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Nature of Language

Language a system of sounds and symbols used to communicate ideas and feelings.

Feature of Language

Language is system.
Language is symbolic.
Language is conventional.
Language is learned.
Languages is changes.

Characteristics of Language

Language has symbolic.

Language is rule governed.
Language is a creative act.
Language mirrors attitudes.

Effective oral language is clear and appropriate when it is grammatically correct and
when it uses exact, simple and easy to understand words.

To show respect and acceptance of the following strategies can help:

a. Use language that is appropriate formal for the situation.

b. Avoid technical jargon, slang with those who may not understand it.
c. Exclude from your language profane/vulgar expression.
d. Avoid sexist, racist/based expression.
e. Use ethical language.

In order to use only appropriate language, be sure to do the following before speaking:

1. Assess whether the or phrase that you have in mind is appropriate for the given
2. Pause to mentally brainstorm alternatives.
3. Select the most appropriate word.

The following suggestion may prove helpful for a long term personal development

1. Increase your vocabulary.

2. Study the language style of skilled writers and speakers.
3. Practice writing and speaking.
Production the top of the tongue is pressed firmly on the upper teeth bridge; hence the
outgoing air is checked momentarily, resulting in increased breath pressure which
is released with a slight explosion by the quick withdrawal of the tongue tip.

Sound - voiceless means having no voice.


T tip ( tip ) toy - ( tor )

Te fate ( feit )

( t ) words

Initial Medial Final

Ticket Italian Hot

Test Party Mat

Tongue twister

1. Belly bought of butter but she found the butter bitter so she bought of better butter
to make the bitter butter bitter.

Consonant # 6 ( d )

Production similar to / t /

Sound voiced


D den/den bud

De ride/raid

( d ) words

Initial Medial Final

Dog breeding bad

Dig ladder need

Den loading seed

Consonant # 7 / Q /

Production the tip of the tongue is placed slightly the cutting edges of the upper
from teeth before blowing.


Th thing / Oink / three / Ori /

/ O /words

Initial Medial Final

Thing Author Mouth

Thin Birthday Cloth

Thrown Healthy Fourth

Consonant # 8 ( th )

Production - similar to / O /.

Sound - voice

/ th /words

Initial Medial Final

The Father Smooth

There Weather Clothe

Through Northern Bathe

Minimal Pairs

/ th / /d/

Then den

Thy die

Other udder

Though dough
Consonant # 9 / s /

Feature identical to the vernacular s as in sila

Production - air is forced though a very narrow channel between the front of the tongue
and the tooth ridge while the lips are spread.

Sound voiceless with a rising sound.

Words / s /

Initial Medial Final

Sin Cancer Mess
Seek Assignment Mass
Seen Consider Plus
Sow Concerned Gas

Consonant # 10 / z /

/ z / as in zero

Feature - short sounded proceeded by a long vowel.

Production similar to s

Sound voice

Words / z /

Initial Medial Final

Zest Magazine Wise
Zealous Position Rose
Zeal Music Cause
Models of Listening
Listening - is a common of what we hear, what we understand and what we remember.

Three stages of listening

1. Hearing refers to the process which speech sounds in the form of sounds waves are
received by the ear.
a. Auditory the ability of the ear to respond to various frequencies ( tones )
at various intensities ( levels of loudness ) is one of the first factor
that affect the hearing of sounds.
b. Masking is another factor that influences hearing.
c. Auditory fatigues continuous prolonged exposure to sound of
certain frequencies can cause hearing cause.
2. Identifying and Recognition is one in which patterns and familiar relations
are recognized and assimilated.
a. Auditory analysis refers to the process of comparing the incoming sounds
heard with other sounds that are already familiar to the individual.
b. Mental recognition - is the second part of the process when the listener applies
some system that will aid retention and structuring of the incoming sounds.
c. Association is the third stage where the listener associate the sounds heard with
other sounds as the sounds maybe entirely strange to the listener.
3. Auding is the translation of the flow of words into meaning.
a. Indexing this refers to the outlining or ranking of information according to
b. Nothing Sequence another aid to the assignment of meaning is arranging
the material according to time, space, position or some relationship.
c. Forming Sensory Impression the listener reacts with his senses to incoming
d. Appreciation means responding to the aesthetic nature of the message.

