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Hotel Rwanda

Movie Review
In Hotel Rwanda it is a story about a man named Paul Rusesabagina
and his family in the Rwandan Genocide. Paul is the manger of a hotel
and is a Hutu. However his wife is Tutsi and his children are half
mixed. This brave man saved thousands of Tutsis, Hutu refugees, and
orphans during this huge tragedy. He bribed war commanders with
alcohol and money, however he knew it wouldn't last for long. He
becomes very good friends with the UN and they helped Paul as much
as they could. The hotel was attacked many times until the UN was
able to come in and take all of the people in the hotel to safe grounds.
The movie ends by Paul and his family finding his brother-in-laws
children and them leaving Rwanda to escape the war.

One connection between the book and the movie is that in both there
is someone hiding Tutsis. In the movie Paul is hiding hundreds of
I give Hotel Rwanda 4 out of 5 Tutsis in the hotel and trying to keep them safe from the
stars. I thought the storyline was Interahahmwe. In the book Left to Tell a friend of Immacules
interesting and it always kept me parents who is a pastor is hiding Immacule and several other women
guessing. The only thing that I in a bathroom. Another connection between the book and the movie is
didn't enjoy was that it was so that in the movie the hotel is attacked by the Interahahmwe and the
gruesome, and the fact that the Hutu soldiers often, and in the book the pastors house is searched by
actual story was so depressing. It the Interahahmwe many times as well. One other connection is that in
was upsetting to think that this both the book and the movie two brave Hutu men are risking their lives
was a real story. Other than that for the lives of others. They both realize the importance of everyones
I thought the actors and actresses lives unlike the killers. The last connection is that the main characters
did a great job. Overall I enjoyed in the movie and the book both survive in the end and get to leave.
the movie greatly.

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