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8, AUGUST 1987 919

Sliding Motions in Bilinear

Switched Networks .

AMract-This article .presents an application of variable structure switch position. Switch-controlled networks have im-
systems theoiy, and the associated sliding regimes (Utkin [l]-[4]) of the
portant applications in dc-dc switch-mode power co+
systems, 1) to study energy transiers between dynamic storage elements in
lossless bilinear networks and 2) to obtain a feasible reformulation of the verters (SPcs), dc-dc transformers, and other related
constant regulation problem in dc-dc switch-mode power converters areas.They constitute a;fast-developing field of knowledge
(SPCs) usually treated by approximate state-space averaging techniques with ongoing applications in modem power systems elec-
on pulse width modulation (PWM) control schemes. The approach exploits tronics and robot control. It is not possible to survey, in an
the geometric aspects of the problems and obtains an analysis and design
article of this nature, the vast number of contributions
methodology, based on the ideal sliding mode qualitative characteristics,
which is intuitively clear, mathematically feasible, and devoid of approxi- available in this exciting field of research.For this reason,
mations. the reader is referred to a recent book by Sevems and
Bloom [7], the multivolume seriesof Middlebrook and &k
1. INTRODUCTION [8], the numerous journal articles and conference records,
HE THEORY OF variable structure systems (VSss) and, in particular, the proceeding of the IEEE Power
T and the use of their associated sliding regimes for
control design purposes have been extensively developed
Electronics Specialist Conferences.
This article studies the relevance of VSS theory as an
during the last 20 years (Utkin [l]-[4], Emelyanov [5], analysis and design tool in the field of controlled switched
Itkis [6]) with a steadily growing number of application networks modeled as bilinear dynamic systems.Two classes
areas over the years (power systems control, aerospace of conceptually related problems are treated. First, the
design problems, control of robotic manipulators). The feasibility of energy transfers between dynamic storage
main objective in the regulation of VSS through sliding elements in lossless networks via sliding modes and, sec-
mode behavior is to force the system to reach a prescribed ond, the constant regulation problem in continuous mode
surface, known as the sliding surface or sliding manifold, dc-dc SPC circuits as a problem of inducing a sliding
defined in the state space. The sliding surface is made regime on a constant state coordinate surface by ap-
ideally invariant (although, realistically, quasi-invariant due propriate feedback regulated high-frequency switchings
to inescapable small time delays and perturbations) with (variable structure control (VSC)). At the heart of the
respect to the high-frequency switch-controlled state approach is the capability of switching actions to emulate
trajectories. The switchings occur among available feed- ideal (average) smooth feedback control prescriptions,
back paths which produce system motions locally directed known as the equivalent controls [l], which accomplish
towards the sliding manifold. As a consequencebf this surface invariance for the controlled trajectories. Existence
control policy, the order of the system is reduced and the of the equivalent control, within the bounds .of numerical
static characteristics of the sliding manifold are imposed values representing switch positions, is proven to be a
on the dynamic behavior of the controlled system. Gener- necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a
ally, radically new dynamic properties emerge which are sliding mode. The approach may be considered as a limit
not present in the intervening closed-loop structures. idealization of currently employed PWM regulation
Linear networks on which intentional switchings are schemes and their associated state-spaceaveraging tech-
opportunely performed to achieveelectric energy transfers nique by which small ac component equivalent models
or constant voltage or current regulation constitute a spe- are obtained for design purposes (the reader is referred to
cial class of VSS in which the control action is represented the excellent book by Tsypkin [9] for a complete discussion
by a change in the hetwork topology associatedwith each on the relationships between sliding modes and PWM
control). In the sliding mode approach, the ideal sliding
dynamics, obtained as the system responseto the equiv-
Manuscript received July 29,1986; revised February 9,1987. This work alent control, are used to assessthe qualitative characteris-
was supported in part by the Joint Services Electronics Program under tics of &e averagecontrolled motions on the sliding surface.
Contract NOOO14-84-C-0149.
The author is with the Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of This reduced-order equivalent model is then used for anal-
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, on leave from the Control Systems Depart- ysis or design purposes.
ment, Systems Engineering School, Universidad de Los Andes, Merida,
Venezuda. - Section II contains some generalities associated with
IEEE Log Number 8714915. sliding modes in bilinear, time-invariant systems repre-

