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Desenvolvimento de compet@nciaslinguisticas

F o r m a l %Geral
e Especifica

Ensino Secundario

Dulce Sardoeira

Titulo : Practice Makes Perfect
ColecqBo i Studying
Anos de escolaridade 1OP, 11?, 12?anos e Ensino Secundario Recorrente

Autora j Dulce Sardoeira

Design j X&P Design

Execucfio grafica : GRAFIASA

Ano IEdiqBo / Abril de 2001 I1:' Edi@o

Tiragem i 2000 exernplares

NP Deposito Legsl 160 600101

ASA Editores 11, S.A.


A\.. d a B o a v i s r a , 3 2 6 5 - S a l a 4 . 1
Telef.: 226166030 F a x : 226155346
Xparrado 1035 ! 4101-001 P O R T 0

E-mail: e d i c o e s l ? ~ s a . p r


.A\-. D r . A u g u s t o d e C a s t r o , L o r e 1 1 0
T e l e f . 21S372176 F a x . 2 1 8 5 9 7 2 4 7
1 9 0 0 - 6 6 3 LlSBOA PORTCG.AL
Table of contents
Introdu@o - 5
-- -- - - - --

Purpose Clauses 8
Cause and Reason CIausesIPhrases 8
Concessive ClausesIPhrases 9
Conditional Clauses 9
Time Clauses/Expressions 10
IndirecVReported Speech 11
Statements II
Questions 12
Exclamations 12
Mixed Types 12
Passive Voice 13
Passive Structure 14
Reporting with a Passive Verb 14
The HavelGet Something Done Structure 15
The Emphatic Inversion of the Subject 16
Relatives: DefiningNon Defining 17
Defining Relatives Clauses 17
Non-Defining Relatives Clauses 17
ModallDefective Verbs 18
The Adjective Degrees 20
Comparative of Superiority 20
Comparative of Equality 20
Comparative of Inferiority 21
Superlative of Superiority 21
Superlative of Inferiority 21
Irregular AdjectivesIAdverbs 22
The Use of So and Such 22
Leading Forms of Irregular English Verbs
Active to Passive 28
Passive to Active 29
Reported Speech - Statements 30
Reported Speech - Questions
Reported Speech - Commands 31
Reported Speech - Mixed Types 32
Concessive Clauses/Phrases 33
Adversative into Concessive Clauses/Phrases 33
Conditional Clauses 34
Reporting with Passive Verbs 35
Reason Clauses/Phrases . 36
Purpose Clauses
Relative Clauses 37
Modal Verbs 38
Emphatic Inversion of the Subject 39
Participle Phrases into Adverb Clauses 39
Have/Get + Object + Past Participle 41
Adjective Degrees 41
So/Such 42
Este auxiliar destina-se, essencialmente, aos alunos de lo?, 1I ? e 120 anos de
escolaridade e ao Ensino Secundiirio Recorrente.

Trata-se de um livro de topicos das estruturas gramaticais mais utilizadas e dos

respectivos exercicios de aplica~iio.Permite, por isso, rever, treinar e consolidar as
estruturas aprendidas no Ensino Bisico e que v2o sendo desenvolvidas no Ensino
Secundiirio. Permite, tarilbkn, melhorar e aumentar as compei&ncias lingiiisiicas do
aluno, tendo em vista um bom funcionamento da lingua.

Esti organizado da seguinte forma:

Essential Sentence Structures - Rephrasing Sentences
Resumo dos t6picos gramaticais a que o aluno pode recorrer se pretender resolver
rapidarnente um exercicio.
NZo dispensa a consulta de uma boa gramiitica de Ingles para um estudo mais apro-

Practice .
Exercicios de "Rephrasing", de aplicaq20 dos t6picos referidos por temas. Estes
exercicios n2o seguem integralmente a ordem dos t6picos, por isso, em caso de drivida,
o aluno deve consultar o indice.
Trata-se de exercicios de nivel elementar, muito importantes para o aluno se habituar
i s estruturas contidas em cada exercicio.

Miscellaneous Rephrasing - Intermediate Level

Exercicios de "Rephrasing" de nivel intermkdio, para alunos do I O? ano; trata-se de
uma miscelinia das estruturas gramaticais. 0 aluno dever5 dominar as estruturas
essenciais para resolver estes exercicios espontaneamente.

Miscellaneous Rephrasing - Upper-Intermediate Level

Exercicios de "Rephrasing" de nivel intermkdio-avancado, mais complexes, para
alunos de I I ? e 12: anos e Ensino SecundArio Recorrente.
0 livro termina com Suggested Answers. Convkm salientar que em relac20 a
algumas estruturas gramaticais poderii haver duas ou mais resolug6es, apesar de s6
uma ser apresentada.

A autora

I ~ v o u l dlike to thank all the colleagues and friends that have supported and
encouraged me throughout the making of this book.
M y special thanks to m y colleague and friend JoZo hhchagata.

I dedicate this book to m y daughters and son, who assisted and helped me step by step.

The title of this book, Practice Makes Perfect, is an English proverb which, in m y
opinion, says it all. Only by drilling as often as necessary can people become proficient
in whatever area they are involved in. Have we ever seen an Olympic gold medal
winner, who has not trained for a lifetime? Therefore, I urge the users of this book to
be persistent and not to give it up whenever any difficulty arises. Gradually you will
become masters in the art of expressing correctly.

The author


1553 - TOMAS WILSON, Art of Rhetoric 3, a highly influential book in England,

"Eloquence'was used, and through practise made perfect".

1863 - CHARLES READE, English novelist, Hard Cash 111. iv. "He lighted seven fires,
skilfully on the whole, for practice makes perfect".

1979 - DORES LESSING, British novelist, Shikasta 185 "It is like playing the piano
or riding a bicycle. Practise makes perfect".

1998 - Washington Times 13 Jan. E2 "Practice makes perfect. H o w many times have
parents uttered those words to encourage their children?..."

In The Concise Dictionary o f Proverbs,

Oxford University Press, third edition.
Practice Makes Perfect

Purpose Clauses

d) SO THATIIN ORDER THAT + SUBJECT + can; will; may; shall + infinitive
without 'to'

Ex.: a) We need to protect the Earth to protect ourselves.

b) We need to protect the Earth so as to protect ourselves.
c ) We need to protect the Earth in order to protect ourselves.
d) We need to protect the Earth so thatlin order that we can protect

Cause and Reason Clauses/Ph rases


because because of
since on account of
for due to
as owing to
(1) + subject + verb* (2) + verb in the -ing form
(3) + noun
(4) + pronoun
(5) + the fact that + subject + verb*

Ex.: (1) We need to protect the Earth because we need to survive.

(2) We need to protect the Earth owing to our needing to survive.
(3) We need to protect the Earth owing to our need to survive.
(4) We need to protect the Earth owing to this.
( 5 ) We need to protect the Earth owing to the fact that we need to survive.

*The verb in the suitable tense.

Essentiz! Sentence Structures
. .

Concessive CIauses/Phrases
although in spite of
though despite**
even though
even if
( I ) + subject + verb* (2)+ verb in the -ing form
(3) noun
(4) + pronqun
(5) + the fact that subject + verb*

Ex.: (1) Although (though, even thoughlif) it rained a lot, they went out.
(2) In spite of (despite) raining, they went out.
(3) !n spite of (despite) the heavy rain, they went out.
(4) In spite of (despite) it, they went out.
(5) In spite of (despite) the fact that it rained a lot, they went out.

Conditional Clauses
CONJUNCTIONS - if, whether, provided (that), as long as, unless

Simple Present Simple Present

Cause - Effect If I read a lot, I improve my knowledge.

1. Simple Present Simple Future

CONDITION j If I read a lot, l will improve my knowledge.

2. Simple Past Simple Conditional

CONDITION If I read a lot, I would improve my knowledge.

3. Past Perfect - Conditional Perfect

CONDITION If I had read a lot, I would have improved my knowledge.

positive verb* = IF + negative verb*:
Ex.: Unless I had read a lot, I wouldn't have improved my knowledge.
If I hadn't read a lot, I wouldn't have improved my knowledge.

The verb in the suitable tense.

**"Despite1' doesn't require "of"
Practice Makej Perfect

The subjunctive of the verb TO BE

The past of this verb is often used like a type 2 conditional; 'were' is used with
all persons singular and plural.
Ex.: If I were offered a place at the university, I'd take it.

Will and would are not normally used after 'if' in conditional sentences, but there
are some exceptions.

1. a. Polite conditionals
willlwould - 'arelwere willing tof
Ex.: If you will take a seat, 1'11 try and find the manager.
If you would let me know the answer soon, I'd thank you very much.
b. Iwonder i f you cocrld/would
Ex.: I wonder i f you could/~vouldsend this letter for me.

2. 'Will' strongly stressed - emphasises a persistent habit with its obvious

Ex.: If you will arrive late, it's not surprising your parents get annoyed.

3. 'Won't' meaning refusal

Ex.: If he won't listen carefully, he'll never improve his English accent.

If only
Expression used in conditional phrases and sentences to translate a wish or, in
negative sentences, a regret.
Ex.: If only the wind would stop, we could let the children play outside.
(PresentIFuture situations) (We wish it would stop.)
If only Ihadn't wasted so much time in discos, I'd have got a diploma.
(Past situations) (Iregret having wasted so much time.)

The Inversion of the Subject to replace IF

[with to be, to have, should]
Ex.: Were I invited to the party, I would go. [Were I...
= If I were ...I

Time C~auses/Expressions
when, as, while, as soon as, till, until after, before, till, until
whenever, after, before, since since, on
(1) subject verb*+ +
(2) verb in the -ing form
Ex.: (2) On leaving home, she decided to go shopping.
(1) When she left home, she decided to go shopping.
(2) After having done all his work, he left.
(1) After he had done all his work, he left.
IndirectlReported Speech
When the introductory sentence is in the past, the following verb tenses normally
change as follows:

I Simple Present / Simple Past I

I Present Contii-iuous ( past ~ontitluous 1
Simple Past / Past Perfect
1 ) (or S. Past if it doesn't alter the meaning)
1 Present Perfect I Past Perfect
/ Past Perfect Past Perfect (no change) 1
Simple Future Simple Conditional
(~villlshall) (~~~ould/should)

1 7" Person I; we; me; us ( 3rd Person - heishe; they; himlher; them I
I my; our; mine; ours / hislher; their; hisihers; theirs

1 Thislthese (in time ex~ressions)

This/that/these/those (adjectives) The

I Herelnow I Therelthen; at that moment 1
Today/tonight/tomorrow . That daylthat night/the following day
Yesterdaylago / The previous day; the day beforelbefore
NexVlast (week, month ...) 1 The following/previou9 (week, month ...)

Introducing sentence in the past:


Ex.: "I am leaving for Mexico now", he said.

He said (that) he was leaving for Mexico then.
"1 will go home tomorrow"; Mrs Brown said.
Mrs Brown said (that) she would go home the following day.
rn Practice Makes Perfect

Questions [the same verb* changes

as in statements]
No inversion of the subject;
Connectors: IFIWHETHER;
lntroducing sentence a verb meaning ask;
No auxiliary DO.
Ex.: "Do you like English?"
He asked her iflwhether I liked English.

No inversion of the subject;
lntroducing sentence a verb meaning ask;
No auxiliary DO.
Ex.: "What are you arguing about?"
He wanted to know what Iwas arguing about.

Imperative (negative) - Infinitive (negative)
lntroducing sentence - a verb meaning order;
The person addressed must be included after the introducing verb.
Ex.: "Study hard! "
They advised me to study hard.
"Don't speak so much!"
He warned her not to speak so much.

Exclamations are changed into statements i n lndirect Speech. Many constructions
are possible depending on the meaning of the exclamation.
Ex.: "How kind of you!", she said. -+ She thanked me for m y kindness.
'What a lovely weather!", she exclaimed. -+ She exclaimed it was a lovely weather.
"Oh, dear! The show will have to be postponed", said the producer.
With a sigh, the producer remarked that the show would have to be postponed.

