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THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM & MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT VIETNAM EXPRESSWAY CORPORATION GMS BEN LUC - LONG THANH EXPRESSWAY TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT ADB Loan 2460-VIE PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTING SERVICES PACKAGE A2-1 SOFT GROUND TREATMENT GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN REPORT (The Document Was Revised Following The Decision No. 147/QD-VEC Of VEC, Date 13/04/2013) April - 2013 Joint Venture of Vcr KATAHIRA & ENGINEERS INTERNATIONAL (KE!) = NIPPON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS CO., LTD (NE) THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT VIETNAM EXPRESSWAY CORPORATION GMS BEN LUC —- LONG THANH EXPRESSWAY TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECT ADB Loan 2460-VIE PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTING SERVICES PACKAGE A2-1 SOFT GROUND TREATMENT GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN REPORT Prepared by: Trinh Hong Tau 4 Was Checked by: Nguyen Dinh Thu Team leader : Masahisa KOMIYA April - 2013 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services Table of Contents CHAPTER 1... INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background.. 1.2. Scope of Work 13. Design Report CHAPTER 2 DESIGN METHODOLOGY.. 2.1. Introduction. 2.2, Design Constraints and Design Criteria. 2.3. Design Criteria for Soft Ground umprovementt... 2.3.1 Design Standard 2.3.2 Residual Settlement and Degree of Consolidation 2.3.3 Safety Factor of Stability against Sliding 2.3.4 Traffic Load 2.3.5. Soil properties to be used for calculation. 2.3.6 Requirements for Calculation 2.3.7 Sand Mat 2.4. Topographical Survey and Geotechnical Survey 2.5. Subsoil Conditions. 2.6. Ground umprovementt Methods 2.6.1. Vertical Drain with Preloadin; 2.6.2. Deep Mixing Method... 2.6.3. Piled Foundation System 2.6.4. Soil Replacement with Preloading, 2.7. Suitability and Selection of Ground umprovementt Methods... 2.8. Summary. CHAPTER ENGINEERING ANALYSIS... 3.1 Introduction .. 3.2 Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) Method.. Package 4-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 3 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Lue — Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services 3.2.1 Method of Estimating Settlement 3.2.2 Rate of Settlement in PVD System 25 3.2.3. Method of seleting soil’ properties for design.. © Unit weight. © Anitial shear strength 3.2.4 Results of Analysis. 3.2.5 Criteria for Completion of Preloading Perio 3.2.6 Monitoring Instruments. 3.2.7 Summary 3.3. Prefabricated Horizontal Drain (PHD)or Super Boad Drain (SBD) Design Calculatior 35 35 3.3.1 PHD Structure, 3.3.2 Super Board Drain Design Calculation. 3.3.3 Construction sequence . 3.4 Field Observation in Construction Stage. CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY. Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 4 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Lue - Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Outline of the Whole Project. Figure 2: Traffic load calculation diagram Figure 3: Traffic load value and distribution by 22TCN262-2000. Figure 4: Ground umprovementt Design Flowchart Figure 5: Types of PVD preloading System Figure 6: Typical Arrangement of Soil Cement Columns Figure 7: Typical Pile Foundation or Bearing Unit System Figure 8: Typical Soil Replacement Metho. Figure 9: Design Flowchart of Soil Improvement (DMM) Figure 10: summary unit weight in depth of layer 1a-1 Figure 11: Summary data from VST, UU and qu test Vs depth of layer! a-1 Figure 12: Summary data from (gu) test Vs depth of layer 2a. Figure 13: Summary data from (qu) and (CU) test Vs depth of layer 2b . Figure 14: OCR, PC, PO Vs depth of layer 1a-1, 2a and 2b; Figure 15: Testing curves and typical values for soil layer 1a-1 Figure 16: Testing curves and typical values for soil layer 2a. Figure 17: Testing curves and typical values for soil layer 2b. Figure 18: Compression index Vs depth and typical values for soil layers: La-1 2a and. ...31 Figure 19: m value from CU test of layer La-1 Figure 20: Graphical Procedure of Asaoka Method .. Figure 21: Super Board Drain Shape and Structure .. Figure 22: Super Board Drain Structure Cross-Section. LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Outline of Soft ground treatment Sections. Table 2: Cost comparison of PVD vs. SD. Table 3: Assessment of Available Ground Modification Methods for the Project . Table 4: General parameters of the finished PHD products Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 5 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc ~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION LL. Background ‘The Ben Luc ~ Long Thanh Expressway (Figure 1) forms the southern section of the outer ring of the HCMC Urban Expressway, together with a spur connection towards Long Thanh. It connects to the HCMC - Trung Luong Expressway in the west, which is under construction, to the existing NH51, and the Long Thanh — Dau Giay Expressway in the east. The proposed expressway is 4 lanes in phase 1 and 8 lanes for phase 2, and design speed of 100 kmv/h. Figure 1: Outline of the Whole Project The proposed Ben Luc ~ Long Thanh Expressway can be divided into three (3) sections according to the contract. They include ADB section I (km0+-600 to km18+713.50), JICA section II (km18+713.5 to km32+450) and ADB section III (km32+450 to km$7+700). The route is further divided into eleven (11) design and construction packages, 01 package ITS. ADB is providing technical assistance (TA) for the preparation of Ben Luc ~ Long Thanh Expressway Project (hereinafter referred to as “the Project”), to be financed by a grant from the Japan Special Fund. The consulting services (hereinafter referred to as the Services) have been employed for the following project components: © Detail design of the planned nearly 58 km long Ben Lue ~ Long Thanh Expressway © Engineering, economic, financial, social and environmental studies on the alignment © Preparation of environmental impact assessment, environmental management plan, resettlement plan, and ethnic minority development plan for the Project Table 1 presents briefly information for packages in the project including Station, Section, Length and Soft soil thickness as well as Embankment height. Table 1: Outline of Soft ground treatment Sections Package A-I: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 6 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Lue — Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services Package Section Length cera | ear | Interchange No.1 0.84 km 1.5-3.0m 1.0-5.0m Km01+336-Kmo2+174 | osskm | 15-7.0m | 15-60m Ong Thoan Bridge Ad Km02+258-Km03+018 | 0.76km | 30-90m | 15-60m "Km00 + 600- I h No2 ~ i fe : ia ane eee 3.00km | 3.0-8.0m 15-2.0m (NHLIA Flyover) Km03 + 823-Km06+025 | 2.20 km 25-11.0m 1.5-5.0m Phuoc Ly Bridge | Km06+631-Km07+900 | 1.27km 3.5-5.0m 15-5.0m All Km07 + 900 — Km07 + 995, 0.10 km 3.5-5.0m 4.0-55m "Km07 +900- in nea Hai Son Flyover Km09 + 372 —Km11 +200 1,828 km 3.5-4.5m LS-5.0m Kml1 + 200—Kml2 + 081 0.881 km 35-45 m 15-5.0m Service Area No.1 2.28 km 35-45 15-20m A2-2 Ong Thin Bridge "Km11 +200- T Kint6+ 600" | Kml3+147—Km15 +573 ] 2.43 km 5.0-20.70 m 1.5-5.5m Interchange No.3 | 2.54 km l 5.0-5.5m 1.5-6.5m Ong Nam Bridge Km15 +615 —Km16 + 600 0.99 km 11.0-20.70 m 1.5-5.0m A3 | Km16 + 600 —Km16 + 703 0.10 km 19.0-20.0m 5.0-6.0m "Km16 + 600 - Kmi8 +173.5" Ba Lao Bridge ‘Viaduct No.1 Ad ‘Nguyen Van Tao Overpass "Km18 + 713.5 — ~~ a — -Km21 + 739.5" Interchange No.4 2.46 km 28.0-30.0m 15-4.5m JA4,52,53 Binh Khanh Main & Approach Bridge Beene Cha River Bridge, Viaduct No.2 ~ Km32 +450" | Phuoe Khanh Main & Approach Bridge T Km32 +218 -Km32+450 | 0.232 km 8.0-9.0m Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page7 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc — Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services ; Softsoil | Embankment Package Section ‘Length thickness height Km32 + 450 —Km34 + 179 1.73 km 4.5-8.5m 15-5.0m AS Ong Keo Bridge "Km32 + 450- Km35 +900" Km35 + 251 —Km35 + 647 0.40 km: 3.5-4,5m 4.0-5.0m Bau Sen Bridge Km35 + 688 —Km35 + 900 0.21 km 4.0-4.5m 3.5-5.5m Km35 + 900 —Km37 + 000 1.10 km 10-4.0m 15-3.5m Service Area No.2 0.54 km. 3.5-4.0m 2.0-3.0m a6 "Km35 +900- Km39 + 000 -Km39 +600 0.60 km. 1.0-2.0m 1.0-2.0m Kems2-+400" | mgs +500—Kma5 +900 | 0.40 km 10-50m | 20-30m ‘Normal