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Epilepsia, 52(Suppl.

3):4551, 2011
doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2011.03036.x


Immuno- and antiinflammatory therapies in epileptic

*Cigdem Ozkara and yFederico Vigevano
*Department of Neurology, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey; and
yDivision of Neurology, Bambino Gesu Childrens Hospital IRCCS, Rome, Italy

evidence gives rise to the development of immu-

SUMMARY nologic and immunomodulatory treatments such
Several experimental and clinical studies demon- as usage of steroids, plasmapheresis, and intrave-
strated an immunologic basis for different forms nous immunoglobulins, which will be discussed
of epilepsy. A wide range of immune abnormalities briefly in this article.
have been reported suggesting the existence of KEY WORDS: Immunological therapies, Epilepsy,
various subtypes of epileptic syndromes with Steroids, IVIg, Plasmapheresis, ACTH.
different immunopathogenetic mechanisms. This

Several experimental and clinical studies demonstrated that they were looking for a treatment that produced meta-
an immunologic basis for different forms of epilepsy. A bolic effects similar to those of the ketogenic diet.
wide range of immune abnormalities have been reported Although it is now known that this was most likely not the
suggesting the existence of various subtypes of epileptic true mechanism, a positive effect was seen in four of the
syndromes with different immunopathogenetic mecha- six children (Klein & Livingston, 1950). Later on, several
nisms. This evidence gives rise to the development of authors reported on the apparently serendipitous use of
immunologic and immunomodulatory treatments such as ACTH in infantile spasms (IS) with resolution of both
usage of steroids, plasmapheresis, and intravenous immu- spasms and the associated electroencephalography (EEG)
noglobulins, which will be discussed briefly in this article. abnormality) (ORegan & Brown, 1998).
Steroid use for the treatment of epilepsy includes
ACTH, prednisolone, and prednisone (a prodrug that on
Steroids for Treatment of passage through the liver is converted to prednisolone)
Epilepsy (H. Cross, London, and hydrocortisone. ACTH is not a steroid, but a 39
United Kingdom; O. Dulac, amino-acid polypeptide secreted by the anterior pituitary;
Paris, France) its release stimulates the adrenal gland to produce the
glucosteroid cortisol. Steroids are well recognized to exert
The first report on the use of steroids in epilepsy dates
important antiinflammatory and immunosuppressive
back to 1942 and was based on an earlier observation that
effects. However, their side effects cannot be ignored and
individuals with epilepsy had seizures provoked upon both
may be considerably dependent on the dose and duration
increased water intake and administration of antidiuretic
used. Short-term effects include irritability, weight gain,
hormone (ADH). Working on the hypothesis that deoxy-
hypertension, glucose intolerance, gastric irritation, infec-
cortisone had effects opposite to that of ADH and, there-
tions, Cushings syndrome, somnolence, and reversible
fore, could have antiepileptic properties, it was used in
brain atrophy. Although most of these effects are revers-
one patient with benefit (McQuarrie et al., 1942). In 1950,
ible after withdrawal of the steroids, many have the poten-
another six patients were reported; they were treated with
tial to become life-threatening. A 15% decrease of
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) on the rationale
cerebral blood flow in patients treated with hydrocortisone
has been reported (Chiron et al., 1993). Furthermore, the
Address correspondence to igdem zkara, Department of Neurol- long-term side effects of continued therapy need to be
ogy, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey.
E-mail: remembered: osteoporosis, growth impairment, and adre-
nal suppression. Therefore, a sound riskbenefit estima-
Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
2011 International League Against Epilepsy tion should precede their use.

