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Teenage drug abuse poses a great apprehension to developed European

nations with advanced economies (Bauman A., 1999). One such country
was Iceland, which suffered from a rising trend of teenage substance
abuse from 1995 2006. But by the early 2007, Iceland had made
impressive progress on the prevention of drug abuse (Inga Dora
Sigfusdottir, 2008).Today Iceland receives international credit for
achieving a successful turnaround in terms of adolescent drug abuse..

Proportion of Proportion of European students who had accidents

due to alcohol abuse (Hibell B., 1997)
Percentage decrease of substance use among Icelandic youths,
by year, between 1997 and 2007 (Inga Dora Sigfusdottir, 2008)


In the past, Icelandic youths retorted into illegal abuse of drug and
alcohol due to reasons such as, influence due to peer-groups, effect of
parental support, and the poor social interactions the teens had with the
people around them (Thorlindsson T., 1998)

The Investment

The Icelandic Model, which strived to divert the addiction and attention
that teens had on drugs to natural high alternatives. Instead of youths
being attracted to drugs or substances, they could get redirect these
urges to less harmful practices, such as dance and sports to benefit
themselves and lead a healthy lifestyle.


Illegal to buy drugs and substances To end underage youths from

under 18 purchasing substances
Tobacco and alcohol advertising was To halt advertising which may
banned attract more youth attention
to substances
Parents were strongly encourage to Good interaction with family
spend a quantity of time with children helps to end disconnection
Curfews for 16 to 13 year olds with parents.
Not to allow children into unsupervised End illegal meetings of youths
parties to purchase substances
To refrain youth from
consuming alcohol and drugs.

State Funding was greatly increased for To provide adolescents with an

classes such as ballet, football, arts, urge directed to less harmful
dance and other clubs, where youths feel practices.
good as a group. When youths are included and
they feel happy, less likely
they are to enter depression
and need drugs.
The lower income families were provided This is to make sure all
with more financial aid. youths, regardless of their
Some families were provided with a background participated in the
Luxury Card programme, to maximize its
which funds the recreational activities. effectiveness
The Surveys continued to collect data The surveys gave feedbacks
from all youths in Iceland annually on whether the investments of
the government were
effective or not, in a
consistent period of time.


Although not common, just in 2015 about 3121 youths were arrested for
juvenile crimes.
Moreover in the recent years, juvenile crime has been rising in Singapore.
Youth offenders are often given a second chance to prove themselves as
benefic to the society. Hence, by improving such programmes we can
have more youths who are conscious about the society around them.


Have the Delinquent Youth to This will help to illuminate on

conduct talks and Seminars to the possible losses that may
other youths about their occur when doing a wrong, which
wrongdoings and its possible discourages the youth from being
consequences involved in wrongdoings
Having compulsory school Parents can be more aware of the
meetings with parents weekly, to likelihood their children will do a
discuss the behavior of a child at crime
Giving the child a new chance, to Enriches personal discipline
prove himself beneficial to the
society, (Eg. Getting involved in a
dance, or community services)

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