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Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7

Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

Secrets of
personal and

Femi Bamigboye

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

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Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment

ISBN 978-978-953-518-7

Published by Solid Foundation Printers and Grafiks

Tel: +234(0)803-448-9681

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment were caught during a critical
observation and thinking about imbalances in the society with respect to peace.
Why collective fulfilment (stability of peace) seems impossible? What are the
challenges militating against stability of peace? How do they form and from
where do they emanate?
The book proffers ways to handle errors and mistakes man always make in the
journey of life which, in turn, affect his personal life and the life of other people
around him. When you miss on your track of life, you are bound to collide with
other people on their tracks of life.
The book discusses personal and collective discovery of our innate abilities and
unique strengths as a basis of stability of peace. It has also been fashioned to be a
golden key that would open strong doors to discovery of our true nature and
sustenance of purpose of existence of every individual. Every man is an integral
part of his generation. Directly or indirectly, he is responsible for whatever is the
experience of his time.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


To my passionate father, Michael Bamigboye (Edema) and my late mother,

virtuous Christiana Bamigboye who directed my path towards this bright and
impactful future. God will strengthen you to reap more fruits on the tree you
have laboured to plant, and grant my late mother a rest.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

Foremost, I acknowledge the Almighty God from whom all wisdom, knowledge
and understanding flow.
This book has taken a few years of intensive study, painstakingly put together
with the support of some courageous people who, in various capacities,
persistently rendered their best to the success of the project.
I want to acknowledge the positive tutorials given to me by Mrs. Mabel
Akinnawonu and Mrs. Grace Ajayi which later became preliminary steps towards
the reality of this book.
The constructive criticism of a dear friend, Uwem Harrison is acknowledged. You
are an inspiration to this generation.
A sincere gratitude goes to Taiwo Bamigboye for a conducive atmosphere
enjoyed around him, and to my brother, Babatunde Bamigboye for his support in
making this project a success. I call both of you positive brothers.
Special thanks to my darling wife, Oluwabukola Oluwakemi Bamigboye (Nkem)
for her patience and understanding during those days in courtship, when writing
of this book kept my attention far from her. May the Lord make our togetherness
a paradise experience throughout our days on earth.
I sincerely acknowledge and appreciate the editors of this book, Barrister Tolu
Abisagbo and Mr. Gabriel Sunday Afolayan, a lecturer who has authored so many
books including that ever-green novel, Beyond The Silent Grave. In fact, you are
an encouragement to me and blessings to this generation. May God reward your
good works in multiple folds.
The Fatherly roles of my daddies, Mr. Kareem Babalola, Dr. Niyi Ikuemelo, Mr.
John Akindutire are appreciated. These fathers, despite their time demanding
schedules, made themselves available to look into this work critically. I pray that
the Lord shall always be there for you.
A profound gratitude also goes to these elder state men, Chief Sehinde Arogbofa
and Mr. Bode Betiku for their roles in actualizing the reality of the book. I pray to
God for more strength and peace for you.
I acknowledge everyone that has contributed one way or the other to the success
of this project. Your contributions are noticed and appreciated. May God take you
all to the place of true fulfillment of life.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

We all need to be queried on the unhealthy state of our communities because we
fail in our responsibilities. All the manifestations of hardship, including
joblessness, famine, poverty, illiteracy, insecurity, terrorism, even some natural
disasters and other woes we often blame the government and society for, are the
consequences of failing in our responsibilities as individuals. All the ill-
experiences can be directly or indirectly traced back to us. We are all contributors
of the menaces.
I often wonder why man draws a circle of limitation around his destiny when
there is no limitation to his horizon according to God's purpose for mankind. We
still connect our totality with evolutionary chain and ways of life based on some
stereotypes and traditions left behind by our ancestors. Though, we develop
scientifically in our innovations, but all our modern discoveries have no definite
solution to our societal problems. We are indeed making efforts to get things
right and in the ideal shape, but our attitudes to life often show that we are not
ready to see things work in the way of the efforts we are exerting.
Most times, we know the right things to do. We know our personal and statutory
responsibilities to ourselves and to the society in general yet, we evade them. The
truth is that every responsibility dodged has its own negative effect waiting to
trouble our peace stability in future.
Human beings are rich inherently. All creativity, innovations and ideologies are
product of our inherent riches and abilities. Nobody was born a medical doctor,
technocrat or fashion designer. Nobody was born an inventor or innovator. All of
us were born the same but we chose diverse vocations to function.
In our inherent riches and abilities, we are capable to choose a choice and follow it
to the depth. But the basis of our problems is that we are busy at our choice
vocations, but not dutiful and diligent at them.
One of my fathers in the Lord, pastor Adeniyi Adedeji who taught me the 'effect
of diligence', once said, “A man must be aware that every decision and indecision,
action and inaction of the past and of the present are investments that will yield
dividends of peace or pain in future.” However, the results of our not being
committed and diligent in our respective capacities are the manifestations of
societal instability we witness on a daily basis. In other words, the secrets of
solution to these societal problems are in the commitment and diligence, which
will, in turn, bring about personal and collective fulfilment of life.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

Some problem-solving clues are embedded in being committed and diligent upon
which creativity and innovative ideas will emerge. But because these types of clue
or information do not emerge in the usual way that we are used to, we do not dig
to discover them. If they were discovered, they would have transformed or
liberated us from these woes.
At every point in time, we should know that, by nature, we have been endowed
with the needs and ability to think and solve problems around us irrespective of
our situations or callings.
Observing the world today, war is spreading over the place on a daily basis.
There are intra- and inter conflicts and wars, and there are centrifugal forces
within and without. This is to tell us that something has happened to the secrets
holding us together. Some of the social ideologies holding us together are getting
weaker, they need rehabilitation or improvement.
Secrets of personal and collective fulfilment of life is about untapped secrets of
peace stability. The secrets must be searched and tapped. The search is to
discover our inherent ability to its height. In search of personal and collective
fulfillment of life is individuals' search to maximize our inborn strengths for
collective betterment.
If we are ready to know more about ourselves, it can begin by learning and
inculcating the mechanism of inequality of life. We were born the same, but we
function in different vocations and belong to different social circles. If life were
equal for all, it would have been difficult for us to live in it.
Inequality of life has more positive effects in the society. We are all members in
progress and development. Your juicy vocation or the class you belong to is not
to demonstrate your rare opportunities or oppress other people. Far beyond your
own personal comfort, there are physical, psychological and moral contributions
you can make in your little capacity that will impact positively on the society as a
whole. You should know that you as a person and your daily contribution to life,
no matter where you come from or your present location, are an integral part of
today's experience of global rest, progress, or setback.
If the search of personal and collective fulfillment of life would begin, how would
it begin? Where would it start from?
It would begin with me as a person and you as an individual because life is all
about me and you. The result of my duty diligently or not diligently performed

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

and your own personal and statutory responsibilities well or not well taken have a
cumulative effect on us as individuals and on the society as a whole.
In other words, the search of collective fulfillment of life must begin with me. It
should start with every individual as an integral part of the society.
We all have what it takes to be fulfilled individually and collectively. We all have
the facility needed to diagnose our ill-state and unhealthy situation of our
communities. We are all pillars of peace. We all have the natural weapon needed
to fight hardship that has become first class citizen in our nations. Though, we
may not easily understand that we all have what it takes to banish joblessness,
famine, poverty, illiteracy, insecurity, terrorism even natural disasters, until we
remove the circle of limitation built around our reasoning. Until we strive to do
the best in contributing our own quota to the development of our immediate
environment. This is the focal point of this discourse.
This book is all about reorientation and re-appropriation of life. It is also to
assure you that we need not to dissipate so much energy as if intending to roll off
Mount Everest before our hardship can be banished. All we need is to know the
significance of those little clues that are clamouring for developmental explosion
within us every second. And to understand that we are all rich in nature far more
beyond common expression of our ability.
Join me as we read to discover the ideal secrets of fulfillment of life and various
opportunities before us to climb our way to the top with ease.

Femi Bamigboye

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

It is arguable that majority of the people have the passion for success but it is
only a few that have the capacity to translate this passion to reality. The
difference between the failing majority and the successful few is a product of what
they often do with the potentialities that God has bestowed their lives with.
It is one thing to wish to be successful in whatever area of our calling. Yet, it is
another thing to take the right step in the right direction for the purpose of
attaining that ultimate.
The book, Secret of Personal and Collective Fulfillment is particularly written to
fill the knowledge gap and to provide a formidable companionship for anyone
who has the burning desire, not only to dream dreams, but to translate such
dreams to concrete terms and realities that will bring about that coveted personal
and collective fulfillment.
It provides an easy voyage into a collection of secrets which many do ignore to
their peril, but which, if carefully studied and imbibed, can lift the reader from the
rung of the ladder to the very apogee where success and triumph, satisfaction and
accomplishment and other necessities of life can be obtained without stress.
Written in lucid prose, the book is a blend of well thought-out treatise and
motivation modules that can translate your life from obscurity to lime light, if
carefully studied. It is without doubt that the little book will enrich your life more
than you will ever imagine.

Sunday Afolayan
(Author of Beyond the Silent Graveand Romoke: The Little Orphan)
Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Nigeria.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Human beings are, by all standards, the wisest, bravest and most logical creature
among other creatures under the heaven. It is the help of our rare method of
reasoning that always prepare our mind towards the actualization of our desires.
Science has also proved that man is endowed with distinguished mentality to rule
and control his environment and to put in place appropriate facilities for the
accomplishment of his desires. These are made feasible for man through the guide
of his senses and sound mind.
Scientifically, every human being has a very sensitive part of the brain called
cerebrum. The cerebrum is the center of human sensitivity. To be factual, I guess
someone may consider this book a container of practical ideas designed for
anyone who is ready to read and gain from the teachings of the book.


As a matter of fact, inspiration does not just come but through a clue. The clue is
the heart, the source of imagination. Before we can imagine anything, something
must have initially occurred or transpired in the innermost mind, either resulting
from a physical gesture, from imaginable circumstances or through a philosophy
about nature which may be beyond our common ordinary attitude. Therefore,
cerebrum is responsible for receiving the sensory information, processing it and
sending out necessary instructions through motor neurons to effectors for
appropriate actions. The cerebrum sends out instructions to effectors such as
movable parts of the body of which hand is one and very important.
When you sense an idea, the clue comes through cerebrum. The idea would be
retained and become a subject of thought in the mind where and when it is
needed, especially if it is a constructive idea, it would be transferred through
motor neurons to the hand for physical act. Our hands have more roles to play in
search of collective fulfilment of life.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Irregularities, inadequacies and imbalances in our individual lives, in the families
and in the society in general are, most times, consequences of unutilized creative
clues. These clues, on a minute basis, emerge on the journey of our lives but we
leave them by as we do not value or seem to understand their importance and
purposes. Remember the word of Pastor Adedeji: “… Every decision and
indecision, action and inaction of the past and of the present are investments that
will yield dividends of peace or pain in future. This means that today has a great
effect on tomorrow.
We often heap the blame of the woes in the society on the government.
Government is not culpable of it all most times. Though, I do not sense any ideal
capability and mutual sincerity in the entire governing systems of our society.
Yet, the element frustrating government efforts is with every individual.
The problems in the society begin with every individual first, and then with the
family. When you as an individual have a wrong perception about life, it will
definitely affect your attitude to your own self and your perception about other
people around you. Remember the word of Oscar Wilde, “Society exists only as a
mental concept; in the real world, there are only individuals.”
When a man does not get it right morally with himself, his family too will be
morally imbalanced. And under the roof where there is moral dysfunction,
insensitivity to developmental ideas abounds.
When a father or mother is not dutifully and diligently adhered to his or her
responsibilities in the family, it has much negative effect on the children. It tells
negatively on the attitude of the children to life. This inattentive experience will
first prevent the children from being noticed by their parents of where or what
they (the children) are naturally good at. The confusion in the life of a child
caused by the family will later extend to become the burden of the general
The global economy is getting more worrisome every day not because
government is failing alone, but because all individuals as integral parts of the
larger society are less productive. We no longer look inward and think critically
on creative clues in order to turn them to living developmental ideas. No more
revolution to activate inner potentials for the stability of ourselves. An associate
justice of the supreme court of United States, Sonia Maria Sotomayor once said, “I
was a knee observer and listener. I picked up on clues. I figured things out

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

logically, and I enjoyed puzzles. I loved the clear, focused feeling that came when
I concentrated on solving a problem and everything else faded out.”


There is always a clue to personal development and capacity building, family
happiness and stability, socioeconomic development or to business management
that does emerge on a daily basis. The first problem we always have with these
creative clues is that, most of the time, we are too occupied to take cognizance of
them. The second problem is that a few among the clues we take cognizance of,
we doubt their workability on the premise of envisaged challenges. The third
problem we always have with these clues is that those few ones we believe could
work, we entertain fear of failure or loss in the effort to accomplish the reality of
their purposes.
The collective social stability of our society depends on our individual creative
ideas. The clue to personal development and family stability left untapped will
constitute a serious distraction in the society and frustrate our collective
fulfilment of life.


