Dental Students and Intimate Partner Violence Measuring Knowledge and Experience To Institute Curricular Change

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Dental Students and Intimate Partner

Violence: Measuring Knowledge and

Experience to Institute Curricular Change
Pamela D. Connor, Ph.D.; Simonne S. Nouer, M.D., Ph.D.; SeTrail N. Mackey,
M.C.J., M.P.A.; Megan S. Banet, M.A.; Nathan G. Tipton, M.A.
Abstract: Our study documents the shortage of intimate partner violence (IPV) content exposure within one dental school cur-
riculum, with an eye toward utilizing this information to revise an existing comprehensive family violence curriculum that will be
fully integrated into required university coursework to improve competence and help overcome knowledge gaps. IPV is defined
by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as physical and sexual violence, threats of physical and sexual violence, or
psychological/emotional abuse including coercive tactics that adults or adolescents use against current or former intimate part-
ners. We report on the results of a four-part (background, IPV knowledge, opinions, and personal experience), sixty-seven-item
validated survey instrument used to measure knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and self-reported behaviors among dental students pre-
paring to become health care professionals working in the field. Survey responses from the nearly 80 percent of fourth-year dental
students who completed the survey were examined within the context of students actual IPV knowledge, as well as opinions and
attitudes that could directly or indirectly influence patients. Our findings indicate that a sizeable number of students received no
IPV training prior to or during dental school, leading to perceptions that they lack knowledge about IPV and are not well prepared
to address IPV with patients. A notable percentage of students (20 percent) also reported personal experience with IPV.
Dr. Connor is Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Dr. Nouer is As-
sistant Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Ms. Mackey is Research
Manager, Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Tennessee Health Science Center; Ms. Banet is Study Coordinator,
Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Tennessee Health Science Center; and Mr. Tipton is Coordinator, Department
of Preventive Medicine, University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Direct correspondence and requests for reprints to Dr.
Pamela D. Connor, Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, 600 Jefferson Avenue,
3rd Floor, Memphis, TN 38105; 901-448-3300 phone; 901-448-3770 fax;
Keywords: knowledge, attitudes, practice, intimate partner violence, IPV, domestic violence, dental students, dental curriculum,
dental education
Submitted for publication 9/2/10; accepted 1/19/11

ntimate partner violence (IPV) is a persistent, in their patients lives, given that routine dental
prevalent public health care issue that has mul- examinations involve close inspection of patients
tiple catastrophic effects on individuals, families, heads and necksareas where signs of physical
and the larger community.1,2 The Centers for Dis- battering and abuse are readily visible.5-11 Typical
ease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines IPV as injuries associated with IPV that may be detected
physical and sexual violence, threats of physical and by a dental professional include intraoral bruises
sexual violence, or psychological/emotional abuse from slaps or hits; soft and hard palate bruises and
including coercive tactics that adults or adolescents abrasions; fractured teeth, nose, mandible, and/or
use against current or former intimate partners.3 maxilla; abscessed teeth; torn frenum; hair loss from
While research has shown that some men suffer pulling or other trauma and lacerations to the head;
from abuseprimarily by their male partnersthe and attempted strangulation marks on the neck.9,10
majority of partner violence occurs between men and However, research has also shown that, even when
their female partners. According to findings from head and neck injuries are evident, dentists may be
the National Violence Against Women Survey, it is less likely than other health care providers to screen
estimated that approximately 1.3 million women and for IPV,5,12 offer minimal intervention when working
835,000 men are physically assaulted by an intimate with IPV victims as patients,12,13 or address IPV with
partner annually in the United States.4 their patients.5
Dental professionals, including dentists, den- According to numerous studies, lack of training
tal hygienists, and dental assistants, are uniquely has been cited by dental professionals as a primary
qualified to address the problem of IPV as it occurs reason for shortcomings in screening, intervention,

