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History of iPhone



History of iPhone


The history of iPhone makes a comeback, and it outshines the digital telecommunication

market, it all begins with Steve Jobs the CEO and the inventor to Apple Inc. engineers, when

he asks them out to make an investigation of the use of touchscreen majorly the devices as

well as tablets computers. It later becomes a fruition with the incorporation of the iPad, in the

recent establishment, there is something to be noted on the similarities of the device with that

of the Apples previous portable device which it was a touch screen previously. There is a

change in the way the operations are carried out, and it comes out as all things become

digital. Jobs makes an expression of how he has a belief in the tablet PC's which has a

relation to the traditional PDAs which relatively were not good choices as the high demand in

the market for Apple to enter, and despite many requests which make it make another PDA.

A believe that cell phones are to be a major device to be able to make access to portable

information becomes the roots of the growth of the iPhone company.


The Apple computer was formed in 1976 April, by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs,

after making extra start-up cash from the two set up a shop in the family house of the Job's.

The ideas, as well as the innovation techniques which emerged in this location, is what set the

foundation of the for the general building of the most famous and a global efficient

technology company which is a world class and globally accepted (Hight, 2016). The Apple

computer is unique from other similar businesses that is the unique business ideas which are

constantly redefined by the standards of the products, marketing as well as the general

industry (Bohn and Aaron, 2013). The optimal goal is to make improvement in the user-

friendliness of their generic products to create an excellent rapport with the consumers. The

company has a modern image all over and has the commitments well organized and is known

to be the business of possibilities. In this paper a description of the enterprise history will be

captured, the primary emphasis on how the company management made it change the world

view of the digital world (Bohn and Aaron, 2013). The marketing of the Apple brands, the

revolution will be with enacted need to be an emphasized company in telecommunications.

Historical overview

Apple computers

The technical brain behind the first Apple computer is Wozniak, the building process

of the early computer of the Apple brand spent the summer building one of the company's

first computer known as the Apple I computer. As this happened, Jobs has also begun another

creation of the company's advertisement as well as found a buyer for the network. The byte

shop in the mountain view located in California makes an approval of being the first of the

major customers of the Apple computer (Hight, 2016). When this happened, there is

coincidental that the first retail computer store becomes the first in the world. The working

goes on as the two Steves work on to build as well as sell other fifty Apple I computers in

that summer. It now marks a fruitful beginning of the success road of the company, the

official incorporation of the Apple computer is then made in 1977.

In a different session, late that summer, Wozniak as well as Jobs work to build another

brand of the Apple computer and they name it Apple II. With the help of as few new

techniques incorporated as technically -savvy classmates and friends come in to help. It is in

this first times when Jobs makes a realization of his real passion to beginning a computer

company. To be able to fuel his passion Jobs goes ahead to make consultation about the

business and the future of the Apple company from a retired Intel marketing manager. The

manager Michael Markkula talks to him and then he buys one-third of the company to be able

to make facilitation of the business.

Creation of the Apple image

In the year 1977, there is an ongoing sting of consultation by Jobs to find a new logo

before they launch Apple II. Jobs and Markkula hire Michael Scots to be the company's CEO

as well as the president. In April in the same year, there is a change and the company decides

to have a strategy that to be able to have a beneficial marketing strategy we should have a

new logo to be able to signify a new look of the company (Fisher, 2016). The creation of the

new logo takes Jobs makes contact to Robert Janoff, who is an art director for advertisement

as well as public relations agency. He agrees to make a design of the logo from a primarily

black canvas. He explains that the funny this is that Jobs tells him not to make it too cute,

apart from the alterations of the colors which were made, the design stands out to be the

company's logo.

After making a successful launch of the logo there is a different category of success

which pops up, work begins again on Apple III, this time it turns out to be the very first

which is failing! It proves that Apple III makes a sign of failure which tended to disagree with

the president Michael Scott and Steve. In fact, an original version of the arguments is that the

president laid off 40 workers after the failure of the Apple III (Fisher, 2016). It was done

without any consultation or rather an approval form from the board of directors. When this

happens, the abrupt action of the president he is demoted and taken to the vice chairman seat,

and another swipe of the chairman to the president. Markkula becomes the new CEO; he had

previously hired Scott as the CEO; later Scott resigned from Apple in 1981. The tension now

continues, and an escalate through the development of the company comes in as they work on

a different project, which is making a new model called Apple Lisa.


Graphical User Interface

It is named after Jobs old daughter Lisa; the abbreviation is Local Integrated

Software Architecture. It is a first personal idea for a computer to be in the implementation of

a graphical user interface technology. It is an idea which Jobs has had an adoption from a

visit to the Xerox Cooperation. It took out a surprise when the company did not have an idea

that, it could be one of the best action and serve a practical purpose which is to the secret

computing operations (Fisher, 2016). The Lisa comes out as the first personal computer

which had an inclusion of the features which are a hierarchal file system, as well as windows

and folders, multiple tasking as well as icons, a drop-down menu bar and finally the ability of

to be able to copy and paste.

