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Lauren Mondroski
AP Biology
Why was Zion created?

Market natural scenery, increase tourism

preserve nature from commercialism
Try to bring attention to inadequacies of
roads and encourage legislators to build
roads connecting the west
By whom?

President William Howard Taft designated

Mukuntuweep a national monument in 1909, and
the construction of better roads and tourist
facilities led to the parks first visitors in 1917.
Congress officially granted Zion the title of a
national park in 1919 and throughout the 1920s
and beyond until today, millions of people have
witnessed the Canyons beauty.

Annually hosts 2.5 million visitors.

Dodecatheon pulchellum
var. zionense
This plant blossoms in the springtime
and lives in the hanging gardens, seeps,
and waterways of Zion National Park.

It is on the conservation watch list

Physa zionis

This species also lives

in the hanging gardens
among the vegetation

on steep rock faces

Its conservation
status is vulnerable
Hyla arenicolor

These frogs live in

shallow pools and cling to
steep canyon walls. They
are found in a few regions
throughout the southwest
and breed from March to
August. They live in
elevations from sea-level
to 9800 feet. Their
conservation status is of
least concern.
Food Web
A Current Conservation
Zion NP uses its own
greenhouse and
propagation field to grow
plants from seeds
collected from the park to
plant in areas that suffer
damage from fire,
invasive species, and
human involvement to
keep the landscapes
genetically pure and able
to sustain the diverse
wildlife in Zion.

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