Special Magazine in Memory of "Rev. Dr. Catherine Gross"

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WRGO Magazine

May 2017 Volume 4 - Special Issue

December 10, 1949

May 1, 2017

Special Issue dedicated to the memory of

Rev. Dr. Catherine M. Gross

There's a place in her heart and we know that it was Love
~ In A World Filled With Hate - We Must Emulate L.O.V.E.~
Dr. Rev. Catherine M. Gross A Tribute
I wrote the following tribute to our dear Catherine last week in the hopes that I would be able to find someone to read it at her
services on May 15, 2017, however, I have been unable to do so. I am posting it here in her memory and honor, as my personal
tribute to a good friend and remarkable woman.

Well, I guess Catherine wont have to emigrate to Canada (an half from May 2015 through August of the following year, when
idea that she proposed in the last few months of her remarka- her health took a turn for the worse. I talked with Catherine
ble life.) Instead, she has emigrated to a much higher plane. every evening during her hospital and nursing home stays on
the pretext of reading to her from my vast library of inspira-
Many of you present here today may think of Catherine as a
tional works by Kahlil Gibran, Gregg Braden, Rabindranath Ta-
mother, a grandmother, an aunt, an educator, an administra-
gore, and my own humble publications. Every evening without
tor, or a personal friend. However, it may surprise you to know
fail, regardless of how well she felt, she ended our conversation
that she was thought of in much the same fashion by her
with the thought that this Michael Jackson Art Exhibition was
friends in the Michael Jackson Fan Community, which has
going to happen. She was determined to make it a reality; and
members in every country, on every continent on this planet. In
she succeeded. I am so grateful that she lived to realize the
the Michael Jackson Fan Community, Dr. Reverend Catherine
dream that she had held onto with such vigor and faith. Her
M. Gross was a shining star. She was a teacher; she was a men-
wonderful inaugural Michael Jackson Art Exhibition happened
tor; she was a minister; she was a friend; and she lead by exam-
in Gary, Indiana in August, 2016 and I did participate along with
ple. She was a tower of strength in times of struggle, a beacon
artists from Hong Kong, Russia, Sweden, The Netherlands, Can-
of LOVE and UNITY, and a bridge spanning the sometimes vast
ada, the United Kingdom, France, and the United States.
distances between us.

Many of us got to know her through her on-line radio talk

show, A Place In Your Heart, which was broadcast internation-
ally. Personally, when she talked to me to ask if she could con-
duct an interview with me, I was dumbfounded. I had never
thought of myself as an interesting subject for an interview, but
she insisted that I had a lot to say and that she wanted to de-
vote an entire show to me and to my books. Catherine saw
potential in everyone she ever met or talked to, often long be-
fore he or she saw that potential themselves. She nurtured that
Michael Jackson Inaugural Fan Art Display
potential in every way she could. She encouraged, uplifted and
brought out the best in everyone. As a teacher, I imagine Cath- Video by: Noble Love
erines students would tell much the same story.
My thanks to Noble Love for the wonderful video.
Later, when I was determined to learn to draw, Catherine invit-
ed me to participate in an Art Exhibition. Once again, I was hes- It was a remarkable achievement, the crowning glory for a
itant. (You would have thought I would have learned my lesson strong, determined, spiritual, faith-filled woman who has left
by this time, but I am pretty stubborn.) My earliest drawings her mark on all of our hearts. Catherine was determined that
were certainly nothing to exhibit. Nonetheless, she insisted. the Michael Jackson Art Exhibit would be an annual event to
Catherine was like Michael Jackson in many ways. One of those bring the fan community together and she would have moved
ways was: If it was worth doing, to Catherine it was worth do- heaven and earth to make that happen. At the time of her Con-
ing BIG! If youre going to make a splash, make it a BIG splash. tinuation Day, she was in negotiations to find a permanent
She was talking about makeup artists, getting our hair done, home for the art she had collected and wanted to expand the
and having television cameras on the scene. For a novice artist, exhibit to include costumes, sculptures, and even performance
Catherines can do, lets go attitude was frightening. I was art.
ready for baby steps; Catherine was setting up the marquee Catherine, thank you for your faith in me your faith in all of
with neon lights. God love her. us. I wont say I will miss you, because, as Michael Jackson
This dream kept Catherine strong during the almost year and a sang, You are always in my heart.
~Jan Carlson~
Cecile Duteil
Carmen Memotamj Tarin Dominguez

