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[EURME 602]
B.Tech. Degree Examination
Mechanical Engineering
(Effective from the admitted batch 200809)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 60
Instructions: Each Unit carries 12 marks.
Answer all units choosing one question from each unit.
All parts of the unit must be answered in one place only.
Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted.
1. a) Discuss in detail about applications of FEM and historical
background of FEM 6
b) What do you understand by plane stress and plane strain body?
Give an example 6
2. Two Trolleys are connected by the arrangement of springs shown
in the figure below
a) Determine the complete set of equilibrium equations for the
system in the form [k]{U} = {F} 9
b) If k = 50N/mm and F 1 = 20 N and F 2 = 15 N, compute the

displacement of each trolley and the force in each spring 3

3. Consider the structure shown below. A riged bar of negligible mass
pinned at one end is supported by a steel rod and an aluminium rod.
A load P = 3010 3 N is applied as shown

a) Model the structure using two finite elements. What are the
boundary conditions for your model 6
b) Develop the modified stiffness matrix and modified load vector.
Solve the equation Q. Then determine the elemental stresses 6

4. a) Derive the element stiffness matrix for a truss element in local
coordinate system 9
b) Give the elemental stiffness equation for a three dimensional truss
element. List the methods of solving assembly of global stiffness
matrix 3
5. a) Determine the Jacobian of the transformation J for the triangular
elements s 6
b) For point P located inside the triangle shown in the figure below
the shape functions N1 and N2 are 0.15 and 0.25, respectively.
Determine the x and y coordinates of point P 6
6. a) Derive the strain displacement matrix for axisymmetric
triangular element 9
b) Discuss advantages of axisymmetric modeling in FEM 3
7. a) Derive the shape function for four node quadrilateral element 6
b) Evaluate the integral
1 1
I 1
3e + 2 x 2 + dx
( 3x + 4 )

using one point and two point Gauss quadrature 6
8. Analyse beam shown in the figure by using FEM 12

9. Determine the Eigen values and Eigen vectors for the stepped bar 12
shown in the figure below
10. a) Derive the elemental mass matrix for CST triangular element 6
b) Explain the steps involved in inverse iteration method 6

[08/VI S/114]

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