C. Ozkara and F. Vigevano

Steroids have been recognized to be possibly of benefit double-blind crossover design. Three children only com-
in a variety of childhood epilepsies, but the evidence to pleted the trial; four showed >50% reduction in seizures
support this treatment is variably dependent on the syn- and one showed no change (Pentella et al., 1982). A recent
drome and limited at best in most situations. Efficacy has study compared hydrocortisone versus deflazacort, an
been demonstrated in IS by several randomized controlled analog of prednisolone, in drug-resistant epilepsy of child-
trials (RCTs). A Cochrane review regarding the treatment hood. Children were treated on an alternate basis with
of IS included 14 RCTs considering treatment with hydrocortisone for 6 months, or deflazacort continued for
ACTH, oral prednisolone, and vigabatrin. Overall, ste- 12 months. No difference in response was seen between
roids were viewed to result in faster resolution of spasms, the two groups, although deflazacort was considerably
with the possibility of an improved developmental better tolerated (Grosso et al., 2008).
outcome in a nontuberous sclerosis population (Hancock The mechanism of steroids in the treatment of epilep-
et al., 2008). In particular, Lux et al. (2004) compared sies has been widely debated. According to the common
hormonal treatment against vigabatrin; they observed re- effects of steroids, the most likely hypothesis might be an
solution of spasms at days 1314 to be more likely in the immunosuppressant and antiinflammatory action; sup-
hormonal group. Overall outcome at 12 months was not pression of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) levels
different in both groups, but it was suggested that develop- in the CNS are thought to have an anticonvulsant action
mental outcome may be superior in the hormonal group by decreasing neuronal excitability. However, there are
(Lux et al., 2005). No difference in efficacy was demon- also studies proposing that steroids may have an effect on
strated between ACTH and prednisolone. Vigabatrin was c-aminobutyric acid (GABA)A receptors or on enhance-
more effective than hydrocortisone in the control of ment of action of neurosteroids. Some authors suggest that
spasms in patients with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) ACTH is more effective than other steroids, possibly
(Chiron et al., 1997). related to its less direct effects through activation of cen-
Steroids have also been reported in the treatment of tral melanocortin receptors (Vigevano & Cilio, 2009).
nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE). However, the Ganaxolone, a compound related to the neurosteroid
problem in evaluating their benefit relies on defining the allopregnanolone and a positive allosteric modulator of
condition to be treated at the outset. By definition, an GABAA receptors has been evaluated in epilepsy. The
individual with NCSE should show a change in behavior theory behind this assumes that it has similar effects on
and responsiveness compared to the baseline, with con- the nervous system as steroids, but not the peripheral side-
comitant EEG activity alterations showing continuous effects. However, an initial RCT (Laxer et al., 2000) and
epileptic discharges. Treatment of NCSE with steroids an open-label study (Kerrigan et al., 2000) failed to
can often result in dramatic beneficial effects on clinical demonstrate appreciable benefit.
state and EEG, but series of such patients are lacking. Steroids have been widely used in difficult-to-treat epi-
Steroids have been used in continuous spike-wave activ- lepsies (including the catastrophic epilepsies) in order not
ity in slow sleep (CSWS) with cognitive regression, also only to reduce seizures, but also to rescue developmental
including Landau-Kleffner syndrome (LKS). In this situ- regression. There is limited evidence to suggest beneficial
ation, it has to be tested whether objective measures of in selected populations, becauseexcept for ISstudies
cognitive outcome correlate with EEG resolution. Out- are small, open-label, uncontrolled, and performed in het-
come appears to be related to steroid response and dura- erogeneous populations.
tion of CSWS/regression (Buzatu et al., 2009). However,
the frequency of relapse after discontinuation of steroids Future directions
is one of the major problems. Some authors suggest more Further work is needed to resolve in which patient pop-
prolonged courses to sustain the response (Buzatu et al., ulations steroids should be used, using which regimen and
2009). for how long, and how to measure defined outcomes.
Steroid use in other epilepsies has been more anecdotal.
There are several open-label series using steroids in drug-
resistant epilepsies with variable benefit, but groups of
Steroids and Other
patients were highly heterogeneous, their numbers small, Immunotherapies for Status
and positive effects lasted only short term in the majority Epilepticus (SE) in Immunologic
of cases. A Cochrane review of corticosteroids including Disorders (S. Shorvon, London,
ACTH for childhood epilepsy other than IS retrieved three United Kingdom)
RCTs only; two studies recruited patients with new-onset
epilepsy and neurocysticercosis, respectively, and, there- Status epilepticus (SE) is a common presenting symp-
fore, were excluded (Gayatri et al., 2009). The one tom of a variety of immunologic conditions (Table 1).
remaining study compared an ACTH 49 analog in five Therapy in this area is entirely free of any high-level evi-
children with intractable seizures against placebo using a dence, and based on case reports and small series. In

