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Why Christians Should be Lifelong Learners and Critical Thinkers




Why Christians should be lifelong learners and critical thinkers.

Ananiadou, K., & Claro, M. (2009). 21st century skills and competences for new millennium

learners in OECD countries.

In this article, an overall depiction of learning skills is brought forward and here the

report bases its facts on the international conference on 21 st century competencies. The

overall objective comes out to bring an educational system to equip young Christians. The

reality that young Christians are experiencing a surge in social attitudes as well as social

values. In a general description from the article it can be depicted that Christians should

be a contributing factor to the economic development. On the other instance the reason it

is to have a better possession of labour force to equip the skills and competencies suitable

for having contribution to the young people to in cooperate educational sills. In the

research conducted a final evaluation which makes regards to the pedagogical skills

which in most cases it is optimal. In this context, therefore an outcome of the research is

to help the learners have the competencies to be able to handle situation in general and in

this context, being critical thinkers to provide direction.

Lima, L. C., & Guimares, P. C. O. (2011). European strategies in lifelong learning: A critical

introduction (pp. 1-165). Barbara Budrich.

The argument put forward in this article explore the ideology of lifelong education. It

depicts that it has made a noticeable comeback to the terms of economical restatement It

also makes a contradicting idea, that lifelong learning fails at some extents and this makes

a progressive political and educational projection. The scope makes a major turn up to

enable acquisition to the skills where it makes a major inclination on the policy discourse.

An application to the Christians come in to be able to make provision of major life

interpretation of complex world. In this manner, theres an education for the economy and

in this context a present critique that will transform as well as democratise the capitalist

economy. Thus, Christians can be turning back the economy and be able to solve

employment as well as joblessness. The permanent tension which is an impotent ideology

thus if it is ignored as a conception which would open a criticism.

Verheyden, G., Handgraaf, M., Demirci, A., & Grneberg, C. (2011). The future of physiotherapy

education: towards a translational model of learning complex skills. Physiotherapy

Research International, 16(4), 187-190.

In this article, the major issue in discussion is the availability of technologies in learning,

which in general is seen to make advancements in the relation of human to computer

relations. In a consequential outlook the usability of major provision of engineering

techniques are coming into place, the general implication comes to the Christian

individual to appreciate lifelong learning. The need to be able to understand the nature of

the practical experiences in learning while making a huge supportive measure to

Christianity values. In the conducted survey in the article analysis there is a one

connection of technology to achieve a massive relationship within humanity. The

importance of lifelong learning for Christians is to help manage as well as build the

gestures of teaching to carry a better as well as successful description of development.

Lifelong learning is a better description of the power of technology in the need to advance

in learning.

Bailey, K. G. (2012). Faith-learning integration, critical thinking skills, and student development

in Christian education. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 21(2), 153-173.

The argument put forward in the critic is the discussion of the general is the integration of

faith as well as the learning presupposes of the learners. The need to have theoretical work

be addressed then the role of the students become a working tool to the overall integration

in faith-learning in Christians. Moreover, students are in to be perceived as to be the

general work of the teachers as well as institutions. Making suggestions that the learners

have a passive experience, the need to have critical thinking skills model which are the

conduction of a faith -learning integration which is a developing support in making

independent faith-learning integration. The need for critical thinking is to create an

environment to have a perfect deployment of a better learning space for Christians.

Minter, M. K. (2010). Critical thinking concept reconstructed. Contemporary Issues in Education

Research (CIER), 3(8), 33-42.

An exploration is made regarding the initiation of the teaching of the vital topic of critical

thinking, the outcome of the article makes an inclusion of making identification as well as

addressing in many ways the environmental variables which now will act as a barrier to

the human level of thinking. In most instances the variables are linked to be the barrier to

the human thinking. The approach in this context comes in as a utilization and an

interrelation of building critical thinking. When Christians become critical thinkers, it

makes an increase in the outcome to be able to enhance credibility in making successful

building blocks in communication. The concept of open system comes in as a perspective

of thinking as well as learning process. The reasoning is one of the most visualized entity

to make a successful interrelation. In this aspect, there is increase in reconstruction and

elected creative conformation in academic variation making it an important requisite


Byrne, C. (2011). Freirean critical pedagogys challenge to interfaith education: what is

interfaith? What is education?. British journal of religious education, 33(1), 47-60.

To understand the need to have critical thinking and lifelong learning to Christians there is

a portrayal off interfaith education which comes in as a basic analytical topic. The paper

makes a description N intention to distract from the effort to ask the question whether the

uncritical nature of most the initiatives which will encourages the general continuation of

vast cultural theology bias. Thus, learning for Christians comes in to be able to provide

explanation like the critical social theorist Paul. The nature of the view is to provide a

social evolution. The pedagogy put forward is that of freedom which is then relied to the

knowledge which is out of bound which are freedom natured and teach humility. The

examination of the interfaith concepts comes handy with the need to critical thinking for

Christians to encourage continuation and persistence to learning and creativity.

Semetsky, I., & DELPECHRAMEY, J. A. (2012). Jung's Psychology and Deleuze's Philosophy:

The unconscious in learning. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 44(1), 69-81.

The basic concept depicted in the paper is the addressing of the unconscious aspect

dimension in depth psychology. It will later be a base to the explanation to the reason o

have a long-life learning and critical thinking. The theory is given as a tool in pedagogy of

the two concept and described to have two complementary resources in return which posit

individual goals of human development and exploration in the individual roles of the

unconscious learning. The assentations deployed by the paper is the actualization of

educational theories behind the process of learning in real time from the environment. In

return this becomes a basic part to be able to make compilation and need for critical

thinking in Christians from the environment. The subject formation as well as the self-

knowledge will in turn be an experimental aspect for self-education.

Lee, H., & Givens, R. (2012). Critical Consciousness and the Christian Conscience: Making the

Necessary Connections Between Faith-Based Learning and Critical Pedagogy. Journal of

Research on Christian Education, 21(3), 195-210.

The concept of pedagogy is given an insight in this article and it has a general critical

pedagogy by a postmodernism product into which it brings the argument of reality to be

subjective as well as to be truth. It is identified through a persons experiences as well as

its environment to affect the applied faith based education. It is therefore an out come to

have the learners be able to device different ways to answer the question having a good

base of facts from different theories and an in-depth of critical thinking.

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