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Dimensional Analysis and Error Analysis

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Topics Covered:
Units and measurement; Dimensional Analysis; Error Analysis; Order of magnitude

Q1. A physical quantity is measured and the result is expressed as nu, where u is
the unit used and n is the numerical value. If the result is expressed in various
units then,
(a) n size of u.
(b) n u2.
(c) n u
(d) n 1/u
Q2. A stone is dropped from the top of a well having water at a depth of 250 m. if the
splash of sound is heard after 7.77 s; then the velocity of sound in air is
approximately (Take g = 9.8 m/s2.)
(a) 330 m/s
(b) 350 m/s
(c) 370 m/s
(d) 390 m/s
Q3. A stone is dropped into a well having water at a depth of 125m. If the speed of
sound in air is 350 m/s, the splash of sound will be heard after a time of (g = 10
(a) 5.357 s
(b) 5.857 s
(c) 5.157 s
(d) 5.557 s
Q4. An earthquake generates both longitudinal (P) and transverse (S) sound waves
in the earth. The speed of S waves is about 4.5 km/s and that of P waves is about 8
km/s. a seismograph records P and S waves from an earthquake. The first P wave
arrives 4 min before the first S wave. The epicentre of the earthquake is located at a
distance of about
(a) 25 km
(b) 250 km
(c) 2500 km
(d) 5000 km
Q5. A steel tube of length 1m is struck at one end. A person with his ear close to the
other end hears the sound of the blow twice, one travelling through the body of the
tube and other through the air in the tube. If speed of sound in air is 332 m/s and
in steel is 5200 m/s, the time gap between two hearings will be
(a) 2.25 ms
(b) 2.75 ms
(c) 3.25 ms
(d) 3.75 ms
Q6. At a prayer meeting, the disciples sing JAI-RAM, JAI-RAM. The sound amplified
by the loudspeaker comes back after reflection from a building at a distance of 80m
from the meeting. What maximum interval can be kept between one JAI-RAM and
the other JAI-RAM so that the echo does not disturb the listener sitting in the
meeting? Speed of sound in air is 320 m/s. House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 1

(a) 0.5 s
(b) 1.0 s
(c) 1.5 s
(d) 2.0 s
Q7. A man stands before a large wall at a distance of 50m and claps his hands at
regular intervals. Initially, the interval is large. He gradually reduces the interval and
fixes it at a value when the echo of a clap merges with the next clap. If he has to clap
10 times during every 10 s, find the velocity of sound in air.
(a) 120 m/s
(b) 100 m/s
(c) 130 m/s
(d) 110 m/s
Q8. Astronomical unit (AU), parsec and light year (LY) are the three units of large
distances. These in the descending order of magnitude are
(a) AU < parsec < LY
(b) AU < LY < parsec
(c) Parsec < LY < AU
(d) LY < AU < parsec
Q9. What are the dimensions of
(a) Torque (b) Angular momentum
(c) Solar constant (d) Thermal conductivity
(e) Thermal resistance (f) Stefans constant
(g) Weins constant (h) Gas constant
(i) Gravitational constant (j) Plancks constant
(k) Avagadros constant (l) Angular momentum
Q10. In the equation: F = A sin ( Bt ) + ; if F is force, v is velocity and x is
C ln ( Dx )
distance; find the dimensions of A, B, C and D.
Q11. In the equation: X = At + ; if v is velocity, t is time and x is distance;
B ln ( Ct )
find the dimensions of A, B, C and D.
Q12. E, m, L, G denote energy, mass, angular momentum and gravitation constant
respectively. The dimensions of 5 2 will be that of
(a) Angle
(b) Length
(c) Mass
(d) Time
Q13. The dimensional formula of which of the following pair is not same?
(a) Impulse and momentum
(b) Torque and work
(c) Stress and pressure
(d) Momentum and angular momentum
Q14. Which of the following combination of three dimensionally physical quantities
P, Q, R can never be a meaningful quantity?
(a) PQ R
(b) PQ/R
(c) (P Q)/R
(d) (PR Q2)/QR House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 2

