INS Litton 92 Manual

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Activity: 4/09/17, 9:38 pm

, 10:01 #Guide LTN - 92
13:56 #Navigation System
# Wide Data Base
10:41 # 92-0413

June 1995 Revision 3: April 1998

Litton Aero Products

Table of Contents
Section 1



General System Description 1-1 Navigation Data Storage 1-4 Synthetic Magnetic Variation 1-4 Multiple System Operation 1-5 Mode Selector Unit
1-5 Mode Switch 1-5 MSU Annunciators 1-6 Control Display Unit 1-7

CDU Operational Summary 1-9 Operating Cautions 1-11 Section 2 Predeparture Procedures 2-1 INS Startup and Data Base Validity Check 2-1
Present Position Entry 2-4
Local Ident Entry of Present Position 2-5 Present Position Entry by Latitude and Longitude 2-6 Present Position Entry by Range and Bearing
From a Reference
# 2-8 GMT and Date Entry 2-10 Position Page Normal Display During Alignment 2-11 Alignment Status 2-12 Flight Plan Data
Entry 2-15
, 15:18 #
April 1998
14:08 #
# page iii
Table of Contents
13:56 #
Section Me
, 13:56 #
13:30 #
Flight Plan Assembly by Waypoint to Waypoint Entry 2-15 Duplicate Identifiers 2-17 Flight Plan Assembly by Route Entry 2-19
, 13:30 #
Crew Waypoint Entry or Correction 2-20 Latitude/Longitude Crew Waypoint Entry 2-21 Bearing / Range Reference Crew
12:47 Entry
Waypoint # 2-23 Flight Plan Editing 2-26 Waypoint Substitution 2-26 Single Waypoint Deletion 2-28 Multiple Waypoint Deletion 2-30
, 12:47 # a Waypoint or a Route Between Existing Waypoints 2-32 Initial Track Selection 2-34 Default Leg Selection 2-34 Enter Leg by Identifier
? Enter Leg by Waypoint Number 2-37 WPT.Page Flight Plan Verification 2-39

12:423 Enroute
Section # Procedures 3-1 Leg Switching 3-1
Automatic Leg Switching 3-1 Manual Leg Switches 3-4 Direct To Mode 3-6 Direct To Steering 3-10 Waypoint Bypassing 3-10 Crosstrack Offset
, 12:42 #
Mode 3-11 Track Hold Mode 3-14 Flight Plan Data 3-16 page iv TP92-04-13-B

Table of Contents

12:36 #Title


EFIS "To" Waypoint Change 3-18 Course Data 3-19 Instrument Data 3-20 Remote Range 3-20
Section 4 Post Flight Procedures, Rapid Realignment and Nay Update 4-1 Accuracy Test 4-1 Intermediate Stops 4-3 Post Flight Procedures 4-5
System Accuracy Removal Criteria 4-6 Rapid Realignment 4-6 Nav Update Mode 4-9 Section 5 Crossfill 5-1 Crossfill Procedures 5-2

Section 6 Position Updating 6-1 Easy On/Off Steering 6-1 Position Check 6-3 Automatic Position Updating 6-4 Radio Updating 6-6 Enabling
Position Updating 6-9 RNAV Inhibit Functions 6-10 DME/VOR Related- Messages 6-11 DME Range Crossfill Related Messages 6-12 Other Messages
6-13 STS/Update Page Summary 6-14

page v

Table ofContents

Section Title

Triple System Mixing . (TM IX) 6-16 Disabling Triple System Mixing 6-17 Triple System Mixing Related
Messages 6-18 STS/Update Page Description 6-19 Manual Position#Update 6-21 Flush Updates 6-24
Section 7 RNAV Approach Procedures 7-1 RNAV Approach Mode Characteristics 7-1 RNAV Approach Procedures 7-2 Missed Approach Point
Entry 7-4

Section 8 Attitude Reference Mode 8-1 Section 9 Summary of Display Pages and
Function Keys 9-1 Position Page 9-3 Course Page 9-4 Leg Page 9-5 Waypoint Page 9-6 Flight Plan Page 9-7 Direct. to Page 9-8 Instrument Data
Page 9-9 Catalog Page 9-10 Creating and Deleting Routes and

Waypoints in Permanent Memory 9-11 Storing a Custom Route 9-11 Clearing Custom Routes from the ROUTES Catalog 9-12

page vi

Table of Contents


Storing Waypoints , Stations and Airports in Permanent Memory 9-13 Deleting a Waypoint or Station from Permanent Memory 9-14 Remote
Page 9-15 Status Page 9-16 Display Test 9-17 Accuracy Test 9-18 Dbase Type / Date 9-19 Autopilot/ Flight Director Tests 9-20 HSI Operation 9-27
Section 10 Abnormal Operation 10-1 INS Warning Annunciations 10-1 Warning Annunciations 10-1 Action /Malfunction Messages 10-2

Section 11 Alphabetical Index 11-1

Section 12 Quick Reference Guide 12-1 Alignment (With Local Ident Stored in Data Base) 12-2 Alignment (With Local Ident Not in Data Base )
(LAT/LON Procedure) 12-3 Display Test 12-4 Waypoint Entry by Route Definition 12-4 Waypoint Loading 12-5 Crossfill (Remoting) 12-6 Flight
Plan Verification 12-7 Initial Track Selection 12-7 Route Change 12-8 Inserting a Waypoint Between Waypoints 12-8 Waypoint
Substitution/Deletion 12-9
TP92-04-13- B page vii

February 1996

04-13. Disable/ Re-Enablel2-16 page viii TPS2.Table of Contents Multiple Waypoint Deletion 12-9 Direct-To Mode (From Present Position to a
Waypoint) 12-10 Crosstrack (Offset) 12-10 VOR/DME Cross Check 12-11 Time.12-14 Leg Change . and WPT Distance Displays 12-11 Position Check
Hp Manual
c410 Position
mac series Update Remove
photosmart premiumAlldriver
Position Updates Remote
# 171169980 Ranging
1159551171 Usemanual
Nuvi of Crew250w
(Temporary ) Catalog2014
__ Nhs weaning 12-12 12-12 12-13
guidelines 12-13 Catalog
- 78555b8a7bad
<<< Accuracy Test
edf450a1c70c6f74d 12-14
>>> .B February
2056030604 1996 . ETA.Track Selection
d9d34dc5b467ef59df417e3 12-15 Status
< 607551316 Malfunction
Fx-991es Messages
user guide 12-15 Attitude
??? extreme Mode
guidelines 12-16 Automatic
networks. airport &&& 201 nokia del para usuario Manual ___ 1314552498 Pcl 5/hp-gl/2 technical reference manual >> Long term care home
design manual 2015 . d89822f72f842a & guide Film speed , 663ab28dabaf303ed1a <<< 9b2fe5390afbe7932c07ffba1fa5616 < c59b82 >> , . ""
List of Illustrations Figure Title 1-1 Inertial Navigation System 1-2 INS Typical Interface Page 1-2 1-3 1-3 Mode Selector Unit 1-4 Control Display
Unit 1-5 Numeric Pushbuttons .Special Functions 3-1 Leg Switch Less# Than 25 Degrees 3-2 Leg Switch Between 25 and 110 Degrees 1-5 1-7 1-10
3-2 3-2 3-3 Leg Switch Greater Than 110 Degrees 3-4 Direct To Modes 3-5 Crosstrack Offset Leg Change 3-6 Track Hold Mode 4-1 Radial Position
Error 4-2 Drift Rate 9-1 Typical HSI Presentations 9-2 Summary 3-3 3-6 3-13 3-15 4-7 4-8 9-27 9-29 page ix .

List of 111ustrations A List of Tables Table. Title 9-1 9-2 9-3 Synchro and Analog Test Output Values to HSI and ADI BCD Test Output Values
(EFTS and WX Radar) Annunciator Test Page 9-24 9-25 9-26 10-3 10-1 Action/Malfunction Messages page x .

92 inertial navigation system ( INS) is a navigation system . The Litton LTN. and an Inertial Navigation Unit (INU).t Section 1 General System
NOTE : This document contains all configurations applicable to the LTN . The INS may be operated as an Area Navigation System if position is
periodically updated using GPS or range and bearing from selected VOR -DME or TACAN stations. with automatic GPS and radio update
capabilities (VOR-DME.92 navigation system. TACAN). The MSU and CDU are used for pilot control of the INS and are installed in the cockpit . 0 .
Description The INS consists of three units (figure 1-1): a Mode Selector Unit (MSU) a Control Display Unit ( CDU). The INU and BU are
normally installed in the aircraft electronics bay. An optional Battery Unit (BU) is available as a backup power source. The user may use any
portion of this document that is appropriate for a particular configuration.

General System Description The system features a Control Display Unit (CDU) which functions as an intelligent data terminal and incorporates
.a?Light.Section 1 . The CDU keyboard has dual function pushbuttons for full alphanumeric data entry. f MODE SELECTOR UNIT CONTROL
DISPLAY UNIT Inertial Navigation System Figure 1-1 . I and formatted messages to assist the pilot in data entry. The displays provide navigation
data.Emitting-Diode ( LED) matrix display. operating status of the system.

BR3RWY aortic eTawa wroa9DDTe0ECed RTOM] NaU 4 aas-nwaoeund itMTO-GC 9iCR aw-ao-^ oacvia-TO-DO wulOauns IREI-.MIA wEEwaw RTO
GL RTd ND R71RF] oOnnm w QR J lla WTOM de I LLGE /IPQ11If f1EOBflH U U WTM M M INU NQI I ne oovu wrna ddEw a.Ru TA .-goo mb
/REWG ^Daaaartea varo oRV D1RA o%1EDm80IU D FO^oO awnaceandLem RAUwTB Cou no. a GLOBAL NOB-2 (OFnON&) INS Typical
Interface Figure 1-2 TP92-04138 page 1-3 .OIE/taf wrswrpand url.BapT*a! -tlgIDBRED 40 IB.Section 1 .General System Description C\ RiOI RYL
RTd MO RSLFll[i AD N TRJE EaG 1R1Ud1]RMi LEfmiRaOLM /^TEBRl HSI w a1MOId/Ci.F.

The aircraft wiring determines whether the storage function is available. or stations) may be retrieved. Waypoints .0413B April1998 . or
stations ) may be retrieved or entered at any time. enroute waypoints. and desired track independent of the aircraft compass system. When
latitude is greater than 73 Nor 60S. the system will automatically revert to True Heading and digital magnetic outputs will be NCD (no
computed data). Navigation data items (airports. page 1-4 TP92. waypoints . It remains unaffected by the cyclic database update.
waypoints/NDBs. plus 100 routes of 98 waypoints can be stored in this memory . Navigation data items (airports. custom waypoints/ramp
positions.Section 1 . Each route requires 16 bytes plus 4 bytes/waypoint A large airline will typically store two complete databases (the current
cycle plus the next cycle's worldwide Navaids). and airways with less than 50% of available memory used. airports. 6000 routes. These data are
lost when the system is turned off. This catalog can hold a maximum of 2 megabytes of data. World Wide Data Base (Permanent). and Airports.
Custom Catalog (Permanent). r SYNTHETIC MAGNETIC VARIATION The # system can be used to display magnetic heading. track. Up to 2005
Navaids. The facility exists to permanently store routes and other data entered via the CDU into this area of memory. Memory is consumed as
follows: Each Navaid requires 32 bytes 4 Each Waypoint/NDB requires 16 bytes Each Airport requires 16 bytes.General System Desc^tion
NAVIGATION DATA STORAGE Crew Catalog ( Temporary). This catalog can store a maximum of 120 data items.

the pilot may enable atriple system mix feature which combines the present position of all three systems for greater navigation
accuracy.Section 1 .ALIGN r NAV O ALIGN BATE OFFS ATT REF Mode Selector Unit Figure 1-3 Mode Switch OFF c) Turns INS power off . April
1998 TP92. MSU and CDU panel lighting may remain on. Navigation (NAV).04138 page 1-5 . MODE BAIT FAIU ALIGN SWITCH ANNUNCIATOR
ANNUNCIATOR Y. MODE SELECTOR UNIT The MSU controls the application of power to the INS and selects the Standby (STBY). and Attitude
Reference (ATT REF) modes of operation. and time from one system to the remaining systems.General System Description MULTIPLE SYSTEM
OPERATION Multiple systems may be integrated in dual or triple system configurations . A comparison warn feature alerts the pilot when a
significant difference in position or ground speed occurs between systems. In e'triple system installation . A crossfill feature allows the pilot to
transfer waypoint data . date. Alignment (ALIGN).

On completion of a valid alignment and selection of NAV. roll. NOTE: The mode switch is detented in the NAV position to prevent accidental INS
shutdown. Initial track mcy be entered at this time. STBY. GMT and date and display test may be performed. and the CDU displays only status
? System Description STBYIALIGN Turns INS power on and selects Standby or Alignment mode. ALIGN light goes out. the INS
provides pitch.Section 1 . page 1-6 TP92-0413B . the system will complete
# alignment before automatically sequencing to NAV. NAV may be
selected directly from OFF. the knob must be pulled away from the panel and then turned. ATT REF mode disables INS navigation capabilities
until a full alignment is performed on the ground.. ATT REF Selects Attitude Reference mode. NAV MSU Annunciators ALIGN (amber) Comes on
during alignment to indicate that alignment sequence is in progress. CAUTION: WHEN THE ALIGN LIGHT IS ON. but alignment must be
completed prior to moving the aircraft. or ALIGN modes. To deselect NAV. and platform heading outputs only. An automatic alignment
sequence starts . In this mode. This is the normal flight operating mode and must be selected prior to moving the aircraft . Pilot enters present
position. Selects Navigation mode. If NAV is selected before alignment is complete. The aircraft must remain stationary while the system is in

PUSHBUTTONS PUSHBUTTON Control Display Unit Figure 1-4 The CDU LED alphanumeric display . When appropriate . and to display datafrom
the INU database. UPDATING SOURCE INP TON (G.on.Displays five lines with 16 characters per line .General System Description (Battery fail)
Comes on when DC backup voltage is insufficient for INS operation. CONTROL DISPLAY UNIT The CDU is used to enable the entry of data into
the INU.BATT (FAIL) Section 1 . and pushbuttons function as follows: LED matrix display (display) . lines can be slewed upward or downward
by use of slew pushbuttons. If the battery is discharged. R. to selectflight plans . this light will come on during the battery test at tum .on with a
34- .
charged battery. and remain on until the next tum .0413B page 1-7 . annunciators. April 1998 TP92.
(parallel track mode). When INS is in manual mode .When pressed. Data entry pushbuttons . When INS is in automatic mode . enter data in the
display line indicated between entry line markers.General System Description s Brightness controls (BRT and DiMpushbuttons) . CLR (clear)
pushbutton .On when INS is in the offset . enters data input via data entry pushbuttons into the computer. page 1-8 TP92-0413B . display will
advance one line each time pushbutton is pressed or when continuously pressed will continuously slew. Flashes when in track hold mode. OFS
(offset) annunciator .When pressed. removes entered data from display.Allow display of particular data category.When pressed . Normally. ALR
(alert) annunciator . freezes present position display (except in CARP mode). set brightness level of display . HLD (hold) pushbutton .When
pressed.Comes on at a preset time before aircraft reaches each approaching To waypoint.Section 1 . A N (alphanumeric) pushbutton .When
pressed before ENT is pressed . goes out to indicate that a leg change has been made automatically . flashes to indicate that a leg change must
be made manually.Expands selected display categories. Slew pushbuttons . ENT (enter) pushbutton . EXP (expand) pushbutton .An alternate
action switch enabling alphabetic or numeric data entry. Data display select pushbuttons . (Operable only in numeric mode).Enable slewing of
appropriate lines of display. (See Summary section).

ident . 2. Flashes if ALIGN error occurs. Left.) and all alphanumeric entries (flight plan . . 3. etc. 0 C 4. A return to the numeric mode may be
selected at any time by pressing A N. and Right are made using these pushbuttons (figure 1-5). South. etc. The system will automatically switch
to the alpha entry mode only when alpha entry is appropriate on a particular page. Trailing zeros must be entered.Comes on when INS is
operating on-28 vdc backup power. The keyboard provides an alphabetic entry (shown on upper half of the pushbuttons ) when the alpha
entry mode is selected . BAT (battery on) annunciator . Leading zeros are not required.General System Description WRN (warn) annunciator .
The alpha mode is annunciated by A in the upper right comer of the display . All numeric data entries (latitude . longitude. East.) are made left
to right.Comes on when a system malfunction occurs . CDU OPERATIONAL SUMMARY The CDU provides data entry and display based on pilot
15:18of various
call-up # " pages " selected by the function pushbuttons . The numeric entry pushbuttons on the right side of the keyboard are
arranged in the same manner as standard numeric keyboards. A N selection is not necessary when entering position. The following
, 15:18 #
conditions apply for data entry: 1. West . Entry line markers . The normal data entries of North .Section 1 .Indicate display line into which data
may # (CDU line 3).
be entered
14:08 # TP92 . EXP (Expand ) is used to provide information relating to an Item displayed on the entry line (example : latitude and longitude
. a waypoint).Special Functions Figure 1-5 Display pages are arranged to provide a primary display of data . Refer to Section 12 for a summary
of the CDU data
# pages.General System Description NORTH i G 3 M 5 LEFT RIGHT z EXP HLD SOUTH Numeric Pushbuttons .04-13-B January
1997 .Section 1 . Where additional data relating to the primary page is available . the slew up or down pushbuttons are used.
, 13:56
ONE OF THE SYSTEMS HAS A LARGE INERTIAL POSITION OR VELOCITY ERROR. NOTE : There is a 5 second battery test at tum on when the BAT
13:30 #
12:47 #
12:42 #
12:36 #

04-13-B page
, . . - , , 16- . . 2-1
, , 3.__
388_ Al
.... ALIGN 3. check to ensure the data is current (refer to step 3. STBY NAV .Section 2 Predeparture Procedures INS
, 14:46 AND DATA BASE VALIDITY CHECK Prior to using the data base . Ensure the MSU mode switch is set to OFF. of this procedure). Set
mode switch to NAV for automatic 10 minute alignment. 2: Set circuit breakers in (on). STBY OFF NAV ATT REF With WWDB Without WWDB
February 1996 TP92. ALIGN 1.

After 3 seconds. ENT 4 5. the first two characters are the airline code. CUSTOM'OBAS' 4 R 0 If the Litton data base service is being used. Press
ENT. Without WWDB . 4.Section 2 .B January 1997 . Press CLR to continue. ( LC0731 is Lockheed.Predeparture Procedures With WWDB The CDU
displays the INU program number on line 1. CLR page 2-2 TP92-0413 . expiring July 31.) Y 5. the third and fourth are the month of expiration .
display changes to custom data base title page where X's will identify the data base. and the fifth and sixth are the day of expiration . Slew to
the proper date cycle. 4. The CDU displays the program number 9204-13 on the top line. Lines 3 and 4 show the effectivity dates for the two
stored World Wide data bases. Line 2 is the customer identifier for the data base.

and the accuracy of every Latitude and Longitude confirmed. stored waypoint data . or alternatively do not enable RNAV updating. it is
recommended that the stored VOR/DME data being used for RNAV position updating be cross checked for accuracy. when the data base is out of
date. O April 1998 TP92 . The CDU changes to allow position entry ( referto "Present Position Entry " in this section).I- Section 2 . If an FMC is
connected. used in a route to be flown. should be cross checked against the current flight planning documents . then position and time entry is
automatic.04138 page 2-3 . Additionally. N FMC input received NOTE : If the INU data base is out of date.Predeparture Procedures 6.