Gross Listening Model

Gross takes an information processing approach to listening.

Stages of gross Listening

1. Signal processing - is the act of transmitting message to the listener.

2. Lateral processing is taking the words message at face value in assessing
their probable meaning.
3. Reflective processing is listening to evaluate.

The purpose of this is resource guide to orient students on the different principles

involved in speaking. Though it is true that there are lots of information and knowledge

that can be taken from different sources, it cannot be assured that the students

effectiveness in Speech Communication can be fully developed. College students

nowadays can be called upon to deliver speeches anytime of the day as part of their day

to day communication activity. However, while students are in the actual process of

communicating the authors have discovered problems that may hinder there from it is in

the light of these findings succeeding in communicating. It is in the light of these findings

and motivated by their desire to each students, the craft of speech communication that

the authors came up with this book. They believe this will surely help the students

overcome their weaknesses in speech communication.

The increasing demand for an integrating the study and teaching of political
science is growing. This resource guide attempts to be a humble contribution to address
the need for integration and its importance to highlight the all too. Important function of
the study of Politics, Governance, Government and the Philippine Constitution. We
believe that the integration of various related fields and disciplines can lead to a better
understanding of the requirements for responsible citizenship, effective leadership and
good public service.

In designing the content of this resource guide, we agreed to consider 3 important

considerations substance, presentation and medium.

This resource guide is organized into four major subject categories: Politics,
Governance, Government and Philippine Constitution. Each of these subjects discusses
only the topics that to our mind are of great relevance and important to the life of the
learners the students.

This humble contribution to knowledge in the Social Science would not be
possible without friends, classmates and love ones who encourage us to dream and
inspire us to pursue our goal.

Our parents who kept us burning through the nights to finish our deadlines
and for giving us financial support.
Our classmates who support and do their specific task at hand.
Mr. Deslate Internet Caf.
Mrs. Cora Xerox Center for the hard bound.
To Almighty God for strength and guidance for every endeavor.

Special thanks to our Professor Mrs. Arlena H. Araneta .

This resource guide would not be materialize without those people who give their
assistance beyond measure.


The accomplishment of this resource guide was such a challenge to us BEED II
Batch 2009 2010. That they could not help but think that it was made possible because
of the unselfish assistance, inspiring guidance and encouragement of the following
persons to whom we owe a lot.

To Professor Arlena H. Araneta for the patience and understanding.

To Maam Ronas Internet Caf, for giving some suggestions.
Mr. Deslate internet Caf.
Mrs. Cora Xerox Center for the hard bound.
To our dear parents for financial support and to Almighty God for being a
provider of everything.


We want to give praise to the Lord for the strength, guidance and wisdom. He sent
amidst challenges and frustrations in the course of accomplishing this resource guide in
Facilitating Human Learning.

We are so grateful for the support and understanding and love of our dear parents
and guardians.

We would like to acknowledge the nuggets of wisdom to our beloved Professor

Mrs. Teresita A. Oducado. As well as for her understanding and patient for us. We thank
her for her witty suggestions and constructive criticism. Lastly, thank you for trusting us
that we can accomplish this compilation.

Special thanks to:

Ms. Rona for typing.

Mr. Deslate for printing.

Mrs. Cora for binding.


We wish to express our sincere gratitude. For all kind hearted persons who help

and give contribution for us to accomplish this resource guide. First and foremost to

our dear parents and guardians to their untiring and financial support. to our beloved

Professor Marie Jean Penson for her encouragement and patience, and above all to our

Almighty God for the divine assistance and guidance same through kept us burning

through the night to finish our deadline.

Special thanks to:

Maam Rona for typing.

Mr. Ariel for printing.
Mrs. Cora Basamot for binding.



At the end of 2nd year in addition to what you have learned from first year you are
expected to listen critically, observing behavior communicate ones feelings and ideas
orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency and read fiction and non fiction
materials to serve ones own learning needs in meeting a wide range of lifes purpose.