Mixed types
When we want to change a conversation into Indirect Speech often statements,
questions and exclamations are involved. In this case, notice that an adequate introducing
verb is needed for each part.
Ex.: "Hi! I haven't seen you for ages. When were you here for the last time?"
The manager of the shop greeted me, said he hadn't seen me for ages and
asked when I had been there for the last time.
Essent~alSentence Srructures

Passive Voice

The passive voice is used':

2) When the agent, the person doing the action, isn't known, or is referred to in
a vague, general way, such as people, someone, etc. In this case, the agent is
omitted in the Passive sentence.

Ex.: Firemen extinguished the fire.

The fire was extinguished.
Someone stole m y purse last Saturday.
M y purse was stolen last Saturday.

b) When the agent is known but the action itself seems to be much more
important than the person who does it. When the agent is mentioned, it is
placed after the subject and verb* and preceded by the preposition BY.

Ex.: A sniper shot my friend last month.

My friend was shot by a sniper last month.
Who phoned the headmaster?
Who was the headmaster phoned by?

C) If a sentence has both a direct and an indirect object, it is then possible to have
two passive forms.

Ex.: Someone gave him a present.

Idiomatic passive: He was given a present. (the ind. obj. him becomes the
subject he)
Normal passive: A present was given to him. (the dir. obj. a present becomes
the subject)

d) Instead of the preposition BY, which is used before the agent, other prepositions
can be used i f it refers to something inanimate.

Ex.: Toxic smoke filled the room.

The room was.filled with toxic smoke.
The drink contained poison.
Poison was contained in the drink.'
Passive structure
a) The active direct/indirect object becomes the passive subject.
b) The verb* must always include the auxiliary To Be in the wanted tense and the
Past Participle of the main verb.
C) The agent is normally preceded by the preposition BY.

1 Simple Present 1 He speaks English. I English i s spoken. I

1 Simple Past 1 He spoke English. 1 English was spoken. I
I Present Continuous He is speaking English. English is being spoken.
1 Past Continuous I He was speaking English. I English was being spoken. 1
I Present Perfect / He has spoken English. 1 English has been spoken. I
I Past Perfect ( He had spoken English.
- - -
I English had been spoken. 1
He is going to speak English. English is going to be spoken.
Simple Future He will speak English. English will be spoken.
I Perfect Future ( He will have spoken English. I English will have been spoken. 1
Simple Conditional He would speak English. English would be spoken.
Perfect Conditional He would have spoken English. English would have been spoken.
I DefectiveIModal Verbs ( He canlmustlmay speak English. I English can/must/ri~aybe spoken.
To speak
Perfect infinitive To have spoken To have been spoken
I Participle and Gerund ( Speaking I Being spoken I
I Perfect Part. and Gerund I Having spoken I Having been spoken 1

Reporting with a passive verb*

When you want to use a sentence meaning [I ] 'People say that he... ', you can use a
structure like these: [2] 'It is said that he...' or [3] 'He is said to...'
[I IPeople say that Mrs Brown owns a lot of money.
[indefinite subject + verb* + connector 'that' + "target" subject + verb* ...I
121 It is said that Mrs Brown owns a lot of money.
[impersonal 'it' + passive structure + connector 'that' + "target" subject + verb* ...I
[31 Mrs Brown is said to own a lot of money.
["target" subject +
passive structure infinitive + ...I
You can use this structure with a number of other verbs, especially:
thought, believed, considered, reported, known, expected, alleged, understood
acknowledged, announced, assumed, claimed, calculated, supposed, felt, found, etc.
Esei?t:?.! Sentence S ~ r i i d u r e s

(Be) supposed to
a) It is supposed to... = Is said to...
Ex.: Let's go and see the show. It is supposed to be great. (=It is said to be
b) Supposed to = planned to, arranged to, expected to - Often this is different
from what it is expected to be.
Ex.: The train was supposed to (was expected to) arrive at 09.1 5 but it Lvas an
hour late.
I'd better hurry. It's about 8 and I'm supposed to be meeting (1 have arranged
to meet) Ann at 8.15.
C) Not supposed to = not allowed or advisable to
Ex.: You're not supp~sedto park here. It's a reserved area.
Mr Brown is not supposed to do any hard work. His doctors said he
d) Special structures: Rumour has it... Legend has it... (emphatic)
Ex.: Rumour has it that he is extremely afiluent. (He is said to be ...)

The Have/Cet Something Done Structure

This idiomatic structure involves the idea of making someone do something because
you have ordered or requested it. It means that we have arranged someone else to do it
for us. Compare:

I painted my dining room. (I myself painted it.)

I have the dining room painted. (I arranged for someone else to paint it.)

a) To have is the auxiliary verb and it gives the sentence its tense;
b) It must be followed by the direct object;
C) The direct object must be followed by the past participle of the main verb;
d) Get is more informal than have.
Ex.: I'm going to have my car serviced by the end of this month.
The Emphatic Inversion of the Subject
The inversion of the subject can be used in different situations and it may need the
use of the auxiliary do as in the interrogative form. (See grid below.)
It is normally used with informal and literary language to emphasise an idea;
The subject and verb are inverted;
It may be used in the following situations:

a) In a conditional sentence instead of if (with be, have and should).

Ex.: Were I rich ,... (If I were rich ,...)
b) When some adverbs, adverbial phrases or clauses expressing degree, negation
or restriction are placed at the beginning of a sentence to emphasise the idea
which is conveyed in the message:
Hardly, scarcely, seldom, rarely, never;
Not only, only then, only today, only by accident, only with a lot of difficulty,
only by chance, only in this way, only once;
Not until, no sooner, no longer, nowhere, no doubt, on no account, by no
means, only once, only when, only in this way;
Even less, in vain, little;
So + adjective... that; such + be ... that; neither.../nor ...
Ex.: Hardly had I bought my new car, when I had a serious accident.
Only once did I go out during Christmas holidays.
Not until January will they receive my money.
Little do I know about politics.
Such was the impact of the news on the earthquake, that everyone kept still.
So unbelievable was the story, that he made a fool of himself.

Simple Present doldoes

Ex.: Does I she
lnfinitive without to
speak English
Simple Past

Present Continuous
I :: Did
lnfinitive without to
speak English
-Ing form
Ex.: I s Peter speaking English
Past Continuous waslwere -Ing form
Ex.: Were YOU speaking English
Present Perfect havelhas . Past Participle
Ex.: Has he spoken English
Past Perfect had Past Participle
Ex.: Had the boy spoken English
Simple Future shall/will Infinitive without to
Ex.: Will the new student speak English
Simple Conditional should/would Infinitive without to
Ex.: Would they speak English
Essential Sentence Structures

Relatives - DefiningINon Defining

P R O N O U N S - WHO, WHOM [refer only to people]
who - subject and object; whom - object only
WHICH [refers to things, animals, situations, clauses]
which - subject and object
THAT- can sometimes be used instead of who and which
WHOSE [possession - refers to persons and things]
ADVERB - WHERE [place = in which]

Defining Relative Ciauses

a) Essential to the meaning because it defines the subject;
b) Not separated by commas;
c! Relative omitted (contait clause) if it is not the subject;
d) Preposition used with the relative placed at the end of the clause and the
relative omitted if it is wanted;
e) That is only to be found in defining r. c. instead of who, whom or which;
f) Used essentially in spoken language;
g) A preposition never to be used preceding the relative that.
Ex.: A person thatlwho writes i s a writer.
Sue is the lady (thatlwho) I was having dinner with.

Non Defining Re ative Clauses

a) Give further information, which i s not relevant. The main clause is perfectly
clear if it isn't included;
b) Always written between commas; it is parenthetical;
C) The relative pronoun - never to be omitted;
d) That - can never be used;
e) The preposition used with the relative i s normally placed just before the
relative, not at the end;
f) Seldom used in spoken English, but quite common in written English;
g) May refer to a complete sentence (with which).
Ex.: The minister, who had denied to speak to the press, left.
He has been swimming for 45 minutes a day, which is very healthy.
(He has been swimming for 45 minutes a day and this is very healthy.)
Modal/Defective Verbs
CanICould (synonymous verb phrases - be ablelunable to)
a) Ability, capacity, achievement (= manage, succeed);
b) Possibility/permission (may can also be used but it is more formal);
C) Impossibility/denial of permission;
d) Strong probability/logical conclusion (expressed in the negative);
e) Informal requests.

(synonymous verb phrases - be allowed/perrnitted to)
a) Asking for permission (more formai than can);
b) Possibility,'permission (more formal than can);
c ) May not - deriial of permission;
d) Probability (mixed with doubt or uncertainty).

Must (synonymous verblverb phrase - need, have to)

a) Obligation, necessity;
b) Logical conclusion, strong probability (almost certainty);
C) The most usual verb in spoken English for orders or prohibitions.

Should/ought to (used in the same way as must)

a) Probability (what is regarded as probable or may reasonably be expected);
b) Advice and recommendation/moral obligation and duty.

a) Shall and will can express pure future;

b) Will can be used in the lst person to indicate the speaker's willingness or
C) Will/would in the 2nd and 3rd persons interrogative ask about the other
person's willingness;
d) Shall/should in the 2" and 3rd persons are used to express promises and
e ) Shall I/shall we/shall he are used to ask about the wishes of the person to
whom the question is posed;
f) Shall/shanrt are used in the 2" and 3rd persons to indicate the speaker's
determination concerning the person spoken about.
Essential Sentence Structures

a) Can be used as a regular verb and a modal auxiliary;
b) Expresses absence of obligation or necessity (correspondingto the affirmative
must and doesn't change in the Reported Speech);
C) When used as a modal auxiliary it has no past tense form but may be used
with perfect infinitives;
d) Where needn't lacks the necessary verb forms, we use negative forms of have
to and need to (didn't have to, didn't need to).

a) May be used both as a regular and as a modal auxiliary;
b) As a modal it i s used mainly in the negative and in the interrogative and is
frequent after how;
C) Daren't is used for present, past and future time.

Used to + infinitive
a) Used to refer to a past habit which no longer happens;
b) For something that was once true but not any more;
C) There i s no present form;
d) Questions with did he use to/used he to;
e ) Negative with didn't he use tolusedn't he to.

Belget used to + -ing form [noun/pronoun]

I'm used to = it i s not new or strange for me
Ex.: Frank has always lived by himself. He is used to living by himself.
I expect we'll get used to driving the Jeep, but right now it i s strange.
After belget used to, you must use the '-ing' form of the verb - 'to' i s a
preposition, not a part of the infinitive.
So remember - if you want to use a verb after a preposition, you must always
use its '-ing' form

I --
Talk about
I A~ologisefor
Accuse o
Prevent from
f I
Think of
Ask about/for I
Hear of
Laugh about/at
Think of -
Forgive for
Dream of Warn against
Aim at/to
Throw at
Look forward to
Be goodlbad at Wonder aboutlat
Depend on Be fed up with Point to/at
Congratulate on Be tired of Enquire into
rn Practice Makes Perfect

The Adjective Degrees

Comparative of superiority
a) We use "-er" or "-r" to form the comparative of superiority of the short
adjectives or adverbs, followed by "than".

ADJECTIVE +_('&"/"r") -+THAN

cheaplcheaper; hardlharder; largellarger; thinlthinner; happylhappier;
nicelnicer; biglbigger; tallltaller

Ex.: This jacket is too small. I need a larger size.

Ann works harder than most of my friends.

5) We use "more" to form the same degree of the longer adjectives and adverbs
ending in "ly", followed by "than".

more modern; more serious; more comfortable

Ex.: More expensive hotels are usually more comfortable than cheaper ones.

Ex.: Could you speak more slowly, please?

Comparative of equality
We use the adverb "as" before adjectives or adverbs followed by the comparative
conjunction "as", regardless their number of syllabres. In negative sentences the first
"as" can be replaced by "so".

Ex.: I'm sorry I'm late. I got here as fast as I could.

This coat is as expensive as that one.
David is not so (as) tall as Peter.
Essential Sentence Structures

Comparative of inferiority
For all types, we use "less" before the adjectives or adverbs, followed by "than"


less comfortable; less tall; less expensive; less slowly

Ex.: This sofa i s less comfortable than that one.