Upon entry of present position . the system checks the entry to ensure that it is within 3+3t (t=time in NAV ) of the aircraft's last present position
at time
| of shutdown on previous flight. the system performs an additional check of the entered latitude against an inertial estimate of the
aircraft ' s latitude . The two must agree to within 30 nautical miles for the alignment to proceed. Present position may be entered by:
Automatic download from FMS Manual entry by IDENT Manual entry by LAT/LON i Manual range and bearing to a known reference page
2-4 TP92-0413B .Predeparture Procedures PRESENT POSITION ENTRY Aircraft present position must be entered into each INS before alignment
can . . completed
? , , -? , ? ... . The FMC position is automatically accepted . the CDU WRN annunciator will flash and the message "CHECK PPOS ENTRY"
, 17:37
be displayed on the POSITION page (STATUS page will display " ENTER PPOS "). If the comparison limit fails .the messages ENTER PPOS and
" . " FAIL will be displayed on the STS page to alert the pilot. If these comparison limits are exceeded . If a compatible GPS or flight
management computer ( FMC) is connected to the INS.Section 2 .5 minutes of alignment . After 4. the position and time will automatically be
displayed. pressing CLR will reject the entry and prompts for a new latitude and longitude entry will be displayed. the CDU WRN annunciator
will flash and. Pressing ENT will accept the displayed position entry . The GPS position is displayed and the pilot must accept or reject it.

Press ENT ENT Latitude and longitude are displayed. 2. . Enter LOCAL (DENT for present position. 3.Predeparture Procedures LOCAL IDENT
ENTRY OF PRESENT POSITION POSITION page is displayed. 1. Slew LOC ID to entry line.Section 2 .

Enter GMT and date. 4. press CLR to return to local (DENT entry. The pilot is prompted to press ENT to accept the displayed ident. Enter latitude
. including any trailing zeros. If duplicate idents are found. 3 3 5 6 5 2 page 2-6 . Refer to GMT ENTRY. press SLEW to display the other ident (s)
or press CLR to return. PRESENT POSITION ENTRY BY LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE POSITION page is displayed.Predeparture Procedures NOTE
: If the LOCAL IDENT is not valid. "IDENT NOT FOUND" will be displayed . Select North (2N) or South (8S).Section 2 . the first one will be
displayed . F 2N or T as 2. 1.

Press ENT. . Select West (W4) or East (6E). or arc-minutes greater than 59. ENT LAT flashes once. including any trailing zeros. Line 3 will flash
with the invalid data until CLR is pressed to clear the entry. Press ENT. longitude greater than 180. display slews LON to entry line.Section 2
.Predeparture Procedures 3. 7. 4.9') will be rejected by the system . 5. display slews GMT to entry line. Enter longitude . Enter GMT HH:MM:SS. 6.
and date . n P4 1 or FN sE 1182447 ENT LON flashes once. Refer to GMT ENTRY NOTE : Invalid present position coordinates ( latitude greater
than 90.
" , ..." , , ,...
1. Enter magnetic bearing from the reference to present position. Press AN key.Predeparture Procedures PRESENT POSITION ENTRY BY RANGE
AND BEARING FROM A REFERENCE POSITION page is displayed. AN CDU displays: 2. Section 2 . 3. . Press ENT 4.. Enter reference identifier.
, 14:00
9 deg.Predeparture Procedures 5. line 3 will flash and the corresponding error message will be displayed. View data to ensure it is correct. R
ENT 6. The data may also be changed by slewing the desired parameter to the entry line and keying in new data. TP92. 7.0413B page 2-9 . Enter
the range from the reference to present position. Press ENT. Press ENT to accept the data or CLR to reenter the data . Press ENT. 8. 9. ENT or CLR
NOTE : If the reference cannot be found or distance is greaterthan 300 nmi or bearing is greaterthan 359.Section 2 .
, 17:29
10 TP92-0413B April 1998 .. 1. Enter date . ENT The INS will not accept afirst digit GMT entry other than 0 . 3. GMT line flashes and INVALID
ENTRY is displayed . Enter GMT in hours.r N .. It is necessary when an external navigation base is installed on the aircraft.g. minutes . the GMT
and date will be automatically displayed .g.. e. 1 2 4 51 0 2. minutes ( greater than 59) or seconds (greater than 59) are entered . Time received
15 the GPS has priority and will overwrite manually entered time.. NOTE : An entry of 00 will be read as year 2000. Press ENT at instant
, 07:56
preset time matches actual GMT. If invalid hours (greater than 23). 24 hour time. and seconds. 1.Section 2 . or 2 . e. r page 2.Predeparture
Procedures GMT AND DATE ENTRY NOTE : Failure to enter GMT will invalidate INS calculations of ETA and Time initialize crossfill. Press CLR
and reenter GMT.a LA7 4 32 . FMS or chronometer . NOTE: If the aircraft is equipped with a compatible GPS. 27 July 1993 enter as 270793 NOTE
: Date entry is not required for navigation . NOTE : m ouT :r " .
, 20:45
0 .Section 2 . Once the system has sequenced into NAV. NOTE: Bearing is True or Magnetic depending upon CDU selection of True or Magnetic
data. Nearest station range and bearing displayed on line 4. Position may be reentered at any time during ALIGN without affecting the ALIGN
time. Position page display during alignment .Predeparture Procedures POSITION PAGE NORMAL DISPLAY DURING ALIGNMENT The POS page
will display the entered latitude and longitude and GMT ( If entered ). the inertial position cannot be changed.
10 , 12:03
2.Predeparture Procedures ALIGNMENT STATUS ALIGN 1.Section 2 . SYS STS/TEST page is displayed . Refer to Alignment Status Table 2-1. v STS
CDU displays SYS STS/TEST pages during alignment. . the ALIGN annunciator comes on. STBY^ NAV OFF ATT REF ALIGN STBY OFF NAV ATT REF
On the MSU. Mode switch : STBY ALIGN or first 10 minutes of NAV. The alignment process can be observed by pressing STS on the CDU . STATUS
90 STATUS 80 60 50 10 2 NOTE : STBY and ALIGN positions are the same.
1 , 14:45
90 is generated at startup and decrements through 2 at completion of alignment (refer to Alignment Status Table 2-1). Alignment not complete :
display remains in ALIGN until status 2 then shifts to NAV. STATUS 1 CAUTION : DO NOT SET MODE SWITCH OUT OF NAV AFTER NAVIGATION
MODE IS ENTERED. The time required to complete a normal alignment is 10 minutes.Section 2 . Set mode switch to NAV. page 2-13 . C NOTE :
INS alignment accuracy will continue to improve even after entering NAV. No accuracy improvement is gained by leaving the INS in STBY or
ALIGN. status 1 . TIME line changes to time in NAV.Predeaarture Procedures NOTE : The number (2 through 90) appearing on the ALIGN line
indicates alignment status . AUGN 3. The system will automatically sequence to NAV when the alignment is complete. The time remaining
(minutes and tenths) in align appears on the TIME line. ALIGN line changes to NAV. Alignment complete : ALIGN annunciator goes out. NAV .
NOTE : The recommended operating procedure at turnon is to switch the MSU from OFF directly to NAV. NOTE: See Abnormal Operation
Section for explanation of action / malfunction messages.
The 2016
system , . cycle to NAV providing the MSU is set to NAV. 2 The minimum align time has been completed. alignment time will be more than
10: minutes. 4 . Alignment Status Table Status Description 90 System high voltage sequence is performed. System remains at status 60 until 5.
the system stays in status 50 for 10 seconds . 60 System performs fine leveling and gyro compassing .15C and align time is less than 9 minutes.
Accelerometer coarse leveling is accomplished (complete 24 seconds after turn -on). then sequences to status 10. 10 System continues fine
leveling and gyro compassing and remains in status 10 until the minimum align time has been completed. the system will automatically
. into NAV mode. If present position has not been entered the system remains at status 50. If NAV mode is selected .Section 2 . 50
Latitude .is tested continually from 5 . When STS 70 is displayed . 70 Executed and displayed only if the system sensor block temperature is
18+ 0C. Otherwise . 5 minutes remaining in Align.5 minutes are remaining in align time. The system will remain in status 70 until the block
temperature is above . 80 System continues leveling (complete 30 seconds after turn -on).1. Fine leveling and gyro compassing continue in
status 50. If the latitude test fails the system will reset to status 50 and position entry will be required.Predeparture Procedures Table 2 .
Indicates extended align.
CDU displays: AN 3. Refer to CATALOGS.g. Assemble Flight Plan: Waypoint Entry a.Section 2 . the POS page is displayed. crossflll. (e. page 2-15 .
Each waypoint is selected by entering an identifier (IDENT) which defines its coordinates. NOTE : The <P> symbol represents present position.
2. Enter the waypoint IDENT by alphanumeric entry. WPT SELECT page is displayed. VNY). Press WPT.Predeparture Procedures FLIGHT PLAN
DATA ENTRY The flight plan consists of a sequential waypoint list with up to 98 custom. or pilot-entered waypoints (or a combination thereof)
called up from various catalogs. 4 NOTE : If present position has not been entered when the WPT key is pressed . FLIGHT PLAN ASSEMBLY BY
WAYPOINT TO WAYPOINT ENTRY 1. Press AN to display entry prompts.

27): and press ENT Waypoints cannot be entered before present position is entered. c. V . To jump to a particular waypoint. Waypoint zero <P>
will hold the coordinates of the FROM waypoint whenever a DIRECT TO or LEG SWITCH FROM 00 is performed.Section 2 .. prompts for entry of
latitude and longitude will be displayed. NOTES : If the entered IDENT does not exist in any of the systems catalogs . Continue flight plan
assembly by entry of up to 98 waypoints . Refer to CREW WAYPOINT SELECTION AND ENTRY section of the PREDEPARTURE PROCEDURES.
enter the waypoint number (e. Pressing the A N key on the waypoint page will advance to the first available blank waypoint and display the
entry prompt line. Prompt line for next waypoint. Press CLR if no more waypoints to be entered.g. Use up and down slew keys to slew through
the waypoints. VNY is added to waypoint list. Press ENT.Predeparture Procedures b.

Predeparture Procedures DUPLICATE IDENTIFIERS When duplicate identifiers exist . 2. NOTE : The alpha character located at the center of line
1 indicates the type of waypoint: A Airports S Stations W Waypoints The 1/2 indicates this is the first SMO of 2. 1. . During flight plan
construction . The country name will be displayed on line 4 . If the waypoint is a CUSTOM waypoint .Section 2 . the number of duplicates will be
displayed in the upper right comer of the CDU. enter an (DENT that is used for more than one set of coordinates. then CUST will be displayed .
ENT 4 Examine the coordinates and country of the first duplicate (DENT. Press EM. The pilot must examine coordinates and country name of
each duplicate identifier.

Repeat step 3 until the correct coordinates are found. Press ENT. If the displayed coordinates are not desired. slew up once. ENT Selected
,. is entered into the waypoint list.Section 2 . prompt line is displayed to continue flight plan construction. .Predeparture Procedures 3.
5. 4. the number in upper right comer increments by 1 and coordinates and country name change. The .

Section 2 . J F K L A X 3 ENT Route is now displayed. This will produce the Route prompt. Insert route name then press ENT.Predeparture
Prgcedures FLIGHT PLAN ASSEMBLY BY ROUTE ENTRY 1. 2. . Press WPT. NOTE : All routes can be listed by selecting the catalog page and
slewing to ROUTE. Pressing these four buttons will insert "-R" at the first WPT prompt. H WPT WPT SELECT page is displayed. AN LI R 4 Prompt
for route name appears.

Re-enter the waypoint using one of the following CREW WAYPOINT ENTRY procedures. perform the following steps to rectify this error: 1.
.Predeparture Procedures CREW WAYPOINT ENTRY OR CORRECTION The pilot may enter waypoint IDENTs not found in any catalog . and will
be stored in the CREW (temporary ) catalog. 2. These waypoints will be assigned by latitude / longitude coordinates .Section 2 . Delete the
waypoint from the flight plan and the CREW catalog using the SINGLE WAYPOINT DELETION procedure in this section. If a mistake is made
while entering waypoint data into the CREW catalog .

Section 2 . Because NYK is not in memory.Predeparture Procedures 0 LATITUDE/ LONGITUDE CREW WAYPOINT ENTRY 1. 4. 2. WPT SELECT
page is displayed with the current flight plan. Press WPT. Press ENT . Press AN to slew to first unassigned waypoint number. Enter an ( DENT
for the waypoint (example NYK). prompts appear for LAT/ LONG entry to define NYK' s position. AN 3. .

7. including trailing zeros. Select North or South.Section 2 . LAT stews to line 2. then enter waypoint latitude . z EXP . or press CLR to REJECT
waypoint and return to WPT entry mode. LON prompt slews to entry line.Pred ^ture Procedures N 4 3 4 4 5 4 5. ENT W 1 1 8 3 5 6 0 8. including
trailing zeros. Press ENT. Press ENT. Press DIP to USE waypoint (crew waypoint in temporary memory). then enter waypoint longitude. CDU
displays: (On some aircraft this waypoint information will be written into the INS permanent memory) 9. Select East or West. 6.

Press WPT. Waypoint IDENT appears on line 1 and the following prompt lines appear: DIST: line 2 . . 1. (example : OLM234). CLR:RETURN. fine
5. BRG : line 4. Press ENT. H WPT WPT SELECT page is displayed with the current flight plan.Section 2 . It must be 3 alpha characters followed
by 3 numeric characters. REF: entry line. 2. 4.Predeparture Procedures BEARING / RANGE REFERENCE CREW WAYPOINT ENTRY NOTE :
Bearing and range waypoints may be stored in the CREW CATALOG only. 3. Press AN to slew to first unassigned waypoint number. Enter an
IDENT of the form AAANNN.

7. Reference IDENT slews to line 2 . O L M 5. Enter the referenced waypoint IDENT. BRG prompt to entry line.0 nmi). the display will default to
REFERENCE WAYPOINT display with referenced waypoint defaulting to the AAA entry.Predeparture Procedures NOTE : If an IDENT is found
that matches the AAA entry. Press ENT. DIST prompt to entry line.1 to 300. Press ENT. 2 3 4 7 ENT BRG stews to line 2.Section 2 .9). 6. Enter the
magnetic bearing from referenced waypointto new waypoint (0 to 359. 9. 2 5 6 . 8. Enter range from referenced waypoint to new waypoint (0.

a.Predenarture Procedures 10. Press ENT EXP:USE CLR:REJ appear on line 5.Section 2 . Press EXP to USE waypoint (crew waypoint in temporary
memory). OR cua n . Press CLFt to REJECT waypoint and return to the WPT entry mode. OR b.

insertion . with the current flight plan.Prodeparture Procedures FLIGHT PLAN EDITING The flight plan may be changed by waypoint
substitution. R Q 3. ALL AUTOPILOT. WPT SELECT page is displayed .Section 2 . Press WPT. .

4. K L A X 5. Press ENT. ENT NOTE : If FROM or TO waypoint # is changed . Press ENT to make change or CLR to reject the change. "FROM/ TO
WAYPNT NO. Enter new IDENT. . WILL BE CHANGED " is displayed .Section 2 . prompt line is displayed.Predeparture Procedures (DENT is

CDU displays: 3. IDENT is removed . 14. I I a page 2-28 . Press CLR. FLIGHT DIRECTOR AND HSI OUTPUTS ARE ZEROED. HSI FLAGS ( NAV MODE)
ARE INVALID. WPT SELECT page is displayed. 1. (DEN is to be deleted). Press WPT. ALL AUTOPILOT.Section 2 .Predeparture Procedures SINGLE
WAYPOINT DELETION CAUTION : WHEN AN ACTIVE FROM/TO WAYPOINT IS DELETED. Slew waypoint to entry line. prompt line is displayed.
2. with the current flight plan.

Section 2 . R Waypoint list closes up. NOTE : If FROM or TO waypoint # is changed. Press CAT. "FROM/ TO WAYPNT NO. 5.Predeaarture
Procedures 4. a. Slew up until CREW is on the data entry line. The following steps may be performed to delete the waypoint from the CREW
catalog. Press CLR again. P CAT b. Press EXP. Press ENT to make change or CLR to reject the change. . CDU displays: c. WILL BE CHANGED " is
displayed .

Slew to first waypoint to be deleted . Press CLR to delete the selected waypoint.g. R 4 .Section 2 . UBG will be deleted). e. 2. Press
WPT.Predeparture Procedures d.. H F WPT WPT SELECT page is displayed. Slew up until the waypoint for deletion is on the data entry line. (e.

. 5. ENT All waypoints between and Including the two entered numbers will be cleared and the waypoint list will close up. Press CLR. C LR CDU
displays: 4. Enter last WPT number to be deleted . 0 ENT Display will change to request the last WPT number to be cleared. and ENT. D. Press -.
6.Section 2 . Press ENT. (You can delete backward or forward).Predeparture Procedures 3.

PWPT WPT SELECT page is displayed . Press WPT. prompt appears on entry line.. Press ENT ENT Preceding waypoint moves to line 2. 2. with
current flight plan. Press ENT to make change or CLR to reject the change. WILL BE CHANGED " is displayed . NOTE : If FROM or TO waypoint #
is changed .Section 2 . Slew the waypoint that will precede the added waypoint to entry line (waypoint AEL is to be inserted between KSTL and
KFWA). and remaining waypoints are renumbered.

Predeparture Procedures C.Section 2 . Press ENT. . Following waypoints are moved down in the flight plan to make room for all the route's
waypoints. then entering the route ident . ENT CDU displays: NOTE : A route may be inserted by entering -R at step 4 . Enter new (DENT. A E L 5.

point. 2. The ident of the first waypoint in the flight plan will flash over the underscores. To select your present position as the FROM way. Press
LEG. If no waypoints have been entered in the flight plan. and the first waypoint listed in the flight plan as the TO waypoirt. with the ident of
WPT 0 flashing over the underscores. the message "ROUTEWPTS NOT SELECTED" will be displayed. Press ENT. Estimated . simply press LEG
then ENTer twice . . C LEG LEG page is displayed.Section 2 .Predeparture Procedures INITIAL TRACK SELECTION A track leg must be selected to
enable INS computations of steering and leg distances . Default Leg Selection 1. time enroute and ETA are zero until ground speed is greater
than 100 knots.