Epilepsia, 52(Suppl. 3):4551, 2011

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2011.03036.x
Therapies in Epileptic Disorders

genic. If there is a tumor present, the neoplasm should be

Table 1. Conditions in which SE may occur urgently removed (the longer the delay and duration of
Hashimotos encephalopathy [or steroid-responsive SE, the more the risk of cerebral damage). Beyond
encephalopathy associated with autoimmune thyroiditis conventional AEDs, therapy of SE consists of high-dose
(SREAT)] steroids, plasma exchange, IVIGs, cyclophosphamide, or
Limbic encephalitis (LE)/autoimmune encephalopathies
Nonparaneoplastic, associated with anti-GAD-, The choice of drugs and their dosages vary in different
anti-NMDA-receptor-, anti-LGI1-antibodies, and so on. centers, and will depend on severity and cause of the
Vasculitis, for example SLE, Sjogrens syndrome, primary disorder, the clinical context, patients age, and comorbid-
angiitis ity. It is important and not only medically, but also scien-
tifically justified, that treatment is protocol-driven and
overseen by an immunologist. Immunotherapy schedules
general, all these conditions share a number of common according to the protocols used in the UCL Institute of
features: The longer the duration, the worse is the out- Neurology, London (United Kingdom) are summarized in
come. Treatment consists of conventional antiepileptic Table 2.
drugs (AEDs) and also immunotherapy. AEDs alone often
are only partially successful andif possiblethe under- Future directions
lying disorder should also be treated. The number of con- The role of steroids in specific SE conditions, such as in
ditions identified is increasing, and immunologic therapy some of the newly discovered autoantibody (Ab)associ-
should probably be started in all cases of refractory SE of ated limbic encephalitis (LE) (anti-NMDA-, anti-LGI1,
unknown cause. anti-GABAB1-, and anti-AMPA-Abs) has to be better
defined, as well as dosage of steroids, their administration
Hashimotos encephalopathy (HE) route, and duration of therapy. It might be important that
This disorder is the longest recognized autoimmune
encephalopathyfirst explicitly described in 1966 (Brain
et al., 1966). There have been three larger case series
(Chong et al., 2003; Chaudhuri & Behan, 2003; Castillo Table 2. Immunotherapy schedules (UCL
et al., 2006). Most cases strikingly respond to steroids; Institute of Neurology, London (United
therefore, it has been proposed to label the condition Kingdom)
steroid-responsive encephalopathy associated with auto-
immune thyroiditis (SREAT) (Schuble et al., 2003). Disorders
Nonvasculitic antibody-mediated immunologic diseasea
There are almost no trials or uniform guidelines. When
High-dose steroids
treating SE in HE, AEDs alone are often unsuccessful and Plasma exchange or IVIGs
additional high-dose steroids and other kind of immuno- Cyclophosphamide or rituximab
therapy are recommended. Vasculitic conditions
The usual regimen consists of induction of remission High-dose steroids
by intravenous methylprednisolone followed by oral pred-
nisolone at a dose of 1 mg/kg. Steroids are then slowly Regimens
tapered after 46 weeks. Relapses occur and are treated High-dose steroids
Intravenous methylprednisolone
with reexposure to methylprednisolone and steroid
1,000 mg for 3 days, followed by
sparing agents such as azathioprine, methotrexate, cyclo- 1 mg/kg for a period (usually 6 weeks, depending
phosphamide, and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG). on cause/severity) and then taper
Monitoring of therapy is on clinical not serologic grounds, IVIG
since antibody titers may not closely reflect disease activ- Two courses separated by 2 weeks, each course of 0.4 g/kg over
5 days
ity. This condition has a tendency to recur: It was
observed that in one case in which monthly IVIG (with Following the CYCLOPS protocol
rituximab) controlled all symptoms but when the IVIG 15 mg/kg IV over 1 h (capped at 1 g)
was switched to a 6-weekly regimen, seizures recurred Repeated every 2 weeks for three doses, then
regularly at weeks 5 and 6 (Shorvon S, personal communi- Every 3 weeks (in adults <60 years with normal renal function,
with dose adjustments depending on WBC)
500 mg repeated 2 weeks later (750 mg/m2) and 375 mg every
Encephalopathy associated with NMDA-receptor three months
antibodies a
The response is better with surface antigens (e.g., VGKA,
This disorder is a common cause of SE, and may
NMDA) than with intracellular (e.g., GAD).
account for many cases previously categorized as crypto-