He works less quickly.

Superlative of superiority
a ) We use "-est" or "-stu to form the superlative of superiority of the shortest
adjectives. It is normally preceded by "the".


cheaplthe cheapest; nicelthe nicest; hotlthe hottest; easylthe easiest

Ex.: Yesterday was the hottest day of the year.

b) We use "the most" before the longest adjectives and adverbs ending in "-ly"
to form the superlative of superiority.


- -.
ending "ly" I
the most expensive; the most important; the most seriously

Ex.: Michael is the most intelligent pupil in his class.

He walked through the jungle the most carefully he could.

Superlative of inferiority
We use "the least" before all adjectives and adverbs.


Ex.: This was the least expensive (cheap) coat in the shop.
Leading Forms of Irregular English Verbs

arise arising arose arisen

a~vake alvaking a\vo ke alvoken
be tvas 'were been being
1 bear bearing bore born I
beat beating beat beaten
become becoming became become
begin beginning began begun
bend bending bent bent
bet bet bet

bind binding bound bound

1 bite 1 biting bit 1 bitien 1

1 bleed I bleedinn 1 bled 1 bled
blo\v blowing blew / blo~vn 1
break breakizg 5roke / broker! I
bring bringing brought brought
broadcast broadcasting broadcast broadcast
build building built built
burn1 burning burnt burnt
I burst / bursting I burst I burst 1
buy buying bought bought
can6 could
cast casting cast cast
catch catching caught caught
choose choosing chose chosen
cling clinging clung clung
come coming came came
I cost I costing I cost I cost I
creep creeping crept crept
cut cutting cut cut
deal dealing dealt dealt
dig digging dug dug
do doing did done
dive diving dived dived
draw drawing drew drawn
dream' I dreaming dreamt 1 dreamt
drove driven
dwelt dwelt
eat eating ate eaten
fa1I I falling I fell I fallen
I feed 1 feeding I fed I fed
Yi Practice Makes Perfect

go going went gone

grow growing grew grown
hang' hanging hung hung
have having had had
hear hearing heard heard
hide hiding hid hidden
1 hit I hitting 1 hit I hit I
hold holding held held
hurt hurting hurt hurt
keep 1 keeping 1 kept I kept

L kneel
lay laying laid laid
lead leading led led
lean1 leaning leant leant
leap1 leaping leapt leapt
learn' learning learnt learnt
leave leaving left left
lend lending lent lent
let letting let let
lie4 lying lay lain
light1 lighting lit lit
lose losing lost lost
make making made made
- - -. .--.-
may6 . might
I mean I meaning I meant I meant I
1 meet I meeting I met I met I
mow I mowing I mowed mown
unds uedslunds Su!uu!ds u!ds
~uads iuads Su!puads puads

pads 1
pads I

Su~paads I

,paads 1

1 ayods

I %!yeads

I yeads 1
p u s p u s Su!llaus ~lla""J

P!IS P!IS S~!P!I~ aP!ls

~dals Su!daals daais
ies SU!U!S L!S
y uns y ues Su!yu!s 7U!S
Suns Sues Su!Su!s Su!s


loqs ioqs Su!iooqs iooqs
auoqs auoqs %u!u!qs au!qs
Pays Paqs SU!PP~~~ Pays

uay eqs YOOqs ayeqs

UMaS pamas SU!M~S zMaS
las ias Su!uas $as
was iuas Su!puas puas
1 P10s PIOS Su!llas IF
lySnos $qSnos Su!yaas yaas
uaas M ~ S Su!aas
i aas
P!es pjes Suj,(es Les
UMPS PaMPS ~U!MPS z ~ e ~
unJ UPJ Su!uun~ u n ~
spill1 spilling spilt spilt
spit spitting spitispat spit/spat
split splitting split split
spoil1 spoiling spoilt spoilt
spread spreading spread spread
spring springing sprang sprung
stand standing stood stood
steal stealing stole stolen
1 stick / sticking 1 stuck I stuck 1
stinging stung stung
stinking stank stunk
striking struck struck
striving strove striven
swear ) swearing swore sworn
stveep I sweeping swept swept
I sivell' I swellina I swelled 1 swollen I
swim swimming swam swam
swing s~vinging swung swung
take taking took taken
teach teaching taught taught
tear tearing tore torn
tell telling told told
think thinking thought thought
throw throwing threw thrown
thrusting thrust thrust
treading trod troddenltrod
( understand I understanding I understood I understood A
wake' I waking 1 woke I woken
I wear I wearing I wore I worn I
weave1 weaving wove woven
weep weeping wept wept
wet1 wetting wet wet
will6 would

tw" wind

! wring

CC These have both the forms in the table and the regular ones (-ed, -ed).
(2These have both the past participle forms in the table and regular ones.
(3 In American English this form is "dove".
@ If lie means "not telling the truth" it is regular (lielliedllied).
O These forms are pronounced/red/.
@ These are modal verbs with special forms and rules. They also lack forms.
y. Pract~ceMakes Perfect

Active to Passive
Rewrite the following sentences in the PASSIVE VOICE:

1. The Queen has opened a lot of new hospitals lately.

A lot of new hospitals
2. The government should spend more money on education than it usually does.
More money

3. Bees make honey all the time.

4. The Prime Minister is making a speech at this moment.
A speech

5. We bought the stamps you asked us.

The stamps

6. She'll take the children to the zoo when she gets the time.
The children
7. Architects design buildings as a professional activity.

8. We can meet nice people everywhere we go to.

Nice people
9. They broke the china vase yesterday.
The china vase
10. The reporter was interviewing the singers in the hotel lounge.
The singers
11. Someone has stolen my wallet and I didn't notice.
M y wallet

12. The secretary hasn't typed the letters so far.

The letters

13. He is watering the plants now.

The plants

14. Wealthy countries ought to help the ones in need.

The countries in need

15. 1'11 do the cleaning tomorrow.

The cleaning

16. People speak English all over the world.

17. We must do something to solve the problem urgently.
18. A policeman had seen the man stealing the jewels from that woman's purse.
The man
19. The cyclone killed many people last year.
h/lany people
20. They are watching the demonstration against forest fires.
The demonstration
21. Students learn French in most European schools.

Passive to Active
Rewrite the following sentences in the ACTIVE VOICE:

1. Claudia Schiffer was discovered by a photographer in a disco in Dijsseldorf.

A photographer
2. Huge sums of money are paid to supermodels by big couture houses.
Big couture houses
3. They are photographed by the world best photographers.
The world best photographers
4. Supermodels are sometimes asked to model ridiculous clothes by some
Some countries
5. Some supermodels will be invited by the organisers of a big Portuguese fashion
event to model in Portugal.
The organisers of a big fashion event
6. The flame was probably lit for the first time by the old Greeks from Olympia.
The old Greeks
7. In 1936 it was brought by the Germans from the temple of Hera to Berlin.
In 1936 the Germans
8. Now the flame is carried by thousands of people from Greece to the city where
the Olympic Games take place.
Now thousands of people
9. In 1996 it was transported by about 11,000 people from Greece to Atlanta.
In 1996 about 11,000 people
10. Different means of transport were used by those people.
Those people
11. All the sports events could be watched at home.

Reported Speech - Statements

Rewrite the following statements in the REPORTED SPEECH:

1. "I am going to town with my friends", Peter said.

Peter said

2. "1 want to speak to you", Roy said to his girlfriend.

Roy said to his girlfriend

3. "We have finished our work for this week", they stated.
They stated

4. "1 am giving a party to all my friends this weekend", Helen confirmed.

Helen confirmed

5. "My friends went away last weekend", Francis told his mother.
Francis told his mother

6. "l've sold all the things Kathy gave me yesterday", Paul stated.
Paul stated

7. "l've always thought your brother was married. I must have confused him with
someone else. I'm going now. My mother is waiting for me", Richard told Helen.
Richard told Helen
and added

8. "1 am 18 years old. I was previously employed in a large shop in this town and
my employers considered me to be very capable", Peter told his new boss.
Peter informed his new boss.

9. "You can do it if you do your best", my mother told me.

My mother told me

10. "We are living in another house now. Next month I'll probably move to a bigger one."
Peggy stated
Y1 Practice Makes Perfect

"Take a look at yourself in the mirror!"

Peggy urged her brother

"Go to bed and don't get up till you're called!"

M y father told me

"Write your names clearly at the top and then take down these points as I call
them out!"
The teacher advised his pupils

"Don't wait for me to ask you every time you want to come!"
Bill warned Lucy

"Take a cold shower before breakfast if you want to keep fit!"

The Gym teacher advised his class

"Don't drive so fast! It's dangerous!"

Sam recommended his students

"Tell me when it's a quarter past eight!"

The French teacher asked his students

Reported Speech - Mixed Types

Rewrite the following sentences in the REPORTED SPEECH:

1. "It's cold in here. Is the window open?"

Sue said
2. "What time i s ' i t ? M y watch has stopped."
David asked Helen
3. "The dog has stolen the meat. Try to catch it!"
The butcher shouted
4. "Where are the Bakers spending their holidays? Ah! They usually go to Paris."
Mary wondered
5. "This book is very good. Don't lose it!"
M y grandfather advised me
6. "1'11 ask him. Don't you mind if I do so?"
David said
Concessive Clauses/Phrases
Rewrite the following CONCESSIVE sentences:

Even with the change of lyric, the listeners associate the jingle with the product.

Although she was really very tired, she tried again.

In spite of

Despite having started to play football at 28, Mark Robson is already a famous
football player.

Although it rained a lot, she went shopping with her mother.


O f course you can take my umbrella, though I'm not sure where I put it.
!n spite of
She is going to Australia by plane although she is awfully frightened of. flying.
Despite her

The Davies are going to buy that house even though the price is very high.
Even if

Although he has done his job all his life, he cannot be sure of keeping it, the way
things are now.
In spite o f .

Despite the pride they feel in their individuality, the British are not very individual
in their tastes.

Contrary to the popular notion that further education is useless, it is more

important than ever.
Although some people

Adversative into Concessive Clauses/Phrases

Rewrite the following ADVERSATIVE into CONCESSIVE sentences or phrases:

1. It's hard work but I enjoy doing it.

In spite of
2. She didn't achieve what she wished but she didn't blame her friends for that.
3. He knew what was happening, however he decided not to punish anyone.
In spite of
4. The audience seemed to enjoy the concert despite the bad quality of the sound
5. The fire did great damage. Yet nobody was injured.
Even though
6. Though he realised the job was not what he had in mind, he accepted it.
In spite of the fact that
7. The work was hard and the wages extremely low. Even so he decided to take that
job opportunity.
In spite of
8. The people he worked with weren't very efficient. Despite this he liked them.
Even though

Conditional Clauses
Rewrite the following CONDITIONAL sentences:

1. You need to consult a local newspaper if you want to get a job.

Unless you
2. If you don't work harder, you won't succeed.
3. Unless we reduce resource use and waste, we will be confined to a gloomy
4. The employees have menaced to hold a protest meeting, if their salaries weren't
5. If you don't phone to tell you've changed plans, we'll be expecting you next
6. The club will have to be closed unless we can get new members.
7. Unless the hospital gets more money, it will be closed.

8. If it doesn't rain soon, water supplies will be cut off.


Reporting with Passive Verbs

Report the following sentences with PASSIVE VERBS:

1. People stated that the world would end in the year 2000.
It was stated
The world
2. People believe that the buying power i s getting lower.

