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PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question # 1 Which of tho following ic 2 principlo of PRINCE2? © A. Manage change © B. Manage by stages C. Manage by tolerance © D Manage risk ‘Answer: 8 - Manage by stagesis a principle of PRINCE2.A project willbe broken down into @ minimum of two stages. Key takeaway: & PRINCE? project mist contain at least an ination stage and one other stage. This ensures that there i 2 suitable decision point at the end of the frst stage where the business case can be assessed, End. session and e-mail me detaled results PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #: [Select f=] 2. Which ofthe following two roles sit on the profact board?(1) Project managor(2) Executive) Senior user(4) Project assurance OA 12 oB 23 ec 14 oD 34 ‘Answer: B- The execulive and the senior user. Tagether with the senior supple, they make up the projact board. ‘Koy takoaway: As the project board is responsible for making docsions at a project level, Ris Important to onuro that al ntorts aro tepresented, The executive represents the business, the senior user the user interest, and the senior supplier the supplir interest. End my study session and e-mail me detaled results PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question # (Select =] 3. Which ofthe folowing documents is NOT produced whhin 2 PRINCE2 projoct? © A. Lessons log @ B. Project mandate > © Project manager role description © D. Stage plan ‘Answer: B- Project mandate. This tha document that tigge the ination ofa project. Koy takoaway: Tho projoct mandats comes from the authority that commissioning the projact and its creation Isa pre-projct activity PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question # [Select [=] 4. James Kivi is the projact manager fr a S-year projet, with atime tolerance of +3 months for the currant stage. One of his team leaders, Monty Scot. reports a projected problem with a work package thal Is expected lo lake an extra 2 weeks. What action should Ki tao? © A None Produce an Exception Report Cancel the project, ‘Add an entry to the Risk Register. ‘Answer: D Add an entry tothe Risk Register. Since the forscasted time need to create an Exception Report not cause the stage tolerance to be exceeded, there fs no ‘A.wall-exacuted isk register should contan information on the specie risks, what fs being done todo with it (or how it would be dealt with ft occurred, some analysis of the overall impact, and pethaps 2 categorization (useful on big projects with many sks) ‘A tok rogoter servos a contralizod repository for risk management. Any nowy Hdantified risks should be adod, and the document should bo poriodicaly revioved and updatod Key takeaway: The Team Manager has the responsibilty to report othe Project Manager as soon as any work package tolerances are oresast to be exceeded, The Project Menager then makes the decsion esto what action to take based upon his own tolerances forthe es End my study session and e-mail me detailed resuls PRINCE2 Foundation Pra Test Jump to Question #. [Select [=] 5. Which document defines the acceptance ertela and roles forthe project? © A. Project ntiation Document Project Mandate Project Product Description Qustty Management Strategy Answer: C- Project Praduct Description. This is created inthe Stating up a Project process and used during the Closing a Project process to help verily tha the project has delivered to expectations Kay takeaway: The project product description Is a spacial case of the more ganeral product description. It defines what the project must PRINCE? Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #: 6. Which ofthe following are valid threat responses?(1) Transfer2) Reject(3) Share(4) Fallback OA 12 OB 13 @C. 123 OD. 134 Answer: D1, 38.4 Transfer, Share, and Fallback, are all valid responses toa threat Reject is only 2 valid response to an opportunity. Kay takeaway: A isk can be ether a threat or an opportunity with diferent veld responses, depending on the type PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #: Which of the following is NOT a PRINCE? theme? © A. Continued business justifietion © B. Progress © © Organization Plans. Answer: A- Continued Business Justification Thisis one of the 7 principles of PRINCE? Key takeaway: The 7 thames of PRINCE? are areas within the project that must be considaced throughout the Bfespan of tha projet. ‘Tha themes mus all be applied to each PRINCE? projec oa sulable talored manner. End my study sossion and o.mall mo dotalled rosuts PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #: [Select [=] £8 Which role maintains the Qualty Register? © A. Project Support © B. Project Manager © C. Project Assurance © D. Senior Supplier Answer: A-Project Suppor. This ols responsible for administrative aspects ofthe project Key takeaway: Although the Project Support role may be filed by the Same person as