Foundation (Vung Gam Bridge, Phuoc An Flyover) Km52 + 150 -Km52 + 400 0.25 m 1.0-8.0m 15-6.5m A-7 Km52 + 400 -Km52 + 417 0.02km 8.0-8.5m 3.0-5.0m "KmS2 + 400- Km57 +700" Thi Vai Main & Approach Bridge Normal Foundation (Rach Ngoai Bridge, Interchange No.7, No.8) Total Length of Soft Ground Treatment about | 27.80 km = = ‘The Package A-2 divided into 2 packages: A-2-1 from km7+900 to km11+200 and A-2-2 from km11+200 to km16+600; For Package A-2-1 with embankment height (He: defined as the height between the existing and the design profile grades) of 2.20 m to 5.70 m, there will be a need to treat the soft clay for improving the overall stability during construction and for reducing post-construction settlement of the expressway. It should be noted that the actual fill thickness used in the ground ‘umprovementt by means of the vertical drain consolidation system will be greater since it has to account for the settlement during preloading and additional surcharge for reducing the consolidation or construction time. Due to some changes in the detail design, such as design profile grade, deeper soft soil deposits, restriction on the right-of-way (ROW) etc., alternative ground umprovementt methods were proposed to best suit the conditions encountered, The Package A-2-1 would have to be constructed by Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) with or without surcharge, the deep mixing method (DMM) and RC pile slab. In summary, the ground umprovementt methods proposed in the detail design differ significantly from the methods proposed in the feasibility study because of these reasons, This report summarizes the design methodology and the proposed ground umprovementt methods for Package A-2-1 from Station km 7+900 to km 11+200 only. Calculations of the ground umprovementt design are provided in Appendices. Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 8 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc ~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services The PVD method has the following merit * To increase the degree of consolidation © Toreduce the cost * To carry out construction works easily However, Deep Mixing Method is also adopted for foundation of culverts or Embankment nearby bridge, On the other hand, the RC pile slab is adopted in the adjacent area to the abutment of bridge if needed, 1.2. Scope of Work The scope of the geotechnical design for ground umprovementt work consists of the followings: "Evaluate the subsoil conditions. From the new soil investigation results performed in the Detail Design, the subsoil conditions in the relevant sections are evaluated with focus on the thickness and the properties of the soft compressible soils close to the ground surface. Based on the subsoil conditions in terms of soft soil properties and their thickness, the subsoils along the route have been divided into four (4) major geotechnical units, = Evaluate and recommend suitable ground umprovementt methods for each section. From the design criteria and other design constraints, the most appropriate methods of ground umprovementt have been proposed. Embankment sections have been selected based on the subsoil conditions, the design profile grades and the design criteria ete. = Perform engineering analysis. For each section with selected methods, the settlements during construction and operation are estimated, which are required to meet the design criteria. Due to the soft nature condition of the upper soft soils along with loads from the embankment fill, the embankment stabilities under various configurations at the critical sections are checked with minimum factor of safety of 1.2 under the short term conditions (during construction). The stabilities of roadway after completion are also estimated and verified. " Highlight foreseeable construction issues. Some important construction issues are also addressed in the report to increase the awareness of avoidable problems. 13. Design Report This Ground umprovementt Design Report has been prepared along with the design drawings and the technical specifications to meet the following design requirements: + Evaluation of the results of the soil investigation. © Define the design criteria and soil parameters for ground umprovement. * Determination of the soil parameters for the ground umprovementt, ‘© Establishment of appropriate methods for measuring the effectiveness of ground ‘umprovement. This report describes the design approach and engineering analysis of the proposed ground umprovement. Selection of ground umprovement method is made with consideration of the present conditions as well as the construction cost. Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 9 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc— Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services CHAPTER 2 DESIGN METHODOLOGY 21. Introduction ‘The main geotechnical issues in the design and construction of the roadway in lowland areas are usually related to the settlement of the subsoils and the gross stability of the earth structure. Since the roadway will be built on the embankment over the original subsoils, the loading on the subsoils would induce settlement and/or cause instability on the earth structure. It is therefore essential to design the structure in satisfying the design criteria with consideration of other critical constraints, From the previous soil investigation works in phase of detail design, the subsoil conditions and the problematic soils have been identified. Soft clay deposit with thickness of 2.6m to 4.0 m has been encountered in the area of Package A-2-1. With the embankment placed over the soft clay deposit, there is a need to improve the soft ground by appropriate ground umprovementt method for increasing the stability during construction and for minimizing the settlement during operation, The merits and limitations of various ground umprovementt methods are presented and discussed in this chapter. Soft soil solutions of whole Project Detailed Design Consultant has been submitted VEC on 12/2012. But Total Project Cost is very high, MOT and VEC to guide Detailed Design Consultants has found solutions to decrease Total Project Cost, including soft soil treatment alternative. Based on Re-detailted design, PVD method is major solutions for soft soil treatment of the Project. This method is proposal in FS and has been approved by MOT in decision No 2925/QD-BGTVT, dated 8/10/2010. PVD solution is best method for decreasing cost estimate, but the waiting time for consolidation is longer comparision with DMM or Pile slab and residual settlement is bigger. The embankment to bridges no used PVD method becuase the big diffrence residual settlement between abutment and embankment to cause the traffic and to damage pavement structure. 2.2. Design Constraints and Design Criteria The most important and critical issues in the design and construction of the embankment have been identified and listed as follows: a) Settlement criteria: ‘According to the Vietnamese Standards (22TCN262-2000), the settlement criteria for various sections of the embankment shall be as follows: © Near Abutment: Post Construction Settlement < 10 em © Culvert zone: Post Construction Settlement < 20 em © FillEmbankment: — Post Construction Settlement < 30 em 4) Factor of safety: The adopted factor of safety (FS) against instability during construction is maintained above 1.2, The long term stability of the roadway will be controlled with FS of no less than 1.4, ©) Right of way: Package A: ‘oft Ground Treatment Report Page 10 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Lue ~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services It is noted that the right of way (ROW) of the expressway in Package A-2-1 from 63 to 75 m. To minimize any impact on adjacent land, do not carry out earthwork, including temporarily fill, beyond the available right of way. This is the main factor governing the methods of ground Improvement. In summary, the above constraints and criteria have been considered in the design process, which are described in later section. 