Meet Peru: Wonderful Wonders, Which Make Our Globe As Alive As Our Soul

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Meet our Peru

The world, so huge and so vast no one really knows it completely,

it gifts us his beauty,
beautiful valleys and landscapes,
we can appreciate.

Each continent has,

wonderful wonders,
which make our globe as alive as our soul,
wonderful wonders everybody should visit.

However, our country Peru,

with his coast, highlands, jungle,
from its sunny mornings to its dark nights,
to anyone can delight.

Meet our Peru, meet our capital,

Lima, city of kings,
architectural representation of the colonial Peru,
awesome old houses and churches.

Meet our Peru, meet the worlds bell bottom,

Cuzco, the Incas city,
take a walk in Machu Picchu,
legacy of our ancestors.

Meet our Peru, meet our amazing jungle,

Loreto, full of biodiversity,
meet our Peru, meet the country,
that saw you born.
Figurative Language:
The world, so huge and so vast no one really knows it completely.
Exaggerating the size of the earth.
Personification X2
The world, so huge and so vast no one really knows it completely,
it gifts us his beauty.
Meet our Peru, meet the country,
that saw you born.
Attributing the world and Peru (non-living things) to gift and see.
Epithet X2
The world, so huge and so vast no one really knows it completely,
it gifts us his beauty.
Meet our Peru, meet the country,
that saw you born.
Attributing the world and Peru (non living things) to gift and see.
Which make our globe as alive as our soul
Comparing how alive is our globe with our soul.
with his coast, highlands, jungle
Omission of conjunctions
Meet our Peru
Wonderful wonders
Repetition of these sentences at the start of two or more verses
wonderful wonders, which
Repetition of the sound of the consonant w.

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