Section 2 . Press LEG . Enter Leg by Identifier 1. CDU displays: CAUTION : PRESSING ENT ON THIS PAGE WILL SELECT THE MANUAL LEG
SWITCH. Press ENT again. c LEG .Predeparture Procedures 3. The display will switch to the CRS page after five seconds. LEG page is displayed. (
The flight plan must contain waypoints). BE AWARE OF INADVERTENT SELECTIONS.

NOTE :. Enter FROM waypoint IDENT.Section 2 . Press ENT. A FROM and TO waypoint with the same waypoint number cannot be entered. The
pilot may also continue entering characters and ignore the suggested prompt. the pilot is given the option to press ENT to select the displayed
WPT number. 5. or press CLR to reject the IDENT. When the first character is entered . CDU displays: 4. the software searches the WPT list for
the first IDENT after the current TO that begins with that letter. 3. slew to select a different WPT number. the pilot must examine the
coordinates and country of each duplicate and select the desired one.. BFL NOTE: If the IDENT occurs more than once on the flight plan
(waypoints 01-98 ). CDU displays: page 2-36 .Predeperture Procedures 2. Enter TO waypoint IDENT. If one is found it is displayed on line four.
Press ENT. Pressing the <>/HLD key will place that IDENT on the entry line. NOTE : If the IDENT assigned to this waypoint is a duplicate.

Enter FROM waypoint number. a DIRECT TO will be performed (see DIRECT TO MODE in the ENROUTE PROCEDURES section for more
information ). Slew waypoint number line to the entry line. 2. The waypoint number must have a corresponding waypoint entered in the flight
plan.Section 2 . NOTE : If the waypoint number 00 is selected as the FROM waypoint . Press A. AN CDU displays: 3.Predenarture Procedures
The display will switch to the CRS page after five seconds. c LEG LEG page is displayed. Enter Leg by Waypoint Number 1. Press LEG.N. .

Press ENT. Enter TO waypoint number. Also waypoint 00 and blank waypoints are invalid.Section 2 . 6. CDU displays: 4 The display will switch
to the CRS page after five seconds or select another page. ENT CDU displays: 5.Prodeparture Procedures 4. Press ENT. . NOTE : A FROM and TO
waypoint with the same waypoint number cannot be entered.

z EXP CDU displays: Waypoint name and no. course and distance from previous waypoint.. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to verify the flight plan. 5. R 4 .
Press EXP.A Section 2 . Verify the data.Predeparture Procedures WPT PAGE FLIGHT PLAN VERIFICATION Verify waypoint data as follows: 1. 3.
True Course (TC) will be displayed in place of Magnetic Course (MC). 2. WPT FH CDU displays the active flight plan. Press slew -up key to view
next waypoint data. 4. waypoint lat/long. Press WPT. NOTE : If the true mode has been chosen.

Section 2 .Predeparture Procedures w .

TP92 . If the TO waypoint is overflown without a subsequent leg inputted .0 minutes prior to reaching the next waypoint . When a leg change is
to be made but no data for the next waypoint has been entered . The alert lights will continue to flash until data is entered . the system will
revert to the MANUAL leg switch mode and continue on an extension of the previous track.B page 3-1 . the Alert lights will begin flashing 4
minutes prior to reaching the last entered waypoint . manual leg switching may be selected i f desired. AUTOMATIC LEG SWITCHING The
annunciation of the automatic leg switching sequence varies between 1. however. The CDU will display the message "NO NEXT WAYPOINT" on
all CDU pages until the pilot presses CLR to acknowledge the message.5 and 3.Section 3 Enroute Procedures LEG SWITCHING Leg switching
from one leg to the next is normally performed automatically by the INS. and is determined by-the ground speed of the. aircraft and the change
in the track angle between the new and the old track legs .04-13 .

SECS Leg Switch Less Than 25 Degrees Figure 3-1 LEG SWITCH BETWEEN 25 AND 110 DEGREES The alert light will come on 90 seconds before
the leg switch occurs . dependent on ground speed and angle change.Enroute Procedures LEG SWITCH LESS THAN 25 DEGREES The alert light
will come on 90 seconds before the leg switch occurs .Section 3 . at Time To Go (TTG) = 225.. The leg switch will occur between 22 and 93
seconds before the TO waypoint is reached. The leg switch will occur 22 seconds before the TO waypoint is reached. i. WPT 15 WPT 14 LEG
SWITCH OCCURS ATTTG 22TO m SECS Leg Switch Between 25 and 110 Degrees Figure 3-2 .e.

Enroute Procedures 0 LEG SWITCH GREATER THAN 110 DEGREES The ALERT light will come on 90 seconds before the TO waypoint is
reached.Section 3 . Leg Switch Greater Than 110 Degrees Figure 3-3 . The leg switch will occur when the TO waypoint is reached.

If the autopilot is engaged and a switch is not made . the alert lights will illuminate 1 . Press A N and slew down one line to place the waypoint
numerics on the entry line. The CDU will display the message "SELECT NEXT WPT" until the pilot presses CLR. the alert lights will start flashing
and the leg switch must be entered manually . c LEG Y 0 . 3.Section 3 . 5 to 3 . Press LEG. The Leg Change page will be displayed with the IDENTs
for the leg just flown on line 3 and the corresponding waypoint numbers on line 2. CLR . the aircraft will continue on an extension of the
previous track. depending on ground speed and track angle change. Once the system calculates that a leg switch should take place. Press CLR to
delete the "SELECT NEXT WPT" message. 0 minutes prior to reaching waypoints. CDU displays: 1. 2. Example assumes aircraft has just flown
from ALO and passed over IRK.Enroute Procedures MANUAL LEG SWITCHES In the manual leg switching mode .
Input the number for the waypoint that was just overflown in the flashing prompt on the left side of the entry line.Section 3 . Press ENT. 5. If
manual leg switching is still desired. Press ENT. The new FROM waypoint is accepted .) 7. Input the desired waypoint number in place of the
flashing prompt (bypass this step if the flashing prompt is correct. and after 5 seconds the display will revert to the Course Data page.Enroute
Procedures 4. The IDENTS for the new leg will be displayed on line 2. NOTE: Manual leg switching may also be accomplished by inputting then
entering the (DENTS for the next leg instead of using their corresponding waypoint numbers. 6. The system will automatically revert to
automatic leg switching. and the next sequential waypoint from the flight plan will flash on the right side of the entry line. it must be selected
again. .

DIRECT TO can be performed using waypoint numbers or IDENTs. Direct Tb Modes Figure 3-4 .Enroute Procedures DIRECT TO MODE When
DIRECT TO mode is selected. NOTE : Performing a DIRECT TO will automatically select Auto Leg Switch mode.Section 3 . If the waypoint is not
on the flight plan. the INS will fly the aircraft directly from present position to any established waypoint . it will automatically be assigned
waypoint number 99 (see figure 3-4). This is equivalent to a 00 to XX leg switch.

Enroute Procedures To select DIRECT TO mode using waypoint IDENTs: 1. 2. that IDENT is displayed on line four with a prompt indicating that
the <> /HLD key may be used to select this IDENT as the DIRECT TO (DENT. the software will search the remaining waypoint list after the TO
waypoint for IDENTs having the same letters as those entered. J DIR DIRECT TO page is displayed with DIRECT TO prompt on entry line.
requesting the waypoint ident. Enter desired waypoint (DENT. NOTE: During ALPHA entry. . Press DIR. Character entry can continue up to the
six character limit to allow easy reference waypoint entry. If found .Section 3 .

Section 3 - Enroute Procedures


3. Press ENT.

Coordinates of Direct to waypoint are displayed for acceptance.


After acceptance, the Direct to page displays for 5 seconds. Do not press ENT on this page unless you wish to terminate automatic leg switching.

After 5 seconds , the display changes to the normal CRS page. Line 1 confirms the system is in Automatic leg switch.

NOTE : If the IDENT assigned to this waypoint is a duplicate, the pilot must examine the coordinates and country of each duplicate and select
the desired one. NOTE : If the IDENT occurs more than once on the flight plan (waypoints 01-98), the pilot is given the option to press ENT to
select the displayed WPT number, slew to select a different WPT number, or press CLR to reject the IDENT.

Section 3 - Enroute Procedures To select DIRECT TO mode using waypoint numbers:

1. Press DIR.

2. Press A N twice to select waypoint number only.


3. Enter the desired waypoint number ( leading zero is not required) or press ENT to accept the flashing default.

ENT 4. Press ENT. The coordinates of the Direct to waypoint are displayed for acceptance.

5. Press ENT to accept.


February 1996

TP92 -0413-B page 3-9

Section 3 - Enroute Procedures

6. If MANUAL leg switch mode is desired, press ENT. If no key is pressed , the display will switch to the CRS page after five seconds. If the
system was in MANUAL mode , it will change to AUTO. NOTE : Invalid waypoint numbers include waypoint 00 or blank waypoints . If any of
these are selected, error messages will result and no action will be taken by the system.


When a Direct To leg switch is entered , the INS establishes a pseudo FROM waypoint at the exit from the turn, (thus avoiding S turns ), and will
capture and maintain a track leg from this new FROM point to the DIRECT TO waypoint ( refer to Figure 3-4). The pseudo FROM waypoint
coordinates are stored in

waypoint zero <P>.

Waypoints may be bypassed either by a waypoint to waypoint leg switch or by a Direct To leg switch (see figure 3-4).

up key and EXP. Press CRS.Section 3 . Select left offset (L7) or u s or right offset (9R).Enroute Procedures CROSSTRACK OFFSET MODE To fly an
offset track parallel to present track: 1. 2. Press slew . z EXP XTK OFFSET page is displayed with XTK OFFSET prompt on the entry line. B CRS F
CRS DATA page is displayed. L7 u 9R . 3.

XTK OFF will increase. (Maximum allowable value is 399 . OFS annunciator comes on.. the value won't change.. i NOTE : The XTK OFF value
displayed on the CRS DATA page is the XTK from the original track.Section 3 .Enroute Procedures 4. To view the XTK OFFSET value entered.
Enter offset distance (5. The leg switches will occur at or before the offset waypoint and the aircraft will maintain the offset track. Figure 3-5). If
the aircraft is on the offset track. The time to go and distance displays refer to the time and distance to the offset waypoint . As the aircraft
steers to the offset track . . 9 nm). f 5. The aircraft will be steered to the offset track using up to 45' intercept to capture the offset track ( ref.3
nm) to nearest 1/10 nm. press EXP. Display returns to normal CRS page except XTK OFF is displayed in place of XTK. 6. including trailing zeros.
Press ENT.

000 feet when RNAV or GPS is enabled (active or not). OR Repeat steps 1 through 3 and press ENT to enter XTK OFFSET of 0. NOTE : Crosstrack
offset is inhibited by: Descent below 10 . do0 TAN b Crosstrack Offset Leg Change Figure 3-5 .Section 3 .Enroute Procedures 7. When the FROM
waypoint # is 00. To return to original leg: Make a DIRECT TO leg change ( see figure 3-4). Track Hold mode selected.0 nm. DIR TO is performed.
APPROACH mode selected.

2. the flight path is referenced to true or magnetic north rather than to a waypoint to waypoint track (figure 3-6). Enter desired track angle to
nearest 1 /10 degree . The system will steer the aircraft along the entered track.Section 3 . CRS DATA page is displayed. 1. Press CRS. 2 3 0 .
including trailing zeros.Enroute Procedures TRACK HOLD MODE In track hold mode . l z CRS TRK HOLD page is displayed with DTK prompt on
the entry line. 3. Press EXP.

airspeed . NOTE: The system will capture the track after flying a lateral displacement determined by maximum roll rate. ENT Entry line flashes
momentarily. NOTE : Waypoint to waypoint mode may be resumed by entering a DIRECT TO or a LEG switch. NOTE : The alert (ALR)
annunciator on the CDU will flash while Track Hold Mode is engaged. and type of autopilot. The FLIGHT PLAN page will display NO TRACK LEG
SELECTED. Press EM.Section 3 . Track Hold Mode Figure 3-6 .Enroute Procedures 4. NOTE : LEG and DIRECT TO page will display TRACK HOLD
MODE on line 5.

If a leg has not been selected . the message "ROUTE/WPTs NOT SELECTED" is displayed . Time is based on actual ground speed . TIME to
designated WPT is displayed in hours and minutes. Slew waypoint list up or down to view flight plan. TIME. Press EXP. 6 .Section 3 . the time
display is blanked. I FPL FLIGHT PLAN page is displayed with distance from present position to each waypoint. Q or Y 2.Enroute Procedures
FLIGHT PLAN DATA 1. but if actual ground speed is less than 100 knots. the message "NO TRACK LEG SELECTED" is displayed. Press FPL. Time
from present position to waypoints ( following the flight plan ). 3. NOTE : If no waypoints have been entered into the flight plan. DIST Total
distance along flight plan between present position and waypoints.

ETA: Estimated time of arrival at waypoints in Greenwich Mean Time.Enroute Procedures 4. Distance between waypoints ( DBW) is displayed.
Press EXP. z EXP ETA displayed (GMT must have been entered ).Section 3 . 5. Press EXP. 6. DBW. . Distance Between Waypoints. If ground speed
is less than 100 knots. Press EXP Display returns to FLIGHT PLAN distance page. The FROM waypoint will display the GMT at which the
waypoint was overflown. the ETA is blanked.

the pilot may change the TO waypoint via the EFIS joystick. When an EFIS TO waypoint change is performed . 2. Slew the TO waypoint q (+EFIS)
to the entry line. 3. WPT Page is displayed. To view the coordinates of the EFIS selected TO waypoint: 1. the system will automatically perform a
Direct To leg change to the EFIS waypoint. The WPT display will change the current TO waypoint to EFIS.Enroute Procedures EFIS'10"
WAYPOINT CHANGE When the INS is interfaced with a compatible EFIS. The TO waypoint ident is changed to +EFIS. Initiate EFIS TO waypoint
change operation on the EFIS.Section 3 . V . Press WPT. .

Press EXP The EFIS selected waypoint latitude and longitude are displayed. Section 2) procedures. selecting a new leg . z EXP An EFIS waypoint
may be canceled by performing a DIRECT TO.Enroute Procedures 4.Section 3 . or by performing one of the waypoint deletion (Ref. i f entered)
Track angle error Distance to TO waypoint Time to TO waypoint . B CR5 Track Change Mode (Auto/ Manual) FROM and TO waypoint IDENTs
Desired track Crosstrack distance (crosstrack offset. COURSE DATA When the CRS key is pressed. the following information relating to the
current leg is displayed (refer to section 12).

Desired track (MAG or TRUE) Distance Time Q RMT . i 0 DATA Track angle Ground speed Wind speed Wind direction Nose component of wind
(head/tall) Aircraft heading True airspeed Along track acceleration Drift angle Altitude (feet/meters) DMENOR frequency TACAN channel
number Heading . pitch .Enroute Procedures INSTRUMENT DATA When . and roll S REMOTE RANGE When the RMT key is pressed . the pilot
can get track information listed below between 2 waypoints or present position and a waypoint (refer to section 12).Section 3 .the DATA key is
pressed . The Magnetic or True Heading display mode can also be selected ( refer to section 12). the following information relating to aircraft
instruments is available .

Press STS. SYS STS/TEST page is displayed. 4 . 2. It is for display purposes only and has no effect on INS computations.Litton Section 4 Post Flight
Procedures. Press slew up key until ACCURACY TEST is on R the entry line. Rapid Realignment and Nav Update ACCURACY TEST If INS accuracy
monitoring is desired . 1. NOTE: This procedure should only be performed when an accurate ramp position is available or GPS data is available.
This test can be performed at any time . the pilot may perform an accuracy check via the following procedure .

b. Press EXP.Section 4 . and RESID GS (residual ground speed) are displayed. VNYF 4. Press ENT. INS DFT (inertial drift). INS ERR (inertial error).
The INU compares the entered ramp position against: a. The pure inertial position (INS ERR) Pure inertial drift (INS DFT) and residual ground
speed are also displayed . see NAV UPDATE MODE portion of Section 4. The ACCURACY TEST page is displayed with prompts for latitude and
longitude entry. Press ENT to accept coordinates. UDT ERR ( updated error). Rapld Realign. Residual ground speed is zeroed if the aircraft
remains stationary for 3 minutes. The updated position (UPD ERR) which comprises inertial position plus GPS/RNAVJT'MIX/MANUAL
corrections. Nat' Update 3. 5.Post Flight Proc. . or slew local ID to the entry line and insert ramp IDENT (VNY). and are the two criteria to be
used in the SYSTEM ACCURACY REMOVAL CRITERIA portion of Section 4.

Present position is entered without cycling the system to off. 1. A full alignment is preferable since it has the most accurate results. a full
alignment is recommended. the INS will automatically zero any residual groundspeed . Nav Update INTERMEDIATE STOPS At intermediate
stops three events can improve the accuracy of the INS. .2. then either restarting the INS and /or entering the aircraft Present Position. then
doing nothing will allow the Nav update to function . apply a small correction to position and heading to correct for the tilt error that was
found. If the stopover time allows. It is similar in result to the Full Alignment above except that it may not completely remove a heading error.
Which of the above 3 to use is a judgement call by the operator. Perform an accuracy test . remove any platform tilt . If the system is
sufficiently accurate . Rapid Realign A rapid realign can be performed from the STATUS page in 30 seconds . Nay Update No pilot action is
required . . Other considerations are the length of the last leg and the length of the stop . 3. If no motion is detected for three minutes . as the
position error will grow with time. Full Alignment A full 10 minute alignment can be performed by turning the MSU either to OFF or
ALIGN.Post Fllaht Prot. Rapld RnBgrr.n Section 4 .

CAUTION : In strong wind conditions . Rapid Realign.Section 4 . press POSition and manually correct any position error. and will correct the
velocities and any platform tilt. Nay Update The following chart summarizes the alignment types: Type of Position Velocity Heading Tin Time
Alignment Full Align Rapid Realign Nav Update Corrected yes yes partial Corrected yes yes yes Corrected yes partial partial Corrected yes yes
yes Required 10 mins 30 secs instant* *Assuming the aircraft has been stationary for at least 3 minutes. the aircraft may not be stable enough
to allow a full alignment or a rapid realign. In this event leave the INS on. . A Nav update will occur when the aircraft is stationary for 3
minutes .Post Flight Proc. This action is only applicable in extreme weather conditions.