23. Design Criteria for Soft Ground Improvement 2.3.1 Design Standard © Code of practice for Highway 22TCN 263-2000 issued by MOT; © Code of practice for soil investigation, design road embankment on soft soil 22TCN 262-2000 issued by MOT; © Expressway design requirement TCVNS729-1997 ©. Standard for Field Vane Shear Test: 22TCN 355-06 and ASTMD-2573 ©. Standards for laboratory test: AASHTO, ASTM and Vietnam; © Standard for SPT: ASTM-D1586; 2.3.2 Residual Settlement and Degree of Consolidation Residual settlement (Sr) of the bridge approach sections shall be less than 10em. And 20cm (Sr) of the culvert sections and others section shall be less than 30cm. Degree of consolidation shall be equal or bigger than 90%, and/or residual settlement speed shall be less than 2em/year. 2.3.3 Safety Factor of Stability against Sliding Safety factor during construction (including waiting time for consolidation) shall be not less than 1,2. Safety factor after the completion of construction shall be not less than 1.4. 2.3.4 Traffic Load Traffic load shall be considered in the calculations of both settlement and stability. Traffic load shall be evaluated in accordance with 22TCN262-2000 that is shown at equations below: _nxG 9° BxI 1) B=nxb+(n-l)xd+e (2.2) Package A-I: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 11 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc ~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services Figure 2: Traffic load calculation diagram Figure 3: Traffic load value and distribution by 22TCN262-2000 In which (cf. Figure 2): n: Number of vehicle (= 4), Weight of vehicle (=30 ton in case of H30), B: Width of traffic load (Max. 13.75m as designated, 1 side in phase 1), J: distance between front wheel and rear wheel (=6.6m, in case of 130), b= 18 m,e=0.5m,d=1.3m Calculation result is q=1.57 tm? (B =11.60m), and q shall be distributed in the carriage way like as shown in Figure 3. 2.3.5 Soil properties to be used for calculation Soil properties to be used for calculation of the soft soil improvement shall be decided from the soil investigation results of the DD stage (including the FS stage). The examination results of soil parameters are shown in Appendices (Soil Data and Selected Soil Parameters), 2.3.6 Requirements for Calculation Soil properties to use for calculation of the soft soil improvement shall be decided from the soil investigation results of the DD stage (including the FS stage). Time for soft soil treatment shall be decided in the range of 12 months to 18 months by the calculation. Package A-I: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 12 ‘Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc ~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services 2.3.7 Sand Mat Sand mat shall be placed between the soft soil and the embankment for increasing quickly the consolidation drainage capacity, The thickness of the sand mat shall be estimated based on the ground water head caused by embankment loading, which is calculated from the following equation: _Pxs Kxh Ah (23) In which: Ah: Ground water head, h + Thickness of sand mat, XK: Permeability of sand mat, L: Horizontal drain length, S: Settlement velocity, In order to ensure the drainage capacity, the thickness of sand mat should be not less than the above Ah value (minimum 50cm). Criteria of the sand used for Sand mat shall obey 22TCN262-2000 that is shown at below: © Medium sand with particle diameter > 0.25mm > 50%; © Patticle diameter <0.075mm < 5%; © Organic content < 5%; © Coefficient of permeability > 10 cm/s When acquisition of the sand suitable for sand mat is difficult around the project site, to adopt Prefabricated Horizontal Drain (PHD) will be recommended, 2.4, Topographical Survey and Geotechnical Survey Detailed topographical and geotechnical (through soil boreholes) surveys along with the hydrological study have been conducted during the detailed design stage, There is some increase in the design profile grade or the embankment height due to the rise in the design flood level from the hydrological study as well as refinement on the overall profile grade, 2.5. Subsoil Conditions The geological features along the Project route are sediments (cohesive soil and sandy soil) of Diluvial — Alluvial Epoch in Quaternary Period, the sediments are lying over the basement rock (Rhyolite, etc.) of the latter Jurassic Period — the early Cretaceous Period in Mesozoic Era. Boreholes were drilled beyond the soft soil layer down to depth of 7.0m to 25.0m to determine the subsoil conditions along with some field vane shear tests. The laboratory tests were conducted for soil classification purposes as well as for determining the stress history of the soft soils through consolidation tests. A geotechnical investigation report has been separated, describing the subsoil conditions in details. Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 13 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc ~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services For Ben Luc-Long Thanh Package A-2-1 starting at km 7+900 and ending at km11+200, the upper soil layer consists of primarily soft clay deposit with thickness varying from 1.6 m to 4.0m. Based on the test results, the subsoil conditions for soft ground treatment in Packages A- 2-1 can be divided into five (4) basic soil layers, including: (@) Layer 1: This layer is fluvial sediments of Alluvial Epoch, which consists of very soft - soft — medium clay, silt and sandy-clay, and sandwich intermittent sand layers partially, and contains organic matters sparsely. Layer 1 can be classified into the 2 sub-layers (1a, 1b) according to the difference of N-value and physical properties. In detail, the N-value is from 0 to 3 and soft soil thickness varies in a range of 1.60 and 4.0m. Layer I is a weak soil, needs to be treated. (b) Layer 2: This layer is fluvial sediments of the latter Diluvial Epoch, which consists of medium — stiff — very stiff clay, silt and sandy-clay, and sandwich intermittent sand layers partially and contains gritty laterite sparsely. Layer 2 can be classified into 2 sub-layers (2a, 2b) according to the difference of N-value and physical properties. (©) Layer 3: This layer is fluvial sediments of the middle — latter Diluvial Epoch, which consists of medium — dense — very dense sand and clayey-sand, and sandwich intermittent clay layers partially. Layer 3 can be classified into 2 sub-layers (3a, 3b) according to the difference of N- value and physical properties. (@) Layer 4: This layer is fluvial sediments of the early - middle Diluvial Epoch, which consists of stiff very stiff - hard clay, silt and sandy-clay, and sandwich intermittent clay layers. The soil properties and consolidation characteristics from the consolidation tests for Package A-2 is shown in Appendices. 2.6. Ground Improvement Methods There are several methods of improving the properties of soft soils for reducing the post- construction settlement or for increasing the stability of the embankment during and after construction. Without any improvement, the fill embankment may suffer from low stability during construction and excessive settlement after operation due to consolidation of the compressible soils. It should be kept in mind that most of the ground Improvement methods ean be rather costly compared with the conventional earthwork, therefore the use of any ground Improvement would depend greatly on both technical and financial aspects of the project. The examination of ground Improvement method is carried out from both technical aspect and finance side in accordance with following policies: (a) Ground Improvement method for sections below abutment: Characteristics of the soft ground along the project route are high fine fraction content and extremely low hydraulic conductivity. Therefore, it is difficult that the residual settlement vanish perfectly, even if the soft ground is treated by “Vertical drain with preloading”. When the Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report ‘Page 14 Loan 2460-ViE: GMS Ben Luc ~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services residual settlement remains near the abutment of bridges, the downdrag Toad is added fo the pile foundation of the abutment, and construction costs of the abutment are increased by the downdrag load, Therefore, the soft ground for sections below abutment should be treated by “RC pile slab” that can prevent settlement from occurring, (b) Foundation of Culverts: Foundation of culverts shall be treated so that degree of consolidation can achieve 90% by “Vertical drain, Soil replacement or Deep Mixing Method” before carrying out culverts construction works. Therefore, pile foundation should be not used at culverts, (©) Length of approach bridge section and culvert section At approach bridge section and culvert section, the same ground umprovementt method shall be used to secure the smooth run of motor vehicles. Besides, the length of approach bridge section and culvert section shall be