVPM). concentrations results in an exponential relation be-
tween the untransformed concentrations). Standard
regression methods were used to determine if the
3. USE OF SELECTED ETS CHEMICALS linear model in Eq. 1could be improved by allowing
AS MARKERS a nonlinear relationship between the log-transformed
variables as in Eq. 3:
Workplace data from cells 1 and 3 of the 16-
log,o(Y) = Q + P log,o(X) + 5(10glo[x1)2. (3)
City Study(z3)were used to explore whether one
chemical or group of chemicals was suitable to use This decision was approached on an ad hoc basis
as a marker for exposure to other ETS chemicals. by testing whether the quadratic model provided a
That is, we assessed the extent to which one of the significantly better fit to the data. The nonlinear
ETS constituents could be used as a surrogate for model has no physical interpretation (i.e., untrans-
another constituent using personal monitoring of forming the results gives no intuitive form).
ETS data from study participants who worked in In each case (i.e., for each pair of ETS constit-
places that permitted smoking. uents modeled), the following steps were performed.
If an ETS constituent X is a surrogate for an- The regression model was fitted, and the values of RZ
other constituent Y, then knowing the value of X and awere inspected. The null hypothesis of linearity
leads to a prediction of the value of Y with a reason- was tested against the alternative of nonlinearity.
able degree of accuracy (Y = f(X) + error, where f When a quadratic term was found to belong in the
is some function and the error is small*). The ideal model, we compared the linear and the quadratic
function has a simple form that provides a good fit models to decide whether there was any practical
to the data. If a linear relationship could be found difference between the two. This was done by looking
such that Y = cX, where c is a constant, then the for a substantial difference in the estimates of RZand
variable Y could be viewed as essentially a multiple crbetween the linear and quadratic fits and by visually
of X. We used a regression approach to determine inspecting a plot of the pairs (loglo[X],loglo[Y])with
if a relationship of this form was present. the best-fit line and best-fit quadratic superimposed
Because the distributions of the ETS constituent to see if there was any practical difference between
concentrations are much closer to log normal than the linear and quadratic fits.
normal? models relating the loglotransformed con- For cases in which the linear model in Eq. 1
centrations were used.I0We looked for the best fitting provided a good fit, and in which P was close to 1,
linear model relating the log-transformed concentra- Y was a fixed multiple of X (i.e., the fit was essentially
tion of X to the log-transformed concentration of Y linear for the untransformed as well as the trans-
in the form given in Eq. 1: formed concentrations). In such cases, Eq. 2 simpli-
fies and is equivalent to
log,o(Y) = Q + P log10(X), (1)
Y = 1ox. (4)
The error term is understood but not explicitly stated in the In Eq. 4, the ratio Y/X can be viewed as approxi-
following equations.
See the third article in this series. mately a constant (i.e., lo). For certain of the ETS
lo In all of the analyses in this section, log,, concentrations were constituent relationships, the coefficient P was some-
adjusted for city because there were city differences between what close to but not equal to 1. In such cases, it was
cells. See the first article in this series. To adjust for city, the useful to be able to conclude that P was sufficiently
mean log,, concentration of a constituent was calculated for each close to 1 so that the model with P = 1 remained
city and subtracted from each observation in that city. The overall
mean for all cities was then added so that all cities had mean practical, with the result that Y was a fixed multiple of
concentrations for each ETS-related constituent equal to the X. In these cases, the effect of making this simplifying
overall constituent mean. assumption was summarized by determining the ratio
Use of ETS Constituents as Markers 363

of the two fitted values 1oXB and 1oX for typical

values of X.
The most interesting pairwise analyses are dis-
cussed in the following sections, including the correla-
tions between nicotine and UVPM, between nicotine
and other gas-phase compounds, and between
UVPM and other particulate-phase constituents.