the Project Manager role, the rolas are til dstinct within PRINCE2. Projact Support is rosponsbo for day-to-day administrative support of the projec, including tasks such as configuration ‘management and maintaining the Quality Regstr. PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question # [Select [=] 8. Who is rasponsibe for detormining te Changs Authority and change budget? Corporate or Programme Management Project Manager Project Board Executive ‘Answer: D- Executive. Its the executive's dacision alone as to no has responsitility for requests for change or offspaciicaton items andthe associated budget Kay takeaway: The Executive represen the business interests on the projec which inchdes the funding for the projact. Because of this, Ris ther Sole responsibly to determine budgets and responsibites for changesloflspectications which might affect the overall m End my study cession and e-mallme detalled resus. PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #: [Select [x] 410. Which document is used to record issues and risks in the Stating up a Project process the appropriate registers have not yet been created? omy oD. Lessons Log Daly Log ‘Outline Business Case Project Brief ‘Answer: D- Daty Log. Any issuesirisks can be transfered tothe Risk Register or Issue Register when they are created during the Intating @ Project process. Key takeaway: During the Starting up a Project process there has been no stage boundary at which to review the business case and. valdity ofthe project meaning the project does not yet have formal approval from the Project Board. This wil occur Gf everything f= ‘acceplable)fllowing the request to iniats the project al the end ofthe stage End my study session and e-mail me detaled results PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question # 11 Which process allows nor-PRINCE? practices to be integrated into @ PRINCE2 project environment when cresting products? © A. Managing Product Delivery. 8 Contraling a Stage ©. Directing a Projet. D. Managing a Stage Boundary. [Answor: A- Managing Product Dovey. This process allows a Team Managar to usa ther own procedures to manage tha dalivory of 2 work package. ‘Key takeaway: The interface between a Team Manager and a Project Manager is agreed when the Work Package is accepted. The ‘Team Manager (who may be rom ancther company) may then use whatever standards and processes they deem necessary fo manage the work End session and e-mail me detailed results PRINCE? Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #: [Seleet_[s] 112. Which ofthe following ar tolerance areas?(1) Change(2) Issues(3) Quelity(4) Benefits 12 23 24 34 ‘Answer: D~3, 4 Quality and benefits ere tolerance areas, along with Time, Cost, Scope. and Risk Key takeaway: Tolerances can only be set on measurable areas and involve +/- amounts on planned costs, dates, measurable benefits, and the lke. Harder to measure tolerances, such as scope or isk, can be expressed inthe form of which requirements may be Sauticed, othe projected cot ofthe sks. PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #: [Sele [] 13. Which ofthe folowing products are part of the Project Initation documentation?(1) Quality Management Strategy(2) Project Plan(3) Outline Business Case(4) Communication Management Strategy OA 12 OB 23 Oc 134 OD 124 ‘Answor: D 1,2, 4. Tho Outline Business Case Is eroatod in the Starting up a Projoct procoss. Koy takeaway: Moct of the important documontation forthe projoct sft produead in tho Project Intation process. This Includes the Detaled Business Case, which is expanded from the Outine Business Case. PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #: [Select [=] 14 Which ofthe following statements tue about a PRINCE? project? © A. Ithas no products. B. Ithas a fine lifespan. C. _Itcontains responsibilties assigned to specific people. © D. Its objectives can be redefined at any time, Answer: 5 -Ithas a fnts lifespan. A PRINCE? project can never be open-ended ‘Key takeaway: A PRINCE? project dafined as a temporary organization tha is created for he purpose of delivering ane or more business products, according to an agreed business case, An open-ended projects simply not possible wihin the PRINCE2 framework, ‘and would mako tacks such as defining objacives and measuring benefits almost impossible. PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #: [Select [=] 18. Who can order the closure ofa project? Project Manager Project Board Project Assurance: © D. Project Support ‘Answer: B- Project Board Any closure authorisation must come from the Project Boatd, even forthe planned closure Key takeaway: The Projact Manager can make a recommendation forthe project o be closed either whan the project comes toa natural nd, of at any time during the project (cuch a recommendation would likely be Included in an Exception Ropar). Tho ultimate decision los with tno Projact Board all cases. End session and e-mail me detailed results PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question # [Select [=] 16. Which rle(¢) hashhave ukimate authority on the Project Board? © A. Senior Supplior Sonlor User Exoeutive Joint authority ‘Answer: C -Executve. The projects ukimately controlled and paid for by the business, which is represented by the Executive Key takeaway: Athough the Project Board generally makes decisions together. itisnat a democracy The Senior Supplier and Senior User can be overruled by the Executive, even i they ere both united against him End my study session and e-mail me detailed resus PRINCE? Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question # 117 Which roles must be independent of each other?(1) Team Manager(2) Project Support(3) Project Manager(4) Project Assurance Aas B23 co. D.34 ‘Answer: D3, 4. Project Assurance advises the Project Board. The Project Manager must not have eny influence over this advice. Key takeaway: Project Assurance is there to support the interests of the primary stakeholders on the Project Board. Delegating any Project Assurance responsisitias tothe Projact Manager would be aconfiet of interest and cannct happen End my study cession and o-mallme detalld resuls. PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #: [Select [=] 118. Which process proves information tothe Project Board to allow thern to assess the continuing viability of the projec? oA © B._ Directing a Project. © C. Managing 2 Stage Boundary. Managing Produet Dolvery. ‘Answor: C -Managing a Stage Boundary. This Is the point at which the Businass Case Is rovlewod, Key takeaway: In ne with the PRINCE2 prince of Continued Business Justincation, the Business Case is updated during the Managing a Stage Boundary process. This then reviewed by the Project Boaré ithe justiicaton fa no longer valid. then the project ‘should be closes. End my study session and e-mail me detailed resus PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question # 19. Which of he following roles can appoint the Project Manager? Executive ‘Senior User Senior Suppliar Project Assurances ‘Answor: A Exocutive. The Exocutive and the Projoet Managor roles ars te fet two rolos to be assignod on any PRINCE? project. ‘Key takeaway: The Project Manager can be appointed by Corporate or Programme Menagement atthe same time as they appoint the [Executive IF this is not done, the ole must be essigned by the Executive as one of the fist asks, Supe ae wens Ey 20. Which ofthe folowing supports the PRINCE? principle of Management by Exception? Delegation of authority. Creating the Product Flow Diagram, Maintaining the Business Case. Creating a Request for Change. ‘Anawer: A - Delegation of authority. This allows tolerances tobe set and freee up management levels to take care of ether tasks without ‘being overy concerned about the details ofthe delegated tasks. ‘Key takeaway: Delegation of euthory occurs throughout a PRINCE2 project. Corporate or Programnme Management delegate tothe Project Board who delegate tothe Project Manager, who in tum delegates tothe Team manager Each lavel has tolerances set by the level above to determine when they need to report back in case of problems End ny study session and e-mail me detaled resus, PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #. [Select [=] 21. Which ofthe following ate acions vithin the recommended risk management procedure2(1)Identiy(2) Plan(3} Sole(4) Communicate 42 43 2.34 124 ‘Answer: D1. 2,4 The five steps are Identify, Assess, Plan, Implement, and Communieste. First the context and risks need to be ‘denied, then an evaluation of the risks (for which there are several methods available), loved by 8 pian, anc finaly the implementation ofthat plan. Communication should be ongoing throughout the whole risk management procedure Kay takemway: Advanced Project Managers realize that how many ranks ther sks is almost important as identifying them inthe fst place. If Project Manager doesnt have a method to tackle the risks with th highest risk level fst, then the assessment phase is @ faikice One must carry the process through all phases lo realize the benefits of eflecive risk management PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #: [Select [=] 22. What are th three options specified within a Business Case?(1) De ncthing(2) De samething(2) Da the minimurn(4) Folens Programme Management recommendations OA 123 124 © 234 oD 134 Answer: A~1,3, 4. These are the only 3 options thal should be specified ‘Koy takeaway: Do nothing should alvays bo tho stating point for evaluation of thor optons. The project benofits are dafined bythe ddfforones bot/aen the ‘do nothing” option andthe do comthing’7do tho minlmur’ options. End my study session and e-mail me detailed results PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #: [Select [a] 23. The Expoctod Banofts of a project should be what2(1) Aigned to corporate objctives and stratogy(2)Achiovablo(3) Likaly(4) ‘Assigned 12 14 ec 124 ©d 234 ‘Answer: B 1, 4. Expoctod Bonofits should ft the same citeria, regardless of whether they ae fnaneal or non-financial ose Key takeaway: Expected benefits should alvays be aigned with the corporate strstegy. Otherwise the projects pointess from a business standpoint. no matter how many otner benefit might deliver. On top ofthat they should be mapped from the outputs anc ‘outcomes provided by the project, quaniied (wih lolerance), measurable, and assigned with lear responsibilities PRINCE? Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #: [Select Fz] 24, Vic of the fotowing is NOT a ype of Issue? © A. Request for Change @ B. Problem/concern Cc. Threst © 0. Offapecicaton ‘Answer: C-Threat.A Threat sa type of Risk Issues have already occurred. Risks have a probability of occurring inthe future Key takeaway: Only the 3 ypes of Issue should be entered inthe Issus Register. a Request for Change isa proposal fr a change to the baseline, an off-speciication is a missing product or a product not meeting its specication, a problemiconcem is anything eee that has aready happened and needs to be resahed of takan ino account by the Project Manager. PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question # [Select [=] 26. Which Stage doos PRINCE2 rocommone always bo used? © A. Initiating a Project. B. Closing a Project. ‘Stating up a Project Implementing a Project Inlating a Project. A PRINCE? projat should conetst of this stage and one other c D. Answei Koy takeaway: The Inilating a Project tage takes eare of much of the intl project admin, it cso allows forthe project to be defined {and provides an end of stage point forthe business plan to be approved (in ine with the principle of continued business justification) and the project to proceed to the next stage End session and e-mail me detaled results. PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #: [Select [=] 26. Which ofthe following statements are tu27(1) A project must alvays be managed (2) A project does not always requlre a plan.(3) A project mut havo rogular meotinas throughout the projecifospan (4) A projoct has a limited lifespan. DA 1S DB 23 OC 14 D424 Answer: C1, 4. An unmanaged or open-ended piace of work cannot be called a project according to PRINCE ‘Key takeaway: The pincple of taforing PRINCE? tothe project envionment means (amongst other things) rat eertan processes and products can be simplifed or axpandod as necessary Itdoss not moan that management or plane can bo dlsponad with altogether. It ‘may alsa como as a surprice that, dosplta the pravalance of meetings In mador projacs, they are nat arays necossary. PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question # [Select [=] 27. Which of tho following products fs NOT rolated tothe PRINCE2 approach to change? ‘A. Configuration Management Strategy B. Quality Register C.Issue Register © D. DallyLog ‘Answer: 8 - Quality Register. This I, of cours, related to the PRINCE2 approach to Quality ‘Key takeaway: The PRINCE2 approach to Change includes a number of documents: Configuration Management Strategy, ‘Configuration Item Records, Product Status Accounts, Daily Log, Issue Register, and Issue Reports, End my study cession and e-mail me detalled recut 28. Which ofthe following atributes should the project board have? © A. Experience of Qualty contal. ) B. Sufficient authority to allocate resources. C. Knowledge of PRINCE2. © D._ Knowledge of standards applicable tothe project. Answer: 8 - Sufficient author to allocate resources Key takeaway: Without sulicient autorly to allocate the resoureas, be they business, supple, or user, the Project Board cannot full Its basic function, andi will not be possible forthe project to proceed, PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question #. [Select [=] 29, During which Process is the Work Package status reviewed? © A. Dirseting a Project ‘Managing a Stage Boundary. Managing Product Dotvry. Controlling a Stage. Answer: D -Contoling @ Stage Key takeaway: The Team Manager wl report back tothe Project Manager, either in regular Checkpoint Reports, ort indicate that there isa new risk or issu End session and o-mall me detaled recut, PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Test Jump to Question # [Select [= 30. In tho Qualty Audit Trl, Qualty Corio includes which of the following?(1) Quality Ragister2) Aeceptance Rcords(3) Quality and Approval Recards(4) Quality Methods 12 134 423 OD. 1.2.34 Answer: C-1, 2, 3. Qually Methods are covered by Qualty Planning, not Qualty Cont. ‘Koy takoaway: Tho Gualty Audit Tall eansets of Quality Planning and Quality Control products. Planning products relato to the content ‘while control products relate to the metiods used to track the qualty. For example, the customer's qualty expectations are a planning product. En my study session and e-mail me detailed resus

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