1010 Journal of Dental Education Volume 75, Number 8

or broaching the subject of IPV (other reasons given We report here on responses from dental
included, but were not limited to, lack of cultural students who participated in this study. Our find-
competence or insufficient access to resources).14-18 ings constitute the first phase of an overarching and
This perceived lack of training persists in spite of comprehensive curriculum revision effort for the
policies and resolutions passed by the American Den- representative health care professions at our institu-
tal Education Association (ADEA) and the American tion. As part of this effort, we will use our data to
Dental Association (ADA) that have encouraged (and ascertain students curricular needs; revise an exist-
continue to encourage) dental educators to include ing IPV prevention and intervention curriculum and
topics related to child abuse/neglect and domes- deploy it in accordance with these identified needs;
tic/intimate partner violence as part of curricular incorporate this curriculumeither wholly or in
preparation for students who are becoming dental partinto future course catalogs as an established
professionals.4,19,20 part of students required coursework; and longitu-
Since 1990 most dental and dental hygiene cur- dinally track student IPV knowledge gain.
ricula have included information on child abuse and
neglect, due in large part to state statutes mandating
that dentists and other health professionals report Review of the Literature
suspected child abuse cases; however, curricular
content related to other types of domestic violence Research by Love et al.,6 Chiodo et al.,18 and
particularly IPVis present in less than half of dental Littel has established that education on IPV needs to

school curricula.4,13,21 As a result, providers may ob- be standardized and incorporated into dental school
serve injuries but either do not diagnose IPV as the and continuing education curricula, thereby mak-
cause oras is often the casedo not feel confident ing intervention with victims a normal and standard
in their ability to screen and manage IPV victims.1,4 part of dental professionals responsible practice.5
The purpose of this study was to document the Indeed, IPV education has been intended to help
shortage of IPV content exposure within one dental dental students not only be aware of IPV prevalence,
school curriculum, then to utilize this information but also that they are being informed about physical
to revise an existing comprehensive family violence and behavioral indicators of IPV, thus making them
curriculum that will be fully integrated into required an invaluable part of the victims identification team
university coursework to improve competence and in the health care arena.4 However, changes with
help overcome knowledge gaps. We report on the regard to improved or increased IPV content in the
results of an IPV self-assessment tool22 originally overall dental curriculum have progressed slowly, in
designed as a comprehensive and reliable method spite of ambitious comprehensive curriculum reviews
of ascertaining physician preparedness to manage conducted by the majority of U.S. and Canadian
IPV patients. In its final form, this tool (the Physi- dental schools.25
cian Readiness to Manage Intimate Partner Violence For example, a study of dental hygiene students
Survey, or PREMIS) measured the extent of educa- surveyed by Gutmann and Solomon16 found that
tion, knowledge, and attitudes about IPV among although most dental and dental hygiene curricula
physicians by way of a fifteen-minute survey. The include the specific topics of child abuse and neglect,
PREMIS demonstrated good internal consistency other manifestations of domestic violence (e.g., elder
and reliability for ten final developed scales that abuse, teen dating abuse, or IPV) are addressed far
were closely correlated with theoretical constructs less frequently. Their findings revealed that while
and predictive of self-reported behaviors. child abuse was taught in seven-tenths of programs,
The PREMIS was modified and validated by elder abuse was taught in just over half, and IPV was
this studys authors23 in order to assess these measures taught in less than half of dental hygiene programs.
among health professions students (medical, dental, Stewart et al.,21 moreover, reported in 2002 that, of
nursing, and social work). Results from our survey forty-two U.S. and Canadian dental schools with
also document the prevalence of students lifetime predoctoral programs, 100 percent included child
personal IPV experience, which allowed us to explore abuse in their curricula, while 87 percent included
the conflicting role this exposure has in both identify- elder abuse. The authors, however, did not survey
ing IPV in patients and intervening in a manner both these institutions regarding IPV education. As well,
appropriate and safe for student and patient. Gironda et al.26 surveyed 291 predoctoral dental
students in 200608 to gather a comprehensive sam-