3.1. Nicotine/UVPM

The best fitting linear model of the transformed 2 1 0 1 2

W m .IW W
concentrations estimating loglo(nicotine) given
logl0(UVPM)took the form of Eq. 1.The regression Fig. 1. Scatter plot of loglo(nicotineat work) and loglo(UVPMat
parameters a,p, a, and Rz are shown in Table I. work) (both adjusted for city) with linear and quadratic models
relating the log transformed concentrations.
The value of R2(.63) implies a moderately good fit.
Because p is reasonably close to 1, it can be concluded
that, given the UVPM concentration, the nicotine 3rd quartile of UVPM (adjusted for city) = 1.196
concentration is approximately lo-. or 9% of the ratio = .99
UVPM concentration.
Next, we assessed the effect of replacing p = The effect of the simplifying assumption of re-
0.92 by 1 in the preceding analysis. In the nonlinear placing p by 1 is to change the nicotine prediction
equation relating the untransformed nicotine concen- by no more than 16% for the range of UVPM values
tration to the untransformed UVPM concentration between the 1st and 3rd UVPM quartiles.
A plot of the fitted relationships is given in Fig.
(Eq. 2), XBor UVPMB is replaced by UVPM (because
we assumed p = 1 as in Eq. 4). The ratio UVPMBl 1. A small but statistically significant quadratic term
UVPM = UVPMB - shows the relation between the was found. However, this model provides only a
nonlinear and linear models of the untransformed slightly better fit than the linear model of the trans-
concentration values. This ratio was calculated for formed concentrations. In fact, as illustrated in Fig.
typical values of UVPM as follows: 1, for the values of UVPM in the center of the UVPM
distribution, the fitted quadratic curve does not differ
1st quartile of UVPM (adjusted for city) = .183 substantially from the fitted line. We conclude that
ratio = 1.15 the linear model tends to underpredict nicotine at
median (2nd quartile) of UVPM (adjusted the low and high ends of UVPM and very slightly
for city) = .608 ratio = 1.04 to overpredict in the intermediate range of UVPM.

Table 1. Regression Parameters for the Linear Model of the Transformed Concentrations Relating
Y = loglo(constituentconcentration at work, adjusted for city) to X = loglo(secondconstituent
concentration at work, adjusted for city)

ETS constituents a P U R*
NicotinelUVPM -1.03 2 .07 .92 2 .07 .510 .63
NicotinelRSP -1.58 2 .22 .83 2 .15 .727 .25
Nicotinel3-EP .27 2 .04 1.07 2 .04 .335 .83
NicotinelMyosmine 1.01 2 .05 1.10 ? .04 .274 .88
RSPlUVPM 1.11* .04 .442 .05 .337 .46
UWMlFPM .17 2 .02 .92 2 .02 .140 .%
UVPMlScopoletin > 1 .67 2 .07 .67 2 .06 .247 .73
UVPMlScopoletin < 1 0.45 2 .ll .26 2 .12 .388 .10
UVPMlSolanesol 1.74 2 .04 .65 2 .04 .211 .84
ETS = environmental tobacco smoke, U W M = ultraviolet-absorbing particulate matter,
RSP = respirable particulate matter, 3-EP = 3-ethenyl pyridine, FPM = fluorescing particulate
364 LaKind et al.

Thus, workplace nicotine concentrations appear to I I

be reasonably well predicted (i.e., within an order of

magnitude) by workplace UVPM concentrations in
cells 1 and 3 of the 16-City Study.

3.2. Nicotine/RSP

It was anticipated that nicotine would be poorly

predicted by RSP, because a wide array of sources
besides ETS contribute to total RSP. The regression
analysis described previously was used to test this 2 1 0 1

AdjuaQd Lagu(3-Ep m Work)

hypothesis. The best-fitting linear model relating
Y = log,,(nicotine) to X = loglo(RSP)resulted in the Fig. 3. Scatter plot of log&icotine at work) and logl0(3-EP at
parameters indicated in Table I. It is clear from the work) (both adjusted for city) with linear and quadratic models.
low R2value (.25) and from Fig. 2 that the fit is poor
as indicated by the wide scatter of the points. We
therefore conclude that nicotine and RSP are poor and nicotine were closely correlated using data from
predictors of one another. cells 1 and 3 of the 16-City Study and could be used
as surrogates for one another. It can further be con-
cluded that 3-EP is likely to be a reasonable marker
3.3. NicotineM-EP for UVPM because nicotine and UVPM were related
(Section 3.1).
A plot of Y = loglo(nicotine) versus X =
loglo(3-EP)is given in Fig. 3, with the linear model
parameters shown in Table I. The R2 value of .83 3.4. Nicotine/Myosmine
indicates a good fit. The quadratic model has a statis-
tically significant quadratic term, but the resulting fit Figure 4 presents a plot of Y = logIo(nicotine)
was nearly the same in the range of practical interest vs. X = loglo(myosmine).For this ETS constituent
(Fig. 3). Because /3 is very close to 1, nicotine and 3- pair, the R2value of $8 indicates an extremely good
EP essentially were related linearly with the nicotine fit (Table I). As was the situation for nicotine and 3-
concentration equivalent to 100.27 (or 1.86) X 3-EP EP, the quadratic fit here had a significant nonzero
concentration. term, but the fitted quadratic function was nearly
Therefore, contrary to what might be anticipated identical to the fitted linear function in the practical
on the basis of differences in the decay rate, 3-EP range of myosmine values. Again, /3 is close to 1, so