009%4094/87/0800-0919!$01.0001987 IEEE

senting switch-controlled networks. Section III is devoted The invariance conditions expressthe fact that;ideally, the
to the study of energy transfers in lossless bilinear net- state trajectories are to evolve on the sliding surface with
works by means of sliding regimes (an integral part of zero rate of change in the surface coordinate values, with
every SPC circuit). In this section, the problem of constant respect to directions defined by the controlled vector field
regulation in SPC is also addressedvia examples such as of the system. The state trajectories, therefore, do not
the buck converter, the boost converter, the buck-boost abandon the sliding surface. The second condition in (5)
converter, and the Cuk converter and some of its most defines the equivalent control as the smooth feedback
common modifications. Section IV contains conclusions control law that ideally constrains the state trajectories to
and some suggestionsfor further research. S if the system motion initially satisfies the first invariance
As basic sources for many of the examplespresented in condition. Such a control is given by
Section III of this article, the reader is referred to the work
of Wood [lo], the pioneering work of Brockett [ll], and (6)
the book by Sevems and Bloom [7].
A necessarycondition for the existenceof a sliding motion
on S is representedby the transversalitycondition:
In this section, the existence of sliding regimes in
switched networks is considered.The state of the system is L,s#O-+g@Kerds=A,. (7)
taken as a vector x in R with components representing
inductor currents and capacitor voltages. The control is In terms of the defining matrices and vectors, conditions
represented by a switch position with assignednumerical (5) and (7) are stated as
values 0 or 1. Ax+u(B~+y)+61~,=~~As; bT;c+&,&O. (8)
Consider the bilinear representation of a network with
synchronous switches [lo], [111: Reachability of the sliding surface must be accom-
plished by opportune switchings. Let u+, u- denote the
~x=f(x)+ug(x)+h:=Ax+u(Bx+y)+G (1) switch positions (with numerical values either 0 or 1). Then
the necessary and sufficient condition for local surface
where A and B are squareconstant matrices, and y and S reachability (Itkis [6]) is given by
are vectors representing constant power sources.We usu- lim Lf+U+s+h~< 0 lim Lf+U-g+hs > 0
@ly represent the vector fields f(x), g(x), and h as s-o+ S+O-
lim L+u+(Bx+y)+GS < 0
S+O+ lim Lx+u-(Bx+y)+SS > 0.
h= t 8.L (2)
j-1 ax, Geometrically, these conditions demand that the con-
trolled vector field point toward the surface on each of its
with a$ b,? denoting the jth row vectors of A and B, sides. It follows from (9) that for L,s = b,Tx+ yi > 0,
respectively, while a/axj stands for the jth coordinate
direction in the tangent space of R. L,u denotes the u+ -c UEQ u- > UEQ
directional derivative of the scalar function u with respect while for b,?x+ yi -C0,
to the vector field f.
The main interest in dc-dc power converter circuits is to u+ > UEP u- < UEQ.
obtain one of the state variables, say xi, as a constant Equivalently,
quantity. We view this design objective as one of inducing
max(u+,u-) >uEQ>min(u+,u-). 00)
a sliding regime on the surface
S= {xER: s=xi-K=O; K=constant}. Since u can take only two possible values, namely 0 or 1, it
is clear that surface reachability is to be accomplished by
The tangent distribution or sliding distribution associated the control law:
with this surface is given by
U +- -0 for s sign( b,?x+ y,) > 0
u= (11)
en; j#i = Ker ds = Ker dxi. (4) U- =1 fors sign(bTx+yi) ~0.
I i
The above developments are summarized in the following
A sliding motion exists whenever x can be driven to
reach S and subsequently constrained to evolve on that
Proposition 1: A sliding regime exists on S if and only if
surface thanks to the active changeof switch position. The
for all x E S the equivalent control satisfies0 < u&x) < 1.
averageor ideal sliding dynamics are then characterizedby
The existence of the equivalent control within the actual
the invariance conditions:
contiol bounds is of crucial importance for the assessing
s=o LfLf+ug+hS= Q- (5). the existence of a sliding regime. In the case at hand, the

existence condition in Proposition 1 determinesthe regions the reader that such possibilities are well within the reach
in the state spaceon which a sliding regime can be created. of the proposed approach.
Indeed, using (6) and Proposition 1, these regions are
R+(x) = {xER:(.~+b~)X+(y;+6i) <o; III. EXAMPLES

