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Ch. 11- Financial Markets

Savings and Economic Growth

O Savings- the dollars that become available when people abstain from

O Importance of Savings:

O Promotes economic growth

O One Persons savings represents another persons loan

O Makes investments possible

Financial System

O Network of savers, investors, and financial institutions_ that work together to

transfer _____savings_____________ to ______investors____________.

O Financial Assets represent a claim on income


O Bonds

O Treasury Bills

O Mortgages

Four Parts of the Financial System

1. Savings- dollars that become available

2. Financial Intermediaries- banks, credit unions, life insurance companies,

pension funds, finance companies

3. Borrowers- Includes individuals or businesses

4. Financial Assets- documents that show borrowing has taken place

Financial Intermediaries

O Banks- offer checking and savings accounts, credit cards, and CDs.
Overdraft and late fees are major profit items.

O Credit Unions- non-profit service cooperative for members. Offers similar

services as banks.

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O Life Insurance Companies- collects premiums and uses surplus cash to lend.

O Pension Funds- collects contributions and invests in high quality stock and
bonds. Payments are made at retirement.

Basic Investment Considerations

O Consistency

O Invest over long periods of time

O Simplicity

O Stay with what you understand

O Risk-Return Relationship

O Low risk = ______low return____________

O High risk = _____high return_____________

Bond Components

O Bonds are _____long term_____________ contracts that require repayment plus

________interest__________ on money borrowed.

O Par Value- amount borrowed

O Maturity- life of the bond

O Coupon rate- interest rate paid on the par value

O Bond Rating- measures financial health of ______issuer____________.

Financial Assets

O Certificates of __deposits________________ (CDs)- loans to financial


O Cost as little as $500

O Are FDIC insured

O Penalty if cashed out early

O ____Corporate ______ bonds- par value as low as $1000. Usually $10,000

O ____Municipal_____ Bonds- issued by state or local governments

O Tax-exempt- federal government does not ___tax_______________

interest earned.

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O Governments Savings Bonds

O Low denomination, non-transferable bonds issued by the US


O $50-$10,000

O Treasury Notes and Bonds

O Issued by the __US Treasury________________

O Come in ___denominations_______________ of $100

O Treasury notes- maturities of __2 to 10 years________________

O Treasury Bonds- maturities of __20 to 30 years________________

O Treasury Bills

O __short term________________ obligations

O ______maturities____________ of 4, 13, 26, or 52 weeks

O Do not pay ____interest______________ but are sold at

_____discounted_____________ rate

O Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

O ___long term_______________, tax-sheltered deposits

O Taxes are paid at ______retirement____________

O Lowers taxable ___income_______________

Investing in Equities and Options

O __Equities________________ or shares of common stock represent


O ___Stockbrokers_______________buy and sell __equities________________ for their


O Individuals can bypass a ___stockbroker_______________ through discount

___brokerages_______________ and manage their own

How is Stock Performing?

O 52 weeks- shows the high and low prices for the past 12 months

O Stock (SYM)- Unique and easily remembered character string.

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O DIV- annual dividend paid in every quarter.

O YLD%- similar to interest return.

O PE- price to earnings ratio

O 100s- volume of shares traded in hundreds

O LAST- final or closing price

O NET CHG- compares recent closing price to previous closing price

Portfolio Diversification

O ____portfolio______________ ___diversification_______________ - holding a large

number of different stocks so that ____increases______________ in some stocks
can offset a _____decrease_____________ in others

O Mutual Funds

O sell stock in itself to individuals

O Invests money in stocks and bonds of other companies

O Pass on earnings to shareholders

O 401(k) Plan

O Tax-deferred ___investments_______________ and

____savings______________ plan

O Invests in ____mutual funds______________ and other investments

O Lowers taxable ____income______________

O Some ___employers_______________ may match contributions

Stock Exchanges

O New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

O ____oldest______________ and most prestigious

___organized_______________ stock exchange.

O National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation


O First ____electronic______________ exchange

Measuring Stock Performance

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O Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA)

O Price-weighted average of 30 significant stocks

O Standard & Poors 500 (S&P 500)

O Measures overall market performance using price changes of 500

representative stocks

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