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Marco Johnson


English 1

11 December 2015

Huey P. Newton impact on the Civil Rights Movement

My fear was not of death itself, but a death without meaning[By Huey P. Newton]. Huey P.

Newton is one of the founders of the Black Panther party He was a African-American political activist

and revolutionary. He is also the author of the book Revolutionary Suicide. Huey had had many illegal

run-ins with the law but he began to take his education seriously. He newton was a great man and many

more because he believed higher education,he took action,and 1belivedin social change.

Huey Newton believed in higher education . Because he had to learn it on his own. In 1959 he

graduated and barely knew how to read so he became his own teacher and taught himself how to read.

2All they (the teachers) did was to try to rob me of the sense of my own uniqueness and worth, and

in the process they nearly killed my urge to inquire. (Newton) . If Huey never had felt this way

towards his teachers then he wouldnt be able to teach other about higher education. Thus, it is clear to

see that Huey Newton saw that his teachers didnt want him to receive a higher education so he got on

his own.

Huey Newton took action by starting a party. When he was in college he joined the afro-american

association where he got intrested in plolitics . 1Newton decided to pursue his education at Merritt

College, where he met Bobby Seale. The two were briefly involved with political groups at the school

before they set out to create one of their own. If newton never joined the afro-american association then

he wouldnt have been able to use the opposite ways of them to create the black panthers party. It is clear

that huey used the opposite of what he was taught to create the black panther party.

Huey Newton believed in social change. Because of the struggle of African Americans. 3They

did not eliminate racism or poverty and they did not improve the conditions in many black urban

neighborhoods. Many black leaders began to rethink their goals, and some embraced a more militant

ideology of separatism and self-defense. 1They set forth their political goals in a document called the

Ten-Point Program, which included better housing, jobs, and education for African Americans. It also

called for an end to economic exploitation of black communities. If heuy didnt go to college then we

would have advanced in the civil rights movement and he wouldn't have been interested in social change

and taught the ways of the afro-american association . Thus it is clear that huey made a social change.

In conclusion Huey Newton wanted to make a change . Eventhough his earlier life was a little

rocky. But he made a difference by creating a revolutuion for the civil rights movement. He also just

didnt teach about civil rights he also taught self-defense. Huey Newton made a difference then, but now

we still have a long way to go.


Works Cited A&E Networks Television. Web. 9 Dec. 2015.

2."The Civil Rights Movement in America 1945 to 1968 - History Learning Site." History Learning Site.

Web. 9 Dec. 2015.

3."The 1960s." A&E Television Networks. Web. 9 Dec. 2015.

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