Final Thesis For Turnitin

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Rationale of the Study

It is widely known that when it comes to sweet potatoes, the benefits are not limited to

the taste buds but also to the pockets. Our beloved tuber is packed with healthy goodness and the

best part is you can get a big nutritional bang for your buck.

Sweet potatoes have been ranked at the top of the Affordable Nutrition Index (ANI), the

first tool to assess foods nutritional value. The score is based on nine essential nutrients to

encourage (which sweet potatoes are full of) and three nutrients to limit saturated fat, added

sugars and sodium. (American Dietetic Associations Food and Nutrition Conference, 2009).

Compared to other vegetables, sweet potatoes have the highest value of nutrition considering

fiber content, complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins A and C, and calcium (Center for

Science in Public Interest, 1992).

Sweet Potatoes are one of the super food-loaded with nutritious vitamins, minerals and an

added bonus is, they taste great. They pack a powerful nutritional punch. Theyve got over 400%

of our daily needs. They got more grams of natural sugars than regular potato but overall, more

nutrients with calories. Theres a study that proves that a cup of sweet potato cantains 103

calories and 3 grams of dietary fiber, or about 12% of the recommended daily amount

(Hoyt,2015).It has also been found that sweet potatoes help reduce symptoms and it is linked to

cancer prevention, has anti-inflammatory properties, anti-aging benefits, maintains good

eyesight, supports clear skin, helps prevent constipation, and more(Lanphier,2015).

In this study, the researchers used sweet potato to substitute flour in the crust to the

standard pizza recipe. Through this new recipe, the researchers engage others to be resourceful

and creative to think outside the box and utilize other methods or ingredients. As an end result,

the researchers hope to come up with a new product for the market and help homemakers

generate new ideas.

Theoretical Background

Many factors influence food choices, as food choice is not a simple process. Foods are

not chosen simply because they are largely liked or likeable. There are multiple factors going

through to particular food preferences, and psychology plays a large part. It must be considered

that there are other reasons for food preferences in addition to the fact that the sensory attributes

of taste, aroma, and the appearance of the food are pleasing. For instance, post-ingestive

consequences of consuming some food can influence attitudes towards it. Food choice is also

affected by an individuals difficulty in obtaining that food.

From this theoretical background, the researchers propose the following theoretical framework:

Modified ility of
pizza crust sweet
Other potato as
Factors, flour
such as
and post-

Figure 1. Theoretical FrameworkFood Acceptability

In this study, the researchers modified the standard pizza crust recipe (see Appendix A)

by varying sweet potato to flour ratios. With the modified pizza crust, the researchers will

evaluate its sensory attributes, in order to give insight to its acceptability. Other factors

considered in acceptability theories are outside the scope of this study, as this only focuses on the

core sensory attributes. These other factors may be considered by future researches.
The Problem:

This study uses experimentation to evaluate the acceptability of pizza crust with sweet

potato as flour substitute at Cebu Technological University (CTU) Cebu City Campus, A.Y


Statement of the Problem:

Specifically, this study aims to find the answers to the following questions

1. What ratios of with sweet potato and flour can be utilized in pizza crust development?

2. Among the five (5) treatments tested in this study, which is the most acceptable in terms

of the following sensory qualities:

2.1. color

2.2. texture

2.3. taste

2.4. aroma

2.5. general acceptability

3. Is there a significant difference between the sweet potato and flour variations in terms of

the sensory attributes being tested, on the sensory tester

4. Based on the experimental study, what modified recipe can be proposed?

Null Hypothesis:

There is no significant difference in terms of the means of sensory attributes between the

five treatments used in the sweet potato-flour variations as pizza crust.

1 = 2 = 3 ... = k

The means are equal.

Alternative Hypothesis:

There is a significant difference in terms of the means of sensory attributes between the

five treatments used in the sweet potato-flour variations as pizza crust.

Ha:Ha: Not all are equal

The means are not equal.

Significance of the Study

Sweet potato is packed with nutrients. Its utilization can help the status of the country,

both economically and nutritionally.

Farm Owners

Sweet potato, locally known as kamote, is commonly planted in fat, slightly rolling

open areas. Sweet potato is an important staple and emergency food in many countries,

especially for the poorestthe common resource for farmers and the urban poor. This study aims

to support farmers by spreading awareness on the utility and versatility of this root crop,

encouraging the Philippine agricultural industry to further venture on the propagation of the

lowly sweet potato.


This study aims to encourage ingenuity among the consumers in preparing food by

utilizing easily-available, cheap, and nutrient-dense alternatives. It is also the researchers aim to

further encourage exploration of different new uses for sweet potatoes, aside from pizza crusts.
For consumers looking to be entrepreneurs, since the supply is high and the price is low, the

pricing of sweet potato is reasonable, and sweet-potato products could be an important source of

revenue in the near future.