04138 page 4-5 . Nav Update POST FLIGHT PROCEDURES At completion of flight. During this time the system is storing information into
memory. IS OF DOUBTFUL DEPENDABILITY. System realignment is not required. NOTE : There is a 12 . The INS may be left in NAV if: 1. This is
an intermediate stop. PLACE MSU SWITCH TO OFF WHENEVER PRIMARY POWER: IS SHUT DOWN.second shutdown delay before the INS
shuts down. 3. set mode switch to OFF. Do not pull circuit breakers to the INS until the system CDU blanks after the MSU has been turned to
DEPENDENT). Primary operating power is continuously available. Rapid RnJ iqn. TP92.Sac$ion 4 .Poet Flight Proc. CAUTION : WHEN PRIMARY

a rapid realignment may be performed while the aircraft is stationary.04138 April 1998 . RAPID REALIGNMENT When making an intermediate
stop and it is desired to increase system accuracy. If the residual ground speed exceeds 15 knots on two consecutive flights or 21 knots on a
single flight. For RNP-10 airspace drift rate refer to figure 4-4. For RNP-10 airspace radial position error. refer to figure 4-3. For radial position
error. B.Section 4 . 3. Ensure the MSU mode switch has not been moved out of NAV. refer to figure 4-1. page 4-6 TP92. 2. the INS will
automatically reset the residual ground speed to zero. Slew RAPID REALIGN to entry line.Post Flight Proc. Nav Update SYSTEM ACCURACY
REMOVAL CRITERIA The INU should be removed from the aircraft iifeitherthe position or the ground speed is observed as follows: 1. For drift
rate refer to figure 4-2. Rapid Realign. STS/TEST page is displayed. 4. Position A. 1. Ensure primary power will be continuously available. 2.
NOTE: When the aircraft is on the ground and no motipn is sensed for three minutes. Press STS.

OSO5 l Radial Position Error Figure 4-1 April 1998 TP92 -0413B page 4-7 .5 a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 NAV TIME (HOURS)
TPB2.Post t7fght Proc Rapid Resogn 0 33 30 25 20 is 10 7.Seetlon 4 .

FYght Proq Rapid Realign. REMOVE INU 3 2 I 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 16 17 18 NAV TIME (HOURS) Drift Rate Figure 4-2 page 4-8
TP92-04138 April 1998 .

Rapid Res i i _Nav Update 35 as 25 10 0 S 0 o 1 2 3 4 5 S 7 S 0 10 It 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS HAV7YE Q1011RS) 1P -0S13r 1 RNP-10Airspace Radial

Position Error Figure 4-3 APr11 1998 TP92-0413B page 4-9 .Poet FUght Proc.Section 4 .

Post Flight Proc. 16 17 16 NAV THE (HOURS) T 2-OItSSF2 RNP-10 Airspace Drift Rate Figure 4-4 page 4-10 TP92-0413B April 1998 .Section 4 .
Nav Update 7 I 6 2 I 0 0 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 6 0 10 11 12 16 14 16. Rapid Realign.

NOTE : The system must remain in the NAV mode for 69 seconds following an alignment before a rapid realign can be performed.Post F9gM
Proc. residual ground speed should be noted from the DATA page before three minutes elapse during any aircraft stationary period. Press ENT.
any current leg will be deselected. 30 seconds after present position is entered . Although INS system drift errors are likely to be discovered
through INS ERR and INS DFT readouts." ENT 6. and compute a heading update . residual ground speed may be automatically zeroed before the
pilot can determine if it is within tolerance. eliminate any gyro biasing errors. the MSU ALIGN annunciator goes out and the system
automatically re-enters NAV mode.Sidon 4 . CAUTION : THE AIRCRAFT MUST NOT BE MOVED DURING A RAPID REALIGN. The significance of
this mode to the pilot is that i f the aircraft is stationary for over three minutes . Rapid RnUgn. Nev Updab 5. Similar to selecting NAV for initial
alignment.. NAV UPDATE MODE The Nav Update mode is a function which automatically acts to remove residual errors from inertial
computations once the aircraft is stationary for three minutes. April 1998 TP92.0413B page 4-11 . a message explaining the problem will be
displayed. GPS position will be displayed for acceptance if valid. the Nav Update mode will remove all residual ground speed. NOTE : When a
rapid realignment cannot be performed due to residual GS or aircraft movement. Select the Position page ( POS) and enter present position .
and the CDU displays the message "ENTER PPOS. The MSU ALIGN annunciator comes on .

Section 4 .12 TP92-04138 .Post Flight Proc. Nav Update page 4 . Rapid Realgn.
Crossfill is initiated using the Remote (RMT) key.will transfer a single waypoint from the master custom or crew catalog to the receiving unit
crew catalog. Aux Memory to Aux Memory . As each waypoint is crossfilled. the message 'WPT XX TRANSFER' will appear on the master and
the slave page 5-1 . The sending unit is designated "MASTER" and the receiving units are designated "SLAVES. routes.Section 5 Cross fill Crossfill
is a transfer of data from one INS to another. Aux Memory to Flight Plan . Manually commanded. and then crossfill all 98 waypoints from the
master to the slave(s) one by one.will transfer the GMT entered into the master unit.will erase the Waypoint Select page of the receiving
unit(s).will transfer the date entered into the master unit. crossfill is used to sequentially transfer waypoints . GMT and date. Flight Plan to
Flight Plan Transfer .will transfer a stored route to the Flight Plan page of the receiving units. Date Initialization ." There are five selectable
options of crossfill transfer: Time Initialization . Total time to transfer all 98 waypoints will take approximately 2 minutes. whether there is
any data assigned for all the waypoints or not .

INITIATED. THEREFORE . CDU displays: page 5-2 . Press RMT on all CDUs.Section 5 . A cue "CLR: ABORT XFILL" will appear on line 5 to remind
the pilot that the crossfill can be hafted at any time. CROSSFILL PROCEDURES 1. NOTE : FROM/TO waypoint designations are not crossfilled. G

ENT CDU displays: 4. Slew until desired crossfill option appears on entry line . Press ENT on master CDU to initiate crossfill. Use CLR to abort
crossfill after required number of waypoints are transferred. Display shows "READY" for each INS designated as a slave.Crossfill 3. and press
ENT (see previous page for options ). ENT 5. ENT Crossfill complete: . Waypoint list will transfer one by one from 01 to 98 unless crossfill
aborted. Slew "XFILL MASTER" to entry line on the sending CDU and press ENT.Section 5 .

Crossfill .Section 5 .


Section 6 Position Updating

During NAV mode the INS position can be updated in three ways:

1. Automatic RNAV Position Update.

2. Automatic Triple Mix (TMIXJ Position Update. 3. Manual Position Update. This allows each INS to use an external source to correct inertial
drift errors. NOTE : The acronym for Area Navigation (RNAV) is commonly used in the Pilots ' Guide and on the CDU displays to refer
specifically to the use of Radio navigation aids (TACAN, VOR, etc.).


Whenever a position update occurs (due to RNAV, TMIX, or a Manual update) that corrects the INS Latitude and Longitude , the position page
will slew to show this new Present Position . If this update corrects the position to a point which is off Desired Track, then the steering signal to
the HSI/Autopilot will steer to bring the aircraft back onto track. To enable a smooth and easy transition , the HSI /Autopilot steering to
recapture desired Track is limited to a maximum rate of 1. 9 nmi/min . This "Easy On/Off Steering " causes shallower slower maneuvering
during track recapture.

April 1998

TP92- 04138

page 6-1

Section 6 - Position Updating Easy On/Off Steering only operatesfortrack recapture following a position update ; it is never used for normal
turns at waypoints , it is not used when : in approach mode, (RNAV Approach); below 10,000 ft; or when ground speed is less than 250 knots.

page 6-2 TP92-0413B

Section 6 - Position Updating POSITION CHECK

To compare . updated position to nonupdated ( pure inertial) position or to check updated position against a known fix position , perform the
following: 1. Press POS.

POSITION page is displayed.

2. Press HLD.
Display freezes and nonupdated latitude and longitude are also displayed on lines 4 and 5.



3. Press HLD.


Display unfreezes and returns to normal POSITION page.

NOTE : During the display freeze, the INS continues to calculate present position based on aircraft movements but they are not displayed.

TP92- 0413B

page 6-3

If desired . however. first it will select RNAV then TMIX. preventing nuisance toggling of the display during signal interruptions. the updated
position will be used for all horizontal guidance computations. The 'R' remains displayed for up to one minute following loss of update . and an
' E' indicates that although updating is Enabled no updates are currently being performed . An " E" is displayed in the top left of the display to
indicate this enable . RNAV and TMIX updating must be enabled when required ( referto ENABLING POSITION UPDATING in this section).on.
Whenever a position update is performed. A letter 'R' indicates Radio updating in progress.4 TP92-0413B April 1998 . 4 4 page 6 . GPS updating
is enabled (whether the aircraft is equipped with GPS or not). When an update is performed the INS present position changes to a new updated
position. Each INS system uses a hierarchy in determining which system to use for updating. An indication of which system is currently being
used by the INS for updating is given in the top left corner of the CDU display. all updates can be flushed at any time to return to using the non
updated ( pure inertial) parameters.Section 6 . a'T' indicates TMIX updating in progress . or Triple system Mixing (TMIX). At INS turn.Position
Updating AUTOMATIC POSITION UPDATING Automatic position updating allows the INS to make fine corrections to the calculated position by
referencing position datafrom eitheroftwosources: Radio (TACAN orVOR/DME).

If the aircraft is below 10. UPDATE (green ) illuminates when an RNAV update is in progress . Otherwise the steering corrections will be
somewhat less pronounced (see Easy On/Off Steering). RNAV updating can be monitored via the UPDATE / NO UPDATE annunciators on the
instrument panel (where installed ).Position Updating The steering commands to the flight guidance system to correct for any new crosstrack
error will vary with sensed altitude and airspeed of the aircraft .Section 6 . .000 feet immediate corrections will be made . To prevent nuisance
warnings there is a one minute delay between sensor loss and a NO UPDATE annunciation. it is not currently being performed . NO UPDATE (
amber) indicates that although RNAV updating is enabled. The flight guidance system will steer the aircraft using up to a 454 intercept to
eliminate the crosstrack error.

and using the received range ( R) and bearing () data from TACAN. or the 300 . longitude .bearing (R/O) update from a VOR/DME or TACAN
station. RNAV updating allows the INS to correct the calculated position by referencing the position of the aircraft relative to the known
latitude . 1 and 3. DME or TACAN range data is then automatically crossfilled to INS 2 and 3. 1 is processed only through INS No . To perform a
R/R update . and INS # 2. distance .Position Updatin g RADIO UPDATING NOTE : The acronym for Area Navigation (RNAV) is commonly used in
this pilots ' guide and on the CDU displays to refer specifically to the use of Radio navigation aids separate from GPS. Each INS uses a hierarchy
when determining which navigation receivers and stations to use for RNAV updating. navigation station data ( bearing. the angle formed by
drawing direct lines from each station to the aircraft must exceed 30. RNAV updating is not active during INS alignment. but be less than 150'.
Number 3 INS only receives crossfill range information from INS #1. Range . If two DME or TACAN stations are not available. frequency) from
VOR/DME/TACAN No. VOR/DME. 2 is processed only through INS No . and magnetic variation of selected radio navigation aids.Section 6 .
elevation.150 geometry is not met. 1. Similarly. the INS will attempt to perform a range . In dual or triple systems . . navigation data from
VOR/DME/TACAN No. 2 before range data is transferred to INS No. In autotune the INS will test for two DME or TACAN stations that are 900 off
in position relative to each other and the aircraft .Range (R/R) update is preferred. and can only perform a R/R update.

Position Updating When RNAV updating on aircraft equipped with autotune. The received range and bearing data from the VOR/DME /TACAN
equipment are required to pass reasonableness tests before being used for update. Each INS acts independently in when updating calculated
position. If the FGS AUTO TUNE switch is in the AUTO TUNE position the INS will select the desired stations out of the LOCAL STATION catalog .
RNAV updating will not take place if GPS updating is in progress. . TACAN Auto Tune is enabled-by selecting TACAN channel 00. If no data is
received on a frequency after 15 seconds the INS will retune to another stations. The LOCAL STATION catalog is refreshed every ten minutes to
include the forty closest stations to the aircraft. capability . RNAV updating is normally disabled . the VHF Nav radios may be tuned
automatically from the INS . When required . The INS will search all catalogs for the station that corresponds to the set frequency in the
vicinity of the aircraft . the INS will retune to another station and update again . the pilot must select an appropriate station frequency .
Because of the increased accuracy of GPS. After using -a station for two minutes. On aircraft without autotune capability . or if the FGS AUTO
TUNE switch is in MANUAL. then update using those stations . then update based on stored information. it must be enabled using the
procedure in this section. it is not recommended that RNAV updating be enabled during short GPS outages.Section 6 .

DME 3. VOR TACAN TACAN (R/R) (R/Q) (R/Q) (Q/R) 9. TACAN 7.Section 6 -Position Updating RNAV Update Sourc es INS 1 DME VOR TACAN Offside
Priorities INS I and INS 2 1. DME VOR 8. DME2 4. TACAN 6. DME 2. DME DME 2 TACAN TACAN DME2 TACAN ( R/R/R) (R/R) (R/R) (R/R) 5. Enabled
( Not updating) INS 3 DME1 DME1 DME2 TACAN (R/R) (R/R) TACAN TACAN Enabled ( Not updating) DME2 TACAN (R/R) (R/R) .

press ENTER. CDU displays: 2. To disable RNAV updating. Press ENT To enable RNAV updating. 3. Press EXP to select the update mode menu. 1.
Press STS to display the System Status/Test page. RNAV.Section 6 . Slew the display until "ENABLE UPDATE" is on the entry line. Press the slew
down key once to move "UPDATE" to the entry line. and TMI)). The message "CHANGE UDT MODE" will appear on line 3. follow the above
procedure .Position Updating ENABLING POSITION UPDATING This procedure simultaneously enables all update modes (GPS. ENT page 6-9 . Y
0 4. then with "DISABLE RNAV " on the entry line in step 3.

Position Updating RNAV INHIBIT FUNCTIONS The following is the full list of update mode functions. or TACAN.Section 6 . DISABLE RNAV
step 3 on the previous page. or the directly coupled DME. . The four inhibit functions when activated will inhibit the INS from using either VOR
. or DME2 (DME data processed through the opposite INS).
Section 6 . Data is rejected. INS unable to find a station match for the selected frequency within a 200 mile radius of aircraft present position.
INS has detected a problem in the DME/TACAN range data . Data is not used. INS test of the NAV control head tuning lines has failed.) DME
DATA INVAL or TACAN RNG INVAL DME ERR/ TAC RNG UNREAS Received DME/TACAN range differs from INS estimated range by more than 40
nmi. AIRCRAFT ABOV STA DME/T-RNG UDT UNREAS VORINVAL INS computes PPOS to be in a 60 cone above the VOR/DME/TACAN station.
Data will not be used. VOR DATA/ TAC BRG INVAL .: >200 nmi slant range. (Ex. INS detects a sudden DME/TACAN range error.Position Updating
VALID signal from analog DME. TACAN control data indicates TACAN is in self-test or not in T/ R mode. Data will not be used . INS has detected
a problem in the VOR/TACAN bearing data. INS is not seeing the analog VOR 26 VAC reference or VOR +28 VDC valid discrete. INS rejects data.

INS is not receiving DME range data from SYS A INS. . Range from INS differs from SYS A INS by more than 40 nmi. DME range data from SYS A
is rejected. DME RANGE CROSSFILL RELATED MESSAGES XFL A INVAL* INS is not receiving a +28VDC valid from SYS A. Crossfill A range data
UNREAS Data is rejected. these two messages will always appear. XFL B INVAL* INS is not receiving a +28VDC valid from SYS B INS. Crossfill B
range data will not be used.Position Updatin g DME/VOR RELATED MESSAGES (continued) Received VOR /TACAN bearing does not VOR ERR /
TAC BRG agree with the INS estimated bearing. but not updating. Crossfill A range data will not be used. INS is not receiving DME range data
from SYS B INS. Data is not used. Range from INS differs from SYS B INS by more than 40 nmi. VOR/T-BRG INS detects a sudden VOR/TACAN
bearUDT UNREAS ing error. DME range data from SYS B is rejected.Section 6 . INS detects a sudden crossfill DME range error in data from SYS
A INS. Crossfill B range data will not be used.

RNAV is inhibited. INS does not detect altitude from ADS or is failing to compute valid baro.Position Updating DME RANGE CROSSFILL
RELATED MESSAGES (continued) XFL B UDT UNREAS 2 RNG GEOM FAIL (DMEDME range update mode) INS detects a sudden crossfill DME
range error in data from SYS B INS. Aircraft is not within a 30 to 150 bearing of station area . RNAV updating rfiay only take place when the
system is in NAV mode. and will then resume in the previously selected mode. All updating will be inhibited until PPOS is below 89. INS will
not perform a DME-DME range update.Section 6 . INS computes the aircraft updated PPOS latitude as being above N/S 89 . OTHER MESSAGES
ADS INVAL INS is not receiving +28VDC valid from air data system . RNAV is inhibited.attitude. ALT INVAL LAT > 89 SYS NOT IN NAV page 6-13

Y 0 CDU displays: NOTE : If a TACAN is not present . If a DME that can tune multiple stations is being used . . the display will automatically cycle
to each frequency tuned. the ident and channel # will be blank .Section 6 . RNAV updating: Press slew -down key.Position Updating STS/UPDATE
PAGE SUMMARY Updates disabled RNAV updates enabled. Not updating.

Position Updating STS/UPDATE PAGE SUMMARY . TMIX updating. April 1998 TP92 -0413B page 6-15 .Section 6 . (continued) TMIX updates
enabled. not updating.

so that the further one INS position drifts . The TMIX position calculation tends to discount the position of any one INS that appears to be
drifting away from the other two." then triple system mixing is inhibited for the drifting system .Position Updating TRIPLE SYSTEM MIXING
(TMIX) Triple system mixing is the averaging of the three INS positions . The remaining two systems will continue mixing but will ignore the
position of the drifted system. If one INS drifts away enough to generate a "comparison warning . and will calculate the average position .
Disabling TMIX assumes a problem with the triple mix solution and will flush the TMIX corrections from that INU (this has no effect on other
INUs and does not flush previous RNAV corrections). TMIX has the lowest priority in the hierarchy. Each INS selected to TMIX will display and
use the average position to navigate and steer by. As all three INS's constantly talk to one another (whetherTMIX is enabled or not). page 6-16
TP92-04138 . Triple system mixing requires three INS positions . and will only occur when RNAV updates are invalid or inhibited. it can be
enabled at anytime using the ENABLING POSITION UPDATING procedure in this section. TMIX is not enabled at system turn on . the less weight
it has in the TMIX calculation. This averaged position is generally more accurate than just one INS position. any one INS can be selected to
TMIX .Section 6 .

Press STS to display the System Status%Test page. To disable TMIX updating. ENT . Press ENT. then with "ENABLE UPDATE" on the entry line in
step 3. 3. press ENTER. The message "CHANGE UDT MODE" will appear on line 3.Position Updating DISABLING TRIPLE SYSTEM MIXING 1. Press
the slew down key once to move "UPDATE" to the entry line.Section 6 . z EXP 4. CDU displays: V STS 2. Press EXP to select the update mode
menu. To reenable TMIX updating follow the above procedure . Slew the display until "DiSABLE TMIX" is on the entry line.

or. TMIX is inhibited if either of the above tests fail 1.Section 6 . Triple mixing is inhibited. . and will then resume in the previously selected
mode. Ground speed from one INS differs from other INS by more than 50 kts. 50 nmi for NAV time greater than 8 hours. LAT>89 INS
computes the aircraft updated PPOS latitude as being above N/S 89.Position Updating TRIPLE SYSTEM MIXING RELATED MESSAGES TMIX
DATA INS is not receiving a +28VDC valid from INVAL the other INS systems. All updating will be inhibited until PPOS is below 89. b.
Latitude/longitude from one INS differs from other INS by more than 35 nmi for NAV time of 8 hours or less. INTERSYS COMP FAIL or CHECK
SYSTEM ACCURACIES (STS page) a. latitude / longi- tude data is not present or not valid.

