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Facts about NASA's Exploration Architecture and New Spaceship

Vision for Space Exploration

• President George W. Bush set a bold Vision for Space Exploration on January
14, 2004, that instructed NASA to return the space shuttle to flight, complete the
International Space Station, return to the moon, and continue on to Mars.

• Extending a human presence across the solar system and beyond will require a
sustained and affordable human and robotic program using innovative
technologies, knowledge and infrastructures. NASA will promote international
and commercial involvement whenever practical.

• Returning to the moon provides opportunities to develop and mature

technologies needed for long-term survival on other worlds. It builds confidence
so we can venture farther from Earth and stay for longer periods.

• Sustained moon visits also give us the opportunity to conduct fundamental

science in astrobiology, geology, exobiology, astronomy and physics.

• NASA will follow a safe, accelerated, affordable, yet sustainable approach to

achieving its Vision goals. This could shorten the gap in U.S. human space flight
once the space shuttle is retired in 2010, and ensure the U.S. can continue to
service the International Space Station.

Next Generation Spacecraft

• NASA's next generation spacecraft will use an improved, blunt-body capsule,

much like the shape of the Apollo spacecraft only larger. With an outside
diameter of approximately 5.5 meters, the spacecraft will have more than three
times the volume of the Apollo capsules. This design will shorten development
time, reduce reentry loads, increase landing stability, and permit safe travel for
up to six crewmembers.

• The new spacecraft can be configured as a crew or cargo module. The crew
module will carry four crewmembers during lunar missions and up to six
crewmembers for Mars missions.

• This spacecraft design offers significant advancements over the Apollo capsule.
Besides being safer and more reliable, it doubles the number of crew to the lunar
surface, permits landing anywhere on the moon, and fully supports a permanent
human presence while preparing for future Mars missions.

• The spacecraft will have a total mass of 25 metric tons, be able to dock with the
International Space Station and other exploration elements, use a liquid oxygen /
liquid methane service module propulsion system (yet to be developed), and
return to dry land with a water landing as backup.

Launch System

• After extensive study of all viable options, NASA chose the shuttle-derived option
for its launch system because of its superior safety, cost and schedule
availability. Specifically, the space shuttle's main engines and solid propellant
rocket boosters are reliable, human-rated, and best able to fit the planned
architecture. The industrial base to support this option is already in place that will
significantly lower development costs and support a workforce that will transition
when we retire the shuttle in 2010.

• NASA chose two primary launch vehicles. The crew launch vehicle is a single
four-segment shuttle solid propellant rocket booster with a liquid oxygen / liquid
hydrogen upper stage supporting one shuttle main engine. This configuration can
lift 25 metric tons. This capacity can be increased by an additional 7 metric tons if
a fifth segment is added to the booster.

• The crew launch vehicle is 10 times safer than the space shuttle, primarily due to
its in-line design and launch abort system. Should conditions warrant, the
spacecraft and crew can separate from the upper stage of the launch vehicle and
make a safe landing on land or in water.

• The lunar heavy cargo launch vehicle will consist of five shuttle main engines,
and two, five-segment shuttle solid propellant rocket boosters. This combination
yields a lift capability of 106 metric tons to low Earth orbit, and 125 metric tons if
using an Earth departure stage. Although primarily designed to carry cargo, this
system can be human-rated to carry crew into orbit.

• NASA has the capability to land 21 metric tons on the lunar surface with
dedicated cargo missions.
• The Earth departure stage uses a liquid oxygen / liquid hydrogen propulsion
system similar to the shuttle external tank that supports two J-2S engines. The
Earth departure stage ignites suborbitally and delivers the lander to low Earth
orbit. After the crew spacecraft docks with this system, the Earth departure stage
performs a trans-lunar injection burn, which starts the vehicle's journey to the
moon. When the burn is completed, the Earth departure stage is discarded. This
is what will get us to the moon.

Lunar Mission

• NASA will follow a logical and deliberate path on its journey to the moon.
Returning to the moon will allow us to develop and mature the technologies
needed for further exploration to Mars and beyond. A sustained presence will
demonstrate we can survive on another world by living off the land and will build
confidence that we can venture still farther and stay for longer periods. Returning
to the moon also will let us conduct fundamental science in astrobiology,
geology, exobiology, astronomy and physics.

• Prior to returning to the moon, we will send robotic missions to further study, map
and learn about the lunar surface. These early missions (between 2008 and
2011) will help select landing sites and determine whether in-situ resources are
available (oxygen, hydrogen, metals, etc.).

• Robotic missions will provide the critical data necessary to ensure a safe and
successful human mission back to the moon. Engineers will develop robotic
hardware that can be reused once humans arrive.

• Production of the lunar lander, heavy launch vehicle, and Earth departure stage
will begin in 2011 with a human lunar flight scheduled for 2018. These first lunar
missions will be short "seven-day" sorties.

• Starting in 2013, NASA will begin production of the equipment required to sustain
long-term lunar visits.

• Once launched into low Earth orbit, a four-member crew will rendezvous with the
lunar lander before leaving for the moon. Once in lunar orbit, all four
crewmembers will transfer to the lunar lander for travel to the moon's surface.
The crew spacecraft will stay in orbit in an unmanned configuration.

• The lander will use a liquid oxygen / liquid hydrogen propulsion system for
descent, and a liquid oxygen / liquid methane propulsion system for ascent.

• The crew will use an airlock for surface activities. Crews will conduct scientific
investigations to understand planetary processes as well as the integrated effects
of gravity and radiation on the human body.
• NASA will establish a lunar outpost, one mission at a time. Each mission will
enable longer stays.

• Apollo was restricted to landing sites along the moon's equator. Our new systems
let us land anywhere on the moon's surface. Scientists currently consider the
lunar south pole to be a good landing site because researchers believe that area
has elevated quantities of hydrogen and possibly water ice that can be used in a
habitat environment.

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