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Tyler Alexander

Religion Prayer

The Theme of this prayer is that your words have consequences.

By your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned. (Mathew

12:37, NAB)

Whenever we say mean things to or about someone we are not only hurting them, but we are

hurting God. Your words can be a blessing but they can also be a curse. We must know that

words can be stronger than any weapon and can hurt someone very much. We can also use our

words for good. We can speak like Jesus wants us to and preach his message by what we say and


Dear Lord,

Help us to use our words wisely and know that they have consequences.

Lord help us to choose the words that you want us to use and help us to think of what would you

say before we speak.

We pray that the things that we say do not hurt our relationship with you but glorify you and

preach your message.

Lord, help us to also know that if we have nothing positive to say that it is better to say nothing

at all

Also, forgive those who may have said mean or hurtful things to us and forgive us for all the

times we may have hurt others.

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