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C 39

rommillion I fay misfortune ; far fuch you will

perhaps think it, when you have read this letter.
It is now about 25 or to years finer ',Cry parti-
cular dikak (hewed itfill in many perfons in this
Aland Grande MR. It6 beginning is imperceptibk :
there appear but few lived-red fpots upon the fkins
of the white people, and of a yellowilk red upon
the blacks Theme fpots in the beginning arc not
accompanied with pain, or any other fyrnptom ; but
nothing Cal2 take them way. The difeafe inereaka
infenfibly, and continues feveral years in fhewing ity
fell more and more. Thek fpots increak, and ex-
tend indifferently over the lkin of the whole body.
Sometimes they are a little prominent, hut flat.
When the dikak makes a progrcfs, the upper part
of the ode fwells the nofirils are enlarged, the stole
becomes foftened ; tuberofities appear upon the
chak.bones ; the eyebrows arc inflated ; the ears
grow thick ; thc enils of the fingers, and even the
feet and tow, kvell ; the nails become fcaly ; the
joints of the feet and hands feparate and mortify
ulcers of a deep and of a dry nature are found in the
pahns of the hands and Inks of the feet, which
grow well, and return again. In fhort, when the
difeak is in its Jail Rage, the patient becomes fright-
ful, and falls to pieces. All there fymptonss come
on by very flow degrees, one after another, and fume-
tinws require many years to thew therm-elves: the
patient is knfibk of no (harp pain ; but feels kind
of numbnefs in his hands and feet. Thele people
perform their natural functions all the while, eating
and drinking as ufual : and when even the mortifi-
cation has taken off the fingers and toes, the only ill

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