Research Methodology

The research methodology was applied to the standard recipe of pizza with the addition

of sweet potato. This study conducted trials and determined the treatments before the sensory

evaluation. It was made to find out if its experimental variables are compatible to each other.

This study utilized an experimental approach. It is the design of any task that aims to

describe or explain the variation of information under conditions that are hypothesized to reflect

the variation. In this experiment, the treatments (sweet potato to flour ratio) are the conditions

which are hypothesized to reflect a variation on the dependent variable, which is the

acceptability of sweet potato as pizza crust.

In determining the respondents assessments for sensory attributes (acceptability), the

researchers utilized the Hedonic scale rating. It is the most widely used scale for measuring

food acceptability. Since its development, the scale was quickly adopted by the food industry,

and now is used not just for measuring the acceptability of foods and beverages, but also of

personal care products, household products, and cosmetics (Peryam, 1952).

Two replications were conducted with five treatments for each replication. For the

statistical treatment of the results, the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) will be utilized. ANOVA is

used to compare differences of means among more than 2 groups. It does this by looking at

variation in the data and where that variation is found. Specifically, ANOVA compares the

amount of variation between groups with the amount of variation within groups.
The research procedure is illustrated as follows:

Obtained pizza crust recipe

Identification ofVariables using the

factorial design
(sweet potato to flour formulations)

Sensory Evaluation

General Acceptability

Treatment of Data& Analysis

Proposed Sweet Potato Based Pizza Crust


Figure 2. Flow of the Study

Research Flow

The researchers conducted a review of food-related literature, and

together decided to conduct a study on the sweet potato as an alternative

for flour in making pizza crust.

The title was prepared and the scope and limitations of the study were

delineated. The researchers then collated pizza recipes and came up with the

standard pizza recipe. The researchers then focused the recipe on the crust

and the dough, maintaining the other ingredients and substituting the flour

with sweet potato in different percentages according to the treatments. The

research design and the number of treatments were then decided on, as well

as the statistical treatment and future analysis of data.

After planning the logistics of the experiment, the researchers let

random students from different departments of Cebu Technological

University to try the finish products from the different treatments and made

them fill up a questionnaire.

From the sensory evaluation, the researchers ran the data through the

appropriate statistical method. The statistical results was analyzed to

determine the acceptability of sweet potato a flour alternative for pizza

crusts. Lastly, the researchers formulate recommendations for the end-users

of this study.
Experimental Design

This study utilizes a single factorial design. It is an experiment which concerns with 1

independent variable (factor), and N levels.It is a study design with only one independent factor

which is manipulated at multiple levels.

A single factor multilevel design is a research design having one independent variable

with three or more levels. In this study, there is only one independent variable, the sweet potato

flour mix, and there are three levels: (0 per cent; 50 per cent; and 75 per cent).

To illustrate the single factorial design:

Dependent Independent Variable

Variable Sweet potatoflour mix/ratio

Treatment 1 Treatment 2 Treatment 3
50% sweet potato 75% sweet potato 0% sweet potato

Color X1 X2 X3

Technically, there will be five single factorial designs, one for each of the sensory

attributes (dependent variables): color; texture; aroma; taste; and general acceptability.

In this study, there is one independent variable (with three treatments, making one

variable with three levels), with the dependent variable as the rating (9-point Hedonic Scale) by
the subjects. Hence, the appropriate statistical test to be appplied after data collection is the one-

way ANOVA.One-factor ANOVA, also called one-way ANOVA is used when the study involves

3 or more levels of a single independent variable. It will be conducted thrice, for each dependent

variable (taste, color, and texture).

The statistical treatment appropriate for the research method is the one-way ANOVA

(Analysis of Variance) plus post-hoc test. The post hoc test used here is the Tukeys Pairwise

Comparison, to figure out which pairs differ from one another. ANOVA relies on several

assumptions about the data, which should be tested before ANOVA is carried out.


Independent Variable: formulation of sweet potato to flour(3 levels/treatments)

Dependent Variable(s): Acceptability(Taste, Color, Texture)


Independent Variable

% of sweet potato substituting flour

(sweet potato and flour formulation)


Research Environment
The study was conducted within the Cebu Technological University campus.

Specifically, the pizza crust that will be used in the study was made in the Bachelor of Science

in Industrial Technology laboratory. The actual study and sensory evaluation will be conducted in

the College of Arts and Sciences premises. Chairs and a set-up will be arranged for the

respondents of the study.