1. RNAV UPDATE SOURCE : (line 2) performed .using that system's TAC data . UPDATE MODE : INS .inertial .no source.using that system's DME
data VOR (slot 2) .using that system's VOR data DME (slot 3) using crossfill system's DME data TAC (slot 3) .using crossfill system's TAC data TAC
(slot 4) .TMIX updates being performed E .triple mix updates being performed All blank .GPS updates being (line 1 .GPS updates being
performed RNAV . UPDATE STATUS : G .RNAV updates being performed T .Position Updating STS/UPDATE PAGE DESCRIPTION The STS/ UDT
MODE page will display the update data listed below and indicated in the following figures. no radio updates DME (slot 1) .Update enabled but
not being performed Blank .no updates enabled 2.Section 6 .RNAV updates being MIX 3.left comer) performed R . no updates (line 1) being
performed GPS .

. NOTE : The DMENOR station frequency or TACAN channel number may be viewed by slewing down once. 5.Section 6 .Position Updating NOTE
: The third system displays only 2 slots and updates using DME or TACAN crossfill range data from the other 2 systems. STATION TUNED : (line
4) station tuned TAC .ident of the DMENOR 4. DIV . the messages will automatically cycle.If updates are not occurring and SAGES : updating has
been enabled. If more than 1 condition exists.Went of the TACAN station tuned. ADVISORY MES. Ad(line 5) visory Messages that explain why
the system isn't updating are displayed.

Press HLD. 1.Section 6 . CAUTION : WHEN IN FLIGHT AND INS COUPLED TO AUTOPILOT. press HLD. press HLD after entering the desired
parameter. Press POS. 3. proceed to step 5. If an update is not required . 2. THE AIRCRAFT WILL BE STEERED TO ZERO CROSSTRACK
DEVIATION. . Display unfreezes and returns to normal POSITION page. "H" appears in top left comer to indicate the displayed position is frozen
and comparison of updated position with pure inertial <I> position is displayed.Position Updating MANUAL POSITION UPDATE Manual
updating must be performed over a known fix position. < > HLD If an update is required. Compare displayed position with known fix to
determine need for update. 4. If only LAT or LON is to be updated .

9. L W4 10. NOTE : Manual position updates are inhibited above 89 latitude.Section 6 . Press ENT. If latitude is greater than 89. updated
latitude is displayed preceded by an asterisk (*).Position Updating 5. 7. Slew LAT to entry line. Enter correct longitude. and enter correct
latitude. the message LAT > 89 will be displayed . Select West (W4) or East (6E). 8. Press CLR to return to original display. Y 0 6. . Select North
(2N) or South (8S).

NOTE : The INS permits manual position updates of up to 30 nmi .Section 6 . . the message "DELTA > 30 nmi" is displayed (line 3 flashing) on the
CDU. display returns to POSITION page with updated latitude/ longitude. Press ENT. If an attempt is made to perform an update of greater than
30 nmi .Position Updating 11. Pressing CLR will return to the previously displayed coordinate before the update was attempted.

v STS 2. all position updates (GPS. RNAV. FLUSH option to line 3.Position Updating FLUSH UPDATES When the FLUSH mode is selected . Press
STS. TMIX. The system will use inertial position for horizontal guidance. I CHANGE UDT MODE is displayed on line 3. z EXP . SYS STS/ TEST page
is displayed. Slew down once to move 'UPDATE' to the entry line. Press EXP and slew . 3. MANUAL) will be zeroed and all three automatic
updates will be disabled . 1.Section 6 .


Section 6 .Position Updating 0 .

75 nmi to 1. Change HSI crosstrack deviation scaling from 3. Provide automatic cancellation and inhibit selection of offset mode. Provide
special annunciation at the Missed Approach Point (-MAP) waypoint: The system automatically inhibits automatic leg change at the -MAP
waypoint and provides guidance on the extension of the previous track . NOTE : "LOAD NEXT WPT" and "SELECT NEXT.U' Section 7 RNAV
Approach Procedures RNAV APPROACH MODE CHARACTERISTICS The system provides special features for aiding the pilot in the execution of
an RNAV approach. LEG" messages are not displayed in approach mode. The RNAV approach mode is optional and depends on the aircraft
installation . When the approach mode is selected. Provide 10-second waypoint alert annunciation prior to automatic leg switching. The alert
annunciator comes on 10 seconds prior to the -MAP waypoint and flashes for 10 seconds past -MAP. the HSI To/From indicator switches from
To to From when -MAP is overflown.0 nmi per dot. page 7-1 . the system will: Change from true north reference coordinates to synthetic
magnetic north reference coordinates if that mode had not been previously selected.

Section 7 - RNAVApproach Procedures


NOTE: If magnetic reference is inhibited by aircraft installation option , approach mode will also be inhibited. To initiate an RNAV approach:

1. Press WPT.
2. Press AN; display slews first unassigned waypoint number to entry line.

3. Enter sequential waypoint IDENTs from the RNAV approach chart into flight plan.
4. Enter the missed approach (- MAP) point. (Refer to Missed Approach Point Entry portion of section 7.)

waypoint may be entered using the waypoint page . If additional -MAP waypoints are required , they must be entered in the CREW catalog first
, and then inserted into the flight plan. 5. Manually tune VHF NAV frequency of designated VORTAC station (if in autotune , NO
UPDATE/UPDATE annunciators will flash). NOTE : In a dual or triple installation a second station may be tuned to improve position updating by
DME-DME update. NOTE : GPS equipped aircraft will use the INS/GPS position solution for navigation during the approach mode.

page 7-2

Section 7 - RNAV Approach Procedures

6. Set aircraft ENROUTE/APPROACH switch to APPROACH; aircraft APPROACH annunciator comes on; HSI switches from TRUE to MAG.
7. Verify radio update enabled and station data via STS page (see AUTOMATIC POSITION UPDATE). NOTE : Continuous radio updating should be
maintained using reference VORTAC for a minimum of 5 minutes prior to final approach. Aircraft UPDATE annunciator must remain on
throughout final approach. RNAV approach must be terminated if UPDATE goes out and NO UPDATE annunciator comes on. A one minute
delay occurs between continuous update loss and annunciation of NO UPDATE to eliminate nuisance annunciation of momentary update
approach path , noting sequential leg changes as each waypoint is overflown. 9. Execute a normal visual approach prior to reaching MAP.
NOTE : When MAP is missed , and a go around is executed, the system will provide only lateral guidance along the extension of the previous
track to MAP or guidance to any waypoint if a DIRECT TO leg change is made.

Section 7 - RNAVApproach Procedures


A missed approach point (-MAP ) is entered the same way a normal waypoint is entered into the flight plan.

With waypoint entry line at required MAP point:

1. Press - ,M,A, P, ENT keys . The display will prompt for LAT and LON entry.


2. Enter LAT and LON for the missed approach point.

3. Press EXP to USE the waypoint ( stored in CREW - temporary catalog).

4. Press CLR to REJECT waypoint and return to WPT entry mode. NOTE : If multiple -MAP waypoints need to be entered, they must be entered
using the CREW CATALOG page ( refer to section 12).

page 7-4

The ATT REF mode alignment requires that the aircraft be flown straight and level for 60 seconds . roll. NOTE : If the CDU WRN annunciator
does not go out. and platform heading and the system may not be coupled-to the autopilot. .Section 8 Attitude Reference Mode Attitude
reference (ATT REF) mode normally is used only when an INS malfunction occurs and the WRN annunciator comes on steady. After ATT REF
ATT REF MODE IS SELECTED. the only outputs available are pitch. ATT REF mode may also be used if all power to the INS (including battery
backup ) is lost during flight and then restored.

e. The CDU will switch to the STS Page . NOTE : Other SYS STS/TEST page functions are displayed ( i. but are inoperative.Section 8 . the autopilot
flight director tests). This is the only page available in ATT REF mode. pull MSU mode switch out from panel and place in ATT REF. page 8-2
..Attitude Reference Mode To enter ATT REF mode. AUGN The CDU will switch to this display wheneverATT REF is selected.

... '.^ewp.Time to next XTK expanded: Crosstrack offset entry WPT (a) Desired track expanded: Track hold entry error) TKE (Track Angle error)
LEG (Leg Change Page) From/To WPT # ' s and ID ' s Leg change entry by ID Active leg switching mode -All Waypoints in sequence Waypoint
entry FronV TO WPT #' s and ID ' s Leg change entry by # (e) Leg switching mode selection (auto or man) (a) WPT (Waypoint Select Page)
Selected WPT slowing (tie) WPTs expanded: WPT Lat/Long Course from last WPT Dist from last Waypoint list editing FPL (Flight Plan -Current
Fit Pin WPTs From/To WPT #' s Remaining WPTs (e) WPT diet from WPT WPTs expanded: TIME to go Page) and ID ' s WPTDistfrom <P> <P>
(. " .:5 Wtow'iC':.e) ETA or time over last WPT DBW ( Dist between WPTs) .Dist to next WPT (:) T ..'v::q.u::: *r4 tw' : w:^:`wN.y.^ c"'Ly'
..a3:..Oy^d:?'ci'a ji"""^a' :4a.>. POS Local ID Manual POS (Position Page) Present position ( LattLong) GMT Updated position (HOLD) -
Inertial position (HOLD) -Active leg switching mode Inertial comparison update (e) GMT entry ( a) <G> Position <A> Position n CRS (Course
Data Page) From/To WPT IDENTS Desired track (true or mag ) XTK (Crosstrack D .Section 9 Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys o5
. ..

Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys DIR (Direct To Page) FronVTo WPT Numbers Direct To by WPT Direct To by WPT ID (AN)
(DENT -Active leg switching mode DATA (Instrument Data Page) Track Angle Ground speed Wind direction and speed Heading DrifAngle
True Airspeed CAT (Catalogs Page) Standard MAG/TRUE selection (+r) Flight path accieration (a) Wind expanded: Head/tail wind
component -Attitude Nav Aid Freq (:) True Hdg/Pitoh/Ro l (I.)fill master Select Xfill slave(s) Select XfiN master (4) (Remote range entered)
WPT-> WPT # <P> -> WPT # <P> -> IDENT IDENT -> IDENT) )(fill Master entured) FLT PUN --> FLT PLN 'TIME INITIAUZATION AUX MEM --> FLT
PLN AUX MEM --> AUX MEM Change UDT Mode expanded: Disable RNAV Enable Update Disable GPS Disable TMlX -Flush W 'Inhibit VOR
(:) Inhibit TACAN (:) 'Inhibit DME 2 (a) lnhibkDME (:) STS (System Sta.Update Status tus/Test Page) 'Align Status riimeto NAV/in NAV Action
mega Change UDT Mode (a) 'Malfunction nags (:) Rapid Realign (a) Display Test (a) Accuracy Ted (.&) Dbase Type/Date(e) GPS Status 4
AP/FLT DIR Tests (a) .Section 9 .) Select desired Routes Crew catalog (e/e) Select desired WPT Custom Local Station (EXP) Catalog WPT
expanded: Lat)Long Freq (nav aid only) Mag Var (nav aid only) Elevation ( nav aid only) Sta. class (nav aid only) RMT (Remote Function
Page) Xfill slave Remote range .

'H' displays in top left corner on all pages until Hold is released.) If no track leg has been selected. TMIX or Manual corrections. NOTE : The LAT/
LON displayed on CDU lines 2 and 3 is the update position . Radio . This LAT/ LON contains any GPS .Section 9 . press HLD to remove the H"
from the CDU top left comer . minutes and tenths and hundredths of minutes. Displays GMT ( Slew up to correct GMT entry. To exit these
position pages . The Inertial <I> position is displayed as well as the updated position. .Summary of Display Pages and Wnction Kays POSITION
PAGE Displays aircraft latitude and longitude in degrees. line 4 displays range and bearing to the closest station in the local station catalog. This
position calculated by the INS is used for all INS steering and range computations. then press any other function key. HLD When hold is pressed
the CDU position display freezes .

Line 3 shows desired track angle prefixed by a T (T-DTK) in True mode. AUTO or MANUAL or XTK OFFSET or TRK HOLD.Summary of Display
Pages and Function Keys COURSE PAGE An initial leg must be selected before course data can be provided. Time is calculated using current
ground speed . Line 1 shows the leg change mode . e CRS . Line 2 shows the TO and the FROM waypoints. In crosstrack offset mode will display
XTK OFF. Right or Left of desired Track Angle. in nautical miles. and by an M (M-DTK in Magnetic mode. Line 5 shows Track Angle Error ( TI(E)
in degrees. Line 4 shows Crosstrack (XTK) distance Right or Left of desired track .Section 9 . and will be zero if ground speed is too low (below
10 knots). Slew up to display Distance and rime from the aircraft's present position to the TO waypoint .

press A N to display N for Numeric in RH comer of display. page 9-5 . To exit this page. or "STS" or "WT".Secfon 9 . etc.Summary of Display
Pages and Function Kars LEG PAGE Line 2 shows the FROM and TO waypoint numbers. Line 3 flashes to allow entry of new FROM ident. or
type in new FROM ident or press A N and slew-down key to enter waypoint number mode. Line 4 shows AUTO or MANUAL leg change
selection. Line 3 shows the FROM and TO waypoint identifiers. Press ENT to accept flashing default . Then select desired page "POS".

Press EXPand to show Waypoint Lat/Long and bearing/ distance from the previous waypoint .Section 9 . page 9-8 . Use up and down slew keys
to slew through expanded data. Press desired waypoint number and ENT to jump to any desired waypoint. Press A N to jump to first unused
waypoint and display prompt line. Annotates FROM and TO waypoints if a LEG is selected. Waypoint 99 is reserved for a DIRECT TO waypoint
which is not in the flight plan.Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys t WAYPOINT PAGE H WPT 4 Displays waypoint numbers and
identifiers. Waypoint 00 is normally reserved for present position <P>.

Lines 3. I FPL Successive pushes of the EXPand key will change the right column to display cumulative time to each waypoint . then back to
cumulative distance. z DIP . 4 and 5 display waypoint number and identifier and cumulative distance to each waypoint. ETA at each
waypoint.Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys FLIGHT PLAN PAGE Line 2 displays column headers.Section 9 . Distance Between
Waypoints (DBW). Slew up and down to move through waypoint list.

Section 5 .Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys DIRECT TO PAGE Line 2 displays FROM and TO waypoint numbers: J DIR AN Line 3
prompts for the DIRECT TO waypoint IDENT. Insert the identifier of the DIRECT TO waypoint and press ENT or select the waypoint number
mode (A N) and Insert the desired waypoint number in the flight plan. page 9-8 . display reverts to CRS page. After 5 seconds . Do not press
ENT a second time unless you wish to be in MANUAL leg change mode. BFL ENT FLM HM I The coordinates of the DIRECT TO waypoint are
displayed for acceptance.

Line 4 displays aircraft heading in True or Magnetic. Line 2 shows aircraft track. . Ground speed is shown in knots. Y 0 Pitch. Pressing EXPand
will display Head or Tail wind. Slew down once to select Magnetic or True mode (if not inhibited by installation). Roll and true heading
displayed to 0. Successive stewing up will show ACCELeration. z r7W Line 5 displays Drift Angle (DA) Right or Left of aircraft heading. either
magnetic or true referenced . not for flight altimetry use. along track acceleration in Gs. Channel number ( CHN #) of tuned Tacan station.
ALTdude in feet and meters (reference data only .Section 9 .01 degree.Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys INSTRUMENT DATA PAGE.)
FREQuency of tuned DME/VOR station. Line 3 shows wind direction and speed . Wind values are blank if True airspeed input to the INS is too

Only four catalogs may be displayed on a single screen . Slew to view the other. Custom Route names are preceded by CUST. a second expand
will show route contents .Section 9 .Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys CATALOG PAGE A list of available catalogs is displayed . and
a third EXP to show the LAT/LON of the waypoint. In this example. but CREW memory is cleared when z EXP the INS is turned off. page 9-10 .
The ROUTES catalog can be expanded once to show route list. Four catalogs may be examined: 'ROUTES *CREW 'CUSTOM 'LAC STATION CREW
catalog functions are identical to CUSTOM waypoint storage procedures. P CAT W NOTE : The ROUTES catalog lists routes that are contained
both in Custom memory and in the World Wide Data Base (WWDB). Slew the desired catalog to entry line and press EXP to examine catalog
contents. the ROUTES catalog is examined .

then an error message will appear. Press ENT (or Al'!) key to create a prompt line.Section 9 . as if you were about to insert a waypoint. C. E.
Radar. as shown below. or EFIS waypoint is part of the Route . and a route will be stored in EEROM . it will store TO the point that you put the
prompt line. the. Crossfill . D.Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys CREATING AND DELETING ROUTES AND WAYPOINTS IN
PERMANENT MEMORY This procedure allows permanent storage of route and waypoint data in the INS ROUTE and CUSTOM catalogs. B. pilot
will be prompted to enter the route ident. Storing a Custom Route Having created a flight plan in the normal manner. ENT Press A. It will
always store from WPT1. using the waypoint page . if the ENT key is pressed when the prompt line is displayed in the ' Waypoint entry mode . .
F Route names can be up to 8 characters in length. Press ENT. The aircraft INU tray wiring (AA-28 wired to +28V) will determine if this function
is available for your aircraft. and pressed ENT If a Crew.

Custom Route names are preceded by CUST. . press CAT. slew to ROUTES . and only if aircraft wiring permits. Press CLR then press ENT to
accept. P Press CAT and slew to CAT ROUTES. u R 4 Press M Slew up twice. Slew the route to be cleared to the entry line . then press
EXP.Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys Press ENT This procedure will store a route called "ABCDEF ". CDU displays: Clearing Custom
Routes from the ROUTES Catalog NOTE : The ROUTES catalog lists routes that are contained both in Custom memory and in the World Wide
Data Base (WWDB). from WPT 1 up to WPT 14 SMO. it will be 14 waypoints long. Only the Custom routes may be cleared using this procedure.
To clear a custom route from the ROUTES catalog .Section 9 .

M Q Press ENT ENT . F ENT Storing Waypoints. Stations and Airports in Permanent Memory To store Waypoints.Summary of Display Pages and
Function Keys Press CLR. Airports or Stations in the CUSTOM catalog.Section 9 . the following sequence of keystrokes is required: Press CAT P
CAT F Slew up to CUSTOM. c LR Press ENT.

