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Teacher ID: 1455990 Teacher Name: JACQUELINE THOMAS
75K721-P.S. K721 - Brooklyn Occupational
School Year: 2016-2017 School Name/DBN: Training Center

In each observation, all components for which there is observed evidence must be rated. Each form must
contain lesson-specific evidence for each of the components observed during a classroom observation.

This observation was: (check one)

Formal Observation (full period) Informal Observation (15 minute minimum)

Date of Observation: 05/17/2017 Time/Period: 1:25

Component/Rationale for Score

1a (obs): Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy 3- Effective

The teacher displays solid knowledge of the important concepts in the discipline
and how these relate to one another. The teacher demonstrates accurate
understanding of prerequisite relationships among topics.

1e (obs): Designing coherent instruction 3- Effective

The learning activities have reasonable time allocations; they represent significant
cognitive challenge, with some differentiation for different groups of students and
varied use of instructional groups.
In today's lesson, Reading Plus, the teacher provided differentiated lists of
vocabulary targets as well differentiated methods of communication, such as lip
reading, pointing, tangible items and mimicking the inerpreter (for purposes of
learning) ASL.

2a: Creating an environment of respect and rapport 4- Highly Effective

Classroom interactions between the teacher and students and among students are
highly respectful, reflecting genuine warmth, caring, and sensitivity to students as

2d: Managing student behavior 4- Highly Effective

Student behavior is entirely appropriate.

3b: Using questioning and discussion techniques 3- Effective

While the teacher may use some low-level questions, she poses questions
designed to promote student thinking and understanding.
"Usman, if you don't understand, how can you ask?"

Last Revised: 05/22/17 11:03:42 AM By MSalazar2

"Are you noticing any patterns?"

3c: Engaging students in learning 3- Effective

The learning tasks and activities are fully aligned with the instructional outcomes
and are designed to challenge student thinking, inviting students to make their
thinking visible.
In today's lesson, the teacher and students reviewed and discussed new
vocabulary words. Students were encouraged to help each other and took turns
reading their new words. Students then worked together to identify patterns in
seen on their word lists.

3d: Using assessment in instruction 3- Effective

Questions and assessments are regularly used to diagnose evidence of learning.
Today's lesson was an introductory to new vocabulary words. Assessment is
evidenced by the student's ability to identify patterns within the words. The
students use their notebooks to write the pattern and sort words based on that
pattern. This is then analyzed by the teacher to drive future instruction.

4e (obs): Growing and developing professionally 4- Highly Effective

The teacher solicits feedback on practice from both supervisors and colleagues.
The teacher initiates important activities to contribute to the profession.
The teacher supports colleagues in best practice growth in order to increase
student growth. The teacher supports colleagues in writing IEP's and conducting
IEP meetings. The teacher is willing to meet with colleagues during and after
school hours.

Last Revised: 05/22/17 11:03:42 AM By MSalazar2

Teacher ID 1455990 Teacher Name JACQUELINE THOMAS


In this section of the form, evaluators should rate evidence for components 1a, 1e, and 4e that was
observed within fifteen (15) school days prior to the classroom observation as part of an assessment
of a teachers preparation and professionalism. Each form must contain teacher-specific evidence
for each of the components observed.

Component/Rationale for Score

1a (p&p): Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy N/A

1e (p&p): Designing coherent instruction N/A

4e (p&p): Growing and developing professionally N/A

Additional Evaluator Notes (please attach more pages, as necessary):

During your feedback session on May 22, 2017, we discussed the following:

For the 2016-2017 school year you choose Option 3 for your observational choice. In this, you conducted
three collegial inter-visitations in order to offer a colleague instructional and implementation strategy in 3c:
Engaging students in learning and 2d: Managing student behavior. You first inter-visitation on February 15,
2017 was focused on student engagement in which you modeled how to use augmentative communication
devices throughout instruction for a 12:1:4 class. The second inter-visitation was focused on class
management in which you modeled how to utilized paraprofessionals during instructional time specific to
"taking charge of a specific aspect of the lesson," for example, implementing instructional strategies
pertaining to vocabulary words. You final inter-visitation was focused on combining the 2 previous domains of
incorporating augmentative communication devices for paraprofessionals and classroom management
techniques in small group instruction.

Teacher's signature: Date

(I have read and received a copy of the above and understand that a copy will be placed in my file.)

Evaluator's name (print): SALAZAR, MICHELLE

Evaluator's signature: Date

Last Revised: 05/22/17 11:03:42 AM By MSalazar2

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