determined according to "22TCN 262-2000", Bridge approach section: The length of “approach bridge section” shall be equal to 3 times of the abutment length. Culvert section: The length of “culvert section” is the length which is added to the approach section of the Starting point side and the terminal side to width of culvert, and the length of approach section shall be equal to 3 - 5 times of the width of culvert, but it should be more than 15m, @) Soil replacement of the subgrade portion in the low embankment section In the low embankment section where soft soil is located in a part of subgrade of the Pavement, the soft soil shall be replaced with good quality soil with equivalent depth of the subgrade, In addition, about the normal foundation section where soft soil is not distributed over, the topsoil shall be replaced with good quality soil in the low embankment section (ineluding the cutting section). Because, the topsoil in the normal foundation section is loose clayey-sand, it is easy to become soft and weak condition when water content goes up, and unsuitable for subgrade. Figure 4 presents the ground umprovementt design flowchart adopted for this Package A- 21 based on the technical viability and the construction cost, starting with no ground modification, followed by prefabricated vertical drain, deep mixing method and pile slab foundation. Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 15 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services sg eOnsTaRISTH, ROW] Legend: ‘and construction time 1H, :Embankmentheignt ROW : Rightotway FS :Factorofsatety Design enter: soudonertin revi Preven i8ettlementin 15 years T Select estan parancles |__ -Saitmvesigation ‘Cafeulate stability and Estimate settlement Figure 4: Ground umprovementt Design Flowchart The following sections briefly describe the successful ground umprovementt methods available in this region. 2.6.1. Vertical Drain with Preloading The vertical drain system, including sand drain or prefabricated vertical drain (PVD) as shown in Figures 5, has been widely used for treating the soft compressible soils in Vietnam over the last decade. The maximum PVD installation depth in Vietnam had reached over 38 m in some projects. The improvement via this method had proven to be very effective, but it requires a ‘moderate construction (or preloading) period and for stability purpose. The primary difference between the sand drain and the PVD is the material used as the drainage media. In sand drain system, a column of good permeability sand has to be installed in the soft soils in shortening the drainage path during the preloading process. The installation of sand drain is always time consuming due to the process of preparing the hole and placing the sand. In addition, significant effort has to be placed in controlling the quality of the sand and the installation which may vary depending on the sand sources and the contractors. In the South area, it is relatively difficult to find the sand type which satisfies the technical requirements as in the standard of design, high price and the particle size distribution is not proper. During the past few decades, the PVD has replaced the sand drain because of its speed in installation, better quality control of the drainage media as well as lower improvement cost eto. In summary, the PVD system is a better alternative than the sand drain system, therefore this method is considered to be more superior than the sand drain system, The comparison results of ground umprovementt methods are as follows. (@ “PVD (Prefabricated Vertical Drain)” vs. “SD (Sand Drain)” Package A-1: Sofi Ground Treatment Report Page 16 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc ~ Long Thanh Expressway Techical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services * The result of the economic comparison is shown at Table 2, and PVD is cheaper than SD. Table 2: Cost comparison of PVD vs. SD PVD (Prefabrisated Vertical Drain) (Sand Drain) Unit Price | Cost (usp) ems | Unt | Quaniy | “us) | _ cso) 277 | SD @=T0emy 160 45 1192 items — | Unt | Quantiy PVD. m_| 954 Total Ratio ‘Note: Comparison terms are as follows; 1) Construction area is assumed to be 100m?. 2) The installation length is assumed t0 be 10m 3) The placement of "PYD (Prefabricated Vertical Drain)" is assumed to be triangular 1.1m interval 4 The placement of "SD (Sand Drain)Prefabricated" is assumed to be square 2.5m interval. * Acquisition of the sand suitable for SD is difficult (suitable sand for SD is very expensive) around the project site. * PVD is advantageous for securing traffic ability in the soft mud zone such as this project site, because the weight of the construction equipment of PVD is lighter than the construction equipment of SD. Consequently, “PVD (Prefabricated Vertical Drain)” has been adopted as Vertical Drain that shall be used in this project. In the PVD preloading method, it is usually more economical to construct the embankment in a number of loading stages, benefiting from the gain in undrained shear strength of the improved soils through consolidation during the preloading period. The rate of loading (that is, filling of the embankment) can also contribute to gain in the shear strength of the improved soils. Therefore, even in stage of loading, slow continuous loading or a combination of two can be adopted in the loading process, provided that there is sufficient construction time for this method of ground modification. with Countorwoight. b easel TTI Figure 5: Types of PVD preloading System The major components in the PVD preloading method can be summarized as follows: % Geotextile: It is common to place a layer of geotextile just below the sand mat (Grainage layer) in preventing any contamination to the sand mat. The geotextile can Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 17 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Lue — Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services sometimes be used as the reinforeing member depending on the design requirements. In this case, the geotextile may have to be placed above the PVDs to prevent from the loss of its integrity due to penetration by the PVD mandrel during the PVD installation. * PVD: The PVDs are the primary components in shortening the drainage paths of the soils in the preloading process. To reduce the future settlement caused by the consolidation of soils, the PVDs are normally installed down to the bottom (close to bottom) of the soft soils or to depth of soft soils where the stress induced from the embankment is sufficiently low. The rate of settlement during preloading is proportional to the spacing of the PVDs. If the construction time is limited, then shorter PVD spacing in triangular grid pattern can be adopted. * Perforated drainage pipes or prefabricated horizontal drains (PHD): When there is a possibility of discontinuity in the sand mat during preloading process (for example, large differential settlement between the main PVD embankment and its counterweight berm), additional drainage (perforated and flexible) pipes or prefabricated horizontal drains may be needed to releasc any buildup of water pressure in the sand mat, For a very wide filling area, it may be more economical to place the perforated drainage pipes at a certain distance within the sand mat, so that the water in the sand mat can be drained out more easily. > Fill: The fill, including the embankment material and surcharge, is placed as the loads for consolidating the soft soils in the PVD improvement area. This fill may be placed in stages or at a prescribed filling rate, taking advantage of the gain in the shear strength of the improved soft soils during preloading process. It should be noted that this method will require a moderate construction time compared with other methods of improvement. Nevertheless, the PVD preloading method is the most common technique in improving soft soils at present, primarily because of its high performance, low cost and well established construction procedure. In this report, the PVD preloading combining with geotextile and/or sand mat, PHD is recommended. 