a t
Q15. The dimensions of a/b in the equation; P = where P is pressure is:
(a) [M2 L T 3]
(b) [M T 2]
(c) [L T 3]
(d) [M L3 T 1]
Q16. Which of the following sets cannot enter into the list of fundamental quantities
in any system of unit?
(a) Length, mass and velocity
(b) Length, time and velocity
(c) Mass, time and velocity
(d) Length, time and mass
Q17. If P and Q are having different non-zero dimensions, which of the following
operations are possible?
(a) P + Q
(b) PQ
(c) P Q
(d) 1
Q18. If the speed v of particle of mass m as function of time t is given by
v = A sin t , where A has dimensions of length.
(a) The argument of trigonometric function must be dimensionless quantity.
(b) The dimensional formula of is [L T 1]
(c) Dimensional formula of k is [M L T 2]
(d) Dimensional formula of k/m is [T2].
Q19. Pressure depends upon distance as P = exp , where and are
constants, z is distance, k is Boltzmanns constant and is temperature. The
dimensions of are
(a) [M0 L0 T0]
(b) [M 1 L 1 T 1]
(c) [M0 L2 T0]
(d) [M 1 L 1 T2]
Q20. In the formula X = 3YZ2, X and Z have dimensions of capacitance and
magnetic induction respectively. What are the dimensions of Y in MKS system?
(a) [M 3L 1T3 Q4]
(b) [M 3L 2T4 Q4]
(c) [M 2L 2T4 Q4]
(d) [M 3L 2T4 Q1]
Q21. Which of the following sets have different dimensions?
(a) Pressure, Youngs modulus, stress
(b) EMF, potential difference, electric potential
(c) Heat, work, energy
(d) Dipole moment, electric flux, electric field.
Q22. Which of the following does not have the same dimensions?
(a) Electric flux, electric field, electric dipole moment.
(b) Pressure, stress, Youngs modulus House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 3

(c) Heat, potential energy and work done.
(d) EMF, p.d., electric voltage.
Q23. The ratio of Plancks constant and moment of inertia has the dimensions of
(a) Time
(b) Frequency
(c) Angular momentum
(d) Velocity
Q24. While printing a book a printer made certain mistakes in the following relation.
Find the correct relation.
(a) y = A sin .
(b) y = A sin (x + )
(c) y = A sin (t + )
(d) y = sin (x + )
Q25. In the relation F = t 1 + t2, t denotes time and and are constants.
Dimensions of and are
(a) [M L T 3] and [M L T 4]
(b) [M L T 1] and [M L T 3]
(c) [M L T 1] and [M L T 4]
(d) [M L T 2] and [M L T 4]
t+a b 2
Q26. The displacement x in time t is given by the relation; x = + t , where a, b
b c
and c are constants. The dimensions of a, b and c are:
(a) T, L T 1 and L 2 T3
(b) T, L 1 T and L2 T 3
(c) T, L 1 T and L 2 T3
(d) T, L 1 T 1 and L 2 T3
Q27. The number of particles crossing the unit area perpendicular to the Z-axis per
N N1
unit time is given by the relation: N = D 2 , where N2 and N1 are number of
Z 2 Z1
particles per unit volume at Z2 and Z1 respectively. What is the dimensional formula
for D?
(a) L2 T 2
(b) (b) L 2 T 1
(c) (c) L2 T 1
(d) (d) L 2 T1
T x cos
Q28. A hypothetical experiment conducted to find Youngs modulus Y =
where is torque and L is length then find x is
(a) 1
(b) 1
(c) Zero
(d) 2
Q29. Which of the following pair have different dimensions?
(a) Electric pressure, energy density
(b) Intensity, 0 E 2 c
(c) Reynolds number and time constant
(d) Work and torque. House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 4

Q30. Which of the following units denotes the dimensions ML2/Q2 where Q denotes
electric charge?
(a) Weber (Wb)
(b) Wb/m2.
(c) Henry (H)
(d) H/m2.
Q31. The dimensions of 0 E2 ( 0 = permittivity of free space and E = electric field)
(a) [MLT 1]
(b) [ML2T-2]
(c) [ML-1T-2]
(d) [ML2T-1]
Q32. The dimensions of (0 = permeability of free space and B = electric field)
2 0
(a) [MLT 1]
(b) [ML2T-2]
(c) [ML-1T-2]
(d) [ML2T-1]
Q33. Of the following quantities, which one has dimensions different from the
remaining three:
(a) Energy per unit volume
(b) Force per unit area
(c) Product of voltage and charge per unit volume
(d) Angular momentum
Q34. If e is charge, V is the potential difference, T is the temperature, then the unit
of eV/T is the same as:
(a) Plancks constant
(b) Stefans constant
(c) Boltzmann constant
(d) Gravitational constant.
Q35. The quantities A and B are related by the relation A/B = m, where m is linear
density and A is force, the dimensions of B will be:
(a) Same as that of pressure
(b) Same as that of work
(c) Same as that of momentum
(d) Same as that of latent heat
Q36. The dimensions of
E x B are )
(a) [M T 3]
(b) [M L2 T 3]
(c) [M L 1 T 1]
(d) [M T 3 A2]
Q37. The method of dimensional analysis can be used to derive which of the
following relationship:
(a) y = a sin(wt + kx)
(b) N = N0 e t House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 5