When a new idea is resonating in you, don't despise it but value it. Every creative
idea carries generational power of solution to a problem. All ideologies we
embrace today were not created in a day, neither were they all discovered in the
beginning of the world. They all came as clues to the mindful and evocative
human beings who took cognizance of them and valued them inspirationally.
Creative clues have not stopped or got stuck from revolving around us as they
were in the past. It is only that we depend absolutely on already developed
ideologies and no longer pay attention to what we are capable of discovering,
introducing or inventing.
Let us start from here. If your business still remains as it were last year without a
change or improvement, know vividly that there has been, at least, a resourceful
clue about it that you have not taken cognizance of or you have left untapped.
Every creative clue comes as a test to our sensitivity.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Madam Antonia, a businesswoman who started her now very successful boutique
and supermarket at a less-busy street of Lagos, Nigeria, lamented and confirmed
the day she discovered an improving clue in her successful business.
“When I started boutique at a less-busy street of Lagos, it was as if my business
would not be successful even after four good years. I almost quitted until one
evening when I got a clue to the business.
“It was almost twilight of the day, I was at the façade of the shopping complex
where I had my shop when a woman with two kids drove a car to our street and
got a flat tyre right at the front of my shop. She had to get down and replace the
tyre with an extra. And she later came to buy a sachet water to wash her dusty
hands from me afterward. As I was handing her change, she sighted a sky-blue
necklace of wooden beads in the show glass and asked if it was affordable. She
eventually bought it for one of her kids.
“As she was going back to her car, a yellow colored paper fell from her and I
called her attention to it, not knowing that it was her business card. “Oops! It's
my business card, you can have it”, she said and left. She was a caterer cum
interior and ulterior decorator. So, I copied her mobile phone number from the
card and saved it on my handset for future use.
“On the dawn of the following day, I woke up very early to compose a short
message of sincere appreciation to a few friends who had come yesterday to
honour and presented gifts to my son on his birthday. Surprisingly, shortly after
the messages were sent, I marveled as the first call that came in was that of the
caterer whose tyre got flat at the front of my shop yesterday, asking if we had
known one another before. She softly told me she had just received a short
message of appreciation from me. Just immediately she said that, I realized the
message was sent to her in error, but still in good tune with her patronage. I
quickly responded “yes! This is Antonia Boutique where you bought a sky-blue
necklace of wooden beads yesterday. The message was just to appreciate your
sincere patronage and wish to see you again''. “Yea, nice to receive your message,
I'm so excited'', she responded cheerfully. Honestly, this was a clue to my
successful business venture before I later discovered more till today.
“Around noon of the day, the woman came back shopping for clothes worth
appreciable amount of money and discussed freely with me as if we had known for
years. She also disclosed some lucrative tips and secrets to me about the business

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

I had been doing for four years. She remained a regular customer for a good
number of years before she later traveled abroad.
“The message I sent in error opened my eye to a hidden pearl and I inculcated the
working idea immediately from there. That has been the clue, the source of it all.
“In my business office till today, whenever customers come around shopping, we
take their phone numbers and date of birth; it's a must to receive our message of
appreciation on the dawn of the following day. Appreciation was the first clue I
got by chance and has helped me built a strong and steady business.”
The clue Madam Antonia discovered became an effective tool in her business. A
grateful heart is a gracious heart. A little appreciation you show today has the
ability to bring remarkable dividend to your life and business tomorrow. Only
complacent people will ignore it to their detriment.
Creative clues emerge always even right around you as you are seated; it is just
that people pay little or no attention to them.
It is better you make up to your clue by acting on it immediately. Delay is not
dangerous to only you; when something is wrong with your business, something
is wrong with you. When something is wrong with you as an integral member of
the society, something is wrong with the society as a whole. However, when the
society does not get it right, collective fulfilment of life will remain at distance to
them as a whole.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


No matter the content of one's brain and extra miles one's imagination could
capture in creation or creativity, without a constructive hand, all inner ideas will
remain infeasible. Like an amputee who has a creative idea worth attracting a
thousand of admirers' attention, the only way to bring such an idea to reality is by
putting it into the constructive hands of other people. And in such an instance,
the ultimate expectation of the amputee becomes a mirage. Why will the
expectation be void? I can tell you, your creative ideas can be best explained by
yourself. In fact, it is only through your hands that your ability or whatsoever
creative skill you have can be effectually expressed.
When an amputee who has had the two arms amputated has a creative thought,
no matter how eloquent or articulate he might be, he would still not be able to
express himself comprehensively enough by the words of mouth alone. His hands
are needed in the exhibition of the idea. However, committing such an idea into
the hands of other people for exhibition is also a serious pall. When other people
have exhausted their best to ensure exactitude of the explained idea, the amputee
might never be satisfied with what others called 'the best'. The root and branches
of the creative thoughts would still remain strong and greener in him as if what
others have called 'the best' is still the beginning of the exhibition. At this
juncture comes 'how I wish I were…, I would have…!‟


Technologically, the world has developed to the stage where stressful part of
human activities is now stress-free through the aid of various scientific
inventions. Nevertheless, human hands still have some crucial roles to play in
actualizing purpose(s) which a machine might have been designed for. We can
draw more understanding on this from remote controls which now perform
human functions.
You could sit back at an active distance and switch on and off your television set.
Not that alone, you could select channels without direct touching of the set. What
am I driving at here? In achieving your aim on the television set, no matter the
sensitivity of the technology involved, it is your fingers on the remote control

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

that would actualize your choice. Even if any technological device works more
automatically, it must have been programed by a hand.


The world is fast advancing digitally to a point where the risky parts of human
means of living are being made easy through various recent technological
innovations. But the support from human hands is still the brain behind every
successful expectation from any of these technological aids.
It is obvious, of course, in some parts of the world that robots are now being used
for multi-activity, aiding and complementing man's efforts. That is, robots are
made for reduction of human 'over labour'. The 'robota', a name which came from
the Czech word meaning 'forced labour' is a very helpful worker that can stay
tirelessly on the job for hours with no complaints of any ache from it.
The power of robots cannot be overemphasized. It was estimated that in a car-
manufacturing industry recently, there was one robot for every ten workers. Not
that alone, a recent discovery shows that they are now made with such thing as
voice-recognition software, wireless data communication, global positioning
systems and a range of sensors including those for ultrasound, force, radiation,
and heat.
With robots, man can now conveniently handle tasking activities that were
considered hard or difficult in a couple of years back. For example, a recent
research also revealed that 'snake-arm robots' can reach into the remote corners
inside airplane wings and perform inspections or repairs.
Moreover, studies have also shown that robot was not discovered electronically
and mechanically alone, but was more of chemical composition. Apparently, by
whatsoever means the machine might have been discovered or built, when the
hands are not involved in its operation either by programing, wired pad control,
remote control or by direct operation, it is certain that no success would be
automatically made. Of course, without the active support of hands, the robot
becomes unwise, lazy or lifeless. Though, the machine with its electronic
intelligence is ever-ready on operation, yet, if it has not been programed with
time to commence activity or without a go ahead order from an operator, it would
remain hibernated.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


According to the scriptures, God created man with His hands. He created him
from the dust after He had created other things with His powerful and
commanding words of authority. Genesis 1:27 says: “So God created man in his
own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he
them.”(Kjv). Quran15:26 also says: “Surely, we created human being from dry
ringing clay, (transformed) from black mud moulded into shape.”
The fact that God made man in His image and deposited His power of creativity
in him is a further attestation to the power embedded in our hands to create or
destroy. Genesis 1:28 says: “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be
fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion
over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing
that moveth upon the earth.”(Kjv)
God said He created us in His image. Our nature; our ability to think and make
with our hands or create mirrors our Creator. So, understanding the power in our
hands is understanding our true nature as human beings.


Our names are a means of identity. Even though, nobody has the monopoly of a
name, there are names that seem to have been monopolized. There are names that
ring bell and echo above other similar names.
Sometimes, the name of a particular figure who has died many years ago still
command honour and remain a subject of frequent reference than that of the
living. A number of people bearing the same name may exist within a locality
while one among them would be known throughout the cardinal points. In other
words, many people bear the same name whereas a single person among them
would be more famous than others. It is so because what we do with our hands is
the wing that flies our names around.
The world is aware that lazy men exist but does not know where they live. It is
exhibition of a particular thing that will announce your name, and the name will
announce your address. If your hands have nothing to boast of, you cannot have a
traveling name. Why? The answer is simple: your name has no impact or value to
travel with.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Supposing I am speaking now and in my words you hear me mention 'Bin Laden',
tell me what would come to your mind before any other thing. I am sure, at least,
six out of every ten persons that hear me mention 'Bin Laden' would swiftly walk
down the memory lane and add 'Osama' to the name 'Bin Laden', Osama Bin
Laden. A notorious terrorist who was said to be responsible for the September 11,
2001 mass-casualty attacks on World Trade Centre in New York. Let us think of
this, does this mean no one else bears the name, Bin Laden even in Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia where he was born? His name echoes over and above that of other
namesakes for what he did in his life time with his hands. Osama's hands
introduced him to the entire world as a notorious terrorist.


As they say, both good and evil of men live after them. Yes! But the say would be
narrow if its psychological extensions and social connections are not considered.
The good or evil of a man is not unique to the man alone, it is a contribution that
affects the world as a whole.
All works of life are intra- and interconnected for development. A doctor in the
hospital saving lives is not in any way superior to a farmer whose major life and
time are spent in the farm. The lives doctor is saving in the city need food for
sustenance from the man in the farm. However, if the farmer is affected by
drought, the doctor and his patients in the hospital are in trouble. On the other
hand, if there is war in the city, the peace of that farmer in the bush is also


The highest level of fulfilment of life the world can ever attain as a whole is the
stability of peace. And peace is the highest goal any society can set to achieve.
Peace is the bedrock of personal stability and collective development.
To achieve a collective fulfilment of life, all the works of our hands need to be
exhibited with elements of consistent love as they interconnect. The root cause of
conflicts in the society may sometimes appear strange and seem unexplainable.
We wonder the reason people suddenly lose to disharmony their respect for the
spirit of love and harmony. It does not just happen; it is as a result of cumulative

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

effects of lack of elements of love in our daily interactions. When elements of love
are lost among the people, hostility will begin to develop gradually in their
society. However, a hostile society is much more vulnerable to conflict.

Conflict is when an individual is aggrieved of himself over expectations not met
(intra personal conflict) or when two individuals or groups claim rights over a
matter in contention (interpersonal conflict).
Though, there is a school of thought that conflict is necessary for development,
but it does more harm than its good. Our personal attainment, collective values
and development achieved when there were peace and harmony are our first
target of destruction when there is conflict or war among us. Can there be a
collective fulfilment of life in conflicts and war?
The world is restlessly struggling to stabilize peace. This struggle has given
birth to various intergovernmental organizations and regional peace groups.
Peace summits upon peace summits, workshops and conferences. Yet, it seems
peace is far away.


As long as there are differences in persons, political views and struggles, ethnic
boundaries, values and variation in religious beliefs, peace will always be
challenged. Where there are differences, there is bound to be oppositions,
disagreements and agitations. In the world today, imbalances in the economy,
political activities and religion constitute the main threat to our collective
fulfilment of life.


Here I may concentrate on African politics. “Sit-tight syndrome” has been noted
with African politics overtime. This syndrome is said to be what late Chief
Obafemi Awolowo described as “tenacity of office”. This is when a ruler or leader
refuses to leave office at the end of his tenure. Whether elected or acceded to
power through military coup, the leader engages in the means to remain in power

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

indefinitely. In such an instance, the opposition parties or group resorts to “pull

him down syndrome”. And in “pulling him down”, peace is bound to be


In the political society where “if I were…, I would have…”is prevalent,
development is always on hold. People, often time, would not see to bringing out
the best of wherever they are or wherever they belong to. They would rather
believe they have the best understanding in handling an office or position being
already occupied by someone else.
The phrase, “if I were…, I would have…” may seem harmless, but is highly
inimical in the political sphere. It is one of the threats to peace and stability
emanating from some political societies.“If I were…, I would have…” is an oral
device of war against progress and developmental strategies in the hand of
destructive critics and political also-rans who would not concede defeat sincerely.
In democracy, everyone who is mature, as specified by the constitution, is free to
join, identify with any political party of choice and aspire for a political office.
Two or more persons, under the same or different political platforms, can as well
contest for a single political office. Prefixing the emergence of any winner is
election or are categories of elections (as it may imply) to determine the choice
candidate of the masses.
What am I driving at? Among all the aspirants from different political platform
aspiring for the single office, only one voted for by the majority will actually
occupy the office. All other candidates will have to keep their ambitions till
further chances, go for other political offices or go back to their previous
businesses. This fateful juncture is one of the root causes of problems militating
against peace from political arena. Peace, our collective fulfilment of life, faces
threat at this point.
Empirical study of trend of political events of some countries in Africa has shown
that political also-rans and their errant loyalists are the emissive forces behind
political violence.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

Since democracy had come to stay in Nigeria, the country has had series of
elections into electives posts. She has also had transparent elections and elections
greeted with one complaint or the other. However, history, so far, has revealed
that both elections with and without transparency were pendulous. The reasons
are because virtually none of the choice candidates the masses elected was free of
consecutive litigations and unnecessary castigations from the ends of election
Therefore, when these people lose in the litigations at all levels, they resort to the
destructive oral attack, “if I were…, I would have…” And by it, they succeed in
forming parallel campaign to poison the mind of just citizens against government
and its policies.
The inimicality of the destructive oral device, “if I were…, I would have…” is
beyond simple comprehension where it is prevalent. It is often the emissive source
of the following in the society:
 Masses rejecting governments appropriate policies
 Baseless protest against government's developmental programmes for
 Rebellion against lawful taxation
 Baseless political clashes in or among the community members
 Terrorism and
 Kidnaping.
All these elements are works of our hands against peace, our collective fulfilment
of life.