Research Respondents

The subjects in this research were the students of Cebu Technological University Main

Campus consisting of different departments and courses who undergone our orientation. The

subjects are chance randomized students.The researchers aim to have 50 respondents, who would

be tasting all samples (three treatements) and rate them accordingly.

Research Instrument

The researchers carry out the study on the sweet potatos acceptability

through an instrument they have designed. The research instrument utlizes

the 9 point Hedonic Scale, based on the sensory attributes,and is brief and

concise to ensure straighforwardness and simplicity of the data

collection.The research instrument (See Appendix B) is accompanied by a

cover letter (See Appendix C) to orient and inform the respondents regarding

the nature and purpose of the study.

Sensory Evaluation

In the actual sensory evaluation, the subjects were invited to taste the

samples of pizza crusts with sweet potato as flour substitute. Every panellist

was provided with evaluation sheets, paper plates containing the samples, a

glass of water, and a pen to answer the sheet. This evaluation was

conducted within the premises of the Cebu Technological University (CTU)

premises. After the subjects were gathered but before they were made to

enter where the study was conducted, the researchers had prepared the

identical samples and questionnaires beforehand on the chirs that we


Preparation of the pizza crusts

Figure No. 3 Preparing

the Ingredients

This figure shows the

phase of measuring the

ratios of the ingredients.

First the sweet potato and flour ratios were measured, accorsind to the

three treatments. Following the dough recipe presented in this chapter, the

ingredients were mixed. They were then immediately arranged for the

conduction of the sensory evaluation.

Figure No.4 Pre-


Before the sensory evaluation was commenced, the researches briefed

the respondents of the study, its nature, purpose, and instructions. The

subjects were allowed to ask questions for clarification afterwards.

After everything was settled the sensory evaluation started. There was

no time limit and after tasting the subjects had to submit the evaluation

sheet to any researcher before exiting the room.

Scoring and Scaling

The five sensory attributes (taste, color, texture, aroma, and general

acceptability) were used as the basis in evaluating the pizza crust with sweet

potato substituting flour.

The researchers collated the data from the two replications from the

study, calculated the mean scores of both replications to be the final score,

and utilized the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The ranking of the Hedonic

scale based on the five attirbutes is based on the following:

Table 1. Ranking of the Hedonic Scale

Point Rating Verbal Description Verbal Interpretation

9 8.209.0 Highest degree of product Extremely Like

8 730 Higher degree of product Very Much Like

8.19 satisfaction
7 6.40 High degree of product satisfaction Moderately Like

6 5.50 Normal degree of product Slightly Like

6.39 satisfaction
5 4.60 Neutral degree of product Neither Like nor

4.59 satisfaction Dislike

4 3.70 Normal degree of product Slightly Dislike

4.59 dissatisfaction
3 2.80 High degree of prodcut Moderately Dislike

3.69 dissatisfaction
2 1.90 Higher degree of product Very Much dislike

2.79 dissatisfaction
1 1.00 Highest degree of product Extremely Dislike
1.89 dissatisfaction

Definition of Terms

Conceputal Definitions:

1. Sweet PotatoIpomoea batatas, it is an edible tropical tuber

with pinksih orange, slightly sweet flesh. It will be used in

various ratios to substitute flour in this study.

2. Pizza crust is the dough that serves as a base for the pizza that

is prepared, formed into a circular or rectangular shaped, then

topped with pizza ingredients. It is the harder outser surface of


3. Glycemic Index is a measurement carried out on carbohydrate-

containing foods and their impact on our blood sugar.

Operational Definitions:

1. Taste is the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and

throat on contact with a substance.

2. Aroma is a distinctive, typically pleasant smell.

3. Texture compose of those properties of a food that are

sensed by touch in the mouth and with the hands. There are

many words to describe food texturefoods can be soft or

hard, mushy or crunchy, or smooth or lumpy.

4. Color is a factor determining the visual or aestheitc appeal

of food

5. General Acceptability an affective component that

summarizes the general response a person has to food



This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data gathered from the sensory


The data gathered was tabulated, calculated, and summarized. In the previous chapter, the

researcher conducted a sensory evaluation with potato as a substitute for flour in pizza crusts in

three levels/treatments or formulas on the following sweet potato ratios: 75%, 50%, and 0%. The

instrument consisted of a 9-point Hedonic Scale evaluating five attributes, namely: color, texture,

taste, aroma, and general acceptability.

After tabulating the data in M Excel program, the researchers ran the statistics through

Minitab using the One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) as the statistical treatment.


One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

For each sensory attribute (taste, texture, color, aroma, general


Treatment N X(score S S2

) (standarddeviation)

75% 100 X S S2
50% 100 X S S2

0% 100 X S S2
Table 2. Treatment levels in One-Way ANOVA


F = Anova Coefficient

MST = Mean sum of squares due to treatment

MSE = Mean sum of squares due to error.


