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Ritual Magic

Factors that will determine the success or failure of the ritual:

1 Casters Magic Ritual Bonus
2 Sum of all spell levels x3
3 List Modification (bonuses should be factored for EACH spell in ritual)
a Non standard or list caster cannor normall learn -30
b on list caster can learn but does not know yet -15
c on list caster knows, but not high enough level -5
d on list caster knows to proper level +5
4 Time Spent is equal to (Ritual Level - Caster's Level) in hours
5 For every 5 hours (round up) caster or casters must make a Ritual Roll modified
by only their Magic Ritual Bonus
this roll must equal 101+, or the ritual will sudder a modification of -20 (mod is unknown to caster)
6 Power invested
a Must spend ritual level * 1.5 minimum power points to be successful
b For every multiple of these PP, a +5 will be added to the ritual
c PPs from "Participants" and not "casters only count half

Roll Plus Bonus Effect

100-90* The ritual succeeds, but all casters have no spell points for 1-10 days
89-80* The ritual succeeds, but all casters have no spell points for 3-30 days
79-70 The ritual is successful, but only at 75% Strength, and all casters have no spell points for
4-40 days
69-60 The ritual is successful, but only at 75% Strength, and all casters have no spell points for
5-50 days. In addition the backlash causes participands to take "C" Cold and "A" Impact
59-50 The ritual is successful, but only at 50% Strength, and all casters have no spell points for
6-60 days. In addition an explosion blows all participants back 20 ft. All take "D" Impact
and "B" Crush Criticals
49-40 The ritual fails. Casters take "E" Impact and "C" Crush Criticals. No spell points for 8-80
days. Participants take "D" Impact and "B" Crush Criticals and no spell points for 1-10
39-20 The ritual fails, all involved are knocked out for 1-10 hours. Casters take "E" Impact and
"C" Crush Criticals and have no spell points for 10-100 days. Participants take "D"
Impact and "B" Crush Criticals and have no spell points for 2-20 days
19' Ritual is perverterd, all are knocked out for 1-10 hours
* Caster may choose to stop Ritual on this result, PPs are lost and material ,ay be consumed

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