Lisbeth Andersen

Remembering Cat: Rev. Dr. Catherine Gross

Inner Michael Memorial

Andrea Bocelli, Cline Dion - The Prayer
Video Credit: A Phillymac Channel By: Rev. Barbara Kaufmann

I am very sad to hear the news of the passing of

Catherine. She was always strong, a light in the
darkness. She was a sincere and fierce MJ advocate.
I will miss you every day, Catherine!
My deepest condolences to Catherines family and

~Louise Trezand~

So sorry for this incredible loss still can't believe it. We spoke on oc-
casion and every time you lifted my soul. Thank you so much for
your love. Rest In Peace sweet Catherine M. Gross you will be forev-
er missed. ~Julie Vicharrelli~
Ingrid Segers
I am so sad to hear the news of your passing Catherine. We exchanged
messages a few times in reaction to your David Nordahl interview back Dear family of Catherine
in 2013, it is so sad to hear you have left our wonderful community. You I am so sorry for you loss. I have never met Catherine in
were so well spoken and I always felt the pure love in your voice and
your podcasts were wonderful to listen too, you will be greatly missed, person, but across the miles, I live in Belgium , we have
keep an eye on us all still and we will do you proud. You will ALWAYS become friends on Facebook. I will truly miss her and
have a place in our heart too. LOVE, ALWAYS AND FOREVER. wish you and your family strength at this difficult
~Steven Hodges~ moment. Sincerely, Ingrid
My sincere condolences to all of
Catherine's family and friends.
Catherine had the up most love and
respect for Michael and she will be
deeply missed by the entire
MJ community.

For you are light and wonder.
For there are galaxies within you and
stardust dances in your soul.
Stars live in your eyes, and glory and
grace live in your bones.
You are beautiful
You are light and wonder.
Barb Jones Mckibben You Shine - Unknown

Anja Klein A beautiful, kind & wise lady now at peace in Tanja Jackson
Tina Marie Alltop our Father's loving arms. Sincere sympathy to Cumberbatch
family and friends. Thank you dear Catherine Gobs
Rita Bosico
for sharing your love for Michael with u all
Linda Whitcomb
Isaura Vazquez-Reid
~Michelle Jackson~
Kathy Thompson
Trish Overbay I found this quote from Catherine, on this fan site,
Donna Brija and thought it was so appropriate: "I have learned
many things but greatest lesson I have ever learned
Mae Par is how to love and be loved. I learned that from Elton John - Candle In The Wind
Maureen Cusa Michael Jackson. Love is forever. That is why Mi- Video Credit: EltonJohnVEVO
Silvily Thomas chael Jackson will always live in our hearts. Maya
Angelou said people will forget what you said, peo-
Marga Arts ple will forget what you did, but people will never
Kirsten Kanstrup forget how you made them feel. The way he made
Frdric Charlot us feel was loved. Michael Jackson healed, filled
and lifted the hearts of people all across this globe.
Angel Brown
It is time for us to try to "heal the world." RIP dear
Donna Massa-Chappee Catherine! READ MORE HERE
Jarrod Morrison
~Ann Cavanaugh~

My condolences to the family and relatives. We will all miss U r on the bigger journey now ...U have
spread peace and worked for humanity
you ... This is a big loss in our great army of Michael and for all here.. We all convey our prayers to
almighty for yours best journey ahead....
friends. Rest in peace, soft clouds for you.
~Tatyana Kurjanova~ ~Vikas Mj~