2.6.2. Deep Mixing Method The deep mixing method (DMM) or the soil cement column method shown in Figure 6 has been evolved from the lime column method in 1960s. It is well understood that the undrained shear strength of soft clay can be increased by adding small amount of lime or cement to the soil. The deep mixing method by means of cement slurry was brought into practice in 1975 and the dry cement powder mixing was introduced in 1980. ‘These two methods are sometimes referred to as wet method and dry method, respectively. Presently in Vietnam, the wet method has been used on infrastructure and building projects, and the dry method has been applied to some civil engineering works as well. Package 4-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 18 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc ~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services Figure 6: Typical Arrangement of Soil Cement Columns The lime column method was developed in Sweden at about same time as in Japan, and it ‘was brought into practice in early 70s. Although the lime column method is still used in the Nordic countries, e.g., Sweden, Finland and Norway, lime is gradually being replaced by cement-lime mix and in some cases, cement only. The primarily use of this method in roadway construction is to transfer the surface loading (including embankment, pavement and traffic load) to the composite mass foundation as shown in Figure 6, which is very effective in increasing stability and in reducing the post construction settlement with adequate length of the soil cement columns. If lime is used, the lime columns can function as a vertical drain, however preloading and waiting period should be considered to decrease the post construction settlement by consolidation. Therefore, it is recommended to use cement instead of lime because of the following reasons: 1) Unslaked lime is more hazardous material; 2) Slaked lime has limited production; 3) Cement is easier to treat; 4) Soil coment mix has shorter curing time; and 5) Soil cement mix has higher strength. The deep mixing method has been incorporated in the Vietnamese Standard TCXDVN 385:2006, which is somewhat similar to the European Standard EN14679:2005 entitled “Execution of special geotechnical works ~ Deep mixing”. 2.6.3, Piled Foundation System Piled foundation system can be an alternative for supporting an earth embankment. Typically, the piles are installed down to a firm soil layer; then a concrete slab is cast over the piles forming a base to support the fill and the pavement above as illustrated in Figure 7. Due to the high cost, this method is only used when the construction time or the settlement is limited where other more economical ground umprovementts cannot be applied. Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 19 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc - Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services Figure 7: Typical Pile Foundation or Bearing Unit System In recent years, geosynthetics has been introduced to replace the conerete slab, but a small pile cap is needed on each pile in improving the load transfer from the fill embankment to the piles through the geosynthetics. Some settlements may arise when the geosynthetics are stressed and stretched, In general, the rigid slab offers a better load transfer from the embankment above to individual piles, and the slab also provides a better slope stability than the geosynthetics. 2.6.4. Soil Replacement with Preloading Apart from improving the compressible soils by cementation or by consolidation through PVDs, soil replacement can be a possible option as illustrated in Figure 8. The principle of the soil replacement is to remove the compressible soils down to required depths, and to replace with suitable compacted fill. The depth of excavation will be governed by the long-term settlement of the remaining compressible soils and the overall stability of the excavated pit. It will not be economical and practical to replace the soft compressible soils if the replacement depths are too deep because of the vast quantity in replacement and excavation, Figure 8: Typical Soil Replacement Method The main merits of this method are as follows: ° Ease of construction. The soil replacement with preloading method predominately involves earthwork with excavation, fill placement and compaction etc., which can be handled by the earthwork contractor with appropriate construction equipment. Dewatering should be planned if there is a possibility of water flowing into the excavated pit. joft Ground Treatment Report Page 20 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc — Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services « Excavation and filling time. The excavation and filling time can be adjusted depending on the capacity of the construction equipment and manpower. To accelerate the construction, it is possible to increase the construction equipment and manpower. It should be noted that the disposal of the excavated materials has to be considered in making decision. 2.7, Suitability and Selection of Ground Improvement Methods Table 3 summarizes the available methods of ground umprovement in this region, highlighting their limitations and suitability for those problem sections. The PVD is major method for soft soil treatment in this Package because the soft soil in this package is mainly 4.0m in depth. The most common ground Improvement method used in Vietnam at this moment is the prefabricated vertical drain with preloading (PVD) because of its suitability and acceptable cost, but the main issue today will be the supply of the sand blanket or sand mat material as the drainage layer. The Vacuum consolidation method is not to propose for soft soil treatment. The main advantages of the deep mixing method include minimum width of embankment, minimum use of fill material and shorter construction time and so on (Figure 9). The primary disadvantages include more stringent quality control and higher construction cost. Package A-1; Soft Ground Treatment Report ‘Page 21 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Lue~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services Table 3: Assessment of Available Ground Modification Methods for the Project Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) with preloading Deep Mixing Method RC Pile Slab Soll Replacement with Preloading Initial Settlement Low if factor of safety ‘shigh Very low due to load transfered to lower stiffer layer Very low due 0 load transfered t0 lower stir layer Low if factor of safety i high Consotidaion | Settlement High Very Low Very Low Controlled by soll replacement thickness Residual ‘Settlement ‘Technical Issues ‘Can be controlled through proper application of surcharge Very low due 10 load transfered 10 lower stifer layer Very low due t load transfered (9 lower stir layer Controlled by replacement thickness and preloading period Stabiiy Tneease in Factor of Safety due (0 increase in soil strength during consoldation High Factor of | Sefey initially, bot may reduce with High Factor of Safety Tnorease in Factor of Safty due to replacement with Fimer soil Low Moderate igh for igh embankment ‘Moderate Depend on replacement depth Longest - depend on surcharge time Short 0 Moderate = Depend on equipment used ‘Moderate ~ Depend on equipment used and ‘material supply Long Term Performance Small differential setlement Small ifferential settlement ‘Small diferent settlement ‘Small differential, settlement Right of Way Require significant area ‘or counter-weight berm No ROW problem No ROW problem Require some ROW Local Experience in Construction Very good - ess ‘operator dependent Moderate ~ Highly ‘operator dependent Good — operator dependent (Other Related Isues use in Viernamese Road project before Yes, but limited No problem, except sand mat supply Relatively new to Vietnam Fill supply may be major issue Likelihood of | Usage Atractive method but requiring tong, construction period More expensive with short construction period Most expensive with short period Suitable method for thin soft clay deposit, The proposed ground Improvement methods used for various sections in Package A2-1 based primarily on the availability of the right of way, followed by construction time, settlement, and material handling are listed in summary of soft soil improvement solution results. ‘Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 22 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services [LEcEND io. -ankment Height JRow Right ofway Desi Const on tne, IFS Safety Factor oSaility Ho, Contretion ing, ROW Pan :Setlenent in 1 eas ‘Design Crew F500 Piyan Soll Profile Previous Geotechnical Design Parameters [*—Tnvestigation (fom FS, 2009) Caloulte Stabiy & Estimate Setlerent No Deep Mining Method coMny, ‘Vasu Consolation Prefabricated Vertical Drain Caius Sabiy & Estimate Setlement ¥e$_ “Bo 8 and Pignan meet Criteria? No [Calculate Siabity& Estimate] Prelouding