I . . iI N

1 0 1 2 3 3 2 1 0
M j dLag,@P u Work) AdjvacdLog,,(?4y& m Work)

Fig. 2. Scatter plot of log,,(nicotine at work) and log,,(RSP at Fig. 4. Scatter plot of log,,(nicotine at work) and log,,(myosmine
work) (both adjusted for city) with linear and quadratic models. at work) (both adjusted for city) with linear and quadratic models.
Use of ETS Constituents as Markers 365

nicotine and myosmine were linearly related with the 0

nicotine concentration equivalent to 10(or 10.2) x
myosmine concentration. Therefore, myosmine was a
reasonable marker for nicotine and, by extension,


Given that nicotine and UVPM are related (Sec-

tion 3.1) but that nicotine and RSP are not (Section
3.2), one would predict that UVPM and RSP may
not be good predictors of each other, even though Fig. 6. Scatter plot of loglo(UVPM at work) and loglo(FPM at
both are measures of particulate matter. A plot of work) (both adjusted for city) with linear and quadratic models.
Y = loglo(RSP)vs. X = loglo(UVPM)is given in Fig.
5 (parameter values given in Table I). Although the
relationship between the two variables is better than As illustrated in Fig. 6 (and by the parameters given
that between nicotine and RSP (Fig. 2), the noise is in Table I), the relationship between UVPM and
substantial. The quadratic term is significant, and in FPM is extremely strong. The quadratic term in the
the region where the quadratic and the linear models quadratic regression model is not statistically signifi-
differ (i.e., for high and low values of UVPM), the cant. Because p is close to 1, we conclude that there
linear model underpredicts the RSP as a function of is nearly a linear relation between UVPM and FPM,
UVPM. The p regression coefficient is too far from 1 with UVPM = lOO.(or 1.48) X FPM, so that UVPM
to conclude that RSP and UVPM are linearly related was typically 50% higher than FPM. Thus, FPM is a
(i.e., the hypothesis that one of the constituents is a good predictor of UVPM and vice versa.
fixed fraction of the other is not supported).
3.7. ScopoletidUVPM

From Fig. 7, it is clear that there is a dramatic

3.6. UVPM/FPM difference in the UVPMkopoIetin relationship be-
tween the range loglo(scopoletin)< 0 (i.e., scopoletin
The relationship between these two particulate < 1) and the range log,,,(scopoletin) > 0 (i.e., scopo-
matter measures related to combustion is of interest. letin > 1). We note that scatter in the lower range


Fig. 5. Scatter plot of loglo(RSPat work) and loglo(WPMat work) Fig. 7. Scatter plot of loglo(UVPMat work) and loglo(scopoletin
(both adjusted for city) with linear and quadratic models. at work) (both adjusted for city) with linear and quadratic models.
366 LaKind et al.

the 16-City Study, scopoletin does not appear to be

a reliable predictor of UVPM, partly because of the
p- noise around the limit of detection for scopoletin.

