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Mm ste AND MODE SHAPE Robert D. Blevins PhD ‘Van Nosrin Reinotd Company Regina Ofc: Now Yor “Ginna! atts alls San rancsco ‘Yan Nostrand Reinhold Company International Ofc London Toronto Melbourne Copyright © 1979 by Litton Eauetina Publishing Ine Library of Conger Catalog Card Number 79.596 Isan:oasz207107 ‘Alright ered No pat of thi work covered by the copys hereon may arcane in any for or by any meant, lctrone or ‘Sector nlling phtocopying recording, peg ov information trae [nd rena eytome witout peison ofthe pole. Manufactured in the United Snes of Ameren Pubiied by Van Novtand Retold Company 13s West 30a Suet, New York NY 10020 Pubtsedsimltanousy in Cana by Van Nostrand Reinhold Ud 1514131211 10987654327 Livery of Congres Cataloging in Pbcaton Data Blevins, Robert Toru Tot natural equene and mode shape ‘nels bioraphia eferences and inde. 1 SiactrldymumiseMandbook, mana, PREFACE The purpose of this book is to provide a summary of formulas and principles on the vibration of structural and fluid systems. It is intended to be a reference book for engineers, designers, and students who have had some introduction to the theory of vibrations. However, anyone with a grasp of basic physics and an electronic calculator should have little difficulty in applying the formulas presented here. Vibrations of structures have been known since man first heard wind ruffle the leaves of trees, Quantitative knowledge of vibrations was mostly limited to empitical descriptions of pendulums and stringed instruments until the development of calculus by Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz in the late 1600's. The first in- stance in which the normal modes of continuous systems were determined involved the modes of a hanging chain, which were described in terms of Bessel functions by Daniel Bernoulli in 1732. The beauty and intricacy of modal patterns were actually visualized in 1787 when Ernst Chladni developed the method of placing sand on a vibrating plate. Mathematical description of vibrating plates proved more elusive. In 1809 Napoleon Bonaparte presented the Paris Institute of Science with the sum of 3000 francs to be given as a prize for a satisfactory mathematical theory of the vibra- tion of plates. This prize was finally awarded in 1816 to Mademoiselle Sophie Germain, who first detived the correct differential equation but obtained erroneous boundary conditions. The theory of plate vibration was completed in 1850 by Gustav Kirchhoff. During the 1850's, calculus was applied to the vibration analysis of a number of practically important structural systems. This led to Lond Rayleigh's publication of The Theory of Sound (Ist ed., 1877), which remains in print today. Lord Rayleigh, bor John William Strutt, independently developed his own laboratory and devoted himself to science. His fellow countrymen must have thought him a bit odd as he investigated the vibration modes of their church bells. ‘A. E. H. Love's A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity (4th ed., 1926) and Horace Lamb's The Dynamical Theory of Sound 2nd ed., 1925) together with Rayleigh’s The Theory of Sound form the basis of modern vibration analysis. Solutions developed in each of these books are presented here, During the early and middle 1900’s, the techniques presented in these books were applied to increasingly complex systems. Sophisticated approximate techniques such as those employed by Stephen P. Timoshenko in Vibration Problems in Engineering (Ist ed., 1928) also appeared during that period. ‘The advent of reliable electronic computers in the 1950's and the widespread in- stallation of these computers in the early 1960°s led to two new parallel paths for analyzing complex systems. First, the computer made it possible to generate ap- proximate semi-closed form solutions which rely on classical solution techniques but with numerical evaluation of certain terms which cannot be expressed in closed form. Second, the development of large digital computers las made it feasible to simulate systems directly using finite element models, Today itis posible to simulate virtually any well-defined linear system on a large general purpose digital computer and Sbtain its natural frequencies, mode shapes, and response without resort to a (heoretical treatment. Of course, the result is purely numerical, and physical insight Jnto the nature of the solution must still be obtained through classical reasoning, ‘A vibration analysis generally follows four steps. First, the structure or system of interest is identified, its boundary conditions are estimated, and its interfaces with fother systems are plotted. Second, the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the Structure are determined by analysis or direct experimental measurement. Third, the time dependent loads on the structure are estimated. Fourth, these Toads are fpplied to an analytical model of the structure to determine its response. ‘The era- Gl steps in the vibration analysis are the identification of the structure and the determination of its natural frequencies and mode shapes. ‘The aim of this book is to provide formulas for the natural frequencies and mode shapes of a wide range of structures in easily used form so that the anslyst can rapidly obtain his result without either searching the literature or spending the hours Oudinarly required to successfully complete a finite element numerical simulation. “This book was written by searching through the comucopia of solutions available in the literature for those solutions whose practicality and generality make them tuseful tools for the engineer or designer. In order to yield a compact volume, only those solutions which could be adequately presented in a relatively small space have been included. Chapters 1 through 5 present definitions, symbols, instruction in nits, basic principles, and geometric properties of rigid structures. Chapter 6 is evoted to systems with finite number of degrees of freedom: the spring-mass systems. ‘Chapter 7 considers the dynamies of cable systems. Chapters & through 12 present results for beams, curved beams, membranes, plates, and shells. Some practical in- formation on the stress analysis of these structures is also included. Chapters 13 and 14 are devoted to vibration in fluid systems and the effect of a surrounding fluid om the vibration of structural systems. Chapter 15 reviews the finite element computer codes presently available for general vibration analysis. Chapter 16 presents data on the properties of materials which are useful as inputs for vibration analysis. “The solutions presented in this book span the technical literature from the second edition of Lord Rayleigh’s The Theory of Sound, published in 1894, to the journals Of 1978. While many of the solutions presented here can be traced to the pre-1930 Yolumes of Horace Lamb, A. E. H. Love, and Lord Rayleigh, the majority of the ‘esults in this book were generated after 1960. Notable among the more recent results dire the cable solutions of H. Max Irvine, the multispan beam solutions of Daniel J. Gorman, the plate solutions of Arthur W. Leissa, and the cylindrical shell solutions OFC. B.Sharma and D. J, Johns, The formats used in this book were adapted from those developed by Raymond J. Roark, and Chapters 11 and 12 were born in the compilations of Arthur W. Leissa. Those familiar with the work of these two fine analysts will recognize its reflection in this book. ‘The following individuals reviewed various chapters in this book: LT. Almajan K.P. Kerney C.D. Babeock AC. Lewis T.K. Caughey F. Raichlen 8. $. Chen 'T. Sarpkaya S.C. Cheng CB. Sharma H.D. Chiger 1M. W. Wambsganss L. Halvers HH. Woo M.T. Jakub ‘Tueir comments, criticisms, and conect aluable. 1 etic, ons wer invalble, mn indebted to Al bert Gorton and her staff at Van Nostrand Reinhold for tei ear inthe publica dn ofthis book. Most of all would like to thank Boeeky Yat, who dligenty sited hs manncp at med om nite sro pit soy This book is dedicated tothe individuals who developed the solutions presents here; it is far more their creation than mine. * *e S RDB. La Jolla, California CONTENTS PREFACE, 1. DEFINITIONS 2. SYMBOLS 3. UNITS 4, PRINCIPLES AND ANALYTICAL METHODS 5. GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF PLANE AREAS AND SOLID BODIES 5.1, Plane Areas 532, Solid Bodies References 6, SPRING AND PENDULUM SYSTEMS 6.1. Assumptions 6.2. Spring Constants 63, Behavior of Spring Mas Systems 64, Example of Exact Analysis 65. Cable Mass Example 66. Pendulum Example References 7. CABLES AND CABLE TRUSSES 7A. Cables 72, Cable Truses 73, Cable Example 74. Cable Truss Example References 8, STRAIGHT BEAMS 8.1, Transverse Vibration of Flexure Beams 8.1.1. General Case 8.12. SingleSpan Beams 8.13. Multispan Beams 39 39 39 a7 39 61 84 86 37 87 94 99 100 100 101 101 101 107 134 contents 9. 10. 1" 2. £5.14, Beams Supporting a Unform At Load $1.5, Beams Suppringa Lier Varying Axl Lod B16, Beam wh Conentted Mase 5107, Tapered Beans BB, enn with Sng Supported Bounds 42, Tenses Vibration of Shea Beans 53. Longa Vibration 8 Tonto! Vitin of aus and Shafts 35. Examples B31 Tube Example 5.2, Beaman ample £83, tammted Two Span Des Example etronee CURVED BEAMS AND FRAMES 9.1. Complete Rings 9.2. Cieular Ares 193, Right-Angle and U Bends 914. Supported Helices 95, Portal Frames 968. Example References [MEMBRANES References PLATES 11. General Case 112, Ciroular, Annular, and Eliptica ates 11, Rectangular Plates 114, Panllelogram, Triangular, and Other Plates 115. Grllages and Stffened Plates 11.6. Example References SHELLS 124. General Case 122, Cylindrical Shells 12.2.1. StiainDeformation Relationships 122.2. Infinitely Long Cylindrical Shells 12.2.3, Simply Supported Cylindrical Shells Without Axial Constraint 1224. Other Boundary Conditions 122.5. Eifect of Axial Constraint 12.26. Effet of Loads on Natural Frequencies of Cylindrical Shells 123, Gylindsically Curved Panels 1244, Conical Shells 143 146 156 160 164 m 182 187 196 196 198 199 200 203 2 2s 217 219 2m cers 224 mm 233 233 239 252 218 28 286 287 21 21 293 293 296 308 318 318 321 304 125, Spherical Shells References 13, FLUID SYSTEMS 13.1. Acoustic Cavities 132. Bubblas and Piston-Cylinder Systems 133, Helmhottz Resonators 134, UTubes 13.5 Sloshing in Tanks, Basins, and Harbors 13.6. Ships and Floating Structures 137. Example Reforences 14, STRUCTURAL VIBRATIONS IN A FLUID 14.1. Introduction 142. Added Mass of Coss Sections and Bodies 14.21. General Case 4422, Two-Dimensional Sections 1423, ThreeDimensional Bodies 143, Plater 144. Shells, 145. Internal and External Pipe Flow 145.1, Intemal Flow 145.2. Parallel External Flow 146, Example References 18, FINITE ELEMENT METHOD, 15.1, Introduction 15.2, Discretization of the Structure 153. General Purpase Finite Element Programs References 16. PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS, LIQUIDS, AND GASES 16.1. Solids 162. Liquids 1633. Gases References APPENDIX A: Stati Deflection and Natural Frequency APPENDIX B: Literature Reviews APPENDIX C: Integrals of Beam Mode Shapes INDEX 328 aa 337 37 350 353 364 368 378 383 34 386 386 386 386 390 408 413 418 419 419 420 421 a2 425 425 426 428 433 434 434 aa 484 451 454 455 487 ce MD APE ae BOR ata. 1 DEFINITIONS Added Mass—The mass of fluid entrained by a moving structure as it vibrates in a uid. The added mass of many slender structures is comparable to the mass of fluid displaced by the structure. ‘The natural frequency of vibrations in the presence of added fluid mass is lower than that which would be observed in a vacuum. See Chapter 14. Beam-—A structure whose cross-sectional properties and deflection vary along only fa single axis. A slender beam is a beam whose characteristic cross-sectional dimen- sions are much less than the span of the beam and the distance between vibration nodes; therefore, the inertia associated with local rotation is overshadowed by the inertia developed in displacement and the deformation due to shearing of the cross, section is overshadowed by bending deformations. Boundary Condition—A constraint applied to a structure independent of time. Boundary conditions can be clasified as either geometric or kinetic. Geometric boundary conditions arise from geometric constraints. For example, the displace- ment of a structure at a joint pinned to a rigid wall is zero. Kinetic boundary conditions arise from force or moments applied to a structure; for example, a pinned joint permits free rotation, so the kinetic boundary condition at a pinned joint is zero moment. (See Pinned Boundary, Clamped Boundary, Free Boundary, and ‘Sliding Boundary.) Bulk Modulus of Flasticity—The ratio of the tensile or compressive stress, equal in all directions (i.e., hydrostatic pressure), to the change it produces in volume. B= E/[3(1 ~ 2v)] for an isotropic elastic material, that is, a material whose properties are the same in all directions. (Definitions of symbols are given in Chapter 2.) Cable—A massive string, A uniform, massive one-dimensional structure which can bear only tensile loads parallel to its own axis. The bending rigidity of cables is zero, Cables, unlike chains, may stretch in response to tensile loads. Cable Modulus—The rate of change in the longitudinal stress (axial force over cross- sectional area) in a cable for a small unit longitudinal strain. If the cable is a solid elastic rod, the cable modulus will be equal to the modulus of elasticity of the rod material. If the cable is woven from fibers, the cable modulus will be less than the modulus of elasticity of the component fibers. Typically, the cable modulus of ‘woven steel eables is about SO% of the modulus of elasticity of the steel Mbers. Center of Gravity—The point on which a body can be balanced. The sum over a body of all elements of mass multiplied by the distance from any axis through the 2. FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE center of gravity is 2er0, ‘The center of gravity is also called the center of mass. (See Chapter 5.) Centroid—The geometric center of a plane area. The sum over a plane area of all clements of area multiplied by the distance from any axis through the centroid is zero, (See Chapter 5.) Chain-A uniform, massive one-dimensional structure which can bear only tensile oads parallel to its own axis, The bending rigidity of chains is zero. Chains, unlike cables, do not stretch in response (o tensile loads. Clamped Boundary~A geometric boundary condition such that the structure can neither displace nor rotate along @ given boundary. Concentrated Mass (Point Mass)~A point in space with finite mass but zero moment of inertia for rotation about its center of mass. Damping—The ability of a structure to absorb vibrational energy. Damping can be ‘generated within the material of the structure (material damping), by the fluid sur- rounding the structure (Mluid damping), or by the impact and seraping at joints (structural damping), Deformation—The displacement of a structure from its equilibrium position. Density—The mass per unit volume of a materia Elastic—A term applied to a material if deformations of the material increase linearly with increasing load without regard to the sign or magnitude of the load. Many real ‘materials of structural importance are elastic for loads below the onset of yielding, Free Boundary—A boundary along which no restraints are applied to a structure. For example, the tip of freely vibrating cantilever isa free boundary. Isotropic—A term applied to a material whose properties are unchanged by rotation of the axis of measurement. Only two elastic constants, the modulus of elasticity (B) and Poisson's ratio (v), are required to completely specify the elastic behavior of an isotropic material Linear—A term applied to a structure or material if all deformations inerease in pro- portion to the load without regard to the sign, magnitude, distribution, or direction Of the load. Many structures of practical importance are linear for loads below a ‘maximum linear limit. Nonlinear behavior ina structure is ordinarily due to either 2 ‘material nonlinearity such as yielding or a geometric nonlinearity such as buckling. ‘Membrane—A thin, massive, elastic uniform sheet which can support only tensile loads in its own plane. A membrane may be flat like a drum head or curved like soap bubble. A one-dimensional membrane is a cable. A massless one-dimensional ‘membrane is a string. Mode Shape (Eigenvector)—A function defined over a structure which describes the relative displacement of any point on the structure as the structure vibrates in asingle mode. A mode shape is associated with each natural frequency of a structure. If the perintrions 2 deflection of a linear vibrating structure in some direction is denoted by Y(x, 0), where x is a point on the structure and ¢ is time, then if the structure vibrates only in the k mode, the deflection can be written as YG, = FOO Vals ‘where J_(X) i$ the mode shape, which is a function only of space, and y4() is a function only of time. If the structure vibrates in a number of modes, the total dis placement is the sum of the modal displacements: YO, 0 =F HG wld. ‘Modulus of Elasticity (Young’s Modulus)~The rate of change of normal stress for a unit normal strain in a given material. The modulus of elasticity has units of pres- sure. For most materials, within the limits of linear elasticity, the modulus of elasticity is independent of the sign of the applied stress. Some materials such 9s wood, have a directional modulus of elasticity. ‘Moment of Inertia of a Body—The sum of the products obtained by multiplyingeach element of mass within a body by the square of its distance from a given axis. (See Product of Inertia of a Body and Chapter 5.) Moment of Inertia of a Section—The sum of the products obtained by multiplying cach clement of area within a section by the square of its distance from a given axis. (See Product of Inertia af a Section and Chapter 5.) Natural Frequency (Eigenvalue)The frequency at which 2 linear elastic structure ‘will tend to vibrate once it has been set into motion. A structure ean possess many ‘natural frequencies. The lowest of these is called the fundamental natural frequency. Each natural frequency is associated with a mode shape of deformation. Natural frequency can be defined either in terms of cycles per second (hertz) or radians per second. There are 2x radians per cycle. Neutral Axis—The axis of zero stress in the cross section of a structure. ‘The neutral axis must pass through the centroid of the cross section of homogeneous beams if the axial load is zero so that the beam supports only a bending load, Node—A point on a structure which does not deflect during vibration ina given mode. Anti-node is a point on a structure where deflection is maximum during vibration in a given mode. Orthotropic—A term applied to a thin lamina if the material properties of the lamina possess two mutually perpendicular planes of symmetry. Four material constants are required to specify the elastic behavior of an orthotropic lamina, Common examples of orthotropic lamina are sheets of fiber-reinforced plastic or the thin plys of wood that are glued together to form plywood. Pinned Boundsry—A boundary condition such that the structure is free to rotate but not displace along a given boundary. 