(lqx + yi) < 0; (UyIX+ Si) > o} A. Sliding Motions in LosslessNetworks *

R-(x)= (xER:(a~+b~)X+(yi+6i)>0; Example: I (Sliding Motions on an SO(3) Network):
Consider the lossless network of Fig. l(a). In this simple
(b;x+yi) >o; (u;x+6J co}. (12) network, charge stored in the capacitor C, can be
The following proposition is then a direct consequenceof transferred to C, using appropriate switchings of the L,
Proposition 1. inductor branch. If u denotes the switch position, with
Proposition 2: A sliding regime exists locally in S if and values 0 or 1, the equations for the network are
only if either R+ (x) n S or R- (x) f? S is nonempty. clvl= (l-z+,
The ideal sliding dynamics on the surface S are char-
acterized by cp.2 = u13
L,i,=-(l-u)vpv~ (15)
which can be written in state equation form as
xi = K = constant. (13)
A rigorous mathematical definition of the sliding motion
was given by Fillipov [12] as the motion resulting from the
particular convex combination of the controlled vector
fields, on both sides of the surface; which renders a tan-
gent vector field to the sliding surface. In our case, the
control values (0 or 1) imply

(l-/L)(f+0g+h)+/J(f+lg+h)=f+CLg+h. (14)
with xi=GVi for i=1,2 and xX=&Is, while wi=
l/m and w, =1/m. It is easy to show that the
The number p is interpreted, for each oscillation about the total stored energy E = txx is an invariant quantity and
switching surface S, as the fraction of time on which the the state of the system naturally evolveson a spherein R3.
state remains below the surface. The quantity (l- p), on For u = 1 and u = 0, the family of trajectories is char-
the other hand, represents the fraction of time on which acterized respectively by x1 = constant; x2 = constant (See
the oscillation remains above the sliding surface. Compar- Fig. l(b) and l(c)).
ing (13) and (14), it readily follows that the quantity p is Typically, a voltage conversion cycle starts by holding
precisely the equivalent control. Fillipovs interpretation of the switch in the u = 0 position from time t, until a time t,
p leads immediately to regarding the equivalent control as in which x,(t,) = 0. The switch is then changed to its
the duty ratio commonly used in PWM control schemes. second position until
The quantity 1 - p will be addressedas the complementary
duty ratio.
For dc-dc SPC circuits, the steady-statedc gain G will x3&)=0; t1=$+1(); t*=t1+$
be defined as the quotient of the steady-state output
i 1 2

voltage and the constant input voltage. This important

parameter is usually expressedas a function of the duty
ratio CL.G(p) is known as the dc gain characteristic func- The resulting voltage in C, is simply
For permanent constant regulation, the stable equi-
librium points of (13), if any, must exist within the limits
v,(t,) =- ~vl(I,).
of the sliding surface in the existence regions for the It is also easy to show, using Pontryagins maximum
sliding, mode. When the system parameters are fixed, the principle [13], that such a transfer is actually time-optimal.
stability considerations on the sliding surface determine A voltage conversion can also be accomplished while
the sign and range of possible values for the constant K. keeping the inductor current ideally constant by creating a
If, on the other hand, K is fixed at the outset, the same sliding motion on a parallel line of the state manifold
considerations lead to a test for the possibility of constant represented by the sphere. For this, consider the sliding
regulation and a possible design procedure for choosing
appropriate parameter values in the network. In essence,
the approach can be used as an analysis or as a design S= {xER~: s=x,+K=O; K=constant K>O}.
methodology. The examplesbelow are directed to convince (17)


- v, + 0

C2 1 3

- +
P-7 VZ


Time Path
Minimum Cd)
/Time Path

Ll 1

3 h0

Fig. 1.