3.8. Solanesol/UVPM

As seen in Fig. 10 and the R2 = 0.84, there

is a fairly strong linear relationship between
loglo(UVPM)and log,,(solanesol) (parameter values
in Table I). However, the corresponding relationship
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 2.5 between untransformed solanesol and UVPM is
clearly nonlinear (i.e., fl is not close to l),so it would
Fig. 8. Scatter plot of loglo(UWMat work) and loglo(scopoletin not be reasonable to assume a constant ratio between
at work) (both adjusted for city) for loglo(scopoletin)> 0 (i.e., for these ETS constituents.
scopoletin > 1). McAughey et al.(29)found solanesol levels to be
approximately 1.3%of total particulate levels (mea-
sured as UVPM). Because many sources in the 16-
of scopoletin concentrations is scatter at and around City Study were likely to have contributed to overall
the detection limit, and we fit a linear model in each UVPM levels, we expected this ratio to be lower than
range. (Relevant parameters are provided in Table that found by McAughey et al. In fact, in the data
I.) Because the differences between the regres- from cells 1 and 3 of the 16-City Study, the average
sion coefficients are significant, we conclude that of the solanesol/UVPM ratios show solanesol to be
log(UVPM) and log(scopo1etin) are not linearly re- approximately 0.6% of UVPM, or half the results
lated across the entire range of scopoletin concentra- from McAughey et al.
tions. The linear fit in the upper scopoletin range
(Fig. 8) is good (R2 = 0.73). However, in the lower
range (Fig. 9), we see virtually no relationship be- 4. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EXPOSURE
tween the two variables (R2 = 0.10). Even if the TO ETS AND SALIVA COTININE LEVELS
linear model obtained in the upper scopoletin range
is adopted, the p coefficient is far from 1, so we Another type of marker used to assess ETS ex-
cannot conclude that there is a linear relationship posure is cotinine, a metabolite of nicotine. Because
between scopoletin and UVPM in this range. There- cotinine has been detected in several body fluids,
fore. on the basis of these data from cells 1 and 3 of the 16-City Study analyzed for it in saliva.(23)Past
research on the correlation of saliva cotinine levels

- g


gs- . .
g 3

a- . . . ..
. .
.2.0 -1.5 -1.0 Q.5 0.0

MLogA(soopo*dWW 4 1 0 t
A4iimlc4l Lng,,(~hDuol.
Fig. 9. Scatter plot of loglo(UWM at work) and log&copoletin
at work) (both adjusted for city) for logl0(scopoletin)< 0 (i.e., for Fig. 10. Scatter plot of loglo(UVPMat work) and loglo(solanesol
scopoletin < 1). at work) (both adjusted for city) with linear and quadratic models.
Use of ETS Constituents as Markers 367