4 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE Plate—A thin two-dimensional elastic structure which is composed of material in the vicinity of a flat two-dimensional sheet. A plate without bending rigidity is 9 ‘membrane. Point Mass (Concentrated Mass)~A point in space having mass, but zero moment of inertia for rotation about its center of mass. Poisson's Ratio—The ratio of the lateral shrinkage (expansion) to the longitudinal expansion (shrinkage) of a bar of a given material which has been placed under a tuniform longitudinal tensile (compressive) load. Poisson's ratio is ordinarily neat 0.3, fand is dimensionless. Some materials, such as wood, have a directional Poisson's ‘tio, For most materials, within the limits of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio is independent of the sign of the applied stress. Product of Inertia of a Body—The sum of the products obtained by multiplying each clement of mass of a body by the distances from two mutually perpendicular axes. (See Chapter 5.) Product of Inertia of a Section—The sum of the products obtained by multiplying ‘each element of area of a section by the distances from two mutually perpendicular axes. (See Chapter 5.) Radius of Gyration of a Body~The square root of the quantity formed by dividing the mass moment of inertia of a body by the mass of the body. (See Chapter 5.) Radius of Gyration of a Section—The square root of the quantity formed by divid- ing the erea moment of inertia of a section by the area of the section. (See Chapter 5) Rotary Inertia—The inertia associated with local rotation of astructure, For example, the rotary inertia of a spinning top maintains its rotation. Seiching—The system of waves in a harbor which is produced as the harbor responds sympathetically to waves in the open sea (also see Sloshing).. Shear Beam—A. beam whose deformation in shear substantially exceeds the flexural deformation. Shear Coefficient-A dimensionless quantity, dependent on the shape of the eross section of a beam, which is introduced into approximate beam theory to account for the fact that shear stress and shear strain are not uniformly distributed over the cross section, ‘The shear coefficient is generally defined as the ratio of the average shear Strain over the beam cross section to the shear strain at the centroid. See Section 8.2. ‘Shear Modulus—The rate change in the shear stress of a material with a unit shear strain. For most materials the shear modulus is independent of thesign of the applied stress, although some materials, such as wood, may have a directional shear modulus. G=E/{2(1 +»)] for an isotropic elastic material, that is, a material whose properties are the same in all directions, (Definitions of symbols are given in Chapter 2.) Shell—A thin clastic structure whose material is confined to the close vicinity of a curved surface, the middle surface of the shell. A curved plate is «shell. A shell without rigidity in bending is a membrane. Sliding Boundary -A boundary condition such that a structure is fee to displace in a siven direction along a boundary but rotation is prevented. Slshing The «stem of surface wares formed ina lq tank or bana the liquid is excited, a m Speed of Sound—The speed at which very mal pret uctustons propagate ina infinite fluid or solid. - bien ‘Spring Constant (Deflection)—The change in load on a linear elastic structure required. to produce a unit increment of deflection. Spring Constant (Torsion)~The change in moment (torque) on a linear elastic struc- ‘ture required to produce a unit increment in rotation, String-A masses one-dimensional stuctre which canon stricture Which can only bes tension parallel with its own axis. A string is a massless cable. » Viscosity—The ability of a fluid to resist shearing deformation, The resist shearing deformation, The viscosity of a linear (Newtonian) fluid is defined as the ratio between the shear stress applied to a ‘luid and the shearing strain that results. Kinematic viscosity is defined as viscosity divided by Muid density, 2 SYMBOLS ‘Throughout this book, definitions of symbols are given at the top of each table and in the text. In some cases special symbols have been defined. The symbols listed be- Tow have been consistently applied in all cases. These symbols generally follow those used in the literature. One exception is that here is used to denote all area moments of inertia of seetions and J is used to denote all mass moments of inertia af bodies. area (length®) bulk modulus (force/area) center of gravity of centroid, also torsion constant (Iength*) modulus of elasticity (force/area) shear modulus (Force/area) ‘area moment of inertia (length) ‘mass moment of inertia (mass X length?) shear coefficient (dimensionless) length load (Force) tension per unit length of edge (force/length) or length tension (force) Y,Z mutually orthogonal displacements (length) speed of sound (length/time) frequency (hertz) acceleration of gravity (length/time?) or grams deflection spring constant (Force/length) ‘mass per unit length (massjlength) load per unit length (Force/length) or pressure (Chapter 14) ‘mutually orthogonal coordinates (length) mode shapes associated with the X, Y, and Z displacements, respectively (dimensionless) angle (radians) or dimensionless constant zmass per unit area (mass/length) or ratio of specific heats (dimensionless) strain (dimensionless) rotation (radians) ‘mode shapes associated with @ rotation (dimensionless) ‘material density (mass/length®) Poisson's ratio = 3.1415926 eH Ow EO RSC OmoOeS Bre mO> eae Eaoele fluid density (mass/tength*) stress (foree/area) or beam mode shape parameter, (Gimensionless) frequency (radians/second) Bessel function of first kind ‘moment (force X length) Bessel function of second kind torsion spring constant (moment/angle) neaee GRAPHIC SYMBOLS } @ Point Mass Imm) Deflection Spring Torsion Spring (Table 6-1 only) Torsion Spring JOMOND) Sree ees Slender Uniform Beam po) ee ce String SSSSSSS55 Chain Rigid Body OD Infinitely Rigid Wall Be Pinned Support Chapter 8 8 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE 3 on Clamped Support B Pinned Support on Frictonless Rollers it Sliding Support (Deflection but no Rotation) UNITS ‘The formulas presented in this book will yield the correct result with any consistent set of units. A consistent set of units is one in which Newton’s second law, force equals mass times acceleration, is identically satisfied without the introduction of seale or conversion factors. One unit of force applied to one unit of mass must re sult in one unit of acceleration in a consistent set of units 1 unit force = 1 unit mass X I unit acceleration. For example, if the kilogram is chosen as the unit of force and the unit of accelera- fone centimeter per second per second, then the unit of mass must be such that one kilogram of force will accelerate it at one centimeter per second per second. ‘The unit of mass which satisfies this criterion weighs 1/980.7 kilogram on the sur- face of the earth and can be expressed as ke/g, where kg is one kilogram of force and gis the acceleration of gravity on the surface of the earth, 980.7 centimeters/second?® ‘This unit of mass has units of kilograms-second*/centimeter. Note that it is wrong. to attempt to use kilogram (or pound) for both a unit of force and a unit of mass, al> though it is possible to define a consistent set of units with kilogram (or pound) as a unit of either Force oF mass. ‘There is not an engineer or student alive who has not made an error by using an inconsistent set of units. These errors can be avoided by using any of the consistent sets of units presented in Table 3-1. While lack of an intuitive physical feel for ‘quantities such as a newton, dyne, or slug may be reason to convert the final result of a calculation to a more intuitive, but inconsistent, system, it is important to re- ‘member that correct dynamic analysis demands consistent units, Often the engineer who has worked with “English” units has considerable diffi- culty in converting to the metric system. It may be helpful to remember that a smallish apple weighs about one newton. If we make this apple into apple jelly and spread it evenly over a table one meter square, the resultant pressure is one pascal ‘The following abbreviations are used in this book Space and Time Force Frequency Mass degree deg newton = N hertz Wz gram 8 radian rad kilonewton KN kilogram kg meter m pascal Pa pound b | i centimeter cm decibel db | | inch in. dyne ayn i foot ft second see 10 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE ‘Table 2.1, Consistent Sets of Units. 2 loss ctr 3 kilogram Seem ‘centimeter Seam BE contineter 6 pomnd yt foot? 7 poms ROME int = aceon de ogra atte sce of the earth ; Rowton = foe yequed to aclete | lope of mass att metssecond® = 0.2248 pound. One kilo- pag oti second second sscond second e logan «SADT meters peal pete ‘eoond? ‘alga 3807 meine ‘aogsam (980.7 centimeters Beaune second a ae mm 9807 enemas HT fet 386.1 inches ue ‘wes 5 0 newton on the srace of the earth ‘ nwtonjnetey?* 10" bar= 10 dymes/centnetert» 14503 x 10-4 pound inch Fone requed to ana 1 sum of mata leannetersecond? © 10" newton = 2.268 x 10° "Sing pounds. One au of mas weighs 32.17 pounds onthe fac ofthe earth S048 meter. 5 centimeter. 4 PRINCIPLES AND ANALYTICAL METHODS ‘Any structure with mass and elasticity will possess one or more natural frequencies of vibration. The natural frequencies are the result of cyclic exchanges of kinetic and potential energy within the structure. The kinetic energy is associated with velocity of structural mass, while the potential eneray is associated with storage of nergy in the elastic deformations of a resilient structure. Just asa ball bouncing off 4 hard-wood floor exchanges the potential energy at the apex of its flight for kinetic energy as it plummets, so an elastic structure exchanges the potential energy of elastic deformation for velocity of vibration as it vibrates back and forth. The rate of energy exchange between the potential and kinetic forms of energy is the natural frequency. Ifa structure is linear, that is, its deformation is propartional to the load it bears regardless of the magnitude, distribution, or direction of load, and has constant mass, then it can be shown that the natural frequency of the structure is independent of the amplitude of vibration. For example, consider the spring-body system shown in Fig. 4-1. If the rigid body is displaced from its equilibrium position by an amount Yo, then the change in the potential eneray of the spring is: ars= [" Fay, J wvav=4ev5 is the spring constant of the spring, the rate of chang ofthe spring force , with deformation, Y. If weassime the vibration is hasmoniein tine, tat equency wp Y= Yo sin Gxt, 4-2) then the velocity of the body at any time is: Y= Yo Caf) cos (2af)t, 43) where ¥ denotes the derivative of ¥ with respect to time. The velocity ofthe body is maximum at t= n/(2f), n= 1, 2, » when the deformation of the system is zero, Y= 0, The maximum kinetic energy ofthe rigid body ix AKE=$ MY2q = 4 MY3 Ont)? 4) Note that both the potential eneray (Eg 4-1) and kinetic energy (Eq, 4-3) are propor tional to amplitude squared and that the kinetic energy is a function of frequency, while the potential energy is independent of frequency. 12. FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE LLM LLL Fig 41, Sorinrbady system, ee he sprog constant. Mis he mast. IF we assume thatthe spring i massless and the body is perfectly sei then all the potential eneray in the system is asoeated with sprig deformation and al the Kinetic enery inthe system is sociated with velocity of the mas. Sines the system is free of external forees, the total energy of the system is constant. ‘Thus, the ‘maximum potential energy of the system, Which occurs when Y = #Y9, must equal the maximum kinetic energy, which occurs when Y = 0: AKE = APE. as) Substituting Eqs, 4-1 and 4-4 into this equation and solving for f gives: = (ky" (46) anim) ° nit time ert). The natal were the natural frequency has wits of eles per nit tine Ne stifles of te spring snd weney of the spring-body syste inereaes withthe si ccheaue: with increasing mos ofthe body. The nara frequency of al inearstric- thes sess wth nei ies and dens with nea mas ebtaned ina more rigorous “The matural frequency of the spring body system en be ob fain oy wing and sng theemuation omtionexaety. Snes he free apted fo ane boy by the spring and gravity ant equa te mas tines the aceleration tthe body, the equation at motion of the body i ky Me= MY 4 kis thf of esting onthe body and mei te foe fat othe oy, ‘re negative snc they act doe ing the aceleration of gravity. ‘These Tree are neg siaed MY isthe product of the ast and the aetleration of the body. Equation TT nay be newton a MY +kY =~ Mg. a8) ‘This equation has the following solution: Y= Asin wt + Beos ot ~ MB, as rs PRINCIPLES AND ANALYTICAL METHODS 13 where the natural frequency is woul co and A and B are constants with the units of length. The solution is comprised of components which oscillate with circular frequency co (radians/second) and a com- ponent which is independent of time. The oscillatory component represents harmonic motion at the natural frequency, while the static component, ~ Mglk, is simply the static stretching of the spring under the force of gravity. The natural frequency of the spring-body system is independent of mean deformation due to gravity. There is always some damping in real structures which will make free vibrations decay with time, and there is some amplitude beyond which the structure no longer behaves linearly. For real structures the concept of natural frequency must be tem- pered by some knowledge of the differences between the ideal mathematical model and the actual structure. ‘The discrepancies between a linear model and a real strac- ture are often due to neglected (1) linear and (2) nonlinear effects. Some linear effects which are often neglected are the effect of shearing deformation in slender structures and the effect of surrounding fluid. Nonlinear effects which are often neglected are plasticity due to yielding and the amplitude dependence of damping. The vast majority of solutions presented in this book are exact solutions to linear equations of motion, ‘The equations of motion were derived from basic principles based on certain ideal behavior, such as beams that only bend and do not shear and strings that never yield, ‘The diagrams and explanations are presented to clarify which idealizations have been used, If a model does not closely approximate a real structure, then the natural fre- quency of the structure can often be estimated by using bracketing assumptions. For example, if the edge of a plate is riveted at broad intervals to a heavy beam, then the boundary condition on the plate is probably intermediate between a clamped and a pinned edge. It is useful to use both approximations in the analysis to bracket the natural frequency, Similarly, if the material properties of a structure are not well xnown, then the natural frequency can be bracketed by high and low estimates of ‘the material properties ‘The emergence of dynamic finite element computer programs in recent years has made possible frequency analysis of very complex structures. These programs are replacing approximate methods of analysis of complex structures. Finite element programs have not replaced closed form solutions because a frequency can be calculated from a closed form result in a matter of minutes, while computer programs generally require hours to set up and run successively. Moreover, finite element programs have created a new niche for closed form solutions, that of providing limit- ing case checks on complex computer models, 5 GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF PLANE AREAS AND SOLID BODIES 6.1. PLANE AREAS Figure 5.1 shows an area lying in the x-y plane. A is the total area enclosed by the boundary, and dA is a small element of that area, The x and y axes are mutually perpendicular with origin at point 0, The z axis is perpendicular to the x-y plane and passes through the point 0, The mutually perpendicular axes r and sand r’ and ¥ are rotated counterclockwise with respect to the x and y axes by the angles @ and 9", respectively. ‘The r’ and s' axes are principal axes, that is, axes about which the product of inertia is zero. C marks the centroid of the area, which is located at co- dinates x and ye with respect to the x-y axis. Cis also the origin of the x'-y" axes, which are translated with respect to the x-y axes, "The location of the centroid with respect to the x-y axes is given by: fxaa xe fovea ye =A ‘The neutral axis is the axis along which the stress is zero. ‘This axis must pass through the centroid of the eross section of homogeneous structures if the axial load. on the structure is zero, so that the structure supports only a bending load. ‘Thus, the neutral axis of beams which flex but do not extend must pass through the cen- {roid of the cross section. ‘The area moments of inertia (Iq, Ty), the atea product of inertia (I) about the xy axes, and the polar area moment of inertia about the 2 axis (I,) are defined by the following formulas: ue [van we fees, GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF PLANE AREAS AND SOLID BODIES 15 y v by = fayaa, Lentty= fot ty aa, ‘The radii of gyration of the area are defined by: . (e ) ae ne) “6” 1F the moment of inertia about an axis which taxis which pases through the centroid is sown, then the moment oferta about a parallel a which Wanted can 8s ily be computed as follows: “st lic +¥8A, lye #XBA, 16 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHATE ‘These relationships are known as the two-dimensional parallel axis theorem. Ixc, Tye: legs and Igone. af the moments of inertia about the x’ and y’ axes, which have thir Origin at the centroid of the area (Fig. 5-1). If the moment of inertia about one axis is known, then the moment of inertia about a rotated axis can be computed as follows: 1,= 1, c0s? 6 +1y sin? 0 ~ Iyy sin 28, 1,21, cos? @ +1, sin? 8 + Iyy sin 28, yg = ay £08 20- $ (ly ~ Ty)sin 28, Lek ‘The above formulas show that L+hehth, or that the sum of the area moments of inertia about two perpendicular axes are i dependent of the rotation of those axes. “There exist two mutually perpendicular axes through any given origin in a plane area about which the product of inertia is zer0. These axes are called the principal faxes. The principal axes rs’ through the origin O are rotated at an angle 0 with re- spect to the x-y axes: Dy i-h o 1 fare tan ‘The area moments of inertia about the principal axes are T= $0, +h) 24 (0, ~ 1)? +4117, Ted +1) FF (Cy ~ Ly? +411", Tey = 0. ‘The principal moments of inertia are the maximum and minimum moments of iner- tia which can be measured about any axis which passes through a given point. An axis of symmetry is always a principal axis, The produet of inertia is zero for any two axes, one of which is a principal axis. If the principal moments of inertia are equal, then the moments of inertia about any rotated axis through the origin of the principal axes are equal to the principal moments of inertia. For example, if ~s! ae principal axes (Fig. 51) and ly = ly, then Iy = Ip =I, = ly regardless of @ or 8 ‘The moment of inertia of complex sections can often be computed by subdividing the sections into simpler component sections. The moment of inertia of a complex section is the sum of the moments of inertia of the component sections less the mo- tents of inertia of voids, For example, the moment of inertia of an Ibeam eross section can be computed by summing the moments of inertia of three rectangles in space, The moments of inertia of common structural cross sections are usually given in manufacturers’ data books (Ref. 5-1) or construction manuals (Refs, 5-2 through 5.4), Table 5-1 gives the moments of inertia for a number of practically important plane sections Properties of Plane Sections, Table 64 GEOMETAIC PROPERTIES OF PLANE AREAS AND SOLID BODIES 18 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREGUENCY AND MODE SHAPE GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF PLANE AREAS AND SOLID BODIES 19 (etl ee tae 24 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE GEOMETAIC PROPERTIES OF PLANE AREAS AND SOLID BODIES 25 ‘Teble 54. Properties of Plane Sections. ‘panuzu99) suonoes eue]g Jo seauedo1g “1S 1M 5 SHAPE | 2a FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MOD‘ | (GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF PLANE AREAS AND SOLID BODIES 29, 52. SOLID BODIES Figure 5-2 shows a solid body of volume V and density u. dV isa small element of | volume. ‘The body is rigid, but the density may vary over the volume. The x-y-2. | axes form an orthogonal right-handed coordinate system with origin 0. C marks the i center of gravity of the body and the origin of the coordinate system x'-y'-2'. The > X-Y-z coordinate system is translated with respect to the x'-y'-2' system. i. ‘The mass of the body is; : , ‘The location of the center of gravity with respect to the x-y-z coordinates is: fav Propesties of Pane Sections. (Continued) | lS, Fi. 52. Soi boy. 30 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FAEQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE ‘The mass moments of inertia and mass products of inertia about the x, y, and z axes are defined by the following formulas: bof nor tenay, y= [a0 eeev, [woo rey, ye f woven, 1 = | wxev, Jan [yea ‘The radii of gyration of the body are: If the moment of inertia about an axis which passes through the centroid is known, then the moment of inertia about parallel translated axis can easily be computed as follows: Jn Hag +MOR +28), Jy Jy MOB +28), Jn Jug +MORE +8), Jy “rere *MXe¥es Jax "Tagrg +M Xote- Iya yore *M Yoze- These relationships are known as the parallel axis theorem. xe, Ire, Ieer Incver Jegzgs atid Jjoag are the mass moments of inert about the x’ y'sand 2! axes, which have their origin atthe centroid of the body (Fig. 52). GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OF PLANE AREAS AND SOLID BODIES 31 ‘The mass moment of inertia about a rotated axis may be computed from the mass ‘moments of inertia about the base coordinate system and the unit vector in the di- rection of the rotated axis. Ifthe unit vector in the direction of the rotated axis is, shown in Fig, 5-3, then F can be written as F where i, j, and & areunit vectorsin thex, y, and z coordi and 1, m, and n are scalers such that: if +mj +nk, te directions, respectively, ‘The moment of inertia about the F axis is (Ref, 5-5) Je PS, tm4l, #n2I, ~ 2m Jyy ~ In Igy ~ 2mM ye Ifa unit vector § is defined such that § is perpendicular tof, 'P+m'f tn’, ‘then it follows that I! +mm' +nn’=0 and Vem? en? 21 ‘The mass product of inertia with respect to the rs axes is (Ref. 5-5) 4 fan! J, + lm! +m) Igy + Cn! +) Iga (ran! +n) Jy. “3, - mm‘ J, ROTATED AXIS Fa. 83, Rott eis and unit vectors 122 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE ‘Seomernic PaoreRT IES OF PLANE AREAS AND SOLID BODIES 32 tk ‘Table 5:2. Properties of Homogensous Bodies. Notation: € locates cantrold (enter of mass 134 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE com : ‘Table 62, Properties of Homogeneous Bods. (Continue 28 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE ‘Tore exist et of axes through any given ongn about which the products of n- ete cf a body ae feo. These axes ae called he principal axes ofthe body. The SRentation of the principal axco can generally be found by setting the products of space tozero and solving fr the vector coeiients |, m,n. However, any rec ot aymmetry must bea principal axis. If one of the princlpal axes is known, then the oventaion of the remaining axe an be found by the techniques discussed fer plane sections, “The pancpal moments of inertia ae the maximtim and vin mum moments of inertia which can be measured about any axis that passes through dive point IRE Raw inoments of neta of complex bodies can often be computed by sib sivding te body into homopeeons rectangular prism, cylinders, and spheres and > tn ns active munber of turns See Refs. 6-1 and 6-2 for other helical spring formas. 15, Clamped-Clanped Bean, Off-Center oad ae bp 16. Clanped-Pinned Bean, Genter toed fue——fp— uno} 17, TeorBean Support 18, N Beam Support, 2 2 70881 Es 18 G+ a Beans are sane length and they are offset, The ends of the beam define to planes chee are always parailel, Ign ty tiptoe tty ‘The beaus are of equal Length and they ate offset. ‘The ends of the Deane define fo planes hick are always parallel. 44 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY ‘Table 64. Spring Stftness. (Continued) Spring Constant (wonent/angular deflection tn radians) ‘Table 64. Spring Stifnes. (Continued) SPRING AND PENDULUM SYSTEMS 45 Spring constant 19, Sptral Toreton Spring 20, Toraton of @ Uaiform Shaft a 4° pee a joint A Se clampe: BL tt pot amped o.8 8 tf point A te planes ‘otal Length of spiral T= monent of inertia of cross section oe spring Ref. 6-2 -B © Geetdon (Tabie 6-18) Geonetry 24, Toreton of Two Springs in Series UNO cut HOT Uw) (ronent /angutar deflection in radians) 21. Torsion of a Tapered Cireuler Shaft Ty is Hae a] 22, Bonding Helfeal Spring AM Za. Torsion of & Helical Spring 3 [po ,/m, + ya)? * G0] for L>> 8 umber of cure 26, Torsion of Tyo Nested Springs Gn parsliel) 27, Torsion of W Weoted Springs (én parallel) oa GO: | 28, Toreion of Two Geared Shafts » ta, eke PL. speed of shate 2 48 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE “Table 6-1. Spring Stifiness. (Continued) Table 6-1. Spring Stifness. (Continue) Spring Constant Spring Constant Geometry (noment/angular deflection in radians) Ceonoery (woment/angular deflection in radians) 33, Torsion of Clanped-Clanped Beam, oft Center 29, Torsion of N Geared shafts oad ad aes _ speed of shafe £41, Speed of shaft 1 430, Torsion of Pinned-Pinned Sean, of a a 3 Berea Gen ni ae8 oo 63. BEHAVIOR OF SPRING-MASS SYSTEMS pad 32, Torsion of Clasped-Clanped Bear, | 1681 Each natural frequency of a linear structure can be associated with a mode shape that characterizes the form of free vibrations of the structure. The mode shape gives the relative displacement of points on the structure as the structure vibrates in @ given mode, The total displacement is the sum of the modal displacements, For ex- ample, the free vibrations of the system of two equal masses and two equal springs shown in frame 2 of Table 6-2 can be expressed as the sum of harmonic vibrations at the natural frequencies f, and fy xy = Ay sin (Qnty +41) + Ap sin Qnfyt +2), X_ = By sin (nf, t+9,) +B, sin Qnf;t +42). sauzsd¢ yonboun ont ‘660 *¢ eeeradg Tenby ons ‘286K °9 tess soa Seven reba soa “y “Tye rents ony ‘eonemy ro0b2 808 “2 ovo =] suyads Seem 1 SRT TE RS OT Te 2j9e 299 “A pue xn Buus uonseyep = (8-98 pateposse sadeys epou = 4 "x auewE00}Ip = A ‘oto 5019 oy ange eu jo WaUOU Bee = | FAYE oc aa Fae BEE PR | (ponupuog) sung Buds "SEH “ZOAREL nae aaeey pe oles Opa Tata per ins oH ‘ponuqueg) sums Guns ay EO ATRL, Se Elaas 26, 30, aud 32, Ty may vary between secrie3. bees sonent of inertia of all beans between each floor, ratorad Peequency (Dert=), See frame 9 with: 38. two Uocqust Hasene, Unegusl of te ‘Table 62. Mass, Spring Systams. (Continued) “os W Byust Yaoeee, Hqval Lengthe SPRING AND PENOULUM SYSTEMS. 50 x; and xz are the displacements of the masses. g, and 2 are phase angles which are determined by the means used to set the structure in motion, The constants Ay, ‘Az, By, and B; specify the amplitude of vibration. During free vibrations, the ratios 'A,/By and A;/B, are fixed by the mode shapes. For this system Table 6-2, frame 2 ives: 1618, -0618. ‘Thus, if either Ay, Az or By, Bp, or B,, Az or By, Ay can be found, then the re ‘maining two constants are uniquely determined by the mode shape, Note that these mode shapes are orthogonal: MA, A; +MB,B, =M(- 1)=0. ‘The orthogonality condition for a general n coordinate system is SE MAKAI=0 0 j#k, where Mis the i mass, Ab is the modal displacement of the i mass in the k mode, and Af is the modal displacement of the i mass in the j mode (j+# k). This orthog- ‘onality condition applies for all systems in Tables 6-2, 6-3, and 6-4, The modes of ‘many continuous systems are orthogonal as well. Tables 6-2, 6-3, and 6-4 present natural frequencies and mode shapes of point rmase-spring systems, rigid body-torsion systems, and pendulum systems. These sys tems possess one natural frequency for each mass in the system and there is a unique mode shape for each natural frequency. The majority of the formulas presented in these tables were developed by writing the linear equations of motion for each sys tem and then solving these equations exactly. An example of this analysis is pre sented in the following paragraphs. Approximate techniques are discussed in Refs. 6-3 through 6-12. References 6-9 and 6-12 are particularly rich in example problems. References 6-13 through 6-17 provide additional background material, 6.4, EXAMPLE OF EXACT ANALYSIS Consider the system of two equal point masses of mass M and two equal springs with spring constant k shown in frame 2 of Table 6-2. The mass multiplied by the accel- eration of each point mass is equal to the forces on the mass Mi = =k, + kG =, Mi = kOe - x4). G1) ‘These equations can be written as: Mi + 2kx, = kx = 0, Mi, +x, ~ kx, =0, 2 60 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE Inmatrix format these equations are (M1 {3} + (K] {x} =0, (6-3) o-t gh w= BEY wf The dot (-) over a variable denotes derivative with respect to time. If the free vibra tions are assumed to be harmonic in time, {x} = (3 sin oot, 4) where {X) is @ vector that is independent of time which specifies the mode shape of ‘the vibrations. If Eq. 6-4 is substituted into Bq. 6-3, the matrix equation of motion becomes: [-o? IM] +0K)) (3) =0. (65) ‘This equation has nontrivial solution only if the matrix to the left of the vector {3} has a zero determinant: [-o? IM] + [KI = 0, [ w?M+2k -k iy See 6-6) 3K eM ‘Thus, the natural frequencies of vibration, in hertz, are ai)” C= Te mode shapes aoe with te natal fequenes ae dtmined by tr nately substituting each natural frequency into Eq. 6-5 and solving for the associated eigenvector {X} which specifies the mode shape. ‘The result is: @) { where the first vector is associated with the lowest natural frequency and the second vector is associated with the second natural frequency. For vibration at the lowest natural frequency, on x 14518 ean and the two masses move in the same direction simultaneously. For vibration at the second natural frequency, Sa and the two masses move in opposite directions. ‘The total response of free vibrations of the system is the sum of the modal vibrations’ x, = Asin 2af,t-+9,) + Bsin Qaft +63), $50) sn canst +9,) + BS) sin Qxf,t #3), where A, B, #:, and gz are constants which are determined by the means used to set the system in motion and f, and f, are determined by Eq. 6-7. 65. CABLE-MASS EXAMPLE Consider the cable-pulley-mass system shown in Fig, 6-1, ‘The steel cable is tied at the roof of a construction site, The cable runs from the roof over a rigidly held pul- |-——10 mn ——-| Qe 100 m ~ ‘ ‘ | 2em \ ala : A 2? secmiow AA wu] ¥ v x x + Uae . % o) zi Pay pe 7 . %y y a eturadg tenboun ont “A008 *¢ 7 7 sturads Taba ont “POH “9 ele uf AS sagt Fny FoF SERS SPH Tang Balas Baa (panuauea) Swsshs Suds woROL “ApoE PIB “e-9 21981 senbeun ong ‘aspen tenbou susuh “6 ig uosi04 “A908 PBL “29 IGE, Tay Re nS {eenuyv09) swaIsAS Buds YOO, “APOG PIB “E9819 ‘SPRING AND PENDULUM SYSTEMS 75 14 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE Fe eme ora ators 30 sorssans reser =p s230K “ssi ‘98 Seo cots serctin “ruoneAg wninpueg “P-9 amIeL 76 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE ‘SPRING AND PENDULUM SYSTEMS. 77 | i —— 3 fem! : a i ae = | “Table 6-4, Pendulum Systems (Continued) 78 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE ‘Table 64. Pondulum Systems. (Continued) 20 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE ‘SPRING AND PENDULUM SYSTEMS 61 “Table 6-4, Pendulum Systems. (Continued ‘Table 6-4. Pendulum Systems, (Continued) FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE ‘SPRING AND PENDULUM SYSTEMS €2 4 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE So far in this analysis, the mass of the cable has been neglected, A 110-meter Jength of steet cable, 2 centimeters in diameter, will have a mass of: wad’ Me = BZE x fo = SOK Ly = 8000 kg/m? X 3 x (0.02 m)* X 110m, = 276.5 ke. Since the mass of the cable is comparable to the mass of the solid object at the end of the cable, it is reasonable to believe the cable mass will significantly affect the atural frequency of the system. Ifthe pulley is neglected, the natural frequency of 4 spring-mass can be estimated from frame 1 of Table 8:8: i ae k e 2a \M+033Me) * 1( $71,200 N/m? 2p \A00 kg + 0.33 X 276 ke = 5.42 He. n ‘This figure is the best estimate of the extensional natural frequency of the system in Fig. 6-1 “The pendulum mode can be analyzed by neglecting the stretching of the cable and using frame 6 of Table 6-4, The fundamental natural frequency of the pendulum rode is found to be ned 2 400 ke +276 kel 1 on 400 kg + 276 kg/3, = 0.0521 1iz=1/19.2 se 2 6.6, PENDULUM EXAMPLE ‘A circular steel flywheel, shown in Fig, 6-2, is suspended by three vertical wires ‘which are each 9.5 inches long, The wires attach to the wheel along a 4-inch-radius Circle about the center of the flywheel, Each wite bears the same load. The flywheel Weighs 3.50 pounds and has an overall diameter of 8 inches. The natural frequency (of small torsional oscillations of the flywheel about an axis perpendicular to the face of the flywheel is observed to be 1.4 Hz, The mass moment of inertia of the fly- ‘wheel can be computed by inverting the equation given in frame 26 of Table 6-4 Mg R? Coa 9.8 in, Fn. 62, Crue yuh! sspande by thse wis, Using the units of frame 7 of Table 3-1, the required parameters are f= 14H, L=935in., = 386.1 in,/sec?, M-=3.5 Ib/g= 9.058 X 107 Ib-sec%/in., R=4.0in, Thus, J+ 0.07618 lbin.sec*. Jean be put in more conventional units such that pound is a measure of mass by multiplying this equation by g: = 294 Thin? ‘The polar mass moment of inertia of a disk of thickness t about an axis through its center of gravity and perpendicular to the face of the disk can be adapted from the formulas given in frame 20 of Table 5-1: (ge thre) = 5 wR If the disk is made of steel the required thickness to yield 0.289 poundjinch*) and is 4.0 inches in radius, then 29.4 poundsinch? is: 10.253 in 5 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE REFERENCES 64, oatk,R.,and W.C, Young, Formulas for Stes and Sain, MeGraw il, New York, 1975. 2, Wan, AM Mechonio Spring, 24. MeGraw-il, New You, 1963. 3, Tontoens U1 Scand eS: Ayn Engneriog Vibrations, McGraw il, New Yor, 1958. EE, Thomann, WE Taory of Viet with pptertions, Prentice Wall, Englewood Cis N., 1972 (5, Wino, WK, Pace! Slatin of Porson! Vibration Problems, Vl. 1,Chapman & Hl Landon, 196. ($6, Denthrtoy i Pe dtechnia!Vibrarons, McGraw Fil New Yor, 1938 EF, Church, Mecani! Vibrations, Sohn Wiley, New York, 1963 EX, tunic and €.E-Chede (is) Shock on ¥baion Handbook, McGraw, New York, 196 5, Timoshenko, SD. H. Young, and W, Weaver, Vvaron Problems bx Engnerng, 4h. ohn Wily, New Yoru, 1978 (610, See, RP, én ttroderion o Mechanical Vlvations, John Wiy, New York, 1971 ELE Manes Band £€- Zechnanoglow, Dynes of batons, Chaves. Mes Books, Coteus, Ohi, ss 612, Seto, W-W. Theory and Poblome of Meckoice! Vbrarion, Schaum's tne Seis, MeGrawi, New Yon, 1968 6:13, Meitority 1, Anayic! Methods Vibration, Macmsn, New York, 1971 ELE, HoumerG, Wand DE Hudson, Appia Mechanes, Dynamis,D. Van ost, nceton, NJ 1950. E48, Myteetsd, NO, Piraton Anaya, Mra, New York, 194, (fe. Bihop, RE. D-C. Johnson, The Meckeicrof Vibatin, CambdgeUniesy Press, Cambria, England, 1960. 4647, Hany WC, and M.F-Rublassin, Dynair of Sruetures,Pentie al, nglwood Cals, NJ. 1964. E18, Lambs H, The Dynamical Theory of Sound, Dover Pres New York, 1960 (Tt pushed in 1525), po. st36. 619, Hoang, 7, and D. W, Doreing, “requenses of a Hang Chin"J. Am. Act, Soe 45, 1086-1089 0969) 7 CABLES AND CABLE TRUSSES 7.1, CABLES General Case. Since the bending rigidity of slender cables is near zero, they can support only tensile loads. Cables can consist of a single strand, as ina guitar string; they can be woven from many strands, as in a rope or structural cable; or they can consist of a series of extensible links, as in an extensible chain, The natural frequen- cies of cables are influenced by both the mass and elasticity of the cable and the tendency of the cable to sag between supports. The general assumptions used in the analysis of cables in this section are: 1. The cables are uniform and elastic. 2. Cables support only tension loads. The mean tension in the cable is much sreater than the fluctuating component of tension during vibration, 3. Cables are either straight or sag into shallow parabolas with the maximum depth of the sag being no greater than { of the eable span. 4. The vibration amplitude is small compared with the sag of the eable and the distance between vibration nodes. 5. The cables are supported at both ends by rigid tie-downs. ‘Most cables of practical importance are not straight; they sag to support their own weight and external loads. ‘The sag of a cable has considerable influence on the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the cable. The difference between the fun- ‘damental natural frequency of a straight cable and one with a small sag can be as large as 300%. Thus, considerable attention will be paid in this chapter to the influ- ence of sag on the natural frequencies and mode shapes of cables. Mean Sag. A uniform elastic cable with mean tension Ty which bears @ uniform load of p force per unit length along its span will sag into a catenary as shown in Fig, 7-1, If the catenary is shallow, s0 that the maximum depth of the catenary is, zo greater than about 4 of the cable span, L, then the mean tension in the cable is nearly constant along the span, and the catenary can be well approximated by a shal- low parabola (Ref. 7-1), 2E@L o Which is shown in Fig. 1-1, The maximum sag of the cable at midspan (x = L/2) is Lt 2 ‘58 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAE ‘The load per unit length on the cable, p, is ordinarily the sum of the weight per unit tength of the cable plus the weight per unit length of any structures, such as bridge decks, that the cable supports. The rigidity of supported structures is neglected in ‘the analysis. ‘An additional equation is required to complete the static solution. If the length of the straight, unstressed cable is Le, then the following equation relates the mid- span mean sag d to L, and the cable span L, if the cable does not stretch signifi- cantly under load (Ref. 7-4): a_/s\" i : ( 18 Le- "| tn 1" (2a, ae If L, and L are known, this equation can be used to compute d and the mean ten- sion can then be found from Eq. 7-2, Other static solutions are given in Refs. 7-1 ‘through 7-4. Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes. If the cable is given a small arbitrary dis- placement from static equilibrium, the resulting vibrations will have three compo- Fonts (Fig. 7-2): (1) horizontal motion in the plane of the catenary, X(x, 1); (2) ver tical motion in the plane of the catenary, Y(x, 1); and (3) transverse motion out of the plane of the catenary, Z(x,t). The spatial form of the free vibrations associated with each of these components is given by the mode shapes (x), P(x), and 208), fespectively, The total displacement of the cable during free vibration is the sum ‘of the mean sag and the dynamic displacements in each of the modes: XC, = TARO c05 (ant + Y (x, 8) = FOO + FBO) 60s (at +H). 2x, 0) = LCHOO 0s (eit + $1), CABLES AND CABLE TRUSSES 50 ig. 72, Ostinion drm foreable dum dtlcions X,Y, and se ste cet aul eee oft cn tm ya are constants with the units of length and 4, Yi, and {; are phase angles. Y is the wane 7 Te sat feumce node ttt ih en le ne can nae cane gon Tae. Ret est (ers of et es dap fe Seton otanmene 2 rere t de el keen a gels ncn of eae sentra wate hea 2) cpg tame ant ott te Sopot) as a ata cen fctont te parantera ee 6a\ EA oH OP BE, os where E is the cable modulus (see following paragraph), A is the area of the cross section, d is the midspan sag (Fig. 7-1, Eq. 7-2), and Ty is the mean cable tension, Tr isthe virtual cable length, h “f (BY a, (7-4) whore ds is an element along the cable. Fora parsbolic eatenay, wo] Ly is not much different from L since (@/L)® << 1. 