August 2011 Journal of Dental Education 1011

pling of student perceptions of and education about ing the dental professions role as mandated report-
elder abuse. Gironda et al.s study aims are similar ers and promulgating knowledge that could lead to
to those of our study although their focus was on possible intervention and prevention, it nevertheless
elder abuse rather than IPV. Those authors concluded minimizes the education dental professionals might
that most students did not feel adequately trained to receive on the myriad potential challenges associated
report a case of elder abuse, suggesting that dental with IPV.33 Furthermore, although Mouden notes that
students need education on psychosocial aspects of predoctoral and postdoctoral education in the clinical
older adulthood as well as training in detecting and and legal aspects of child abuse and neglect remains
reporting elder abuse. insufficient to close this awareness gap, the audi-
Gibson-Howell et al.5 investigated U.S. and ence to which PANDA is overwhelmingly directed
Canadian dental school curricula in 1996 and again in is established dental professionals rather than dental
2007 to assess if and how specific domestic violence students.32
topics were being included in the curriculum. While Thus, in spite of these promising dental aware-
these authors concluded that inclusion of domestic ness programs, there remains a dearth of compre-
violence curricular topicswhich included health hensive IPV curricular content in dental schools. For
care professional responsibility, physical and be- example, a six-month phone survey of students in
havioral indicators, referral and reporting protocols, health professional studies at 212 Canadian institu-
and prevalencehad increased over the eleven years tions of higher learning conducted by Wathen et al.34
of their two surveys, they also noted that survey re- found that fewer than half (46 percent) of predoctoral
spondents believed less strongly in 2007 than in 1996 dental programs and no postdoctoral dental programs
that domestic violence is an increasing health care offered course content on IPV. Danley et al.11 have
issue and that, correspondingly, domestic violence attempted to fill this curricular void through the
prevalence and societal impact were not perceived as AVDR approach. AVDRwhich involves Asking
widespread. Even more disturbing are findings from patients about abuse; providing Validating mes-
a study conducted by Nelms et al.27 that oral health sages acknowledging that battering is wrong while
care workers continue to be less likely than any other confirming the patients worth; Documenting signs,
health care provider to address domestic violence symptoms, and disclosures of abuse; and Referring
within their role as health care professionals, due in victims to domestic violence specialists in the com-
large part to barriers including lack of education and munitywas successfully tested in brief tutorial
limited time or resources. form on dental students in 2002. Students in this
Research has consistently found that dental study showed significant improvements in attitudes
students and professionals who receive any educa- and beliefs about domestic violence screening and
tion about IPV are more likely to screen for IPV and intervention. Danley et al. caution, however, that re-
provide appropriate intervention.11,15,28-30 In fact, two search is still needed to determine whether education
IPV/family violence initiatives have been replicated leads to actual changes in screening, intervention,
and deployed in numerous health care settings. RA- and other behaviors. As well, these authors did not
DAR, a provider-focused initiative that promotes measure actual student behavior, nor did they collect
assessment and prevention of IPV, involves a five- data related to students personal IPV experience.
step approach: Routinely ask about current and past
violence; Ask direct questions; Document findings;
Assess safety; and Review options and referrals.31 Methods of This Study
Research has not indicated, however, if RADAR is
taught as part of college or university medical school For our study, we initiated the Intimate Partner
curricula. Violence Survey for Future Healthcare Providers
Another promising IPV/family violence ini- project to measure student knowledge of and at-
tiative is the PANDA (Prevent Abuse and Neglect titudes about IPV, as well as the extent, content, and
through Dental Awareness) program. According sufficiency of IPV training received by students prior
to Mouden,32 PANDA began as a model program to and during their graduate studies. Between 2007
in Missouri in 1992 to help close the gap in dental and 2008, a total of 318 students in four populations
knowledge about stopping child abuse and neglect. (dentistry, medicine, nursing, and social work gradu-
However, while PANDAs overarching focus on child ate programs) at our institution were recruited by
abuse is certainly important both in terms of reinforc- their deans to participate in this study. Both the deans