with self-reported smoking status provides a yard- dietary and other influences may contribute to the
stick for determining the smoking status of study body burden of nicotine and its metabolite cotinine.
participants. Researchers use saliva cotinine levels as The inability of researchers to point to a defini-
a means for evaluating the reliability of self-reported tive cutoff point for saliva cotinine levels associated
smoking status. For example, Jarvis and Russell@) with active smoking results from a variety of individu-
reported that cotinine levels varied systematically ally varying factors such as age, smoking status, varia-
with exposure to ETS. tion in metabolism and health, and exposure time.
A proposed scale for evaluating the smoking These factors are discussed in the following sections.
classification of individuals on the basis of saliva coti-
nine measurements is shown in Table IIJ31)Others
have reported alternative levels of saliva cotinine as 4.1. Age
appropriate cutoff points for distinguishing smokers
from nonsmokers. For example, a saliva cotinine This variable may be an important individual
level of 20 ng/mL was used as the cutoff between characteristic that contributes to the wide intersub-
smokers and nonsmokers by Jarvis and Russell(N)and ject variability of cotinine levels.(37)For example,
Coultas et af.(32)Phillips et ~ 1 . conducted
~~) a 24-hour Schievelbein@)reported less cotinine excretion by
personal monitoring study to assess 190 nonsmokers older than by younger smokers, possibly because of
in Stockholm and used 25 ng/mL of saliva cotinine an age dependancy for nicotine detoxification.
as the cutoff point. In a nationwide study on smoking
incidence and misclassiiication, Ogden et al.()found
4.2. Smoking Status
the mean saliva cotinine level for self-reported smok-
ers to be 352.9 ng/mL. The authors noted that 10
ng/mL was the generally recognized concentration There is an inherent difficulty in interpreting the
level for maximum sensitivity and specificity in delin- relative cotinine levels in nonsmokers as compared
eating current smokers from nonsmokers. with smokers because of the reported slower nicotine
Because of the overlap in saliva cotinine values and cotinine metabolism and clearance of cotinine
in nonsmokers as well as the lack of good uptake
between high levels of passive smoking and low levels
of active smoking, Di Giusto and Eckhardc) con- and clearance data for nonsmokers of different ages,
sexes, and genetic backgrounds.(3g42)
cluded that low-level smokers and those exposed to
high levels of passive smoke may be indistinguishable
from each other using saliva cotinine as a marker. 4.3. Variations in Metabolism
Indeed, in a large national study of serum cotinine
levels (Third National Health and Nutritional Exami- The metabolic rate of nicotine breakdown is af-
nation Survey, or NHANES 111), Pirkle et a1.(%)re- fected by intersubject variability arising from physio-
ported significant overlap between distributions of logical, environmental, pathological, and genetic dif-
participants reporting exposure to ETS and those ference~.~~)In addition, the half-life of nicotine in the
who were active smokers. In addition, an even greater body is approximately 2 and the half-
overlap existed between distributions of persons life of cotinine is 15 to 40 Due to these
claiming exposure to ETS and those reporting no differences, the correlations between urinary cotinine
exposure, especially at the serum level of 1 ng/mL and reported exposure to ETS vary widely.) To
and below. This suggests that at these very low levels, reliably use body fluid levels of cotinine as a quantita-
tive estimate of nicotine exposure, one needs infor-
Table 11. Smoking Classification Based on Saliva Cotinine Levels mation on the extent of interindividual variation in
the renal and hepatic clearances of nicotine and cot-
Saliva cotinine level Smoking classification inine.(l*)
<5 nglmL Passive smoking
210 nglmL Heavy passive smoking
10-100 ng/mL Infrequent to regular smoking with low 4.4. Health and Habits of the Individual
nicotine intake
>lo0 ng/mL Regular active smoking General health status and lifestyle habits such
Source: Etzel, R. A. A Review of the Use of Saliva as a Marker as alcohol consumption influence the ability of the
of Tobacco Smoke Exposure, Prevent. Med. 19(2), p. 195 (1990). liver to metabolize nicotine.(49)
368 LaKind et al.

4.5. Exposure Time
For high nicotine exposures, the detectability of c,

cotinine in blood or saliva is critically dependent on 8 70

the duration of exposure. According to Balter et aL,(18) g

single time-point samples of blood or saliva are not b)m

appropriate as a basis for providing a quantitative >
-43 40
estimate of exposure without an understanding of 4 30
exposure duration. In addition, saliva cotinine is not 5! 20
a sensitive measure for quantifying short-term ETS 10
exposures. A study with nicotine levels from ETS as 0
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
high as 250 pg/m3did not produce significant changes
in saliva cotinine above baseline.() Average Salivary Cotinine ( n g / d )
In summary, variability in cotinine data indicates Fig. 11. Cumulative percentage distribution of the average of the
that the usefulness of nicotine and cotinine as quanti- beginning and ending saliva cotinine levels for all study partici-
tative markers for ETS exposure is limited for indi- pants.
v i d u a l ~ . ( ~However,
~ ~ ) because the sensitivity, speci-
ficity, and predictive volumes of saliva cotinine are
similar to those of serum cotinine, and because coti- between the end of the 16-hour away-from-work per-
nine concentrations in saliva are independent of sa- sonal monitoring and the second cotinine determina-
liva flow rate, saliva cotinine levels would appear to tion. This means that the workplace exposure for
be useful qualitative indicators of current smoking most study participants ended 24 hours before the
status for individuals(53)or as a more quantitative second cotinine measurement was collected. Because
marker for larger groups of people.(52) the half-life of cotinine in the body ranges from 15
to 40 the 24-hour lag between workplace
exposure determination and cotinine measurement
5. SALIVA COTININE DATA FROM THE means that a substantial fraction of the cotinine re-
16-CITY STUDY sulting from the measured workplace exposure may
have been excreted already by the time the final coti-
Saliva cotinine data and nicotine air concentra- nine sample was collected in the 16-City Study.
tion data from all participants in the 16-City S t ~ d y ~ . ~ ) In general, the levels of cotinine found in the
were analyzed to determine whether these data cor- saliva of study participants were very low. Only 304
roborate the results of the research described in the participants in the entire study had average cotinine
preceding discussion. Two measurements of saliva
cotinine were performed on each participant in the
16-City Study. The first was taken in the evening (9
p.m.) before the 24-hour measurement period began,
the second in the late afternoon (4-7 p.m.) after the
24-hour measurement period ended. Thus, there was
approximately a one-half day lag between the initial
cotinine measurement and the beginning of the work-
day personal monitoring, and a one-half day delay

