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Maganlal B Desai /2017/04/28/head-injury-be-confident-with-dr-maganlal-b-desai/
April 28, 2017

Head injuries: Traumatic interacranial haemorrhage leads to progressive deepening coma with signs of total lesion of
one hemisphere after beginning with convulsions and producing hemiplegia.

It is most appropriately and readily treated in homoeopathy.

Immediately after the injury repeated doses of Ledum pal. Should be administered to avoid stagnation of blood or
ecchymosis and possible damage to the nerves. It can stave off the condition of coma. Ledum pal should be given
1m every five minutes till the patient comes to consciousness and is to be continued till total recovery.

Arnica is equally useful but its action is not so swift as that of Ledum.

Hypericum can come only to cover the sequele of injury.

Lets discuss a case treated by Dr Maganlal desai :

Two boys had a scooter accident. Both were admitted in a hospital unconscious and in a serious condition. They
were given some treatment and were kept under observation and for proper investigation. According to the
authorities on the fourth day the prognosis was considered bad. I was taken to see one of the boys by his relatives. I
asked the mother to get the boy discharged and take him home where Homoeopathic treatment could be started in
right earnest. They brought him home and the same night i started with Ledum pal. 1m every half an hour. The next
morning the boy opened the eyes and asked for water. He again became unconscious but the breathing and pulse
were quite normal. The same medicine was continued and within two days he began to walk and there was no
complication remaining. He complained simply of bruises. Ledum pal was given for many days till he felt himself
perfectly fit.

The other boy developed serious brain complications. Loss of memory, highly excitable mood, blurred vision,
etc.were the aftereffects which continue to affect him.

Dr Maganlal desai has treated many cases of this type successfully.

( To know more about this please go through the book name COMA Its homoeopathic Treatment by Dr. Maganlal
B. Desai)


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