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I put the request on Ola support mail that i was unable to access my Ola account as it shows Account temporarily suspended &
not be able to make any further bookings using this account., So please unblock my account as I used to take Ola service on
daily basis as my office timings in night shift. Then Ola support replied that my account was suspended due to the violation of
Ola Cabs policy. So i replied that I want to know what exact policy violated by me. I never cancel the booking when i booked
Ola. Then what else i want to know what violation i have done so that it never happened again in future case. And further insist
i am a regular user of Ola so i am requesting you to please unblock my account.

Then i was shocked when they replied --- We are unable to determine the exact reason of violation and there is no manual
intervention on this.

The system has identified and suspended your account. I am sorry to inform you that you will not be able to make any further
bookings using this account. Then i replied You don't know the issue & you just blocked my account. Maybe its an error from
your system. I have never violated any terms per protocol.

I need the explanation & please refund my money that i have spent on share pass 5 days before if you were not going to
unblock my account & also requested to have conversation with senior manager. When i got the call, she said she don't know
the reason & was unable to unblock the account (permanently banned). On application when i open that it shows account
temporarily suspended & on call she mentioned account permanently banned & she mentioned i don't get any refund for the
share pass service i bought just 5 days before.

Just making fool of me i dont know the reason even they wont know, maybe there was a system error but they wont take any
step to resolve the issue, just making fool of me providing false commitments.
I want the refund and compensation against this. This isnt the way to handle customers by telling them we wont know the
exact reason for cause and we wont do nothing related to issue, that is system generated. Need ASAP Solution.

Yours Truly,
Shavel Gupta

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