Lecture # 22 ELEN

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Linear Circuit Analysis (ELEN-1100)

Lecture # 22: First order circuits and natural

response of RL circuit

Engr. Dr. Hadeed Ahmed Sher

Assistant Professor, EED
KFUEIT, Pakistan

https://twitter.com/EEDKFUEIT Learning Management System

Slide credits
Graph on slide 13 is from the following book
Mac Elwyn Van Valkenburg, 1955. Network analysis.
Prentice Hall.

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for ELEN-1100 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (http://pveducator.blogspot.com), Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering
and Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Initial conditions in a switched circuit
Response of first order RL and RC circuit
Equivalent circuit for 1st order RL & RC circuit
Natural response of RL circcuit

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for ELEN-1100 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (http://pveducator.blogspot.com), Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering
and Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Initial conditions in a switched circuit [Ex 7.8-1] Dorf.
Prior to t=0, switch has been closed for a long time.
Find the value of capacitor voltage and inductor
current immediately after the switch opens at time
At t<0 circuit is in steady state.
Capacitor=Open circuit
Inductor=Short circuit
Using Ohms law
iL(0-)=10/5=2A Capacitor voltage and inductor current
Cannot change instantaneously. Therefore,
Using VDR iL(0-)=iL(0+) and vc(0-)=vc(0+)

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for ELEN-1100 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (http://pveducator.blogspot.com), Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering
and Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Initial conditions in a switched circuit [Ex 7.8-2] Dorf.
Find iL(0+), vC(0+), dvC(0+)/dt, diL(0+)/dt for the
circuit shown.
Note that at t<0 or t=0- switch 1 is OFF and switch
is ON.
The inductor is short circuit
Capacitor open circuit
At t=0+ the iL and vC retains.

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for ELEN-1100 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (http://pveducator.blogspot.com), Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering
and Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Initial conditions in a switched circuit [Ex 7.8-2] Dorf.
To find dvC(0+)/dt, diL(0+)/dt the equivalent circuit
is shown.
Now, iC=CdvC/dt
iC(0+)=(10-vC(0+))/2 iL(0+)
Now, vL=LdiL/dt At t=0+ the voltage across inductor and current
through capacitor did change instantaneously.
diL(0+)=vL(0+)/L =-2A/s
Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for ELEN-1100 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (http://pveducator.blogspot.com), Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering
and Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Response of first order RL and RC circuit
RL/RC circuits have only resistance and inductance
/ capacitance in addition to the independent sources.
These are called first order circuits because it
contains first order differential equation.
There are two kinds of responses in circuits.
Natural response
Inductor/capacitor is abruptly disconnected from the dc source
to release the stored energy to the circuit.
Step response
Inductor/capacitor is abruptly connected to the dc source to
acquire energy
The procedure to find natural and step response is
Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for ELEN-1100 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (http://pveducator.blogspot.com), Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering
and Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Equivalent circuits for 1st order RL & RC circuit

Four possible first order circuits

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for ELEN-1100 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (http://pveducator.blogspot.com), Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering
and Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Natural response of RL circuit
Assume that the given network consists of a passive
elements and sources whose initial state is known.
At a reference instance of time t=0 the system is
Disturbance is such that it can be represented as a
opening/closing of one or more switches.
The objective is to find the current, voltage, charge
etc in terms of time measured from the instance of

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for ELEN-1100 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (http://pveducator.blogspot.com), Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering
and Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Natural response of RL circuit
Consider the network shown.
Switch K is moved from position 1 to position 2 at
We assume that K is a make-before break switch
and hence current is not interrupted.
After t=0 applying KVL
This is a homogenous first order linear differential
equation and its solution requires separating the

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for ELEN-1100 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (http://pveducator.blogspot.com), Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering
and Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Natural response of RL circuit
di/i=(-R/L) dt
Integration to get
ln i=(-R/L)t+K
Where ln is the lograthimic base e=2.718..
To simplify the form the above equation let us make
ln i=ln e-Rt/L + ln k
ln i=ln (ke-Rt/L)
This equation is called as general solution.
If the constant of integration is evaluated it is called
particular solution.
Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for ELEN-1100 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (http://pveducator.blogspot.com), Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering
and Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Natural response of RL circuit
To find the value of k we need to know the values of
i and t.
In this case the current in an inductor before the
switch was moved to position 2 was simply V/R
This value is called initial condition of the circuit or
the zero state of the inductor. Putting this value in
general solution gives.
Note that if we put t<0 the expression for i=V/R

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for ELEN-1100 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (http://pveducator.blogspot.com), Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering
and Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Natural response of RL circuit
Before the switching the energy(Li2/2) is stored in
the inductor.
Before the switching the energy is dissipated in the
resistor at Ri2.
After the switching the energy stored by the
inductor is dissipated by the resistor with the
passage of time.
The rate of dissipation
is L/R.

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for ELEN-1100 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (http://pveducator.blogspot.com), Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering
and Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].

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