Guide expectations, this resource guide has been prepared and designed to
answer these needs and enhance the potentials and interest of a student like you. The
activities presented in each lesson are aimed to enhance attitudes and behavior of ones

Through this resource guide it is hoped that you will enjoy your facilitating
learning lessons. Thereby making you equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and
attitude when you move on the next level of education.

Hopefully also, you will be able to apply your learning outside the four walls of
your classroom in practical life situation.

Over the years, the call for relevance has been the recurring issue that educational

institutions must address.

This resource guide was conceived and written to meet the need for more

comprehensive and updated literature in principles of teaching, teaching strategies and

some educational alternatives.

This resource guide provide the students in the college of education, teachers,

supervisors, educational administrators and practitioners and researchers on various areas

of concern in the challenging career of teaching in a dynamic environment.

It is hoped that, through this resource guide, the awareness and interest of

students, teachers, supervisors and administrators in the field of education will be


Understanding Governance
What is governance?

The United Nations Development Programme has defined governance as the

exercise of political, economic and administrative authority in the management of a
countrys affair at all levels.

Morgan and Qualman ( 1996 ) assert the effectiveness of organizational

performance comes as much from the political culture of the country as it does from the
efficiency of its organizations.

Organizational pout puts are therefore identified and designed in order to satisfy
these stakeholders political leaders, client groups, bureaucrats, beneficiaries, special
interests groups, etc.

Guidance for Governance for the Digital Age, Paul A. Lundberg, Chief of
Party of the Associate for Rural development and Governance for Local Development
( ARD GOLD ) an affiliate satellite of the United States Agency for
International Development ( USAID ), defines governance as no more no less, the
regularized ways of ordering human societies at all levels of organization from Family
units to entire societies .


National trends Regional trends

economic Political technological

Socio cultural Governance Institutional

Demographics Civilization Ecological

Local trends Global trends

1. Political Environment
2. Economic environment
3. Socio cultural environment
4. Demographics
5. Civilizational
6. Technological
7. Institutional
8. Ecological

Best Practice in Governance

Think New. Think Global, Act Local. This is a period characterized by

new but complex dynamics of development and trends.

Naga City Mayor Jess Robredo, who transformed Naga City into global for
metropolitan development, has this to say : Effective governance is a mind set. It is a
desire. It is an attitude of leaders to be the best that they can be excellent in meeting
public expectations.

Over the 14 years, Naga has built a reputation for being a local government unit
and a center of innovations in local governance.

Evolving the Naga Model

Good urban governance, exemplified by the Naga model.

The first step was to restore the citizens faith and confidence on their local
government. Trust in government was renewed when the new administration immediately
confronted the long standing problems of illegal gambling and the proliferation of
night clubs and seedy joints. Illegal gambling was believed to be controlled by the local
civilian officials and police officers.

The Naga City government also promoted functional partnership with the private
non government sector to attain its objective of accomplishing development projects for
the communities.

The following mechanism have been established:

Continuing NGO accreditation;

Multi level consultation mechanism;
Referendum on development issues; and
The empowerment ordinance and the Naga City Peoples Council

The I Governance Program

What is I Governance?

I governance stands for :

Inclusive governance. Which seeks to embrace, rather than exclude, individuals

people and sectors running the government.

Information openness. Which demonstrates that information is power and truly

empowering when placed at the hands of the citizens;

Interactive engagement. Which puts premium on information exchange through

continuing dialogue between authority and constituency, and

Innovative management. Which is committed to a culture of excellence

sustained by creativity and innovations.

Impact of the Naga model

Naga is among the countrys fastest growing economies with an annual

growth rate of 6.5% which is higher than the national average.
A participative society exists, where a form of direct democracy works
hand in hand with representative democracy.
The marginalized sectors of society have been strengthened and organized,
both at the city and barangay levels.
Participation and inclusiveness in direction setting, policy making as well
as program and project implementation, monitoring and evaluation at the
city level have been widened.
Broad based stakeholders, propelled by greater NGO/PO participation.