Surcharge, Time, Seulement OFS and Pisa meet Criteria? Meet ROW? [Change oF Design Parameters] Figure 9: Design Flowchart of Soil Improvement (DMM) Summary From the above analysis, the design consultant summarizes the applied methods for package A-2-1 as follows: * The remaining sections use conventional PVD method; © Replacement : in the section with soft soil thickness less than 3.50m; Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 23 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Lue ~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services CHAPTER 3 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS 3.1 Introduction The selection of ground Improvement techniques for Packages A-2-1 is primarily governed by the available right of way, construction time and cost, soft soil thickness. Due to the limited ROW, the width of counterweight berms used for stability purpose during preloading in the conventional PVD method is restricted, resulting in inadequate stability of the embankment in the preloading process. As a result, other ground Improvement methods, such as. soil replacement, have to be considered and introduced. This chapter describes the methodology of each adopted ground Improvement technique along with design examples. The soil parameters used in the engineering analysis are summarized in the Appendix. The outputs of the engineering analysis for the PVD, replaccement are provided respectively in Appendices. 3.2 Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) Method The most important soil parameters in the settlement analysis are the consolidation properties, such as compression ratios, stress history of the soils and the coefficients of consolidation which govern the rate of settlement and the preloading period. The settlement analysis involves estimating the fill required to raise the road to required elevation. The settlement of this required height of sand by conventional preloading will be estimated (target settlement), and after that the surcharge will be applied for accelerating the settlement in reaching 90% of this target settlement, Once the total applied load is estimated, the stability analysis is then performed. 3.2.1 Method of Estimating Settlement The methods of estimating the settlement due to surface loading differ according to the soil types. For clayey soil, the rate of settlement will depend on dissipation of the excess pore water pressure, which governs by the coefficient of consolidation. It is possible to calculate consolidation settlement by using original formula as depicted below (hereinafter referred to as-Ae method): G-1) Where: e«i- Void ratio corresponding to pas e1:- Void ratio corresponding to (partdp)) Poi~ Overburden pressure at middle of sub-layer i dp; — Pressure caused by the embankment at middle of sub-layer i Hi- Thickness of sub-layer i The settlement due to the embankment fill can easily be estimated from the settlement formula given in Equation (3.1), and the soil parameters used for each package are summarized, Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 24 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Lue ~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services 3.2.2 Rate of Settlement in PVD System The rate of settlement is estimated based on a vertical drain spacing of 0.9 m to 1.1 m arranged in triangular grid pattern under radial flow condition. For radial flow as in vertical drains, Barron (1948) proposed a solution for consolidation by radial drainage only as follows: Degree of consolidation, ~ebsiirl G.2) where G3) ¢,= horizontal coefficient of consolidation 4, = diameter of equivalent soil cylinder Hansbo (1979) suggested that the factor F, consisted of the following components with consideration of the effect of smear zone and well resistance: F=F(n) + F,+ F, G4) Where F(a)=inSe-075 6.5) (dy = equivalent diameter of the drain) E 4, [st]. G6) fea 4 (assumed), and fen based on recommendation by Hansbo (1979) F=n2(L-2)4 = 0.001 @G.7) From Equations (3.4) through (3.7), it can be observed that the F value is dominated by the first component; the other two components have small contribution to the degree of consolidation; but, the effects of smear zone and well resistance are considered for the F value. Based on the above equations, the relationship between the degree of consolidation and time can be estimated. 3.2.3 Method of seleting soil’ properties for design In the article It is presented to select soil’ properties of soft soil layers for design (layer Ja-1 section from km7+900 to km13+144 » and 2a, 2b (with SPT <10), and other layer properties shown in Report on soil investigation of the Project. Package A-I: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 25 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc ~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services © Unit weight ight (v3) Vs. Depsn Layer to lo 12 14 16 1820 Ze) 3 -———_ — “ [ ‘Unit weight tind) Vs. Depth ‘Unit weight (m3) Vs. Depth Layer 24 Layer Zo) Lem) if weight Ve depth —&—Unt weight for dei Uni weight We depth —=— Unit weight fordesin| |» Figure 10: summary unit weight in depth of layer 1a-1, 2a and 2b © Anitial shear strength Initial undrained shear strength of soil layer (Co) will be determined from these following bases: - Field Vane Shear Test (FVST): in-situ Co value will be directly determined from FVST conducted during embankment boring; Package A-I: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 26 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Lue ~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services ~ Triaxial test, UU-diagram (OU Test): Co value is also directly determined from this laboratory UU test conducted on undisturbed samples, ~ Unconfined comprestion test (qu): Co value is also directly determined from this laboratory qu test conducted on undisturbed samples: Co= qu/2. Cudng d6 khang clit khong thoat nude cia cée lop dét yéu (Co) sé duge danh gid tir cde co si sau: Lop la-l ‘Undrain shear Strengi Undratn Shear Strength ‘acnma) ve. Dept “acivina) vs. Depts Layerta-t Layerta © $ 10 15 20 25 ° 1o___20 30 uaa : 24 i724 ‘i A = Sof = s 10 2. ‘Undratn Shear Strength ‘Undrain Shear Strength (KN/m2) Vs. Depes (CkN/m2) Va. Depth Layerta-t o 10 20 Figure 11: Summary data from VST, UU and qu test Vs depth of layer! a-l and selected value for design |: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 27 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Lue - Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services ‘Undrain Shear Strength (Uin2) Vs ‘Undrain Shear Strength (KN/m2) ‘Unirain Shear Sireng Depth ‘Va Depth (Nim) Vs, Depth for dels, Layer2a Leyer24 Tavera 20 30 4 2 3 40 50 2» 0 00 ° ° — o 1 | 2 2 3 3450 ‘ 4 = Es x x ‘ ote + > 7 5 8 ° 0 0 © Siig) Sedge © Seri) Booher | ven iz eeu) ASS CRDS — = Figure 12: Summary data from (qu) test Vs depth of layer 2a and selected value for design Layer 2b ‘Undrain Shear Strength (KNim2) Ve. Depth Undrain Shear Strength (KNim2) Va. Dept Layer 2b Pr + Sutiqu) a Sunt avergne Figure 13: Summary data from (gu) and (CU) test Vs depth of layer 2b and selected value for design + aria S-Su=ilqt) aversae Su=ftew) * Pre-consolidation condition and consolidation soil parameters In the figure 14 presents relationship between Po, Pe and OCR with depth of layer 1a-1 2a and 2b of package A2. Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 28 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc — Long Project Design Consulting Services Po, Pe, OCR (ayer ta-1 "Po, Pc, OGR Vs depth (ayer 2a) 8 10 ‘Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Po, Pc, OCR (layer 2) 100 150200 250 Figure 14: OCR, PC, PO Vs depth of layer la-1, 2a and 2b; ‘The figure 14 shown that, layer 1a-1, 2a and 2b are Overconsolidation condition. According to consolidation test, Cc values and testing curves of compression, consolidation coefficients of soil layer 1a-1,2a and 2b as well as typical values of respective Soils recommended for design are summarized in following figures 15 to 18. Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 29 ‘Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Lue ~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services 2219] 2167] 2osel_ss2af 1.657] 1.354] 1082] ors] 1.164[ 1.043 0.875| 0.645] 0,395] oseal otal Oo Figure 15: Testing curves and typical values for soil layer la-1 ° eV. P foyer 20) Se) 08 THT ; 7 SAT MATT AMT . H ao B | “c | ar H rT iil ll i a Ot 1.00 10.0 100.¢ 0.10 100.001 00 .00 | , ee aE Vs. P ayer 28) 10 “COT ae [Sy 01 0401001000 10000 Pe P L a 0 Tors ozs 05 | 713 [a4 af 00si[ o0es] Os7a] 075] ts] a] a]. 