Jesus Lopez Esssay 2 Final Final

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Jesus 1

Lopez Jesus

Professor Batty

3 March 2017

A Reason behind A Reason

When doing this assignment to find a specific location that has a purpose other than the

purpose itself. I choose a Community Park, El Cariso located in Sylmar, it has many purpose

from creating a safer neighborhood, to making us healthy and active with endless sports and

recreational activities, and an option for kids to explore and interact with other kids. Those are

the main concepts a Community Park has to offer till then I realize when being in the park other

factors it offers other than the obvious.

El Cariso and many other Community Park purpose or goal is to create a safer environment

and neighborhood. Community Park do have a big role on making neighborhoods safer ,instead

of kids being on street they can be at park doing activities. A study shown by Penn State

University, showed significant correlations to reductions in stress, lowered blood pressure, and

perceived physical health to the length of stay in visits to parks. Which is saying that the

environment of the park help us to calm ourselves and relieve stress or aggression which is

understandable due to the fact that we may have after a long day at school or work. Wait there's

more benefits its also a safe zone thus

Jesus 2

affect the Community on a good way by bringing more new homeowners to come to this

neighborhood and start a family for the reason to raise their young ones in a safe environment .

Another benefit that a Community Park has to offer that it helps us to be active and healthy.

With endless sports and recreational activities to do from Tennis, Basketball ,Soccer , a

playground, program for both kids and adults, it also has Picnic Areas. From experience I had

when I was a little kid this is the best place to take you kid, instead them being home and sitting

and playing video games all day long. Parents can taking their kids here and let them be active

and social with other kids. Which in fact in The Department of Los Angeles Recreation & Parks

off as stated , We maintain and operate hundreds of athletic fields, 422 playgrounds, 321 tennis

courts, 184 recreation centers, 72 fitness areas, 62 swimming pools and aquatic centers, 30 senior

centers, 26 skate parks, 13 golf courses, 12 museums, 9 dog parks, 187 summer youth camps

So if your parent and you know can be busy and have a full load and simply can not take their

kids to a park ,but there is alternative to that problem like enrolling their kids to a program or a

teams where they can actually take care of the kids give them attention , have them exercise , be

active, and become more social. What more can you ask for!

Community park other than the main activities or picnic areas I feel that kids can explore and

learn by just being in Community Park . In the website it explains how ,City parks

offer children the daily benefits of direct experience with nature the motivation to explore,

discover,and learn about their world and to engage in health-promoting, physical activity. This

proves that it can bring out the creative, fun , or hand on learning outcomes that school can't
Jesus 3

offer as a former kid I learn how to interact with peers and be a creative kid with tons of energy

always coming up with imaginary stories or games to play like being a pirate or playing tag ,

which really help you become more creative and with tag you have to think and make a strategy

to not be tag. To include in the game of tag, while I was at the park I saw a group of kids playing

tag and I notice one kid was not really fast or active and I think he knew. As I continue to watch

him I notice he would hide close to the base , making it easier for him to reach base ,which I

thought was really brilliant like he knew he had to make a strategy that can benefit him and

keeps him from getting tag.

In conclusion without Community park what will kids do or parents? For that reason , I

choose this particular place for the reason because I do go to the park El Cariso and went to

Community Park as a kid. It's bring enjoyment to come and play and relief stress and to forget

about the day. Some kids and parent need that escape from work or school to come and enjoy the

trees and the fresh air it offers. Furthermore on my investigation on Community Park , El Cariso

when I went to the park and observe for a little more than an hour . I observe what families were

doing , kids or anyone or anything in general I notice how beautiful this park was it brought the

Latino culture with mission looking building. Then that's where i got a light bulb in why they

built a Community Park that Looks like mission or Latino culture for the purpose that it's a

Latino based community they think let's it feel like there back in their homeland with. Which I

feel that is the purpose within the purpose itself making the park represent a symbol on their

homeland which they can do to make them feel home like throw parties, which the Latino culture

really like doing be together and enjoying the celebrations that they may, which is the key

components to the Latino Community.

Jesus 4

Works Cited

Importance of Parks and Recreation. Importance Of Parks And Recreation | Recreation And

Park Administration | Eastern Kentucky University, Accessed 29 May 2017.

"Learn Why Parks Are Important!" Learn Why Parks Are Important! | N.p., n.d.

Web. 28 Mar. 2017.

Who We Are. Who We Are | City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks, Accessed 29 May 2017.

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