A time in the past in one of the states in the eastern part of the country, gunmen
abducted the mother of a Commissioner for land and survey. The culprits later
contacted the Commissioner and demanded his resignation from the cabinet of
the executive Governor of the state as ransom. Why would abduction of the
mother cost nothing but his resignation as ransom?

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

The political also-rans who are fond of “if I were…, I would have …” are
destructive critics. They insincerely and acrimoniously creep to manipulate the
good thoughts of common people against progression of development in the
society. Their infamous belief is that when the followership is moved against its
leadership, the success of such a leadership is at stake just as the case of Moses
and Israelites in the twilight of their long journey to the promise land in the bible.
Consequently, the people with this traitorous attitude either consciously or
inadvertently have no regard for the significance of peace and harmony in the
society. They succeed in establishing painful distraction, displacement, hatred
among brothers and threat against our collective fulfilment of life as a whole.
Arthur Neville Chamberlain once said, “In war, whichever side may call itself the
victor, there are no winner, but all are losers”.


Leadership is a great thing. There is honour in leading people. But the greatness
and honour in leadership are worthless when it involves force to be placed on the
people who are not interested in you or who do not submit to your leadership

In the interest of peace and tranquility, we need to come to the progressive
political knowledge devoid of bitterness and acrimonious “if I were…, I would
Democracy can only thrive in the society that allows political minds that will
sincerely concede defeat when we contest and lose. Until love and the spirit of
sportsmanship is inculcated and sincerely embraced in our political undertakings,
our collective fulfilment of life will remain dicey.


The tussle for truth (true way) is the beginning of religious conflicts. Among all
the conflicts around the world today, religious conflict is seemed predominant.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

And this is as a result of intra- and inter-differences in our faiths. All religions are
believed opinions concerning a supreme being. They were all meant to worship
the believed Supreme Being and communicate peace and love to the believers.
Religion is as old as the creation itself. Its doctrine has been passed from one
generation to the other and has remained a learning process. We learnt to believe
what we believe.


The reason religion, which we claim is worship to God and a means to bring
news of peace and love to the people, now become a threat to the peace is because
we are not sensitive to a secrete about it. Religion is an ideology and an aspect of
peoples' cultural heritage.
All ideologies are learnable. They are organized information discovered by man
and acceptable for maintaining a social life and order. Though, religious manuals
(scriptures) show that they (religions) are templates of acceptable ways of life and
worship to God as prescribed by God himself in the revelations to the early men.
Yet, we were not born with the manuals, we were born to learn them. Remember,
we still fail in the contemporary academic classes, let alone in the doctrines and
teachings of religions which have no unified body of teachers.
As the world grows, time and event may sometimes call for adjustment,
regulation or amendment on an ideology in order to suit contemporary situations.
This, in other words, means we have control over them. However, unlike others,
religion seems to be only unamendable ideology blindly existing in our sub-
consciousness. The way of worship learnt in my own manual varies from yours
and I have the belief that mine is the only true way. Not only I have the belief
alone, you are seen as an atheist and enemy who could provoke the wrath of God
around me and vice versa once our faiths are varied.
Everyone views his/her faith as God's pleasing and essential to social order and
therefore views other people's faiths as untrue ways. 'All means' are being
implored to convince one another of the faiths. Religions now become a threat to
an aspect of its core focus which is peace, our collective fulfilment of life. An
ideology we were born to learn now influences our life and destroys our spirit of
love for one another.
Once you are a believer of a faith, you may no longer see the loopholes in it or see
anything wrong about its doctrines even when critics see a thousand

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

irregularities in the acclaimed 'perfect' religion. As you are seeing strong reasons
to raise hostile criticism against a religion and its manual, believers of the faith
too will never leave the flaws in your own faith unchecked. At this juncture,
conflict is developed and peace, our collective fulfilment of life is threatened.


Achieving a collective fulfilment of life is impossible where religious toleration is
at distance. Individuals' interest drives their choices. The smallest community
may not have a unified religion, let alone the world as a whole.
Every attempt to unify the society religiously is an invitation to disharmony. It is
an attempt to eliminate the beloved peace, our collective fulfilment of life.
If there is anywhere tolerance is needed most in any aspect of culture, I guess it is
in regions. We must first recognize the fact that no religion preaches force,
violence or war, and that no same for the acceptance of all the regions. Preaching
and accepting a faith is an act of freewill in all religions.


In 2Timothy 3:3-5, Bible says: “For the time will come when they will not endure
sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers,
having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall
be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work
of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.”Kjv.
Quran 16:125 also says: “(Prophet) Call the people to the way of your Lord with
wisdom and goodly and kind exhortation, and argue with them in the most
pleasant and best manner. Surely, your Lord knows very well who has gone
astray from His path, and He knows very well the guided ones to the right path.”
An American former professional boxer, Muhammad Ali once said, “Rivers,
ponds, lakes and streams—they all have different names, but they all contain
water. Just as religions do—they all contain truths.”
I know many people will say all religions contain truth only in the Mohammad
Ali‟s context. But to think of it, something holds you tightly to your religious
belief and the same thing is often what makes it vary from my own. What holds
you tightly to your faith is the truth you believe about it—but truth in your own

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

context too. Reason is because as you were made to believe that your religion is
the „true way‟, so was I thought to believe in my own too. Which one is truly the
true way? All or none ? This is more reason, for the sake of peace, tolerance is the
solution to intra- and inter-religious differences.


In the teachings of Islam, Almighty Allah enjoins all Muslims to be kind and
good to all people irrespective of their faiths. “Allah does not forbid you to be kind
and good and to deal justly with those who have not fought you because of your
faith and have not turned you out of your homes. In fact Allah loves those who
are equitable.” Quran 60: 8.
Jesus also said that the commandment, “love your neighbour as yourself” is
second to no other commandments of God. Love your God with all your heart
and love your neighbours as yourself are interwoven. If you claim to love God,
you can only demonstrate it by showing love to the people around you.
“And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and
perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, which is the first
commandment of all?
“And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel;
The Lord our God is one Lord:
“And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with
all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
“And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is
none other commandment greater than these” Mark 12: 28-31 Kjv.
The war against peace, our collective fulfilment of life, from religions will be put
to stop immediately we all tolerate one another religiously. Religious tolerance is
when you are a Christian, your mother is a Hindu and your father is a Muslim
and all of you live together in peace and harmony. That is when I no longer see
your faith as threat or damages to my own religious culture. From the perspective
of Muhammad Ali; in spite of all the differences in the religious identities and
doctrines, there is still a common feature which is the truth.
When we grow in different faiths and conscious of that one common feature in all
which is the truth as believed by Muhammad Ali, we will soon achieve our
collective fulfilment of life. With reference to the bible, 2Timothy 3:3-5 and

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

Quran 16:125; God knows the best way to preach His truth. Forcing people to
believe what is learnt to be true of a religion is an invitation to conflict or war.
Preach the truth of your religion and let God Himself convince His people of it.
Fighting or killing for the sake of a faith you learnt to believe is an act of a
primitive heart. This is why that great spiritual teacher, Ram Dass said: “As we
grow in our consciousness, there will be more compassion and more love, and
then the barriers between people, between religions, between nations will begin
to fall. Yes, we have to beat down the separateness.”
Know that the way you learnt and accepted your religion which you proclaim to
be the 'true way' is the way your neighbours learnt and accepted their own too.
Until we have come to realize the fact that we were born to learn and believe
what we believe, religion will remain a lasting threat to peace, our collective
fulfilment of life.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


When we, as individuals, get it right with ourselves, we will get it right
collectively. When we are right collectively, our society will be right as a whole.
Before we can achieve a collective fulfilment of life, it is a must to first achieve a
personal fulfilment of life which, in turn, will bring about stability of life.
There is no force behind instability of peace and harmony that is greater than
ourselves. Most of the time, the problem against our collective fulfilment of life is
ignorantly caused by ourselves. When you do not have a sense of fulfilment in
whatever you are doing, you will experience instability of life.
You do not need to bother yourself so much on the understanding of this context
as interlinks of the following elements would bring more light to it:
 Personal sense of fulfilment of life
 Rest of mind
 Collective fulfilment of life


Personal sense of fulfilment is very important. Exertion of efforts in the absent of
interest brings little or no productivity. In many instances and because of
numerous imbalances in the society, our situation can now be likened to when one
no longer see the importance of starting a building from the foundation. He
hastens to start the mansion from the lintel, even when he has no plot of land to
be used.
What gives us sustainability of life is now much more important to us than what
gives us sense of fulfilment of life. This is the beginning of life confusions. When
you see some employees being peevish at work; sometimes, it is not a born trait.
It could manifest as a result of lack of fulfillment in the job they do. They could
have love to quit the vocation, but for the fact that it is only a means of
sustainability of life to them.
The world would have been a richer place and generally conducive for everyone
in it had it been all of us got engaged in the area of our natural abilities. That is,

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

doing what we are naturally good at or doing individuals' interest-fascinating

jobs. This would have been round pegs in the round holes.
When you are doing, for instance, a job that fascinates you, there is no doubt that
you will be more productive on the job. The nature of such a job will give you rest
of mind. Wherever there is rest of mind, there is peace of mind.
Imagine your house is located on the street of your choice, you secure a job that
fascinates you, have a spouse that loves you unconditionally, a family that always
gladdens your heart and a good health, how fulfilled would you feel? You would
feel personally fulfilled. What you feel in this respect is a personal sense of
fulfilment of life which is the foundation of rest of mind.

Rest of mind is a mind free of worries of life. It is an inward feeling of peace. It is
most achieved when life desires are met or achieved.
Though, there are other external factors capable of negative influence on your
inward feeling of peace. In other words, your rest of mind can be easily threatened
when your neighbours do not have a sense of fulfilment in their own life
You pleasingly got almost all your life desires and your neighbours are
wandering for a square meal a day; not to talk of getting houses on the street of
their choices. No fascinating jobs for them. Their kids are not in school or are in
good schools. They have lost the sense of love, togetherness and familial joy to
poverty. Tell me what develops in such people's minds. Some of the means of
survival developing in their mind will definitely constitute threat to your rest of
mind. If they often come to you begging for assistance, it is a stress to your rest.
And if they devise criminal means of getting survived through you, it is a serious
threat to your rest of mind. When rest of mind is gone from you, your peace is
also gone from you.
Rest of mind is also very rare among human beings because of our insatiability.
We always want more. Immediately a desire is achieved, another sets in. This has
made rest of mind a rare thing and the race to achieve human desires a continuous
exercise. Nobody rests because nobody has it all.
However, in as much as one cannot achieve above what twenty four hours a day
can afford to unfold daily, contentment remains the principal means to achieve a

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

rest of mind. This is what Socrates coined in his word: “The secret of happiness,
you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy


Your personal sense of fulfilment of life (personal peace), your rest of mind
(contentment) and fairness to your neighbours together with their contentment
too are strong pillars of peace -- collective fulfilment of life.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Had it been we were born into this world with a visible manual of potentialities,
we would have known we often use less than ten percent of our inherent ability.
Our natural ability to become a great man of honour is richer enough to pave not
just ordinary way, but an expressway for our generation and a dozen of
generations to come.
Sometimes, the reason we despise meaningful life clues or reason why personal
fulfilment indicators look like a dead log to us is because we do not know what are
contained in our natural manuals. We do not know how richer and bulky our
natural manuals are because they are invisible. We do not know what we were
born to become in life. So, as we live and make efforts, we discover heuristically
what are contained in the manual of our lives. No wonder we pleasingly settle for
chieftaincy in a remote community when, in our original nature, our natural
manual has made us kings with a permanent dynasty over integrated nations.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)



Hermann Karl Hesse once said: “I have been and still am a seeker, but I have
ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teaching my
blood whispers to me.”
Your natural manual has details of your life and talents. It contains details of
what will and what will not work for you in life. It explains in details where your
fulfilment of life lies in the world.
Fulfilment of life may remain at distance to a man who does not know his talent.
Such a man will cultivate long on the unfruitful land.
Some car users are too confident to use the cars without consulting the user
manual and thus put some functions on a permanent suspension, forcing the cars
to perform far below what they were designed for, and getting less utility from
their normal standard of use as prescribed by the manufacturer.
As it is with the car used without consulting its user manual, so it is with human
beings when we fail to really know the purposes of our existence as individuals
beyond our common understanding of life.


Our physical appearances tend to signify oneness in nature, but differences and
inequality among men confirm the fact that being alike does not determine
sameness of purpose of existence.
What it means to me to be fulfilled in life is not what it means to you. What you
will do that will take you to your place of fulfilment in life differs from my own.
The point here is that different modes and heights of life are definitely the
definition of our fulfillment. Why are differences in the choices we make and why
are we not equal in life statuses?
Your reasoning is deeper in the moment you begin to imagine why are different
choices and statuses among human beings. At this juncture of reasoning, you are
getting closer to your natural manual.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


We can never be equal because every individual has his/her inborn uniqueness
and this drives the life choices we make. Discovery or non-discovery of this
inherent strength is the determinant of our success or failure in life. The unique
inborn strength champions our intelligence and restlessly pushes us towards
where we should belong to. If its area of activeness is discovered in a man and
well exploited, it is most possible for such a man to be happy and cheerful in his
disposition to life at all time. Other people may begin to wonder why the life of
such a man is seemed challenges-free. It will seem so because his life aligns with
is natural manual. You have more chances to overcome life challenges in the area
of your natural activeness.
A gatekeeper at the entrance of the palace of a king still shares the same physical
features with the king. Yet, he is at the entrance serving dignitaries while the
king is on his royal throne with all authority, glamour and royal splendour.
If the king feels personally fulfilled with his life and the gatekeeper feels
purposeless with his own job and life status, there could be a hidden secret to his
inborn life uniqueness which its discovery is the basis of personal fulfilment the
gatekeeper is yet to discover about himself.
If you feel personally condemned at seeing the happiness and stability of other
people's lives, your life is probably yet to be aligned with your own life
uniqueness (your natural manual).You need to study yourself to discover your
natural manual inside which your talent is kept. This is the basis of personal
happiness and fulfilment of life.