SST = Sum of squares due to treatment

p = Total number of populations

n = Total number of samples in a population.


SSE = Sum of squares due to error

S = Standard deviation of the samples

N = Total number of observations.

How the Treatment levels were determined

When the researchers were determining the methodology of this

experiment, the researchers wanted a simplified approach. An experiment

basically compares an experimental treatment with a control treatment.

Thus, the researchers initially had in mind only two treatments: the

experimental treatment with a complete sweet potato substitution of flour

(100%); and the control treatment with no sweet potato (0%). However, the

researchers considered a middle ground and thought of the possibility of the

non-feasibility of a complete substitution; thus the researchers added a third

treatment: 50% sweet potato to 50% flour.

It should be noted that initially, the researchers wanted a treatment

with 100% sweet potato ratio (no flour). However, when the researchers tried

creating a pizza dough with this formulation, the dough collapsed and cannot

be sustained. They were correct in their assumptiont that a complete

substituion might be too drastic or different, and might not be entirely

feasible. Thus, it may be concluded that in the substitution of sweet potato

for flour, total substitution is not entirely feasible. The researchers intead

lowered this supposedly experimental treatment to 75%, pegging it as the

highest possible ratio or concentration of sweet potato substituing flour in a

dough mixture, for the purposes of this study. Hence, the researchers agreed

to these three treatments.


There were three treatment levels for the single independent factor: the sweet potato-flour


Treatment 1 (50% sweet potato)

Treatment 2 (75% sweet potato)
Treatment 3 (0% sweet potato)

As mentioned earlier, Treatment 2 was supposedly a complete substitution of sweet

potato to flour, however this didnt work as the dough falls apart and thus cannot be molded. Due

to this, the researchers lowered down the ration to 75%, representing the treatment with the

highest sweet potato percentage.

Data Gathering Procedure

The subjects were made to answer the evaluation sheet accompanying

the pizza crust samples after the orientation of the researchers. There was

no time limit for the sensory evaluation. The results of the evaluation sheet

were tendered in a data sheet. The statistical test of one-way ANOVA was

performed to determine the scores of each attribute, in relation to each of

the treatments/levels.

Sensory Acceptability

Color Acceptability

The color of the pizza crust was one of the attributes considered in the sensory

evaluation. Visual appearance of food is crucial because oftentimes, we see the food before we
aroma or eat it. Visual appearance of food prepares and influences the brain to expect certain

taste or aroma. Thus evaluation of color, an attribute of visual appearance, is crucial in food

studies. It forms the pre-judgment of a person towards the food. This is especially true and must

be considered even in pizza crusts.

The color acceptability of the respondents in both replications as to the color is presented

in the following table:

Table 3
Mean Score for Color Acceptability of Sweet Potato as Flour Substitute in Pizza Crusts
Treatment Sensory Scale Statistical Interpretation Rank
No. Treatment
Rep. 1 Rep. 2 Total Mean
1 7.07 6.66 13.73 6.87 Moderately 1
2 6.85 6.69 13.54 6.77 Moderately 3
3 7.18 6.55 13.73 6.86 Moderately 2
Grand Total 41 20.5
GrandMean 6.83

Among the three treatments, the treatment with 50% sweet potato got the highest rank

and pertains to a high degree of product satisfaction. Note that this has 50% sweet potato ratio to

flour. Next in rank is the treatment with 0% sweet potato (control), with no sweet potato, and

lastly the treatment with 75% sweet potatowith 75% sweet potato. However, it must be noted that

the mean scores are very close to each other.

Texture Acceptability

Essentially, we not only taste with our tongues and mouths but also feel the food.

Oftentimes, in varying sensitivities, this is crucial but often taken for granted. In this study,
texture is particularly important because the textures of flour and sweet potato are markedly

differentand in pizza crusts, different textures are sought to be achieved. Some want the pizza

crust to be soft and foldable, while others desire it to be firm and hard. The following table

depicts the results of this sensory evaluation:

Table 4
Mean Scorefor Texture Acceptabiltiy of Sweet Potato as Flour Substitute in Pizza Crusts

Treatment Sensory Statistical Interpretation Rank

No. Scale Treatment
Rep. Rep. Total Mean
1 2 Among the
1 6.95 6.73 13.68 6.84 Moderately 1
treatment Like levels, 917
2 6.71 6.65 13.36 6.68 Moderately 2
has the Like highest rank,
3 6.88 6.2 13.08 6.54 Moderately 3
followed by Like 105, the lastly
Grand Total 40.12 20.06
GrandMean 6.69
229. Take note that the

scores are very close together.