2 goes to zero as the midspan Ueflection goes to zero. ‘The cable modulus, E, is defined as the proportionality constant in the relation- 90 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE ‘CABLES AND CABLE TRUSSES 91 ‘ie oe ANTISYMMETRIC SYMMETRIC ship between the force applied to the cable and the longitudinal extension of the cable for consistnt sets of units where F is the force applied to the ends of a straight segment of cable of length L which extends elastically by the length AL under the action of the force. A is the cross-sectional area of the cable; however, only the product EA enters this formula and other formulas in this chapter. If the cable is composed of a solid wire, the rie cable modulus is identical to the modulus of elasticity of the material in the wire. If the cable is constructed from individual links, a chain, for example, the cable ‘modulus can be obtained from stress analysis of the individual links. If the cable is ‘woven from fibers, the cable modulus will be @ function of the modulus of elasticity ‘ : i : i 3 a i trode shapes atsciated with X, Y, and Z displacements; x = ‘downs slong the sponse Fig, 7-2; 888 Table 3 3 e c i faa not influence the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the cable and the results for sagging cables given Or the fiber, the orentaton ofthe fibers inthe cable, and whether the end ofthe = | s a cable are constrained against rotation (Ref. 7-5). Often the cable moduli of helically § Woven wie cables are 30% to SO% of the modulus of elasiity of the component b ee ‘The parameter a (Ba. 7-3) governs the influence of the mean sag on the natural i be | ia ++ equeneies and mode shapes ofthe cable. Ife! =, then the pin the cable does frames 2, 3, and 4 of Table 7-1 approach the straight cable oat per unit length of span, V7, 3 — case of frame 1 of Table 7-1. If a? >0, but a? <4z?, the natural frequency of the $293 first symmetric in-plane mode is es than the natural fequency of the first antisym- ily : oe re ee ee gaEeelly x plane modes have the same natural frequencies and the fist symmetric in-plane afeeely ay | mode is tangent to the mean cable catenary at the tie-downs, as shown in Fig. 7-4; betas is ita? > 4x, the natural frequency of the first symmetric in-plane mode is greater ei in | than te natural Begiency ofthe fst snisymmetic ple moe and the fist, feo i Gece ed eee emai Gira inia erence ag le smontlly (Refs. 7-4, 78), ‘The nondimensional frequency parameter ) in frame 4 of Table 7-1, which gov. lems the natural frequency of insplane symmetric modes, is found from the positive 82 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE i. ese ce ee mas po 0 ee i te at nonzero rots of the following transcendental equation (a) -8-4()° on a Sena If a@ is much greater than 100, dy = 2.861, a = 4.9181, da = 6.9418, Met — 1=4,5,6, wos sD «4 Mode shape of it smite inane ele mode showing insnce of he parameter «(ES 7) (75) (7-6) CABLES AND CABLE TAUSSES 95 Ifa? is much less than 1.0, adi ty 7) Figure 7-5 gives the first positive nonzero root of Eg. 7-5 for 1 ‘As in the analysis of cables, the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the cable ‘russes are dependent on the mean position of the cables. With single cables the ‘mean position of the cables (sag) is determined by the mean load on the cable. With cable trusses the mean position of the cables is determined by the geometry of the cable truss, since itis assumed that the sag is much less than the spacing im= posed by the tie-downs and vertical spacers. ‘Mean Sag. If the top cable in a cable truss bears a uniform vertical load of p per unit of span, then vertical deflection of the cable truss in the direction of p is, (Ref. 7-6); wor tata lO): 0 (7-10) To is the mean cable tension, E is the cable modulus (discussed in Section 7.1), Avis the crose-sectional area of the cable, and L, is the virtual cable length (Eq. 7-4), ‘Which is approximately equal to the span of the cables, L. Note that a” isa function of the geometry of the cable truss but not the mean sag of the truss. The change 95 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE in the horizontal component of cable tension in the top cable due to the downvward- acting load pis: pe AT Eo-wa +1 cable is -AT. One of the cables will 20 slack ‘The change in tension of the bottom cable is ~AT. One of the cal if the change in tension equals the mean tension, AT=T, This occurs for a mean load per unit length of: hen the mean load on Ifa circular roof is supported by cable trusses on the radi, then th the cable trusses will be in the form of a triangular block maximum at the tie-downs ‘and zero in the middle, as shown in Fig. 7-7, The vertical deflection of the cable ‘russ under this triangular block load with a maximum load of po per unit span at the tie-downs is (Ref. 7-6) Bea pgta | Chere] saa bey} any wo EE] -aera ltt) for r/L>0, where a? is given by Eq. 7-10. For a? > 96, the midspan of the cable truss will rise under the triangular block load. The change in the horizontal compo- rent of tension in the top cable in the cable truss due to the triangular block toad is: 3 pol? ATH T38 (b- ae +12 p= -- 2R: -aT 2s (att | \\ ig. 7-7. Cabetms verona lok lod wth a angular itibutin of mas, [CABLES AND CABLE TRUSSES 97 “The change in tension in the bottom cable is-AT. One ofthe cables wil go slack if the change in tension equals the mean fesion, AT™=T, This occurs fora maxim Toad per unit length of _ 128 To- got +12 ponte Additional stati solutions are given in Refs. 7-6 and 7-7. Mode Shapes and Natural Frequencies. ‘The mode shapes and natural frequencies of cable trusses for vibration in the plane of the cable truss are given in Table 7-2. ‘The natural frequencies and mode shapes of these cable trusses are a function of the geometry of the cable truss rather than the mean deflection of the truss, since it was ‘assumed that the mean deflection is much less than the spacing imposed by the tie= downs and vertical spacers. As the spacers become very close, a (Eq. 7-10) ap- proaches zero and the results for the cable truss (frames 2, 3, and 4 of Table 7-2) approach those of a straight cable (frame 1 of Table 7-2). The natural frequency of cable trusses in symmetric modes can be found from frame 2 of Table 7-1, where the constant ) is found from the positive non-zero roots of the following transcendental equation: (raz «ais given by Eq. 7-10. This equation is identical to the corresponding equation for single cables (Bq. 7-5) except for the redefinition of «. Solutions to Eq. 7-12 can be Found in Eqs. 7-6 and 7-7 and Fig. 7-5 ‘The parameter a (Eq, 7-10) governs the effect of the shape of the cable truss on the cable truss dynamics. If a2 > 0 but o# <4n%, the natural frequency of the first symmetric mode is less than the natural frequency of the first antisymmetric mode, if o@ > de®, the natural frequency of the first symmetric mode is greater than the natural frequency of the first antisymmetric mode. When the cable truss vibrates in a symmetric in-plane mode, a first-order fluctua- tion is induced in the cable tension. The dynamic fluctuation in tension, Tp, in the top cable of the cable truss as the cable vibrates in the i symmetric mode is given by To _ Gay? 1, ab- a B, is the amplitude of the vertical dynamic deflection in the i mode [y, = Byji(x) sin (t+ 6)] and 98) is the mode shape of the i symmetric mode given in frame 3 of Table 7-2. y, is positive in the direction of the applied load p. ‘The fluctuation in tension in the bottom cable of the cable truss is Ty. The fluctuation in tension is zero to first order for vibration in antisymmetric modes. ‘The natural frequency of cable trusses with triangular distribution of mass (Fig. 7-7) is given in frame 4 of Table 7-2 for symmetric insplane modes. This geometry approximates the load and mass distribution of a circular roof supported Cable Tusses—In-Pane Modes. ‘Table 72. FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE ‘canes AND by cable trusses on the radii. The constant} in frame 4 of Table 7-2is given by the . positive nonzero roots to the following equation: gg 7 fp) (3, 2”? £ a) 3 713) Hy | Tyg0) 4°” Be oe a ale. sf 3 3 elle et where ayy is the Bessel function of the first kind and two-thinds order and 1 ts ig a - a . Cl the Bessel function of the first kind and minus one-third order. In Eq. 7-13, a? is ae | a o : 43 ol F 4 defined by efa|fjaé [8 le 3 36(a~ b EA R eel 3] 2 : g eee o14 pas) s|2 é slo ew OTR are] |e |e s oe where R, a, and b are as shown in Fig. 7-7 and Ry isthe virtual roof radius (Eq. 7-4) BoE oe 3 i: - and is approximately equal to R. E is the modulus of elasticity of the cable and A. shel [am |e ; ee isthe eros section of the cable. Ty isthe mean cable tension. Ifa? is much les Bea) jack [os ee ee than I, then the postive fist root of Eq. 7-13 is hy = 1.87. Ira? js much greater 4 than 100, then the first postive root of Eq. 7-13 is hy = 4.72. All other frst positive Pearce eas roots for Eq. 7-13 for various a must lie between these two values. “8al S| & 5: ele = 7.3. CABLE EXAMPLE 1B) 3 bn - a ett} é : i Consider a cable spanning 915 m (3000 £1) which sags 76 m (250 ft) at midspan 3 2 oe and supports 4400 N/m (300 1b/ft). The tension in this cable can easily be calculated 4 § tg | & from Eq. 7-2 to be: i 3 i gi 3 Ty = 6.06 X 108 N, tlt s 3 set 5 If the modulus of the cable is 1.8 10" Nfm? (26 X 106 pai) and the cross g2| 3 7 : Es” % sectional area of the cable is 0.161 m? (250 in2), then a? is easily calculated from ie : ae = Eq. 7.3 to be gee a? 2X 10° >> 4a? The ‘The natural frequency of the first transere mode iscaleulted from frame 2 of ass He % ‘Table 7-1 using the units of frame 1 of Table 3-1: ze Gee & ae eae 2 (33 a ee £, (transverse) = 0.063 Hz = 1/15.8 sec. wes ae eae +2 ae Bsk| | 22% at BE ee ‘m= 449 ke/m was used in the calculation. The first vertical antisymmetric mode ege| | 28 zi | eae hhas a natural frequency of (frame 3 of Table 7-1): Secl gece [de | ge gE (vertical amsymmetis) = 0.19 He = 1/79 doe] g) e838 | a2 oe ase The frequency of the first symmetric vertical mode can be found from frame 4 of "22| | ace | be be Eee Table 7-1 where by, given by Eq. 7-6 or Fig. 7-5, is 2.86. Thus, ee] | ete |e if cr f vertical, symmetric) = 0.18 Hz = 15.5 sec. 3 et lae ae : “The natural fequency ofthe first vertical symmetric mode is greater than the natural frequency of the first vertical antisymmetric mode since a? > 4a? 100 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE 74, CABLE TRUSS EXAMPLE ‘Assume that the roof of a rectangular sports arena is to be supported by a series of biconcave cable trusses with the following specifications using the units of frame 1 of Table 3-1: L= 61 m, a= 0.61 m, b= 3.05 m, E= 1.04 X 10 N/m?, A= 3.22 X 1073 m2, Ty =1.11X 10° N. The cable trusses support a load of p= 5830 N/m, ? is calculated from Eq. 7-10 to be: 0.9. Since 2 <4x?, the first symmetric mode has the lowest natural frequency. The natural frequency of the first antisymmetric vertical mode is given by frame 1 of Table 72 1.0 He. A mass distribution of m= 0.594 kg/m was used in this calculation. ‘The natural frequency of the first vertical symmetric mode is found from frame 2 of Table 7-2 tobe: (vertical, antisymmetric £, (vertical, symmetric) = 0.925 Hz, where Ry = 1.85 from Fig. 7-5 REFERENCES “A tvine, HM "Statist of SapendodCales;" ASCE, 1 Bg. ech. Dp, DI, 187-205 (1975) TE Kane, HM. “Post Elsie Response of Sopended Cables” ASCE, JE. Bech, Di, 10, 725-738 s78) 7, Winton, A. Jan RJ. Wh 161-1078 1377) et na, Head. K. Caghey, The Linear Theory of Free Vibtons of Suspended Cabs” Poe, Roy So, London Serer A, 381, 299-315 (1978). 1s. Colo, hy and JW, Pili, Effet Modulus of Twlteé Wire Cable" ASCE, J. ng. Mech. Di 402, 171-181 1936), 16, Inge Hs "Stats and yams of Cable Trusses" ASCE, J Bue. ech, Dir 101, EMS, 429-846 975). 414, Lone H. Mas and PC Jenna, “Lateral SuiMY of Cable Tru," ASCE, Be Mec. Di. 101 EMS 403-416 0975) 418, Rambus & Band O- Me Gif, Pee Vibration of Tat and Sac Marne Cables." ASCE, J Sir. Di Tos, 2079-2082 (977). Alwo see diction ofthis piper By A.S. Richardson I M. L. Gambian BV. Bachelor, ASCE See, Dis 104, 1038-1081 (1978). sucind Cables Under Load Design Expreshons" ASCE Stra it 103, 8 STRAIGHT BEAMS 8.1, TRANSVERSE VIBRATION OF FLEXURE BEAMS 8.1.1, General Case General Assumptions. A straight elastic beam possesses both the mass and stiftness to resist bending. During transverse vibration, the beam flexes perpendicular to its ‘own axis to alternately store potential energy in the elastic bending of the beam and ‘then release it into the kinetic energy of transverse motion, Pipes, pilings, and entire ‘buildings can experience these transverse flexural vibrations. ‘The general assumptions used in the analysis of beams in Section 8.1 are 1, The beams are uniform along the span. 2. The beams are composed of # linear, homogeneous, isotropic elastic material. 3, The beams are slender. The dimensions of the beam cross section are much Jess than the length of the beam or the distance between vibration nodes. Ro- tary inertia and shear deformation are not considered. | 4. Only deformations normal to the undeformed beam axis are considered. Plane sections remain plane, 5. No axial loads are applied to the beam, 66. The shear center of the beam cross section coincides with the center of mass Ge,, the plane of vibration is also a plane of symmetry of the beam), so that rotation and translation of the beam are uncoupled. In Sections 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3, 8.1.7, and 8.1.8, all of these assumptions are in ef fect, In the remaining sections of Chapter 8, one or more of the assumptions are relaxed, For example, Sections 8.1.4 and 8.1.5 consider the effect of axial load on ‘the beam (assumption 5), Section 8.1.6 considers nonuniform beams (assumption 1), and Section 8.2 incorporates the effect of shear deformation (assumption 3). Stress and Strain, As the beam deflects transverse to its own axis, the elements on the convex side of the beam lengthen and the elements on the concave side shorten, as can be seen in Fig. 8-1(a). ‘There exists an axis through the beam cross section where elements are neither lengthened nor shortened. This axis is the neutral axis of the eross section. The neutral axis must pass through the centroid of the cross section unless loads are applied axially to the beam, Plane surfaces through the beam remain plane as the beam deflects. The stresses and strains in the beam are proportional to the distance from the neutral axis, The maximum stresses and strains arise at the greatest distance in the eross section from the neutral axis. If a beam’s longitudinal axis coincides with the x axis and its y axis measures 10 102 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE a Yad = 4 M — (a si0€ view oF Beam on & NeuraAaL va Jr Se : Hy = oy sTaesses in oeaat (a caosssecrion eLeuen Fig, 84, Deformation race, an coorsinates for» Next bes, distance fom the neutal ax, a shown in Fig 1 then the norma longitu sep and the lateral sine (ey and 6) induced by the tranavere defection ub athe beam in hepa a poet: ant, 2 aan, aor eek, n= 0. @) ‘The lateral expansion of the beam on the concave side and lateral contraction of the ‘beam on the convex side which correspond to ¢, are due to the Poisson's ratio effect. is Poisson’s ratio. The transverse shear strain over the cross section é,y has been neglected in the flexure beam theory. “These strains correspond to the following stresses in a beam composed of a ho- ‘mogeneous, isotropic material: ay Oa 7 Ee, =~ BY yy =O =O, 47 7 OH 0. 62) STRAIGHT BEAMS 103 The first subscript refers to the normal to the face on which the stress acts. The second subscript refers to the direction of the stress. E is the elastic modulus. oj. iS the normal stress applied parallel to the axis. This stress is associated with the fol- owing bending moment in the beam: er! a ay, Q 4) at ox ‘The transverse shear force supported by the beam is the resultant of the transverse shear stresses and can be related to the deformation of the beam through Eq. 8-3: ae f op ane net es) ‘Although the shear deformation fg and the shear stress oy hive been neglected, qui eonsideratons dictate thatthe integral ofthe shear stress over the eros seetion cannot be zero. The shear sts (0g) wil generally have a parabolic distebw- tion over simple closed cross sections with the maximum atthe centroid and zero a the edges of the eros section. An spproximate expression forthe maximum shear Stres tthe controll of simple closed cross setions suchas estanguler,crelar and alipteal geist Oe lcomeoit ” KA” KA Ox2? where Q, is the transverse shearing force supported by the cross section, A is the area of the cross section, and K is a dimensionless constant, approximately equal to 0.8, which is discussed in Section 8.2 and presented in Table 8-14. ‘The average shear stress over the cross section is 104 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE Boundary Conditions. The mathematical expressions for various boundary condi- tions which can be applied to the beam are: Free Boundary Clamped Boundary: Pinned Boundary Sliding Boundary 6) ‘ax Ox? ‘Y4, t) is the transverse deformation of the beam and x is the spanwise coordinate. ‘Theve boundary conditions are applied for all times at the spanwise location of the boundary. ‘The free boundary condition corresponds to no geometric restraint or load on the beam, ‘Thus, the moment (Eq. 8-3) and shear load (Eq. 8-5) in the beam are zero at 1 free boundary. The clamped boundary condition prevents the beam from rotation ‘nd displacement, The pinned boundary condition prevents displacement but allows rotation. The moment (Eq. 8-3) is zero at the pinned boundary. ‘The sliding bound- ary condition allows displacement but not rotation. The shear load (Eq. 8-5) is zero at a sliding boundary. Natural Frequencies, Mode Shapes, and Deformation, The mode shapesand natural frequencies of a slender beam are a function of an integer index (i) which may be associated with the number of flexural half-waves in the mode shape. For each i there is a natural frequency and mode shape. If the beam vibrates freely, then the total transverse deformation isthe sum of the modal deformations: Yo, 3 AGO sin Ont +4). 