1012 Journal of Dental Education Volume 75, Number 8

and the departmental/college faculties approved of experience was considered yes if students answered
the survey and the study prior to inviting student affirmatively to any of these questions. Responses to
participation, which was voluntary. Deans arranged these questions could then be examined within the
for the study organizers to meet directly with students context of students actual IPV knowledge as well as
as they attended various student functions, during opinions and attitudes that could directly or indirectly
which time the survey was administered. Institutional influence patients.
Review Board approval was granted for this survey. The adapted instrument demonstrated high
In addition to measurements of student knowledge reliability within some IPV constructs, and six of the
and attitudes, the survey included an IPV experience eight opinion scales described in the original PREMIS
variable to determine how students personal biogra- were identified (Legal Requirements, Preparation,
phies influenced their vocational choice, as well as to Self-Efficacy, Alcohol/Drugs, Victim Autonomy,
postulate the extent to which this experience affected and Victim Understanding).22 Three scales from the
how students screened, assessed, and intervened with original PREMIS (Legal Requirements, Preparation,
victims of IPV. and Self-Efficacy) presented a Cronbachs .70,
Given the need for consistency in dental school demonstrating acceptable reliability, and a new scale
IPV education and training, this study concentrates (IPV Screening) was also identified that showed good
specifically on responses generated from and reported reliability (=.74; see Table 1).
by this population. Of the original 318 students, Data on IPV training for dental students prior to
seventy-seven were from the field of dentistry, out and during dental school were individually tabulated
of which sixty-one completed the survey, yielding a for each category, and the results presented individu-
79.2 percent response rate. This response rate, while ally in order to facilitate comparison with regard to
good, was the lowest of the four disciplines surveyed, total hours of training received. Responses to ques-
with nursing students having the highest response rate tions about personal experience with some kind of
(100 percent), followed by medical students (93.6 physical violence, sexual abuse, intimidation, or
percent) and students in social work (87.5 percent). threats of violence in an intimate partner relationship
All dental students surveyed were in their final year and/or witnessed physical violence, sexual abuse,
of study and had completed their clinical rounds. or psychological abuse directed toward a family
Our study utilized a modified version of the member were combined to create a lifetime IPV
Physician Readiness to Manage Intimate Partner Vio- experience variable, with positive (yes) answers
lence Survey (PREMIS)22 that we adapted for student to either or both questions indicating students ex-
populations.23 Our adaptation measured knowledge, posure to IPV sometime during their lifetime. Three
attitudes, beliefs, and self-reported behaviors through summary scales were also created rather than being
a four-part (background, IPV knowledge, opinions, derived from factor analysis. These were Perceived
and personal experience), sixty-seven-item survey. Preparation (twelve items asking respondents how
The survey was modified so that the language well prepared they were to work with IPV victims);
focused on students in the health care arena rather Perceived Knowledge (sixteen items asking how
than the practicing physicians for whom the origi- much respondents felt they knew about IPV); and
nal survey was designed. The PREMIS respondent Actual Knowledge (which used seven multiple-
profile was also adapted to reflect the disciplines choice questions and eleven true/false questions with
represented by the students in our study population. a total possible score of 38). For preparedness and
Two questions related to personal and family IPV perceived knowledge, the average was estimated by
experience were added: 1) Have you ever experi- respondent; then, the overall average was calculated
enced physical violence, sexual abuse, intimidation, for the sample. For actual knowledge, the sum of
economic deprivation, or threats of violence in an correct scores for each respondent was calculated;
intimate partner relationship? and 2) Have you ever then, the sum of correct responses for the sample
witnessed physical violence, sexual abuse, or psy- was averaged. Internal consistency for both the Per-
chological abuse directed toward a family member? ceived Preparation and Perceived Knowledge scales
These questions were used to document personal was high, with a Cronbachs alpha equal to 0.97.22
student experience with IPV rather than being used There were no appropriate tests to evaluate internal
as part of a long-range assessment and were de- consistency on the Actual Knowledge scale.
signed to be dichotomous yes/no for purposes of Independent t-tests compared the summary
gathering evidence on personal experience. Lifetime scales of students with IPV training prior to dental

August 2011 Journal of Dental Education 1013

Table 1. Survey of health care students regarding intimate partner violence (IPV): opinion scales
Scales Alpha Total Items Sample Item

1. Legal requirements 0.914 3 I am aware of legal requirements in this state regarding reporting of
suspected cases of elder abuse.
2. Preparation 0.886 4 I dont have the necessary skills to discuss abuse with an IPV victim
who is from a different cultural/ethnic background
3. IPV screening 0.740 2 I would ask all new patients about abuse in their relationships.
4. Self-efficacy 0.797 7 I can recognize victims of IPV by the way they behave.