(c) E = (mv2) + (I2)
(d) None of these.
Q38. In relation P = P0exp( a t2) where t is time, the dimensions of a is
(a) T
(b) T 2
(c) T2
(d) Depends upon P
dx x
Q39. In the relation = a n sin 1 1 ; value of n is
2ax x 2
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 1
(d) None of these
dx x 2
Q40. In the relation = a n sin 1 1 ; value of n is
2ax 2 x 4 a
(a) 0
(b) 1/2
(d) None of these
dt t
Q41. In the relation = a x sin 1 1 ; value of x is
2at t 2 a
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 1
(d) None of these
!" !!
Q42. If = ! sin!! ! ; x = distance, then n equals
! ! !!" !
(a) 1
(b) 1
Q43. Suppose a physical quantity can be dimensionally represented in terms of M, L
and T, that is [x] = MaLbTc. The quantity mass;
(a) Can always be dimensionally represented in terms of L, T and x.
(b) Can never be dimensionally represented in terms of L, T and x.
(c) May be dimensionally represented in terms of L, T and x if a = 0.
(d) May be dimensionally represented in terms of L, T and x if a 0.
Q44. A dimensionless quantity
(a) Never has a unit,
(b) Always has a unit
(c) May have a unit
(d) Does not exist
Q45. A unit-less quantity
(a) Never has a non-zero dimensions
(b) Always has a non-zero dimensions
(c) May have a non-zero dimensions
(d) Does not exist.
Q46. The dimensions [M L 1 T 2] may correspond to
(a) Work done by a force House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 6

(b) (b) Linear momentum
(c) Pressure
(d) Energy per unit volume.
Q47. Choose the correct statement(s)
(a) A dimensionally correct equation may be correct.
(c) A dimensionally correct equation may be incorrect.
(d) A dimensionally incorrect equation may be correct.
(e) A dimensionally incorrect equation may be incorrect.
Q48. Choose the correct statement(s):
(a) All quantities may be represented dimensionally in terms of the base
(b) A base quantity cannot be represented dimensionally in terms of the rest of
the base quantities
(c) The dimension of a base quantity in other base quantities is always zero.
(d) The dimension of a derived quantity is never zero in any base quantity.
Q49. In two systems of units, the relation between velocity, acceleration and force is
v2 F
given by v2 = 1 ; a2 = a1 and F2 = 1 where and are constants then find in this

(a) 2
(b) 2
Q50. In the formula P = e ; find the dimensions of a and b where P is
V b
pressure, n is number of moles, T is temperature, R is universal gas constant and V
is volume.
nx yT Mgh
Q51. If P = e nxT , where n is number of moles, P is pressure, T is temperature, V
is volume, M is mass, g is acceleration due to gravity and h is height. Find
dimensions of x and y.
Q52. The units (U) of velocity, acceleration and force in two systems are related as
2 1
under: U v' = U v ; U a' = ( )U a ; U F' = U F . All the primed symbols (U) belong to

one system and un-primed ones (U) belong to the other system. Also, and are
constants. How momentum units of the two systems are related?
Q53. If force F = 2 varies with distance r. Then write the dimensions of K and b.
Q54. Which of the following dimensions are correctly matched?
(a) Angular momentum = [M L2 T 1]
(b) Torque = [M L2 T 2]
(c) Stefans constant = [M T 34]
(d) Plancks constant =[M L2 T 2]
Q55. The dimensions of h/e are same as that of
(a) Magnetic flux
(b) Electric flux
(c) Electric field House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 7