Table 111. Spearman Correlations Between Beginning and Ending

Cotinine Samples and Pearson Correlations Between Log,,(Begin-
ning Cotinine) and Log,,(Ending Cotinine)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 4
Spearman ,897 .870 .700 .628 24-hour TWA Nicotine Concentration (pg/m)
Pearsonb .923 .838 .801 .783
Fig. 12. Cumulative percentage distribution of the 24-hour work-
a Spearman rank correlation coefficient. place nicotine time-weighted average (TWA) concentration for
Pearson product-moment correlation. all study participants.
Use of ETS Constituents as Markers 369

Table IV. Comparison of Saliva Cotinine Levels and 24-hour TWA Nicotine Levels Among Cells for Participants
Whose Average Cotinine Was Less Than 15 nglmL (i.e., for Nonsmokers)

Median Median 24-h

Home Work No. of cotinine TWA nicotine
cell environment ~~
~ ~~ ~
(ng/mL)12 ~~~
1 Smoking Smoking 133 1.78 1.55
2 Smoking Nonsmoking 213 .807 .49
3 Nonsmoking Smoking 266 .347 .ll
4 Nonsmoking Nonsmoking 790 .182 .03

levels (mean of start and ending samples) greater tributions of measured cotinine concentrations for
than the one-sided 95th percentile confidence level the four cells in the study are shown in Fig. 11. In
(1.01 ng/mL) above the mean limit of detection. this figure, all participants have been included in the
Correlations between initial and final saliva distributions, including those whose saliva cotinine
cotinine measurements are shown in Table 111. In levels clearly indicate that they were at least occa-
all cases, the correlations are quite high, ranging sional smokers. This inclusion has the effect of ex-
from .923 (Pearson product-moment correlation) tending the distributions to saliva cotinine levels ex-
for cell 1 to .628 (Spearman rank correlation coeffi- ceeding 1,OOO ng/mL. Cotinine concentrations across
cient) for cell 4. Because these were repeated mea- the four cells were similar in both level and pattern.
surements on the same individual, the high correla- Cell 1had the highest median cotinine level, followed
tions were perhaps to be expected. Moreover, the in order by cells 2,3, and 4. The distribution of nico-
pattern of the correlations is reasonable. That is, tine is illustrated in the same way in Fig. 12. A com-
the highest intraindividual association was shown parison of Figs. 11 and 12 shows that the pattern of
by the individuals in cell 1, who were exposed to distribution for four study cells is similar for nicotine
higher levels of nicotine in both the work and and cotinine.
away-from-work environments, whereas the lowest These data are tabulated in Table IV for those
association was shown in cell 4,whose participants participants whose average saliva cotinine level was
experienced only incidental exposure to ETS both below 15 ng/mL, one smoker/nonsmoker discrimina-
at home and at work. It is also worth noting that tion level." For relatively large groups such as this,
when one ignores cells and calculates an overall the correlation between average saliva cotinine (the
correlation, the Pearson correlation rises to .923, average of the beginning and ending cotinine sam-
whereas the Spearman correlation is only .742. This ples) and median 24-hour time-weighted average
reflects the tendency of the Pearson statistic to be (TWA) nicotine levels was very high (R2 = 0.99 for
inflated by multimodal data to a greater extent the numbers in Table IV).
than the rank-based Spearman procedure. On a group basis, nicotine and cotinine are
The fairly high correlation between the two coti- highly correlated (Table IV) and distinctly different
nine measurements taken 2 days apart is also sugges- for the study cells (Fig. 11 and 12). The results are
tive of saliva cotinine's use as an exposure marker. different on a individual basis. Figure 13 is a scatter
That is, the data show that cotinine levels were consis- plot of logarithms (base 10) of workplace nicotine
tent in individuals across a short time period. How- air concentrations and average saliva cotinine con-
ever, this association should be viewed with caution. centrations, both adjusted for city for the people in
We have no data to assess how this association might cells 1 and 3. As can be seen from the Fig. 13, on an
hold up over a longer period of time. Also, although individual basis, there was only minimal correlation
cotinine levels were consistent for individuals, we do between these two indicators of exposure.
not know if this consistency accurately reflects ETS Because the levels of both cotinine and nicotine
exposure. That is, a person who rapidly excretes coti- exposure were low, the number of study participants
nine may show up as having lower exposure than a
person who excretes cotinine slowly, even if their
The cell assignments here were based on self-reported assess-
exposures were identical. ment of work and home smoking status.
Considering cotinine on a group rather than an '*Median of average cotinine values (i.e., the average of the begin-
individual level presents a different picture. The dis- ning and ending cotinine samples).
370 LaKind et al.