The buying power

3. People considered that cheap labour caused a lot of health problems, but
considerable richness for the country.
Cheap labour
4. Some people assume that the most sophisticated technology i s a blessing for
man kind.
The most sophisticated technology
5. People say that women are not only very curious but talkative as well.
6. People usually say that wealth brings happiness.
7. Scientists proved that turtles live longer than elephants.
8. They admit that he has met some very influential people.
9. People felt that the immigrants were doing a very good work.
Py Practice Makes Perfect

10. Everybody considered that the Government had worried about the public opinion.

The Government
11. It is said that she is an honest, hard-working, intelligent woman.
12. It is considered that this engineer is a brilliant professional.
This engineer
13. It is now thought that a high rate of diseases is inevitable after the flood.
A high rate of diseases
14. It was proved that what he had said was a complete lie.
What he had said
15. It was understood that Mrs Robinson was looking forward to meeting the British
Prime Minister.
Mrs Robinson
16. It is believed that the Prime Minister is thinking of imposing special laws to
prevent so much crime.
The Prime Minister
17. It is reported that a lot of car manufacturers are planning to set up assembly
plants abroad.
A lot of car manufacturers
18. It is expected that the wine producers will raise the price of wine soon.
The wine producers
19. It was claimed that the drug
- didn't produce undesirable side-effects.
The drug
20. Rumour has it that the police acted moderately, despite provocation.

The police

Reason Clauses/Phrases
Rewrite the sentences below. Use REASON clauses/phrases:

1. Since all the food looked excellent, she tasted a bit of everything.
She tasted a bit of everything owing to
2. She couldn't decide which car to choose because they were of a very good quality.
Because of
3. Due to the surrounding noise, they couldn't understand each other.
4. It was my responsibility to do the housework because my mother had travelled
Owing to
5. As there was a lot of fog on top of the mountain, we couldn't enjoy the superb view.
Due to
6. Because the price of essential items is too high, those children are starving.
Because of

Purpose Clauses
Rewrite these sentences expressing PURPOSE:

1. They climbed upstairs very silently, so as not to wake the children up.
In order
They climbed upstairs very quietly in order that
2. He left home very early in the morning so that he could get to the airport in time
for the flight.
So as
3. That actress has a team of personal bodyguards to protect her.
That actress has a team of personal bodyguards so that
4. 1 ran to catch the bus so that I wouldn't be late.
I ran to catch the bus in order

Relative Clauses
Join the following pairs of sentences so as to use RELATIVE PRONOUNS:

1. A fireman was injured in the fire. He is now recovering at home.

A fireman is now recovering at home.
2. A very ancient cathedral was destroyed in the earthquake. It is now being rebuilt.
A very ancient cathedral is now being rebuilt.
3. Mary has now sold her old car. It had been given by her grandparents.
Mary has now sold her car
4. People have complained about the noise. They live in flats.
People have complained about the noise.
5. She showed me the rocks. She had brought them from Ireland.
She showed me the rocks
Practice Makes Perfect

6. M r Taylor is going to visit the university next week. I am one of his great admirers.
M r Taylor, , is going to visit the university next week.
7. Steve Arch won first prize in the competition. His parents live in England.
Steve Arch, , won first prize in the competition.
8. h4rs Kirk lives in a very old mansion. She bought it when she got married.
hlrs Kirk
9. The Palestinians are at war again.
- They have already had heavy losses.
The Palestinians, , have already had heavy losses.
10. The weather has been rainy and cold. It has been responsible for great floods.
The weather,

Modal Verbs
Replace the underlined part of these sentences by a MODAL VERB:

1. N o t everybody is capable of driving so well.

Not everybody

2. The bank is likely to give him a permanent job.

The bank

3. Women are forbidden to enter some sacred places in Turkey.


4. D o you have the courage to tell all these lies about her?

5. She'd better think before she accepts the offer.

6. I s he allowed to leave earlier?

7. D o you mind m y going to the party too?

8. It is not necessary to buy another car.

Emphatic Inversion of the Subject
Use the INVERSION OF THE SUBJECT in the sentences below to
emphasise them:

1. They not only believed in truth, but also in loyalty.

Not only
2. They had no sooner decided to move into town than they really did it.
No sooner
3. 1 had never witnessed such a terrible accident!
4. You should not touch the red wire under ar;y circumstances.
Under no circumstances
5. People little realise that they can have a higher life expectancy nowadays.
6. They went back home only after it stopped raining.
7. Living and working conditions had rarely been better.

8. If we were more responsible, w e would take strong measures to prevent crime.

We re
9. People often think that ignoring the problems is better than do something.
10. If they had been invited to join the team, they'd have won the competition.

Participle Phrases into Adverb Clauses


1. Having finished her housework, she decided to read the paper.

Since she
2. After leaving school, I went to work in a supermarket.
As soon as I
3. Being too cold, I decided to spend the rest of the holidays at home.
Because it
Having nothing to do at home, she went to the cinema.
Due to the fact that she
Without having a proper salary, it will be harder to get job fulfilment.
If we
On starting work, you should do your best to deserve your employer's confidence.
When you
Not knowing where to go, they chose the Bahamas to spend their Summer
As they
Forbidden to meet her bovfriend, she decided to call him.
Because of the fact that she
Since childhood, I have been studying English, French and German.
Since I
Having rained the whole dav, they didn't go to the party.

While watching a video on Science Fiction, David decided to be an engineer.

While David
12. After being fired, it was very difficult for him to find another job.
After he

13. On watching some lV soaps, we very often find their plots too silly.
When we

14. 1 couldn't see my favourite programme on Sunday owing to a power failure in

my neighbourhood.
As there

15. While w a t c h i n w a football fan died from

a coronary attack.
While a

16. Before having internet, he used to spend all the evenings out with his friends.
Before he

17. Once deprived of television, most people wouldn't have imagination to spend
their leisure time.
If most people

18. But they'd soon find how much creative they would be without one.
But i f they
Have/Get + Object + Past Participle
- - - --- - -- - - - - - - --- -- - -- - --

Use the sentences below:

1. The publisher regularly sends Michael the magazines from London.

Michael has
2. They translated the conversation for the Japanese leaders very carefully.
The Japanese leaders had
3. Our identity cards need to be renewed.
We must
4. We will ask them to analyse the situation once more.
We will
5. Her washing up machine needs to be repaired as it is out of work.
She should
6. M r Taylor had to ask someone to repair his roof, which was leaking.
M r Taylor had to
7. Next week I will go to the photographer's and take some photos.
Next week I will

Adjective Degrees
- - - - --- --- - - -
- - <- . - - - - --- - - -- .- A -

Use the in the sentences

-- below:
--- - :- '- - -.

1. . Good health is much more important than a big bank account.

A big bank account
2. 1 heard a strange story last weekend, the strangest I'd ever heard.
The story I heard than
3. John was a better student than Michael.
Michael wasn't
Michael was
4. The hole in the ozone layer is wider today than a century ago.
A century ago
5. Poland is further from Portugal than France.
France is
France isn't
6. The weather is gradually becoming hotter.
The weather is getting and
Use SO/SUCH in the following sentences:

1. It was such a magnificent view that the tourists stayed on top of the hill until
The view was so

2. Mountain climbing is so strenuous that some people collapse on the way.

Mountain climbing is such

3. The book I was reading was so confusing that I gave up.

The book was
It was

4. All the people in the room were delighted when the Smiths arrived; they are
really nice persons.
The Smiths are

5. The song was so popular that everybody started singing.

It was

6. Such a big accident happened today that there were traffic jams all morning!
There was such
The accident that happened today was so
Rephrase the following sentences:

Some viewers eat their meals in front of their television sets.

Some viewer's meals
If those people didn't have a television, their lives wouldn't be fulfilled.
Although we do all these things, we don't like to tell people what to do.
In spite of
"Mr Norman, if nobody remembers your brand, then you aren't going to sell any
M r Brown said
A newspaper can receive money from advertisers.
Unless you receive money from advertisers, you won't become dependent upon
Even though most of our garbage is thrown away daily, it doesn't disappear easily.
"I read recently that Britain uses so much paper that an area as big as Wales has
to be cut down every year", said Elaine.
Elaine stated
People should send their clothes to jumble-sales.
"Why don't you switch off the heating? It's warm enough in here", he said.
He asked her
If I hadn't been informed about the meeting, I wouldn't have been there.
I wouldn't have been in the meeting unless
Despite my warning not to do it, they went on buying useless items.
You shouldn't waste all your pocket money on records.
All your pocket money
The camera was very expensive but he preferred to buy it cash.
In spite of
I t seems that many of them had already conformed to being receivers of a
nameless system of mass communication.
Many of them
1. People are informed about daily events by the media.
The media

2. "Don't forget to read the paper today. It has a very interesting piece of news
about nuclear power", he said.
He urged him

3. 1 wouldn't have bought this magazine if it weren't so interesting.


4. Before having a telly, he used to get drunk every night.

Before he

5. After having thought for a while, they decided to go to Italy.

They decided to go to Italy after they

6. They left their luggage in the car boot.

Their luggage

7. "Go down the street and take the second turning on the left."
She told them

8. Those people like adventure very much.

They are very

9. If she didn't like what she was doing, she couldn't feel happy.
She couldn't feel happy unless

10. These cars are made in Italy.

Italian manufacturers

11. We had lunch and then we went to the cinema.

Before we

12. "How do you write this word?"

She asked him

13. We left before the end of the film.

The film

14. Although she has been learning German for a year, she has difficulty in understanding
In spite of

15. She succeeded in getting very good marks in her final exams.
She was
m Practice Makes Perfect

1. They will inform him about the matter tomorrow.


2. We came out and it started raining.

As soon as

3. That doctor had a lot of experience.

He was

4. "Tomorrow they will be very far away because they're going to travel to Madrid."
She said

5. The students were working quietly. Suddenly the classroom door was opened.

. 6. 1 started collecting postcards three years ago.

"I will not have classes next week because I'm going to have tests."
The pupil said

If I don't study hard, I won't have good marks.


But the pupils have prepared all the subjects.

But all the subjects

In spite of being very difficult, they can obtain good marks.

Although , good marks
"I like to make everyone laugh and I'll go on the same way until I die."
Chaplin stated

He produced sixty-two short silent comedy films in four years.

Sixty-two silent comedy films

Though he had grown up in a slum, he became rich later on.

In spite of

He wouldn't be so successful unless he was funny.


15. "My friend David lives in a big house by the sea. In front of it there i s a green
garden, the most beautiful I've ever seen."
Diana said

16. His gardener cuts the grass every week.

The grass
Miscellaneous Rephrasing

1. Despite being rich, he isn't very happy.

Even though

2. "We are going to buy a Flat Panel TV set next month."

They said
3. Although I like to watch TV, I sometimes prefer going out with friends for a change.

4. Although genuine workaholics exist, they are a little uncommon.

In spite of

5. "1 think being redundant is the worst kind of unemployment."

She said

6. If you can't find a suitable job, you won't feel successful.


7. Technology has invaded our working places.

Our working places

8. "Don't lose hope. You will find a better job."

They urged him

9. If she hadn't been informed about that job, she would have been unemployed
for a longer time.

10. "Why don't you start improving your knowledge?"

Her boss asked her

1 1. Many young people reject materialist values.

Materialist values

12. Despite all my problems, I can live with dignity.


13. Michael's employer gave him an extra reward for his work.

14. "Don't apply for any job. Choose the one you feel more prepared to."
She advised him

15. Even if you don't accept my criticism, I'll have to express my views on this matter.
In spite of

16. "How long will people go on depending on state subsidies to survive?"

He asked the audience
That leaves many young people in a difficult situation.
Many young people
"Why don't we get the right value when we are still working?"
A group of angry workers asked
The M S participants have no guarantee of a job at the end of the training
although they are given a diploma.
In spite of
People won't buy so many articles in the near future.
So many articles
If they go on consuming at this high level the earth will gradually become a
The more the sooner
The situation will get even worse if the Governors of our world don't make laws
to handle it.
"1 will start worrying about next year because I see that the consequences of
waste will become worse than they are at this moment."
He declared
People use credit cards to make shopping easier.
Credit cards
Although these cards help people a lot, they sometimes make them consume too
It is time to control waste because we are damaging the earth.
Owing to
Unless the governments solve this dramatic situation, our world will become
highly polluted.

Even if technology is necessary, we shouldn't depend on it so much.