(d) Magnetic field
Q56. The formula W = (F + 2Ma)vn where W is work done, M = mass, a = acceleration
and velocity can be made dimensionally correct for
(a) n = 0
(b) n = 1
(c) n = 1
(d) For no value of n.
Q57. E2/0 has the dimensions of (E = electric field and 0 = permeability of free
(a) [M2 L3 T 2 A2]
(b) [M L T 4]
(c) [M L3 T 2]
(d) [M1 L2 T A2]
Q58. In the modified form of Coulombs law the expression for force per unit square
! ! !
of time is given by = !!! !! !! where I1, I2 are dimensional formula for ! is
(a) !! !! ! !
(b) ! ! !! !!
(c) ! ! ! !!
(d) ! ! !! !!
Q59. Turpentine oil is flowing through a tube of length l and radius r. The pressure
difference between the two ends of the tube is p. The viscosity of the oil is given by

p r 2 x2 ), where v is the velocity of oil at a distance x from the axis of the tube.
The dimensions of are
(a) [M0L0T0]
(b) [MLT1]
(c) [ML2T-2]
(d) [ML-1T-1]
Q60. Dimensions of Boltzman constant are same as that of
(a) Pressure density
(b) Stefans constant
(c) Plancks constant
(d) Entropy
Q61. Which of the following quantities has not been expressed in proper units?
(a) (a) = newton / m2
(b) Surface tension = newton/m
(c) Energy = kg-m/s
(d) Pressure = newton/m2
Q62. The dimensions of e2/0hc are
(a) Dimensionless
(b) [M2 L2 T 4 A2]
(c) [M3 L2 T 2 A2]
(a) (d) [L3 T 2 A3]
Q63. Units of CV/0 (where is specific resistance)
(a) Charge
(b) Current
(c) Time House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 8

(d) Frequency
Q64. A quantity X is given by 0 L where L is length. The dimensional formula for
X is same as that of
(a) Resistance
(b) Charge
(c) Voltage
(d) Current
Q65. The mass of a liquid flowing per second per unit area of cross-section of the
tube is proportional to (pressure difference across the ends)n and (average velocity of
the liquid)m. Which of the following relation between m and n is correct?
(a) m = n
(b) m = n
(c) m2 = n
(d) m = n2
Q66. If value of mass, length and time is doubled, then the numerical value of force
will become
(a) Twice
(b) Quadrupled
(c) Remain same
(d) Halved
Q67. The viscosity of a gas depends upon mass m, effective diameter D and mean
speed v of molecule present in gas; then
(a) = ! /!
(b) = /!
(c) = /!
(d) = ! /!
Q68. The form of dependence of the lift force per unit wingspan F on an aircraft
wing of width L, velocity v and air of density is
(a) = !
(b) = !
(c) = ! ! !
(d) = !
Q69. In a system called 1 starsystem, we have 1 starkillogram = 1020 kg, 1 starmeter
= 108m and 1 starsecond = 103 sec, then in this system 1J equals
(a) 10 22 starjoule
(b) 10 30 starjoule
(c) 10 22 starjoule
(d) 1030 starjoule
Q70. If = mean density of earth, R = radius, g = acceleration due to garvity and G =
universal gravitational constant then;
(a) = !!"#
(b) = !!"#
(c) = !"!"
(d) =
Q71. The velocity v of a particle at time t is given by v = at + then the
t +c
dimensions of a, b, c are respectively; House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 9

(a) LT2, L, T
(b) L2, T and LT2
(c) LT2, LT and L
(d) L, LT and T2
Q72. If velocity v, acceleration a and density d are taken as fundamental quantities,
then dimensional formula of kinetic energy is
(a) [v3a 3d1]
(b) [v8a 4d1]
(c) [v8a 3d3]
(d) [v8a 3d1]
Q73. If velocity v, acceleration a and force F are taken as fundamental quantities,
then the dimensions of Youngs modulus of elasticity Y will be:
(a) [F a2 v-2]
(b) [F a2 v-3]
(c) [F a2 v-4]
(d) [F a2 v-5]
Q74. A small spherical ball of radius r and mass m is allowed to fall under gravity,
through a column of viscous liquid of coefficient of viscosity . After some time, the
velocity of ball becomes constant, called terminal velocity v0. The terminal velocity is
dimensionally equal to
(a) r 2 g / m
(b) mg / r
(c) rg / m
(d) mrg /
Q75. Frequency n of a tuning fork depends upon length L of its prongs, density ,
and modulus of elasticity E of the material, then
(a) n E
(b) n E1/2
(c) n E-1/2
(d) n E-1
Q76. If P represents radiation pressure, C represents speed of light and Q
represents radiation energy striking a unit area per second, then the non-zero
integers, x, y and z, such the PxQyCz is dimensionless are
(a) x = 1, y = 1, z = 1
(b) x = 1, y = -1, z = 1
(c) x = -1, y = 1, z = 1
(d) x = 1, y = 1, z = -1
Q77. If the energy, E = Gp hq cr, where G is the universal gravitational constant, h is
the Plancks constant and c is the velocity of light, then the values of p, q and r are,
(a) -1/2, 1/2 and 5/2
(b) 1/2, -1/2 and 5/2
(c) -1/2, 1/2 and 3/2
(d) 1/2, -1/2 and 3/2
Q78. The van der Waals equation for a gas is P + (V b) = nRT
V 2 House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 10