You were such a beautiful, precious soul! We may never have met personally, but your lovely messages and comments were al-
ways so inspiring! Thank you from the bottom of my heart on behalf of the entire Fanmily, and Michael! Thank you for your
L.O.V.E, dedication and hard work in keeping our beloved Michael's legacy alive! We will miss you as long as we live.. I hope you
are with the angels, Michael being one of them. I'm crying uncontrollably right now..Rest in sweet peace, my dear.. and please
keep watching over us.. I love you. ~ Ankita Srivastava~
Catherine M. Gross, one of the biggest and most faithful Michael Jackson fans has
left us. Peace and the blessing of God be with all family members and friends. We
love You ever. ~Mike Al Jaywalk~

May the angels be with you dear Catherine M. Gross, that Michael Jackson also receives
you, thank you for having been here my virtual friend, thank you for distributing Love and
trying with dedication also to heal this world so sick, my feelings the family, God comfort
them in this sad time! ~Dirce Cndido~

This was one of her last

interviews, here she describes
her passion for a Michael
Jackson museum and love for
the community... Her passion
was Michael's message and she
was a true living example of
love. She will be loved and
missed a great deal... keep her
message alive and help heal
the world!!!
RIP Catherine M. Gross
"... and you and I have never
been separate. It's just an illusion MICHAEL JACKSON: 10 YRS OF INNOCENCE: A look back w/ Gregory SON
wrought by the lens of
perception" MJ Did not know you personally dear Catherine, but thank you so much for being my internet
Rest in Peace dear Catherine. friend. Love and light to your family and our MJ family you will be sadly missed dear friend
Warm comforting thoughts to xxx ~Sue Colebrook~
your family.

Love & Light <3 Catherine M. Gross, I never met you in the physical world - but I communicated
much with you ... via the channel of Michael Jackson. Thank you for having known
~Cecile Duteil~ you - thank you for all your inspiration and love. I know you dance with the angels
now... please do an angelic moonwalk for me. You are safe, now, sweetie, in the
embracement of God. See you - sometime in the future. ~Maria Rosenthal ~

Rest in eternal peace beautiful soul, I still can't believe u r gone, fly free,
Fly free Dear Catherine. We were blessed to have
u will be missed. ~Waheda Bee Sohawon~
known your beautiful soul. May you rest now with
Michaels hand upon your shoulder.
Lori Clark Such a gorgeous soul ... May you Rise Into Peace on
Angel's wings! Bless all who knew her ~ ((( )))

Licia Johnson I am so sorry to hear about Dr. Gross. She played a

very important part of where I am today in life. God bless her family.

EarthmotherMcol Sending love for the UK for the

Debby Barker sad passing of a kind person - thinking of you all
Carmen Mauus
Lydia Gimnez Llort
Elizabeth Olney
Patricia Ramachandran
Andrea Day
Sylvie H. Girard
Lavora Brooks
Vanessa Little
Sharon Kay
Janie Jane Grost
Susanne Baur
Angella Wains
Karuna Devi
Maxine Chapman
Linda Minutella
Dianne Chilgren
Sharline Arce We are devastated for your departure, dearest Catherine. We join friends to lit a
Eleytheria Karamolegou candle for you You'll be always in our hearts 4LOVEprojects. org
Laura Munroe
Mary Bosque May your eternal soul rest in peace. You will be missed dearly. ~ Inge Christensen ~
Adrianna Jackson
Tatyana Kurjanova Ingrid Homolla With a very heavy heart I read about Catherine's passing. I will always remember her
Katrina Jones-Gallon as the loving, encouraging and inspiring soul that she is. I will never forget summer 2014 when I spent some
weeks at home recovering from surgery. At that time I listened to her radio show, sometimes two shows a
Steffanie LevinaKidd Westerfield-Shea day, about 6 hours. Lying in bed or on the sofa and listening to her and her wonderful guests literally carried
me to healing and made me feel blissful. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, Catherine. When she
Helen Marie called me about one year later her voice on the phone was so familiar to me, it made me cry. Now I'm crying
Paola Salazar again, sad about loosing her so early.