7 53) is the mode shape associated with the vibration mode and fs the natural fre- Guency of thet mode in hertz. A, is @ constant with the units of length and 6; is fiphase angle. A, and 6, are determined by the means used toset the eamin motion ‘The natural frequency in hertz can generally be expressed in the form: oe (EM tetas 2a? \m ‘where 2, is a dimensionless parameter which isa function of the boundary conditions applied to the beam, L is the length of the beam, and m is the mass per unit length of the beam. Once Y(x, t) has been found from Eq. 8-7, Eqs. 8-1 through 8-5 can be used to determine the stresses, strains, and resultant forces in the beam. ‘The longitudinal deformation of the beam is of order Y? for small transverse de- formations of slender straight beams, and so the longitudinal deformation is neglected in the linear theory. STRAIGHT BEAMS 105 Sandwich Beams, A laminated sandwich beam is shown in Fig, 8-2. The beam con- sists of uniform layers of material which are glued together. Each layer is assumed to be homogencous. The beam cross section is symmetric about the 2 axis (neutral axis), The analysis of sandwich beams is considerably more difficult than the analysis ‘of homogeneous beams because large shear strains can develop between the layers (Ref. 8-37). However, if the sandwich beam is slender, that is, the depth of the beam ig small compared with the length of the beam and the distance between vibration nodes, then it is reasonable {o assume that plane sections of the beam remain plane during vibration. The natural frequencies of these slender sandwich beams can be computed using the formulas developed for homogeneous beams by defining the sandwich beam equivalent stiffness, ae [*" yay, 2 Fx(dies ~ aD, @8) ceRuss secTion aT C-c ty CS st L sige view ig. 82. A faye aint bar 106 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE and the equivalent mass per unit length, m=Sm,=E2m [av =» E Hi (der ~ de). (89) ‘The distance from the neutral axis of the beam to the seam between the k and the K-41 layers in the beam is dj (45 = 0). Ey and yy are the modulus of elasticity and the density of the k layer, and b is the width of the beam. m, is the mass per unit iength of each layer (Ref. 8-6). The natural frequencies of sandwich beams can be found from the formulas for the natural frequencies of homogeneous beams by substituting equivalent stiffness (ED) and equivalent mass per unit length (mm) for the stiffiness and mass per unit length of the homogeneous beams. Beams on Elastic Foundations, A beam on an elastic foundation is shown in Fig. 83. ‘The elastic foundation could consist of a series of springs, as in Fig. 8-3, oF simply an elastic pad. ‘The foundation modulus, Ey, is defined as the ratio of the Toad per unit spanwise length applied to the foundation to the deformation this load produces. Ey has units of force per unit area, Ey = ky/A for the beam shown in Fig. 8:3, where ky is the spring constant of a spring in the foundation (Table 6-1) and A js the separation of the springs. If the beam on an elastic foundation satisfies the general assumptions required for validity of flexure beam theory (Gee the beginning of Section 8.1.1) and the bound ny conditions on the beam are independent of the foundation modulus, then if the natural frequencies of the beam in the absence of the foundation (Fy = 0) are (AY denaain 10) i= at bm the natural frequencies of the beam with the foundation are (Ref. 8-1) sec (BAY. senas ean ‘By comparing Eqs. 8-10 and 8-11 it can be seen that the presence of an elastic foun- dation increases the natural frequencies of the beam, 9.88, Pionedisnnad bem onan te foundation, STRAIGHT SEAMS 107 For example, the natural frequencies of the pinned-pinned beam on the spring foundation shown in Fig. 8-3 (Ey = ky/A) are: ‘The mode shapes of beams on elastic foundations are unchanged by the presence of the foundation (Ref. 8-1). Simplification for Tubes. The formula describing the natural frequency of trans- verse vibration of slender beams can be simplified for tubular beams. If the mass of fluid inside a tube and the added mass of entrained fluid outside a tube can be ne- lected in comparison with the mass of the tube, then frame 24 of Table 5-1 gives: TL _Dh+D? m pA” 6m is the mass density of the tube material, Ais the eross section of the tube, and D, ‘and D, are the outer and inner diameters of the tube, respectively. Using this result, ‘the formula for the natural frequency of tubular beams becomes: 7 (ery? iE! ae \m) =f, ey” Sal? Hw One consequence of this formula is that the natural frequencies of thin-walled tubes are nearly independent of the wall thickness. In addition, sinee the ratio of, elastic modulus to density, E/j, is approximately constant for common engineering Inetals such a5 aluminum and stel, the natural frequencies of many tubes are nearly independent ofthe metal sed in their construction, 12) 8.1.2. SingleSpan Beams Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes. ‘The natural frequencies and mode shapes of transverse vibration of uniform singlespan beams are given in Table 8-1. ‘The mode shapes corresponding to the first three modes of the beams of Table 8-1 are shown in Fig, 8-4, The mode shapes and derivatives of the first five modes of the clamped-free, clamped-pinned, clamped-clamped, and clamped-sliding beam are listed in Table 8-2. Note that mode shapes and derivatives of the free-ree, free- pinned, and free-sliding beams can easily be adapted from Table 8-2 by using the transformations given in the following subsection. The beam mode shapes of frames 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 of Table 8-1 are very sensitive to the values of A, and o, in the higher modes. ‘Chang and Craig have noted (Ref. 8-2) that changes in o; as small as 10- can result in a significant change in the computed mode shapes, Thus, itis advisable to employ a high degree of mumerical accuracy in X; and g; when com ppiting the mode shapes of higher modes of beams with these boundary conditions. 106 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE ‘Teble 8-1. SingleSpan Beams. Notation: x = dlstance along span of be = modulus of elasticity: | = area moment of inertia of beam about neutral axis Table 5:1) ‘see Table 3-1 for consistant sts of units lam; m = mass per unit length of eam f= 2 1); = pan of beam: | be ‘oble 84. Single-Span Beams {Continue STRAIGHT SEAMS 109 wom FEE) ‘The dimensionless natural frequency parameters A, and oj can be numerically computed from the following formulas: Boundary Conditions 1. Free-free 2. Freesliding 3. Clamped-free 4, Free-pinned 5. Clamped-pinned 6. Clamped-clamped 7. Clamped-sliding ‘Transcendental Equation for cos X cosh N= 1 tan d+ tanh X= 0 cos A cosh A+1=0 tan X= tanh Same as free-pinned Same as free-ree Same as freesiding Formula for 6 cosh Ry €08 Ry Sin Xy— sin Ry sinh Xj sin Ry ‘cosh A, #608 Ay sin, sin dy tosh Ay E08 Ay cosh Xs cos Ay ‘sinh A= SIA ‘The boundary conditions are defined mathematically by Eq. 8-6. Since the longitu. inal displacement of straight beams during transverse vibration is of second order (~¥2), the presence or absence of longitudinal constraints does not affect the natural frequencies in Table 8-1 The rigid body modes corresponding to the A= 0 solution for the free-free, free- sliding, free-pinned, sliding-pinned, and sliding-sliding beams have been omitted from Table 8-1. 110 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE STRAIGHT BEAMS 111 “‘NEELRLL “NEL RE wo0e 20 | | woot a “ENS ‘I eee Seetlette PSEC : uw p< 20 gs }— 20 no 1 . Eat | fs Lo > ODE e mn | a0 a a Crt rr re a eT) _ Fin 84 (Continued) Hormatios mode shapes of st Fa. 64, Novalzed mode aps of fit the mode ounaery conditions coresponding #0 Tale 51. The Fe iene covganding to Table 81, Than mode shapte Nav ben vided Uy the normalization constants nant he nthe aoe tin in the eae modes of stat ender ars with te valour eds shaoes hav Bsn divided By tha normalization 412 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE Pt KIN ‘woe 1 ove fae oa woot | D7 ie Ione? siz, = A . a a | ee . - =< L ! ead ou 02 03 ua os ee 8 og a Fe 64, (Continued) Normalized mode saps of fest hee mod of sant dander beams wit te rou Fi a Corin coreporing fo abl 81. Thee made shapes How bun divided by the normaleon Properties ofthe Mode Shapes, The mode shapes of single-span beams have the fok ioe properties "the mode shapes, yar fonetions ofthe spanwise coords yxL, Ths, a. oi ag) ex 2) L STRAIGHT BEAMS 115 as stows suo - oa INE wooe 20s : wooe2 x Eo 3 os 0 sone a — oles i at Fig. 84 [Contoved) Nomalznd mode shoes of fist tras modes f ceaight sender Bose with the various oundry condos corroding fo Tati 21. This mode shape hve teen sed by to normalization 2. Forany of the beams listed in Table 8-1, Acne yx) fase ey) 3. The beams are orthogonal over the span f (90) axe [ Heaz/eoax 0, ij pinnedpinned oT Siingpinned 2 Sldingaiing L all ther beams in Table 64 i and J are the mode shapes associated with any two modes of any one of ‘the beams given in Table 8-1. 114 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE STRAIGHT BEAMS 115 ted, chen Bam Foc Daas a6, mye taped Bom, Cota Sina Sena nan tenet a oonoe 2.00000 1696500 | 2598 iets : Bi eR oa a ey Bi et : us Testes Ene a oe Se ee ee ae 7 vases Soest 13201 rs Son Tees riNzass agers a oe ee oe isheets TEER TRE Fret heh ia aa cee 1903418 eee 71420675 79650 sarees 1.97493 ypu 133 theeae Sa = ae aan Tense Theme praeeee isda 116 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE Table 82le), Clamped-Clamped Beam. (Continued Table 213). Ctamped-Clamped Beem. (Continued) STRAIGHT BEAMS ” ‘Third Mode {ook sg 8 eeaet reste = eee ie ate 17008 seoieee Loree .atra6 ses hssete TBS shee 180 “ie 288085 Iie a “inet TIRE fates sora suns sisnesrs svroise Sune atone oie Sea sien ae LSS rigs THER seat ists rithie Tiithae lane isitns teas TRS “aH EES EBs sasnes ststsoe7 ean wvsspen | ~teasoue season : : Bin ssn TES eh Tee TIERS =isz1099 Leena 39381 sesgoie tse Eat . nt 3 nant Tesi rretbea mveane shseso12 sana civsans nates THe TR ia TS er ate EHS TESS SHS ANN PiEd Lesaraa sizes stoves ssroue2 1.292 stan Tisstpes eae Taos TENS sates Lat TSS 118 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE “Table 6-210). Fifth Mode fe ie tos ne ne ne 20 12 126 ue we Cclamped-Ctamped Beam. (Continued) 1i3e080 To7sst ATNb88? wra3e38 Tikesse TEseo8 close 22020 aioenit resnes? Vane Lre088 2698 193938 Tiitoese unaset i leave 90000 rkreee rane 5azee ratte ssuzee lauses inser 1azseo peanias tia STRAIGHT GEAMS abl 8.26), Characteristic eam Functions and Deiatie Clemped-Fre Beam Fist Mode i : x A ee 2.00000 s2sson00 Ste0e sSenes ta 8 sa0800 20808 it sant | e038 ster steal e881 riser | noses ie TENS ae cere ia reise ! BAe passe a sgeen2 | sania TEES tase TINE TER rite | oases s3e821 Lite Gog hia cosh Rit” _ ~(0 + 60s hyp cosh Ay) (G08 Ayn + cosh Am) M2 ~ “Coos hua + cosh A) (T+ 608 A COsH Aim)” csi yn sinh Aon M9 = Gos dyn + cosh Ain Pinned-pinned-free (Fig. 8506)) Felt) = sin NE +7, sinh GE, Fo(E) = na (Gin AE + sinh AGE + ng (COs NEF Cosh EY], where ++ cosh Rin) o 2 sinh hia (I + cos Ain cosh in Ayn ~ sinh din. fos hin + cosh un : ts Pinned-pinned-pinned (Fig, 8-5(¢)] Fo(E)= sin E+ sinh AE, (6-15) oCE)= ng (Sin AGE + sinh 8), B16) 0 or oz 03 Of 05 OS o7 08 os 10 ip 85tb), Natur! reqvncy prams of pinnedpinnedfre twos beam (Ect. 12, 8-181, (Ref 8) ‘8(e, aural fequency parameters of 3 planed innmt pinned swoszan beam Ege. 8-13, 216), (Re a3) 4198 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE STRAIGHT SEAMS 129 where eid sinh yu sin Ay sin hy cos hin = cosh Aig” Sab ye” = cos Ayu cosh Ayst) (cos Ain + cosh Ain) np = 3 * (eosh Rip ~ 60s Ry) (I + 605 Rit cosh Ain)” 2 sin in” in, ‘i > sinh Xin ane ‘08 Ayn # cosh Rin oe Clamped-pinned-pinned (Fig. 85(e)] Cuampedinned fee (ig. 8501 | a see S lne raab = Fo(E)= ny (Gin AE Fy sinh VB), 18) FolG) =a UG6in iE + sinh AJE Fs (CosA/EFCOsH AB], BIT) = 2d; = Meet Zraven"* DEE ETP fee acetal] bi 02 03 «04 OS OBO Fg. 8). Natural frequency pert of 2 clmoutpnnadpnned seopan bem (Ea. 9:13, 218, (Ret Fin 851d. Notre foqueney parameters of clampes-innedre woapen bem (Ess. 649,61). (Re. 83 Bai Mo FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE where pean hu iat 1 Cos ha cosh Aya” =2(1 = c08 Ay cosh Nis) M2 = [osha cosh hyn) (605 Xin sinh Ain ~ sin Ayn cosh Ain)” nn aan ms Clamped:pinned-clamped (Fis, 85(0)] Fel) = sin RE sinh AE +m, (60s NE~ cosh 2,8), Yo(E) = nz [(sin A, sinh Aik + 3 (COs AE - cosh AE], 19) where cos Ai cosh Xjp * = (= 605 Raut cosh Ain) (cosh 2, % = 908 him) 72° (eos Xu = cosh Ryu) (1 = cos Ayn CoRH Aig)” sinh Ayn sin Aan 1" © cos Kin = cosh Ayn Caution should be taken when applying these formulas to obtain the mode shapes of the higher modes (i= 2, 3, 4, ...). Experience with single-span beams indicates that the formulas become increasingly sensitive to small errorsin A, with increasing mode number. Figure 8-6 shows the effect of support spacing of a two-span beam with extreme ends clamped on the mode shape of the first mode. ‘Multispan Beams of Equal Span. ‘The natural frequencies of multispan beams with ‘equal spans are given in Tables 8-3(a) through 8-3(£) for beams with various bound- ary conditions applied to the extreme ends of the beams. Intermediate supports are assumed to be pinned. Note that here the characteristic span, L, is taken to be the distance between supports. As the number of spans becomes large, 2, approaches Fig. 8540, News fraqumcy paemetes of clanpedsinnadcumed twos beon Eas 613, B49). (et 83) ig. 86. Mode shane of ist made of 3 beam with exrame nde clad anda inttmadine pnne wapoort foralt=01,03,and08, (Ret. 8-) ‘2 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE ‘Table 8a, Free-Free Multipan Beom with Pinned Intermediate Supports, Toble 820, Frae-Pinned Multispan Bsam with Pinned Intermediate Supports. a bol a sth het ge £ a Ltt Ay = Ay umber of Spans) Ay 7 Ay @lumber of Spans) — Mode Nunber (2) Mode Wunber (1) Spans(#) 1 z 3 ‘ 5 6 z 3 ares (ees é 1 4.730 | 7.853, | 11.00 17.28 | 20.42 063 13.35 | 16.49 | 19.63 2 1.875 | 3.927 | 4.696 | ras | 10.21 | lai B15u1 Tara | ‘olers 3 1412 | 16a | 3.580 4701 | 6.707 | 3.270 ulseo | elaro | 7.070 | | 4 1.508 | 1,571 3.13 | 3928 | 4ase | 4.718 539 | 3.215 | 3.653 | 4.200 | sono | 6.358 5 vis30 | 1548 | 3.328 | a.ri0 | 4.164 | 4.528 5 1is39 | aires | 3.496 | 3.926 | 4358 | 4.668 6 visar_ | 1isa2 | 3.270 | 3.868 | 3.927 | 4.285 6 aisaa | 3173 | 3igoo | 3.72 | atne | a.ass 7 1.538 | 1.560] 3.237 | 3.471 3.70 | 4.084 7 1539 | 3.166 | 3.337 | 3,611 3.927 | 4,241 8 vis3a | 1.539 | 3.215, | 3.400 3.653, | 3.926 8 ais39 | 3i1e0 | 31290 | asi | 3.786 | alos. 3 iisse | 11539 | 3.200 3.353, | 3.864 | 3.803 a vis39 | 3.156 | 3,263 | 3.449 | 3.679 | 3.927 10 t.sa9 | 1.539 | 3.9 | 3.316 | 3.496 | 3,705 0 1539 | 3.153 | 3.247 3.397 3.595 | 3.814 un 1539] 133s | liso | 3.287 | 3.443, | 3.626 W us39 | 3i1so | 3.225 | 3.357 aisza | 31723 2 visag | 11339 | 3:14 | 3.265 | 3.400 | 3,563 2 vis39 | 3irso | 3.212 | aaes | 3.475 | 3.6475 3 1.539 | 1.539 | 3.169 | 3.248 | 3.365 | 3.510 3 1.539 | 3.m4a | 3.202 | 3.300 | 3.432 | 3.586 a visas | 1539 | 3.166 | 3.230 | 3.337 3.466 14 visao | 3.47 | 394 | 3.279 3.396 | 3.534 6 visag | 11539 | a.t6z | 3.222 | 3.33 | 3.430 5 visas | atta | aitaz | 31263 | 3lae7 | 3laa0. (span = a beam seguent of axial length L. for all cases where both extreme ends of the beam are supported. If one or both of the extreme ends of the beam are free, then 4, approaches 1.539 as the number of spans becomes large, Tables 8-3(a) through 8-3(F) were adapted in part from Ref. 855 (also see Ref. 8-6). Multispan Beam with Unequal Spans. Figure 8-7 shows the fundamental natural Frequency of a multispan beam with ends clamped. The two outermost spans have ‘ different span length than the innermost spans. Note that as the outermost spans become greater than 1.2 times the innermost spans, then the fundamental frequency becomes independent of the number of spans as the longer outermost spans domi- nate the vibration. Additional solutions for multispan beams with unequal spans ean be found in Ref, 8-6, | (span = a beam segnent of axial length L. 8.1.4, Beams Supporting a Uniform Axial Load A tes lond which spp axl toa bam (i. 88) ness he aural uence ofthe beam. compres sal load decease the matrlrequentes of the beam. ‘The effect of axial lo onthe natura Fequences of the Sae-san Scans en in Table Bean be found by conderng the str egueey Dara Ger tobe function a nondineson! a paraeter and the beam Dounday me x,2((E, boundary contiton) i he al force. Pi pote Ae loud ene, Piste te lad i compas |i FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE ‘Teble 83c, Clamped-Free Multspan Baar with Pinned intermediate Supports. “Table @3d, Pinnad-Pinnod Mltispan Baar with Pinned Intermediate Support. 1 kos 2 2 c= = Poa z ae” ~ & a a e a ee T= 2, umber of Spans) Naber ores Vode aber CD peated Sreiste| eed 1 3 a 3 6 + | sors | soe | 7855 | 13.00, | teen) rzae 1 | ase | sas | oes | rzsz | as | es a | sto Toor | ‘rose | "rata | tons, 2 | ane | siser | sae | 3060] “s:tze | oi31 3 1.541 4.263 aoe aoe 3 3.142 3.557 4,297 4713 6.707 7.630 | ssas | 3.403 sso | dra | s.sus «| sua | sas: | 2928 | sues | 6.202 | 5 | usa | acai6 gig | gn | 47 5s | saz | 330 | 3700 | aise | isso | 6:2ee 6 1,539 3.265 eae = 6 errs a 3.927 4,293, 4,602 : 1,539 3.233 3 3.767 — bared 7 3.142 3.230 | 3.460 3.766 4,089 4,394 a | tba | Sian | aan | Sens | sips | aoe & | Sad | ae | a | Sets | Sioa | coe 9 1,539 3.198 3.349 3,560 be ” 9 3.442 3.196 3.364 3.557 3,800 4.053 10 1,539 3.187 3 He ae Ba aH 10 3.142 | 3,186 3.309 3.488 3.700 3.927 | xa face | 3u : ree | mh | Xue | aise | an | Stes | Ser | Stes | USS | Sa | as | Sse | iss | sine eat te ee Sata | | 15 | sax | ese | azn | 2s62 | aso] 369 15 | sue | ase | a2u | aa | a.soe | a.s66 1h 1,539 3.165, 3,232 3-334 oe oa 4 3.141 3.164 3.230 ce 3.460 3.607 15 1,539) 3.162 3.221 3.311 $4a7 i 3 3.141 3.161 3.219 3.309 3.424 3.557 | | @ ay span = a bean segnent of axial length 1. span = a bean segnent of axial length L. bac shone for heft fanaa on het ue paneer seas em tdi nd sigpined sage form beams. For a pinned-pinned or sliding-sliding single-span beam (Ref. 8-8): (ges): lena. 20) ea For a sliding-pinned single-span beam (Ref. 8-8): i? ( ae i pee) ¢ For other uniform beams, an approximate formula for the effect of axial load on the natural frequency fis: eee Fleeo =(a #) : i“ 3,5, 621) (822) where X, and 2, on the right-hand side of Eq, 8-22 refer to the nondimensional frequency parameters in the absence of axial load (Tables 8-1, 8-3) and Py is the axial load required to buckle the beam. P, is given in Table 8-4 for beams with various boundary conditions. Close inspection of the numerical results presented in Refs. 8-8, 8.9, and 8-10 and Eqs. 8-20 and 8-21 shows that Eq. 822 generally predicts the effect of axial Toad on the natural frequencies to within 1% of the exact natural frequencies for single-span beams subject to axial load within +P). Equation 8-22 is equivalent to the exact solutions for the pinned-pinned, slidingsliding, and sliding-pinned beams (Eqs. 8-20, 8-21). Equation 8-22 is presented graphically in Fig. 8:9. Ifa sufficiently large compressive axial load is applied to the beam such that pinned-pinned or sliding-sliding beam sliding-pinned beam : 146 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE ‘Table @3e. Clomped-Pinned Mulispan Beam with Pinned Intermediate Suppor STRAIGHT BEAMS 147 ‘Table 831, Clamped-Clamped Mlultispen Beom with Pinned Intermediate Supports 7 en etna! mi 8 (ey tee rit = { ce q A eS gas om? \* L¢ 1, Glnber of Spans) T= hy Gumber of Spans) = Baer ode Namba © fe ele hair 5 2 see ee 5 o srans’®) [7 2 3 ‘ 3 qi + | agar | 7.06 | v0.2, | | 15.09 | t9.03 | 1 | 4290] 2083 | stc0 | sase | 7.28 | 20.42 2) 3S | EN | TSS | Taso | Us%sar | 10:73 2 | sigan | C950 | sos | "asa | toler | Fri00, 2] RR) See | eso | Gitta | now | 7.727 3] aise | ilar | bss | eto] “Sclao | Tress | sao} seus | zor | 665s | s.ssr | g.79s 4 | sae] ase | ces | s.sus | 7.068 $ | SRG | Skea | stsac | sce | aSesa ] siase 5 | 3310 | 3300 | cise Sina | eleeo 2] SNS] Sees) atk | cs | eae | coer 6 | 3260 | 3387 | Siar wae | 8 fase | asst | acon | sezr | aster | tsz7 1 | a.2m | s.s60 | 3.36 sa | 4.64 PL ANS | Sago | Siete | She | sites [act & | 31 | ataee | Ses ilo | ates S| 348) 3:80 | aka | ates | aiser | aire | sam | giee | aissr oss] asa to | aasa {32x92 | aasa | ase | ger | 604 wo | ates | a.s09 | ase | a.r00 | 3.ca7 | a.asa | RS | 3G | Stas | aise | Sizer | toe tf Sirs | ize | 3835 | Steer | teas | dos yf RS] Sc | aaa | ater | aloes] acase | aims] sizer | atte | aissr | Stine | acer tz | awe | 3.200 | azo | suze | ase | 350 1 | ares {az | s.ase | sso | sess | o.ase | BMS | acse | acre | ates | Stat | 604 ia | atte | 3.350 | 3csae | atts | Seon | 3cpee MOP ORME | Suge | staat | 33st] ata | cee as | ater | ate | aise | Stan | S557 | Schon L | = @) span = a beam segment of axial length L, | = a beam segnent of axial length L. then the fundamental (i= 1) natural frequency goes to zero as the beam buckles. If ‘ery lange tensile load is applied to a beam with pinned or clamped ends such that P>> Pol where By is the buckling load (Table 8-4), then natural frequencies approach those of straight tensioned cable (frame 1 of Table 7-1) because the forces associated with the tension in the beam become much greater than the beam stiffness. “The mode shapes of the pinned-pinned, pinned:sliding, and slidingliding beam fare unaffected by axial load. ‘The mode shapes of the seven remaining single-span teams listed in Table 8+] are a function of axial load. However, the change in mode Shape produced by a large change in axial load is generally very small, as is shown in Fig, 8-10 for the first mode of a clamped-free beam, 8.1.5. Beams Supporting a Linearly Varying Axial Load General Case, A tensile load which varies linearly over the span of « beam can be fenerated by @ uniform axial traction which is applied to each spanwise segment of the beam. The tractions can be the result of gravity loads, as on a long drill pipe, or rotational loads, a5 on a whirling propeller. If one end of the beam is free of axial load, then the traction loads, w, per unit length of the span will generate a reaction WL at the other end of the beam [(Fig. 8-11(2)]. If both ends of the beam can sup- port axial loads, then the axial force in the beam will vary linearly between the two end easton (Fig, 8-110]. Both of these eases wil be considered inthe folowing sections. ‘The natural frequencies of uniform beams with axial loads which vary linearly along the span are given by: At /EL Sean fis the natural frequency of thei mode in hertz, Eis the modulus of elasticity, Lis the area moment of ineris of the beam cross section (Table SI), mis the mass per unit length of the beam, and Lis the overall beam span, Consistent sets of units are given in Table 3-1. The dimensionless parameter ); is a function of the boundary 5 AR12,3, 6-23) 148 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE 80 oy » 18 a a] Fong>i2 | 2, M a aL oe re th pet aE : Pee oF waVe 02 Pees ou Lu ; Fig. 8.7, Fandarmentl ntura raquaney of sn span bom with extrume end roe, pied ntrmedite fupport ane verable spacing in outermost sant. (Re, 87) soe Fi, 8, Tone lod on s pione-pinned ber, ‘Toble 84. Buckling Lod and Mode for Uniform Beams Under Axial Load with Various Boundary Cor Notation 3 distance long beam modulus of elasticity! = area moment of inertia: L = span of beam Buckling, ThuckLing Boundary Conditions | toad, |P,| | Mode Shape 1. Free-free 7 m BL sin L 2. Pree-siiding 2 m ve ein BE cs 3. Clanped-Free 2, m a 1 cos BE a 4. Pree-Pinned 2 me vu sin v 5. Pinned-Pinned a an are 6 champed-Pinned | ose2gp | 2 7. Clanped-Clanped 2, ans ate 1 = cos BE L 8. champed-stiding | 2p, aes = ae L 9. 