Where P, V, R, T and n represent the pressure, volume, universal gas constant,
absolute temperature and number of moles of a gas respectively, a and b are
constants. The ratio b/a will have the following dimensional formula:
(a) [M-1 L-2 T2]
(b) [M-1 L-1T-1]
(c) [ML2 T2]
(d) [MLT-2]
Q79. The time period of oscillations of body under SHM is represented by T =
PaDbSc, where P is pressure, D is density and S is surface tension, then values of a,
b and c are:
(a) 3/2, , 1
(b) 1, 2, 3
(c) , -3/2, -1/2
(d) 1, 2, 1/3
Q80. A gas bubble from an explosion under water oscillates with a time period T
proportional to PadbEc, where P is static pressure, d is density and E is total energy
of explosion. The values of a, b and c are:
(a) 0, 1, 2
(b) 5/6, -1/2, 1/3
(c) 5/6, , 1/3
(d) 5/6, -1/2, 1/3
Q81. If the time period (T) of vibration of a liquid drop depends on surface tension
(S) radius (r) of the drop and density (p) of the liquid, then the expression of T is
pr 3
(a) T = k
2 3
p r
(b) (b) T = k
pr 3
(c) (c) T = k 1
S 2

(d) (d) none of these

Q82. The dimensional formulae for acceleration, velocity and length are ab-2, ab-1
and ac. The dimensional formula for relative density is
(a) abc
(b) a-1b0c0
(c) a0b-1c0
(d) a0b0c1
Q83. In two systems of units; relations among velocity, acceleration and forces are
v2 = v1 , a2 = a1 and F2 = F1/ respectively. If and are constants then

relation among mass, in two systems are

(a) M 2 = M1

(b) M 2 = 2 2 M1

(c) M 2 = 3 M1 House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 11


(d) M 2 = M1
Q84. If the time period t of a drop of liquid of density d, radius r, vibrating under
surface tension s is given by the formula t = d a r b sc and if a = 1, c = -1, then b is
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
A2 B
Q85. In the measurement of a physical quantity X = 1/ 3 3 . The percentage errors
introduced in the measurements of the quantities A, B, C and D are 2%, 2%, 4% and
5% respectively. Then the minimum amount of percentage of error in the
measurement of X is contributed by:
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
Q86. The significant figures in the number 6.0023 is
(a) 2
(b) 5
(c) 4
(d) 1
Q87. The length, breadth of a metal sheet is 3.124m and 3.002m respectively. The
area of this sheet upto correct significant figure is
(a) 9.378 m2.
(b) 9.37 m2.
(c) 9.378248 m2.
(d) 9.3782 m2.
Q88. The length, breadth and thickness of a block are given by 12cm, 6cm and
2.45cm respectively. The volume of block according to the idea of significant figures
should be:
(a) 1 x 102 cm3
(b) 2 x 102 cm3
(c) 1.763 x 102 cm3
(d) None of these
Q89. In arithmetic 17.8 x 3.1143 = 55.4354, but as a result of experimental
measurement the best way to express it is
(a) 55.4354
(b) 55.4
(c) 55.44
(d) 55.435
Q90. Which of the following numerical values have three significant figures?
(a) 3.033
(b) 0.030
(c) 30.30
(d) 0.300
Q91. In which of the following numerical vales all zeroes are significant?
(a) 0.2020 House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 12

