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1The figures of first quarter released by China National Bureau of statistics shows, China's
export with Belt & Road countries increased 14.8 percent to 3326.8 billion; the import value
increased 31.1 percent to 2871.8 billion. The statistics shows that China not only go out, but also
bring in. Under the rise of Global trade protectionism, What kind of benefits do you think the
Belt & Road Initiative bring to the global trade and how does it effect the local peoples live?

The Sild Road played significant role in history, while making east and west closer to each other,
and is considered to be one of the most important trading routes.

Belt & Road, as an initiative, probably has potential to become a largest platform for regional
cooperation. Statistics is showing that, collaboration is taking its place, and economic results are
the ones where this Initiatives impact can be mostly visible. As you have stated, trade between
China and Belt & Roads countries is blooming, and we expect that to develop in same direction.
China as a country is important in international trade, and this Initiative brings only benefits to
China also. Today, all eyes are on Belt & Road Initiative, since it has the strength to reshape
global trade. It is estimated that more than 60 countries around the world will have, direct or
indirect, benefits from this Initiative.

Benefits to China, and its people, can be visible in terms of: economic growth, infrastructure
developments, decrease in air pollution and greenhouse emissions , better securement of raw
materials supply and energy.

2Now many people are talking about a hot word CHINA EUROPE FREIGHT TRAIN
which has made a brilliant achievement since it opened. In the recent years, China has increased
the overseas Infrastructure construction such as CR Express. What benefit do you think the
increasing infrastructure construction can bring for the along trade developments? Can you share
some examples like this?

Ultimate goal for all of us should be creation of worldwide free trade area, where goods from one
part of the world would easily finding their consumer on other part of the world. This train is
exactly step forward in that process. We live in century where market situation is highly
competitive, and there is a huge demand for solution, that will create competitive advantage for
companies. If we reach our goal, people are the ones who will feel positive results of structural

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