Sheryl Wilder
BevSteyn Catherine M. Gross was a special member of the MJ Global Family
Kimberly Mybaby Cales
Karen Slack and will be missed Rest in Heavenly Peace dear Catherine
Jennifer Richardson
Lisa Hyde-Boland Rest in peace dear Catherine. I and we love you forever. ~Frdric Charlot~
MariaAmelia Sousa
Sigrid Ellies Marquardt Christine Walldn I donated a pair of 'growing' shoes to a child in
Bonnie Lamrock Sri Lanka through Michael Jackson's Legacy in Catherine's honor, I hope
Jacqueline Ravelle Bass Myers she would have loved that
Joanne Williams
Kathy Payne Rest in peace dear Catherine M. Gross. ~Brigitte Feda~
Rachael Paulson
Jannatul Ferdous
My Love and thoughts to your family and friends. I will miss you my friend.
Ann C. Haave Thank you for sharing your insight, your encouragement, and your beautiful
Maria Artemiadou self. Rest in Power you "Super Cutie." Love you. ~Noble Love~
Janice Frogel
Jolanda LunaJo Van Der Grift
To Allah/God we belong and to Him we return. Rest In Peace won-
Kathy Card
Artlee Williams derful friend. ~ChandniShahparaMalik~
Valencia Renee Dantzler








EVENT https://www.facebook.com/events/1654023571278577/
Oh Catherine, you were such an Angel here on Earth. We'll miss you so much. God is so lucky to have you. I'm sending up a big
hug. I hope you feel it and you know how much we love you always. ((I'll miss you SO MUCH) ~Bonnie Lamrock~

Oh my God, we will miss you. Never forget your out-

Rest in peace my dear FB friend <3 You will forever be in my
standing work and support for Michael Jackson! Rest in
peace! ~Susanne Baur ~
heart. ~Gitte Hougaard~

Catherine posted this April 13 on her Catherine and Friends

page. Fly free dear friend! The world will be more drab and emp-
ty for your departure" ~Kathy Payne~

Catherine M. Gross - April 13 at 7:07am

Some birds are not meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are too
bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when
you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And
the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first
place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more
drab and empty for their departure.

Stephen King, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption: A Story

from Different Seasons

Rest in Peace Cathy. Your posts and the way your were was to bring some
Irina Eropolova
light to this World. I will always remember that. Love ~Gaston Franco~
Carinne Solange

Dorita Orzaes Rest in peace my lovely sis Catherine . ~Eleytheria Karamolegou~

Kaley Lott

Virginia Dillon Yenni Liaw

Diana Fecteau Sandra Heighway
Carolina Pacheco Jude Ling
Bridgette Teo Carine Carine Boreham
Veronica Moore Hayes Yolande Vandoorn
BirgitSteffen Diana Alexandrescu
CindyHerd Courtney Renea
Helen Scott
Pepper Simone R.I.P So Sorry!!! I can not believe it! So
HectorBarjot sad! Another fan will go to Michael. Be
Linda Lundquist-Andersen happy where you go , wherever you go dear
Suzy Beniest friend. ~Marina Ivanova ~
Darlene Proctor Walker
TinaJger Rest in peace dear Catherine
Monica L Banks
TeresaBashford LOVE and GRATITUDE
Elisheva Naomi Chaim
~Anne Mette Jepsen~
What a sad day. Goodbye, Catherine. Sleep in Peace. You will be missed!
We will not forget you. With love L.O.V.E.
~ Liesbet Pyt De Bondt ~
~Brigitte Huguet~

Rest in Peace, Catherine. May perpetual light shine upon you. ~ Frances Kenny
Jane Glover
Roger Wauters
Eternal Love and Peace Catherine ~LisbethWinnem~
Maureen Moffat
Jarrod Morrison RIP dear MJF...my condolences to family and friends ~Roger Wauters~