The tangent subspaceor distribution associatedassociated In this case, the sliding line is representedby
with S is s={ xES2: s = xi - x2 - K = 0; K = constant} (25)
a a
As(x) = span where S2 represents the sphere in R3 acting as the state
-X2ax,+yjg 08)
manifold for the system. In this case, the distribution
associated to the sliding surface is given by
while the defining fields are of the form

f(x) =9x3;
- WI%& b=span{
a a a with x1 - x2 = K. By expressing the defining vector field
g(x) = - wX3z + w2x3z +twlxl- w2x2)z as
1 2 3
(19) f+ug=w,(u-1) -x3
ax, + (I -Xi W, ai
The invariance condition f + u,Qgl,,o E As implies [ i i

and therefore
Wlb -1) x2

the invariance condition f + uEQglscoE As implies that

- w2) - Wl


%Qb)= wlxy;2x2.
Using the existence condition 0 < uEQ< 1, it follows that a
sliding motion exists on the regions and then, the equivalent control is given by
R+(x)= {xER~:x~>O, x,<O} Wl
UEQ = ~
w,+ w2 (28)
and, alternatively, on
R-(x)= {x~R~:x~cO, Since wr and w 2 are both positive quantities, the existence
condition is globally satisfied and a sliding regime exists,
i.e., a local sliding motion exists on x3 = - K < 0 on the independently of the value of K for which an intersection
cone characterized by xix* < 0. Fig. l(d) depicts the slid- of the sphere and the plane is nonempty.
ing motion which transfers the initial capacitor voltage in The ideal sliding dynamics are governed by the system
C, to C,. The ideal sliding dynamics are governed by
d WlW2 d
d d jj73=- =(2x,
1 2 - K) (29)
w,w,Kx, w1w2Q ZX = -xw,+w, 3
. (22)
zxl= wlxl - w2x2 dtx2 = - wlxl- w2x2
with the variable x2 given now by the algebraic relation
The control law that guaranteessurface reachability from x2 = xi - K. Clearly, (29) represents a biased sinusoidal
the initial conditions is simply oscillatory motion. For K = 0, the oscillation is purely
u= 0 for s > 0
(23) The reachability condition leads to the following switch-
i1 fors<O.
ing policy:
It can be shown using (16), (22), and (23) that the total
0 for sx3 < 0
time for the voltage transfer is given by u=
i 1 for sx3 > 0.

sin-K+ d(l-
K *
The Dual Example: A closely related example is con-
stituted by the topological dual of the above network,
which is also an SO(3) network. This circuit is shown in
It follows from dT/iSk = 0 that k = - 1 achieves the Fig. l(g). This dual network plays a fundamental role in
minimum time transfer, i.e., when the energy transfer is the structure of the well-known Cuk converter [14] and its
achieved without the creation of a sliding regime. dynamics constitute the simple part of the natural de-
The reverse transfer of voltage can also be accomplished composition of the Lie algebra generatedby the structural
by now creating a sliding regime above the equatorial line, matrices defining the system [8]. The bilinear dynamic
as shown in Fig. le. system representing this network can be obtained from
Sliding motions are also possible globally on the sphere example 6 by setting wq and b = 0.
which create ideal oscillatory responsesin the three state The state of the systemevolvesin the S2 sphere(seeFig.
variables (robust dc-ac power conversion). l(h) and (i)) and now the energy transfer takes place
Consider the sliding surfacesrepresentedby the circular between the inductors L, and L, via the capacitor branch.
lines obtained intersecting the sphere with planes of the The situation is totally analogousto the previous example,
form xi - x2 = K (see Fig. l(f)). and a local sliding regime can be created which keeps the
CAS-34,No. 8, AUGUST 1987


w4 =1/m, and w 2 =1/m, the dynamics of this

network are governedby
1 0

1 -t

-v,+ d x2
0 1




z x3

where x1 = I,G, x2=V2\Ic2, x3 = I,&, and x4=

It is easy to verify that independently of the value of u
(0 or 1 according to the switch position), the total stored
energy E = ixx remains invariant and the state vector
evolves on the sphere S3 in R4.
The typical energy transfer in this circuit occurs from
capacitor C, to C, via L, while a second conversion may
be accomplished from C, to C, via L,. For this, the switch
is held in position 0 until V, or V, is zero; then the switch
is changed to position 1 until the corresponding inductor
current is zero. Similar energy transfers may also be
accomplished if the capacitors are initially discharged and
the inductors are energized.
Without loss of generality, it is assumedthat the initial
conditions are such that xTx = 1. A sliding motion can be.
used to accomplish the voltage transformation while keep-
ing one of the inductor currents constant.
Consider the sliding surface
{xER4:x1=K=constant; IKI<l} (31)
and its associated distribution