That great Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu said: “At the center of your being you
have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.”
Everybody is aware of hidden treasures in their life, but a few men really know
the way to their discovery.
Your natural manual is the carrier of your uniqueness as an individual in life. It is
full of life switches that are unique to you. It drives your life interest and choices
in day to day activities.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

Like the above illustration of the king and gatekeeper; what kind of job does the
gatekeeper really wish to do in life? Where does he wish to do it? What mode of
life does the gatekeeper appreciate? What manner of people does he wish to stay
with, have around him or have as friends? On the other hand, why are these
questions unique to him?
The unique strengths or natural uniqueness of man to life is restless. Its
restlessness causes it to often attract all possible avenue for exposure in man. And
its exposure automatically aligns with the mode of life that can sustain it.
When a man is in the foreign or strange land of life as against the contents of his
natural manual, he becomes unhappy often. The restlessness of his natural
uniqueness to life in him is the major emission of his unhappiness. This is the
situation with the above gatekeeper.
The fact that the gatekeeper feels purposeless or unfulfilled being at the gate is an
attestation to the fact that the natural drivers of what he ought to be in life are
restless in him.
However, the answer to the questions of the gate keeper is embedded in this: he
needs to first examine the area of life where his unique strengths and interest are
clamouring for exposure. Knowing the area will make him to be visible to himself.
If he is able to retrace his life steps in line with his unique strengths and interest,
he will eventually become a fulfilled person in life.
Ask yourself: why are you here? Why others are not here? Why do you find it so
convenient to perform the task others say is too hard? You know how to play
football very well and are aware of wealth and fame in soccer yet it does not
interest you. You are not unaware of honour and authority in holding a political
office yet you seem not interested in politics. You have all what it takes to go into
business or practice mechanized farming but it does not thrill you. But you choose
to remain a lecturer. This may not be far from the fact that you like or appreciate
lecturing so much. If you examine yourself critically, you will realize you feel
fulfilled in lecturing.


I got my own life manual from differences and inequality of life—I mean from the
differences and inequality among human beings. All of us on the face of the earth
can never become the same thing in life. Yet, there is still no limit to our journey

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

of advancement individually when our lives are in conformity with our natural
Always ask yourself challenging questions no matter your status. If it is possible
for your age mate to establish a lucrative firm under which you have been made a
Managing Director (MD), would you not ask yourself question(s) that:
 What is his working power or what is the secret of his self-discovery?
 At what junction has he left, overtaken or bypassed you?
 What advantage of inborn information about himself had he taken, which
has distinguished him among his equals?
 Where have you neutralized or ignorantly diffused your own unique
strengths which could have ascribed recognition to you by now?
 What could you now do to close the wide gap between you and your
renowned associates who have become what they are today as result of
their lives being aligned with their natural manual?

The above questions could seem rhetorical. But the answers to them are only in
the vibrant thoughtfulness and diligent reasoning, while solution to them all is
embedded in the discovery of your inborn ability—your unique strengths as an

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)



Unveiling your true self is the primary secret II in primary secrets to personal
fulfilment of life.
Unveiling your true self is exhibiting the contents of your natural manual. Our
purposes of existence carry fullness of individuals‟ fulfillment. In search of peace
which is our collective fulfilment of life, whatever everyone is able to discover and
unveil about him/herselfis a relevant contribution to the growth of peace. If the
collective search for world peace will or will not be successful, your contribution
borne out of whom you are and what you do as an individual determines.
The collectiveness in the search of collective fulfilment of life is possible with
right attitudes and approaches of all of us to life. The cumulative effects of wrong
attitudes and approaches of individuals to life constitute the upside-down state of
the society. And the upside-down state of the society further becomes a major war
against our peace.
When you do not know what you were born to be or where you were born to
occupy in life, you will struggle to be what you ought not to and collide with
other people on their straight lines of life. At this juncture, indirect force against
collective fulfilment of life is launched.


Unveiling your true self is an act of uncovering the reason and purpose of your
existence on earth. It is to strictly align your life with your unique strengths or
your inborn ability. After one might have gotten his/her natural manual as
explained in the primary secret I, unveiling true self begins with the use of every
possible way to introduce one‟s unique ability to the world.
The second thing to know here is that all contents of your innate manual are
sequentially arranged, are time bound and their unveiling could be simultaneous
or one after the other. There is time when the peak of exhibition of a content is
the beginning of another in the manual. The contents of our innate manuals only
cover the period of our days on earth. But within this period, your contribution to
humanity, as aligned with your natural manual, could cause confusion or be of no

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

effect to humanity when what the morning of your life should have contributed is
what the night of your life is unfolding.
The third thing to know is that, though, there is no distance too long to turn back
from when one discovers him/herself to be in the strange land of life. This,
invariably, could be related with the word of that Actor and Author, Alan Alda:
“You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your
intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is
But there is time when self-discovery may have a very little effect. That is when
one discovers him/herself very late in life. Though, personal fulfilment of life may
be eventually experienced, but with little or no impact in humanity.

You are unveiling yourself in the moment you start exhibiting the contents of
your natural manual. This, in most cases, is when you begin to walk in the way of
your unique strengths or innate ability. When you focus your talents and area of
your activeness in life. Committing yourself to this area of life will eventually
unveil something unique about you which is your true self.
True self dwells within everyone always. Sometimes, many people do not even
know that there is an inner load of light in them. They inadvertently wander
about only to become anything possible which is not in consonant with their
inherent abilities. Though, almost all of us do wander in this manner. And as a
result of our wandering, we stumble on the shell of our unhatched potentials and
it (the shell) now manage to sustain cracks. The cracks now become the clue to
what is contained (true self) in the shell.

The needful in this regard is in two ways:
 Parental/guardian's role and
 Self-role.
To discover and unveil true self requires no wandering, but demands monitoring
through parental/guardian's assessment and tutoring on one hand, and self-study
or self-assessment on the other. This, if carefully utilized, will reveal the purposes

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

of our existence and bring into light our inborn inventive ideas. These innate
inventive ideas are necessities in search of collective fulfilment of life.


What do I mean by monitoring through parental/guardian's assessment and
tutoring? Every man exhibits a description of his future in his behaviour. In
other word, we all have the skeletal description of our future in our behavioral
attitudes. Some of our parents have little or no time to study and predict the
future of their children from their children's skeletal description of future. They
do not pay attention to the reflection of hidden potentials in their wards.
In fact, some of the guardians that we commend for their care towards their
wards deserve no commendation as they have inadvertently injured the future of
some of such children. In a lucid explanation, I personally see nothing hidden in
what is called 'hidden potential' because the future or what every child would
likely become in life reflects through his/her attitudes which often points
partially to the realization of his/her inborn resources. This however, establishes
a fact that, with our nurturing system, we lead our children astray and ignorantly
hide or kill the reality of the potentials in them. At this juncture, another force
against our collective fulfilment of life is launched.

Supposing a four-year-old child sees his mother lying unusually in bed and draws
closer to her, touches her cheek with the back of his right hand as if he is feeling
her temperature; though, himself may not really know the meaning and may be
doing it childishly. But what do you think of such a child? I guess such a child has
some potential for becoming a nurse or medical doctor in future if he is put on the
right path.

Meanwhile, supposing as the four-year-old child does this, instead of giving him a
soft correction, someone shouts, “common, leave her alone and get out of here or
else you will be caned!” That could lead to a stray off or permanent
discouragement to pursue a lifetime carrier.
The parental/guardian's role in raising or nurturing children, in unveiling true
self and in search of collective fulfilment of life briefly discussed here has a

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

tremendous influence in humanity. More justice will be done to it in a book

coming titled “The essence of your role in the society”.


Away from monitoring through parental/guardian's assessment and tutoring,
self-study or self-assessment is also very crucial. It is never an offence if one does
not know what he is capable of becoming in life or in future. It is no crime when
you do not know where your unique strengths are active. Victims of ill-
monitoring through parental/guardian's assessment and tutoring often fall under
this category of people. Probably such a person had been prevented from the path
to his future during upbringing. It is never a shameful experience if someone's
reason of existence is not known to him—this is exactly where self-study comes
in. It is when we study ourselves that we will be able to know what area of life
exactly arouses our interest. It is through self-assessment that we can know what
we are capable of doing and where exactly our strengths are effective


Self-studying requires sincere attention. It is all about giving yourself infinite
attention and monitoring to know who and what you were born to be and where
to occupy in life. But self-unveiling which is the exhibition of facts that might
have emerged about you to yourself during self-study or self-assessment is a
delicate life exercise. It is prone to error and dangers. How?
Whatever the effects of your self-unveiling make of or tell about you is your true
self. However, if the effects of what you are unveiling of yourself promote peace in
the society, your true self in search of collective fulfilment of life is positive no
matter who you are and where you belong to in the world. On the other hand, if
the effects of what you are unveiling of yourself constitute direct or indirect
threat to peace in the society, your true self in search of collective fulfilment of life
is negative no matter your location in the world.
Sometimes, many people do mistake mere fame for true self. In the moment
unveiling of their innate abilities is resulting to fame, they will no longer care to
check or question if what is promoting their fame is also promoting good moral
and peace in the society.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Sometimes, in self-studying and self-unveiling, people do mistake smoke for
flame. They would think they have gotten to the peak of their lives even when
there is still a long distance to cover. In the moment what they are unveiling
about themselves is being appreciated by the people, they would stop searching
and researching. They would relax and judge uncertainty with a weak sense of
certainty as a result of mere reflection of their true self they managed to discover.
This category of people often embrace the little their lives are unfolding to be the
maximum limit of their inherent ability.
A naval officer of the United States, Richard Evelyn Byrd once said: “Few men,
during their lifetime, come anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling
within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used.”
X-raying further on the word of Evelyn Byrd, the 'deep wells of strength that are
never used' are not just loss to the owner alone, they are also loss to humanity.
The 'deep wells of strength that are never used' by you and me become a
collective problem in the society. The unique strengths left unused, innate
resources left untapped or half-tapped and good contributions not made are
prospective solutions to certain societal problems. We all know that when there is
problem of any kind, there is threat to our peace.
To avoid self-posed limitations in self-studying and unveiling, the following tips
are required:
 Be visible to yourself by opening your mind to all life possibilities.
 Look back at the things you have done and at the things you have enjoyed
 Be sensitive to your areas of interest.
 Ask from people who are always around you of what your life is suggesting
as your unique strengths or talent(s).
 You need to study in line with, take classes or training to enhance your
unique strengths or talent(s).
 Engage yourself in a regular review of your exhibition.
 Be willing to listen to people of any class or status.
 Prepare to welcome criticisms with a good heart.
 In order to avoid partial connection or not to be disconnected completely
from the source of your true self, be sensitive to yourself and life the more
when your self-unveiling is bringing fame to you.
 Do not be knocked down or discouraged when you fail or make mistakes.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Mistake is one of those golden keys to unveiling a true self. All our endeavours to
live and become somebody in life are futileness if they do not yield expected
results. However, in our bid to unveil our true self we make mistakes—yes, it is a
must. This means mistakes are bound to occur in our vocations, professions and
even in the daily exhibition of our talents or in the practice of the skills we have
acquired. In any profession where mistake is not experienced, the practitioner has
neither tried improvement. When or where there is no mistakes, there is always
no improvement.
Many at times after our daily business interactions, it might be discovered we
hurt the people we were meant to serve or care for. We might soon realize that
there were other ways we could have managed them without hurting them and
ourselves. The 'other ways to manage them with no hurt' later discovered are
positive lessons occasioned by mistakes we have made. And this will definitely
improve our business interaction with them or with some other people in future.
If you are being criticized over your mistakes while in search of your ideal self, it
is a rich catalyst for you to learn and improve on your task.
Introduction of new ideas to an existing system, most times, is made to improve
on it. And when an idea is new, it often requires new approaches in order to fully
exploit its purposes. How then can we exploit the purpose of a new idea if not by
trying to utilize it? And in our trying to utilize it, mistakes will definitely be
made. It is not when you make no mistakes again that you are called an expert in
a skill, but when your probability of making mistake is very slim.
So, in search of collective fulfilment of life, some omissions or mistakes are
unavoidable. Such unavoidable mistakes also have their positive powers which can
only be exploited by the people who can see far beyond their harms.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


The consuming fear of inevitable mistakes is a barrier to unveiling of true self. To
aim at a target is an easy practical step, but to meet the target as aimed often
demands expertize and persistent trial. If there had been no trials, mistakes in
English language would not have come into being. 'Trial' from the word 'triallum'
was adopted from Anglo-Norman language and had come into being before
mistake. This could be best understood if it is put down in this way that, in the
course of trying, we make mistakes which affect our expected result. This in a
way, has described 'mistake' as a virus affecting or interrupting the expected
effects of 'trial' while we are in search of true self. It also shows that we can have a
little or no success in a singular effort, but with the word 'persistent' before the
word 'trial'—'persistent trial' as an antivirus to handle the harmful effects of
'mistakes', perfection, the peak of it all, will then emerge.
If I were to put it down in a chain, in what I refer to as the 'hierarchy of human
perfection' using Abraham Maslow's theory of needs, then we could have it in an
ascending order as:

(True Self)

Persistence trial

Idea (Clue)
Hierachy of Human perfection


The fact that a man has chosen to live within a school compound does not depict
his academic excellence. He would still need to take his studies procedurally. We
should not forget that he has chosen to live within the enclosed school premises,
but that has not made him superior to errors or mistakes academically. Even as a
professor, is a professorship a certificate of superiority over mistakes? No.
Mistakes are inevitable.
If we allow the mistakes we make in unveiling our true self to weigh us down, we
will not be able to exploit fully our innate abilities, unique strengths and talents.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

And this will subsequently tell on our personal fulfilment of life. When we, as
individuals, are not fulfilled, there can be no collective fulfilment of life.