Matilde Beatriz Latini

Isabelle Stegner-Petitjean
Srka-Jonae Miller
DLisa Masterson
Jan Carlson
May you rest in heavenly peace Catherine. Shine as
Siren Catherine Van Tighem bright together with Michael .
Julie Derbyshire ~Suzy Beniest~
Carla Adams
Carlo Riley My condolences to her family. Death is our enemy, so they
Nina Hamilton resurrection hope that Jesus the bible talk about give me
Marcela Torres
Susan Shand
I am so sorry and
Linda Malman sad. Rest in
Waldtraut Biedermann-Finger peace Catherine Rest in Peace dear
Nikolai Tooke Catherine M. Gross .....
Solveig Logenius
~Clea Chloe~
Ada Tarchetti ~KristinNicoleCharlottWolf~

Cheryl Lynn Gross

Video Credit: Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven
(Official Video) - Epitaph
Tanja Jackson Gobs: R.I.P. sweetest Cathy Rest in peace, dear Catherine - Rest in peace
love. You're
and rise in glory! ~Ann C. Haave ~ missed deeply.
~Courtney Renea~
My dearest MJ sister Catherine.. I did not tell
Catherine Gross was a you how much I love you for some time and Rest in peace dear

shining star in this now it's too late... Michael was right.. we do Catherine
not know how long we have with our beloved
community. She ones so do not forget to say them I LOVE
YOU... Now I'm saying it keeping my head up
definitely left a legacy towards Heavens. I love you, my sweet Cath- ~Anne Mette Jepsen ~
of love. erine. Now Lord welcomes you home and
Michael waits with his arms open to embrace

~Kim Bailey-Lloyd~ you.

Dear sweet Sister. I am heartbroken. You

were such a kind, sweet, caring soul. You will
Dear Sis Catherine: You were a gracious & lovely
be so missed. I so admire your strength and
person on fb, enjoyed knowing you. U r with the
the beautiful person you are. I know Michael
angels in heaven now ~Carinne Solange~ was waiting to welcome you into his arms.
God bless you sweet sister. Rest in peace. I
love you.
~Donita Smith~

Catherine M. Gross is daughter, sister, a friend and

child of God who created a PLACE IN YOUR HEART
where she knew that she could grab us as one, a quiet
place to hear the beautiful thoughts that would put us
in a place so sweet as roses that grows. Catherine M.
Gross, Now she can grab those roses with thorns and
carry them to heaven, and she will be filled with so
much love and happiness because she touched each
of us in her own way. l can remember in 2013 l was in
Illinois and was so ill and Catherine called to check up
on me. She was in Chicago and l was in the southern
part of Ill. near St. Louis and a town called Belleville,
and it was winter. One thing lead to another and l told
her it would be best that you stay there because you
know how much the weather changes in your area,
but to have someone that you have only met on line
that wanted to come that far... that is pure love and l
will always remember that each time l see a cardinal
or a blue jay as they sing. It will be the sound of my
friend Catherine M. Gross. l love you very much and l
Reach out tonight and light a candle for the eternal life...as will so miss you. l am so glad l did meet you in Gary.
she starts her final steps to our Lord and Savior, our MJ You are the example of an angel brought to this earth
sisterhasbeenreceivedtoheaven.Takeaminuteandpray to touch. Rest in peace my sister You are free and you
for her family as they deal in this suffering. We love and
will always be so beautiful. When the bird sings I thank
learnedsomuchfromeachother,butyou you for your special friendship and being there when l
putthatspecialspinonlife.AMEN needed a special ear MAY you rest in peace.
Rip Catherine, You will be sadly
I'm deeply saddened by this terrible news of your
missed by all who came to love you
passing Catherine M. Gross, you were such an inspiration
here on Facebook... my sincere
condolences go out to your family to all of us Rest in Peace ~Federica Cambini~
and friends.
~Lorna Ann~
Dear Catherine M. Gross, what will we do now? That was my
first thought when I heard you had gone on to glory. Your
strong love is something that is not easily found elsewhere. You
had a profound impact on us in the Michael Jackson community.
Dear Catherine, I just read the And the silence is hard to take. I sure am gonna miss you.
sad news of your passing. Blessings on your journey home. I love you. Thank you for all
Rest in peace beautiful Lady. I you did to help the world know that Love is the Answer.
am gonna miss your view on ~Rita Bosico~
I am gonna miss the way you
loved Michael and his teach- My dear Catherine, So
ings and shared it with us, Rest In Peace, dear Catherine. You Ingrid Segers to Catherine M.
many times we have
with me. have been an inspiration to me and Gross
talked and so many
meeting you in person is something times you have encour-
I am gonna miss the way you aged me that I feel like I
I will always treasure. May 2 at 12:11am
kept looking for possibilities
I will miss you. have known you in per-
instead of difficulties and ob-
son even though we've
Love to you, your family and
only met on line and I
live at the other side of
your friends. the world. I'll miss you.
Thank you for being a
part of my life. Rest in
~Michelle Mikki Speller~ Peace and say hello to
Michael for us, for I'm
sure you're with him
Will miss you MJ now.
sis R.i.p. darling I love you, Ingrid.
and we will meet
again sometime
~Ingrid Segers~