Epilepsia, 52(Suppl. 3):4551, 2011

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2011.03036.x
C. Ozkara and F. Vigevano

the still rare patients with these disorders are treated altering the kinetics of expression of disease-related auto-
according to predetermined protocols within studies in Abs (Dietrich et al., 1992). Alterations of immunologic
order to obtain more clear and comparable data. and inflammation markers have been correlated with the
In refractory SE of primarily noninflammatory origin, clinical IVIG effect; however their interpretation is equiv-
the role of steroid treatment has to be further investigated, ocal and interferences of different factors (e.g., AEDs)
with respect to the overall riskbenefit ratio and more cannot be ruled out.
specifically to the timing of administration, dosage, and The use of IVIG in association with steroids is recom-
duration. mended as a first-line therapy in late-onset RE and as a
third-line therapy in childhood-onset RE (Granata et al.,
Intravenous Immunoglobulins 2003). The suggested dosing scheme is to start with three
(G. Avanzini, Milan, Italy) to five consecutive infusions of 0.4 g/kg/day and to pro-
ceed with a monthly dose of 0.42.0 g/kg distributed over
A beneficial effect of immunoglobulin (Ig) treatment of 15 consecutive days (Bien et al., 2005).
epileptic seizures has been first suggested after the empiri- Although in other types of epilepsies the pathogenetic
cal observation of Pechadre et al. (1977), who reported a role of immune-mediated mechanisms is less clear, all the
decrease in frequency and severity of seizures in children studies with IVIG concur in demonstrating a beneficial
with epilepsy treated with Ig for recurrent upper respira- effect in a substantial percentage of pharmacoresistant
tory tract infections. This report prompted further thera- patients, supporting the experimental evidence of the role
peutic attempts with Ig in intractable epilepsies: In their played by inflammatory and immunologic mechanisms in
review of the literature, van Engelen et al. (1994) found 24 epilepsy (Vezzani & Granata, 2005; Vezzani et al., 2011).
papers published until 1993, 14 on mixed types of epi- Indeed, the recently published guidelines of the European
lepsy, nine on IS and/or Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS), Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) include
and one on postencephalitic epilepsy. drug-resistant epilepsy of childhood among the 12 neuro-
Overall, a 52% mean seizure reduction and 23% remis- logic disorders where IVIGs are indicated (Elovaara et al.,
sion were reported in the 368 patients who have been trea- 2008). The recommended therapeutic scheme is similar to
ted with intramuscular or, in the large majority, the one for RE (0.4 g/kg for 5 days at 4-week intervals fol-
intravenous (IVIG) Ig administration until 1993, with a lowed by monthly maintenance).
very large variability across the different studies. Note- The treatment is usually well tolerated, the most fre-
worthy, all the other studies were open-label, except one quent adverse effect being headache that occurred in
placebo-controlled single-blind trial (Illum et al., 1990). 30% of the patients. In 4% of the cases, however, severe
Moreover, the duration was too short (only in seven stud- adverse events (thrombosis of the jugular vein, allergic
ies 6 months) in most studies and too small (only four reaction, and retrosternal pressure) were reported, lead-
studies were carried out in a population of >20 patients). ing to discontinuation of the treatment. No clinically rel-
Furthermore, the immunologic parameters were not sys- evant changes in blood tests were observed; however,
tematically investigated. monitoring of laboratory findings is considered to be
In a later double-blind study including 43 patients with mandatory.
various types of epilepsies and 18 controls with different
doses of IVIG, the responder/nonresponder ratio was Future directions
clearly higher in the treated group, but the difference was The same questions and goals as listed for the appli-
statistically significant for the subgroup of patients with cation of steroids might apply for the use of IVIGs as a
partial epilepsy only (van Rijckevorsel-Harmant et al., treatment in epilepsy syndromes with a very likely, pos-
1994). This study and the following three published more sible, or probable autoimmune cause. Because treatment
recently confirmed the previous ones (for references see with IVIGs is resource and financially demanding, ques-
Mikati et al., 2010). tions about optimal duration of such treatment, dosage,
More consistent results were reported on selected popu- and adminstration interval should be carefully evalu-
lations of patients with IS and/or LGS, LKS, and epilep- ated.
sies with CSWS, Rasmussen encephalitis (RE), and other
types of paraneoplastic and nonparaneoplastic autoim- Plasma Treatment (T. Granata,
mune encephalitis currently defined as limbic encephalitis
(see reviews in: Villani & Avanzini, 2002; Villani et al.,
Milan, Italy)
2008; Elovaara et al., 2008; Mikati et al., 2010; Vincent Immune-mediated disorders are treated by corticoster-
et al., 2010). Notably, the involvement of immune-medi- oids, immunosuppressants, and monoclonal antibodies
ated mechanisms is demonstrated for RE and limbic (Abs). Moreover, the activity of auto-Abs can be modu-
encephalitis and hypothesized for IS, LGS, and LKS. lated by treatment with IVIGs and by plasma treatment,
Intravenous Ig might have an immunorestorative effect by which consists of the mechanical removal of Abs by