8. 5. At this point you can correct LAT/LON by using slew keys and overwriting or ENT to accept and store or CLR to reject and return. then
press CLR.2 ENT and ENT F Press W. 1. Slew required waypoint to centerline. 4. then press EXP. P. 1. 3. slew to CUSTOM. A.Summary of Display
Pages and Function Keys Press A key for an Airport. 5. page 9-14 . 7andENT. Press ENT Press N.3. press CAT. 4. 1.. 1 . Deleting a Waypoint or
Station from Permanent Memory To delete a Waypoint. F A P05 Press K. D.Section 9 .

See Crossfill section. Four options are displayed in which the INS will calculate range and bearing information between: A waypoint number
and a waypoint number Present position <P> and a waypoint number Present position <P> and a waypoint ident A waypoint ident and a
waypoint ident Slew the required option to the entry line and press ENT. Press ENT to select remote range.Summary of Display Pages and
Function Keys REMOTE PAGE Line 2 and Line 4 are used in Crossfill operations. .Section 9 . Line 3 is used to select remote range operations.

Nav Data Base interrogation . STATUS PAGE Line 3 shows system in NAV or ALIGN or ATT. Refer to Updating section. 17 R If the aircraft ground
speed is less than 50 knots.Section 9 . Line 4 shows time in NAV mode or Align countdown time. and time at present ground speed are
displayed. Accuracy test . Slew down to view GPS/RNAV/ TMIX updating page. Slew up once to display malfunctions. Refer to Abnormal
Operation section. Refer to Abnormal Operation section 13. Desired track ( DTK) and DISTance between waypoints.Summary of Display pages
and Function Keys S Input the required waypoint information and press EM. page 9-16 . Successive stews up permit Rapid Realign.
Autopilot/Flight Director tests. Display test. v STS a Line 5 shows action required if a failure is detected. then TIME is calculated using a 200 knot
ground speed.

DISPLAY TEST is on the entry line. Slew up four times. v STS The SYS STS/TEST page is displayed. 1. Set mode switch to STB1 ALIGN or NAV. R Q
The SYSTEM TEST is displayed on line one.Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys DISPLAY TEST Verifies the CDU and MSU annunciators
and CDU display. 2. Press IXP. 3. Display pattern rotates through each of the five display lines. Press STS. 4. .Section 9 .

To end test . press ALIGN and BATT annunciators.Section 9 .Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys WRN. On MSU. 5. ALIGN comes on
amber. press any function key. The system update error. NOTE : If in NAV. ALR. inertial drift rate and ground speed error will be displayed (see
section 4). inertial error. page 9-18 . it ACCURACY TEST At the conclusion of the flight . BATT comes on red. BAT and OFS annunciators on CDU
come on. a check of the system accuracy can be performed by pressing EXP with ACCURACY TEST on the entry line. only remote ALERT comes
on. 6.

its six character Ident will be displayed as AAMMDD where: AA . 2. Press any function key to exit.04-13-B page 9-19 .Section 9 .Airline code MM
.Expiration day 1. 4. 3. if present. Press EXP.Summary of Display Paaes and Function Keys DBASE TYPE/DATE The system program number will
be displayed on line 1. Press STS.Expiration month DD . Slew up until DBASE TYPE/DATE is on the entry line. can be interrogated for its type
and expiration date using the DBASE TYPE/DATE test . If a custom data base exists . v STS The SYS STS/TEST page is displayed. The external data
base ( NDB). January 1997 TP92. z EXP The INU program number and the custom dbase identifier will be displayed on the CDU.

3. The tests are disabled when the INS is in NAV mode. refer to tables 9-1 through 9-3. 4 page 9-20 . allowing preflight verification of the ADI and
HSI displays . v STS W The SYS STS/TEST page is displayed. These tests can also be performed during the first 10 minutes after selecting NAV
from OFF. Set mode switch to STBY or ALIGN.Section 9 . Press M. ALIGN 1.Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys 0 AUTOPILOT/ FLIGHT
DIRECTOR TESTS Verifies basic navigation outputs from the INS to aircraft flight indicators . Slew up until AP/FLT DIR #1 is on the entry line. 2
and 3 2. For a listing of AP/FLT DIR test outputs . OFF M REEF For AP/Flight Director Tests 1.

6. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for AP/FLT DIR #2 and 3. Slew up until AP/FLT DIR #4 is on the entry line. Test output values displayed .Summary of
Display Pages and Function Keys 4. Press EXP.Section 9 . For AP/Flight Director lest 4 7. Press EXP. Display returns to SYSTEM TEST page. R Q . 5.
HSI and ADI also display test values.

s 11. 1. 10. TK. see Table 9-1. 9. Press ENT. Enter TK value (1. and 0 were used). and 0). 5.Section 9 . NOTE : DTK. 8. 0. and HDG are referenced to
true north unless MAG mode is selected. z EXP Display prompts for test value entry. . 8. Press EXP.Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys
8. Enter DTK value . (In this example .

16.Summery of Display Pages and Function Keys 12. 17. 14. Press ENT 15. Press any function key to end test. 0). 04-13 . Press ENT. 0. 0). Enter GS
value (4. ENT 13. 2.B page 9-23 . Press ENT. April 1998 TP92.Section 9 . Enter XTK value (L7.

pitch is down Steering (STR) is an output to the autopilot and cannot be viewed on flight instruments page 9-24 TP92. 3 R7 . 3 Comp.5 44.1
15 .9 FLT M Tat 2 11 .0 10. 3 11.1 15.0 L21 .0 22.1 11.0 15.3 R15 . 6 11.0 NOTE ' Polarity depends on INU orientation: DPX fwd /port .3
R3.3 0.3 11.0 R17. 5 11.3 11. pitch is up DPX aft(stbd .Roll is left.5NM 1328 FLT M Testa 11. 9 22.Summary of Display Pages and Function
Keys Table 9-1 Synchro and Analog Test Output Values to HSI and ADI FLT M Test 1 '22.Section 9 .0 Synchro ROLL PITCH PHDG STR TK DTK
THDG MHDG2 XTK TAE+DA TAE DA RELBRG L27.04-13 .B April 1998 . 5 50.Roll is right.0 11 . 5 22.5 11.1 15. DA Value 15. Str Value Entered
TK Value Entered DTK Value 11 . 3 L19. TAE+DA Value Comp.0 ARINC 429 45.3 L3. 8NM L38. 5 11.5 5.0 11. 3 11 . 8NM R62 FLT M Test 4 11
.0 22.3 Entered XTK Value Comp . TAE Value Comp.0 5.

9 nm 0 Entered GS value Entered XTK value Entered T-DTK value 3888. 3 44. 5N 450 kts L3.8N T-DTK TKE DA TK HDG 50. 2 22.0 L21. 8N 450
kts R7 .Summary of Display Peg" and Function Keys Table 9-2 BCD That Output Values (EFIS and WX Radar) Function DTG TTG GS XTK FLT DIR
Test 1 FLT DIR Test 2 FLT DIR Test 3 FLT DIR Test 4 3888.3 .1 0 L27.6 R11 .5 R11 .0 R17. 9 nm 0 0 0 450 kts R3. 9 nm 3888 . 2 22.9 nm 3888 . 5
11 .Section 9 .3 Computed TKE value Computed DA value Entered TK value 11. 2 22.5 11 .3 5.5 11.50 R11 .

(+28V) WARN (+28V) NOTE 1 MAG (+28V) VAUD (+28V) VAUD (+28V) VAUD (+28V) VAUD (+28V) VAUD (+28V) VAUD (+28V) TO NOTE : Radio
UPDATE and NO UPDATE will alternatively. cycle at 1 Hz. NOTE: LEG switch is set Hi (+28V) for 1 second whenever the ENT key is pressed in
F/D #1.Summary of Display Pagas and Function Keys Annunciator Test Table 9-3 Discrete RADIO UPDATE DIG. OAT VAL 2 ALERT APPR MODE
entered in F/D #4. 1 page 9-26 .Section 9 .

1D DEGREES 1RAQC-ANGLE ERROR M4E) 1Al NORTH FROM VNPI Typical HSI Presentations Figure 9-1 (Sheet I of 2) . Figure 9-1 shows typical
HSI presentations.Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys HSI OPERATION The INS outputs maybe used to drive HSI displays .Section 9 .

75 nMdot NMI 1.Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys True or Mag Heading Track Drift Angle or Rol Brg Track Angle Error + Drift
Angle None TH TK DA DTK TKE Lubber Line/Card Drift Angle Bug/Card Cross .0 nm/dot NMI 10 sec prior to leg switch below 10.1 (Sheet 2 of 2)
.5 .3.Track Deviation To/From Distance-To-Go XTK TO/FROM DIGITAL Drift Angle Bug/Lubber Line Course Arrow/Card Course Arrow/ Drift
Angle Bug Lateral Deviation Bar To/From Pointer Direct Reading Direct Reading 5 Ground Speed DIGITAL Course Deviation Bar Miles No. prior
to waypoint 1.Section 9 .0 min. Desired Track through CARP and EXTE Desired Track I Desired Track I Magnetic Desired Track Typical HSI
Presentations Figure 9 . 1 Alert Annunciator On 9.000 feet 900 ft/dot NMI Speed and angle dependent Flashing after passing end of drop zone.

Summary of Display Pages and Function Keys Summary Figure 9-2 .Section 9 .

Section 9 .Summary of Display Pages and Function Kays .

Litton Section 10 Abnormal Operation INS WARNING ANNUNCIATIONS When a warning indicator turns on or another malfunction occurs. ADI
flag Primary or secondary pitch/roll failure while INS is providing attitude data to ADI. BCD or BNR data failure. CDU. WARNING
ANNUNCIATIONS The INU applies signals to the MSU. the pilot can display the action / malfunction message on the CDU STS page.000 ft and GS
> 100 kts.0413B . page 10-1 HSI heading flag HSI navigation flag Digital data warn Accel Advisory annunciator (optional) Comparison Wam
April 1998 TP92. Heading output failure. Navigation output failure. (Flashing WARN indi- cates alignment failure). INS operating on backup DC
power. Excessive position or velocity error. and aircraft instruments to annunciate system malfunctions as follows: MSU BATT annunciator
CDU BAT annunciator Backup battery failed load test. CDU WARN annunciator INS failure . INS sensing > 2kts/sec vertical acceleration
condition with altitude < 10.

MALF message appears on line 4. Table 13. To display the action/malfunction messages: w r 1.1 lists the action/ malfunction messages and their
definitions. SYS STS/TEST page is displayed with action messages on line 5. If action does not correct the malfunction .Section 10 . page 10-2
TP92-0413-B . Press STS. Perform action recommended by action message. action / malfunction messages . notify maintenance. Slew ACTION
message to the entry line. the display cycles through the respective lines at a 2-second rate.Abnormal Operation ACTION/ MALFUNCTION
MESSAGES Action/malfunction messages may be displayed on the SYS STS/TEST page. and status for use by ground maintenance personnel
before performing recommended action. 2. Record warn indications . NOTE : When two or more malfunctions exist . The action messages are
recommended actions that should be taken to rectify the problems indicated by the malfunction messages .

QUANT ROM CNT COMP NAV -. turn off RAM R/W -. Flight indicators and other systems receiving attitude and heading outputs from INS will be
flagged.NAV CHKSM -. dal.I/O CHKSM -. CDU display may be frozen or blank.PIP STACK FAIL -.P/P CHKSM .I/O INU and remove for RAM RAN
-.P/P CHKSM -. Digital Data Warn Annunciators will be Illuminated.NAV STACK FAIL -. HI VOLT NO GO X GYRO MODE HOP Y GYRO MODE HOP Z
RNG ADXSF OUT OF RNG ADZSF OUT OF RNG X CLC SAH FAIL Y CLC SAH FAIL Z CLC SAH FAIL Syatan will dad down 12 seconds aim. .Section
10 .I/O maintenance) DMA I/O -.PIP TOO -.I/O OPCODE -..I/O STACK FAIL -.NAV (Hard Failure .P/P OPCODE -.I/O CNT COMP I/O -.NAV OPCODE
-.Abnormal Operation 'table 10-1 (Sheet 1 of 4) Action/Malfunction Messages SYSTEM RECOMMENDED ACTION MALFUNCTION REMOVE INU
DISC FAIL TYPICAL INDICATIONS Typical indications for 'HARD FAILURE' category malfunctions include master warn annunciation .Nng #M fa

ADI:ATT flag ADIATT flag INS stab to RADAR . J. data No usage of NDB or DADS dig.Section 10 . page 10-4 .Abnormal Operation Table 10-1 (Sheet
CHKSM -. autothrottle flagged INS stab to RADAR .. autoCuottle flagged HSI:NAV flag (IYP) HSI:NAV flag (TYP) CDU Action /Malfunction message
HSI:NAV flag (TYP) HSI:NAV flag (TYP) CDU Action/Malfunction message a INS stab to RADAR. data No usage of DME.CUST CAT MAINTENANCE
CHKSM .RTE CAT (Soft Failure . RADAR or INS sys 'B' dig. PROG PIN CHNG Service INU when TUNE WRAPARND convenient) ODB #1
WRAPARND ODB #2 WRAPARND ODB #3 WRAPARND RCVR #2 WRAPARND System will not use custom waypoints System will not use route
waypoints CDU aetion/Matiunction message No usage of DMENOR data in autotune mode CDU Action/ Malfunction message CDU Action/
Malfunction message CDU Action / Malunction message RCVR #3 WRAPARND RCVR #4 WRAPARND SYN/DIG REF FAIL SYN#1 WRAPARND SYN
of TACANNOR or INS sys "A dig. data HSI:HDG and NAV flag. autothrottle flagged (n'P) h Systsn w3l Ysd down 12 seoaals t datsdng thew faam.
autothrottle flagged (TYP) Platform HOG output from INS flagged HSI:NAV flag (TYP) HSI:NAV flag (TYP) ADIATTflag INS stab to RADAR .

rail and platform HDG) EXCESS MOTION (During ALIGN mode) CHECK ADC EXCESS MOTION ALIGN mode automatically resequences to 10
minutes (32 seconds i f in rapid realign mode) and flashing MASTER WARN and MSU ALIGN. System outputs: pitch.Section 10 . GPS/WWDB ODB
Flashing MASTER WARN and MSU ALIGN Typical indications : CDU WARN SELECT ATTITUDE X GYRO TMP FAIL (System unusable for Y GYRO
TMP FAIL Z GYRO TMP FAIL HSI : HDG and NAV flag navigation. CDU message displayed depends on air data system type installed on aircraft
ADI:ATT flag. DADS PARITY DADS DATA IN No usage of some or all ADS info. CDU displays Blank for ALTITUDE. ADS INVAL ADC REF INVAL
ALT. TM. CRS REAS TM REAS CHECK REF REF #1 INVAL REF #2 INVAL or WIND Information.Abnormal Operation . INS pitch and roll outputs
flagged Platform HDG output from INS flagged REF #3 INVAL REF #4 INVAL REF #6 INVAL REF #7 INVAL HSI:NAV flag HSI:NAV flag HSI:NAVflag
HSI:NAV flag Frozen or Arabic display REMOVE CDU CDU DATA IN FAIL CDU INVAL . Table 10-1 (Sheet 3 of 4) Action/Malfunction Messages
MAINTENANCE PROG PIN INVAL HSI:NAV flag (TYP) (continued ) )FILL A PARITY No usage INS sys A dig data WILL B PARITY No usage INS sys '
B' dig data GPSIM SYNCH No GPS updating FAd GPSIM CARD FAIL No GPS updating GPSWA COMM FAIL No GPS updating 15 3 FAILURE None
VWYDB COMM FAIL A ccess to W WDB denied.

System wiU not go into NAV until INS sensor block is -15.Sect^DlT /a 'tonal Operation Table 10-1 (Sheet 4 of 4) Action/Malfunction Messages
Align time takes 16 minutes or bnger.0C or higher. 'Comparison WARN ' message on CDU CHECK SYSTEM ACCURACY REMOVE TEST CONN
CHECK GPS REMOVE TEST CONN GPS #1 DATA FAIL Test connector is on INU No GPS updating SENSOR GPS N2 DATA FAIL No GPS updating a a
page 10-6 .

Operating CDU Course Data Course Display Page Crew Catalog Crew Waypoint Entry or Correction Crossfill Crosstrack Offset Mode Data Base
Validity Check Dbase Type/Date Direct To Display Page Direct To Mode Direct To Steering Disabling Triple System Mbdng Display Test Page
Duplicate Identifiers 2-1 9-19 9-8 3-6 3-10 6-17 9-17 2-17 6-1 3-18 2-15 2-19 2-15 3-16 Easy On/Off Steering EFIS "To" Waypoint Change Flight Plan
Assembly by Route Entry Assembly by Waypoint to Waypoint Entry Data TP92404-13-B page 11-1 .Section 11 Alphabetical Index Subject
Accuracy Test Accuracy Test Display Page Action/ Malfunction Messages Page 4-1 9-18 10-2 2-12 8-1 9-20 2-23 9-10 1-11 1-7 3-19 9-4 1-4 2-20 5-1 3-
11 Alignment Status Attitude Reference Mode Autopilot/Flight Director Test Display Page Bearing / Range Reference Crew Waypoint Entry
Catalog Display Page Cautions .

Alphabetical Index Subject Data Entry Editing Display Page Verification Page 2-15 2-26 9-7 2-39 6-24 2-10 9-27 2-34 2-32 3-20 9-9 4-3 9-5 3-1 10-2
7-4 1-5 1-4 4-9 1-4 1-4 1-4 3-11 6-1 6-4 6-10 9-3 6-1 6-24 Flush Updates GMT Entry HSI Operation Display Page Initial Track Selection Inserting a
Waypoint Between Existing Waypoints Instrument Data Instrument Data Display Page Intermediate Stops Leg Display Page Leg Switch
Malfunction Messages Missed Approach Point Entry MSU Multiple System Operation NAV Update Navigation Data Storage CREW Catalog
(Temporary) CUSTOM Catalog ( Permanent) Parallel Track (see Crosstrack Offset) Position Updating Automatic Disable RNAV Updating Display
Page Easy On / Off Steering Flush page 11-2 TP92-04-13 .Section 11 .B April 1998 .

Multiple Display Page - 6-16 10-1 2-15 3-10 2-28 2-30 9-6 Entry _ Bearing/ Range Reference Crew Latitude/Longitude Crew Inserting Between :
Ebsting Waypoints WPT Page Flight Plan Verification 2-20 2-23 2-21 2-32 2-39 . Initial 3-14 2-34 Triple System Mbdng Warning Annunciations
Waypoint Bypassing Deletion .Section 11 . Single Deletion .Alphabetical Index Subject Manual Position Check Page 6-21 6-3 RNAV Updating Post
Flight Procedures 6-6 4-5 Predeparture Procedures Present Position Entry by Latitude and Longitude Entry by Local IDENT 2-1 2-4 2-6 2-5 Entry
by Range and Bearing from a Reference Rapid Realignment Remote Display Page Remote Function 2-8 4-6 9-15 3-20 Removal Criteria . System
Accuracy RNAV Approach Mode 4-6 6-6 7-1 Disable Updating Updating Start-up and Data Base Validity Check Status Display Page 6-10 6-6 2-1 9-
16 STS/Update Page Description Synthetic Magnetic Variation System Accuracy Removal Criteria System Status / Update Page 6-19 1-4 4-6 6-19
Track Hold Mode Track Selection .