Siren Catherine Van Tighem

Christina Tozer
~Kirsten Kanstrup~
Rest well in heaven my
darling, give Michael my
love ... you were a true
leader in his army and an
inspiration to so many of
us... you will be missed
Catherine M. Gross and
I love you Catherine M.
thank you for all you
Gross you have been an
achieved and strove to do
inspiration and a true sister in Michael's name .... love
in Christ. Thank you for to you always xxxxx
being there for me. My
heart is broken.
~Trish Overbay ~
~Barbara Straughn~
Rest in sweet eternal peace Catherine. You will be missed xxx
~Carlee Du Chatenier~

I am so sad to hear this news. Rest in paradise beautiful soul.

~Nicole Thomas Peters~
RIP Catherine, we will miss you
~Deb Morris~
RIP dear Catherine. Now you are with Michael in eternal peace!
~Michela Meucci ~
RIP Dr. Catherine M. Gross, I will miss you a lot my beautiful friend, you always shared with us your
love for MJ and we appreciated each time you took to talk with us. Thank you very much for your
wonderful friendship and your love for MJ fans. I know you always be with us in spirit, God bless you
sweet Catherine ~Sylvie H. Girard~
RIP Catherine! Thank you for sharing your spirit and light with the world. Your fierce
determination to shine light on the truth and spread love was such an inspiration. You
will be missed greatly! ~Kimberly Bonk~

Dana Ralu
Daniela Muske
Michelle MjjEcis
Marina Nim
Brenda Pineo
Jacqueline Marie I will miss you dear Catherine. May you
rest in eternal peace. Thank you for all
you did for the MJfam and humanity as
Genevieve N. Ferr a whole. May God Bless and keep all
that love and know you until we meet
Joyce A Butler Dear Catherine.
May You dance with MICHAEL
Theresa Stephens among the stars in Heaven. ~Carla Adams~
Nancy Lyons Dear Sister I will never forget sharing a room with
you in Gary. Sunrise prayer on the beach in L.A.
Gigi Moore Rest in peace Catherine you are
an angel of light Lovely One.
All of your hard work for the MJ Art Show. I pray
God give your family comfort. Your loving pres-
You are forever in my ence will be missed. May God let Michael greet
Diana Foley heart #MJFam and dance with you. I love you more.
~Marla Jackson Vandennoort~
Sweet Catherine M. Gross, I will Dear Catherine you will be truly missed. You made a huge impact with your advocacy for
never forget our moment and Michael and I enjoyed your radio shows as well. Rest in peace sweet Catherine!!!
words and love shared. Rest Easy
Beautiful Soul. We are One.
~Kimberly Mybaby Cales~
Rest in Peace Catherine M. Gross Dance in the stars with Michael now.
~Kaley Lott ~
~Jacqueline Ravelle Bass Myers~

