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Andrew Allen

Mr. Sebestyen

Honors World Geography 9

April 4, 2017

Plans for Mexicos Future

Mexican history has been riddled with instability, revolution and corruption. Mexican

citizens have long suffered from poverty and poor infrastructure, job opportunities and

education. To fix this, Mexico needs to continue its path to democracy, freedom, and equal

rights. To guarantee a stable and prosperous future for its citizens, Mexico should encourage

free, fair, and multi-party elections, continue to promote and support the North American Free

Trade Agreement and an export economy, and incentivising companies to operate in the Mexico

while also ensuring the rights for workers.

A major key to Mexican success is competition within politics. For 71 uninterrupted

years, the PRI held rule. Something like this can never happen again. When people do not have

a true choice within politics, the country starts to lean towards a dictatorship, since one group of

people hold all decision making power in the country. If Mexico can focus on having multiple or

even many parties, people can vote for representatives that they truly support and trust to push

what they believe within the government. This can lead to necessary change and reform within

the government based on the peoples needs. When citizens have a say in government, they tend

to be more patriotic and passionate about affairs, because they see what they want happening

within the government. Take for example the recent protests in America. Since people have a

say, not only did we have someone who might not traditionally be a government leader because

of the desires of the people, but there has been continual protests for opposing views. The effect
of this is a higher chance of change the people want and a lower chance of change people do not

want. Although it may not seem like it, politicians do see and hear of these protests, and set out

to meet these needs the people declare. By having a more balanced, fair, and competitive

political system Mexico can fight to meet the desires and needs of their people.

It is important that Mexico keeps NAFTA as a primary part of their plan for the

economy. Mexico has many resources to offer and by being a part of NAFTA, Mexico can more

effectively export these goods within North America, while improving relations with their

neighbors to the north. By leveraging resources and exports they can help to bring billions of

Pesos into Mexico, attracting business and creating jobs. When large companies create new

plants or factories, a town tends to build around the area for the workers. This can help the

development of infrastructure in Mexico. NAFTA can help to bring in large companies and

large profits to Mexico, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and strengthen the overall foreign

relations within the country.

It is imperative to Mexicos success that the government incentivise companies to operate

there to create jobs and bolster their economy. They can do this by keeping regulations to a

minimum and staying out of affairs within business. The Mexican government should have no

ownership or stakes in business, because by having biases the government can not objectively

create laws nor abolish laws regarding business. A government is meant to ensure equal rights

for all people, serve justice, and guide its citizens to success. By having prejudices toward

certain companies or industries, the government is failing to ensure equal rights and using

resources in the wrong places. Although the government should try to bring in businesses, they

must also give rights to workers. One part of the equation is the benefits companies are already

providing to Mexican workers. For example, the Eaton plant in Reynosa, Mexico provides
meals and transportation for their workers. This can help to offset the low wages that attract the

companies in the first place. Although this is true, there also needs to be a minimum wage set

that is more competitive with American wages. By doing this, workers can have better lives, but

by still keeping it competitive with United States , they can make sure companies stay in Mexico

and more come to Mexico, because the only thing keeping business there is the lower wages. To

give citizens higher wages, the government can also add tax incentives to companies who pay

their workers more. By getting all of this done, Mexico can have a booming economy that is

attractive to businesses while creating jobs with increased wages for workers trying to escape


Mexico has already taken the first steps to executing a plan for success. In 2000, the PRI

was put out of power for the first time since 1971 and now Mexico is on the road to more fair

and diverse elections. NAFTA has already been signed, and while not as successful as people

had hoped so far, has the potential for major success. Businesses have already moved and

created jobs, but there is even more capacity for growth. To create a great future, Mexico needs

to support multi-party elections, continue with NAFTA, and encourage business to set up shop in

the nation while ensuring rights for workers.

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