2, re vet cos aw 10, Siiding-stiding cos BE @ pet, 8-8, 450 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE 18 =0) (0 # OM i 89. chen in nts frequency) with ell lo Pl oped by Eq, 822. the sam bucking Tonandisgven a Table 84 conditions and the axial load, The following sections are devoted to finding \ for ‘two cases of linearly varying axial load. ‘Zero Axial Load on One End of Beam. If the axial load is zero at one end of the ‘beam, as in Fig. 8-1 (a), then the constants A; (Eq. 8-23) are functions of the beam boundary conditions and the axial traction parameter a Ai= A (@, boundary conditions), where fo 29 ET wis the axial traction per unit length of the beam, w is constant over the span of the beam and has units of force per unit length. w is positive if the tractions put the ‘beam in tension and negative if the tractions put the beam in compression, For STRAIGHT BEANS 161 i AXIAL LOAD RATIO, PI, Mone share, © 01 02 03 04 05 08 07 08 08 10 SPATUWISE BEAM COORDINATE,~ Fig. 610, Eft of oxi! 06d on mode sen of rat mode of campedae beam (rome 3a Table 8.11, {Ref 28) example, w is positive for downward acting tractions for the beam boundary condi- tions shown in Fig. 8-12, ‘@ measures the ratio of the traction forces to the stiflness of the beam, ‘a is posi- tive if the load in the beam is tensile and is negative if the load in the beam is com- pressive, The natural frequencies will increase with increasing tensile load and de- crease with increasing compressive load. A sufficiently large compressive load will cause any of the natural frequencies to go to zer0 (A, = 0) as the beam buckles. Table 8-5 gives the critical axial traction required to buckle the beams shown in Fig. 8-12, Tables 8-6 and 8-7 and Fig. 8-13 give the natural frequency parameters d, Eq. 823) for the first three modes of the beams of Fig, 8-12 for a range of a (Eq. 824). Note that 2=0 can correspond to either onset of buckling or a rigid body rotation mode (case 12). Tables 8-6 and 8-7 and Fig. 8-13 were generated by Huang and Dareing (Ref. 8-11). As ec becomes large, on the order of 1000, the tensile force in the beam becomes much greater than the force associated with bending rigidity and the beams can be 152 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE —Seseres) ° S(SESESEHSE | A AN ‘action Traction —— axa & oD ny Ana. tone a 1 a Fs T : c peat 1 (a) BEAM WITH ZERO AXIAL LOAD AT OME END ig. 8-1, Exampls of bare with ery varying (a) BEAM WTH AXIAL LOAOS AT BOTH ENDS case case 2 case 1s case ar Z fe w uo i. 8412, Seam boundary conditions. A downward ail traction i spliad o each spas leant ofthe Thm. ste evil Ion a hla ad 9 sah bam i aro, The boundary conatons eodstea with cat 12.14, 23, end 29.0 nat pit roan of te ler on of the baa STRAIGHT BEAMS 162 Table 85, Valucs of a (Eq, 8.24) for Onset of Bucking (= 0). case | Mode 1 Wede 2 | wode 3 | Mode 4 | 18.569 86.431 | -196.29 2 ° 25.638 | -95.95 | -210,08 13, | -30.009 | -112.09 | ~234.99 4 3.4766 | 06.138 | 129.26 2 752.501 | 129.05 | ~276.24 2 -7.8373 | -35.977 | -148.51 23 | 74.629 | -157.03 | -325.51 2 | ~18.956 -81.887 | -189,22 ret. 11, ‘modeled as hanging chains. For example, consider a long slender beam which is sup- ported only at the top end. A linearly varying axial tension is produced in the beam as the beam supports its own weight, ‘The traction is w=mg, where m is the mass per unit length of the beam and g is the acceleration of gravity, If this equation 1s substituted into Eq. 8-24 and Eqs, 8-24 and 8-23 are combined to eliminate the term EI, the result is: iad As the tension in the beam becomes large (For example, case 12 of Table 8-7 for (000), the dimensionless term Aj/ad!* approaches a limit: i mode 1 2.86 mode 2. 14.95 mode 3 ‘Comparing this result with the natural frequencies given in frame 5 of Table 6-4, it can be seen that as a becomes large the natural frequencies of long hanging beams are accurately predicted by the natural frequencies of hanging chains, ‘Axial Load at Both Ends of the Beam, If the beam is subject to a uniform span- ‘wise traction and can support axial loads at both its ends, as in Fig. 8-11(b), then the 154 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE STRAIGHT SEAMS 165 eble 86. Natural Frequancy Parameters (E4. 8-22) at 2 Function af a (Eq, 824) fora <0. “able 87. Natural Frequency Parameter (Eq. 8:23) as a Function afa (Eq, 24) for a> 0." 7 a 0.3 | -0 [5 | - = | o | 20 | «0 | «0 | 200 | 000 Gane 11 | a teie | a.9108 | 2.6120 | 2.1085 | 1.3368 G25 11 | eizes2 | eltaio | é:or28 | case | 5.8857 case 11 ay | 3.1416 | 5.0652 | 5.2076 | 6.0808 7.6957 case 11.43 | 5.azes | 923577 | 922089 | 9.2185 | 9.1753, Gaze 1143 | 8.2832 | aru6as | Sisuse | ro.ar13 1383 Cage 11 hg | 9.4248 | 1423030 | 1224565 | 13.3145 145980 a peng ese sno | ease |S | 7 case 12, | 0 4.1293 | 4.9077 | s.ca00 | 5.8302) 6.1604 Ge 13m | 3.9266 | 9.7660 | 3.5762 | 2.2426 | 3.0347 [2.3652 Jo.s371 1 | 7 CaEE 13.13 |ralan02 | 101489 | 00805 | 100227 | 919575 | 9.2905 | 9.8229 case 125 | 1.0606 | 912779 | socsaer | 11.2868 | 11-9576 | 1215222 ata ho pos case 13.4; | 3.9266 | 6.0973 | 6.9525 | 7.5307 ear a i Gaze 134g | 710686 | 9.1389 | 1012306 | 11/0088 131396 Gass 1a hy | 103700 | 14za2 | 1.2700 | 0.9580 | 0.6058 i ase 13.45 | 10.2802 | 1475909 | 3/1454 | 14Z0087 1513097 Sse id Ag, | alien | Cissus | cease | ecezos | asia | Gtse 1045 | Teaseo | 718970 | 78214 | 7.8080 | 72728 case 164; | t.szoa | Ganz | 4.9726 | 5.4067 6.2160 Gace 1643 | 47126 | 7lozu6 | 811293 | 8.anee oaar3 @ o | -w | -2o | -0 | - | -0 Gare 1095 | esto | siomne | roses | r.ss19 ning? Gave By | 3.9266 | 3.7342 | 2.3007 | 3.2039 | 2.7753 | 3.0578 E525 21 Ay | 720see | 619339 | 6.7895 | 6.6339 | 6.4648 | 6.2794 Case 21 Ay | 3.9266 | 5.5429 | 6.4359 | 6.9075 7.7828 Eade 21 25 |xos2102 | 10.1088 | 10-0039 | 9.8951 | 9.7821 | 9.6605 case 21 2g | 7.0686 | a.7si7 | 9.7720 | 10.4969 11,3706 Ghee 24 43 | s0l2v02 | 1427403 | n2crer2 | i3'san1 1ans6 = 1 cones @ 7 : : 7 cone 22 4, | 1.0751 | 4.2135 | 4.9762 s.assa| 6.2205 Gave 22 77aze | 3690 [ 12059 | 0.8550 ase 22 3 | 4lesa1 | eveise | 716375 51268 | 9/6062 case 22.2 scosi7 | ceoar | 4.sear | 4.5285 Gase 22 13 | 71854a | 916222 | 1016800 1201295 | 12.8968 Case 22.35 rises | Yoana | 9/7762 | 7.7362 case 23) | 4.7300 | 6.3202 | 7.1121 | 7.6704 | 8.1109] 5.4790 @ ¢ | 0 | 0 | -o | 15 Case 23 4p | 7.as32 | 924945 | ocdasi | ric2iae | rviaios) 12,3115, Gaze 3) | 7300] Gear | 3.9597 | 3.2187 | 0.9902 Gaze 23.25 | 10.9956 | 12.4680 | 13e547 | 14l966 | 14.9617] 15/3161 F x8 | 7.3177 | 6.9900 | 6. ese $332 [10:85 [actus | soon | 0:3eb0 | 8299 case 24) | 2.2850 | sate | s.ouse | 5.ss26 | 5.0653] 5.2714 case 233 [10 | Case 24 hp | S.as7e | 713379 | B1300¢ | 319696 | 5/5282] 9/5992 a ae anes oe ese [ | ase 26 35 | 816394 | 1012929 | a¥l3san | r2itnss | r2.7sze| 13.2965 Gare Be ay | 2.3650 | 2.1998 | 1.9630 | 1.6019 | 0.9935 | | Case 24 42 | 5.4978 | 5.4160 | 5.3300 | 5.2390 | 5.1721 | era i Case 26 b3 | 816394 | 215812 | 8.5216 | 8.4605 | 8.4169 eae, B11. dines uty parce 2 He & fctn of ben owen re el pte we a= domi sntn, 222) P, is the larger of the two axial forces applied at the beam ends. P, is positive for forces which act outward from the beam [(Fig, 8-11(b)]. P, [QwL,) is a measure of the ratio of the axial load induced at the ends of the beam to the axial load induced by the tractions along the beam. If [P,|/(wL) >> 1, then the contsibution ofthe axial loads at the ends of the beara dominates the axial Force inthe beam and the beam can be analyzed using the meth- ‘ods described in Section 8.1.4. If P, (wL) 1 oF IPyWf(wL) <1, then the axial load on one end of the beam is nearly zero and the natural frequencies of the beam can be analyzed using the techniques described in the previous paragraphs. The dimensionless frequency parameter 4, (Eq. 8-23) for the fundamental mode of pinned-pinned beams and clamped-clamped beams is given in Figs. 8-14 and 8-15 for an intermediate range of P,(wL), Data on higher modes of these geometries can be found in tabular form in Ref. 8-12. 196 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE 1S EEE SES or, : by L— 2 w 2 = La] wobex | 7 ® <4 / wae ‘ case 1 a 2 i 1 : a 2 =| a Fl 8-14, Eftect of si loads on th fundmontalreguncy of eA [ ra a Ff 8 lanpedcampad been (Ea, 823), (et ” af tS }—] 5 } 2 woot, bt | woot 1 4 ‘ / / a iH ae case 22 | oy 2 > 200 ao soo aon vow 200 «0 mmo amo amo 000 9, 8.12, Nata reqveny parse inFig 812 (eB, 2 (Ea, 8221, ar funtion of (Eq, 6:28 for four ofthe bes shown, 8.1.6, Beams with Concentrated Masses ‘The fundamental natural frequency and mode shape of slender uniform beams with concentrated masses are given in Table 8-8. These approximate formulas are gen- rally within about 1% of the exact solutions, Most of the formulas in Table 8-8 ‘were derived using the energy (Rayleigh) technique which is described in Ref. 8-17 (pp. 31-40). The formulas in Table 8-8 neglect the effect of rotary inertia of the concentrated masses, Analysis of higher modes generally requires consideration of ig. 8-15, Elect of ncryverving ai ond on fundomana reauancy ofa (et eral ney of planed inne pe SHAPE 180 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE the rotary inertia of the concentrated masses (Refs. 8-14, 8-15). The effect of an axial load on a cantilever beam with a concentrated load at its tip is described in Ref. 88. 8.1.7. Tapered Beams Formulation. A slender tapered beam can be described by the cross section at the ‘maximum width, the taper in the plane of vibration, the taper in the plane perpen- dicular to the vibration, and the boundary conditions. ‘The cross section is assumed to be a simple closed section which varies uniformly with the taper. ‘The natural frequencies of slender tapered beams can be expressed as’ 2 Elay!? ne DBE): inns. 625) fis the natural frequency of the i mode in hertz, Ip and Ao are the area moment of ihertia and the area of the cross section at the widest point along the span (Table 5:1), For example, if the beam shown in Fig, 8-16 has a rectangular cross section, then frame 4 of Table 5-1 gives: Ty ih bohb, y= bolts where hy is the height of the beam at the support Gin the plane of vibration) and by Js the width of the beat at the support. Lis the overall length of the beam, Fis the ‘modulus of elasticity, sis the material density, and 2; is a dimensionless constant ‘which is a function of the beam boundary conditions and the taper: As= Xi (loundary conditions, taper. Consistent sets of units are given in Table 3-1. ‘Nonlinearly Tapered Cantilevers, The natural frequencies ofthe cantilever (clamped free beam) shown in Fig, 6-16 are determined by Eq. 8-25. ‘The cantilever has two planes of symmetry: (1) the plane of vibration (x-y plane) and (2) the plane perpen- ficular to the ditection of vibration (x-z plane). The cantilever has a power law taper in both planes. Various n and m give cantilevers with different tapers in the two planes, For example, a beam with n= | and m =0 is a wedge with a linear taper to 2 point in the plane of vibration and a constant width (ba) in the plane perpen- dicular to the vibration, Figure 8-16 with Eq. 8-25 gives the exact result for canti- lever beams with a wide variety of simple cross sections, e.g., square, rectangular, diamond, circular, and elliptical, Figure 8-16 can be found in tabular form in Ref. 818. Nonlinesrly Tapered Free-Free Beams. The natural frequencies of nonlinearly tapered beams with free-free boundaries can be found from Eq. 8-25 and Fig. 17. ‘These beams have three mutually perpendicular planes of symmetry which intersect, s108 view wionari0n | inecrion oF oa; 02 03 a 05 os 07 08 os 19 a, Campuses bean wih nines tap, The nar! feauecy pen By iat mn cro 'covtpond conn hikes snd hot orn tcoaond l et tos pe (Ret, B18) lee at point C: (1) the plane of vibration (x-y plane), (2) the plane perpendicular to the plane of vibration (x-z plane), and (3) the plane which bisects the midspan of the eam. L is the overall length of the beam, and Ag and Ip refer to the properties of ‘the beam at midspan (x= L/2). Figure 8-17 gives the exact result forfree-free beams with a wide variety of simple cross sections, e.g, square, rectangular, dismond, circular, and elliptical. Figure 8-17 can be found in tabular form in Ref. 8-18. 162 FORMULAS FOR HATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE SIE viEW ‘ inecrion oF ‘ipaarion hae PLAN VIEW t ove net oo 203 a 05 0s 07 08 ig 017. Fe “ cra componde to sonar thichnte and m= or n= 1 corespondsf nai ert ech oi ea ra aun rien E825, Ne et m= cated Linerly Tapered Beams, The natural fequendes of tracted cant- Hoes witha ince taper in two planes are given by Eq, €-25 and Fig. 818. The wos hah, and Bo/bs speci the taper ofthe cross weation. Ip and Ap refer to the rasta ifthe cross section atthe camped suppor. Although Fig. 8-18 was Moped for eantlevrs wih rectangular cross sections, it probably provides « seed Rrproxmation for most cantievers th other simple closed rss sections. Figure 8-18 may be found in tabular form in Ref. 8-19. The mode shapes of these beams are given in Ref. 8-20. ‘The natural frequencies of slender linearly tapered beams with clamped-pinned, pinned-pinned, and clamped-clamped boundary conditions are given in Figs. 8-19, 8-20, and 8-21 and by Eq, 8-25. Ag and Ip in Eq, 8-25 refer to the properties of the cross section at the widest point. The beams of Figs. 819, 8-20, and 8-21 are tapered only in the plane of vibration. However, studies of beams with these bound- ary conditions (Refs. 8-21, 8-22, 8-6) have shown that the natural frequencies are nearly independent of the taper, if any, in the plane perpendicular to the plane of vibration. Thus, Figs. 8-19, 8-20, and 8-21 probably provide a good approximation for beams which have linear tapers perpendicular to the plane of vibration as well as in the plane of vibration. The natural frequencies of linearly tapered beams with various other boundary conditions can be found in Refs, 8-6 and 8-21 through 8-24. oe { ses 1 el bana Fg. 818, Canpsdtee beam with double near oer anc truncated end. The natural rogue a8 gon by Ex. 826 (Ret B19). Ayan lp are the ara and Bw nent of iarta tthe bear rows sction atthe 164 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE binecrion oF ‘iBRATION ioe view a), Puan view bent Tr Fig £18, Clarpadplioned beam with fsa taper in plone of woreon. Natura frauence ae gen by [EL 825 [net 821, Ay and gue th are andthe momento naa the Bea tte wide en 8.1.8. Beams with Spring Supported Boundaries ‘The natural frequencies of slender uniform beams with various combinations of rota tional and translational springs at the ends of the beams are given in Tables 8-9 through 8-13, In these tables the following notation applies: E= modulus of elasticity, ‘area moment of inertia of beam cross section about neutral axis (Table 5-1), L= span of beam, 4, = natural frequency of i mode (hertz), ‘k= translational spring constant (Table 6-1), torsional spring constant (Table 6-1), ‘m= mass per unit length of beam. ‘The springs are assumed to be massless. The moment of inertia of the point masses is zero for rotation about their centers. Consistent sets of units ere given in Table 31 STRAIGHT BEAMS 165 %~— 1 inecTion oF VIBRATION Fig. 820. Ponedpinnas beam with linear pe in plan of station, The nti raguen 126,825 (Re. 822 Ayana Igoe Ue re st he momento nro the boom et te wider en The natural frequencies of a slender uniform beam with pinned-pinned boundary conditions and torsion springs to restrain the rotation of the ends of the beam are siven in Table 8-9. The springs at each end of the beam shown in Table 8-9 impose a ‘moment on the ends of the beam. ‘The moment applied to the ends of the beam is proportional to the local rotation of the beam: oY, t) m6, oy(L, t) a4, HED, where £, and &; are the spring constants (Table 6-1), Y(x, ¢) is the transverse dis- placement of the beam, and x is the spanwise coordinate measured along the span of the beam from left to right. , and & have units of force x length. The boundary conditions on the beam of Table 8-9 are: ~ ¥0,0= YC, 0 106 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE STRAIGHT SEAMS 167 “Table 69, Natural Frequencies of «Pianed-Pinned Beam with igecTion oF Unequal Torsion Springs st the Pinned Joints." ‘ieRaTiON gee eae sige view 5 Natueal Peequency (hares), er BYOD. YOO Me rte | ees se) ae | tea p2Yd) 2p, Yd. ' son | dee] & i | ee Note that f= fy <0 and &,£, = conform othe casa pinedaned and ee ale ee ae et et astpot noua sat eee 2 eee) en ‘The natural frequencies of a slender uniform beam with one end free and the | : ‘other end pinned and restrained against rotation by a torsion spring are given in a eevee |e | aiass |e esas i oP voundary conditions ape toch tem Oe singsuppored eee) eee | ce | eee |e end 100 0 5.569 9. 662 | 15.928 19.136 Y(0, t)= 0, 100 100 6.735 aa 020 14,177 17.339 tere x0 1 the pinned end of the Seam. The mode shape of wbnaton of hs ae ‘beam is given in Ref. 8-26. 