Taste Acceptability

Arguably the most important sensory attribute with regard to food is taste. Sometimes,

we can just forego the other sensory attributes as long as the tastes good. The following table

shows the results of the sensory evaluation, with regard to food:

Table 5
Mean Score for Taste Acceptability of Sweet Potato as Flour Substitute in Pizza Crusts
Treatment Sensory Statistical Interpretatio Ran
No. Scale Treatment n k
Rep Rep Total Mea
.1 .2 n
1 6.92 6.22 13.1 6.54 Moderately 1
4 Like
2 6.47 6.36 12.8 6.42 Moderately 2
3 Like
3 6.59 5.49 12.0 6.04 Slightly Like 3
GrandTotal 38.0 19
GrandMea 6.33

The treatment with 50% sweet potatois ranked highest, followed closely by the treatment with

75% sweet potatoand the treatment with 0% sweet potato (control). Again, the scores are very

close that the difference almost seems negligible.

Aroma Acceptability

The researchers concede that although aroma may not a big factor in this particular study

on the acceptability of sweet potato as flour substitute in pizza crusts, it is actually well known

that aroma plays a huge part in the flavor of food. Sweet potato especially has a distinct aroma in

its raw and cooked state, although generally non offensive. With the substitution of flour with

sweet potato, the pizza crust after being baked may have a particular aroma; hence, the

researchers found it appropriate to include aroma in the evaluation.

Table 6
Mean Score for Aroma Acceptability of Sweet Potato as Flour Substitute in Pizza Crusts
Treatmen Sensory Statistical Interpretati Ran
t No. Scale Treatment on k
Re Re Tota Mea
p. p. l n
1 2
1 7.1 6.6 13.8 6.91 Moderatel 1
8 5 3 6 y Like
2 6.8 6.4 13.2 6.65 Moderatel 2
9 9 y Like

3 6.9 6.2 13.1 6.60 Slightly 3

2 7 9 Like

GrandTot 40.3 19
al 1
GrandMe 6.72

The treatment with 50% sweet potatohas the highest general acceptability, followed by

the treatment with 75% sweet potato, then lastly, the treatment with 0% sweet potato (control).

General Acceptability

The ultimate goal of this study is to determine the general acceptability of substituting the

flour in pizza crusts with sweet potato, and thus determining its feasibility and ingenuity. This

attribute was added to the other specific sensory attributes to gauge the candid and entire feelings

of the respondents toward the pizza crust samples.

The general acceptability of the data is shown as follows:

Table 7
Mean Score for General Acceptability of Sweet Potato as Flour Substitute in Pizza Crusts
Trea Sen Statist Inter R
tme sory ical preta a
nt Scal Treat tion n
No. e ment k
e e o e
p p t a
. . a n
1 2 l
1 7 6 1 6. Mod 2
. . 3 9 erate
1 8 . 9 ly
5 4 9 5 Like
2 6 7 1 7 Mod 1
. . 4 erate
9 0 ly
7 3 Like

3 7 6 1 6. Mod 3
. 3 6 erate
3 . 7 ly
3 3 Like
Gra 4 2
ndT 1 0.
otal . 6
3 6
2 5
Gra 6.
nd 8
Mea 9

In terms of general acceptability, the treatment with 75% sweet potatois highest, followed

closely by the treatment with 50% sweet potato, then lastly, the treatment with 0% sweet potato


Overall, the results has showed that The treatment with 50% sweet potato, comprising

of 50% sweet potato ratio to flour, ranks highest in terms of color, texture, taste, and aroma. The
treatment with 75% sweet potato, with 75% sweet potato ratio, ranked highest in terms of

general acceptability, but was followed very closely by the treatment with 50% sweet potato.

One Way ANOVA for Color Acceptability

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Factor 2 0.602 0.3008 0.26 0.774
Error 297 348.065 1.1719
Total 299 348.667

In these results, the null hypothesis states that the mean color acceptability scores of all

three different treatment levels are equal. Because the p-value is 0.774, which is greater than the

significance level of 0.05, the null hypothesis is accepted and thus, the treatment levels have

similar means.


Factor N Mean StDev 95% CI

T1 100 6.865 1.022 ( 6.652, 7.078)
T2100 6.7700 0.9359 (6.5570, 6.9830)
T3 100 6.865 1.263 ( 6.652, 7.078)
Interval Plot of 917, 105, ...
95% CI for the Mean






917 105 229

The pooled standard deviation was used to calculate the intervals.

Figure 9. Interval Plot for Color Acceptability

In the interval plot, the treatment with 75% sweet potato has the lowest mean and the

treatment with 50% sweet potato has the highest mean.