Alphabetical Index .Section 11 .

however. Experienced users of the system may find this quicker to use and may wish to remove this section from the Pilot's Guide for quick
reference use.Section 12 Quick Reference Guide This quick reference guide is an addendum to the Pilot's Guide . April 1998 TP92.0413B page
12-1 . only a guide and for more detailed procedures and information . the main body of the Pilot ' s Guide should be consulted. It is.

Enter GMT as follows: a. C22. etc. Enter DATE as DDMMYY. c. 3.Quick Reference Guide ALIGNMENT (With LOCAL IDENT Stored in Data Base) 1.
S16.0413B April 1998 . Press ENT local LAT and LON are displayed. Enter GMT in hours. Type in LOCAL ID letters/numbers. (e. Check the
validity of the data base. 6. and seconds . 4. Follow the CDU prompts until the Position page appears. Press CLR twice and use LAT/ LON entry
procedure on next page (step 3). EWRRR EBBRRP. IDENT NOT FOUND will be displayed . 24 hour time.. Place MSU switch to NAV (wait 6 seconds
). NOTE : If local ID is not in data base . minutes .Section 12 . page 12-2 TP92. Slew down once to move LOC ID display to entry line.g. Press ENT
at instant preset time matches actual GMT time. 2.) 5. b.

Enter DATE as DDMMYY. 24 hour time. Status 1 is displayed after alignment is complete (MSU amber light goes out). Status 90 through status 2
takes 10 minutes. Enter GMT as follows: a. Press ENT at instant preset time matches actual GMT time. then press ENT 4. Using green W4 key for
W LON or green 6E key for E LON. minutes . 2. c. NOTE: Alignment status may be observed by pressing STS. Using green W4 key for W LON or
green 6E key for E LON.Quick Reference Guide NOTE : Alignment status maybe observed by pressing STS. type in longitude including trailing
zeros.0413B page 12-3 . b. Place MSU switch to NAV (wait 6 seconds ).Section 12 . then press ENT. type in longitude including trailing zeros.
Status 90 through status 2 takes 10 minutes. Enter GMT in hours . April 1998 TP92. Using green 2N key for N LAT or green 8S key for S LAT.
ALIGNMENT (With LOCAL IDENTNot in Data Base) (LAT/ LON Procedure) 1. 3. and seconds. 5. Follow the CDU prompts until the Position page
appears. type in latitude including trailing zeros . Status 1 is displayed after alignment is complete (MSU amber light goes out). then press ENT.
Check the validity of the data base. 6.

5. only ALR comes on.) NOTE : AN must be pressed to differentiate between letters (top half of keys) and numbers (bottom half of keys) during
all operations. 220. After present position and GMT entry. page 12-4 TP92. Verify an A in upper right corner of display. 5 line display. Check
database catalog page or Blue book for routes available . Type in route ID. Press WPT. R. 2. and OFS annunciators come on . S. BAT. ALR.
WAYPOINT ENTRY BY ROUTE DEFINITION 1. 4. Press EXP and observe WRN.04138 April 1998 . and ENT (RTE ID prompt line will appear). etc.
NOTE : If in NAV status 1. Slew up 4 times to DISPLAY TEST. 2. Display pattern rotates through . PANCVHHH. Press to test MSU ALIGN and BATT
annunciators.Quick Reference Guide DISPLAY TEST 1. press STS. 3. Select route entry by pressing -. (Ex: MEMLAX. End test by pressing any
function key. Press ENT (waypoint ID ' s will be displayed in sequence.Section 12 . then AN. 3.) 4.

April 1998 TP92.0413B page 12-5 . Type in LON of WPT. then press ENT 3. Press WPT and AN. If WPT not stored . Verify coordinates . 4. then
press EXP to enter in Crew catalog. 2. then press ENT c.Section 12 . Type in WPT ID .Quick Reference Guide WAYPOINT LOADING 1. blank LAT/
LON prompts will be displayed . then press ENT b. To load: a. Type in LAT of WPT. press CLR to enable new page selection. After loading is
complete .

NOTE : Afterwaypoints are transferred (approx . the slave CDU's display CHECKSUM FAIL. 2. 5.Section 12 . CROSSFILL COMPLETE is displayed
on all CDU 's.0413B April 1998 . Press RMT on all CDU's. slew XFIL Master to entry line and press ENT 3. Press ENT on F/O's (master) CDU. NOTE
: Crossfill modes may be aborted from the master system by pressing CLR .Quick Reference Guide CROSSFILL ( Remoting) 1. Waypoints
transferred will be retained by slave units even if slave display shows FAIL. 2-1/2 minutes for all 98 waypoints ). page 12-6 TP92. 4. Slew XFILL
SLAVE to entry line on other CDU's and press ENT 6. On F/O's CDU. Press ENT on F/O ' s (master) CDU. Slew 98 waypoint option to entry line if
not already there. If a transmission error occurs.

slew up once. Verify coordinates and course /distance to flight plan. April 1998 TP92. 4. To verify each subsequent waypoint . Verify ID . 2. then
ENT or slew to WPT #1. NOTE: Flight plan accumulated distances may be checked by pressing FPL and slewing each waypoint to entry
line.04138 page 12-7 . 5. Press ENT twice. 3.Quick Reference Guide FLIGHT PLAN VERIFICATION 1. INITIAL TRACK SELECTION 1. Press 1 . then
press EXP. 2.Section 12 . Press WPT. Press LEG.

INSERTING A WAYPOINT BETWEEN WAYPOINTS 1. Type in new route ID . 1. Press CLR ..Quick Reference Guide % ROUTE CHANGE NOTE: This
procedure is for use when route changes are assigned after waypoint loading has been completed . 3. R. then ENT.0413B April 1998 . Press WPT.
then slew the waypoint preceding the added waypoint to entry line. then press ENT. 2. Press . Press LEG . Press ENT. Press WPT. then type in
new ID. then press ENT twice. Slew to WPT # 1 (or press 1.Section 12 . 3. 2. By following these steps . or slew to the TO waypoint If necessary.. 6.
then ENT). 4. then ENT. an entire new route may be quickly reloaded. 5. a page 12-8 1 TP92. Press ENT ( list will open up).

2. April 1998 TP92. Press WPT. Press CLR. 3. Press CLR . then ENT. Press ENT (list closes up). Type in last waypoint number to be deleted.
MULTIPLE WAYPOINT DELETION 1. then slew first waypoint of group to be deleted to entry line. NOTE: To delete awaypoint . press CLR twice
instep # 2 (list closes). then type in new WPT ID. then ENT.Section 12 . Slew desired WPT number to entry line or press WPT #. -. D. 4. Press WPT.
3.Quick Reference Guide WAYPOINT SUBSTITUTION/DELETION 1. Press ENT. 2.04138 page 12-9 .

04138 April 1998 .TO MODE ( From Present Position to a Waypoint) 1. 1. Press DIR . TO will appear opposite the TO waypoint on the WPT page.
CROSSTRACK ( Offset) NOTE : Crosstrack navigation is not possible if navigating in a DIR-TO mode. 2.1 mile. NOTE : Auto leg mode will be
selected and crosstrack offset will be cleared.Quick Reference Guide DIRECT . NOTE : After making a DIRECT-TO entry . Type in crosstrack
distance to 0. After 5 seconds the display changes to the CRS page. NOTE : To return to original track . ( if waypoint number is desired . 3. Press
L7 ( left crosstrack ) or 9R (right crosstrack). enter a 0 crosstrack by repeating steps 1 through 3 above and press ENT. 2.10 TP92. it will appear
in WPT #99. If DIRTO is not part of the flight plan. Verify coordinates are correct 3. then type in waypoint iDENT. Crosstrack can also be
cancelled by a DIRECT-TO entry or LEG select from WPT 0: 6 S page 12 . slew XTK to entry line. Press ENT to accept . press EXP. 0 4. Press CRS.
Press ENT. AN and s must be pressed first).Section 12 . A track leg must be entered by pressing LEG and pressingENTtwice ( leg FROM 00 same
as DIR TO). Press ENT (OFS annunciator comes on).

Enter the cross-check VOR's IDENT ( most accurate checks are accomplished between 30 and 100nm from a VOR with stations ahead or behind
aircraft). 2. With HSI switch in VOR ( MAG). AND WPT DISTANCE DISPLAYS 1. 5. Press FPL. Select MAG HDG mode and press RMT on all CDU's.
to DBW (distance between waypoints).Quick Reference Guide VOR/DME CROSS CHECK 1. Slew present position <P> to IDENT to entry line.
TIME.Section 12 . then press ENT 4. NOTE : Nominal error tolerances are 6 miles and/or 6 degrees. 3. Press UP to change from DIST. to ETA. ETA.
With REMOTE RANGE on the entry line . Slew up waypoints to view complete flight plan. press ENT 3. center course bar in HSI and read CRS. 2.
to TIME.04138 page 12-11 . April1998 TP92. Compare INS distance to DME and the M-DTKto the cross -check VOR radial (CRS). then press ENT. 6.

then press HLD when over known position. then slew FLUSH to entry line. Press ENT (entry line changes to ALL). then press ENT 4. then slew
UPDATE down to entry line (display now changes to CHANGE UDT MODE). Press HLD again to dear. Press STS. REMOVE ALL POSITION
UPDATES 1. 2. then HLD.0413B April 1998 . NOTE : Anytime the letter H appears on the upper left comer of display. HLD has been pressed and
the displays are frozen . 3. then press ENT (display returns to POS page). 3. Type in updated longitude . 3. Verify upper set of coordinates.
MANUAL POSITION UPDATE 1.Section 12 Quick Reference Guide POSITION CHECK 1. Press POS.. 2. Slew LAT down to entry line. Press EXP ( list
of options is displayed ). Type in updated position latitude . Press HLD again to return to POS page. page 12-12 TP92. then press ENT again (
updates are now removed). 2. Press POS.

Press CAT. distance. then press ENT. 5. L = Low. then ENT. V=VORTAC. 4. press EXP instead of ENT). and elevation ( North or South key for plus
or minus). Press ENT. 5. Key in IDENT. If necessary. Prompt for type of entry is displayed . type in FROM ID or WPT #. Enter LAT and LON of the
(DENT. Key in H = High . Press ENT. then press ENT (to examine contents of catalog . 2. 6. or T=TACAN. Key in A=Airport. 3. Press ENT after each
entry. T = Terminal. Prompt line for IDENT entry is displayed. 7. Prompt for station class is displayed if selected in step 3 .Section 12 . then press
ENT. Type in TO ID or WPT #. 3. 4. USE OF CREW (TEMPORARY ) CATALOG 1. enter the frequency . 2. Prompt for station type is displayed if
selected in step 3.Quick Reference Guide REMOTE RANGING 1. April1998 TP92-0413B page 12-13 . True desired track (Mag desired track if MAG
mode is selected ). Slew to place CREW on the entry line. or U = Unrestricted . W =Waypoint. Press RMT. then press ENT. magnetic variation. If
entry is a VOR station . Press ENT. or S = Station. 6. Slew desired option to entry line. and time enroute will be displayed. Key in D=DME /VOR.

Press AN. 3. INS ERR (inertial error). and RESID GS ( residual ground speed ) are displayed. 4.0413B April 1998 . 2. NOTE : Pressing fXP
additional times returns to original list. then slew catalog to be observed to entry line. then type in route ID or waypoint ID: b. Press EXP. 5. UDT
ERR (update error). INS DFT (inertial drift ). Press EXP. r page 12-14 TP92. Type in the gate coordinates or slew to bring LOC ID to the entry line.
Press ENT. or to bring a specific stored waypoint or route to entry line: a. ACCURACY TEST 1. then press ENT. then press ENT. Slew through
listing . then EXP. Verify the position displayed is correct . Press STS.Section 12 . Type in the gate IDENT. 3.Quick Reference Guide CATALOG
INSPECTION 1. 2. Press CAT. then slew ACCURACY TEST up to entry line.

c. and. STATUS before performing recommended action. then AN. Slew ACTION message up to entry line . Press STS. MALFUNCTION message
appears on line 4. After 5 seconds . Press LEG. Type in TO WPT #. Type in TO ID. Type in FROM ID. Record WARN indications .second rate. then
press ENT. Using WPT numbers: a. 3. Using WPT. ACTION message appears on bottom display line. 3. b. then press ENT. b. NOTE : When two or
more malfunctions exist. then press ENT d. if present . STATUS MALFUNCTION MESSAGES 1.04138 page 12-15 . then press ENT c.ID's: a. April
1998 TP92. ACTION/MALFUNCTIONS messages . the display cycles through the respective lines at a 2 .TRACK SELECTION 1. Slew numeric
display down to entry line. display will Twitch to CRS. 2. then.Quick Reference Guide LEG CHANGE . 2.Section 12 . Press LEG . Type in FROM
WPT #.
and 3. To deselect any one: 1. and 2 . or 60 seconds after selecting ATT REF from OFF. cycle MSU switch to OFF. 3. CDU will switch to STS page
and this is the only page available in ATT mode. 3. If WARN condition persists . Updating becomes effective in NAV mode . and slew down once.
returning to pure inertial solutions. 4. 2. Slew ENABLE UPDATES to entry line and press'ENT NOTE : ENABLE UPDATES will reenable both
(RNAV and TMIX) deselected functions ( including any VOR/ DME/ TACAN inhibits ).. Slew item for deselection to entry line and press ENT. 2.
NOTE : The flush option will disable RNAV and TMIX updating and will also flush all previous update solutions. DISABLE/REENABLE At INS
turn-on. Y page 12-16 TP92. To reenable an update mode: Perform steps 1. Fly straight and level for 60 seconds or more. above. Press EXP with
CHANGE UDT MODE : on entry line. GPS updating is enabled (whether the aircraft is equipped with GPS or not). 2. Pull MSU switch out and
turn to ATT REF. NOTE : INU attitude data becomes valid 30 seconds after selecting ATT REF from NAV.Quick Reference Guide ATTITUDE MODE
1. Repeat steps 1. RNAV and TMIX updating must be enabled when required.Section 12 . Press STS. AUTOMATIC UPDATES . to disable any
unwanted functions. An " E" is displayed in the top left of the display to indicate this enble . then directly to ATT REF.0413B April 1998 .

Reference herein to any specific commercial products by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, is not meant to imply or suggest
any endorsement by, or affiliation with that manufacturer or supplier.

Reference herein to any specific commercial products by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, is not meant to imply or suggest
any endorsement by, or affiliation with that manufacturer or supplier.

I have looked in the manual, but I am still in doubt, so you LTN92 experts out there, please read on.

If you enable both TMIX and RNAV, RNAV will of course take priority over TMIX. But what happens when RNAV updating stops - you go to TMIX
(if enabled). In TMIX, is it "pure" TMIX, or is it including the latest received RNAV correction vector? Going between TMIX and RNAV, especially
after several hours of flying, seems to rock the boat, left and right of track, ATC can ask to confirm you are inbound a certain station, and the
zigzakking course cannot be the best for fuel economy!

The manual seems to confirm this, but it seems impractical to discard a good DME/DME RNAV update minutes after is lost. The manual says
when RNAV is lost, it goes to TMIX, and TMIX is defined as the mix between the three INS positions. No mention of any RNAV correction?

Is it the same if RNAV is enabled, but TMIX is disabled? In that case, losing the DME update means reverting to pure INS. But does it remember
the latest RNAV update now (since in is not going into TMIX)?


26th Jan 2006, 16:24

Reference "The Litton Pilot's Guide TP92-0413G, Rev 10"

"When the FLUSH mode is selected, all position updates (GPS, RNAV, TMIX, MANUAL) will be zeroed and all three automatic updates will be
disabled. The system will use inertial position for horizontal guidance." see page 6-26

"Disabling TMIX assumes a problem with the triple mix solution and will flush the TMIX corrections from that INU (this has no affect on other
INUs and does not flush previous GPS or RNAV corrections)." page 6-18

So, the answer updates are not flushed unless the operator commands it throught he FLUSH MODE.

As far as the snaking goes when coasting in and getting a RNAV (DME update), there is an "EASY ON/OFF STEERING" mode:
"To enable a smooth and easy trasition, the HSI/Autopilot steering to recapture desired Track is limited ot a maximum rate of 1.9 nm/min. This
"Easy On/Off Steering" causes shallower slower maneuvering during track recapture." page 6-1

Litton 92 TMIX vs RNAV update

I have looked in the manual, but I am still in doubt, so you LTN92 experts out there, please read on.

If you enable both TMIX and RNAV, RNAV will of course take priority over TMIX. But what happens when RNAV updating stops - you go to TMIX
(if enabled). In TMIX, is it "pure" TMIX, or is it including the latest received RNAV correction vector? Going between TMIX and RNAV, especially
after several hours of flying, seems to rock the boat, left and right of track, ATC can ask to confirm you are inbound a certain station, and the
zigzakking course cannot be the best for fuel economy!

The manual seems to confirm this, but it seems impractical to discard a good DME/DME RNAV update minutes after is lost. The manual says
when RNAV is lost, it goes to TMIX, and TMIX is defined as the mix between the three INS positions. No mention of any RNAV correction?

Is it the same if RNAV is enabled, but TMIX is disabled? In that case, losing the DME update means reverting to pure INS. But does it remember
the latest RNAV update now (since in is not going into TMIX)?

LN3-2A Inertial Platform at RNlAF Electronics Museum, Rhenen, The Netherlands.

The LN-3 Inertial Navigation System is an (INS) that was developed in the 1960s by . It equipped the versions used as in European forces. An
inertial navigation system is a system which continually determines the position of a vehicle from measurements made entirely within the
vehicle using sensitive instruments. These instruments are which detect and measure vehicle accelerations, and which act to hold the
accelerometers in proper orientation.

LN3-2A Platform in historic environment

The development of Litton's first INS was the result of a collusive act by the engineer, Max Lipscomb of the in Ohio and Dr. , Head of the newly
formed Guidance and Control Dept. of Litton Industries at Beverly Hills, California.

Lipscomb's department was not permitted to engage in development of navigation systems, but was permitted to engage in other aircraft such
as pitch, roll, and yaw indicators. Singleton proposed to provide a system that would provide highly accurate pitch, roll, and yaw indicators.
The system would be a north seeking stable platform controlled by and accelerometers. Such a system would automatically provide velocities
in the East-West and North-South direction. And later, by providing integrators for these two axes, one would then have a full fledged Inertial
Navigation System.

In about mid-1956 a contract for approximately 0,000 was awarded by Wright Air Force Base to Litton Industries for the development of such
Aircraft Attitude System. Singleton appointed Sidney Shapiro as Project Engineer for this program. The system was completed and ready for
flight test by the end of 1958.

