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Facebook Addiction: Signs and Symptoms

By: Kyle Ynes A. Dayahan, Gwynne A. Paradero, Aldger Albelda and Daniel Gamo.


Facebook is a useful and enjoyable way to interacting with others online it allows

users to catch up with friends and family (Conrad 2016). But it is a different story when you

add addiction to it. Addicted physically dependent on a particular substance and unable to stop

taking it without incurring adverse effect or enthusiastically devoted to a particular thing or

activity a definition that was said in Google.

In this research my colleagues and I will show the symptoms of Facebook Addiction with

the help of many reliable sources, Which the student, teacher or even a parent would be able to

assess themselves and whether they are addicted or not for there can be negative effects

physically and mentally.

Theoretical Background

Leslie Walker in that Facebook addiction is when you spend two hours or

even three hours daily in the said website. Facebook is the most popular social networking of all

time. That is why many people are very addicted to this web page, especially to the teenagers.

Facebook addiction leads to an alienated life and mental problems. According to Dr. Conrad, B.

(2017), many people spend far too much on Facebook and may at the very least describe

themselves as being obsessed, if not addicted.

In the article the 6 symptoms of Facebook Addiction, Walker mentioned that when you

use Facebook too much, it will have a negative impact on your job or studies and you become

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restless and troubled, she also said that sometimes you use Facebook in order to forget about

personal problems. It is also for entertainments when you are bore, ether you posts what is your

opinion, watch videos to satisfy themselves.

Using Facebook too much, there are some incidents usually happen. According to

Paddock, C. PhD (2015) article of Facebook Addiction: Negative Effects, states that, the most

dangerous negative effect of Facebook is that users personal data becomes public on this social

networking website. This could pose a threat to the privacy of the users that could cause cyber

bullying and their accounts will be hacked.

The reason why people or many people are addicted to Facebook is that they find

Facebook a very interesting website to them and spend hours with that website. Paddock

mentioned that the users could watch videos, films, gamble, and play games on this site. This is

particularly relevant given that Facebook is now more than a social networking site that is why

this site is so popular especially to Filipinos.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to know what are the signs and symptoms of Facebook Addiction, where

they use Facebook more often and what do they do in Facebook more. The study will benefit the


Students. It will be an eye opener and a warning to them that there is such thing as Facebook


Researchers. This would increase our knowledge in this growing addiction.

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Readers. This would benefit you greatly. Just like the students, you would be warned of this


Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the sign and symptoms of Facebook Addiction to specifically

answer the following questions:

1. How often do students use Facebook at?

1.1 Home

1.2 School

1.3 Other places

2. What are the activities do students engage while on Facebook?

3. What are the signs and symptoms being manifested by students who are addicted to

4. Scope and Limitations of the Study


1. Do you have the Facebook app in your gadgets?

1.1 If yes, how many hours do you use Facebook in your house?
1.2 How about in school?
1.3 How about in other places?

2. What makes you use Facebook?

1.1 Is it the pictures of your friends?

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1.2 How about the picture quotes or funny videos?
1.3 Or is it the chatting app that makes you really use it?


Research Design

Our study is a case study; we interview people to know the reasons behind to the problem

of our research topic. For case study describes a person, a thing or any creature on earth for the

purpose of explaining the reason behind the nature of its existence. It centers on an individual or

single subject, its capacity to deal with a lot of factors to determine the unique characteristics of

the entity.

Research Setting

We conducted our study in Mountain View College Academy, Mt. Nebo, Valencia City,


Research Participants

We have four (4) respondents who were able to pass the criteria.

Criteria for our respondents are the following:

a) A student or teacher in Mountain View College Academy Junior high school.

b) Age ranges to 13 years old and above

c) Uses Facebook for at least more than 3 hours. Just to follow Walkers claim of two or

more hours in Facebook is called addiction.

d) Two boys and two girls each year level if able.