(b) 20.2 x 103
(c) 20.20
(d) None of these
Q92. A student measured the diameter of a wire using screw gauge with least count
0.001cm. The correct measurement is
(a) 5.320 cm
(b) 5.32 cm
(c) 5.3200 cm
(d) 5.3 cm
Q93. The length, breadth and thickness of a rectangular sheet of metal is 4.234m,
1.005m and 2.01 cm. The volume of sheet to correct significant figures is
(a) 0.0855 m3.
(b) 0.086 m3.
(c) 0.08556 m3.
(d) 0.08 m3.
Q94. The respective number of significant figures in 23.023, 0.0003 and 2.1 x 10 3
(a) 4, 4, 2
(b) 5, 1, 2
(c) 5, 1 ,5
(d) 5, 5, 2
Q95. The body of mass m = 3.513 kg is moving along the x-axis with a speed of 5.00
m/s. The magnitude of its momentum is recorded as
(a) 17.565 kg m/s
(b) 17.56 kg m/s
(c) 17.57 kg m/s
(d) 17.6 kg m/s
Q96. A chocolate cookie is a circular disc of diameter (8.50 0.02) cm and thickness
(0.050 0.005) cm. The average volume in cm3 is
(a) 2.83 0.3
(b) 2.38 0.27
(c) 11.35 1.2
(d) 9.31 1.12
Q97. Two capacitors have value of (5.2 0.1) F and (12.2 0.1) F. They are
connected first in parallel and then in series. Find the percentage error in the two
(a) 2.8% and 1.23%
(b) 3.6% and 1.31%
(c) 3.4% and 1.3%
(d) 3.9% and 1.15%
Q98. A student measured the length of a pendulum 1.351 m and time for 30
vibrations is 2 minute 10sec using his wrist watch. The % error in g is therefore;
(a) 1.72%
(b) 1.813%
(c) 1.63 %
(d) 1.513%
Q99. A scientist performs an experiment and takes 100 readings. He repeats the
same experiment and now takes 400 readings. By doing so,
(a) The probable error remains the same.
(b) The probable error is halved. House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 13

(c) The probable error is reduced to
(d) The probable error is increased by 4 times.
Q100. The least count of a stopwatch is 1/5 sec. The time of 20 oscillations of the
pendulum is measured to be 25 sec. The minimum % error in the measurement of
time will be:
(a) 0.1%
(b) 8%
(c) 1.8%
(d) 0.8%
Q101. The heat generated in a circuit is dependent upon the resistance, current and
time for which current is passed. If the errors in measurement of above are 1%, 2%
and 3% respectively, the maximum error in calculating heat will be
(a) 2%
(b) 3%
(c) 6%
(d) 1%
Q102. The relative density of metal may be found out by hanging a block of metal
from a spring balance. Its reading in air is (5.00 0.05) N and in water is (4.00
0.05) N. its relative density is
(a) (5.00 0.05)
(b) (5.00 0.10)
(c) (5.00 6%)
(d) (5.00 11%)
Q103. The external and internal diameter of a hollow cylinder are measured to be
(4.13 0.01) cm and (3.8 0.01) cm. The thickness of the wall of the cylinder is
(a) (0.34 0.02) cm
(b) (0.17 0.02) cm
(c) (0.17 0.01) cm
(d) (0.34 0.01) cm
Q104. The measured values of the resistance of two resistors are (8 0.3) ohm and
(24 0.5) ohm. The maximum error in the measurement of equivalent resistance
when connected in series is
(a) 5%
(b) 2.5%
(c) 10%
(d) 7.5%.
Q105. In an experiment, the external diameter d1 and internal diameter d2 of a
metal tube are found to be (64 2) mm and (47 1) mm respectively. The
percentage error in (d1-d2) expected from these readings is at most
(a) 18%
(b) 1%
(c) 5%
(d) s6%
Q106. In an experiment to find the Youngs modules for a brass wire. A student
used the data below
length of wire = (1.50 0.01)m; diameter of wire = (1.56 0.01)mm
mass of load = (6.00 0.01)kg; extension = (4.0 0.1)mm
acceleration of free fall = (9.8 0.1)ms-2 House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 14