168 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE “Table 8:40, Natural Frequencies of «Pinned Free Beam with 1 Torsion Spring atthe Pinned Joint.) | Wetaral Frequency & hertz) @ 2 x : say” ee sae - 4 =; Gale a | a aso [asa [cee [aes 6 of oa soz | 7.069 | oar | | 16.49 0.01 | 0.159 | 3.928 | 7.089 | 10.21 13.35 16.49 o.1 | 0.7357 | 3.938 | 7.076 | 10.22 13.36 +] a2me | aosr | ras | t0.26 13.39 16.52 to} area | 4goa | 7.451] tose | 13.61 16.72 yoo | 1.857 | 4.650 | 7.783 | 10.90 14.01 17.43 = | ote | 4694 | 75s | at00 | 1.14 17.28 ret, 0-26 ‘Table 8-11 gives the fundamental natural frequency of a beam with pinned-free boundaries, a torsion spring at the pinned joint, and a translation spring attached to the free end. The boundary conditions of this beam are: ®YO.H) _ ,a¥O.t YO,9=0, EL ox x” FLD PYG). ax? ae KY(L, 1). ‘Table 8-12 gives the fundamental natural frequency of a beam with pinned-free boundaries, a torsion spring at the pinned end, and a concentrated mass attached to the free end, The boundary conditions of this beam are: PYO.D 200. YO,t, 1 22O.D XO eye FYG.) 4 2¥0.0 oe Pl oa ee If the rotational inertia of the mass (M) shown in Table 8-12 had been included in the analysis, then the natural frequency of the beam would be lowered somewhat STRAIGHT GEANSS 160 Fupdamantal Natural Froquancy of @ Bear with latonal Spring Boundaries. Fondanental Natural Feequency (heres), bK— 1-1 ea wea [Poo por] vo | 100 | 100 | = 0.4162 | 0.7397 | 1.3098 | 2.2313 | 2.9886 | 3.1261 | 3.1416 0,498 | 0.7577 | 1.3134 | 2.2326 | 2.9901 | 3.1277 | 3.1432 0.7541 | 0.8782 | 1.2497 | 2.2436 | 3.0030 | 3.145 | 3.1572 1.2520 | 1.2870 1.5358 | 2.265 | 3.1084 | 3.2866 | 3.2733, 1.7245 | 1.7406 | 1.8793 | 2.5368 | 3.4412 | 3.6423 | 3.6646 1.8583 | 1.2720] 1.9939 | 2.6262 | 3.6133 | 3.8614 | 3.8892 1.8748 | 1.2862 | 2.0086 | 2.6376 | 3.6377 | 3.8940 | 3.9227 1.2766 | 1.2900] 2.0100 | 2.6389 | 3.6405 | 3.8978 | 3.9266 copyright Acadante Press (London) Led., reproduced with, (Ref, 828). ‘The natural frequencies of a tapered beam with the same boundary ‘conditions as Table 8-12 are given in Ref. 830. ‘The fundamental natural frequency of a pinned-pinned beam with a central point ‘mass and equal torsion spring at each end is given in Table 8-13. The boundary con- Gitions on this beam are: ar ‘The natural frequency of the second mode of this beam can be found in Ref. 8-29. ‘The natural frequencies of a cantilever beam with a rotational constraint along its span can be found in Ref. 8-42. The natural frequencies of other beams with spring- supported boundaries are given in Ref. 8-6 “Table 8-12. Fundamental Natural Frequency of @ Beam with STRAIGHT SEAMS 171 “Torsion Spring and Point Mass") — 82. TRANSVERSE VIBRATION OF SHEAR BEAMS ri cae a General Case, Beas can deform perpendicular to the eam ans itr by ere a or by shearing, as is shown in Fig. 8-22, Flexural deformation ordinarily dominates fH @” the deformation of slender beams, Shear deformation can be important in short foal beams or in the higher modes of slender beams, A familiar form of shear deforme- ; oa her modes of slender beams. A familiar form of shear deform: tion of a beam is the shaking of a rectangular piece of gelatin dessert, The shear ‘beams considered in this section are composed of homogeneous isotropic materials and all flexural deformations are neglected. Ta 10 100 ‘The shear deformations in a homogeneous beam are the result of shearing of ele- ments in the cross section under the transverse shear stress, dyy (y isthe coordinate o fo 0 ° ° 0 perpendicular to the beam axis, x is the coordinate parallel to the beam axis). The shear stress, yy, is not uniform across the cross section during shear deformations, ome | a. 2901 | 0.1762 | 0.09989, sy o.o1 | 9.4159 | 0.4129 | 0.3895 | 0.254 ae The shear stress generally has @ parabolic distribution over simple closed cross 0.1 | 0.7378 | 0.7303 | o.cse7 | 0.5194 | 9.3117 B sections with the maximum shear stress at the centroid of the cross section and to | 1.2479 | t.2381 | 1.1642 | 0.8705 | 0.5194 | 0.2941 zero shear stress at the edges of the cross section. K is the ratio of the average yo.0 | 1.7227 | ator | t.sa2 | 1.1642 | 0.667 | 0.3805 shear strain over the cross section to the maximum shear strain at the centroid, yo0.0 | x.ases | 1.838 | s.ro71 | 1.2381 | 9.7303 | 0.4129 Cowper's values of K (Ref, 8-31) are listed in Table 8-14. The average value of shear | scersr | t.61 | a.729 | 1.267 | 0.795 | 0.416 stress over the cross section is ay Coy snags 7KO 5! (626) ret. 6-28. om 7 ‘Table 8-13. Fundamental Netural Frequency of @ Beam with Equal Torsion Springs Ao data tcad at Eoch Pinned End and a Cantral Pon Mas. *? 2 watucel on, ex Frequency (herts), | “4 o 1 3 10 ° | 2057 | 2384 | t.71e | 1.463 oz | a.2se | 2.992 | 2467 | 1.779 | 1.312 1 3.srr [3.277 | 2.692 | 1.937 | 1.646 5 a.ts6 | 3.703, | aot | 2.205 | 1.872 0 asta | 3.969 | 3.220 | 2.299 | 1.982 . * aro | 4.250, | 3.auo | 2.445 | 2,072 Fuexune seat SHEAR DEAN Fig 8.22, Fit mode of» clamor lotus beam (fram 3 of Tale 1) and Fx shee bea frame pet. 6-29. 201 Tate 610) v0 172 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE “Table 8-14, Shear Cooftiient Notation: »= Poissons ratio, axis perpendcularto applied ses toad ‘Table 8-14. Shosr Coefficients. (Continued) pres mega Trent ee)?s Gore aoe te a wasy woe gues hose Flan) © 12 120-6 15H? + soe? +01 + 660-4 1350+ 905°) + 10+ a4 s2, mabey, a= bit 174 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE ‘Table £-16, Shear Costfciens. (Continued ee cs sania Ganga ae we + an? = nore Pus) = 12+ la 13mm? + tm? : anton eth + oaPeae # se anakea ea) 6 untae sa? ew onnaci, 625 Y(x, t) is the transverse deflection of the beam, A is the area of the beam cross section, and G is the shear modulus of the beam material where E is the elastic modulus and v is Poisson’s ratio for a shear beam composed of 4a homogeneous isotropic material, The remaining stresses, dy,, Gy» ete., are gener ally neglected in the approximate theory. The shear strains are 629) where og is given by Eq. 8-26 or 8-27. STRAIGHT BEANS 175 Uniform Shear Beams, Table 8-15 gives the natural frequencies of uniform shear beams, that is, beams whose flexural deformation has been neglected. The natural frequencies of these beams are proportional to 1/L rather than 1/L? as for flexural beams (Table 8-1), and the natural frequencies increase linearly with mode number. The boundary conditions, epplied at the spanwise point of the boundary of the beams in Table 8-15, are Fixe: Y= (ae diplcaeno, ee; © xo ano sharses, 4 620, swing vv Kao, ae ay vss: BY _—_-_—-_—~__=__ js the deformation of the beam along iis own axis and v is Poisson's ratio. The let- | S3gal 3 eral contraction of the beam corresponding t0 cy and e, i due to the Poisson’s ratio. g22f/) el aaa] § fees) ¢] 2 Sqra] i] & 3 eee ee gee & 7 ae A : sigs 2 Ea meat é i = j Fig 825, Longitudinal deformation of beam (ssoreseu oy soyade powra-poxra “¢ 03 woyzenbg vordra080q 186 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY ANO MODE SHAPE ‘Table 6.17, Longitudinal Vibration of Massive Notation: k= soring constant (Table 6-1); = spanwrse length; Speings. 12d shape for longitudinal Seformation; m= mass par unit span of spring; = span of springs M = mass; 80 Table 3-1 for consistent sts of units aucarad Feaqueney (perte) fy as rat re 5) (a) effect. These strains correspond to the following stresses in an isotropic, homogen- ous beam: Gy = Ox = Ope (834) is the normal stress along the beam axis. All other stresses are zero. ‘Common boundary conditions which can be applied to these beams are: Free: Fixed: Spring: Mass: (835) ‘A free boundary is a boundary with zero longitudinal stress (Eq. 8-34). A fixed boundary is a boundary which does not permit displacement. X(x, t) is the defor- ‘mation of the beam parallel to the x axis. A is the area of cross section of the beam, Eis the elastic modulus, M is mass, and k is the spring longitudinal constant (Table 6-1). These boundary conditions are applied for alltime at the spanwise location of the boundary. In practice itis often difficult to achieve the theoretical ideal of the fixed boundary for metallic beams, because the local longitudinal stiffness of the clamp at the boundary is apt to be of the same order as the longitudinal stiffness of the beam, Tables. ‘The natural frequencies and mode shapes for longitudinal vibration of slender, uniform, homogeneous isotropic beams are given in Table 8-16. The longi- ‘tudinal natural frequencies of helical springs are given in Table 8-17. The longi- tudinal natural frequencies of discretized (spring-mass) systems can be found in Table 6-2. 84, TORSIONAL VIBRATION OF BEAMS AND SHAFTS General Case, Torsional vibrations are the result of local twisting of a beam or shaft about its own axis. Table 6:3 considered torsional vibrations of various systems of inertia masses which were interconnected by massless torsional springs. This section ‘emphasizes the torsional vibration of massive beams and shafts, Exact closed form results for torsional vibrations can generally be obtained only for the case of shafts or tubes with circular cross sections, For these eross sections 188 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE the shear strain and shear stress in the cross section of a homogeneous isotropic circular shaft are: R or cur ay ant aU SE PME ox raven (your oF ane oF aren Fig. 84. Coordinate system for snd tng. X,Y on @ ae deformation Stress and Strain, The relationships between deformation, strain, stress, and the stress resultants will be given separately for each class of vibration modes in Table 941, The following notation applies: ‘¢, = normal strain parallel to z axis (Fig. 9-1), ‘xp © shear strain on z face in direction, 1, = normal stress applied parallel to z axis (Fig, 9-1), shear stress on z face in 8 direction, thogonal distances measured from centroid of eross section (Fig. 9-1), ingular coordinate of arcs (Fig. 9-1), wean radius of the ring, X, Y = deformations parallel to x and y axes, respectively, conten une iy ie? Fa. 9:2, inplene flexural modes of» rng ta 9 of Table 91 showing te deformation normal to the rng rand 3 1} ia id body anion, ‘CURVED SEAMS AND FRAMES 205, ‘Table 91. Complete Rings. Notation: x distance from centroid of eroe section toward cantar of ring (Fig. 9-1) ance perpendicular to plane of ring (Fig. 9-1; z= distance along ring (Fig -1);0 = engla of ‘twist about 2 axis (Fig. 94);%, ¥, 2,0» mde shapes corresponding to deformations rll to x,y,z axes and rotation about 2 axie,resectvely; m= mass per unit length fring; © = torsion constant (Table 8-18); € = modulus of elasticity; G ~ shear modulus {E/L2(1+ VID} tg, ly = area moments of inertia about x and y axes, eespectively (Te bile 6-1; I= pola aes moment of inertia about 2 axis (Chapter 5}; R = rads to mide line of ring: a= angular position about rng: = mas density of ring material; = Pols +0n's ratio; se Fig, 8:1; 80 Table 3-1 for consistent sets of Units. Re. 1 a i = twist about 2 axis (Fig. 9-1), E= modulus of elasticity, hear modulus, E/[2(1 +0], forsion constant (Table 8-18), yea moments of inertia about x and y axes, respectively (Table 5-1), sultant load inz direction, ending moment about either x or y axis, wwisting moment about 2 axis. ‘The following relationships apply to both complete rings and circular arcs (only the non-zero stresses and stress resuliants are presented); 1, Extension Modes (frame | of Tables 9-1 and 9-2), 1) 2, Torsion Modes (frame 2 of Table 9-1). Both an 8 and an x-y coordinate sys- tem are used to represent the x-y plane. A circular cross section has been as- sumed in the strain-deformation and stress-strain relationships. (92) RT ag? 3) 4, Out-ofPlane Flexure Modes (Irame 4 of Table 9-1, frames 5 and 6 of Table 9-2). Both an 1-0 and an x-y coordinate system are used to represent the x-y Circular Ares. Table 92. mode shapes co istance along arc; = angle of twist about 2 ax itance from centroid of ross section toward geometric eantr of ae: y ~datance parpendicul Notation: x zg 5 z ‘ z i : of rings © 3 3 E i (CURVED BEAMS AND FRAMES 1208 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE (CURVED BEAMS AND FRAMES 209 “Table 92. Circular Arce. (Continued 210 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE plane. A circular cross section has been assumed in the strain-deformation and stress-strain relationships. un * Eee, 1) ows =Geves Soaven- (0-3) N= fou rans SZ (2 zz) 4) ‘These relationships can be applied to the rings of Table 9-1 or the partial rings of ‘Table 9-2 by first determining the amplitude of the deformation in each of the mode shapes of the ring of interest, determining the phase difference, if any, between ‘these deformations, and then summing the modal deformations to obtain the total doformations X(t, a), Y(t, a, @(t, a) as a function of time and position about the ting Rings on Equally Spaced Supports. The natural frequencies and mode shapes of the flexural modes of slender uniform rings which are supported at equal intervals along their circumference can, in certain cases, be adapted from those of complete rings. If there are 2i equally spaced supports around the circumference of the ring which do not prevent rotation of the ring but resist certain components of displace- ment, then 1. If the supports restrict displacement out of the plane of the ring (y), the fun- damental out-of-plane flexural mode is given by the i out-of-plane flexural mode of the corresponding complete ring (frame 4 of Table 9-1). 2. If the supports restrict both tangent and radial displacements (x and z), the fundamental in-plane flexural mode is given by the 2i mode of the correspond- ing complete ring (frame 3 of Table 9-1). 3. If the supports restrict the radial displacement (z) but not the tangent displace ‘ment (x), the fundamental in-plane flexural mode is given by the i mode of the corresponding complete ring (frame 2 of Table 9-1) ‘These relationships result from the nature of the mode shape of the flexural modes of complete rings, which are illustrated in Fig. 9-2. As long as the radial supports do not violate the displacement conditions at the nodes of complete rings, these nodes ccan be considered to be supports. Further discussion of the in-plane modes of slen- der rings with radial supports can be found in Refs. 9-2 and 9-3. ‘Thick Rings. ‘The analysis of thick rings must incorporate the effects of shear de- formation and rotary inertia (Ref. 9-3). It is shown in Ref. 94 that the in-plane CURVED AEAMS AND FRAMES 217 flexural vibrations of a thick circular ring, taking into account shear deformation and rotary inertia, ae given by: fi filfame a oF Tale 9.4 wherei* 1,2,3,...,and Ais the area of the ring cross section, E is the modulus of elasticity, G isthe shear ‘modulus {E/[2(1 +»)]; v = Poisson’s ratio}, ly is the area moment of inertia of the cross section, K is the shear coefficient (Table 8-14), and R is the radius ofthe ring ‘The out-of plane vibration of thick rings is discussed in Ref. 9-5. Eliptical Rings. The natural frequencies in hertz of slender, uniform elliptical rings vibrating in their own planes are given by: dg EL)? f (El an ae (GE) MBB where E is the modulus of elasticity, I, is the area moment of inertia of the ring crass section about the axis perpendicular to the plane of the ring, and m is the mass per unit length of ring. The overall length of the ellipse (twice the major axis) is 2a, and the overall width of the ellipse (twice the minor axis) is 2b. The dimensionless frequency parameters, 2,, are functions of the ratio a/b. For the fundamental in- plane flexure mode (Ref. 9-6): 20 25) 30, 1.638 1558 1481 1342 1.167 1.028 0.8528 0.7271 9.2, CIRCULAR ARCS General Case. A circular arc is a segment of a circular ring. The natural frequencies and mode shapes of homogeneous, slender, circular arcs with both clamped-clamped and pinned-pinned ends are given in Table 9-2. The torsion mode is not included in Table 9.2. The arcs are assumed to be slender, that is, the thickness of the are is ‘uch less than the radius of the arc, so that shear deformation is negligible and ro- tary inertia can be neglected in comparison with flexural inertia, It is assumed that the torsional and flexural vibrations of the ring are not inertially coupled. ‘This re- ‘quirement is always met if the cross section of the arc is symmetric about both the x and y axes, Warping of the cross section due to torsion has been neglected (see Section 8.9). 212 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE Boundary Conditions. The boundary conditions applied at the ends of the circular In-Plane Modes Pinned-pinned ex a= 0,60. Y=0=0, 0 2. The influence of rotary inertia on the out-of-plane flexural modes is, discussed in Refs, 9-10 and 9-11, The natural frequencies of noncircular ares are dis- cussed in Ref. 9-12, 93, RIGHT-ANGLE AND U BENDS ‘The natural frequencies of slender right-angle and U bends with intermediate sup- ports are shown in Figs. 9-4 and 9-5. ‘The intermediate supports are pinned to allow rotation about any axis and to prevent transverse motion at the support, but the in- F.04, Natu toprol mode fx ipod aang i fr van in and {it ol the pre oa tend = orn sont Casle® 10, E= moan ney. © = shew ma rat sah, wwe vs Poisons toy y= monn of rth out wap ae (Te 6) Y {xis pnd ou pon of se, oe n th pla he ape nd prea oto a Sinan nin FeO. tps pune sree in fu beam bout on i = ms Pa it Ica oftecn Sr Yate 3 forcast fot a2 10 218 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE CURVED BEAMS AND FRAMES 217 94, SUPPORTED HELICES A multiply supported helix, shown in Fig. 9-6, can arise in helically coiled heat ex- changers where a tube is coiled through a series of support plates. A closed form solution is not available for a multiply supported helix, However, if the supports are spaced uniformly about the helix and the helix angle is small, then the natural fre- quencies of the helix can be approximated from the natural frequencies of rings in ‘cases where there are an even number of supports per turn. ‘The natural frequencies of complete rings for in-plane and out-of-plane flexural vibration are compared with the results of finite element analysis of multiply sup- ported helices of various lengths with six supports per turn in Fig, 9-7. The mode 3 is used in the ring calculation since this mode gives six uniformly spaced nodes about the ring circumference, which corresponds to six supports per turn, The helix angle is $ deg and the ratio of the helix radius (R) to the radius (r) of the circular rod used to represent the helix is R/r= 89. Thus, the helix is slender. The other | helix parameters were E= m= 1, R= 100,r= 1.128, and v= 0,3. ‘The symbols in Fig. 9-7 correspond to various boundary conditions at the ends of the helix and at the intermediate supports as listed in Table 9-3. Only the lowest natural frequencies of modes which were predominantly in the plane of the helical coil (x-2 plane) and perpendicular to the y axis are given in Fig. 9-7. Figure 9-7 suggests: 1, The out-of-plane natural frequencies of slender helices with even numbers of supports per tum may be approximated from the natural frequencies of com- plete rings. 