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During the 1940s an event called the holocaust happened.

It all started

when Germany invaded Poland in 1939. The German Nazi leader Adolf Hitler

was the reason the holocaust even happened. In about 5 years he had

between 6,000,000- 11,000,000 Jewish people killed. The way he would kill

them was by putting them into concentration camps. In these camps they

would be starved, beaten, or put in a gas chamber. Some people say that

the Holocaust has left an ethical impact on us and the ones who have passed

away after surviving the holocaust. The holocaust left the world with

emotional scars.

The impact on the victims made it so the jewish had nowhere to go,

nowhere to live,and no jobs. Often some of the jewish would fall into deep

depression and would go into physical numbing. The main ways it affected

people fell into three categories: The children, The elders, The victims.

The children are affected the most by the holocaust because the survivors

came out and had no idea who they were or where they came from. The

really young children had no idea what their names were or where to go.

Their families were killed and they were left with no identity. If they had any

memories of their past it became clouded as time went on forgetting who

their parents were. They were often shipped across the country to
orphanages with no name or belongings. Some of the children after dressed

like Nazis to try to survive even after the holocaust was over. This was not

fair to the children or anyone this left a scar on them for as long as they are


The elder people had nothing to return to. They were now homeless

and jobless. They didnt know where to go. The places they once lived were

now destroyed. They had to start all over. All records of their existence were

gone they had nothing. Most of them felt that they were worthless and that

they should have died also. They fell into an emotional numbness. They had

to learn to rebuild and re-enter into society. They had to learn to live again.

It was a struggle for them to find happiness. With everything they once had

taken away it was so difficult for some to start over they committed suicide.

The ones who didnt survive left an impact on everyone. The children

who died and were not able to have children, get married, graduate high

school, or get a job. The elders werent able to watch their grandchildren

grow up, they didnt get to grow up with the person they loved. Everyone

who died in the holocaust died because of Hitler's un ethical beliefs. Those

people did nothing they just believed what they grew up believing. Their

religion didnt ever hurt anyone. The way they were killed was just
inhumane and I cant believe anyone who be able to do this and then live

with himself after. The ones who died had family members watch them die

and wait for them only to find out they had died. When they died their

bodies were just thrown out like they were just a piece of trash instead of a

human. People who survived didnt know if they had family because the

victims who died could not be identified. Hitler killed people without a

second thought about what he was doing. The people in the camps watched

as people they new disappeared and were never heard from again. They

didnt know if they were going to be next. They had no idea when it would

end if it were ever end. Lots of them thought that being dead would be

better than having to live like they did. They started to purposely disobey so

they would be put out of their misery.

The holocaust was one of the worst things that has ever happened to

this world. How can one person control who dies or who gets to live? Why

did he get to make all the decisions? Why did the people just refuse to work

for him? Why didnt anyone try to stop him? This happened less than 100

years ago and it's hard to believe that our world has changed so much in

such little time. Now we live in a world where people are accepted for who

they are no matter what race, what religion, or what gender they are. We
need to keep our world this positive to keep something like the holocaust

happening again.

Now why didnt anyone stop this. The people who were guarding the

prisoners could have just let them go,but the reality is they were probably to

afraid to get in trouble. According to Kohlberg's ethical standards most

people in their life dont get past stage two. Stage two is doing things to

avoid punishment. Now someone who is a stage five think would help free

the people in the concentration camp even though it would be against the

law. They would the after willingly take the consequences because they

know they did the right thing. As you now know helping the people in these

camps would be similar to a mid game. For most people thinking above a

stage two is something their brain is not trained to do. You can say you

would do it, but when put in the situation people tend to do things to help

themselves first instead of others.

In the holocaust there was a young girl named Anne Frank she was a

young jewish girl on the run from the nazis. On July 5, 1942, the Franks

received an official statement to report to a Nazi internment camp in

Germany. The next morning the Franks went into hiding to avoid going to

the camp. They went and hid in a makeshift quarter in an empty space in
Ottos company. Kleiman, Kugler, Jan and Miep Gies gave the Franks food

and information about whats going on in the outside world. The people who

helped the Frank family displayed to have a high moral standard. Even when

the law stated that harboring jewish was against the law they did it anyway

because it was ethically correct. By doing this the reached kohlberg's level 5

thinking which is extremely hard for everyday people to reach. Even with all

the efforts to keep the Franks safe they were captured and taken to

concentration camps on August 4,1944. Everyone in family died except for

Otto Frank who was the sole survivor of the family.

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