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PCH Product Information

Pfizer Inc., PO Box 1043

Kings Mountain, NC 28086

To whom it may concern,

Hello, our names are Will Everett and Kayla Curry, and we are students at Austin High School. We were

given the task to create a new package for a product that has an inefficient package already. We chose the

travel-sized Advil products because there is a large amount of unused space inside. The products have a lot of room

for improvement and we tried to see how we could try to make them more efficient.

To test the unused air space in your products, we calculated the total air space versus the product space in

the package. We calculated the volume of one pill, which was .25 cubic centimeters. We then multiplied that number

by ten, which gave us the volume of pills, which was 2.5 cubic centimeters. If we subtract that number from 20.42,

(the volume of the total package), it gives us 17.92 cubic centimeters, which is the volume of total air. This gave us

87.7% air and 12.3% product, which wastes a lot of air. We found a way to lessen the air space while still keeping

the package efficient.

To make a new package, we cut the height of the cylinder in half. By halving the height, we created a

smaller package that supports the same amount of pills. Our new package would actually save over 12% of the

overall space inside the package. This saved space would allow more boxes to be shipped and placed in stores,

therefore maximizing potential selling of the product. Our package would also save your company a lot of money in

the future, as less space on trucks means more products per trip. Not only would this help costs, it will alleviate the

cost it takes onto the environment. With less packaging, there is less trash. Overall, this would save over 37.68 cubic

centimeters of plastic. Thank you for considering our new package as it not only helps costs and the environment,

but it also helps your company as a whole.


Will Everett and Kayla Curry

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