Just want to send you a message in

heaven dear Catherine ... thank you
for everything you did for me and plac-
ing my art work in the Gary Indiana art
gallery. I really appreciated everything
you did to help me get recognition for
my art of MJ .. I remember when you
called me on the phone all the way to
the UK and we were going to do a ra-
dio show together to talk about my MJ
art. It was a massive honour and a
pleasure to have known you dearest
friend and I will miss you so very
much .. my heart is heavy with sorrow
but i know that you are with God and
in the arms of the angels now. I will
always love you Catherine and I will
never forget you and your kindness
and beautiful heart .. here are 2 pieces
of my art work of MJ so you can view it
all the way from heaven .. love you
always .. Andrea

I'm so sorry. That Descabnses in peace Catherine, God,

Rest in God's eternal grace, dear Catherine.
Los Angeles and Michael you will receive at the gates of
~Teresa Meisinger ~ heaven.. (LO SIENTO MUCHO .QUE DESCABNSES EN PAZ
Rest In Paradise, Dear One. RAN EN LAS PUERTAS DEL CIELO .. )
~Steffanie LevinaKidd Westerfield-Shea~ ~Silvia Dana ~

Thank you for all the love you shared Give We didn't talk a lot but I always smiled when I saw
your posts - say hi to Michael for us we will miss
Michael a big hug, rest in peace lady. you my friend.
~Ale Huerta ~ ~Keri Shamone Wilhelm~
My beautiful dear friend. This is very sad news. I will miss the times we've spent together on Uncover
MJ campaign. You are such a force. I love you and I will miss your soothing voice. Forever in my
heart. Rest in peace. Thoughts and prayers to the family. ~Blessy Jahne ~
To Catherine Gross and her family through this tough time . Though I never met you your presence on
Facebook giving justice to our Michael . I miss you I love you... you did good work for him and spiritu-
ally here on earth . God Send our angel fly high on the wings of angels in heaven you will be so missed
you are loved ! I know you are in heaven with the lord . God speed forever stay at peace . God hold
her close . Rest In Peace . Till we meet again take care my friend . ~Alan Cramer~
Major LOVE and prayers to To the family of Catherine M. Gross my deepest sympathy, RIP
family members. Catherine's Catherine, God received another Angel, Theresa
work and impact on the
community will always be ~Theresa Stephens~
remembered. God bless.
~Cali Love~ So sad to hear that our MJ sister has passed. Give Michael our
love, sister. My condolences to all who loved her.
Katrina Jones-Gallon ~LisaMarie Henning Behee~
Bethany Williams
Elaine Edwards Rest well Angel. #MJFam will always love & adore you.

Heather Breed
~Jodi Gomes~
Beverly S Gramstad May You Rest In Eternal Peace . thank you for the gifts you gave to
Linda Whitcomb the world . Met you through MJ MJ friend for ever . RIP
Tina Arsenault Wentworth ~Michelle Wilkie ~
Matilde Beatriz Latini
I heard about what happened. I'm shocked even though I
Theresa Gonsalves never really knew you. Rest In Peace Catherine M.
Gross you are in Gods hands now and won't have to suffer...
I'm sure we will meet one day... in heaven.
RIP Dear Catherine M. Gross...You will be ~Lindsay Jackson~
missed by many! ~Tina Hall~
Wow just heard you have left us. You will be
R.I.P Catherine, your radio talks missed Miss Catherine. Such a big part of the MJ
were something I will remember, community. Bless you. Peace is yours forever
sincere condolences to family, friends
now. May Michael hold you in his arms.
and the MJ fam-ily.
~Jude Rowe~ ~Charlotte Stanley ~

Nora Moya RIP, my Friend ! Finally at Home ! Thank you for your Beautiful words, you shared
with us in the Radio ! We'll always remember you and the Love you shared with us for our
Angel !