Epilepsia, 52(Suppl. 3):4551, 2011

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2011.03036.x
Therapies in Epileptic Disorders

plasmapheresis (plasma exchange, PE) or by semiselec- severity of these syndromes, plasma treatment was carried
tive immunoadsorption (IA). The patients plasma is sepa- out in association with other immunotherapy (usually ste-
rated from the cellular elements of blood by centrifugation roids or sequential IVIGs) and the proper effect of the dif-
during PE and substituted by replacement fluid; during ferent treatments cannot be exactly specified. However,
IA, circulating Igs are selectively removed from the the contribution of plasma treatment may be derived from
patients plasma, which is adsorbed on-line and given back the analysis of the few case reports focusing on the effect
to the patient without any replacement fluid. Plasma treat- of plasma treatment alone (Mat et al., 2008; Schimmel
ment, either by PE or IA, is indicated in disorders associ- et al., 2009; Agrawal et al., 2010), where it was observed
ated with pathogenic auto-Abs, specifically in that clinical improvement paralleled the reduction of the
autoimmune ion channel disorders such as myasthenia specific circulating Abs (Irani et al., 2008, 2010; Mat
gravis, Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, or neuro- et al., 2008) and from the reported trend toward a better
myotonia. outcome in patients in whom steroids were combined with
In the recent years, a growing number of epileptic disor- other immunotherapy, including PE (Irani et al., 2010).
ders associated with brain inflammation and potentially Although there are no therapeutic guidelines, PE/IA
pathogenic Abs have been described; these patients do not can be considered in: (1) seizure disorders with auto-
respond, or only partially respond, to antiepileptic drugs Abs to specific neuronal protein, conditions where anti-
but have been reported to benefit from immunomodula- bodies are likely to play a major role in pathogenesis
tion, including plasma treatment. (e.g., limbic encephalitis). Given the increasing number
The first experience using PE to treat patients with of patients with these disorders, proper trials are war-
inflammatory epilepsy dates back to 1994. Rogers and ranted to reach a consensus on the immunomodulatory
colleagues demonstrated that some rabbits immunized therapy, and specifically on the position of plasma treat-
with recombinant glutamate receptor subunit 3 (GluR3) ment (as first-line or only in patients refractory to ste-
protein developed seizures and inflammatory reactions roids or IVIGs, and so on); (2) conditions in which the
within the CNS resembling those observed in RE, and that role of humoral immunity is still undefined, but in
some RE patients transiently benefited from PE (Rogers which removal of Abs was proven to be at least tran-
et al., 1994). Since then, plasma treatment has been used siently effective, for example, in RE; and (3) as a
with the rationale of removing potentially pathogenic research tool in selected conditions where the observa-
Abs. Unfortunately, only few patients were reported to be tion of a rapid response to Abs removal should prompt
successfully treated by PE or IA (Andrews et al., 1996; further pathogenetic immunologic studies.
Antozzi et al., 1998; Thilo et al., 2009), and in no cases
was the plasma treatment proven to be effective as a long- Future directions
term therapy (Granata et al., 2003; and Villani, personal Proper trials are warranted to reach a consensus on best
communication on a series of five adult patients). These modality of immunomodulatory therapy, and specifically
disappointing results may be probably explained in light on the position of plasma treatment (as first-line or only
of the recent advances in the knowledge of RE, which treatment in patients who are refractory to steroids or
indicate a pivotal role for cell-mediated immunity in the IVIGs, and so on). The role of humoral immunity in sev-
pathogenesis of the disease. Nonetheless, given the eral clinical conditions should be further elucidated in
dramatic, albeit transient, effect of plasma treatment order to better identify patients who will profit of plasma
(Andrews et al., 1996; Granata et al., 2003; Thilo et al., treatment therapy. Further pathogenetic immunologic
2009), it may still be indicated in selected conditions, for studies in those patients with a rapid response to Abs
example, in phases with acute neurologic deterioration, removal may help to designate candidates who are most
SE, and in relieving seizures before starting (or in associ- likely to improve on plasma treatment.
ation with) other immunomodulatory treatments.
Plasma treatment was used in a few patients with steroid
responsive encephalopathy associated with autoimmune Clinical Trials with
thyroiditis (SREAT) (also referred as Hashimotos Antiinflammatory Agents
encephalitis) who did not benefit from corticosteroids (J. French, New York, NY, U.S.A.)
(Nagpal & Pande, 2004; Hussain et al., 2005).
More recently, experiences with plasma treatment have As more becomes known about the role of inflamma-
been increasingly reported in patients with seizure dis- tion in the development and perpetuation of epileptic sei-
orders with auto-Abs to specific neuronal proteins, such as zures, there is a greater desire to introduce therapies that
voltage-gated potassium channels (VGKCs), N-methyl-D- can address these mechanisms. At present, a number of
aspartate (NMDA) receptors, and glutamic acid decarbox- existing therapies are used by clinicians, including ste-
ylase (GAD) (Vincent et al., 2004; Florance et al., 2009; roids, IVIGs, and PE. These therapies are used in a number
Wong et al., 2010). In most case series, likely due to the of pediatric syndromes such as LKS, CSWS, IS, and

