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ytb. I fotind his ikb moift, and pulk foftened.

.ined with him ulut an I our, and fount: a
plentiful peripiration throughout the body ; on which
I oinittea his bleedings the clyders were conth
nued ; and towards right he had a proper dikharge
by Itool, very fiend, and infrilrated.
Stb. I found, for the firfl time, he had flept left
night, and kuned much in (pities : thc fymptomatic
fever fomething leaned ; and he had purged lilt
night, and this day, eight times.
gth. He had five (tools ; his neauka much abated;
end a gentle diaphorelis continued.
loth. The fingultus cured ; his vomiting very
little ; his pulfe low, accelerated, and thread-like in
its firoke; his purging violent and he greatly com-
plained of a molt acute pain of the wounded parts.
A paper of the following abforbent powders was
given him every three hours in rice-water. Crabs-
eye, and red coral prepared, of each one drachm,
crude opium two grains : thefe were made fur three
dofcs, and given as above.
tith. He flept well loft pain ; pulfe more equal ;
his diarrhara much the fame.
Wt. The threads, with which I had made the
future of the inkfline, came out of themfelves : the
wound well-conditioned ; fever very little ; his diar-
elute rather increafed. He fent for me in the even-
ing, being much alarmed, as he thought fonie li-
quids he had taken to have pallid then thc wounded

13th. Yeflerday he complained of great pains in

Ins belly : the difcharge from his wound was laud-
able tamer, and in good quantity.
I +di.

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