Persistent trial is also very essential in uncovering true self. The discovery of our
innate abilities, unique strengths or talents is never a guarantee for perfect
exhibition of them in some new attempts. In other words, 'persistent trial' is a
working measure discovered to beat hands-down the discouraging power of
'mistakes'. It is a prevailing measure for handling the harmful effect of 'mistakes'.

Be courageous in approaches and persistent in trials in your life endeavours.
People, in most cases, are not interested in the persistent practices during
training or in the injury you sustain while running a race. All their interest is
always in the gold or medal won after the race. Now, is it not left for us or is it
not wise enough to see errors or mistakes we make in search of true self as
injuries sustained while running a race? Remember nobody is interested in the
injury you sustain—their interest is in the prize won.
In running a race, all we need is to shun the fear of any possible injury and focus
straight on the gold to be bestowed afterwards. In unveiling our true self also, we
need to be committed and persistent in our approaches until perfection is realized
or hidden helpful secrets about life are discovered. When a hidden helpful thing
about life is discovered and utilized for the development of the society, the
dividends of it sustain the pillars of peace in humanity.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Whatever idea discovered through creativity may be directly for your benefit and
indirectly for the benefit of other people or vice versa. Those who are in search of
their true self are in search of creativity and those who are in search of creativity
are in search of collective fulfilment of life. Those who are creative are also
discoverers. They pay more attention to things of small value. They understand
the fact that a tree germinates and grows from a seed.
It was in being creative and committed to research and service to humanity that
solution to many problems of life were discovered. Paying attention to trend of
happenings around the world, it has been noted that what were no problems
yesterday are now problems today. The healthy climate and environment of
yesterday are now threats to our health today. Things, ordinarily, that were of
little or no value to people yesterday have now become bone of contention upon
which the same people are killing themselves today. Even in some regions, some
useful plants and animals of yesterday are now extinct today. Part of the reasons
why these things are so is because we have exhausted the best of some old
sustainable ideas. They are no longer strong enough to withstand today's
challenges and trend of new threatening events around the world. Yet today,
little or no contemporary peace sustaining ideas are being discovered or
introduced. We are on the old wheels in this dynamic age.


Creativity, for me, is an ability to introduce an idea derived from psychological
reasoning encircled with constructive meditations. It is also an act of generating
rare thoughts from infinitesimal things which most people could consider
Before a man could say to himself,'I'm satisfied', 'this is all I am' or 'I've discovered
the entirety of myself'', he would have assessed himself comprehensively to have
ascended to the peak of research on his true self. However, if a man comes with
such an untrue statement of contentment, provided that creativity, as they say,
has no limit, he is only interrupting the revolving receipt of immense power of
discovery in him. Meanwhile, such a statement of interruption could drive him
towards inadequacy of power to break barriers surrounding his total true self

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

which will subsequently limit his contributions to life. This is a self-caused

constraint mostly occasioned by ignorance or laziness.

Where there is no creativity, diversification will remain at distance,personal and
collective fulfilment of life will become a difficult thing to achieve. This was the
situation of a country in Africa recently.
The country was very rich in crude oil and other natural resources, but she rested
almost all her entirety on the exploitation of the crude oil alone. All had been well
with her because there was patronage of her quality crude oil from notable
nations around the world. Her economy was giant though not without other
internal challenges. During this long period of giant economy as a result of boost
from her crude oil exploitation, several attempts had been made to diversify her
economy by exploiting other natural economic resources of the land, but were
soon unsuccessful due to corruption and unserious approaches being given to it.
As we all know that the world itself is not static, the global economy later
experienced a serious meltdown and this subsequently affected the country
greatly. Not that alone, a major consumer-nation of her crude oil later discovered
enough oil in its own land and began exporting it to other countries as well. This
made the African country toexperience a critical downturn as the price of oil per
barrel in the global market sharply fell beyond expectation. This critical situation
made her to find it difficult to pay ordinary her workers' salaries for several
months. Imagine the economic hardship in the country with estimated population
of aboutone hundred and seventymillion people where ordinary workers' salaries
could not be paid for several months.


 Because the political authorities of the country had not seen their people
beyond physical appearances,therefore, they couldnot make policies that
would exploit the true self of the people for their collective development
and betterment.
 The political authorities in the country so far have mostly been concerned
with what they can do to keep the people together in peace, not minding
enough how the unique strengths, innate abilities and talents of the people

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

which are the primary pillars of peace can be exploited and managed for a
collective development.
 As the country had not diversified economically when global economy was
still good is the reason for the terrible effects of the global economy
meltdown on her. Both natural and human resources of the country,
according to experts and international communities, were enough to
sustain the people without any clog on the wheel of their development.No
creativity is when you think towards a direction every time, you do the
same thing the same way every day, you manage the resources or run the
affairs of a dynamic people the same way every day.
Every useful resource, either natural or human, left untapped or unutilized has a
negative effect that will threaten our happiness and stability later in future.


The world, in action, is building up for war more than its campaigns for peace.
Apart from the fact that deadly weapons of war are being fashioned and stored
daily fora yet unannounced future world war, almost all our other actions and
inactions are indirectly preparing us for a terrible disharmony to come.
There are individual nations' research and struggle to have world power over one
another. Effective radius or ranges of some of mass-destruction weapons in the
armoury of nations are terrible. If launched, some of them could wipe off a whole
nation. Would all these heavy weapons of war rotten in their armoury? Why are
these nation-consuming lethal weapons in store? When and where would they be
used? Why is the world building up for war?
The truth is this: the priority and commitment being given to defensive and
offensive weapons‟ research is not given to peace research and campaigns.
Evaluating our attitudes and commitment to love one another, the peace
campaigns are seemed not meant. We are inadvertently preparing for
unannounced day of world war, not minding peace which is much more needed
every minute of our lives. No wonder collective fulfilment of life seemed

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


As I said earlier, almost all our other actions and inactions are indirectly
preparing us for a terrible disharmony to come. Human resources
mismanagement of yesterday is responsible for some of our major woes today and
the one of today is dangling on our tomorrow. Human resources mismanagement
is capable to frustrate the stability of economy of any nation. When the unique
strengths, innate abilities and talents of people are not exploited or are
mismanaged, individuals' daily fulfilment of life can never be realized. Their true
self will be hibernated. The people will be dispatched to strange locations and
take up wrong tasks. There will be much struggles with little fruits or none. At
this juncture, aggression will be developed and conflict will begin to take
shapes.How then will a man love his neighbours when happiness is far from his

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


In every first ten things we think about every morning, almost nine of them are
based on coast enlargement. They are based on how our coast can be enlarged,
how we can acquire material things and expand in wealth even when we have no
job. We think of expansion when we have no vocation or even a skill to trade
In our thinking, we create a world of importance and honour for ourselves even as
we sleep fourteen hours a day and wake up with nothing to do. We exhaust our
precious time in imagination, boasting in the beautiful world that exists nowhere.
In every first ten things we think about at the dawn of everyday, if nine of them
go on coast enlargement, absolutely we have missed it. Before our coast can be
enlarged, before we can excel, the first nine streams of thoughts should be
creativity. Yes, we should be creative. Creativity has power to unlock the treasury
of hidden true self. And it is the power behind the adoption of ideas from
uncertainty to certainty.
Have we ever imagined why the bank is always not at the same level with the
river? Why do we stand on the bank and see the river a little below its wall? It is
caused as the river flows always. This also has a similarity with the life of man
ruled with commitment to development and creativity. Creativity places one
above others. If you get it right in the morning, you will get your coast enlarged
with ease.


The tenth stream which is the last thought, supersedes the first nine. How does
this supersede? Because it is the overriding process by which the first nine
streams come to reality. I mean it should be based on the way and the process
taken to introduce the first nine creative options in order to be of advantage to
yourself and humanity. The tenth stream from the first ten things we think about
at the dawn of every day could be likened to a lubricant in an engine which its
function is to facilitate the soft rolling of its cogwheels.
If the tenth stream of thought does not focus introduction or invention of the first
nine, the first nine creative thoughts remain untapped. The daily first nine
creative options will be of no advantage to the people as they will remain abstract.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

However, the creative imaginations of yesterday and good thoughts of today

coupled with no action is the beginning of fruitless tomorrow.

In the search for true life and innate ability of man, I realized that the general
ideology of operation and required ruling standard in humanity can never favour
every individual alike. All of us, not only cannot, but can never be presidents,
kings, ministers and leaders, not even at a time either, but till the end of our
For instance, in the countries where democracy is being practiced in the whole
world, there is a stipulated period of time a cabinet of governing political
executives could spend in a public office. Supposing in a country, a cabinet of
political office holders or a president-elect would spend four years in office and
five thousand mature individuals are prospective presidents, considering the life
span of man on its average, how many potential presidents would actually become
president in reality before the exit of such a generation? Assuming the life
expectancy of an average person is eighty years, and maybe the first person to be
president during his generation in the state becomes president at thirty five years
of age and spends a required period of four years, approximately, eleven out of
five thousand potential presidents will actually realize their presidential dreams
before the exit of such generation in such a state. Eleven of them can only become
presidents only in a situation where none of them goes for two terms in office.


We human beings are dynamic in nature. The fact that you have discovered your
strength is very active at doing a task does not mean you may not function well in
other areas of life. One person may have more than one unique strength. You may
have more than one talent, but your ability to know and exploit them give you
liberal advantages ahead of other people. Michael Jordan, the basketball player
once said, “Everybody has talent, but ability takes hard work.”
Every individual has more than one life indicators, indicating green fields where
he/she can be honoured in his/her local state if his/her inborn resources are
discovered and exploited.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

As the world is often ruled based on basic acceptances and prescribed standard, so
also it had been destined in every individual a system of leading, ruling and ways
of organization that can only be discovered useful upon self-discovery and self-
unveiling irrespective of universal expectations.

Expression sparkles with human diversities. When you are trying with all your
best to bring forth something new from the realm of nothing, people around you
could perceive you strangely. Maybe you are seeing from the first floor of your
medulla oblongata, how a pestle can be carved from a stick of broom, of course at
this verge, your closest friend could think you are insane as a result of several
diligent trials and commitment involved. The truth is this, all the ideologies by
which the societal orders are maintained today came into being from the
imaginations and minds of men who had reasoned this way. These ideologies had
no place in the space before their times of creation, yet they created and brought
them to reality. Interesting to know is that they were created to make and sustain
our peace and harmony. How? They were created to help our living, sustain our
stability of life and make our staying together as people of different cultures a
peace experience.
What you have in your dream would remain abstract in the real life if you are a
coward creative thinker. If you are gutless, your innovative thinking would be
made to revolve only within your imagination. And if you are not brave enough
to withstand the challenges of life around you, you stand the risk of failing
yourself and your generation. You will go to your grave with the resources that
would have made life better for the living. You will go to the grave with a
solution to problems a living man may be looking for. No wonder Poet
Longfellow said: “The great tragedy of the average man is that he goes to his
grave with his music still in him.”


In all our endeavours to unveil our true self, in our pursuit of ideal life and in
quest for collective fulfilment of life, the following helping tips are needed as
guides in order not to go off the rail:
 Self-belief
 Self-understanding
 Oceanic Mulling time

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

 Selective adoption of other people's ideas

 Patience and endurance
 Imagination of end benefit

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

The fact that every individual is a stakeholder in search of collective fulfilment of
life can never be overemphasized. When you and I get it right with ourselves, we
will definitely get it right as a people. Self-belief is very important in searching
for your place as a stakeholder in search of collective fulfilment of life.
Self-belief simply means absolute confidence in oneself in achieving the reality of
one's desires, goals or vision. One of the powers you have in search of your true
self is your self-belief. It upholds braveness in paving possible ways to the reality
of one's vision or goals. This is why when self-beliefis lost in a pursuit, the reality
of such a pursuit is doubtful.


Some people say planning is the first step of success. But in most cases, it is what
one thinks and believes that he plans for. Variably, self-belief comes before
planning. When you believe the possibility of a certain goal, then you plan for its
reality.Self-belief is the first step of success. It is the first required crucial abstract
step of action in realizing the reality of those unique strengths, inborn abilities
and talents.
Sometimes, the pictures of your vision or goal could appear as if you want to pour
a seven-liter keg of water into a five-liter container. As we all know that one of
the characteristics of water is that it cannot be pressed down, this could seem
impossible if you do not believe that there should be a rare way forward. In such
an attempt, an ordinary individual who has no inner eye and deep insight to see in
the same realm with you would refer you back to the ordinary belief of putting a
square peg into a square hole. However, the rare way forward, in this instance, is
possible with your self-belief. When you believe in the possibility of a mental
picture and you are committed to bringing it to reality, invisible world will bring
visible things.