When it happens, Jobs is in to test the patience of the now than the president of the

Apple company. It happens the eager consumers of the product by having a continuous

implementation of the new GUI features of and this makes a push back to the Lisa s release

dates (Fisher, 2016). The president made some growing interests in the inventors constant

need for improvement in the company at any cost, and this makes a removal of him from the

valued position as Lisas project designer. When the board of directors had a comeback and

then demoted the president and hired the former Pepsi Co vice president who is John Sculley,

as the new CEO in the year 1983. When this happened, there is a reorganization as one of the

opportunities which shift to his focus too has a designing the features from the next brand

which is the Macintosh.

The Macintosh

One of the new improvements in the new model using the GUI which is the

Macintosh and it becomes a possibility box for the Apple company developing products

which are similar. The need for enhancing some of the features found in the Lisa, the

Macintosh has an improved capability of having a desktop as well as the graphical file system

in cooperated. The Macintosh laid a good foundation of having an entire computer company

in place. There was this need for an authentic look of a major throw in the look and feel of a

personal computer which is found in today's daily life, the attribution of the vast

implementation is a critical revolution in the early design and features of the Macintosh.

However, in the overall condition it did not dominate the consumers market for long, and as

the company hoped to be, the idea of the members which include by Markkula and other

members and the president they demoted Jobs in May 1985 from being the leader and any

managerial functionality (Novakov-Ritchey, 2016). In as somewhat desperate attempt to

make a boost to the Macintosh sales, there is a move to make a successful major diversion as

the Apple released the Macintosh XL. It is now a new computer which comes in to make a

different move in the overall take in its roots with new improves in the GUI which are easier

to use. The new innovative new folder command becomes one of the necessary moves in the

new device, the introduction of Apple talk comes in, and it becomes a one in and an adorable

face in the new Macintosh. There is also a configuration of a local area's configuration port

the LAN-is in use, and this is in use to connect to multiple computers to a single printer

feature. The revolution is seen in this as it moves ahead.

The NeXT move

When Steve Jobs resigned from Apple in 1985, there is a situational change in his life

too, due to constant struggles of power and a lot disagreements with the president of the

company he seeks a different thing to embark on as a career business (Novakov-Ritchey,

2016). Once he resigns Jobs has the establishment and formation of a new corporation the

NeXT, Inc. this saw him having a lot of opportunities to make a reignition of the spark he had

when he began the Apple company. The new business makes a focus on creating computers

which are user-friendly as well as pleasing, the capability of the machine to run very

powerful software while making a consideration in the efficiency of the ways as much as


It takes eleven years of the company in the making, as the Apple company also made

continuous development in the establishments of new desktops as well as computer operating

systems. The Apple company was not able to make a full recovery from the departure of Jobs;

it leads to the president who was then Sculley to resign in 1993 (Fisher, 2016). It is due to the

extreme pressure to try and increase Apples sales and the base market of the company as the

continued sharing of new products and services. The next president is promoted to become

the CEO of the whole Apple company to be able to oversee activities in the organization. It is

in this reign where most of the projects led by Michael made an approval as major failures,

after other three yet again unsuccessful years in the company Michael Spindler is forced to

reassigns from the position of being a CEO.

The Apple company makes another promotion and takes and promotes a board

member of the Gil Amelio to be the head of the company in 1996. There is a significant,

stock prices continuing to make a change, the board of directors was once again in the range

of facing the painful reality of that they would soon be in need to find someone who would be

and make a successful run for the company (Fisher, 2016). Like this problem, there is still the

unsuccessful rise of the enterprise. In what seemed a wake-up call for the Apple company

there is a quick change and Steve is retired back to the company as the CEO, into a company

which he had co-founded some days back. With his innovative initiatives, there is a major

turn back for the company, in 1996 he made the announcement of having plans to acquire the

NeXT software. The purchase was for completion in 1997; it gives a different take on the

foundation of Max's future operating systems.


There is a new take-off the company, and now it comes in as a consideration to have a

call to the Microsoft CEO Bill Gates after an interview which she had published to make

apologies for the word he had previously uttered in a meeting (Fisher, 2016). It strikes a new

beginning, and there is a little insight into Jobs personality both as the CEO as well as a

multi-billion dollars' cooperation, at an average person eager to make changes in the way

operations are made. It is this eagerness that makes a lead to the development of a pocket size

technology which has come out and turned a lot of the operational activities in the real watch.

The iPod and the iTunes media store feature

The prime example of Jobs innovative mastery is the innovation of the iPod in 2001

the features were never seen before as it made its way into the market. Most of the features

contribute to the sophisticated nature of the user-friendly design of the devices, and to make a

crown on it is the ability of the instrument to be in use in Mac as well as the Windows-based

computers (Fisher, 2016). There is another release which accompanies the innovation, and it

was then iTunes in 2003. It is one of the features which allow users to manage various mixed

digital media between the computers and the iPod. The most of this is where the digitalized

device helps user can be able to transfer most of the files directly to their iPod while using the

Apple user-friendly feature of drag and drop.