In spite of
"I usually refuse paper-bags unless I really need them, but some shops don't like
Caroline stated
Wealthy countries should help under-developed ones.
Under-developed countries
"I'll have to buy my fridge on 'the never-never' because I can't pay it now."
One consumer said
Miscellaneous Rephrasing

1. "Manufacturers are producing much more every day."

They said
2. Dazzling graphs will excite his curiosity and imagination.
His curiosity and imagination
3. Today's computers will disappear in 10 year's time.
By 201 0 today's computers
4. Some people are afraid of these changes. They'll have to adapt.
Those people will have to adapt.
5. lncentives can be made to create quality jobs.
Incentives can be made for of quality jobs.
6. The urgent need for strategy reducing unemployment is increasingly obvious.
The urgent need for a strategy reducing unemployment has
7. LVe argue for target public investment for rebuilding the industrial base.
We argue for target public investment that
8. Economic growth cannot guarantee higher levels of employment.
Higher levels of employment
9. The firm hopes to profit from this enrichment of its human assets.
The firm hopes that the enrichment of its human assets
10. Careers were developed for us by the organisation for which we worked.
The organisation
11. Some firms offer individual budgets, to be spent by the individual at his or her
Some firms offer individual budgets, so that
12. It seems that the rest of the workforce hasn't discovered it yet.
The rest of the workforce seems
13. Some minor reforms are worth examining.
Some minor reforms deserve
14. The immigration issue cannot be fully understood outside a larger cultural context.
It is
15. Some people say immigrants pose a cultural threat to America.
Immigrants are
16. If the government doesn't alter its policy, there will be citizens without a culture.
Unless there will be citizens without a culture.
1. The highest divorce rate is that of the United States.
The United States the highest divorce rate.
2. Does a common cause lie behind these changes in the importance of marriage?
One may wonder if a common cause
3. Divorce makes men unhealthy.
Divorce prevents men from
4. People want to have a better life.
People look forward to
5. In Japan, women are being exhorted to have more babies in order to avoid
importing foreign labour.
In Japan, women are being exori-eci i-o have more babies so that
6. Children are now expected to wear new clothes.
My mother's generation regarded married couples who refused to have children
as selfish.
My mother's generation used
In the early evening they played for white audiences. Later they played at the
black clubs.
They played at the black clubs after
I found a man more comfortable making music than talking about himself.
I found a man who would rather
The new kid on the block was unexpectedly introduced to Miles Davies.
The new kid on the block never dreamt
There was no stopping him.
No one
The sharp drop in newspaper readership is the survey's most dramatic revelation.
The survey dramatically
Only 41 % of young people said they had watched a TV newscast the day before.
Only 41 % of young people said: " I/

Some news executives attribute this youthful apathy to information overload.

According to some news executives, youthful apathy
In trying to make the news more appetising they risk turning it into something
other than news.
The news might become something different if
They are opting out of school-sponsored publications.
They have decided
1. Because SNS publications are occasionally sprinkled with profanity, critics have
called them irresponsible.
Critics wouldn't have called SNS publications irresponsible if
2. In many schools, the principal plays the role of publisher, overseeing the final
In many schools, the principal plays the role of the publisher who
3. Editors wouldn't feel free to print a story damaging to their companies.
Editors wouldn't feel free to print a story that
4. As Americans looked more and more to TV for their news, newspaper readership
Newspaper readership wouldn't have declined if
5. A democratic society needs a free flow of information from different sources.
A free flow of information from different sources
6. America's news media might become dull and h~moger;ised.
America's news media run the risk of
7. Jay Olshansky, a researcher at the University of Chicago, takes a different view.
Jay Olshansky, i s a researcher at the University of Chicago, takes
a different view.
8. Whatever the trend, it is not unchangeable.
Whatever the trend, people
9. He agrees that exercise, good nutrition and artificial hips all help, but still thinks
that frailty will increase.
In spite of that exercise, good nutrition and artificial hips help, he
still thinks that frailty will increase.
10. It is considered that unemployment is a plague all over the world.
Unemployment is
11. To get a job i s even more difficult for youngsters with no experience.
Unless youngsters
12. That leaves many young people in a difficult situation.
Many young people because of that.
13. You can only begin to collect the dole in Britain when you are eighteen.
Only when
14. A friend of my parents taught me.
I by
15. Although chess playing seems easy, it really involves hard work.
In spite of , chess playing
Practice Makes Perfect

If she didn't practise a lot, she wouldn't be so good.

Unless she

Christine has got a flat in east London. Her job asks for a lot human understanding.
Christine, , has got a flat in east London.
"They don't understand what they're doing", she said.
She said that

if she didn't like her job, she wouldn't dedicate herself so much to it.

Christine helps disabled children.

Disabled children

He loves playing sports and working in the school garden.

He not only

He was born into a poor family with six children.

He was born into a poor family who

David's special job was to fetch water every day.

Fetching water

When he was nine years old there was a terrible drought in the country. The
animals died.
When he was nine years old there was a terrible drought in the country which

I want a job as a fiction writer.

I would

When you are adult, i t is necessary to earn a living.

When you are adult, you

At the age of twenty-four he wrote Pickwick Papers.

When he twenty-four he wrote Pickwick Papers.

He wrote a book which no publisher will publish.

A book . which by anyone.

She worked 6 days a week.

She used 6 days a week.

"Did it help your studies later?"

The journalist asked

Because of the rules, we had to wait until the end of the year.
Due we had to wait until the end of the year.
Miscellaneous Rephrasing

1. You have to be good at book-keeping.

You must

2. Unless you write everyrhing, you will forget what you have delivered.
If you everything, you will forget what you have delivered.

3. Being a milkman gives Jim a feeling of independence.


4. There are Chinatowns in Manchester and Liverpool too, but they are not so big.
London's Chinatown is the ones in Manchester and Liverpool.

5. They have to work long hours as waiters or cooks.

They must

6. "My dad sends me back to the Chinese school to keep up my Chinese."

H ~ i ysaid
7. Huy came to Britain six years ago.
Huy has been living in Britain

8. Gymnastics became popular in Britain in the 1860s.

Since the 1860s people gymnastics.

9. Nick Stuart won a silver medal in 1957.

In 1957 a silver medal by
10. A good gymnast must practise long hours.
A good gymnast has
11. Gymnastics has become more popular than underwater ballet.
Underwater ballet hasn't become gymnastics.

12. Kenny Dalgish i s more famous than the other footballers.

The other footballers as Kenny.

13. He started playing football for a Scottish football team in 1969.

He since 1969.

14. Football players must practise hard.

Football players have

15. Children are stronger than many people think.

Children aren't as people may think.

16. News, movement and music catch children's attention.

Children's attention
1. "Television can have advantages!"
Pat Mann said
2. Since 1962 many lames Bond films have been made.
Many lames Bond films have been made years.
3. James Bond lives in a world of luxury and excitement.
James Bond lives in a and world.
4. H e spends his life i n exotic places.
His life
5. lames Bond is always in trouble with his bosses. He never does what his bosses
tell him to do.
James Eond, is al\.va)/s in trouble with them.
5. Fast reactions are more important than brute strength.
Brute strength is
7. Ray lnman thinks that British women are as good as any in the world. He is the
British team manager.
Ray Inman, thinks that British women are as good as
any in the world.
8. This is good news for Britain, where women's judo has been flourishing for 28 years.
This is good news for Britain, where women's judo 1972.
9. The high standard convinced spectators and administrators alike.
The high standard convinced not only
10. Steve Archibald came t o play for Barcelona two years ago.
Steve Archibald for Barcelona for two years.
11. He wasn't able to talk to the other players.
H e couldn't
12. When Kevin Keegan played for SV Hamburg he was very popular and famous.
Kevin Keegan enjoyed and when he played
for SV Hamburg.
13. Steve Archibald said: "The language is no problem to me. The eyes and hands
can say it all".
Steve Archibald said that .

14. Learning languages is easier than learning Maths.

Learning languages is not
15. There will be no tariffs.
There won't be
16. Clare Medwell is nineteen years old. She's finishing her studies in London.
Clare Medwell, , i s nineteen years old.
1. In spite of not remembering the words, people buy records.

2. Hansen i s a firm believer that visual strength i s as important as the musical

content in the song.
Visual strength as important as the musical content is Hansen's firm

3. MW is received in 32.8 million homes.

32.8 million homes

4. Hansen said: "This is not the case".

Hansen said

5. 1 arrange sports activities as well as cultural trips.

I arrange not only

6. 1 wrote 250 letters of application to get my first job.

If I hadn't written 250 letters of application, I

7. Work here is more organised.

Work here has a better

8. Marco said: "I find that working here is easier than at home".
Marco said that

9. On the first day he should place an important order with a firm in Cleveland.
An important order

10. M r White wanted to awake before arriving in Cleveland.

M r White wanted to awake before he

11. The porter didn't awake M r White, so he got angry.

M r White got angry

12. "Did you ever see a man as angry as that before?"

The porter's companion asked

13. Nothing could persuade us to stay.


14. They couldn't find a restaurant open.

It was impossible

15. The whole family was against their decision but they didn't give up.

16. "Well, why didn't you say so in the first place?"

The manager wanted to know
Finding a job wasn't as easy as I'd imagined.
Finding a job was much

The work he did at the garage helped him at college. Otherwise it would have
been harder.

It's a marvellous life, though it's extremelly hard.

In spite of

They searched everywhere but they did not find her.

In spite of

At least 200 people were near the pool watching the search.

"Where and when did Mrs Christie reappear?"

The reporters wanted to know

Agatha Christie reappeared in a hotel in Northern England.

The hotel

At 12.30 they will give the horses their second feed.

At 12.30 the horses

I think Susan is a very determined person.

I think Susan has a lot of

Following a routine isn't difficult for Susan.


Some applicants should try a different career.

Some applicants had better

We know very little about women's work.

Very little

"I don't think it's fair to expect boys to pay."

Jane declared

Mechanical engineering isn't chosen by any girls in this school.

In this school there are

Girls mustn't wear trousers to school.

Girls aren't
iCliscellaneous Rephrasing

1. They had destroyed young trees and other plants.

Young trees and other plants

2. Nobody I know is indifferent towards environmental problems.

I don't know

3. If new forests aren't planted everywhere, the earth will soon become a desert.

4. Windsor Avenue was farther from the station than Balmoral Way,
Balmoral Way

5. The wall should be cleaned and painted.


6. "1 agree it's a bit more expensive than I thought", Jim said.
Jim agreed that

7. Although the kitchen was well equipped, it seemed very small and dark.
In spite of

8. 1 don't feel as tired after a train journey as I do after a car journey.

I feel more

9. They are going to serve supper in the restaurant car.


10. M y advice is to put on something warm to go to the deck.

11. They won't see the wonderful shore of Lake Geneva if they don't wake up early.
Unless they

12. The waiter should be given a good tip.


13. It's very nice of you to be so helpful.

Thank you for

14. If you don't have a really good meal, don't encourage your friends to go to the
same place.

15. Why not show how clever you are.

Perhaps you

16. Despite your success, your parents treat you like a child.
1. Patience is very important.
It is
2. Although Anne's parents are divorced, they're good friends.
In spite of
3. It is not necessary for parents to shout to be obeyed.
4. There's no cause for anxiety.
There's no cause to
5. "Please buy me a Cindy, mom", the girl said.
The girl asked
6. People gave Mary too many presents on her birthday.
7. If she didn't stop worrying about her weight, she would get an ulcer.
8. Children of primary school age have fewer opportunities to mix with other children.
Children of primary school age have not
9. I'm sorry young children don't have much time to play at school.
I wish

10. It's been a long time since I visited my old school.

11. "I hope things will change next year", a teacher said.
A teacher said she
12. Foster parents couldn't handle some of the girls.
Some of the girls
13. The girls preferred the uncertainty of life on street.
The girls preferred an
14. If they are treated right, they'll change.
15. Why are you so critical of everything I do?
Why do you
16. People emigrate to make a better living.
People emigrate so that
The laws that the government has passed since 1982 are unfair.
The laws that by the government

I didn't get as much information as I wanted

A trip to France is too expensive for me.

I can't

Somebody advised Rachid to write an autobiography.