We often lose our innovative ideas to those who cannot see or understand what
we are seeing. Though, they may inadvertently pretend to have understood the

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

innovative ideas while they are taking them for what is not inclusive in the
contents of it.
When a new idea or vision is being conceived, the visionary takes the first and
best position to comprehend what his idea or vision is and what its landing will
unfold. You got it raw in the first place when other people were busy doing or
taking after their fugitive desires.

How do I get there?

In the above diagram, you are being lifted by an imaginary elevator based on your
creative conception while others are taking all pleasurable endeavours.
Whenever you are connected creatively, you are elevated above the height of an
ordinary person. Though, it happens within your imagination, but with your
strong self-belief, coupled with active steps and persistent trial, the reality would
soon be unveiled.
When an idea is newly conceived, it first takes stand on the mind like a newly
germinated seed without strong roots, but with a dummy taproot. It only pitches
on the mind of man like algae on the stream. At such a fragile stage, if self-belief
is not inclusive in the search of its reality, the attitude of others who were not
creatively elevated with you when you got the life-transforming vision has power
to frustrate it. Why?
In a coherent expression, as a single entity, your inner resources are not enough
to drive you to the reality of your vision. That is, you cannot realize it all alone.
Meanwhile, the others, who were not in the same realm with you when the
inventive clue was caught, still have supportive roles to play in smoothening the
landing of it. And the fact that they are requisites to what they never imagined
and understood coherently is the reason why you stand the risk of losing it to
them if your self-belief is lost.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


We always declare we believe in ourselves. When an idea or vision is newly
caught, we often demonstrate elements and traits of self-belief. We pursue our
ideas and visions as though we are being offered with gold worth more than our
ultimate focus in exchange. We vow severally not lose our pursuits to the flood of
intimidation neither do we ready to renounce the race for a second. Then why do
we relent soon when we have not even gotten to the mainstream of their inherent
challenges? What has happened to the first zeal we had towards the reality of the


From a distance, the sky will always seem to have ended somewhere. When the
distance is covered, you observe the endways of the sky again far ahead still. This,
what is seemed an endlessness, sweeps away many people's inventive ideas and
Many people get discouraged or frustrated when they discover that where they
ought to rest still seems the beginning of the journey of life they have embarked
upon so far. As a result of this, they lose their self-belief to the test of time and
doubt the path of accomplishment. They halt when the tramps of their feet to the
reality of their dreams should sound most. No wonder Henry David Thoreau
says: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've
imagined. As you simplify your life, the law of the universe will be simpler.”
When you doubt your ability, you silent the announcer of innate resources in you.
This is amount to an open call on somebody from the rear to advance to the front
and occupy your royal seat of honour.
Self-belief gives more interpretation and power to demonstrate Charles F.
Kettering's word: “Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.”
If we allow our self-belief to get shaken or lost, we will lose our inventive ideas
and visions to others who can never realize or utilize them. We will contribute to
the restlessness of the world and fail as a stakeholder in search of collective
fulfilment of life.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

Self-understanding is a personal understanding and conviction of facts about
oneself. It is the life facts about yourself existing in your conscious mind.
Self-understandingis also a supportive quality we should have in search of
collective fulfilment of life. It strengthens inner stability against inherent
challenges of a pursuit especially in an environment full of frustrating elements.
Frustrating elements, in this sense, are not restricted to human beings alone, but
all factors capable of derailing the reality of one's pursuit.


When I am talking about myself, I always express myself intuitively with the use
of affirmative or definite words such as 'I know', 'I can', 'I will', 'I will not or I can
never', etc., as the case may demand. But when I am talking to express the mind
of other people, I use no intuition but doubtful and imprecise words such as 'I
think', 'they may', 'they may not' or 'it is likely', etc. Why? The reason is simple. It
is because we do not share the same mind and the same understanding about
issues of life at all times.
It is when you understand yourself that you can clearly define yourself and the
reason for every decision taken. If you have a clear definition of yourself, you
would have reasons for every decision taken. Your vision would be
comprehensively defined and auspiciously established.


In a creative understanding, whenever you conceive a new idea, you are standing
on a slimy rock upon a swampy ground. In this wise, if you do not understand
yourself, you cannot understand the mental needs for the sustenance of the
inventive idea.
Your self-understandingprepares your mental activeness. Your mental activeness
will enable you understand environmental and material needs for the reality of
the creative idea. It is during the mental survey that you can know the scope,
imagine its suitable atmosphere and foresee what the landing of the conceived
idea would be.Though, the fact that you have done the mental survey of a creative

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

idea does not mean you can get it innovated accurately with its mental picture.
But the survey makes it clear to you.
What you will become in life is not in the prime of your presence, neither is it in
that of your experience. Your radiant tomorrow depends on the level of
understanding you have about yourself, and lies inthe creative steps you are


Self-understanding is very essential in search of collective fulfilment of life. It
enables you examine yourself inwardly and outwardly in order to know your type
of person, understand your natural contents and your place and functions as a
stakeholder in the search.


There are some people that often claim they understand themselves when they do
not. They do not know they are capable of creating solutions to life issues. They
think solution making is meant for a certain group of people. They are not aware
of the fact that they are creatively richer in nature far beyond the little they know
about themselves. They do not believe they can walk down a mile without
someone holding their hands like a toddler. They only like tracing the ray of light
that has been switched on by someone else. These people do believe that since
they were not born with silver spoon, they cannot create one for themselves. And
because of their humble background, they think they cannot become subjects of
good reference. Yes, that is their self-understanding! But it is an illusion. When
you have such illusive orientation about yourself, your inner abilities would be
prevented and the reason for your existence would be munched off. What the
society needs from you for a collective development and fulfilment would be
wasted away.
Another similar form of Self-understandingis when you think that until you attain
a certain standard or acquire certain educational/professional qualification, you
cannot become relevant in life. This illusion has halted so many people that they
no longer see what other things they can do to make them relevant in life.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

When I was reading the introduction of an article about the chief executive and
co-founder of the largest software company in the world, Bill Gates' 1994
interviewwith Playboy; a personality magazine, I marveled as it was clearly stated
that Bill was not a graduate. Yet, he is still very much relevant globally.
“A young man who looks like a graduate student sits on the door of his dorm-like
room, spooning Thai noodles from a plastic container. His glasses are smudged,
his clothes are wrinkled, his hair is tousled. But, when he talks, people listen.
Certainly no person on the campus can talk about the future as he does, with the
riveting authority of someone who not only knows what's in store for tomorrow
but is a major force in shaping that future as well.
“Yet this is an office, not a dorm room. And, while everyone calls the complex of
25buildings a campus, it's not a college or university. It's the sprawling Microsoft
headquarters in Redmond, Washington. And the speaker is no grad student. He's
William H. Gates III, Chief Executive and co-founder of the largest software
company in the world…” Culled from “about. com”
The parents of Gates put him into lakeside, an academically rigorous private
school in Seattle. Gates entered Harvard in 1973 and dropped out two years later.
He dropped out of school but never dropped out of his world of vision.
It is yourself that can stop your vision because from the very first moment you
catch the vision; two keys have been delivered unto your hands—the one that
shuts it off and the one that opens it to the world.
The contents in you are as unique as fingerprint. Understanding those inventive
resources that were naturally deposited in you is understanding your uniqueness
as an individual.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Oceanic mulling time is also a key role player in search of collective fulfilment of
life. No time is too much or too long in mulling the ideas in your mind.
As people say, 'practice makes perfection', yes! But I have found it deeper to say
that the heart which pumps the breath to practice is commitment. As one can be
committed to visible things so also things on the mind demand commitment.
They demand oceanic mulling.
Many people often fail to bring to reality their visions and creative ideas as
conceived simply because they do not pay adequate attention to them on their
minds. Because of the invisible nature of our creative ideas, we give them no
tangible place to stay in us.
The mind of every visionary should be an office with a self-formed norms and
contemporary administrative system. When a man is introducing a new thing, the
reality of it is coming from the stable of his inner office wherein such a project
had already been concluded.

You also could recall when you wanted to build the mansion where you currently
live in, its picture, structure and desired suitable colour had been determined in
your mind days, months, if not years before its reality was later established.
There could be times you changed some things about the building in your mind.
Any change effected on the building in the reality has already been made in the
mind. Whatever thing you hate on the building in reality could probably be the
fault of the builder or that thing you had not considered in your mind. Things on
the mind demand oceanic mulling time.


Counsels, though, are professionals, but not magicians in the profession. Patience,
commitment, diligence and concentration, most of which are qualities of a good
mind, are the key they use to unlock the doors of excellence. These qualities give
them the ability to unfold, defend and open up others' right or weaknesses during
critical, complicated or complex cases.A counsel may think he has closely
perfected or defended a case before a presiding judge, while his opposing

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

colleague could rise up, object to his submission and take advantage of a very
small available loophole he has left undefended to defeat him. That is the power of
concentration. It is a quality of a good inner office.

When you conceive an idea, put it down on the table in your inner office first and
circle it with diverse approaches. Adopt the secrets of an excellent counsel which
are patience, commitment, diligence and concentration in your approaches to it.
This will enable you put yourself in the position of others and probably
understand inherent ambiguity of the idea. Then bring before yourself likely
attitudes, responses and criticism that may spring forth from other people's
perspectives. This process is the oceanic mulling time. When oceanic mulling
approach is given to the idea in your mind, you are most likely to have success in
the introduction or invention of it in the reality.
In oceanic mulling time, attentions are given to issues in the mind as if they are
being dealt with in the real office. This is just to make your ideas clear to you and
to build your strength against strong forces that may want to rubbish or frustrate
its reality. This, in other words, is to say that when your ideas are not ripe in your
mind, do not launch them.
Should there be a complex view of the idea from oneself, ease your mind for a
while, go for a relative research and come back to ponder over it again. After this,
let the physical introduction or invention of it begin. You would have been strong
as you act to bring it to reality.


The search for collective fulfilment of life is more of individuals' task. There are
time and space for every contribution you directly or indirectly make no matter
what and where you are in the world. And an individual can also retire in the
search. Though, the only peak of one's expiration in the search is death. So, one
needs to make his mark in his active years.
Timing is part of the things to be considered in the inner office during oceanic
mulling time. Timing is a regulation of time frame within which a focus can be
reached. Timing is very important in a vision, and a true visionary does not joke
with it. When timing is consciously valued in any pursuit, the target will be met

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

precisely. Though, when a time frame is not coordinated, it may not necessarily
stop a target from being met precisely, but may delay its accomplishment or
render it obsolete. This is why when a vision is conceived, it demands inner
concentration in order to know its exact type so as to avoid 'vision crash' due to
wrong timing.


Vision Crash, in content and context, occurs when there is a conflict in
determining the exact type of vision one has conceived or when a vision is
pursued with wrong timing and its reality is compromised.
In this analysis, vision can be divided into three major categories:
 Casual vision;
 Improving vision; and
 Unprecedented vision.

 Casual vision is a time-bound vision. Its reality is definite and scheduled

for a certain period of time. It is more of taking advantage of a known
time or season.This periodic vision is commonly found among
entrepreneurs in taking festive or intermittent advantage to introduce,
publicize or make huge sales in their business.In this casual vision, if a
definite advantageous period is missed or time is miscalculated, the
visionary will experience a vision crash.

 Improving vision is a vision that cuts across both casual and

unprecedented visions. It is a way of enhancing and improving an existing
vision; a way of improving a vision which its reality has already been
established.In improving vision, there is always vision in vision. This is
when a visionary forecasts into the future as to make its already achieved
reality more popular or as to guide its sustenance. For instance, from the
above explanation of casual vision, if an entrepreneur has taken advantage
of an annual event to introduce or advertise a certain product in a locality,
the attitude and responses received from consumers within the locality
about the product will determine the vision of such an entrepreneur
towards subsequent such annual events. All activities that would remain
subject of attention in the inner office of such an entrepreneur towards the

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

annual events some other time would be how to gain more business
attention to increase the popularity of his product in the area. To this end,
his quest for business attention and increase of popularity of his product in
the area is a vision—improving vision.
In improving vision, if timing is uncoordinated, the regulation of pace
towards the reality of the vision will be interrupted, and may therefore lead
the vision to crash.

 Unprecedented Vision is a hypothetical dream that emerges amidst vast

creativity. Unprecedented vision is a creative curiosity which brings
intangibility to tangibility, indefinite to definite, uncertainty to certainty or
unseen to be seen. It is a type of vision that does focus invention.
Unprecedented vision is not usually reached within a definite period of
time. It is sometimes established, proved, improved and sustained from
generation of a visionary to the other.
All sustainable ideologies on the face of the earth today were the ideas
contained in unprecedented visions of some visionaries who had, from
amidst commitment and vast creativity, brought forth certainty from
Unprecedented vision has power to extend, regulate or coordinate timing
by itself in its bid to be reached. Though, in the mind of an unprecedented
visionary, a vision might have been concluded with a forecast timing. But in
the physical effort to make the inner conclusion a reality, timing might
For this type of vision, if the characteristics of its timing are not
understood by the visionary, the vision will soon crash.