Epilepsia, 52(Suppl. 3):4551, 2011

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2011.03036.x
C. Ozkara and F. Vigevano

treatment-resistant focal epilepsy. Immune-modulating

therapies are also given to patients with presumed auto- Disclosures
immune encephalopathies with or without auto-Abs, some None of the authors has any conflict of interest to disclose. We con-
cases of cryptogenic SE, and RE. In addition, the hypothe- firm that we have read the Journals position on issues involved in eth-
sis that inflammation may underlie or perpetuate epilepsy ical publication and affirm that this report is consistent with those
more broadly, even without an autoimmune etiology,
prompted the development of novel therapeutics for
adjunctive use in treatment-resistant focal epilepsies References
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blind. Fourth, all these issues are compounded by the fact Buzatu M, Bulteau C, Altuzarra C, Dulac O, van Bogaert P. (2009) Corti-
that the conditions for which these treatments are used are costeroids as treatment of epileptic syndromes with continuous spike-
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outline case series, often retrospective. A few are prospec- Chaudhuri A, Behan PO. (2003) The clinical spectrum, diagnosis, patho-
tive, but they often lack properly allocated controls. Base- genesis and treatment of Hashimotos encephalopathy (recurrent
line seizure rates are rarely captured. A recent survey of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis). Curr Med Chem 10:1945
1953., the website on which all spon- Chiron C, Dulac O, Bulteau C, Nuttin C, Depas G, Raynaud C, Syrota A.
sored trials must be listed, did not uncover any ongoing tri- (1993) Study of regional cerebral blood flow in West syndrome.
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in childhood epilepsy found only one RCT, which had Chong JY, Rowland LP, Utiger RD. (2003) Hashimoto encephalopathy:
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recruited only five patients (Gayatri et al., 2007). Dietrich G, Kaveri SV, Kazatchkine MD. (1992) Modulation of autoim-
munity by intravenous immune globulin trough interaction with the
Future directions function of the immune/idiotypic network. Clin Immunol Immunopa-
thol 62(suppl):S73S81.
There is a need for more rigorous assessment of both Elovaara I, Apostolski S, van Doorn P, Gilhus NE, Hietaharju A, Honk-
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flammatory and immune-modulatory therapies, both (2008) EFNS guidelines for the use of intravenous immunoglobulin
in treatment of neurological diseases: EFNS Task Force on the Use of
existing and future, can provide a substantial benefit Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Treatment of Neurological Diseases.
to patients who otherwise have few available effective Eur J Neurol 15:893908.
treatments. It is hoped that well-designed clinical Florance NR, Davis RL, Lam C, Szperka C, Zhou L, Ahmad S, Campen
CJ, Moss H, Peter N, Gleichman AJ, Glaser CA, Lynch DR, Rosen-
research can elucidate their benefits and potential harms, feld MR, Dalmau J. (2009) Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor
if any, thereby allowing a better perspective on risk (NMDAR) encephalitis in children and adolescents. Ann Neurol
benefit ratio. 66:1118.
Gayatri NA, Ferrie CD, Cross H. (2007) Corticosteroids including ACTH
for childhood epilepsy other than epileptic spasms. Cochrane Data-
base Syst Rev Issue 1:CD005222.
Additional Contributors Gayatri N, Ferrie CD, Cross JH. (2009) Corticosteroids including ACTH
for childhood epilepsy other than epileptic spasms (updated review).
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