We will all miss you Catherine M. Gross. Sending I'm so sad to hear of your passing. You
prayers to the family. ~Mary Bosque~ were loved. Thank you for your kindness
and positive attitude. I will always remem-
I wish you love and peace, and happiness as you walk through the ber you. ~Jeanne Marie Decklar~
pearly gates R.I.P. ~Janis Dasilva~
Very sad to hear you have left us Catherine. Your love for Michael was relentless. I am happy you chose
me to do an interview with and I love you for the respect you gave me. Rest In Peace.
Theresa Gonsalves
Before I became a Minister of the Gospel of Christ, Catherine M. Gross befriended me when she was a Minister,
serving at the Apostolic Church of God (ACOG) in Chicago, Illinois! Our friendship was only diminished at that
point when she left that church: we have not seen each other since!
We constantly communicated however! And I did not know of her passing until the fifteen minutes before I began
to write this post!

I know something of the loss of a loved one for I am a member serving at ACOG of its Home going Celebration Team!
To the Family of Catherine M. Gross, you have my condolences and you are in my prayers!

In Jesus' name: Let it be that God blesses the family and friends of Rev. Catherine M. Gross with HIS comfort, signified by
the love and comfort shared by them in memory of Catherine! And let it be that at those special times, that they remember
Catherine's love for them in the memories of her in their hearts, and they will smile! Minister Reginald Griffin

This is what Catherine

did for everyone she
was in contact with.
~Kathy Payne~
A Simple Peaceful Life

Missing you Catherine M. Gross more than words

can say. ~Trish Overbay~

Until We Meet Again

Lavora Brooks
I've spent the day working on a painting of Miss Catherine M. Gross in order
to deal with the shock of her passing. I don't know what I would have done
without her a few months ago. She was and is a light in the darkness, that
will shine in my heart always. I will miss her so much, but I know I will see her
again one day. I love you always Catherine. ~Trish Overbay~
A Place in Your Heart was created by Rev. Dr. Catherine M. Gross specifically to lift
up the fans of Michael Jackson.

In her words: Our purpose to help others remember him, and not the negative me-
dia attention that he gained throughout the years. A Place in Your Heart will also
showcase other groups that have causes which promote his legacy positively. Love is
a verb. So we will be making a conscience effort to make sure our purpose is not for-
gotten. We are not going to sit around and dream about love. We believe if words can
make someone hate you..then words can make someone love you. We are building a
love wall. If words can make you hate someone, then word's can make you love them
as well. We are going to get the word out in a variety of ways! This is a love campaign
for Michael Jackson.

http://www.aplaceinyourheart.org A Place In Your Heart Website

http://www.blogtalkradio.com/a-place-in-your-heart A Place In Your Heart Blogtalk Radio

https://www.facebook.com/groups/CatherineandFriends/ Catherine and Friends FB Group

https://www.facebook.com/groups/aplaceinyourheart2/ A Place In Your Heart FB Group


https://youtu.be/YksSgDFlWY0 Video Credit: Valencia Dantzler/motherdivashow

https://antidefamationlegacylawadvoca... THANK YOU TO THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MARY JANE
AND https://www.scribd.com/document/34922...

I was moved to create this special magazine tribute book in honor of Rev. Dr. Catherine M. Gross as a small token of my love and apprecia-
tion. She deserved this and much more. I tried to find as many posts left by friends on her personal and group Facebook pages. Please forgive
me if someone was left out. It was only because I did not see your post. Catherine had thousands of Facebook friends and Im sure you all loved
and appreciated the work she done inside and outside of the MJ Community. I had not spoken with her much in almost two years, but isnt it
strange how God work? It was just a few weeks before she passed away that we had reconnected. Catherine had been dealing with other
projects and battling an illness as well as myself. I pray this tribute book will bring some comfort to those who love and miss her. A special
thanks to Ms. Valencia Dantzler for reaching out to me, volunteering to attend the memorial service and present the Letter of Resolve to
Catherines family. I also thank her for the video she recorded during the service. You can make a donation in Catherines name to the
Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago. http://epilepsychicago.org/ Im sure she would have loved that. God bless.

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