Based on the results, there is no significant difference in the color acceptability,

considering that there were two replications conducted. This means that in terms of color, the

sweet potato to flour substitution is deemed acceptable. There is no discernible difference among

the color of the treatment levels, and even if the color may visually vary, the researchers find that

slight variations in color did not substantially alter the foods acceptability.

One Way ANOVA for Texture Acceptability

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Factor 2 4.507 2.253 1.76 0.174
Error 297 380.040 1.280
Total 299 384.547
In these results, the null hypothesis states that the mean texture acceptability scores of all

three different treatment levels are equal. Because the p-value is 0.174, which is greater than the

significance level of 0.05, the null hypothesis is accepted and thus, the treatment levels have

similar means.

Factor N Mean StDev 95% CI

T1100 6.8400 0.9663 (6.6174, 7.0626)
T2100 6.6800 0.9601 (6.4574, 6.9026)
T3 100 6.540 1.408 ( 6.317, 6.763)

Interval Plot of 917, 105, ...

95% CI for the Mean








917 105 229

The pooled standard deviation was used to calculate the intervals.

Figure 10. Interval Plot for Texture Acceptability

In the interval plot, the treatment with 0% sweet potato (control)has the lowest mean and

the treatment with 50% sweet potato has the highest mean.

Based on the results, there is no significant difference in the texture acceptability,

considering that there were two replications conducted. This means that in terms of texture, the

substitution of flour with sweet potato is acceptable. The respondents did not find any substantial

difference among the treatment levels.

One Way ANOVA for Taste Acceptability

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Factor 2 14.85 7.426 4.99 0.007
Error 297 441.88 1.488
Total 299 456.73

In these results, the null hypothesis states that the mean texture acceptability scores of all

three different treatment levels are equal. Because the p-value is 0.007, which is lesser than the

significance level of 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected and thus, it can be concluded that some

of the treatment levels have different means.


Factor N Mean StDev 95% CI

T1100 6.570 1.054 (6.330, 6.810)
T2100 6.415 1.208 (6.175, 6.655)
T3100 6.040 1.376 (5.800, 6.280)

Interval Plot of 917, 105, ...

95% CI for the Mean







917 105 229

The pooled standard deviation was used to calculate the intervals.

Figure 11. Interval Plot for Taste Acceptability

In the interval plot, the treatment with 0% sweet potato (control)has the lowest mean and

the treatment 50% sweet potato has the highest mean.

Since the one-way ANOVA p-value is less than the significance level (0.05), some of the

treatment level means are different, so to determine which pairs of treatment level means are

different, the researchers further conducted the Tukey test, a statistical test measuring multiple


Tukey Pairwise Comparisons

Grouping Information Using the Tukey Method and 95% Confidence

Factor N Mean Grouping

T1100 6.570 A
T2100 6.415 A B
T3100 6.040 B

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

In these results, the table shows that the mean in the treatment with 75% sweet potatois

not statistically significant as compared to mean of the treatment 50% sweet potatoand to the

mean of The treatment with 0% sweet potato (control).

The treatment 50% sweet potatoand the treatment with 0% sweet potato (control)do

not share a letter, which indicates that the treatment with 50% sweet potatohas a significantly

higher mean than the treatment with 0% sweet potato (control).

Tukey Simultaneous 95% CIs
Difference of Means for 917, 105, ...

105 - 917

229 - 917

229 - 105

-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4

If an interval does not contain zero, the corresponding means are significantly different.

Figure 12. Tukey Pairwise Comparison for Taste Acceptability

Thus, in terms of taste acceptability, there is a significant difference between some of the

means. The treatment with 50% sweet potato in terms of taste acceptability is significantly

higher than the treatment with 0% sweet potato (control).This means that not only that the

sweet potato substituting flour in pizza crust is acceptable, but that it is actually more acceptable

or more preferable than the standard pizza crust recipe. The sweet potato added to the pizza crust

added a pleasant flavor reported as due to the sweetness of the sweet potato. However, the 50%

sweet potato concentration is more preferable than the 75% sweet potato concentration since in

the latter, there is too much sweet potato that the pizza curst tastes just like sweet potato, and

people may find this strange or unappealing.

One Way ANOVA for Aroma Acceptability

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Factor 2 5.927 2.963 2.55 0.080
Error 297 345.523 1.163
Total 299 351.449
In these results, the null hypothesis states that the mean color acceptability scores of all

three different treatment levels are equal. Because the p-value is 0.080, which is greater than the

significance level of 0.05, the null hypothesis is accepted and thus, the treatment levels have

similar means.

Factor N Mean StDev 95% CI

T1100 6.9150 0.9349 (6.7027, 7.1273)
T2 100 6.645 1.092 ( 6.433, 6.857)
Interval Plot of 917, 105, ...
95% CI for the Mean









917 105 229

The pooled standard deviation was used to calculate the intervals.