2. The in-plane natural frequencies of rings can adequately represent the in-plane natural frequencies of helices if the helix is permitted to move tangent to its | ‘own axis (z axis) at some of the supports. sounpaay anor ruupAL FREQUENCY, He Pacey BBP 2 (Oe) tepals) 212 | ou“ we ua (on-rtane nones Fin.95, Natura frequenclet ofthe St to Maral meds of ffi plana of the bond, C~torson eansant (Tale 13). {rtatt el} wares Polo's rao. ty, y= eeu morn of in Eyes Ts pependauar ta the plane ofthe pope, assis th plane oto pap ect tthe esl baa {nis ben Eo. 9. Ip-ars polr momento ert of th ssn eb sown x; m = aH ber uni eth ‘fbr, Soe Table 35 for onan ets of unt Re. 9:13, termediate supports do permit the beam to move parallel to its own axis at the sup- port. This axial motion occurs only in the in-plane vibration modes. The supports at the beginning and end of the beams are either pinned (P) or clamped (C). A pinned support prevents displacement but allows rotation about any axis. A clamped sup- port prevents rotation and displacement, Shear deformation, warping of the cross section due to torsion, and the possibility of inertia coupling of rotation and displacement have been neglected in Figs. 9-4 and 9.5. Rotary inertia has been neglected in Figs. 9-4(a) and 9-S(a), The rotary inertia associated with the beam twisting about its own axis has been included in Figs oP view S.a(o and 9-5) hese igs st valid only for GC/(EL,)= 1.3. I the beam Nas Show surons se view circular cross section, then C= 21, and GC/(EI,)= 1/(1 +»), where v= Poisson's ra ew ero a tio, ‘Thus, Figs, 9-4(6) and 9-5(b) are valid for circular rods or tubes composed of nea snaterials with a Poisson's ratio of » = 0.3. Fa.06, 424 cum lich scans ssced ear patn, 218 FORMULAS FOR WATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE roma meQUEREY x10 ‘DQVOD ovr-oF-ruane xooes Fig 87. Comparton of the fundamental tral fequerey of halix wt ix apport err with the ste fa inajonce of rigs The eta pont ar numero sus for hells with rious boundary endons Te 93) (utmors ert. ‘Table 93, Symbols index for Fig. 87." Bowndiry Conditions Boundary Condltons| Outotttane tetas sods st tetesmoiate Mode Mode otto Supports os ° ‘camped ‘Sea . . Paned stig a 4 uampes (icing Pinned) ° ¥ Pinned (ising Pnsed) > > ‘amped ned ° ° Pinna Pied “Gumped= no rotation or duphoonent Pane» rotation aboot an ei, o dspace, Sting = cfation about any si, dpacemont except pare to local hela (x, {GidingFinaed) = intxmedite spore ae terately sting, then pans gta and Bin Fl 96 ‘CURVED BEAMS AND FRAMES 219, 3. If none of the helix supports permit motion parallel to the local helix axis, then the in-plane fundamental frequencies will be substantially above that pre- dicted by the ring formulas 4. If all intermediate supports permit unrestricted motion parallel to the local helix axis, then a low-frequency, in-plane “unwinding” mode will arise which hhas 8 natural frequency below that of the fundamental in-plane ring frequency. 95, PORTAL FRAMES A portal frame consists of a cap beam supported by two leg beams which are welded to the cap beam. The natural frequency of portal frames vibrating in the fundamen- Table 9-48. Portal Frame, Symmetric Mode, sodulut of eaticity; |= aes moment of ners about neural axis; m= mass por Unit length of beam; vertical lege ae identical: se Table 3-1 for consistent ses of units (Ret. 914) Notation sentry enaictomottne Ga at ‘wel fae 133 | var | acest | ana | Savas | eae | ten Espa |i | aame | eae Ee cer] stan pati ee 2 te 0 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE “Table 9-48, Portal Frame, Asymmetric Mode Notation: radulus of elasticity; Unit length of beam; vertical (ref. 9-14) rea moment of inertia about neutral axis sare ential ee Table 31 for consstnt sets of units (CURVED BEAMS AND FRAMES 221 tal asymmetric mode is given in Table 9-4B. The beams comprising these frames are assumed to be uniform and sufficiently slender so that shear deformation, axial de- formation, and rotary inertia can be neglected. The two legs of the frame are as- sumed to be identical. The analysis of nonslender frames is discussed in Ref. 9-15. All vibrations are in the plane of the frame, and frames with both clamped feet and pinned feet are considered. The natural frequency parameter (A) ofthe symmetric ‘mode can be expressed as a function of two dimensionless groups plus the boundary condition at the feet. The natural frequency parameter for the asymmetric mode is 4 function of three dimensionless parameter groups plus the boundary conditions at the feet If the top beam in the portal frame is rigid (Fig, 9-8) and the legs are slender and uniform, although not necessarily identical to each other, then the fundamental nat- ural frequency of the frame can be found approximately using the Rayleigh tech- rique, The approximate fundamental natural frequency of the frame shown in Fig. 9.8 for vibrations in its own plane is: noe, ye nt EB] te, : : nlpasos Sw (a) ‘here M is the mas of the cap beam, M, is the mass ofthe ileg, and Ey and I, are the modulus of elasticity and the area moment of inertia of the i leg. The summation (©) refers to the sum over the mumber of legs. There must be at least two legs 50 that the cap is always parallel to a line running between the feet of the frame. The mode shape of deformation of the legs ofthe frame in Fig. 9-8 is: 2) 2) 2 If the legs of the frame ate pinned to the rigid cap and clamped at the feet, then the fundamental natural frequency of the frame can be adapted from frame 3 of Table lo) unDeFORMED (0) oFoRweD Fa. 8, Ril cp sippactd by to oF more elle leg of LT a ft fran tthe peas ix L) ana et haf = 222 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE 8-18, Additional discussion of a portal frame with a rigid cap can be found in Ref. 946, ‘The in-plane natural frequencies and mode shapes of two beam frames are dis- ‘cussed in Ref. 9-17. 9.6. EXAMPLE ‘Two designs for frames used to support a tent are shown in Fig. 9.9. Both frames are composed of 3.7-m lengths of aluminum tubing, 1 cm in outside diameter and 2 mm thick. Both frames have pinned feet. Using the units of frame 4 of Table 3-1, the parameters describing the aluminum tubing are: E = 6.89 X 10" dyn/em*, 77 gfem?, 464 om* (frame 24 of Table 5-1), 6 - (Qart= 1.74 gfem (Irame 27 of Table 5-1). Out-of plane motion of the frames is prevented by the tent fabri. ‘The fundamental in-plane natural frequency of the circular ring frame can be cal- culated from frame 2 of Table 9-2 with the following additional parameters: ‘These parameters give: iain be 148m —4t 175m 4 CURVED BEAMS AND FRAMES 223 ‘The fundamental in-plane natural frequency of the square frame can be found from Table 9-4B using the following parameters m Bb ob m Bl, ly 1, = 124m, Interpolation from Table 9-4B gives: A= 1.26, f= 708 Hz, Thus, the circular frame has a significantly higher natural frequency than the square frame, In addition, the circular frame encloses a larger area (2.09 m? versus 1.54 m*) ‘than the square frame. REFERENCES 9A, Love, AB Cambridge Univer Pres, Dover Pras, New Yok, 194, 92, Walt, A. Ke aod B,J Mead, “Fae Vibration of Thin Sound Vi, 54,121 G97 93, Rao, 5, and V,Sundarsaon, “toa Fel Vibrations of Cua Ring 62510969), 94, Krkiope, 3 “Simpl Fregoeney Expression forthe ln Poe Vibrio of Ths Cir Rings", Aeou Soe. An $9, 86-08 0970), 95, Kirkhope, J "Oat Pane Vibration of Tek Chur Ring" J Bre Meck 12, 239-247 (1976), 956. So, Ky "Fre Flexural Vibrations ofan Epil Ring ints Pane" J Au Soe. Am. 87, 113-115 (995, 9.7, Veletss, AS eta, “Face nPlane Vision of Gren Arches” J ng. Meck, 98, 311-329 (1972). 58. Cater, 6G, "Natal Frequencies of Hormonal Carved Beams" Suc. 93, $12, 199-203 (196). 8.5; Rees, f, Note onthe Problem of Vibrations of Signy Cuved Bars". Appl. Meck. 21, 198-196 9s 940, Aan, W. J, and A.S. Veetios, “Fae Vibaton of Arches Flexible In Shes"J. Eng Mech 98, 735- 3331973). 941, Oj, U.,“Coupld Twine Bending Vbtions oF Incomplese Elsi Ring" It. J Mech, St 4, $3- 98). 942, Romanell, and PA, Laur, “Fundamental Pequtecles of Non-Crcular Blac, Hinged Arc." J Sound Vib, 24, 11-22 (972) 9.13, Le L$. 5, "Vibratonsoan Interdit Supportd UBend Tube" Brg Inu 97,23-32(1973)- 946: Riper, N.F.and H. bMecallon, "The Natural Frequencies of Prtl Frames" it Mech. So 7, 253° 261 (1965), 945. Yang, YT andC.7. Sun, “Axl Flex Vibration of Frameworks Using Pinto lement Appo‘eh,” J Azote. Am. 83, 137-146 0979), 946, Andeton, G. Ly "Natural Freqensss of Two Cantilever Joined by 2 Rigi Connectors Theis Free Ends" Sound Vo. $7,403-412 (1979). 947, Chane C. Hy, "Wbeton of Framer with Incined Members, "J Sound Vis, $6,201-214 (1978, ‘Trot on th Nathemascal Theory of Esty" the.) (ist pubis in 1927 by "351-454 lar Rings on Pesiodic Rada Support Appl Mech, 36,620 10 MEMBRANES General Case. A membrane is a thin structure which conforms to a surface in space, ‘The bending rigidity of a membrane is zero. ‘Thus, a membrane can support only tensile loads. Soap films and drum heads often approach the theoretical ideal of a membrane. A uniform homogeneous membrane is described by its mass per unit surface area (7) and the tension it bears per unit length of boundary (S). [Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes. The natural frequencies and mode shapes of flat, uniform, homogeneous membranes with fixed boundaries (displacement is zero along the boundary) are given in Table 10-1 for vibration perpendicular to the plane of the membrane, The mode shapes of membranes, unlike beams, are described by ‘two spatial coordinates since the membrane is two-dimensional. The nodal lines can be used to characterize the mode shape, as shown in Fig. 10-1. A nodal line gives the same conditions as a fixed boundary. Thus, the higher modes of membranes with simple geometries such as a rectangle or circle ean be used to generate the natural frequencies of right triangles and circular sectors (frames 4, 5, 11, and 12 of Table 1041). ‘The mode shapes of uniform membranes with fixed boundaries are orthogonal over the membrane fuconyendrdy=0 kA) ao) where %, and % are the mode shapes of any two modes of the membrane and A is the area of the membrane. ‘There is a unique natural frequency for each vibration mode of a membrane; how ever, two or more of these frequencies may have the same value. For example, the natural frequency f,2 equals the natural frequency fa, ofa square membrane. Note that the natural frequency parameter } for the fundamental mode of all relatively ‘compact membranes~square, circle, equilateral triangle, etc.—is between 1 and 2 and that X inereases with the fineness of the membrane. ‘The natural frequency of a star-shaped membrane is discussed in Ref. 10-8. Membrane Analogy. ‘There exists an analogy between the vibration of polygonal membranes and similarly shaped simply supported plates. A solution of the plate equation-for a plate with straight edges and zero moment about those edges also solves the membrane equation for a similarly shaped membrane with fixed edges. a isQie1 Fig. 101, Mb caper of ekelor membrane frame 9 of Table 104), It is possible to relate the natural frequencies of the membrane to the natural fre- ‘quencies of the plate (Ref. 10-1). This transformation is effected by (0-2) Where Ay is the nondimensional frequency parameter, A is the area of the shape of interest (Table 10-1), and a is the characteristic length used in the formula for the natural frequency of the plate (Tables 11-4, 11-9, and 11-10). For example, the {general solution for the natural frequencies of a simply supported rectangular plate ‘can be found from frame 1 of Table 10-1 using Eq. 10-2 joer G5) geal where the symbols are as defined in Table 11-4. This expression can be verified by comparison with frame 16 of Table 11-4, The mode shapes of the membrane and the analogous plate are identical It must be cautioned that the analogy of Eq. 10-2 is valid only for polygonal shapes, ic., shapes composed of a series of straight edges such as triangles, rectangles, and pentagons, and the analogy only applies to membranes with fixed edges and plates with simply supported edges. za ‘Table 101, Membranes, (Continued) 222 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE REFERENCES 1041, Convoy, H, D, and K. A. Keratam, “The Free Flexural Vibration of Tinga, Rhomble and Palle 102. 103, 105, suam Ftes and Some Analog” IJ. Mech Se. 7, 811-816 (1969) Darvas, S. "Natural Frequencies sd Mode of Skew Membrane," Acoust, Soc, Am, 4, 1636-1646 68), DMisted, M.G., and J. R, Hutchinson, “Use of Tgonometrie Terms In the Finite Element wth Apt ‘on to itating Menibranes,"s Sound Vib. 32, 387-346 (1974). . Shahaiy, P.A., R. Fassel, nd FA A. Lau, “Application of Complex Valse Theory tothe Deter ‘ination ofthe Fundamental Frequency of Vbating Pate," Aco, So. Am. 42, 808-409 (1967). Pouch, D., “Lower Bound to the mth Eigenalse of the Hsimhelte Bgvaion owt Two Dimensional Regions of Arbitary Shae,” J APpL Mech 36, 630-631 (1969), Powel, D, "Lower Bounds tothe Gravet and‘ Higher Frequencies of Homogeneous Vibrating Paes of Arbitrary Shape;"J Appl. Mech, 42, 815-320 (1975), Rayleigh, JW. S, The Theory of Sound, Vo. 1, Doves Publications, New York, 1945 (fest pubihed in 1899), pp. 332-345, Mazumdar, i, “Tranoerse Vibation of Membranes of Asbitsry Shape by the Method of Constant Deflection Contours,” Sound Vi 27,4737 (1979. an PLATES 11.1. GENERAL CASE General Assumptions. A plate is a two-dimensional sheet of elastic material which Jies in a plane. Plates, unlike membranes, possess bending rigidity as a result of their thickness and the elasticity of the plate material. During transverse vibration, plates deform primarily by flexing perpendicular to their own plane. Common examples of plates are windows, walls, and computer cards. The general assumptions used in the analysis of plates in this chapter are: . The plates are flat and have constant thickness. The plates are composed of a homogeneous, linear elastic, isotropic material The plates are thin. The thickness of each plate is less than about J the mini mum lateral plate dimension, The plates deform through flexural deformation. ‘The deformations are small in comparison with the thickness of the plate. Normals to the midsurface of the undeformed plate remain straight and normal to the midplane during deformation. Rotary inertia and shear deformation are neglected. 5, The in-plane load on the plates is zero, ‘These assumptions apply to all the results presented in Chapter 11 unless an excep- tion is specifically noted. Stress and Strain. As the plate deflects, the midsurface of the plate (halfway be- tween the top and bottom surfaces) remains unstressed. At all other points there is a biaxial state of stress. Normals to the midsusface remain straight and normal to the midsurface as the plate deflects, The stresses and strains are proportional to the distance from the midsurface, The maximum stresses and strains are at the surface of the plate. For a plate lying in the x-y plane, the normal strains (e, and e,)) and shear strain (é,, ) in the plane of the plate are: = z Xe 1) eee tay, = ‘The out ofplane strains are ero where z is the distance perpendicular to the plate midsurface and Z is the transverse deflection of the plate midsurface. These strains are associated with the following 5) 5) » 224 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE stresses for a homogeneous isotropic material: (eq Fey), Oy = Tey FER), ana ‘The first subseript refers to the normal to the face on which the stress acts; the see- cond subscript is the direction of the stress. Oxy and dyy are the normal stresses; dy is the shear stress. These stresses are shown in Fig. 11-1. Note the g,, is neglected in the thin plate theory. E is the elastic modulus, G is the shear modulus, and is, Poisson’s ratio, The bending moments, M and ,, and twisting moment, Wy, in the pater sere cB (PE, 2) ee Jap Ta) Nay? "eh [0 og tee P22, hs Jaye 7 8? 13+) dxay a) +a bukit —>y 4 May cu stresses Moy (o nesuuranrs Fig 1-1, Coordinate syst, rests and eles for plat wth coctngulr corns, ‘The integrals are taken through the plate thickness, h. The transverse shearing forces are the resultant of the transverse shear stresses and can be related to the deforma- tions in the plate by: nee Eh a /#Z eZ : i aod max la tae) J eon oo = EE 2 (HE 2) aay Jay 2" 121 — v2) ay \ax? * ay? Although the out-oFplane shear deformations é, ey» and the associated shear Stres808 Oy.) Gyz (OF Giz and dpe in polar coordinates) have been neglected inthe thin plate theory, equilibrium considerations dictate that the integral of these shear stresses over the thickness cannot be zero. The out-of-plane shear stresses will ener- ally have a parabolic distribution over the plate thickness, maximum at the mid- surface and zer0 at the edges. In polar coordinates the strainsleformation relationships for a plate lying in the 1-0 plane are ais) ‘The stressstrain relationships in polar coordinates for a homogeneous isotropic material ae! Ce, +¥60), a6) ‘The moments in the plate in polar coordinates are [oP og nem ge [BE oo (eh Z bye Ta) Lat Ae or ae a ae Gz 22) Jaye oe GT or)? an Ena (1 az) nao [9028 act Gr) aun ‘The transverse shearing forces in polar coordinates are yp” ee (@ 122,192) fares ar Var a 225 FORMULAS FOR NATURAL FREQUENCY AND MODE SHAPE eee hsp a) Fa (22.2% 1az aerate) O8 Natural Frequencies, Mode Shapes, and Deformation. ‘The mode shapes and natural frequencies of plates are functions of the two integer indices i and j. Each of these indices may be associated with the number of flexural half-waves in one of the two plate dimensions. For each i and for which a vibration mode exists, there is a natu- ral frequeney and an associated mode shape. If the plate vibrates freely, then the total transverse deformation is the sum of the modal deformations: = EE Aut sin Qnty +65). ary) 4 is the mode shape of the ij mode, and the modal amplitude Ay and the modal phase angle di are determined by the means used to set the plate in motion. The natural frequency of the plate is salma)” 2ea® where 2, is a dimensionless parameter which is generally a function of the mode indices (i,j), Poisson's ratio (b), the plate geometry, and the boundary conditions con the plate. -y is the mass per unit area of the plate and a isa characteristic dimen- sion of the plate. Once the total displacement Z has been determined, then Eqs. 11-1 tough 11-8 may be used to determine the stresses, strains, and resultant forces in the plate. ‘Additional information concerning the solutions presented in the tables can be found by consulting the references in the tables and in the text. Many of the pre- 1966 references in this chapter can also be found in Ref. 11-1. » (1-10) 123.05 JEL. Orthogonality. A general orthogonality principle does not exist for the mode shapes of vibration of thin plates, However, the mode shapes of a thin uniform plate cean be shown to be orthogonal, fans Where A is the area of the plate, if (1) the natural frequencies of the modes are well separated and (2) either (a) the edges of the plate are clamped or (b) the portion of the edges which are not clamped are straight segments, as those of a rectangular or polygonal plate, and these segments are simply supported (Ref. 6-13, p. 183). ‘The modes of plates which do not fall into these classes cannot generally be shown to be orthogonal because of the complexity of the rigorous boundary conditions. (The boundary conditions associated with simply supported and free edges of plates are functions of the Poisson’s ratio of the plate material as wel as the displacement of the plate.) However, this lack of a general proof of orthogonality has not proven fo be a serious practical limitation. Many of the modes of plates for which orthogo- nality cannot be proven in general can be shown to be orthogonal in specific cases, 0 if i#m, i#n, ‘Moreover, many modes of plates with simply supported or free boundaries cannot bbe expressed in closed form. In order to facilitate numerical solution, the boundary conditions associated with simply supported and free edges are often simplified by neglecting some of the terms in the rigorous boundary conditions. Ortiogonality can be proven for these approximate boundary conditions. Additional discussion of plate orthogonality can be found in Section 11.3, Sandwich Plates. A laminated sandwich plate is shown in Fig. 11-2. The plate con- sists of uniform layers of material which are glued together. Each layer is assumed 10 be homogeneous and isotropic. ‘The plate is symmetric about the midsurface. The analysis of sandwich plates is considerably more difficult than the analysis of homogeneous plates because large shear strains can develop between the layers (Refs. 11-84, 11-85). However, if the sandwich plate is slender, that is, the thickness Of the plate is small compared with typical lateral dimensions and the distance be- ‘tween vibration nodes, then it is reasonable to assume that normals to the midsur- face remain normal during vibration. Using this assumption, the natural frequencies Of slender sandwich plates can be computed using the formulas developed for homo- seneous plates by defining the sandwich plate equivalent stiffness, Fx(dfes ~ 4), anny moss secon by soe view Fi. 11.2, Sandwich late,

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