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To: Peter Jahrling

From: Cj Peters
CC: Tom Geisberg
Date: November 20, 1989
Re: Regarding of the Monkey's, death and spread of Ebola.

Hello Peter Jahrling & Tom Geisberg,

Hello gentlemen, I hope you guys are having a pleasant day so far. I am concern about the
spread of Ebola on the Monkeys, recently there has been deaths of Monkeys, especially in the
lab. The disease of Ebola is spreading really quickly and we cannot have more deaths in the lab,
we will run out of monkeys to test. I'm trying to end the of Ebola spread on Monkeys as soon
as possible, especially when it's spreading on humans. Slowly, the chances of curing the disease
is getting low since the disease is starting to attack humans. We cannot have that and have more
people working on this. I am doing this to the best of my ability to try and get more people to
study the disease. Im doing my best to try and have everything prepare for the monkeys, but
please try to figure out which Monkey contains the disease and separate them away from the
others, send the infected monkey to Level 4 biosafety lab, where we can have Nancy Jaax check
them out.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter over and my concerns about the monkeys, death
and spread of Ebola. Please let me know if you guys have any recommendations on how I can
get the sick monkeys away from the others, before they get infected. Let me know if theres
anymore deaths and where we can move the monkeys.

Best Regards,
Cj Peters
USAMRIID, Chief of diseases.

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