19] o7erl oveol o7s{ osssl 657] 0.6361 0.508] 054] 0.724] ossel esr] o.css] arent Oeil OmeL 100.0 Figure 17: Testing curves and typical values for soil layer 2b Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 30 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc — Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services 00 04 08 12 16 20 Ta © CoVs depth —H-Ce selected for design Figure 18: Compression index Vs depth and typical values for soil layers: lal , 2a and 26 + Factor of increase of undrain shear strength Undrained shear strength of soft soil will increase due to consolidation with a factor called “Factor of Increase of undrained shear strength” — m, which is basically evaluated from Triaxial test, CU scheme ~ CU test and, as instructed in the Standard 22TCN262-2000, m equals to tan(..). With layer 1A in this Package; friction angle varies from 9° to 18°. Increase of undrained shear strength is from m = 0.19 to 0.32, respectively; The m factor calculated based on experience formula as follows: m=0.11+0,0037(Ip) From the tested results, Ip=40, the m factor calculated from the above equation is 0.26, Package A-I: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 31 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc ~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services In addition, the m factor can also be estimated through the relationship between the ratio of the undrained shear strength and pre-consolidation pressure. The m value of 0.27 is obtained. Therefore, the average m factor of 0.27 is used for all sections in calculating and designing package A-2-1 of layer la-l. ~ Layer 2a "m" based on equation m= 0.11+0.0037 Ip , m=0.25 (with Ip max); ~ Layer 2b : "m" based on equation m= 0.11+0.0037 Ip (with Ip is average value 20.96 and max value is 49.30, choosen m=0.25. mVs depth layer Jacl 03 of Figure 19: m value from CU test of layer 1a-1 and proposal value for design * Summary of soil parameters for soft soil treatment design A2-1 ‘Tong hop chi tiéu eo If ding cho thiét ké A2-1 ‘Summary of Soil Parameters for Sof Soil Treatment Design-A2-1 No | Parameter | Unit Layer Lat Layer2a | Layer2b | Fiing soit | Pavement 1 Y Tn 19 201 1.95 1.80 2.20 2 Go Tit 16 345 497 0 0 3 o Degrees o © e 30°00" 30°00 4 m 027 028 035 3 © 6 | cut? | cate) Figure 15, Figue 16 | Figure 17 7 & tl 0.150 0170 8 Cs om 01s 0.017 9 Pe Tint $37 B92 19.00 10 OCR 207 275 5.10 3.24 Results of Analysis The summary of PVD method analysis is shown in Appendices; the calculation is, based on Vietnamese standard 22TCN262-2000. ‘The PVD method will be applied to the improved maijor method in Package A-2-1. Asa Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 32 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Lue Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services result of stability analysis for ail sections, the safety factor during construction 1s more thar 1D and that in operation stage is more than 1.4 without counterweight berm, which meet the design criteria, ‘The calculations for all PVD sections in Package A-2-1 are presented in Appendices, 3.2.5 Criteria for Completion of ‘Preloading Period During preloading, there is a need to predict the total settlement in advance so that the degree of consolidation at that stage could be determined, Since the criteria for acceptance (that is, completion of preloading) is primarily based on settlement, the method of estimating the final settlement has to be defined, Frequently, Asaoka method is adopted, which is described briefly below. Asaoka method (1978) can be used to estimate the magnitude of final settlement as well 8s the horizontal coefficient of consolidation from the measured settlement data. ‘This method adopts a curve fitting procedure based on the consolidation theory, and some essence of the method is explained below. The procedure of this method is illustrated graphically as shown in Figure 22. The solution of the consolidation equation under radial drainage condition takes the following form: 8c, The settlement, S(O=S,-S, ox @F 4 G8) or S(@)=S, [I -exp(as)] G.9) where A= (3.10) Fill Height Settlement Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 33 ‘oan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Lue~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services Figure 20: Graphical Procedure of Asaoka Method Equation 10 can be expressed in the form of an ordinary differential equation: £ -Ap=f G.11) where fis a constant. ‘The variable Sin Equation (3.8) will satisfy all conditions in Equation (3.11). Ifthe time is evenly divided into Ar interval and S, = S (4), then Equation 4 becomes: 5,-8.4 FSi ag ig Sf 1 Ar = naa at or G12) where (3.13) At id —— 3.14 an a 6.14) ‘The two constants, Ap and fi, will be the intercept and the slope of the fitted straight line in Si1-S\ axes, and they can be obtained graphically with example shown in Figure 20. It should bbenoted thatthe final settlement could also be obtained from the following expressions: 5, as time approaches infinity, then (3.15) The horizontal coefficient of consolidation can be obtained by substituting Equation 10 into Equation 13, giving. ea lAa F 8B, At (3.16) Therefore, the horizontal coefficient of consolidation and the final settlement can be determined from this method, 3.2.6 Monitoring Instruments A series of monitoring instruments, such as settlement plates, inclinometers, piezometers and observation wells, Lateral Displacement Observing Stake, have been proposed. Measurements should be made periodically and the monitoring data should be evaluated to verify the performance of the embankment. The settlement plates are mainly used for checking the vertical settlement during preloading, and they would eventually be used for determining the end of the preloading period based on the settlement criteria stated. The inclinometers can be used for checking the horizontal movements of the embankment; they will be placed at locations where the maximum horizontal movements are Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 34 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Lue— Long Thanh Expressway Technical Asistance Project Project Design Consulting Services expected, that is, beside the main embankment. The inclinometers can be Installed Wy ailical areas adjacent to any existing structure if any, 1 is highly recommended that the performance of the embankment based on the measurements of the instruments should be evaluated periodically, so that preventive measures could be made. Any damage to the settlement plate will affect the decision on termination of preloading; therefore, it is important to replace the damaged instruments immediately, and otherwise it wll be very difficult to evaluate the performance of the preloading, 3.2.7 Summary In Packages A-2-1, extensive ground umprovementt will be needed to support the embankment. Due to the high embankment requirements, limit of ROW, construction time and ost as well as soft soil thickness, the conventional PVD method will be applied for height embankment; and soil replacement is used some section with soft ground less than 3.50m. 3.3. Prefabricated Horizontal Drain (PHD)/or Super Boad Drain (SBD) Design Calculation 3.3.1. PHD Structure Prefabricated Horizontal Drain has shape and structure similar to normal Prefabricated Vertical Drain (using in foundation settlement by Prefabricated Vertical Drain method), but bigger size (Figure 21). ‘Water from road-bed Water penetration direction filter Ditch Core Figure 21: Super Board Drain Shape and Structure Prefabricated Horizontal Drain has 0.8cm in thickness, 15cm, 20cm, 30cm, and 60cm ... in width, Prefabricated Horizontal Drain was fabricated in every 50m or 100m long roll, Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 35 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc ~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services depending on the manufacturer and installation needs. T-200 Super Board Drain oF Testing Section has common parameters of products as follows (Table 4): Table 4: General parameters of the finished PHD products Super Board | Width | Length of | Thickness | Weight | Container | Container Drain Type | (cm) | roll(m) | (cm) (kg) | 20FT | 40FT HQ: 11,500m | 28,800m (233 rolls) | (576 rolls) T-200 20 50 8 7.10 Super Board Drain structure includes two main parts (Figure 22), which is: ~ Core: formed into ditch for water leading, usually made of Polyvinyl Chloride or Polyolefin; ~ Shell filter: used to filter out water from the soil through the core and then rushes out of the ground water, usually made of Polyester (non-textile). Core Shell filter Figure 22: Super Board Drain Structure Cross-Section 4.3.2 Super Board Drain Design Calculation a) Flexibility and Elasticity Calculating Super Board Drain can stretch horizontally along the ground or the deformation of the embankment due to high flexibility. With the assumption 2 meters horizontally Super Board Drain stretched by the settlement of the embankment is 2.0m, deformation of the horizontal axis is calculated as 2m/27.9m = 7.1% (27.9m is half of cross section width of the embankment Testing Section), this ensures that the value required for the asphalt concrete is <25%, b) Water Permeability Capacity Horizontal Super Board Drain is designed with the water permeability like sand drain. ‘The water permeability is made based on the common formula as calculated for the Horizontal Super Board Drain as following: Q=k*it A (ms). Which: +i: Hydraulic gradient; ~ ky: Permeability coefficient (m/s). Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 36 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc— Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services ~A=w*h + w: Unit width of the Horizontal Super Board Drain (m); + h: Horizontal Super Board Drain Thickness (m); Calculation for the testing section is shown as follows: Desorption Super Board Drain Type | Unit | t-200 Note Super Board Drain Width, [1] m 02 Product Features Super Board Drain Thickness, [2] m 0.008 Product Features Super Board Drain Areas , [3]=[1]*[2] im 0.0016 Permeability coefficients k of Asphalt concrete, [4] | m/s 0.15 Product Features Hydraulic gradient i, (5] O Safety coefficients =1.5, [6] 15 QKIA, [71-((4}s15x[3))16] m/s | 16x 10-5 Water Flow Equivalent width of sand blanket drainage layer can be calculated as follows: Super Board Drain Type Unit ‘T-200 Note Description OkiA, [1] mis 1.6 x 10-5 Water Flow Permeability coefficient k of CSB, (2) | mis 0.00005 Technical Standard Hydraulic gradient i, [3] OL CSB Area, [4]=[1)/({2}x[3]) im 32 CSB Thickness , [5] m 08 Technical Standard CSB Width, [6]=[4)/[5] m 4 The above calculation shows that water flow by Super Board Drain (20cm wide T-200) with 4.0m distance equivalent to the thickness of 0.8m thick Coars sand blanket layer in the same sections (0.8m thickness were calculated for Testing section). In other words, 0.2m wide Super Board Drain can replace for 4 meters width of sand with a thickness 0.8m. As estimated above, at the testing segment with 1.0m spacing penetration vertical drain, Horizontal Super Board Drain selected distance is 2.0m. ©) Arrangement and installation of Super Board Drain With the distance of PVD of 1.0m, arranged a row of horizontal SBD standing for two rows of PVD, all standing PVD will be connected with SBD. The SBD rows should be arranged along the center line connected to the SBD together and improve SBD drainage system. Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 37 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc~ Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services Layout of SBD with PVD is shown schematically as follows: bapa “2 2 = fon { wo } | | PaD iy The bk. —_4 Note: -a: PVD distance; _b: SBD width; c: SBD distance; 3.3.3 Construction sequence * Preparation of construction site * Banking 0.4m thick layer of K95 sand covering the natural ground * Constructing PVD in accordance with Detail Design Document with height of PVD 0.2m above the first sand mat; * Installing observation equipment * Installing SBD © Connecting PVD to SBD * Banking K95 sand to elevation of geotextile * Spreading geotextile * Banking K95 sand in accordance with Detail Design Document, * Observing, reporting and evaluating the final test 3-4 Field Observation in Construction Stage The result by the soft ground treatment may be not according to calculation, because the soil layers change complicatedly in the natural ground. Especially, this issue should be considered at the construction stage sufficiently, because the geological features along the project route are fluvial sediment that soil layers are changed complicatedly. Therefore, Observational Procedure by Field Observation shall be adopted on the soft ground treatment. Field Observation should be executed according to "22TCN 262-2000", (@) Field Observation instruments used in this project are as follows; > Settlement Plate > Lateral Displacement Observing Stake > Inclinometer > Electrical Piezometer Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 38 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Luc — Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services > Observation Well > Deep settlement Gauge (b) Field Observation instruments shall be installed in each embankment section that was designed with various conditions, not excluding the sections treated with RC Pile Slab, no treatment and Replacement sections. (©) “Settlement Plate” shall be installed at interval of less than 100m in longitudinal direction (including computation cross-section). And three plates shall be installed at one cross- section (at the center and both shoulders of embankment). (@) “Lateral Displacement Observing Stake” shall be installed at least one place (the computation cross-section is desirable) in each section that was designed with various conditions. “Lateral Displacement Observing Stake” should be installed at both side of embankment, in principle. It is necessary to instal three stakes at one side perpendicular to direction of centerline, The first stake should be installed at 2m distance from embankment toe, the second stake should be installed at 4m distance from the first stake, and third stake should be installed at 10m distance from the second stake, (©) “Inclinometer, Deep settlement Gauge and Electrical Piezometer” shall be installed at one Place (the computation cross-section with Electrical Piezometer is desirable) and on both slopes of the road with Inclinometer in each section that shall be improved with “Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD)” within embankment >4,0m or “Deep Mixing Method” for constructing the higher embankment over the thick soft soil layer (if any). ( “Observation Well” shall be installed in the center line of the road (the computation cross-section is desirable) in each section and treated by PVD method within embankment >4m.. (8) The frequeney of "Field Observation" during fill work should be once a day. During waiting time after the fill work finished, the frequency of "Field Observation" should be once a week. (h) Observational Procedure by Field Observation should be carried out in consideration of the following points: > Data of “Settlement Plate (settlement speed at the center of embankment)” during fil work must not exceed LOmm/day, and data of “Lateral Displacement Observing Stake (horizontal movement speed at the both sides of embankment)” during fill work must not exceed Smmv/day. > Data of “Settlement Plate” should be analyzed by "hyperbolic curve fitting method" and Asaoka method for to predict the final settlement and the residual settlement. By the result of them, the construction schedule and the quantity of surcharge must be checked the validity including data of “Electrical Piezometer and Observation Well”, Data of “Lateral Displacement Observing Stake” must be analyzed including data of other “Field Observation instruments” due to secure the stability of embankment, By the result of them, the filling speed and the construction schedule must be checked the validity. Package A-1: Soft Ground Treatment Report Page 39 Loan 2460-VIE: GMS Ben Lue Long Thanh Expressway Technical Assistance Project Project Design Consulting Services CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY This report summarizes the design methodology and the proposed ground umprovementt for Package A-2-1 (km7+900 to km11+200) only. Various methods of ground umprovementt ‘were selected depending on the subsoil conditions, design profile grades and tight of way restriction. The selected methods are PVD, and soil replacement . From the above analysis, the design consultant summarizes the applied methods for package A-2-1 as follows: * The remaining sections use conventional PVD method; * Replacement : in the section with soft soil thickness less than 4m; The detailed calculations are summarized in Appendices. All verifications of settlement and stability are satisfied. 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