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Research Instrumentation

The researchers will use a questionnaire during an interview with a cellphone to record (if

allowed by the participant) the interview.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers would gather data from a reliable source and through the interview

questions that were answered by the respondents. This data will be answering the following


1. How do the participants define Facebook?

2. Where do they usually use Facebook?
3. What are the things that make them use Facebook?

Ethical Considerations

Our respondents would be assured that their identity would be hidden only his or her age

and gender would be known. We would also assure them that what stays in research, stays in the

research and the information shared to us by the respondents wont be said anywhere and to



Participant Profile:

What is your grade level?

What is your age?

Topic Questions:

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What is Facebook to you?

Who introduced you to Facebook?

Do use it at home, at school or in other places?

How many hours do you use it?

What do you usually do in Facebook?

What makes you use Facebook all the time?

Data Analysis

The participants of the interview were handpicked after asking a few students of the age and the

hours they spent using Facebook. They were picked after knowing that they used Facebook for more than

3 hours and when they were 13 years old and above. This will tackle brief information of the participants

and a data analysis of their answers.

The Participants

The participants were schooling or teaching in MVCA and their age ranged from 13-38

years old.
There was one participant from the Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 10 and a teacher in the

The participant from the Grade 7(Participant 0001) and the Grade 10(participant 0002)

was a female. While the Grade 8(Participant 0003) and the teacher(Participant 0004) that

was interviewed was a male


Our respondents had similarities in their definition of Facebook. They said that Facebook

is a social media where they can connect and communicate with other people. Like what

participant 0002 said Its a social media. Also they had a lot of signs that they showed in the

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interview. Two participants used it for more than 3 hours as what was said by participant 0001.

While participant 0003 had a higher number of hours clocked, participant 0003 say he uses Facebook for

about 6 hours, but 0004 has the highest, by admitting that he uses Facebook for 24/7.

The respondents would use Facebook anywhere and anytime, and like what participant

0004 emphasized that I use it all the time. Because its my means of communication, so I come

to school my tablet is always on, my laptop is always on, my Facebook is always on its not log

out so that all people can communicate with me. Our female respondents use Facebook as a

place where they can stalk their friends and their enemies, chat with friends and family, and post

status and pictures. Like what participant 0002 said in her Stalk friends Ug (and) Stalk enemies

While participant 0003 said that the entertainment, the videos. Kay usahay atung load twenty

lang so pang Facebook lang (because sometimes our load is only 20 which makes us use FB



Based in the researchers findings regarding to the questions, with its features like the Messenger,

search engine, videos and the ability to post your thoughts, pictures and videos Facebook can really make

people use it for more than 3 hours. Also with Facebook available for download in any gadget, they are

able to bring and use it everywhere. We researchers can also say that Facebook could also make a person

more sociable. Just like what Paddock, C. PhD(2015) said above that people who are addicted to

Facebook would share to much info about themselves, add unknown friends and even give out

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their addresses. We recommend that we should limit our adding of friends, the information that

we share in FB so that we would not be affected of cases like being hacked and more.


Austin, M. (2012, February 20). Facebook Addiction?. Retrieved from:

Conrad, B. (2011). Why Is Facebook Addictive? Twenty-One Reasons For Facebook Addiction.
Retrieved from:

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Fenichel, M. (2016). Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD). Retrieved from:

Molloy, M. (2016, February 17). Facebook addiction activates same part of the
brain as cocaine. Retrieved from:

Paddock, C. (2015, June 22). Facebook Addiction - New Psychological Scale.