T3 100 6.595 1.193 ( 6.383, 6.807)

In the interval plot, the treatment with 0% sweet potato (control)has the lowest mean and

the treatment with 50% sweet potato has the highest mean.

Figure 13. Interval plot for Aroma Acceptability

Based on the results, there is no significant difference in the aroma acceptability,

considering that there were two replications conducted. This means that in terms of aroma, the

respondents did not find any substantial difference between the treatment levels. Thus, when

aroma is a crucial consideration, sweet potato as flour substitute is acceptable in pizza crusts.

One Way ANOVA for General Acceptability

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Factor 2 7.372 3.686 3.38 0.036
Error 297 324.275 1.092
Total 299 331.647

In these results, the null hypothesis states that the mean color acceptability scores of all

three different treatment levels are equal. Because the p-value is 0.036, which is lesser than the

significance level of 0.05, the null hypothesis is rejected and thus, the treatment levels have

different means.

Factor N Mean StDev 95% CI

T1100 6.9950 0.9142 (6.7894, 7.2006)
T2100 7.0000 0.8989 (6.7944, 7.2056)
T3 100 6.665 1.277 ( 6.459, 6.871)
Interval Plot of 917, 105, ...
95% CI for the Mean









917 105 229

The pooled standard deviation was used to calculate the intervals.

In the interval plot, the treatment with 0% sweet potato (control)has the lowest mean and the

treatment with 75% sweet potato has the highest mean.

Figure 14. Interval plot for General Acceptability

Since the one-way ANOVA p-value is less than the significance level (0.05), some of the

treatment level means are different, so to determine which pairs of treatment level means are

different, the researchers further conducted the Tukey test, a statistical test measuring multiple


Tukey Pairwise Comparisons

Grouping Information Using the Tukey Method and 95% Confidence

Factor N Mean Grouping

105 100 7.0000 A
917 100 6.9950 A
229 100 6.665 A

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

In these results, the table shows that the mean in the treatment with 75% sweet potatois

not statistically significant as compared to mean of the treatment with 50% sweet potatoand to

the mean of The treatment with 0% sweet potato (control).

Tukey Simultaneous 95% CIs

Difference of Means for 917, 105, ...

105 - 917

229 - 917

229 - 105

-0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50

If an interval does not contain zero, the corresponding means are significantly different.

The p-value in the ANOVA table and the multiple comparison results are based on

different methodologies and can occasionally produce contradictory results. It is possible that the

ANOVA p-value can indicate that there are differences between the means while the multiple

comparisons output indicates that the means are different. In this case, the multiple comparisons

output can be trusted.

.Thus, in terms of general acceptability, there is no significant difference between the

treatment means, considering that there were two replications conducted. The substitution of

flour with sweet potato is generally acceptable. This finding is confirmed by the findings of the

other sensory attributes, which also generally found that sweet potato as flour substitute is

generally acceptable. The only significance found was that the taste of the pizza crust with 50%
sweet potato to flour tastes significantly better than the standard pizza crust recipe, with only

flour (control).

Output of the Study

First, the researchers deem it crucial to note some observations:

The researchers have observed the marked difference with less ratios of flour: the dough

rises less. Flour is the primary structural ingredient in the crust and is largely responsible for
pizza dough texture and its rising and expansion. Hence, in the treatment with 50% sweet

potato (50% sweet potato), the pizza dough rises considerably less than that ofthe treatment

with 0% sweet potato (control) (0% sweet potato, or pure flour).

The treatment with 75% sweet potato (75% sweet potato) pizza dough rises even less

than the treatment with 50% sweet potato, and is notably hard to knead. The high sweet potato

concentration compared to flour made the dough sticky and non-cohesive, rendering the dough

difficult to knead and form.

Pizza dough is the foundation of pizza. In the making of pizza dough, there are different

choices as regards to the type of flour or flour substitute depending on the type of crust desired.

Some want their crust firm and thin, while others like their crust soft and chewy, others might

like it bubbly. Different variations and the balance of ingredients affect the quality and taste of

pizza dough.



This chapter presents the summary of the data from the previous chapter, its dominant

findings, as well as the researchers conclusions and recommendations.

This study was conducted to gauge the acceptability of substituting flour with sweet potato in

pizza crusts. In determining the mean differences between the treatment levels, the researchers

utilized the statistical method, OneWay Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).

The sweet potato-flour variations in this study which were used as the treatment levels were

flour substitutions of 75% sweet potato; 50% sweet potato; and 0% sweet potato (all flour). The

researchers attempted to produce a 100% sweet potato pizza crust variation, however, this proved

to be impossible as the dough becomes too sticky and non cohesive and thus cannot be kneaded

and formed.