In search of collective fulfilment of life, oceanic mulling time helps in building
strong defence around our ideas in the inner office before they are introduced to
the world. This is necessary because introducing an idea that is unclear or not
well defended in the mind will see no light of the day. This is what Niccolo
Machiaveli, an Italian philosopher and writer understood when he said: “There is
nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct or more
uncertain in its success than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

Defend your ideas in your mind first to enable them stand on the solid rock before
putting it forward for action. This will enable you take your place as a
stakeholder in the interest of collective development.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Selective adoption of other people's ideas is all about application of wisdom in
evaluating and adopting from other people's perspectives or ideas in shaping and
reshaping our own. Selective adoption of other people's ideas is also very
important in search of collective fulfilment of life. Our talents, careers, professions
and skills are for our collective development and sustenance of social orders in the
society. We are all stakeholders in progress and development. We are all
stakeholders in search of stability of peace.


No matter how we try, we can never avoid ourselves. We are tied to both those
people we like and hate. We are in bond together with those people we can see
and with those we cannot see, and with those people we know and those we do
not know. As we deliberately stand in good place for those people we love,
unknowingly, we also stand in good place for those people we hate. Your
contribution to life in the far north of the world has a connection and effect on the
life of that man in the remote south of the world and vice versa. Reason is because
there is an invisible cord binding all of us together as one no matter who we are
or where we come from.
For instance, when you are sick, check where the drug you take was made and
confirm if you have met the pharmacist anywhere before. The truth is that the
drug maker might have never visited your country of living for once in his life,
yet he had known you would fall sick one day.If you say he makes drug for
business purposes, you are right.But the truth is that he only makes money in
rescuing lives. And in this manner also is what you contribute affects people
around you and beyond.
Our nature is aware of this invisible cord binding us and that is why our
programmes, our researches and discoveries tend to unify the whole world—the
one we call global village today.


This topic reminds me of one of the three main components of the term, “Looking
glass self”, a social psychological concept created by Charles Horton Cooley: “we
develop our self through the judgment of others”. This is to emphasize how

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

important are other people in our life and ideas. We cannot avoid them and their
inputs. Vision may come through a person, but it is for a collective purpose.
However, if it is true that other people's inputs are important in shaping and
reshaping our own ideas and visions, why then is the need for selective adoption
of their suggestions? Sometimes, people we meet, people we exchange ideas with
do pretend unwillingly to have understood the exactitude of the picture we are
trying to paint. We also would not know they do not understand it until their
contributions, which they believe are supportive, turn out to be frustrations.
All our words with their aims and action remain settled in our minds. We have
their clarity and authority over them when they are yet to be spoken. But when
they are being spoken, the law of nature and differences in people often fail us in
pasting them and their exact meaning in the mind of others. In other words, the
laws of nature and differences in people's ability to reason and understand have
power to modify the interpretation of every word that goes out of our mouths as
they land in the mind of other people.
This law of nature and differences in peopledrive other people's views, reviews,
contributions or responses to our words and ideas not based on our intention, but
based on their own understanding of our expressions.
At this juncture of risk, if with all our strength, we articulate our words to
describe or define our ideas and visions, we are yet bound to experience healthy
and unhealthy contributions and criticisms from others due to their own
understanding of the ideas.


As they say, nobody is a compendium of knowledge. Yes nobody. As nobody is a
reserviour of knowledge so also no vision can be achieved in isolation. Other
people's ideas are needed too.
If you are creative and trying hard to work towards an invention, there is no
doubt that people will surround you with different reviews and multiple
suggestions. They will come up with suggestions that may help facilitate the
reality of your dream. They will bring suggestions that may help enhance your
skill for appreciable innovation or come up with reviews that may throw more
light to your needed technicalities. On the other hand, people will surround you
also with reviews and divers contributions that could stop your readiness and
cease the breath of invention in you. They will come up with suggestions or

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

reviews capable of derailing your vision. But remember you had the dream when
none of them was there. Therefore, allow the momentum you have gathered
during oceanic mulling time to drive your selective adoption of their reviews.

You must value other people's reviews and examine them all as they come to you.
Never you despise any opinion or neglect a suggestion even it seems naïve. But
subject all their contributions to a rigorous and critical evaluation. Evaluate them
all. Sieve the reviews and weigh them as they relate to and affect your vision.
Deduce from the residue of their reviews after which they might have been
properly sieved. Then adopt them to facilitate a brilliant and appreciable
innovation of your ideas and visions.
Your vision could be devoured if you allow locusts of review and negative
suggestions prevail over it.
Note that whatever devours your ideas affects your life. And whatever affects
your life affects your role as a stakeholder in search of collective fulfilment of life.
What then is a collective responsibility without you?

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Patience and endurance cannot be overruled in search of collective fulfilment of
life. Patience and endurance are rewarding attitudes of man, the lubricant to
soften and control his nature in search for a suitable means to establish the reason
for his existence. For me, patience and endurance are inner ability of man to face,
manage andgain control over frustrating life experiences.
We do have natural dreams—I mean the dreams we have during our rest periods
most especially when we sleep at nights. Some people were born with gifts of
dream. This category of people dream and their dream often come to reality.
When they sleep within a few minutes, they could be temporarily launched into
their future, launched into the future of others or that of the entire world and
capture some incidents contained in time to come as minutes count.


Most times, impatience is the locust of our dreams and aspirations. We often find
it uneasy to believe our dreams or believe dreamers when they narrate their
dreams to us because the dreams, most times, seem mere and unreal as though we
have not endured or exercised patience to await their reality. Instead, we jump
into conclusion hastily and take the clues of what to come for granted right
However, as it is with our dreams at nights so also it is with our dreams—
aspirations and visions. You also could recall in the time past when you had clues
of innovation which you pursued to a certain level but later dropped. I know you
could as well remember a number of businesses that were hitherto booming but
have now gone into oblivion.
By now, a number of us would have become a founder of lucrative empires, major
force behind problem-solving or poverty alleviating foundations. Instead, those
that should have been problem solvers for other people are dying in problems
occasioned by impatience and lack of endurance. When they supposed to be
persistent in trials of their innovations, they let go patience and endurance—the
right attitudes needed to keep going.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


I remember sometimes ago in one of the states in the South West zone of the
country where I came from, there was a governor who had spent a term of four
years in office and still wished to go for second term. On the other hand however,
there as well was a gubernatorial candidate from opposition party who majority
of people of the state believed would take them to their promised land. In order to
determine the choice leader of the people, gubernatorial election was held. The
candidate of the ruling party was eventually declared again the winner of the
election and the governor was soon sworn in to continue in office.
Though, I was not an electoral official neither was I a politician, but the
opposition party had claimed that the election was not without manipulation. And
that the ruling party had taken advantage of incumbency to rig the poll.
The aggrieved opposition's gubernatorial candidate therefore took the matter to
the election tribunal, and the hearing lasted for a period of time.
During the hearing of the lawsuit, the incumbent governor had continued in
office as a bona-fide first citizen of the state as there was no provision in the
Electoral Act that suspends him from office pending the outcome of the lawsuit.
After the matter had dragged on for almost two years at the tribunal, verdict was
eventually delivered by declaring the candidate of the opposition party as the
rightful governor-elect of the state during the election.
The ruling party was not satisfied with the verdict delivered at the tribunal and
this made the governor file an appeal in the court of appeal to challenge the
judgment of the lower court.
Meanwhile, the hearing of the matter in the appeal court again lasted for a couple
of weeks to allow the court examine both claims properly.
Personally, from the final ruling of the appeal court, I understood that the truth is
white as opposition party was still declared the winner of the election. The ruling
governor was alleged of election malpractice and thereby removed from office.
The rightful owner of the people's mandate was eventually enthroned after all
The above chronicle could look like a mere story, but it was true. The following
analysis will shed more light to the link it has with patience and endurance as
rewarding attitudes of man.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

 That a lot of cold advice would have definitely emerged to the governor-
elect of the opposition party in order to forsake his mandate, but patience
and endurance sustained him.
 That the candidate of the opposition party would have lost in the race to
the reality of his mandate if he had let go or failed to be patient and endure
the test of time.
 That he (the governor-elect) understood the risk and high level of
insecurity in the contest, yet not acquiesced, but fortified to endure to the
last minute.
 That the intimidation of provoking audio and video jingles played by the
ruling party on all media stations in the state confirming and emphasizing
its legitimacy was enough to disorganize the opposition party's governor-
elect from the eventual accomplishment.
 That the time within which the hearing of the matter lasted in court was
enough to frustrate the candidate of the opposition party if not for his
patience and endurance.
 That it could have been a disappointment beyond redemption if the
governor-elect of the opposition party had lost patience and endurance. He
would have lost with it the trust and confidence reposed on him by the
masses, and that would have negatively affected his political career etc.
Someone once said, “We do not know how close we are to success sometimes
when we turn back.” Yes! It is just because we do not know what contains in the
next minute and in the next time we try. We soon get tired when things are not
turning out exactly the way they are planned in our inner offices. We therefore
lose our patience and endurance to the challenges on the path of our focus and
goals. Meanwhile, the challenges on the way to our pursuits are parts of the
dynamics of life. This reminds me of the word of George Smith Patton Jr.:
“Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.”
Challenges cannot be avoided, but can be managed. This is why the spot at which
a challenge of life is overcome is the beginning of the other. But endurance helps
to accept and manage them.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Have you once come across a person who had tried so many businesses and
succeeded in none? Have you ever taken time to ask them why? Sometimes, some
people fail to reap due to lack of patience and endurance. Such people do sacrifice
their time in sowing good seeds and never wait to see it germinates neither they
wait to taste from the fruits of them before cultivating other fallow farm lands.
Without patience and endurance, frequent failure is inevitable in our
contributions as stakeholders in search of collective fulfillment of life. Searching
for collective fulfilment of life(stability of peace)isa task with no definite scope; it
is a continuous exercise. It is a task that continues till death, but with its
dividends all along.
Patience and endurance make one grow where he has been destined to grow while
the lack of them uproots one from where he has been planted.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Imagination of end benefit is a mental awareness of end dividends inherent in a
pursuit. It is also a key role player in search of collective fulfilment of life.
Whether we are conscious of it or not, we are expecting something in return for
everything we do. Right from our thinking to the actions we take, instructions we
follow and commands we obey; something is expected in return. Nobody acts for
nothing, everything carries its reward or dividend. This aligns with 'social
exchange theory'. A theory that posits that human relationships are formed by the
use of a subjective cost-benefit analysis and the comparison of alternatives. It was
introduced by the sociologist, George Homans.
Imagination of the end benefits of a pursuit, most times, drives the commitment
to it.


In imagination of end benefit, there are two drivers, two ways to the ideal society
and one way to the collective fulfilment of life (stability of peace).
The two drivers and two ways to the ideal society are 'you' and 'me'.

ce Exit
You of life Me
(Stability of Peace)
Exit Exit
I d

t y

a l
c i e
s o

There are also three beneficiaries of the end benefits of the search. Collective
fulfilment of life, in this context, carries rectangular shape because of one entrance
and three-dividend-exit nature of it.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

The beneficiaries of its dividends are you, me and the general society.
t ra
nc D iv id en d E x it 1
Collective (to y o u )

of life
(Stability of Peace)
D ivide nd Exit 3 D iv id en d E x it 2
(to the soc ie ty) (to me)

If your dream is wide and you are vast in targeting its ultimate objectives, you
cannot lose its reality. Because you will always understand that the end result of
your effort is much more beneficial and greater than its inherent challenges. The
ultimate objectives—the end benefits help endure and soften the nature of man in
the pursuit of his goals.
Imagination of the end benefit is more of inner ability to see the end rewards
embedded in a vision right from its conception and in the race towards its

Late Dr. Myles Munroe, a multi-gifted motivational speaker and founder of
Bahamas Faith Ministry International (BFMI), in his teaching, “Comprehending
the Potentials of God” expressed an insight that took me to a forest while I was in
bed right in my bedroom. He stretched forth his right hand and imagined a forest
in a seed placed in the palm of the hand.
“…with the seed in my hand I believe I'm holding a tree. Well, that's not true
either, because on the tree that is in the seed in my hand there are fruits on that
tree. And that's also a reality but not completely true, because in the fruits that
are on the tree that is in the seed in my hand there are also seeds. And in those
seeds there are trees, there are fruits, and there are seeds. And in those seeds
there are trees with fruits and in those fruits there are seeds. If you want to look
at it, deep inside this seed is a forest…”
I was following Munroe in his analysis and all of a sudden, I got lost in the forest
of more than a gross of hectares he had imaginatively formed with a single
imaginable seed in his hand. He imagined fruits on a tree in an imaginable dry
seed in his hand. Wasn't that purposeful, interesting and a typical instance of

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

imagination of end benefit or ultimate objectives? Right where he was teaching,

he had imagined and seen a forest being made from a seed!
It is the imagined or forecast landing of your vision that can boost your
commitment and arouse your passion for the pursuit. If you have started a
journey with no aim, you have started an unending rambling.
As a man, you do not just exist. There is a tremendous purpose for your existence
beyond your personal understanding. And in looking for it, you are looking for
your ideal place on earth. In looking for your ideal place, you are building peace
stability because you will no longer collide with others on their straight lines of


In some parts of Africa, when a housewife is giving birth to female children
persistently, her husband troubles and humanly struggles to have a male child to
succeed him. Both the husband and wife culturally believe that in future, by the
time female children grow, they will get married and leave their fathers' house to
cleave unto their husbands and thus forget their fathers' wealth. But a male child
will grow and bring wife to himself.
The cultural belief of these people is that a male child is in the position to survive
and manage his family's name and wealth when his father departs. Consequently,
average wealthy men in these parts of Africa do imagine what their fortune
becomes after their inevitable departure even as they know they will no longer be
there to witness it. They will no longer be there to witness whatsoever may
happen after their demise. Isn't that fantastically purposeful and a good
imagination of ultimate objectives?
Always mind the expense at which you pursue the reality of your vision.
From getting it right from the dawn through to the helping tips:
 Self-belief
 Self-understanding
 Oceanic mulling time
 Selective adoption of other people's ideas
 Patience and endurance and
 Imagination of end benefit

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

They are guides in search of collective fulfilment of life. They are guides in
building peaceful and harmonious coexistence from its primary needs.
Some of the universal approaches we give to peace today which we think are
primary; they are secondary approaches and that is why they seem not yielding
expected results. It is the foundation before the lintel of a building, not lintel
before the foundation.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


Planning is the second step of success. For me, belief or self-belief is the first step.
It is what you believe that you can plan to achieve. It is when you believe the
possibility of a certain goal that you can plan to achieve it. However, no matter its
place in the success journey, one thing is definite; planning is very important in
everything we do.
It is a common mantra among men to sing 'I'm going to make it', but it is an
anthem of a few to sing 'I made it' as sung. It is obvious that one of the most
difficult tasks is to achieve that thing which has not initially been planned for
because planning is part of the major pillarsof every meaningful achievement in
In the race of life, there is a lot of pleasant and unpleasant encounters bound to
surface naturally. When we withstand and overcome them, we break through the
repulsive wall around the reality of our destiny.
I am a type of humble person who never believes in magic or the use of force in
striving for necessities. Instead, I would bury myself in the ocean of diligence to
literally understand the tactics, logics and technical ways through which they can
be reached or acquired. Why? Because if you fail to start the building from the
foundation, even if you stress beyond your ability, force of gravity will still not
allow you to start from the lintel.