Retrieved from:

Potarazu, S. (2013 , January 24). Addicted to Facebook?. Retrieved from:

Summer , A. (2011, May 2). Facebook Addiction Disorder The 6 Symptoms of F.A.D. Retrieved from:

Walker, L. (2016, October 6). Facebook Addiction - Definition. Retrieved from:

Waugh, R. (2012, April 6). Facebook can lead to 'addiction', especially among the

educated - and heavy users feel less happy about their lives. Retrieved from:

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Conrad, B. (2016, February 13). Facebook Addiction Disorder - Twenty-One Helpful Tips. Retrieved
from: (2016). Number of monthly active Facebook users worldwide as of 4th quarter 2016.
Retrieved from:

Appendix A
Letter of Permission to the

Principal of Mountain View College

March 8, 2017

Chona A. Ramos, MS


Mountain View College Academy

Valencia City, Bukidnon

Dear Maam Ramos,

We are the Senior High School students enrolled in Practical Research I this Second
Semester, 2016-2017. As a requirement for the said subject, we are going to conduct a qualitative
research entitled Facebook Addiction: Signs and Symptoms.
The purpose of this research is to give awareness of Facebook Addiction and its signs and
symptoms among Academy students. The researchers would like to know why students addicted
to Facebook.

We are asking your approval to allow us to conduct the study among Academy students. We will
be selecting students based on a set of criteria. Rest assured that all research protocols and ethical
considerations will be observed in the conduct of this study and that confidentiality will be
strictly observed.

Thank you and God bless

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Kyle Ynes A. Dayahan Gwynne A. Paradero Aldger Albelda Daniel Gamo

Noted by:
Dr. Hope S. Aperocho

Appendix B

Letter to the Respondents of

Mountain View College Academy

Dear Participant:

We are Senior High School students of Mountain View College Academy conducting a
qualitative research entitled Facebook Addiction: Signs and Symptoms. The purpose of this
study is to give awareness of Facebook Addiction and its signs and symptoms among Academy
students. The researchers would like to know why students addicted to Facebook.

You have been chosen to be a participant in this study. If ever you agree to this, please read the
Participant Consent Form and affix your signature signifying your voluntary participation in this

Thank you and God Bless,

Kyle Ynes A. Dayahan Gwynne A. Paradero Aldger Albelda Daniel Gamo


I, _____________________________________________, give consent to my

participation in the research study entitled Facebook Addiction: Signs and Symptoms

In giving my consent, I acknowledge that:

1. The procedures required for the study and the time involved has been explained to me
and any questions I have about the study have been answered to my satisfaction.

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2. I allow the researchers to interview me and that they may use a videotape or voice
recorder for the interview. I understand that this recording will be used for research
purposes only, and no one except the researchers will ever view or listen to it;
3. I understand that I can withdraw for the study any time, without affecting my relationship
with the researchers now and in the near future;
4. I understand that my involvement is strictly confidential and no information about me
will be used in any way that reveals with my identity;
5. I understand that my participation is completely voluntary and I may withdraw from the
study any time without giving a reason and any information that I have supplied up to the
point Ill not be included in the study.
Confirmed_______________________________________ Date____________
Signature over printed name of participant

Appendix C

Research Instrument

Interview Questions:

Demographic Profile:

What is your year level?

What is your age?

Now I am going to ask you questions about our topic Facebook addiction.

Domain Topic and Probes

Facebook What is Facebook to you?
introduction Who introduced you to Facebook?
Places where Do use it at home, at school or in other places?
they use How many hours do you use it?
Uses of What do you usually do in Facebook?
Facebook What makes you use Facebook all the time?

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Closing: Is there anything else you think is important in minimizing this problem among high
school students?

Thank participant
Provide extra information and contacts to participants

Contact Summary from each in-depth interview

ID NO:l__l__l__l__l Facilitators Initials: l__l__l__l__l

Participant sub-group type (Circle): Male/Female

Audio file:___________ Site Number: Date:

Todays date:___________

1. How would you describe the atmosphere and content of the interview?

2. What were the main points made by the respondents during the interview?

3. What new information did you gain through this interview compared to the previous

4. Was there anything surprising to you personally? Or that made you think differently?

5. What messages did you take from this interview for intervention design?

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6. Were there any problems with the topic guide (e.g. wording, order of topics, missing
topics) you experienced in the interview?

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