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It has a falt mile when firft taken from die water,

and is made de of by the inhabitants for cleaning
of teeth and fronting Myer it is called Baden
Tho this water does not depofit any Pediment,
yet it is remarkable for the Speedy and Strong ineruft-
ation of all bodies, whkh are put into it. Link
',ladles figures are fold here, on purpofc to verify the
experiment which, tho' perkftly white when put
into the fpring, are, in eight-and-forty hours, en-
tirely covered with a yellow incrufeafion. The fame
effea is observed on the pipes and channels, thin'
which the water in conveyed. If care were not taken
to clean them four or five times a year, they would
be intitely choaked up ; and in fume ports, where it
has nut been neceffary to clean them fo often, I have
ken thcm revered with an incruflation two inches
thick. In furrounding and covering there wooden
pipes, they do not change the nature of the wood
but it is obfervable, that they add great hardnen and
hhdity to n fo that it is asfismed a piece of deal will
lad a hundred years in tlik water. The head fpring
is cleared out once in 3o or yo years, with very
great expence s at which time they are obliged to
break off all the flony incruftation, which had been
nude by the water Since the lart cleaning and if
negketed would (as it has fornctimes a(lually done)
<hook the paffages, and oblige the fpring to find
van in form other place The incrudations formed
by the& waters arc of different kinds s that, which
is nude in thc troughs and pipes, thro' which the
water is conveyed afire it comes above ground, is of
a light fandy nature, of a look contexture, ant a
Ea bright

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