Among the three treatments in this study, the most acceptable in terms of the sensory

attributes as measured by the subjects were the Color, Texture, Taste & Aroma, treatment 1 is

ranked as the most acceptable. While in General Acceptability, treatment 2 is ranked as the most


With regard to whether there is significant difference among the different treatments on the

following sensory attributes the Color, Texture, Aroma & General Acceptability there is no

significant difference among the means, while the Taste treatment 1 mean is significantly higher

than treatment 3 mean.

Based on the study, the researchers propose the recipe of Treatment 1, which consists of

50% sweet potato and 50% flour.


Generally, Treatment 1, with 50% sweet potato, ranked highest among the five sensory

attributes used in this study. Second was Treatment 2, with 75% sweet potato, and last was

Treatment 3 with 0% sweet potato.


After the data collection and analysis by the researchers, they have found that Treatment

1, with 50% sweet potato to flour ratio, is the best pizza crust variation when substituting flour

with sweet potato in pizza crusts.

On the sensory attributes, there is a significant difference on the means of the treatment

levels, which suggests that sweet potato is an acceptable substitute for flour. The researchers

have observed that although sweet potato is a good substitute, its ratio must not exceed 50%,

since from then on, the dough mixture gets increasingly becomes non cohesive and sticky, and

thus is hard to knead and form. Furthermore, the less flour the dough mixture has, the less it

rises, though this may depend on the preference of the pizza maker.

The researchers extrapolate that in the taste attribute, the subjects significantly rated the

50% sweet potato treatment higher over the 0% sweet potato treatment since the sweet potato

provides an interesting flavor to the dough mix. However, at 75% sweet potato ratio, the subjects

could distinctly taste the sweet potato, thus rendering the pizza dough to taste more of the former

rather than the latter.


The researchers recommend that future researchers and consumers:

1. Further explore the suggested pizza dough recipe, tweaking the recipe and adding other

2. That other attributes or factors contributing to acceptability be considered, such as costs.
3. That the suggested pizza dough recipe be mass produced, and compared with the standard

pizza recipe to study feasibility for business.

4. To conduct other studies on substituting flour with sweet potato on other food products,

such as bread, cookies, etc.

5. To replicate the study, but with a specialized class of survey, measuring expanded and

specific factors and attributes.

Appendix A

Standard Recipe of Pizza

For the purposes of this study, the total amount of flour used for the crust will be

measured and will be substituted with flour, in accordance with the treatments/levels.


2 cups sweet potato

2 cups flour

2 tbsp. dry yeast

1 cup warm water

1 tsp salt

2 tbsps. sugar

2 tbsps. oil

(Dough & Crust Procedure):

1. Sift the flour and salt. Combine yeast, oil and sugar.
2. Cover and leave for 5 minutes until yeast mixture becomes bubbly

3. Make a hole at the center of the flour and pour the yeast mixture and combine with the

mashed sweet potato.

4. Cover again and leave it for 15 minutes until the dough rises well

5. Knead it for 10 minutes until becomes smooth and elastic

6. Roll the dough until you can form a perfect shape you desired

7. Put into the greased pan and prick the dough all over with a fork

8. Bake at least 15to 20 minutes at 180 degrees.


Appendix B

Sensory Evaluation Sheet

Acceptability of Sweet Potato as Pizza Crust Recipe
Name of the Product
Name:___________________________ Judge No:__________
Age:___________________________ Date:_____________

Directions: Please taste the given samples. Rate the pizza crust sample in the space
provided, according to the rating scale below.

Note: Drink some water to rinse your mouth before tasting each sample.
T1 T2 T3
Color ________ ________ ________
Texture ________ ________ ________
Taste ________ ________ ________
Aroma ________ ________ ________
Gen. Acceptability ________ ________ ________

Rating Scale
9 Like Extremely
8 Like Very Much
7 Like Moderately
6 Like Slightly
5 Neither Like or Dislike
4 Dislike Slightly
3 Dislike Moderately
2 Dislike Very Much
1 Dislike Extremely

Appendix C


Dear Student,
We are Bachelor of Science In Industrial Technology Major in Food Preparation and

Services Technology students of Cebu Technological University. As a requisite for the

completion of our course, we are conducting an experimental research on the acceptability of the

sweet potato as a flour substitute for pizza crust. We have chosen you as a respondent to take part

in our study. This study would entail your participation by tasting the food samples and rating

them accordingly. If you have any questions or reservations, do not hesitate to ask us. Thank you

for your time.

Shyla Mae Alosbanos

Vanessa Lucero

Jenny Rose Patalinjug

Joeline Villafuerte

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