Organizational structure

The headquarters are in Cupertino, in the USA, the Apple computer makes global

operations on a full scale, it has multiple locations in world level. Apples business structure

is very strategically into three broad categories; it is the hardware, software as well as the

firm support which are to oversee a smooth operation in the telecommunication industry

(Novakov-Ritchey, 2016). Within the categories, there are various divisions which have an

inclusion of Macintosh computers, other peripherals including Apple Television among


Business operations

Business philosophy

The business outlook for Apple is one of the strongest, and it makes a positioning of

having a real potential and an increase in the base of the customer and fan base an attribution

is to achieve consistent success and they it goes their slogan think differently'. The business

strategy leverages on the significant opportunities for success as the ability to make a design

of development as their operating system, and the application software. There is a great free

spirit which hovers the innovation making a good general impression and an open-minded

approach to business (Novakov-Ritchey, 2016). The primary focus of Apple is the provision

of robust and a user-friendly product in the market. A combination of this features makes an

actuality of right elements of world-class, cutting-edge od the general cooperate technology.

Not only does the company has a consideration of having a look and feel of their generic

products but also has a sense of making communication become an easy thing to within every

aspect of the telecommunication field (Novakov-Ritchey, 2016). The business strategy is

carefully chosen and has done an approval that it is moving on the right track, there is no sign

of having any regret to the way it makes its operations, there is a clear boundary that it is

making continued success in every aspect of the way it creates movement. Business may

have a significant change, but they probably do not have a subsequent attribution of applying

the philosophy in their business venture.

Commitment and innovation

The act of having the commitment to innovation makes a different notion about the

aspect of the company as this is what makes a drive off significant changes it makes daily and

the prices it gives to the market (Hight, 2016). Innovation is to be broken down into other

three subsets of minor areas. And they include product process as well as the product model

change. The aspect of product innovation comes to have an inclusion of how does exactly

many functions carried out, and the name suggests of the enhanced features in place, for this,

it is seen in its products and services. One of the major prime examples of this is the Apples

iPod as well as the devastating effects of its competitors (Hight, 2016). The business takes a

different road and makes a new comeback of the process of innovation as it makes the

involvement of many business processes of building some new markets as well as meeting

new needs from the customers every time a feature is created. It has a business model which

is very effective which it makes some tidal deeds in it; it introduces an entirely new value to

the market.

A prime example of the business model it uses is the innovation and combination of

Apple's iPod and iTunes media store (Hight, 2016). It makes a strong move of perpetuating

aspiration of a significance of the products not easy to be understated, as they make a

production of the first sustainable music downloading business model which has become one

in the firm thus winning the trust and the market.

Innovation is also one of the best methods which have made it stay competitive in the

market; this makes a creation of a long-lasting competitive advantage. As for those who are

working and lack the innovative aspect of it, it becomes a hard task to be able to compete in

the market (Novakov-Ritchey, 2016). The two most significant innovations seen is the change

of sustainable and disruptive makes. Sustainable change makes a dealing with the act of

improving the existing products performance features as well as the services. The

performance of the previously available products comes out to be very functional when they

are renovated, and that becomes a spear ahead of the company.


Current products

The company has a unique operating functionality as it is one of the vertical

integration types of model which makes an emphasis the products it brings to the market. The

model is facilitated by the aspect of both hardware and the software in combination, one of

the only third party components that must be found from outside is the recent Macs which are

Intel Core 2 Duo processors (Langlois, 2016). It allows an operating system not only Mac OS

but others like Linus and Windows. The companys signature makes an unusual move to have

all the control kept among the operating systems from the company which in turn affects the

price in the market. It ensures that the users of the products get a completely integrated and

secure product, sturdy and easy to use.


In conclusion, the company has an enhanced personal computing, in 1984, the

Macintosh has made an approval of the companys potential to grow and thus laid the

foundation of the products to follow (Hight, 2016). It began as a desktop publishing company

which continued publishing a revolutionized cutting edge GUI as well as the laser writer

printer capabilities of the products. In the recent day, Apple has made an approval of having

to be a lead industry in the telecommunication systems making it an essential move to all

other companies to be innovative. It is also credited to be the leading digital media store; this

makes the creation of the base market a more efficient in a creation of sustainable music

downloading business in the history of a digital world.



Bohn, D., & Aaron, S. (2013). iOS: A visual history. online document] Available: http://www.

theverge. com/2011/12/13/2612736/ios-history-iphone-ipad. Last accessed 06th Nov.

Hight, C. (2016). Looking for Marshall McLuhan in Afghanistan: iProbes and hipstamatic.

Fisher, H. (2016). Anatomy of Love: A Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why We

Stray (Completely Revised and Updated with a New Introduction). WW Norton & Company.

Langlois, R. N. (2016). The Corporation is Not a Nexus of Contracts. It's an Iphone. Browser

Download This Paper.

Novakov-Ritchey, C. 2016 Centuries before Steve Wozniak graced the world with the

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