The Bulacan Experience

Josefine M. Dela Cruz, the internationally acclaimed governor of the Province of
Bulacan defines governance as nothing moir than the use of political power to be
effective, efficient and responsive to the needs of the people.

A landmark initiative of the Provincial governor is the Governance program

which has brought information technology and management into the province.

The Bulacan Information System ( BIS ) is designed to support the m

governments operations. The main activity of the BIS is to computerize strategic
operations, namely, revenue generation, fiscal management, supply and property
management, development planning and management records management and inter
LGU information linkages for greater efficiency.

The E governance program of the provincial government resulted in :

Re energized bureaucracy government operations are now done

faster and with less man hour requirements .
More effective and efficient service delivery the installed systems for
the identified operations have improved the delivery of service to the
Improved information access with the systematic building up of
database the BIS is able to get more reliable and dependable information
from the Provincial government, thus giving timely and accurate data.
People are able to access information about government operations.
Greater accountability and transparency through computerized data,
the provincial government has an accurate basis of empowering local
Comprehensive land use planning - land use maps based on
Geographic Information Systems ( GIS ) facilitate the production of tax
maps, pollution risk maps, health service maps, and other applications.

Marikina: Model City

Bayani Fernando, the quinessential three term, multi awarded mayor of the
city of Marikina and now chairman of the Metro Manila Development Authority
( MMDA ) says that for governance to take root, the presence of strong, stern,
strict dedicated leadership I needed.



Think Big and Beautiful

Speak Excellence and Extraordinary

Act Sense and Service

Be Time conscious and Team inspired

1. Government leaders must think big.

2. Governance, for it to be good, must know the language and tradition.
3. Governance requires sensitivity to the needs and expectations of governance
4. Governance fails and succeeds through the time .
5. Governance needs the presence and drive of a team.


Business Government


Citizen Consumers Civil Society

Public Accountability
Section I, Article XI of the Constitution provides :

Public office is a public trust. Public officers and employees must all times be
accountable to the people, serve them with outmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and
efficiency act with patriotism and justic3 and lead modest lives.

Impeachment - is a process whereby an impeachable officer may be removed on

grounds stated in the constitution and following the procedures outlined in the
fundamental law.

Section 3, article XI provides:

1. The House of representatives shall have the exclusive power to initiate all cases of
2. A verified complaint may be filed by any member of the House of Representatives or
by any citizen upon a resolution of endorsement by any Member thereof, which shall
be included in the order of Business with ten session days thereafter.
3. A vote at least one third of all the members of the House of Representatives shall be
necessary either to affirm a favorable resolution with the Articles of Impeachment of
the committee, or override its contrary resolution. The vote of each member shall be
4. In case the verified complaint or resolution of impeachment in filed by at least one
third of all the members of the House, the same shall be constitute the articles of
impeachment and trial by the Senate shall for with proceed.
5. No impeachment proceedings shall be initiated against the same official more than
once within a period of one year.
6. The Senate shall have the sole power to try and decide all cases of impeachment.
7. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than removal from office
and disqualification to hold any office under the removal from office under the
Republic of the Philippines, but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and
subject to prosecution, trial.

Impeachment officer these are the President, Vice President, members of the
supreme Court, members of the Constitutional Commissions and the Ombudsman.

Grounds - the constitutional grounds for impeachment are capable violation of the
constitution, treason, bribery, graft and corruption, other higher crimes or betrayal of
public trust.

Treason - it is a crime committed by any person who owing allegiance to the

Philippines, not being a foreigner, levies war against the government of the Philippines or
adhere to its enemies, giving them aid or comfort within the Philippines or elsewhere.

Bribery direct bribery is a crime committed by any public officer who shall agree to
perform an act constituting a crime in connection with the performance of his official
duties, in consideration of any officer, promise, gift or present received by such officer,
personally or through mediation.

Indirect Bribery is a crime committed by any public officer who shall accept gifts
offered to him by reason of his office.

Graft and Corruption - any acts or omissions punishable under the anti graft and
corrupt practices law.

Betrayal of Public Trust any act or omission, criminal or not, committed by an

impeachable officer in his oath office.

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