Journal 1

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Nick Koscinski

Mrs. Dietrich

Honors English 10

24 August 2016

Journal #1

There are various factors that can determine whether one fulfills his personal legend or

not. However, the three main factors that can contribute in this is fear, love, and status in a

society. Paulo Coelho states that, Courage is the quality most essential to understanding the

language of the world (The Alchemist 117). This justifies that if someone is afraid to learn the

language of the world, they will never fulfill their personal legend.

The Alchemist states that, You must understand that love never keeps a man from

pursuing his personal legend (The Alchemist 120). If a man is both in love and afraid of

achieving his personal legend he will most likely never fulfill it. Lastly, status in a society should

never hold us back from achieving our dream. The Alchemist says, Its what you have always

wanted to accomplish. Everyone, when they are young knows what their destiny is (The

Alchemist 20). This means that status should not hold us back from accomplishing our goals.

However, if a man is afraid, in love, and has a poor status in society he will most likely not fulfill

his personal legend.

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