Which of the following leads to the greatest uncertainty in the calculated value of the
Youngs modulus?
(a) Measurement of length
(b) Measurement of diameter
(c) Measurement of load
(d) Measurement of extension
Q107. Error in the measurement of radius of a sphere is 1%. Then error in the
measurement of volume is
(a) 1%
(b) 5%
(c) 3%
(d) 8%
4 2l
Q108. A student performs an experiment for determination of g = 2 , l 1m and
he commits an error of l. For T he takes the time of n oscillations with the stop
watch of least count T and he commits a human error of 0.1s. For which of the
following data, the measurement of g will be most accurate?
l T n Amplitude of oscillations
(a) 5mm 0.2 s 10 5mm
(b) 5mm 0.2 s 20 5mm
(c) 5mm 0.1 s 20 1mm
(d) 1mm 0.1 s 50 1mm
n m
Q109. Given that X = r . The % error in the measurement of a, b and p is 1%,
0.5% and 0.75% respectively. If n = 2, m = 2 and r = 4, then percent error in X is
(a) 6%
(b) 5.25%
(c) 0.75%
(d) zero
Q110. An experimentalist measures quantities a, b and c to find the value of x,
given by the relation x = a 1 b2/c3/2. If the % error in the measurement of a, b and c
are 1%, 3% and 2% respectively, then the % error in the measurement of x can
(a) 2%
(b) 10%
(c) 6%
(d) 8%
Q111. The length of simple pendulum is about 100cm and is known to an accuracy
of 1mm. Its period of oscillations is 2s determined by measuring the time of 100
oscillations using a clock of 0.1 s resolution. What is the accuracy in determination
of g?
(a) 0.2%
(b) 0.5%
(c) 0.1%
(d) 2% House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 15

r R
Q112. Find the percentage error in specific resistance given by = where r is
radius having value (0.2 0.02) cm, R is the resistance of (60 2) and l is the
length of (150 0.1) cm.
3 2
Q113. A physical quantity is related to four variables , , and as; = .

The percentage error in them is 1%, 3%, 4% and 2% respectively. Find percentage
error in .
Q114. The time period of simple pendulum is given by T = 2 . This equation can
be used to determine the value of g. If we desire to have minimum error in g, which
of the two quantities L or t should be measured most accurately and why?
Q115. In an experiment to determine ECE of a substance, the mass of electrolyte
before and after deposit were found to be 57.736g and 58.426 g. The number of
significant places in the value of ECE (assuming that other measurement do not
limit it) is
(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 2
Q116. In the context of accuracy of measurement and significant figures in
expressing results of experiment, which of the following are correct
Statement # 1: Out of the two measurement 50.14 cm and 0.00025 ampere, the
first one has greater accuracy.
Statement # 2: If one travel by 478 km by rail and 397m by road, the total distance
travelled is 478 km.
(a) Only first statement is correct.
(b) Only second statement is correct.
(c) Both are correct.
(d) Neither of the two is correct.
Q117. The length of the string of a simple pendulum is measured with a meter scale
to be 90.0 cm. The radius of the bob plus the length of the hook is calculated to be
2.13 cm using measurement of slide callipers. What is the effective length of the
(a) 92 cm
(b) 92.13 cm
(c) 92.1 cm
(d) Any of them
Q118. The period of oscillations of a simple pendulum in the experiment are
recorded as 2.63s, 2.56 s, 2.42 s, 2.71s and 2.80 s respectively. The average
absolute error is
(a) 0.1 s
(b) 0.11s
(c) 0.01s
(d) 1.0s
Q119. If L = 2.331 cm and B = 2.1 cm then L + B =
(a) 4.431 cm
(b) 4.43 cm
(c) 4.4 cm House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 16

(d) 4cm
Q120. A wire has a mass of (0.3 0.003) g, radius (o.5 0.005) mm and length (6
0.06) cm. The maximum percentage error in the measurement of its density is
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
Q121. What is order of magnitude of the following
(a) 8 (e) 697 (i) 43000
(b) 12 (f) 702 (j) 0.8
(c) 47 (g) 1020 (k) 0.05
(d) 54 (h) 2040 (l) 0.007
Q122. Write the order of magnitude of the following measurement:
(a) 25,710,000 m
(b) 0.00000521 kg
(c) Number of seconds in a day
(d) Magnitude of capacitance of earth
Q123. Using significant figures, 22.3566 14.16 can be expressed as
(a) 8.2
(b) 8.20
(c) 8.197
(d) 8.1966

End of Chapter House No. 851; Sector 2; Rohtak - 124001 17

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