Somebody suggested

We really must leave now if w e are to catch the bus.

It's time we

It'll be better if he wastes as little time as possible.

The less

"Please don't rival our names", the Chinese workers said to their lawyer.
The Chinese workers asked

All the workers have to pay Party dues.


They'd rather keep silent than endanger their families.

They prefer

The media should alert public opinion to this kind of situation.

Public opinion

Several months went by before the women decided to complain.

It took

He asked me t o come back in ten minutes, adding that he would be ready to

leave as soon as he had finished what he was doing.
H e said: " ,I

The old factory was the noisiest I had ever seen.

I had

In fact the whole place depressed me.

In fact I found

Who is to blame for the situation?

yC. Practice Makes Perfect

1. If health care isn't improved soon, this will be a lost generation.

2. Don't send money, it doesn't work.
It's no good

3. We must do something for starving children.

It's time

4. "I've been doing this exercise since yesterday. I feel ready to take on the world",
said Campos.
Campos said that

5. She could go to college because her parents worked hard.

If her parents

6. The last time I talked to G. Campos was two months ago.

I haven't

7. She has a lot of influence on people.

She is a very
8. A friend advised me to think carefully before joining Greenpeace.
He explained

9. They can't force governments to do things.

They can't make

10. 1 met Bode while I was in Paris.

I met Bode during
11. He told me about the new strategies.
He explained

12. They have already chosen their course of action.

They have already made

13. Greenpeace uses different campaign styles because they want to be more efficient.
Greenpeace uses different campaign styles so that
14. Despite the difficulties, they were successful.

15. "Look at that woman's face, she must be South American", a delegate said to
A delegate told another

16. "1 shouldn't have come", said another.

Another regretted
Miscellaneous Rephrasing

1. I'd like to know a little more about China.

I wish
2. Quite often delegates are not welcome.
Delegates are used to
3. "Generals must be retrained if they are to be efficient", Francisco said.
Francisco said
4. They're likely to rely on satellites more.
5. 1 had never heard them speak so freely about spy satellites.
It is
6. Most of Enid Blyton's work was done at home.
Enid Blyton
7. Ms Baverstock was leading a workshop for young children.
A workshop
8. The editors insisted that Enid Blyton's last works should be published.
The editors insisted, " I'

9. Those 300 new stories were published because Ms Baverstock found them.
If Ms Baverstock hadn't
10. Tessa is a girl with blue eyes and curly hair.
Tessa has
11. On leaving school, he had no specific qualifications.
When he
12. They don't reach high levels of education because they have no real interest in
If they had
13. Ian hasn't been able to get a job although he is eager to do something.
In spite of
14. His mother warned him to wipe his feet.
His mother said, " 'I

15. The boy was repairing his bike in the kitchen.

The boy's bike
16. "Why don't you go to the parlour?"
"You had better I'
1. Despite their big wealth, Nick's family didn't regard work with disdain.
Although Nick's family
2. Nick moved East in order to learn the bond business.
Nick moved East so that
3. Nick predicted lots of excellent opportunities in the East.
Nick was sure that
4. A man Nick had never seen before stopped him on the road.
5. This man asked him the way to West Egg village.
This man asked: "How ?"
6. If they don't have enough food, they will attack living animals.
7. Nobody expected the vultures to have such a bizarre behaviour.
The vultures
8. Canela said: "The vultures normally shy away from living animals but this time
they dilacerated the poor sheep without hesitation".
Canela said that
9. The EU wants a responsible attitude from the regional government.
The EU wants a responsible attitude.
1 0. Marina Souza organized peaceful demonstrations.
Every month Marina Souza used
11. They say that Britain is the only home they know.
12. Many of the immigrants thought of Britain as a second home even before they
came here.
If many of immigrants hadn't
13. "Most of us went through rough times before we could settle down", an
immigrant said.
An immigrant stated that
14. Even though they may be lonely and less happy, they will have a fairly prosperous
In spite of
15. "What do you do to keep fit?"
Sarah asked John
16. "I'm quite fit because I go to dance classes."
Sarah said
1. She lost about four kilos.
About four kilos
2. This suitcase is too small for all my things.
This suitcase is not
3. Their house is so far away that we can't walk there.
It is such
4. "Can you guess who has just left?", he asked us.
He asked us if
5. The architect worked on the plans for six months.
The architect spent
6. On the day she agreed to marry him, he was happier than he had ever been in
his life.
I he day she agreed to tnarry him was

7. 1 haven't seen so much rain for a long time.

8. Malcom was originally going to buy a car, but he bought a motor-cycle instead.
9. Please explain this letter to me.
Please tell me
10. You cannot go into that restaurant without a jacket and tie.
11. It is high time for us to go home.
It's time we
12. 1 can study properly only if I sit at a desk.
Sitting at a desk is
13. Jennifer regretted her foolish behaviour.
Jennifer wished
14. We took more clothes than we needed on holiday last summer.
We needn't
15. It would be wise for us to take raincoats.

16. Is it really necessary for me to arrive so early?

m Practice Makes Perfect

1. Take an umbrella with you. It may rain in the afternoon.

Take an umbrella in case

2. We worked in the garden the whole week.

LVe spent

3. Three new suits are being made for him to wear next fortnight.

4. Steve felt sick because he was eating polluted fish.

If Steve

5. The only utensil I forgot to put in the picnic basket was the bottle-opener.
I remembered

6. It would be better for me to do some exercise.


7. Although some people need to do exercise, they are too reluctant to do it.
In spite of
8. Sue has worked out a system of aerobic exercises.
A system

9. People do exercise regularly because they want to be fit.

People do exercise regularly so that

10. Exercise results only if people do it on a regular basis.


11. Though David i s studying at one of the best British schools, he doesn't feel any
usefulness in it.

12. Nick is taking three "N'levels: Mathematics, Chemistry and Computer studies.
Nick is taking three " A levels

13. Students at Cambridge are not supposed to go into pubs.

At Cambridge, students .

14. "Currently I'm recording a tape to send round to record companies and it's really
annoying my old man."
M y friend said

15. Although the lady has heard about the hustle and bustle of Broadway, she didn't
fancy it would be like this.
In spite of
Miscellaneous Rephrasing

He has to avoid the most dangerous situations.

He must

The purpose of all these laws is racial exclusion.

All these laws aim at other races.

The wealthy countries could profoundly diminish world poverty.

World poverty

Summit after summit the problem worsens.

Summit after summit the problem gets

Any starving Serb may immigrate here if he has taken a degree in Computer
Any starving Serb is immigrate here if he has taken a degree
in Computer Science.

O\.ving to this excel!ent performance, his team became the best in the regicn.
His team became the best in the region because of

He started his football career at the age of 13.

He since he was 13.

Vlade Divac is a better layer than the other ones.

The other basketballers aren't

Basketball players must practise long hours a day.

Basketballers have

Vlade Divac is a very talented young man.

He shows a lot of

Can the film change the world?

Can the world ?
Dianne spent eighteen years trying to save the mountain gorillas.
Dianne had been trying to save the mountain gorillas 1967.

When she died everyone heard about the mountain gorillas.

If she hadn't died people

It was possible for Sigourney Weaver to talk to the gorillas.

Sigourney Weaver

She says: "The film changed me".

She said that

She couldn't stay in hotels because there weren't any.

She wasn't
1. Cabrielle covered 3,517 miles in ninety-five days.
3,517 miles

2. It won't be long before she puts on her walking shoes again.

Soon she

3. Cabrielle completed her first walk from the north to the south of Great Britain.
She raised 25,000.
If Cabrielle hadn't completed

4. In spite of the cold mornings Robert had to get up.


5. The children's wages are lower than adults' ones.

The adults' wages aren't

6. "1 don't do it only for the money."

Robert says

7. You have to start at the bottom.

You must

8. 1 suggest you learn foreign languages.

What about

9. Martial arts intimidate many teenage girls.

by martial arts.

10. If a child is bored, he i s likely to turn away.

If a child is bored,

11. Club: What does being British mean to you?

Club asked Cavin what being British

12. There is still a lot of tradition.

The British are still very

13. Our films and new fashion designs are much better than five years ago.
Five years ago our films and new fashion designs were

14. It's nationalism that causes wars.


15. The political parties often hold their annual conferences in Blackpool.
The political parties' annual conferences in Blackpool.

16. 1 decided I wanted to do something for other people.

I made
I have to study science.
I find it

People at youth centres have been thinking of changing the situation.

It has been

So I have to make an extra trip.

So I must

I'm wearing a bright vest to make it easier for motorists to see me.
If I wear a bright vest, motorists

It is as important to understand the animal's relationship with its owner as it is

to understand the animal's illness.
Understanding the animal's relationship with its owner i s no
to understand the animal's illness.

They usually send back the money they earn to their families.
The money they earn

Before that time Brighton was only a tiny fishing village.

Before that time Brighton used

The Roots fear that wildlife will cease to exist.

The Roots are

During my time in England I made friends from all over the world.

Maria is a Swedish girl. She has spent a year with a family in London.
Maria is a Swedish girl

Maria said to CURRENT readers: "Try to make as many friends as possible".

Maria advised

You have to say NO without aggression.

You have to say N O without being

I thought I knew more English than I did.

I knew

He divides his time between official royal duties and less formal duties.
His time is spent not only

She accompanies the Prince on all his official engagements.

She keeps the Prince on all his official engagements.
Practice Maker Perfect

1. The royal couple helped British exports.

British exports

2. Since their wedding the royal couple helped increase tourism to Britain.
Since they

3. Cartoons brought fame and success to Walt Disney.

Cartoons made Walt Disney

4. He brought Snow White, Cinderella and Pinocchio alive on the screen.

Snow White,

5. Roger is a famous star. His wife is very attractive.

Roger, , is a famous star.
6. Some students have found an alternate route.
An alternate route

7. Children don't just decide they want to play baseball.

Playing baseball doesn't just depend on

8. Summer camps give young people the chance to enjoy an outdoor holiday.
If young people join a summer camp, they

9. The outdoor sports include basketball and tennis.

Campers can play not only

10. The campers are supervised by kids aged sixteen to twenty.

Kids aged sixteen to twenty

11. Counselors don't mind the responsibility.

Counselors don't mind being

12. They live in a small town called San Vincenzo.

San Vincenzo

13. "Philip, can you explain your idea to us?"

Catch, a teenage magazine, asked Philip

14. We advertised not only in the national newspapers but also on the radio.
We advertised both in the national papers

15. These skates were given to me by a big sports company.

A big sports company

16. You're always wearing some special equipment to protect you, aren't you?
You'll be always wearing some special equipment to protect you,
,Miscellaneous Rephrasing L

1. All veterinary colleges offer special courses.

Special courses
2. You are often treating the pet owner as well as the animal.
You are often treating both
3. She burst into tears every time she watched an animal having an operation.
She burst into tears every time she watched an animal being
4. He told us, "That's not easy when many of them are four times your age".
He told us
5. In return for that, we were given a room in a house nearby.
6. "Do you think these kinds of campaigns should be carried out in school^?"^ he asks.
He asked
7. J i l l collected more paper than Alex and Wayne.
Alex and Wayne
8. People are spending more money nowadays.
Nowadays more money
9. The firm must offer me better conditions or I will look for another job.
10. You can't say she is lazy.
You can't accuse her
11. The television is always on, even though nobody is watching it.
12. 1 don't watch soap operas anymore.
I've given up
13. He can't see very well.
He has difficulty
14. Shall I phone you tomorrow?
Do you want
15. They said I was a liar.
I was accused
16. Itwillbegoodtoseethemagain.
I'm looking forward
PI-acticei14akes Perfect

Rephrase the following sentences:

1. "I'm sorry I gave you so much trouble!"