Scales with low reliability

5. Alcohol/drugs 0.478 2 Alcohol abuse is a leading cause of IPV.

6. Victim autonomy 0.363 3 If a patient refuses to discuss the abuse, staff can only treat the patients
7. Victim understanding 0.460 4 I understand why IPV victims do not always comply with staff

school to those without training; students with IPV some experience with IPV in their lifetime, whether
training during dental school were compared to those through personal victimization or witnessing abuse
without training; and students reporting personal or violence directed at a family member (see Table 3).
experience with IPV were compared to those with no The dental students in this study reported that
personal IPV experience. Pairwise deletion was used they received IPV training in their general graduate
to exclude students with missing data. Significance coursework, as well as through their specialized focus
was reached with an alpha less than .05. Sample sizes areas of oral and maxillofacial surgery, pediatrics,
in analyses varied due to missing data. Scale scores and prosthodontics. While these students received
were stratified only by gender, and there were no different doses of IPV training depending on their
demographic differences between male and female chosen academic concentration, our study grouped
dental students. Furthermore, given limitations due to them together as a single graduate group in order
our small sample size and age group, it is unlikely that to measure the extent of their core IPV knowledge.
categorizing by age group would add any significant
information to the analysis (see Table 2).
Knowledge, Attitudes, and
Results These dental students generally did not per-
ceive themselves as either well prepared to address
The majority of these dental students (62.3 IPV with patients or knowledgeable about IPV. For
percent) were male, with a mean age of twenty-seven instance, when they responded about whether they
years. Nearly three-fourths (70.0 percent) reported intended to address IPV with their patients, over
receiving no IPV training prior to dental school, and three-fourths (78.3 percent) said they would be
a quarter (25.0 percent) who were trained prior to unlikely to ask all new patients about abuse in their
dental school received between one and five hours relationships, and the remaining fifth (21.7 percent)
of training. Some IPV training was defined as one indicated they were uncertain. In addition, a low
or more hours of received training. During dental percentage of these students (16.7 percent) said they
school, these students documented much higher would feel comfortable discussing IPV with patients.
rates of IPV training, with 57.0 percent receiving Nearly a third (31.6 percent) reported that they were
between one and five hours of training, while 5.0 aware of state reporting requirements regarding IPV.
percent had between six and fifteen hours of train- Perceived effectiveness of previous IPV train-
ing and 2.0 percent received more than fifteen hours ing was measured through the Perceived Preparation
of training. Over one-third (36.0 percent) of these scale. Participants scores and responses ranged from
students reported having no IPV training in dental 1 (not prepared) to 7 (quite well prepared). The dental
school. A fifth (20.0 percent) acknowledged having students reported a Perceived Preparation score of

1014 Journal of Dental Education Volume 75, Number 8

3.6 (SD=1.0), lower than the overall mean across
disciplines of 3.8 (SD=1.5). Students were also sur- Table 2. Dental student scores in this study stratified
by gender, by mean and standard deviation
veyed on a Perceived Knowledge scale, on which
scores ranged from 1 (nothing) to 7 (very much). Male Female
The dental students reported an average Perceived Perceived preparation
Knowledge score of 3.5 (SD=0.8), lower than the Mean (SD) 3.6 (1.0) 3.6 (0.9)
overall mean score across disciplines of 3.8 (SD=1.4).
Perceived knowledge
On the third measure (Actual Knowledge), the dental Mean (SD) 3.5 (1.0) 3.5 (0.8)
students reported a mean Actual Knowledge score of
22.2 (SD=5.1), lower than the overall mean Actual Actual knowledge
Mean sum of scores (SD) 22.0 (5.4) 22.2 (5.1)
Knowledge score of 24.2 (SD=5.4).