2;. Table V. Correlation Between Saliva Cotinine and 24-hour TWA

Nicotine Levels for Participantswith Both Measures Greater Than
*+ +
the 95th Percentile Confidence Interval Above the Mean Limit
of Detection
+ ++
Regression Correlation coefficient, R
Beginning cotinine vs. 24-h TWA .200
++ +t
+ ++ + nicotine
>+ +, + Ending cotinine vs. 24-h TWA nic- 321
t t otine
* * t
Average cotinine14 vs. 24-h TWA ,324
+ +
A Cotinine (ending-beginning) vs. ,114
-2 - 24-h TWA nicotine
-3 -2 1 0 1 1 3 TWA = time-weighted average.
Log,dAverageCotinine), Adjusted for City

Fig. 13. Scatter plot of loglo(nicotineat work) and logl0(average

cotinine at work) (both adjusted for city) with linear model relating
the log-transformed concentrations. sure outside the workplace are compared with those
participants whose only ETS exposure was in the
workplace. The first group (those exposed away from
whose saliva cotinine and 24-hour TWA level of nico- work) reported no exposure in the workplace (they
tine exposure were sufficiently high for confident worked in a nonsmoking workplace and reported no
comparison was not large-only 263.13 Table V pre- tobacco products being used around them at work)
sents correlations between various cotinine measures and received most of their ETS exposure from living
and 24-hour TWA nicotine for those participants with a spouse who smoked anywhere within the
whose nicotine and saliva cotinine levels both were home. The second group (those exposed at work)
greater than the one-tailed 95th percentile confidence worked in an environment wherein smoking was un-
level above the mean limit of detection for each of the restricted, reported tobacco products being smoked
constituents. All of the correlations were statistically around them in the workplace, and received no expo-
significant at thep = 0.05 level except that for change sure outside the workplace (i.e., they lived in non-
in cotinine between the beginning and ending sam- smoking homes and reported no tobacco products
ples. However, although statistically significant, the being smoked around them away from work).
correlations are sufficiently small for their biological For the group exposed to ETS only at work, the
significance to be questionable. The conclusions from median, mean, and 80th percentile average cotinine
Table V and Fig. 13 are that the use for quantitatively levels were less than the one-sided 95th percentile
estimated levels of ETS exposure (as measured by upper confidence limit for the mean level of detection
personally monitored nicotine concentrations) based (1.01 ng/mL). In other words, the cotinine measures
on saliva cotinine for individuals is quite limited. Nev- in this group were very low. The average saliva coti-
ertheless, these results suggest that cotinine may have nine levels for the cell 2 participants (all exposure
some value as a predictor of chronic exposure to ETS outside of work) were definitely greater than those
for larger groups of people. of the cell 3 participants (exposure only at work).
Figure 11shows that cotinine levels were higher The 24-hour TWA levels of 3-EP and nicotine for
in cell 2 (smoking home, nonsmoking work) than in people in cell 2 were greater than those for people
cell 3 (smoking work, nonsmoking home), suggesting in cell 3 as well, in approximately the same proportion
that home exposure may be generally more influen- as the average saliva cotinine levels. The differences
tial than work exposure in determining total ETS were maintained across the range of participants, in-
exposure. This postulate is supported by the analysis cluding those who were most highly exposed (e.g.,
in Table VI of two subgroups in the study. In Table the 95th percentile). These data provide additional
VI, participants who received all of their ETS expo- support for the home being a more important source
of ETS exposure than the w~rkplace.(~-~)
Of the 304 participants with sufficient cotinine values, 41 did
not have 24-hour TWA nicotine levels greater than the 95th
percentile confidence limit above the mean limit of detection. I4 Mean of beginning and ending cotinine levels.
Use of ETS Constituents as Markers 371