The student apologised
2. She managed to smile, though she was very upset.
In spite of
3. She started the journey three months ago.
She has
4. The power of some great potencies was getting higher, and that was dangerous.
The increase in
5. The survival of the weaker nations \was menaced and they couldn't avoid it.
The menace it
6. Carston, Waite and Co provided the miners with great quadrangles of dwellings.
The miners
7. If he had his family about, meals would never be so pleasant.
8. The actual conditions of living in the Bottoms, that was so well built and that
looked so nice, were quite unsavoury.
In spite of
9. He preferred to keep the blinds down and the candle lit.
He'd better
10. The river was so quiet that we could hear all the noises around.
It was that all the noises
11. The world had never seen such an awful war.
12. It reached a dramatic situation; Churchill daren't promise anything but eventual
It reached such
13. Churchill was a very dynamic person and he was also an excellent politician.
Churchill was as
14. The Americans decided to enter the war, which was only natural after Pearl
Only natural
15. 1 wish we hadn't been involved in a war.
I'd like
16. How terrible it is to know about the deaths and cruelties on our youngsters!
It i s

1. If James Dean hadn't died so early, he wouldn't have become a myth.

2. I'm really sorry my mother was so aggressive with the servants last night.
I wish
3. As oil&gets older one becomes less tolerant.
The older
4. The Chief's son was anxiously expecting to work as a waiter.
H e was looking forward
5. Will he be able to repair our car for tomorrow?
Will he be capable
6. tio!.~! !ong has she been ~vorkingfor you?
-,,. aj=chai-gesfi-oiTthe Sella:ield plai7tturned ;,-is;-, Sea intoa
The Irish Sea
8. Is pollution rate increasing so much that the earth won't support it?
Some of us think it
9. I f we don't take serious action about environmental safety, we will be
10. How far are environmental activists ready to move?
We only want to find out
11. The sea cannot take a direct action against man's pollution, so we do it on its
Since the sea
12. Scientists have recently produced new information on rainforests.
New information
13. But can we learn to use this crucial land without tearing it apart?
What we want to'know is
14. The "queimadas" release even more carbon gases into the air. It may deplete a
unique system for filtering the gases.
The "queimadas" release such a high that a unique ...
15. Scientists are studying a fungus that grows together with the roots of Amazonian
A fungus
1. Too little is known about the effects of filthy air in Britain.
We don't know

2. Britain's worst polluting spot was agreed to be a coke plant at Aberaman.

People agreed

3. The plant is being run down now, but people are still complaining.
Even though

4. Toxic products are likely to get too dangerous to handle.

It may

5. They should distribute the existing energy as efficiently as they can.

The existing energy

6. "The farmers didn't raise animals scientifically and consequently there will be a
high death rate."
He said that

7. Rows of trees, young plants and bushes used to keep the sand dunes away.
The sand dunes

8. The government was sending a group of experts to teach the native people the
technology of dune control.
A group of experts in order

9. The development of pastures has been so hard because the farmers keep repeating
the same mistakes.
If the farmers hadn't

10. They inhale the filthy air, and they get sick.

11. The farmers spray insecticides, which can be harmful to the animals.

12. Natural resources are being wasted but they are trying to reduce that.

13. Experts ought to alert the population to the consequences of space exploration.
The population

14. People's notion is that the universe is full of life.

The universe

15. 1 think the space station is at last turning into a reality.

In my opinion the space station
"Our principal aim is reaching Mars."
Daniel Goldin stated
"Do you think we can get to the red planet?"
I asked one astronaut
Deforestation is depleting the ecosystem.
The ecosystem
This is the biggest forest conservation effort in Amazonian rainforest.
There hasn't ever been
Many other solutions must be found.
Farmers chopped down vast areas of protected trees.
Vast areas
I I :.
TI-. ,c y . c h ~ p p dddovV,nthose trees as they wanted to make scme quick mone;:
They chopped down those trees so that
The government has constantly tried to halt the lucrative business by confiscating
The lucrative business
Getting the co-operation of the government is hard and often impossible.
Global warming will not affect all parts of the globe alike.
All parts of the globe
"What are the causes of global warming and what problems will it originate?"
He asked the expert
People are using up water - the world's most valuable resource.
Many countries go on building huge dams, even though projects like these create
serious problems.
In spite of , huge dams
Scientists fear that around the year 2030 people will have to cope with lack of
It is scientists' that lack of water
People will have to endure even more serious problems.
Even more serious problems
Toxic chemicals pollute the water when dumped into the sea, rivers and lakes.
Water when toxic chemicals
Practice Makes Petfect

"Teenagers are as committed to the environment as activists ever were", said

Greg, "though their selection of topics has shifted a bit to more emphasis in
global warming and diversity".
Greg said
Our main worry is how to spare as much energy as we can.
We are very much interested in
Only 3% of the earth's water is fresh, much less than salty water.
Most of the earth's water
Global warming, the greenhouse effect and acid rain seem not to be related to
your everyday life.
It is likely that you think
Mankind can't predict all natural catastrophes.
Not all
They not only had faith in hard work, but in honesty as well.
Not only
They had no sooner made up their minds to do something than they accomplished
No sooner it
I have never witnessed such a brainless attitude!
You should not give up being honest under any circumstances.
Under no circumstances
People little accepted that they could long for a much easier life.
Little a much easier life
They went back home only after accomplishing their work.
Living conditions had seldom been more difficult.
Why don't you copy your father's excellent example?
It's time

Someone gave Susanne a beautiful necklace for her birthday.

Her mother is her personal manager. She is also her best friend.
Her mother,
1. "My strong wish is to become the president of the United States when I grow up."
When she was a child she once said
2. People rarely stopped to relax and enjoy the small pleasures of life.
3. The industrialised nations are also to be blamed for the destruction of the
environment. However they don't take vigorous action to prevent it.
In spite of
4. The Fund ~vouldhelp less privileged countries to develop alternative sources of
Less privileged countries
5. The US refused to decrease their carbon dioxide emissions, because it'd affect
their economy.

6. k i y father had a fiiiing station of his own on a smali countryside rcad.

A filling station
7. Dave's father was not a keen book reader. However he was an amazingly good
In spite of
8. "My father used to wash me, feed me and change my nappies."
Danny told us
9. "The Big Issue" also provides a source income for over 800 people.
A source of income
10. The idea is being followed by several other European countries.
Several other European countries
11. Even though the author noticed a starving man, he only bought food for his dog.
In spite of

12. "1 promptly got into the nearest pet shop and purchased a packet of beef chewy
The author stated

13. The Americans have sometimes failed. They haven't ever slipped back, though.
In spite of
14. The Americans are an agitated people. Consequently they never stop.
15. He must forbid all the drinking and smoking in the world.
All the drinking
1. "Our experience in America has endowed us for the change that is about to
The writer said that

2. Law Centres provide a legal service with no expense.

A legal service with no expense

3. Every law centre is run by solicitors.


4. Law centres offer a more relaxed, informal environment than a solicitor's office.
The environment in a solicitor's office is

5. If a homeless doesn't appeal to a voluntary agency, he'll never find a home.

Unless never

6. "The most important step is to discuss the drug problem with someone and it
may help if that person has some knowledge of that issue."
The author of AD 2 said that

7. Parents sent their six-year-old children to plants and ore mines.

Six-year-old children

8. Living conditions in town were often too poor. Consequently many children died
of tuberculosis.

9. The accidents were very frequent, because the machines weren't at all protected.

10. Secondary schools and colleges for girls were created.

The government

1 1. They opened the door for their children and grandchildren.

The door
12. Middle-class women had servants to do the household tasks.
Middle-class women had servants, so that
13. "Why don't you start answering my questions? What are you covering up?"
The policeman asked the suspect

14. "Why do you try to intimidate all of us? We are free to demonstrate."
The man asked the policeman

15. The policeman had arrested him during a riot one year ago.

16. If you don't behave, I won't let you go out.

~\liscellaneous Rephrasing Y

1. "Do you think children like to be punished when there are more people around?"
The question is
2. He didn't obey me and I punished him.
Owing to
3. A person's eighteenth birthday is often regarded as a magic landmark.
People often
4. Au pairs offer young people a lot of opportunities if they can face a daily life
amor;g strangers.
If young people they
5. "What choices do you have when choosing childcare for the school-going child?"

Mothers wonder
6. Liz says: "Currently, we have an Australian girl and John tells her general things
about school but saves the important parts for me".
Liz says that
7. Philip was doing the same kind of work over and over again.
The same kind of work
8. "1 want my children to live happily and have the best education."
She said
9. As the secretary of a firm Susan was bringing home about 15,000 pounds every
She used to
10. Some firms promise school leavers a cash bounty for all the friends they
School leavers
11. Catherine said: "We know there isn't any guarantee that those people will want
to work for us".
Catherine said that
12. Everyone knows that Americans are extremely busy persons.
Americans are known
13. They are not allowed to have more holidays.
They can't
14. 1 have got no time. It's not possible for me to take vacations this year.
If 1
15. Mr Johnson asked the workers how they liked their work in the firm.
"How ? ff
Somebody repaired her car last week.
Monica asked her boyfriend Dan how he liked her new outfit.
"How ?"
They'll have to postpone the date of their marriage again.
The date
Dennis asked Monica to wake him up at five o'clock the following morning.
"Please 'I

The employers won't know the young mothers need child care facilities if they
aren't informed.
He must contact his employer first thing tomorrow morning.
Jane hasn't felt so excellently for years.
It's years
I like living in the USA better than in my own country.
I'd rather
If you work carefully and persistently, you'll receive a higher salary.
The more
There are vacancies for fifteen candidates in this factory.
This factory
Young Workers Exchange Programme advertised some job vacancies. He applied
for one of them.
He applied for a job as soon as
It's not necessary for them to go around the companies.
Take your curriculum vitae or you won't get a job.
Every month there are more'and more workers in Europe but unemployment has
Even though
Some workers come to the Western countries so that they can lead a better life.
Some workers come to the Western countries because
She hasn't received so many job opportunities for years.
It's years
Miscelianeous Rephrasing L

M y employer did not pay my salary, so I couldn't buy that extremely cheap camera.
If my employer
"I don't think she will deserve a higher salary because she's a little clumsy", said
Mr. Nagoya.
h4r. Nagoya doubted
The firm will fail if its employees aren't co-operative.
He preferred to pay you right away.
He'd rather
People wonder whether computers will give youngsters a good education.
Parents ask, " ? I'
Technology has changed everything from the workshop floor to the manager's
-.r he best way to help your children is to buy a computer to be used at home.
if you are willing to help your children
There i s an electronic wind instrument that can function as both flute and
There is an electronic wind instrument that can function not only
Not since the 18thcentury have musical instruments been so dramatically altered
by technology.
Musical instruments
"Will computers rob music of its soul?"
People wonder
"How does nature create order from chaos?"
The question i s
They are created, fully informed by human programmers.
Human programmers
Despite its complexity and intellectual rigor, the book quickly jumped on to US
bestseller lists.
Though the book
Penrose i s OK when he talks about mathematics but most of his evidence argues
against his conclusions.
Though Penrose
European governments have generally looked to informatiorr technology as a
source of new jobs.
Information technology
Small companies have more difficulty in coping with competition.
The smaller the companies
1. Until the death of founder Heinz Nixdorf, the firm was an efficient producer.

2. The chairman of SNI says: "If we do not succeed by the end of the 1990s in
remaining competitive neither will any other company".
The chairman SNI says that

3. Victor Hugo's and Richard Cobden's attempts didn't succeed but they weren't
In spite of

4. Provided the participants could come to terms with their commitments, a real
union might appear.

This system resulted in the production of grains, sugar and butter in excess.
As a result of this system
Norway conducted a referendum on its EEC entry and as a result withdrew its
Norway's application was

The agricultural problems were more difficult to solve on account of each country's
own agricultural policy.
Because each country

Germany will hold the union's rotative presidency in the second half of this year.
The union's rotative presidency

"Does each new country get a commission member?"

Some delegates will discuss if

"We will not allow these talks to fail", German foreign minister told the reporters.
German foreign minister told the reporters

"If we keep coming back t o worries about competition, we'll never do anything."
If we don't

I have never heard such a terrible news.


She seldom goes out i n the evening nowadays.


14. 1 heard only by accident that she had been attacked.

