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Beymuhammed 1

Hassan Beymuhammed


College writing

November 17 2016

Literary Analysis

Have you ever met someone who has anger problems and lets them get himself/herself in

trouble? This is a recurring problem in our novel. This is about a boy named Diego and how he

goes through his life dealing with his anger that is bottled up inside about what his step-father

did to him. The theme in this story is that you need to control your anger to protect you and the

people you care about. Sanchez teaches the reader that holding on to harmful and destructive

feelings not only affects you, but everyone that is close to you by showing how diegos actions

affect his family like when he got really angry with his mom and how he is afraid of losing his

temper whiel playing with his younger brother.

Diego has a burden he has to deal with because he feels responsible for all that happened.

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