Effects of Training
Table 3. Dental students in study: demographics and
The dental students with IPV training prior background characteristics
to dental school had significantly higher rates
Number (Percentage)
(M=24.61; SD=3.91) of Actual Knowledge than
those who had had no IPV training prior to dental Course
school (M=21.00; SD=5.38), t(61)=2.57, p=.013. Dentistry 61 (21.3%)
The dental students who had received IPV training Age (Mean/SD) 27.4 (2.74)
during dental school also had significantly higher Range 25 to 40
Actual Knowledge rates (M=23.32; SD=4.83) than
those dental students who had received no IPV Male 38 (62.3%)
training during dental school (M=20.00; SD=5.31), Female 23 (37.7%)
t(61)=2.50, p=.015. Differences between the dental
Hours of IPV training in dental school
students reporting IPV training both prior to and None 22 (36.0%)
during dental school and those who reported no IPV 15 hours 35 (57.0%)
training prior to or during dental school were higher 615 hours 3 (5.0%)
but not significant in terms of Perceived Preparation More than 15 hours 1 (2.0%)
and Perceived Knowledge (see Table 4). Hours of IPV training prior to dental school
We were also able to verify knowledge gaps None 43 (70.0%)
by identifying questions with the lowest percentage 15 hours 15 (25.0%)
of correct answers among the thirty-eight questions 615 hours 3 (5.0%)
used to assess Actual Knowledge. Eleven questions More than 15 hours 0 (0)
were identified in which less than 50 percent of the Personal IPV experiencea
dental students gave a correct answer, out of which Self 6 (10.0%)
three questions (Victims of IPV are able to make Family 8 (13.3%)
appropriate choices about how to handle their situ- Any personal experience 12 (20.0%)
ation; Even if a child is not in immediate danger, Note: All values are total and percentages, unless otherwise
health care providers in all states are mandated to SD=standard deviation
report an instance of a child witnessing IPV to Child a
Missing data=1
Protective Services; and What is the strongest
single risk factor for becoming a victim of intimate
partner violence?) had correct answer rates of less
than 25 percent (see Table 5). Effect of Personal Experience
It should be noted with regard to differences with IPV
in summary scale rates that, at our institution, IPV
A tenth (10 percent, N=6) of all dental students
is recommended but not mandated for inclusion in
surveyed (N=61; missing data N=1) reported being
all programs. As a result, each college and depart-
the victim of some form of IPV, including physi-
ment implements IPV instruction in different ways
cal violence, sexual abuse, intimidation, economic
and with substantial variation in method, content,
deprivation, or threats of violence in an intimate
and success.

August 2011 Journal of Dental Education 1015

Table 4. Students IPV training prior to and during dental school
Prior Training Mean Std. Deviation p value

Perceived Preparation Some 3.96 1.03 t=1.94, p=.057

None 3.43 .927
Perceived Knowledge Some 3.84 .975 t=1.68, p=.099
None 3.42 .860
Actual Knowledge Some 24.61 3.91 t=2.57, p=.013
None 21.00 5.38
School Training Mean Std. Deviation p value

Perceived Preparation Some 3.60 1.03 t=.123, p=.903

None 3.57 .906
Perceived Knowledge Some 3.57 .965 t=.353, p=.725
None 3.49 .823
Actual Knowledge Some 23.32 4.83 t=2.50, p=.015
None 20.00 5.31

Table 5. Students responses to Actual Knowledge questions: number and percentages of correct answers
Number Percentage

What is the strongest single risk factor for becoming a victim of intimate partner violence? 3 4.9%
Which of the following are warning signs that a patient may have been abused by his/her partner?
Chronic unexplained pain 22 36.1%
Substance abuse 16 26.2%
Have you ever been afraid of your partner? 21 34.4%
Has your partner ever hit or hurt you? 26 42.6%
Alcohol consumption is the greatest single predictor of the likelihood of IPV.a 23 38.3%
Being supportive of a patients choice to remain in a violent relationship would condone the abuse.a 23 38.3%
Victims of IPV are able to make appropriate choices about how to handle their situation.a 10 16.7%
Health care providers should not pressure patients to acknowledge that they are living in an abusive 25 41.7%
Victims of IPV are at greater risk of injury when they leave the relationship.a 17 28.3%
Even if the child is not in immediate danger, health care providers in all states are mandated to report 8 13.3%
an instance of a child witnessing IPV to Child Protective Services.b
1 missing information
2 missing information

partner relationship. A slightly higher percentage

(13.3 percent, N=8) said that they had witnessed one Discussion
or more of these manifestations of physical violence,
As results from our study show, although ex-
sexual abuse, or psychological abuse directed toward
posure to and experience with IPV (whether through
a family member. When personal or family violence
family members who were victims of IPV or from
was considered as a whole, therefore, one-fifth (20.0
having personally experienced IPV) can be useful
percent, N=12) of all dental students in the study re-
and applicable as students encounter and interact
ported experiencing some type of domestic violence
with victims of IPV as part of their career trajectory,
including IPV.
it may not necessarily increase perceived or actual
knowledge about IPV. Nevertheless, having had those