Only by accident

15. She'd never have suffered that terrible attack if she hadn't disobeyed her parents.
"What can a victim do if there isn't enough proof to prosecute?"
What a victim would like to know is

They should be told about this as soon as possible.

Someone ought

It is possible to take out a personal prosecution.

The offended can

Teenagers must modify what they do or they will only find problems.

"Do young people have a future contribution to the present?"

The question is

Although the First Amendment Protection has laid down rules, producers don't
observe them.
In spite of

Doctors must give a health check to all new patients before they are paid anything.
Unless doctors

Doctors will not be paid for any care they give the little girl.
Even if the little girl

"Can they afford to make exceptions for the most difficult patients?"
Is it possible

Peter's action is to be applauded.

Peter's action deserves

Patients as well as doctors should be ever-vigilant.

Not only patients
Both patients

It can now be noticed that asking questions really does have an effect on them.
People can now really

Far too cold a night to leave the cat out.

It's such a cold night that

How do you expect me to fall asleep with you making that racket out there?
I can't sleep unless

How can we let these young people sleep out on the cold, dark streets?
How is it possible

"So how can you afford to support the growing number of elderly people?"
The question is
Practice Makes Perfect

1. The government has encouraged firms to provide private pensions.

2. Peter was the main breadwinner but Carol worked as well.
Though Peter
3. Old people live longer today thanks t o a better nutrition and an adequate health
A better nutrition and an adequate health care are
4. On their way to and back from school they collect cans and old paper.
When they
5. Up to now, Michael and his friends have raised more than 6,000.
Up to now, more than
6. These students succeeded because they didn't give up when they came across a
If these students had
7. There's nothing more annoying than purchasing something that's faulty.
Nothing can
8. Your legal rights last for five years, so don't let other people tell you otherwise.
Since your legal rights
9. It's up to the person who sold something faulty to you to deal with the problem
- not the maker.
The person who
10. Can so many manufacturers have started worrying about the environment
Is it possible
11. Simply admitting that something is environmentally friendly is not enough.
People have to do more
12. Until the legal authorities enforce a legally binding eco-labelling system, we
must be cautious.
We can't help
13. Things aren't better nowadays. We mustn't lose hope.
Even though
14. The price of cleaning items is too high. However people purchase them.
15. The bank will probably lend him money to attend the university.
The bank is
16. Although their ancestors are American-born, they suffer discrimination in America.
Their ; however
In spite of
Miscellaneous Rephrasing

1. In the 1 2 century
~ ~ the capital of Angkor may have embraced a population of one
A population of one million
2. Steve McCurry has photographed Asian subjects since 1978.
Steve McCurry started
3. If a poor farmer sells a sculpture to a smuggler, he will be able to feed his family
tor some years.
They would prefer to speak Spanish everywhere.
They'd rather
Identity wiil die if diversity can't negotiate the colour iine.
Nobody can deny that America is a nation of immigrants.

One American in four defines himself as Hispanic or non-white.

There is
They didn't emigrate to the USA. They came to Great Britain instead.
Instead of
Peter studied very hard and so he got an excellent job.
The Asian newcomers succeeded but first they had to work a lot.
They'll have t o restore the building.
The building
Ellis Island hasn't been visited for years.
It's years
Although the medical examination wasn't very detailed many of them were
denied entry.
In spite of
He couldn't stay because of a heart disease.
The heart disease prevented
M r Polaski would prefer t o live i n his own country, not there.
M r Polaski would rather
There hasn't been anywhere greater activism in a national social issue since the
final days of apartheid.
Nowhere since
Practice Makes Perfect

Despite wars and epidemics, we are better off today than 100 years ago.

Computer chips will become faster, smaller and less expensive in the future.
Computer chips won't be

We are witnessing the early days of a wired revolution in medicine.

The early days of a wired revolution in medicine

"Will robots be taking over for doctors?", he asked.

He asked

Soon engineers will perfect their tools.

Soon engineers' tools

Accidents and plagues won't disappear.

People won't get

This problem could overshadow much of the 21" century.

Much of the 21" century

Vietnam - twenty years later, it still haunts both sides.

Both sides

Reverend Thomas Malthus's Essay on the Principle o f Population, published in

1798, predicted a gloomy future for humanity.
A gloomy future for humanity

The world is running out of arable land and fresh water.

Arable land and fresh water are

Despite a recent slowdown in the growth rate, the UN Population Division

expects the world population to reach 9.5 billion by the year 2100.
Even though

If he had been writing 10,000 years earlier, he would have been right.

Were his book being published today, he would be more right than wrong.

Ours is an unusual species.

Our species isn't

All but a few cultivated plants became weeds.

Except for
We are not the first and the only species to spread around the globe.
LVe have converted woodlands and prairies t o farmland virtually all over the globe.
Woodlands and prairies
Our rampant success in living outside the world's ecosystems has put them all,
and thus ourselves, in jeopardy.
All of them, and thus ourselves
We can prove Malthus's direst prognostications wrong.
Malthus's direst prognostications
Human appetites have devastated the marine world.
The marine world
rClore and more nations are establishing marine reserves.
The number of
Marine reserves
I had come here to explore one of the world's most enigmatic civilisations: the
Khmer Empire.
I had come here so that
The Khmer Empire reached into China, yet w e know very little about it.
For a time the modern Khmer largely forgot their glorious past, although they are
the same people as their imperial forebears.
A Hindu "devata", or divinity, has guarded the sanctuary at Banteay Srei since the
1Oth century.
The sanctuary
"Angkor Wat", said a 1 7th century missionary, "is as renowned among the
region's people as Rome is among the Christians".
A 17th century missionary remarked
The past three decades have witnessed an astonishing increase in the value of
Khmer art.
An astonishing increase in
French naturalist Henri Mouhot asked the local Cambodians if they knew who
had built this stupendous structure covering nearly 500 acres.
French naturalist'~ent-iMouhot asked the local ~ a m b o d i a n s" /I

They shrugged, "Who else had built it but giants, or the king of the angels?"
They shrugged and asked
1. I had to see the temple - Bateay Chhmar - myself, despite the danger of running
into looters.
Even though
2. After examining the wrecked gap in the temple's south wall, Sokhon and I
pushed our way around to the west wall.
After Sokhon and I
3. It seemed the entire temple was being destroyed for sale in the black market.
Looters seemed
4. The industrialised nations are also responsible for the environmental
destruction. However they don't take drastic measures to avoid it.
In spite of
5. These agrichemicals had doubled farm productivity.
Farm productivity
6. Sasakawa started a second green revolution, because he wanted to repeat the
Indian experience.
Sasakawa started a second green revolution, so that
7. "This is the most exciting time we have ever seen in agricultural research. We
seem to be developing the right technology."
Robert Fraley said that
8. She was wearing a startling necklace.
A startling necklace
9. "I'm glad you feel it too. But don't let it spoil your evening."
Ross said that
10. "Why don't you preach the Gospel?"
They asked him
11. They carry on great enterprises.
Great enterprises
12. He preached the Gospel of wealth. He wanted people to get wealthy.
He preached the Gospel of wealth, so that
13. We produce more garbage today than in the past.
More garbage
14. You can refuse the plastic bags.
The plastic bags
15. If you don't buy environmentally friendly products, you won't be protecting our
h4iscellaneous Rephrasing E

1. "Over-packaging adds about 10% to our weekly shopping bill. It serves no real
purpose it also shortens earth resources."
He said
2. "We Zulus", Temba says, "wear western clothes. Now we are nowhere - we are
not in the west yet, but we have already left our world behind and we can't reach
the modern world either".
Temba said
3. Temba wears a traditional leather bracelet.
A traditional
4. Despite the AIDS situation, the king remains optimistic about the survival of Zulu
Although the king shows
5. Shaka warned, "You will come to an end through killing one another".
Shaka warned
6. It is said that the globe temperature will gradually reach dangerous levels.
The globe temperature is said
7. Science still understands too little about the world climate.
Too little
8. If global warming had already raised the sea level, more land would have been
If the sea level , the sea
9. . "If other variables remain the same, big increases in CO, w i l l increase
Most scientists agreed that
10. First the learning program will identify her level of competence.
First her level of competence
11. Despite years of trying, Kim never found his brother's remains.
Although never
12. However Kim has repatriated the bones of 51 3 other Koreans.
However the bones
13. "What I hope is not revenge but an apology", he says. "I have high hopes for the
American courts".
Kim Kyung stated
14. Kim knows that a victory in the US courts will change the past.
It by Kim that the past
15. The number of defenders will likely grow, too.
Card companies may increase the initial borrowing if minimun repayments are
made often without the client asking for it.
The initial borrowing by card
companies if they
"There is enormous demand for credit in Europe", says Scott Anderson. "You
just have to channel that demand toward revolving credit cards".
Scott Anderson said
Together with poverty and war, the world still has to cope with other hindrances.
Not only
According to a poll, 85% of respondents believe Romanies are lazy.
It is
Romanies are
80% think they are violent.

31% not even want to live in the same street as a Romany family.
Not even
Kumar Vishwanathan, a 35-year-old Indian teacher, is changing this situation.
This situation
Kumar heard reports of Romanies looting a school in Ostrava.
It was
Rumour was it
He travelled to the region to see for himself.
He travelled to the region so that
He soon discovered that the Romany children didn't speak Czech.
Soon that Czech
"If the Czech Republic doesn't want to be marginalised in Europe", he says, "it
should not marginalise its own minorities".
Kumar stated their own minorities
"Will regions flourish in the new Europe without borders?"
The author asked
Telecommunication networks are wiring the world into a vast web of computer
satellites and fibre optic cables.
The world
Miscelianeous Rephrasing

1. Ariana said, "There is a spirit of Sarajevo, a spirit which maybe only people who
stayed behind can really understand".
Ariana says

2. O r maybe w e grew up faster. O r maybe they are more carefree.


3. Successful labour market will produce a new Europe.

A new Europe

4. The process is bound to be lengthy and gradual but the euro's rise is predicted
on it.
Although ~ve
5. A different irame~vorkis needed for debt reliet in this world.
This world

6. The US economy has continued to perform well, altl~oughit is crucial that we

continue t o plan prudently.
In spite of
7. A very forceful domestic policy has brought important progress.
Important progress
8. Major challenges remain.
There are
9. The emerging market economies could easily come to a halt if governments
become complacent.
10. It affords us a unique opportunity.
11. Sub-Saharan Africa's income per capita is lower today than in 1980.
In 1980 Sub-Saharan Africa's income per capita was
12. The Cologne initiative would boost the amount of debt relief available.
The amount of
13. "In some areas we have already seen important progress. In others it will take
hard work t o find the right policies."
He stated
In spite of
Even if
14. "Which of the four core elements which were suggested in this article do you
consider more relevant?"
I wanted to know
Practice Makes Perfect

Exiled ex-king of Greece wins back palaces and estates seized during 1967 junta.
Palaces and estates, which
"Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration", Thomas Edison said.
Thomas Edison said
Even if Caltech demonstrates you can lift blocks using kites, that doesn't prove
the Egyptians could have built a pyramid that way.
In spite of that blocks
by using kites, that doesn't prove that a pyramid
The egyptologist Edward Brovarski said
It i s thought that the ancient Egyptians could have used a system of large kites
to lift the pyramid stones into place.
The ancient Egyptians so that the pyramid
Egyptologists call this people "pyramidiots".
These people
The hardware industry predicts that 37 million new computers will be obsolete
in just 18 months.
It is predicted
37 million new computers
The city of Madison holds an annual collection day in November for business
wanting to get rid of machines.
An annual collection day
for business whose
In Denven, people actually pay recycling consultants 100 dollars to take machines
In Denven, recycling consultants so that machines
The trash problem is currently masked by a huge bulge in the waste stream "attic
ware" computers.
A huge bulge
Six billion people are putting a squeeze on the earth's resources.
A squeeze
O n October 12, 1999, the official number of people on the planet reached a
record 6 billion.
A record 6 billion
If this Time For Kids magazine were filled with nothing but periods, 6 billion periods
would take up 72,004 magazines.

People didn't live as long as they do today.

In the past

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