Planning, in this context, is putting across or mapping out the system, the
strategy, the skill required, the way and manner by which a piece of work or a
project can be done firmly without groping. This also include emotional
In my early twenties, I remember when I was unemployed though I was just a
secondary school certificate holder and could not further my education
immediately due to high tuition fees which was beyond the capacity of my parent.
I did sit at our veranda every evening with a pen in my hand stimulating my
passion for writing.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

As my culture, I noticed a man who usually dressed like a friendly masquerade

almost every three days, and would pass in the twilight of the day. After I had
placed several observations on the friendly masquerade, I saw the masked man
coming one day as usual and I decided to challenge the man under the mask for a
brief interview.
As he was passing by, I was griped with so much fear that I could not utter a
word to stop him for the interview. But after a short struggle, I managed to say
“Good evening ma…hun, sir…! So I said with fear. “Evening!” He pleasantly
responded. “Ehm, excuse me sir, I've been watching you almost every three days
in this manner, facing this path at almost about this hour. Please sir, your
masquerade-like apparel is for what purpose? I asked.
“You are a good observant”, he exclaimed. He moved back a pace backing a tree
beside us and said “this is the secret of me being seen everyday!” “Secret of me
being seen everyday! Secret? Secret!” I kept repeating the statement softly over
and over to myself. Then he explained:
There is always, at least, a way out in whatever situation man may be facing in
life. There are opportunities and threats everywhere, every time, but always in
the mind of man is a reproach. Yes reproach! The reproach in the mind of man is
pride. Pride is a strong human destroyer. It manifests in diverse ways and capable
of knocking off or smashing the reality of man into scattered wasteful pebbles.
“My name is Felix Andrew. In my early age, precisely, in my twenties, my
parents tried so much knotting a noose of better days ahead and assuring me of a
wealthy future by giving me qualitative education and lucrative ideas. Alas, the
resourceful dream of my parents on me ran into a bottomless vacuum as they had
a fatal motor accident on their way to a burial ceremony. As I'm speaking with
you, the day of the incident still remains the cruelest date in my diary as my dear
mother died instantly while my caring and visionary father sustained severe
injury and died three years later after the family had financially run bankrupt.
That was how my dream became shattered.
“After many years on the sinking sand, I made a vibrant decision to retrace, at
least, a meaningful life. I forgot about my horrible past and buried all pride that
could disallow me to start small. I shut my door against idleness and established a
rare reasoning faculty for myself. As you can see, what I have been doing
afterwards is what has put me into this dress and has also taken me this far.”

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

As part of my interest, I asked to know what exactly had prompted Mr. Andrew
to appear like a masquerade and he replied: “because my job is to fetch honey”.
“I fetch honey though locally. This likewise is planning. And every successful trip
requires similar approach.
“Supposing I want to extract honey from the honeycomb and you know bees are
very hostile; ready to sting at every opportunity, and if I have no idea rather than
going there in the day with a local knowledge of wearing a long sleeved gown,
with a no visor-helmet, holding a hatchet as well as a serrated cutlass—failure!
“If I would have to go by the above blunt idea, I must have prepared a condolence
register for myself before leaving. Why? Because I would spend my last minute
on earth groaning in despair amidst angry bees. However, I believe if I could
manage to escape from the scene of sting, a hospital would definitely be my stop
all because of my failure to plan the mission.
“If I would plan, I need to reason sequentially. I need to think locally of the hours
when those bees would be powerless or inactive. That's, taking the advantage of
night hours in the middle of the month when there would be no moon in the sky.
When bees would normally settle with their wing-hung down on their
honeycomb in waiting for the dawn of the next day. Also to aid the success of the
operation the more, I need to go with flammable materials in order to wipe aside
the guards (bee soldiers) so as to see through the main target (honeycomb). If this
well contrived piece of planning is considered before moving towards the bees
just in the way I've done now, my mission would be accomplished with no hurt or
“This dress code is part of planning aiding my successful honey farming and


My understanding about planning got widened when Mr. Andrew, in his
explanation, drove my insight through the local state of planning in his own
honey business. I was made to understand that even while we twinkle or blink our
eyes, planning should be involved in order not to lose focus while blinking.
Searching for a collective fulfilment of life is not a task for the quitters. Some of
the problems of the world today emanate from the quitters in the search. Because
quitting a thing is resorting to the other. However, if you because of inherent

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

challenges quit your destined walk of life, you are likely to take up a line that is
not yours. And this will result in psychological accident and affect you and the
world as a whole. You will become a force against the collective system.
Quitting your destined walk of life because of its inherent challenges is quite
different from when a force of life pushes you off from a line of life. Sometimes
what we think is our line of life or destiny is just self-presumption. In some
instances, the force of life may push you off from a self-presumed line of life to
your ideal line.
Sometimes, you might think you are already on the way of your making and a
force of life would come and push you off. What you think pushes you off the way
could later become the clue to limelight of your ideal line of life. This was the
situation with Mr. Andrew.


As I have earlier said, we are discussing primary pillars of peace here. In planning
here, mental and emotional preparedness have a wide scope to cover. We are
looking into peace stability from its elementary; from every particle that holds it
up or destroys it.
As planning cuts across every facet of life, it has more scope in the search for a
collective fulfilment of life. Planning is part of inner requisites needed to get our
manner of approach enhanced.
Adopting good manner of approach becomes an act of planning when we subject
ourselves to self-assessment, to other people's assessment and cultivate the exact
manner or attitude required of a pursuit or task before getting involved in it. The
good manner planning is more psychological in nature.
Assessing and seeing our true self either by ourselves or through the mirror of
others and adopting the qualities discovered we lack is planning. This planning is
part of basic preparedness for smooth relationship with other people in the search
for the ideal society. Cultivating a mindset of taking people as they are is an act of
planning for a happy living.
Imagine you are not moved by the behaviour of somebody who is under the
influence of stress of life and other people are not moved too when it is your turn
to behave strange. This is the basis of human management.Our world will be

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

right and peace will be stable. When peace is stable, we are fulfilled as peoples in
one bond.


As planning is essential in all endeavours, and a part of inner requisite to put our
nature under control as we approach one another in our daily businesses, so also
lack of planning cannot be over emphasized in all life endeavours as well.This
reminds me of an experience at an eatery in the premises of a police state
headquarters in Nigeria.
Madam Beatrice, a businesswoman, owns a fabulous eatery at the premises of the
police headquarters in a state capital in Nigeria. Despite the fabulousness of the
eatery, Beatrice was experiencing low patronage not due to wrong business
location, but due to bad manner of her.
I remember, sometimes ago, the father of one of my brother's maids was arrested
in connection with a serious assault case and was later transferred to the police
state headquarters. Because we were concerned, my brother, his lawyer and I left
for the state capital. As we got to the police headquarters, we were faced with
some impolite policemen who refused us to have a word with the man under
interrogation who had been detained more than necessary.
Having waited long at the reception, we were fagged out and hungry. Then, we
fell out from the queue to feed on something at Madam Beatrice's eatery. As we
entered into the chirpy eatery, “good afternoon here”, we greeted. “You're
welcome”, one of the attendants pleasingly responded. “What can…”, said the
attendant affectionately before the directress, Madam Beatrice cut in. “What do
you want?” She questioned. “Serve us with three plates of fried rice and beef.”
“Can you afford ten thousand Naira for your meal?” We were questioned irritably.
“Hau-h!”, My brother and his lawyer grunted simultaneously while I was looking
displeased. Immediately, we could no longer hide our displeasure and we all got
up and asked the woman to withhold the service.
We were soon at the door when the attendant who had earlier on attended to us
called us back with regret. “Able brothers”, he whispered. The three of us looked
back at the same time and he asked us to please come back. As we did, he sat us
down at a less-busy corner of the eatery. “Can you permit me to stress a fact?”
“Go ahead”, said the lawyer with chagrin.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

“If we are unable to manage individual nature, we will fail to achieve our aims in
life. There is always need for adequate preparation to understand other people
every time. If you have prepared mentally and emotionally for the day and
forgotten to put into consideration the possible unpreparedness of others, there is
no guarantee that your happiness will last for the day. Something must surely
bring people together and the daily contents of our minds are used for managing
one another. If consideration of how other people may likely behave had been
taken before meeting them, no matter the gravity of their displeasure, your
prepared mind would sustain its state of happiness. It would also send a radiance
of good sense across other people's minds and life.
“When a man expresses resentment towards you or addresses you in a manner
that could belittle your personality, there is a doubt that you won't react to it.
Yes, you will react! But the forms of reaction or response we have prepared to
exhibit in these instances matter a lot. It is either your reaction to their actions
helps you manage your happiness, gain control over their unexpected behaviours
or helps you lose your happiness to them.
“Customers see lack of courtesy as a bad trait in the life of my boss and it is
intolerable or unbearable for them. But for me, I don't, in any way, see it the way
our customers are seeing it. I see it as an act of lack of planning for success of her
business. My boss is very hardworking but her ill-manner deprives her of all-
round rewards for her labour. If a person with such ill-manner must run an
eatery, make it booming and lucrative, she should have cultivated and adopted a
good manner of approach as part of her planning at the start of the business. As I
speak with you, our foods waste daily. There was a time she almost quitted. My
pain is that she doesn't want to believe she is the problem of her business.
“I'm an advocate of planning. I'm not mistaking if I say my boss is a subject of
lecture to you and me. There is need to examine her critically to get ourselves fit
to moral standard and see it as part of considerations for planning. I have a little
business I run too in company of others who run the same business even is a
bigger form. I'm proud to say I gain more popularity and patronage than they do.
“I recite this to myself daily:
The fact that he owns no clinic doesn't mean he owns no factory.
He lives in a rented room doesn't mean he owns no mansion.
He travels in a public transport vehicle doesn't mean he owns no jet plane.
Express utmost courtesy in your dealings with people regularly, to meet your
target in the relationship with them.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)

“Please let's learn from this. Do not see her ill-manner as resentment to you only,
but also as an act of lack of planning in her business. As you can see, you want to
go back with your money which would have added to our sales today…”
We were told that Madam Beatrice had wanted to quit her eatery once. But if she
finds herself in other business or walk of life, if she does not work on her manner
as part of her business plan, she will still wish to quit it again someday.


The wall around our mental and emotion is soft and magnetic in nature. This is
why environmental happenings quickly break it and find their ways to our
In search of collective fulfilment of life, mental and emotional stabilities are
necessity. The factors affecting peace stability are numerous. Those who will
stabilize peace in the midst of these factors must be strongly stable. Because the
factors have also corrupted the ground upon which we are standing to stabilize
the instability.
Both nature and nurture determine the temperaments and characters of man. And
there is a land in-between nature and nurture occupied by circumstantial
character. This exists one leg in nature and the other leg in nurture. It is a
parasitic behaviour of man which intermittently reflects instead of his regular
character such a man is known with. It is not biologically in your nature neither
were you nurtured with it yet it surfaces. In other words, circumstantial character
is an irregular behavioural pattern mostly caused as a result of societal imbalances
and irregularities. I call it Environment Dictated Behaviour. This is when the
influence of an imbalanced situation breaks down your mental and emotional
stabilities and controls your actions. The result of it is always negative.
So, in search of ideal society, strong mental and emotional stabilities are necessity
without which the search can never be successful.

Secrets of Personal and Collective Fulfilment ISBN 978-978-953-518-7
Femi Bamigboye (+234-806-740-5649)


In search of collective fulfilment of life, there keys for stabilizing mental and
emotion. They are pre-steps to and in-steps in the search.
 Go for the needed knowledge and research
 Know that life is a dual carriageway (white and black)
 Know that life, by nature, has special treatment for no one.
 Failure and disappointment are inevitable
 Expect any behaiour from anybody
 Accept people as they are
 Know that starting over again is not failure
 Walk with people but do not depend on them
 Believe nobody can fight for your interest in your absence
 Learn to break barriers by yourself.


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