1016 Journal of Dental Education Volume 75, Number 8

life experiences may make an individual feel more comings and recognize that, as Hsieh et al.15 have
capable of addressing IPV with patients. Future noted, the literature lacks substantive approaches and
research, therefore, should continue to monitor the models of IPV interventions thus far. Nevertheless,
prevalence of IPV among this and other populations our study provides important and necessary underpin-
of students in the health professions and explore its nings for future education that will help increase the
ramifications in terms of client care and educational likelihood that dentists will screen for, and intervene
and training efficacy, its association with other mo- appropriately with, patients affected by IPV.
tivational factors that lead to choosing dentistry as
a vocation, and its influence on students personal
relationships. Conclusion
Our study also found that a sizeable number
(ranging from half to nearly two-thirds) of our dental We are presently charting future directions for
students who were preparing to enter the profession our findings. In addition to producing larger studies
as practicing dentists are still receiving no education that will not only include qualitative personal IPV
about the highly prevalent health problem of IPV. experience data but also ascertain generalizability
Although the trend in higher education continues of findings to larger student populations, we plan to
to support providing students with more and better begin evaluating health care systems in which stu-
training in IPV,4 our findings reflect research which dents will be working to ascertain what, if any, infra-
affirms that there remains a pronounced deficit in structure changes are needed to support institutional
IPV education across disciplines and particularly in policy, protocols, public advocacy, and foundational
the field of dentistry.16 This shortfall, in turn, results research (e.g., data collection) leading to improved
in dental health care professionals entering the work- IPV screening, identification, management and qual-
place unprepared to care for victims, perpetrators, ity of care for this vulnerable population.
and witnesses of IPV who are increasingly showing At the institutional level, we also plan to incor-
up in large numbers in health care facilities. porate student survey responses as part of a revision
The results of our study also showed some posi- of the family violence curriculum entitled Healing
tive effects. The dental students in our study indicated Homes. Healing Homes was initially developed in
that their training either prior to or during dental 2007 by researchers at our institution in cooperation
school was effective in increasing their confidence in with local African American church leaders and was
and perceptions of preparedness to address IPV with pilot tested in a faith-based population based on
patients. This confidence could, in turn, potentially in- elevated rates of family violence within this com-
crease the likelihood of dentists asking patients about munity, as well as requests from clergy who observed
violence in their personal relationships. Conversely, the problem of family violence in their congregations
the lower IPV knowledge scores reported by these but were unsure how to confront the problem. Heal-
dental students is of some concern and indicates that ing Homes was initially designed to teach religious
training provided to dental students is not effective leaders how to recognize family violence, make ap-
in increasing actual knowledge about IPV. propriate referrals for crisis and non-urgent services,
Our study has several limitations, the small and be aware of and provide resources within the
sample size of dental students surveyed being community that are helpful, safe, and appropriate
prominent among them. Because our sample was to pastoral intervention. The curriculums modular
taken from a single institution, our results may not be format is easily adaptable to multiple audiences
representative of and thus generalizable to students including primary care providers and other diverse
in other dental schools. Our sample is, however, populations and cultures.
representative of our local population. We did not Healing Homes utilizes a 5R (Recognizing,
follow up with students to assess the extent to which Responding, Referring to Resources, and being
the IPV knowledge they received in dental school has cognizant of mandated Reporting requirements)
been deployed in their clinical practices. We also did approach to assess for and respond to presentations
not gather qualitative personal IPV experience data, of family violence across populations. These 5Rs
which would have been instrumental in facilitating comprise the crux of the curriculum, but we intend
a more directed, focused, and truly student-centered to focus on, modify, and enhance modules on Rec-
curriculum revision. We acknowledge these short- ognition and mandatory Reporting requirements in

August 2011 Journal of Dental Education 1017

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