Mr. Shapiro selected , a partner in Aviation, to supply the aircraft, principally because of Mantz's extensive experience with the movie industry.
They had done their work on several Cinerama travelogs. Mantz's people had also recently finished work on the picture North by Northwest
starring Cary Grant in which there was considerable stunt flying. Shapiro's idea was to photograph the ground periodically and at the same
instant to photograph the Inertial Navigation System's output. In that way no possibility of finger pointing was possible since none of Shapiro's
people were involved in the data taking. So the two extra integrators were installed and the system was ready for test by early 1959.

By 1959 things had gone well enough that Shapiro was able to obtain three successive flights in which the accuracies were substantially better
than one mile an hour. On the basis of these results, Litton Industries was awarded a contract to provide 2000 systems for the Aircraft.

The missile race spurred the development of smaller, lighter and more accurate inertial systems. Independent of its environment, the inertial
system provides velocity and position information accurately and instantaneously for all manoeuvres, as well as being an accurate attitude
and heading reference. The LN3-2A was the first inertial navigation system small and light and accurate enough to be fitted in a high
performance fighter.

The early F-104's, model A through F, did not have an Inertial Navigator. It was the development of the F-104G, around 1959, for the European
Air Forces with tactical bomber/strike capabilities, that brought the LN-3 into the aircraft. The LN-3 gave the F-104G the capability to navigate
at low level in adverse weather and to drop a nuclear weapon at a range of 1,000km with the best possible precision; this being vital to the F-
104G program.

The LN-3 is a full 3-degrees-of-freedom, 4-gimbal inertial navigator, covering the flight performance envelope of the F-104G which ranged from
0 to 70,000 feet altitude; 0 to Mach 2+ speed, and accelerations from -5 to +9 g.

The functional description of the LN3-2A requires some knowledge of some basic principles of inertial navigation to understand their
application to the LN3-2A. The principal component of the system is the stable platform to which are mounted three accelerometers and two
gyros. This stable platform is mounted in a system of platform gimbals. The acceleration of the airplane in any plane or direction is measured
by the accelerometers and integrated in the computer to obtain velocity. Velocities in turn are integrated to obtain distance. With a known
reference point representing initial position of the airplane with respect to earth, this data can be converted to distance and heading traveled,
and distance and bearing to destination.

The following characteristics of the platform are described:

a. Three accelerometers in orthogonal directions provide the basic sensing elements. They measure acceleration along the two grid coordinate
axes and the vertical (Z) axis. The Z accelerometer is not used by the LN3-2A itself but provides vertical acceleration data for the automatic
flight control system. The east-west and north-south X and Y axes are used for the LN3-2A. The accelerometer outputs torque the gyros in their
sensitive axes, while the airplane is in flight, to maintain earth and grid north orientation of the stable platform through the platform gimbals.
b. Two gyros stabilize the stable platform and provide for various compensations to be introduced, keeping the stable platform level with
respect to earth instead of inertial space, and providing a coordinate reference system of three axes. The gyros each have two degrees of
freedom, and are oriented so that the spin axes are 90 degrees apart. The upper gyro has its spin axis oriented along the north-south grid
coordinate axis and is sensitive to torques (airplane rotations) about the east-west and vertical coordinate axes. The lower gyro has its spin axis
oriented along the east-west grid axis and is sensitive to torques about the north-south and vertical axes. Therefore the two gyros control all
three axes.

c. Platform gimbals are the assemblies which actually keep the platform accelerometers stable and enable the airplane to maneuver about the
gyro-stabilized earth-oriented platform. The LN3-2A platform is a four-gimbal system (outer roll, pitch, inner roll and azimuth) allowing the
airplane 360 degrees of rotation in all directions. The azimuth, pitch and outer roll gimbals use sliprings and brushes for electrical contacts to
allow unlimited freedom. The inner roll gimbal provides a built-in redundancy to prevent a situation when the azimuth and outer roll gimbal
axes become aligned at 90 degrees of pitch.

The LN3-2A Computer controls the platform, computes navigational information and provides special AC and DC voltages required for
equipment operation. The functions of the computer are:

a. to position the azimuth, pitch and roll gimbals of the platform. The basic sequence is that the gyro precession error due to airplane
maneuvering is sensed and fed to the platform azimuth synchro resolver. The gyro signals are resolved into pitch and roll error voltages which
are amplified in the computer. The computer drives the platform roll and pitch gimbal servo motors. The lower gyro is torqued to precess in
azimuth to drive the azimuth gimbal motors. The upper gyro is caged to the lower gyro in azimuth. The gimbal servo motors position the
gimbals to compensate for the original deviation.

b. to provide the voltages for the starting and running of the gyro spin motors. During the start of the system the gyros are brought up to spin
speed by airplane 115VAC, 400Hz power. After the 1 minute coarse align phase the frequency source for the gyros is an electric tuning fork
which provides a 3kHz reference frequency which is divided by 8 to provide an operating frequency of 375Hz and a running voltage of 90

c. to control the heating of the component oven, the platform, the gyros and the accelerometers. Some circuits within the computer, like
amplifiers, require a very stable amplification factor which can only be maintained if certain components are kept at a precisely held
temperature. These components are placed within the Component Oven at 71C. Also the gyros and accelerometers are kept at 71C 1.1C.
The ambient atmospheric temperature inside the platform is maintained at 51.7C by a set of heaters and a circulating fan, and a motor driven
cooling air valve controlling the flow of pressurized air through the double walled platform cover.

d. to compute velocity and distance information from acceleration. These navigational computations are performed with carefully designed
electronic circuits in harmony with precision electromechanical components. The electronic parts are the Accelerometer Restoring Amplifier
which give a voltage that is proportional to the acceleration. Ranging from micro-G's to units of G they span a very impressive dynamic range.
Also the Servo Amplifiers, picking off the tiny Gyro signals and amplifying this to control the platform gimbal motors, have tight specifications.
The actual integration of the accelerometer signal to a velocity signal is performed by an electronic amplifier which controls a velocity-motor
which drives a capacitance tachometer. This cap-tach feedback provides the basic integrator signal since the speed of the cap-tach is
proportional to acceleration input. The feedback nulls the acceleration input to stop the motor. The motor positions the velocity shaft to pick
off the appropriate potentiometer signal which represents velocity. A dead zone network drives the velocity motor in steps which are
smoothed to provide the integrated acceleration (= velocity) signal. The velocity integrators operate in a similar manner to the acceleration
integrators, except that the output signal is not smoothed because the so-called M-transmitters are step-function devices. The M-transmitters
send the integrated velocity (= distance) signal to the Position and Homing System PHI-4.

e. to sequence and control the coarse- and fine-align phases in conjunction with platform temperature.

f. to sense malfunctions to actuate the go, no-go circuitry of the inertial navigator.

g. Since the LN-3/PHI-4 navigation system is to be used around the globe of the earth, some systematic corrections for use on this rotating
spheroid are implemented in the LN-3: Earth rate, Transport rate, and Coriolis correction. And to suppress inherent errors the system is .

Operation of the LN-3[]

Before starting the Inertial navigator, the pilot has to enter the coordinates of the starting point in the "Align Control" panel in the right-hand
console of the F-104G. The first selection in the starting sequence is to rotate the mode selector switch of the "Inertial Navigation Control" Panel
from Off to Standby.

In this mode the platform and component oven are brought up to ; indicated by the "heat" light on the IN Control Panel, which takes several
minutes depending on outside and system temperatures.

All at operating temperature the system may be switched to "Align", allowing the machine to commence operation. The computer is powered
up and nulls its velocity shafts; the gyros are powered by 115V and 400Hz and revving up; the platform is leveled in pitch, inner and outer roll
relative to the aircraft using the gimbal synchrotransmitters; and the azimuth axis is driven to the grid north direction using the magnetic
heading sensor. This phase of Alignment takes 1 minute and is called coarse align.

After this 1 minute the system switches to the fine align phase, during which the gyro spin motor power is brought down to 95V and 375Hz to
avoid any magnetic interference with any other aircraft system using 400Hz. The leveling of the platform is taken over by the X and Y
accelerometers sensing even the smallest component of gravity which is an indication of not being precisely level. The leveling of the stable
element is achieved by torqueing the respective gyro torquers which makes the gimbal motors to follow up and level the stable element. The
distance shafts are set to zero; the gyros are at operational speed and the computer is continuously feeding the gyros, and thereby the stable
element, with corrections for local earth rotation. This is called the leveling phase of fine align.

Leveling ends automatically when the computer decides that the platform stable element is exactly locally level, which may take a few
minutes. If level, the final phase of alignment is switched on; gyrocompassing. The stable element is exactly level and but the gyros are not yet
aligned with the earth rotation axis. Therefore the stable element tends to turn off-level, which is sensed by the Y accelerometer which signal is
fed to the gyro torquer to rotate the azimuth axis of the stable element. This process continues for a few minutes until the correction signal is
getting smaller and can be kept almost zero for 50 seconds, which gives confidence that the system is level and aligned. This is visible for the
pilot because the green Nav light flashes.

The system is now ready for use and the pilot selects "Nav" on the IN Control Panel, and all circuitry that was involved in the various alignment
phases is switched to the navigate mode.

Other possible modes are Compass only which may be selected after a LN3 in-flight failure, and Alert Align to shorten the alignment phase.
After the last flight but before shutting down aircraft power the precise heading of the running LN3 is stored and can be used at starting up the
next time, if the aircraft is not moved.


Specified navigation accuracy for the LN-3 is a 50% circular-error probability of two nautical miles after one hour's operation, which is
equivalent to a 98% c.e.p. of four nautical miles. Until the -9 version of the LN-3-2A came into service (~1963) results were outside these limits
by a fair margin, but since then it has been greatly exceeded in a number of groups of flights.

During manufacturer's development flying at Palmdale, some 1167 flights were made up to October 1961, and the c.e.p. of the LN-3 and PHI-4
combined was a mile or so outside specification. From October 1961 to January 1962 a further 123 flights at Palmdale were assessed, following
incorporation of the -9 modifications, and the c.e.p. came almost up to specification.

At Edwards AFB, during Category 2 testing, and at Palmdale during the "avionics marriage" period, mean time between failures of pre-9
systems was considerably below the 200 hr specified, but the target has been exceeded since then.

Litton Systems Inc., or , the Guidance and Control Systems Division at Beverly Hills CA, were one of the major producers of inertial systems in
the USA in the 50's and 60's, and have made a series of systems for a number of American aircraft.

The Genesis of inertial navigation systems is explained in the following reference.

The LN-1 was a development attitude reference for the XB-70 Valkyrie.
The LN-1A was a precision attitude reference for the Grumman E-1A Tracer.
The LN-2A (military designation AN/ASN-31 or -36) was a Doppler-inertial system for the A-6A Intruder
The LN-2B was the system for the E-2A Hawkeye,
and the LN-2C was the system for the P-3A Orion.

The LN-3-2A (or LN3-2A) was the Inertial Navigation System used in the F-104G Super Starfighter. (development 195?-195?, production
1960-196?) Improved versions of the LN3-2A were -9, -11 and -13.
The LN-3-2B is the Inertial Navigation System used in the Canadian CF-104.
The LN-3-13 is fitted to the Italian F-104S/CI and F-104S/CB; enhanced variants of the F-104G from 1969 and onward. In the early 80's a
further upgrade led to the F-104S ASA version which kept the original LN-3; but the ASA-M version of the '90s was equipped with the LN-
30A2 inertial navigation system.
The LN-4 is a miniature inertial system for "a manned orbital vehicle"
The LN-5 is a (1963)"state of the art experimentation astro-inertial system installed in a Convair 340 R4Y ".
The LN-7 is an astro-inertial-Doppler system for a classified application.
The LN-12A/B series are an evolution of the LN-3 and are used in F-4C (AN/ASN-48), the F-4D and F-4E (AN/ASN-63), the RF-4C (AN/ASN-56),
all with slight differences.

The gimballed platform of the LN3-2A is the Litton P200 platform; the Gyro is the G200 Gyro; and the accelerometer is the A200 accelerometer.
(and Litton doc) The G-200 Gyro is commonly used in the LN-2, LN-3 and the LN-12 systems.

Manufacturers designation of the F-104G system is LN3-2A. Mark the difference in notation LN-3 and LN3-2A with the position of the dividing
dash "-" . The designation LN3-2A leaves room for a LN3-1, not known to author. Any additional information about the early Litton's is

Other U.S. Inertial Systems of the early 1960s.[]

The Litton LN-3 was one of the first inertial navigators on a production aircraft, but other systems, either Inertial Navigators or Inertial
Measurement Units, of other brands and for various applications with comparable technology existed.
The Autonetics Radar Enhanced Inertial Navigation System (REINS) of the was more or less comparable to the LN-3/PHI-4. This system was
derived from the XN-6 system developed for the , the N5G system for the and the N2C/N2J/N3A/N3B system for the , and was related to the N6A-
1 navigation system used in the and the N10 inertial guidance system for the . Note that the Boeing history claims the REINS to be the first
inertial navigation in a production airplane.

Nortronics had developed and produced /navigation systems for the . The system developed for the was later adapted for use in the and mostly
referred to as NAS-14 and/or NAS-21.

The missile was equipped with a MIT-developed inertial system, which later evolved to the Delco produced IMU of the .

The was equipped with a MSFC-developed which was a further development of the 's ST-90.

LN-3 Maintenance and Test equipment[]

The LN-3 system was designed to constantly monitor critical parameters, and warn the pilot in case of a malfunction. Depending on the
problem the pilot could switch-off the system, or continue in a mode. In case of serious self-diagnosed problems the system would auto shut-

Flight line maintenance of the LN-3, like systemchecks and fault isolation, was performed using specific test equipment

System Test Console with Adapter and Computer, and Platform on pedestal

MATS (Mobile Automated Test System)

RNlAF operated the MATS not at flightline but shop level.

Line Test Analyzer

Gyro Bias Test Set

At base (nav)shop level the Platform, Computer and Adapter units were tested and repaired using the following test equipment

System Test Console (STC).

Bench Test Console (BTC).

Platform Functional Test Console and Platform on pedestal

For repairs beyond the capabilities of base level, the RNlAF Electronics Depot (and possibly others) were equipped with specific testequipment
and tooling to handle the (higher) depot level repairs of the LN-3 system. The main teststations in use were

Platform Functional Test Console (PFTC).

Module Test Console.

Industry support

The repair of the system's sensors, gyros and accelerometers, was performed by Litton. The RNlAF had its sensors repaired by Litton Canada,
which also provided all necessary spare parts. Other European users relied on German or Italian subsidiaries/licensees as LITEF at Freiburg
and Hamburg.

LN-3 units on display[]


The Wehr Technische Studiensammlung (WTS) at Koblenz.

Exhibit of the LN3-2A system (without Alert Align Unit) in a vitrine. The platform gimbals can be rotated by the visitor with a remote control


Museum collection of Navigation and Communication systems at Royal Netherlands Air Force Logistic Centre Woensdrecht, location ,
former Air Force Electronics maintenance depot (DELM).

Display of a complete system. On request explication and demonstration of the system is given.

1. . 1965-02-01. Retrieved 2013-08-18.
3. T.O. 1F-104G-2-11, USAF, F-104G Starfighter Maintenance Manual, Section 4, Inertial Navigator Equipment.
4. T.O. 1F-104G-2-11, USAF, F-104G Starfighter Maintenance Manual, Section 4, Inertial Navigator Equipment.
13. T.O. 1F-104G-2-11, USAF, F-104G Starfighter Maintenance Manual, Section 4, Inertial Navigator Equipment.


T.O. 1F-104G-2-11, "F-104G Starfighter Maintenance Manual", Section 4, Inertial Navigator Equipment, USAF.
T.O. 5N1-4-3-3, "Overhaul Manual for Inertial Navigator Computer", USAF.
T.O. 5N24-3-3, "Maintenance Manual for Inertial Navigator Platform", USAF.
"LN-3 Inertial Navigation System Pilot's handbook", Litton Systems Inc., Guidance and Control Systems Division, June 1963.

External links[]
Article of Flight International, 1963, on the (European)F-104G programme with good coverage of systems as the LN3-2A.
A forum for modellers with a contribution of an ex-Phantom technician explaining the Litton versions of the LN-12.
The site of a Swiss dentist who also appreciates the LN-3 system. With data of an old Litton brochure.
The Navhouse capability site gives some crossreferences for Litton Inertial navigators and components.
The Vectorsite in most cases also gives details on INS equipment.
Military equipment designations with crossreferences from equipment to aircraft. Not all data correlates with other sources.
Article on celestial augmentation of inertial systems by USNO.
The site of the German defence technology museum in Koblenz (WTS), with a far more surprising collection than advertised, including a
complete LN3-2A system in a vitrine.
The Joe Baugher site with useful data on the F-104 Starfighter.
A Picasa webalbum with pictures of a Litton LN3-2A platform.

Showing 1 to 11 of 11 (1 Pages)

Navhouse's full-service inertial repair & overhaul facility has capabilities on a wide range of Honeywell, Litton and Delco inertial reference
and inertial navigation systems and inertial components including ring laser gyros (RLG), electromechanical gyros, platforms, accelerometers,
CDUs, MSUs, and electronics.
Follow the links below to view our LRU capabilities for Honeywell, Litton and Delco inertial navigation systems.

to view our Honeywell Capabilities

to view our Litton & Delco Capabilities

to view our complete inventory of Honeywell, Litton and Delco inertial navigation LRU, SRA and Instrument products.
Navigation Systems

LTN-92 Laser Gyro INS

The LTN-92 laser gyro INS meets RNP-10 and B-RNAV requirements now and offers a path to full CNS/ATM compliance over the next decade

Ring Laser Gyro Technology

The LTN-92 Inertial Navigation System (INS) is the world's leading laser gyro replacement for the mechanical INSs used on many military transport and

CNS/ATM Growth

Many of the world's leading airlines have chosen the LTN-92 as a cost-effective means of complying with Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air T

Navigation Systems

LTN-92 Laser Gyro INS

Features and Benefits

RNP-10 Accuracy for 12.5 Hours Unaided - Radio updating not required - GPS updating not required Automatic Position Updating - Meets Eurocae B-RN

LTN-92 Technical Specifications


Weight (lb) Size (in.) Width Height Length Power (W) For more information, please contact: Northrop Grumman Corporation Navigation Systems 2124

All product or service names herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

57.0 (25.8 kg) 10.12 (26.7 cm) 8.62 (21.9 cm) 19.98 (50.7 cm) 200

5.0 (2.3 kg) 5.75 (14.6 cm) 4.50 (11.4 cm) 6.20 (15.7 cm) 25

1.0 (0.4 kg) 5.75 (14.6 cm) 1.50 (3.8 cm) 2.0 (5.1 cm) Negligible

6.75 (3.1 kg) 5.0 (12.7 cm) 7.1 (18.0 cm) 6.0 (15.2 cm) 42


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