Table VI. Comparison of ETS Markers (Average Cotinine, 3-EP, and Nicotine 24-hour TWA) Between Study Participants Whose Only
Source of ETS Exposure Was Away from Work With Those Whose Only Source of ETS Exposure Was the Workplace

Participants who received Participants who received

all ETS exposure away from workt5 all ETS exposure at workI6
(N = 39) (N = 44)
Average 3-EP Nicotine Average 3-EP Nicotine
continine 24-h TWA 24-h TWA cotinine 24-h TWA 24-h TWA
Parameter (I.Lg/m) (I.Lglm) (nglmI-1 (I.Lglm) (dm)
Median 1.47 .72 1.29 .42 .16 .35
Mean 1.94 .81 1.59 .62 .32 .69
80th Percentile 3.05 1.33 2.48 .87 .48 1.38
95th Percentile 5.73 2.22 3.79 2.36 1.22 2.11
ETS = environmental tobacco smoke, TWA = time-weighted average. 3-EP = 3-ethenyl pyridine.

6. DISCUSSION and UVPM were not sufficiently strong to indicate

that one would be a reliable marker for another.
The ETS workplace data from cells 1 and 3 of In conclusion, there was a high degree of correla-
the 16-City Study(2)were used to examine selected tion between selected pairs of ETS constituents.
ETS-related chemicals for their use as markers of However, even in the case of substantial correlation
exposure to other ETS chemicals in workplaces between pairs of markers, their use as quantitative
where smoking is permitted. The results of the anal- predictors of each other (and hence of ETS exposure)
yses suggest that nicotine is a reasonably good (i.e., is limited, with the exception of the UVPM-FPM
within one order of magnitude) predictor of UVPM, pair.
which is composed of combustion-derived chemicals. Saliva cotinine clearly is related to exposure of
The correlation between nicotine and RSP was found airborne nicotine, but cotinine is useful only as a
to be weak as was anticipated because of the multiple quantitative predictor for large groups of subjects.
source contributions to RSP concentrations. The use Continuing the investigation of the relative impact
of the gas-phase compounds 3-EP and myosmine as of work and away-from-work or home exposure be-
predictors of nicotine (and by extension, UVPM) gun in the first article of this series, the 16-City Study
was supported. data point to the home as a more important source
For the particulate-phase relationships, UVPM of exposure than the workplace.
levels were found to be closely correlated with FPM
and approximately 50% higher. Thus, the use of
UVPM concentrations to predict ETS exposure ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
would provide more conservative estimates than the
use of FPM concentrations. The relation between This research was sponsored by the Center for
UVPM and solanesol was good but not linear for Indoor Air Research, Linthicum, MD. The authors
the untransformed concentrations. The correlations thank P. Price, R. Counts, and M. Morris for their
between RSP and UVPM and between scopoletin insightful comments on the manuscript.
Data from the 16-City Study used in this series
I5 These participants who received all ETS exposure away from of articles are available on CD-ROM from Carol
work are from cell 2. They work in places where smoking is not
permitted, observed no smoking at work, and have confirmed
G. Graves, The Sapphire Group, 3 Bethesda Metro
unrestricted spousal smoking at home. Center, Suite 700, Bethesda, Maryland 20814. Please
l6 These participants who received all ETS exposure at work are include a check for $10 (U.S.) to cover costs.
from cell 3. They work in locations with no restrictions on smok-
ing and confirmed that they observed no smoking in the home
or elsewhere away from work.
Overall, concentration levels were lower in the other cells (cells REFERENCES
2 and 4 where smoking was not permitted in the workplace).
Hence, the concentration range available for painvise prediction 1. NRC (National Research Council), Committee on Passive
was not as wide in these cells. Smoking, Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Measuring Expo-
372 LaKind ef af.

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