The vector fields defining the system dynamics are given

0 by
a a a a
f(x) = - w1x2- + wlxl- - w3x4- + yx3-
8x1 8x2 8x3 ax4

1: 0 1
T (seconds)




Fig. 2.
capacitor voltage ideally constant. (see Fig. l(j)). As be- From the invariance condition f + uEQg(,,, E As, the
fore, sliding periodic motions are globally possible along equivalent control results in
the lines representing the intersection of the sphere with WlX2
planes of the form xi + x3 = K. EQ = (34)
WlX2 + w4x4
Example: 2 (Sliding Motions in SO(4) Networks):
Consider the fourth-order lossless network (Wood [lo]) The necessaryand sufficient condition for the existenceof
shown in Fig. 2(a). Using wi =1/m, w3 =1/m, a sliding motion requires that such a motion exist on one

of the following regions: I

R+ (x) = {X E R4: x2 > 0, wlxz + w4x4 > 0 with x4 > 0} +
E- c v R
R- (x) = {X E R4: x2 < 0, wlxz + w4x4 < 0 with x4 < 0} m

(35) (a)

[i.e., a sliding motion exists only in the cone

The ideal sliding motion is governedby

Xl = K
d w1w4Kx4 - w1w2x2x3
-32 =
WlX2 + w4x4

d 7 w4w3xx; + w1w2x;
-&x3 =
WlX2 + w4x4

d w3w4x3x4 - w1w4Kx,
-34 = (36)
WlX2 + w4x4

From the invariance of x*x, it follows that the ideal sliding

dynamics evolve on the spherex2 + xi + x4 = 1 - K2.
Figs. 2(b) and (c) shows the projections of the sliding (b)
motions in the coordinate planes xi, x2 and xs, x4, Fig. 3.
respectively, for voltage transfers betweencapacitors C,, C,
in the two possible directions. The time responsesshown sliding surface and then obtain constant regulation after
in Fig. 2(d) correspond to an energy transfer accomplished steady state has been reached.
between capacitors C, and C, with C, initially discharged.
The inductor current Ii is held constant in a sliding Example: 3 (The Buck Converter): Consider the SPC
motion while the L, inductor current has positive values. with constant load resistanceR shown in Fig. 3(a). Using
The switch position starts with the value u = 0 until the Xl = I& x2 = v@, and b = E/a and defining w a = l/
sliding surface is reached; then the sliding motion begins m and wi = l/RC, the equations governing the dy-
and the energy transfer occurs. When the inductor current namic behavior of the network are
1s becomes zero, the switch position is held at the value
u = 1, allowing the inductor L, to be discharged into the
capacitor C,. The energy transfer process is thus com-
%[::I=[j. I;y][::]+[t;]u. (37)
pleted. Consider the sliding surface
S= {(x,,x,)~R~:s=x~-K=O; K=constant} (38)
B. Switch-Mode Power Conversionvia Sliding Regimes
i.e., a sliding motion is sought which renders the inductor
In this section, several power converter circuits are current constant. The tangent subspace or distribution
analyzed to evaluate their ability to produce constant associated with the sliding surface is given by
regulation of specific state variables in the circuit. The
constant regulation task is viewed as the problem of creat-
ing a sliding mode on a constant state coordinate surface. (39)
Although this is only one of several possible manners of
analyzing, or forcing, constant regulation (other possibili- let
ties include general linear manifolds and even nonlinear a a

manifolds), it will be adopted here for the sole reasonthat, f=-WOX2~+(WOXl-WlXZ)~

after large load perturbations, this class of sliding surface
offers restoration features which are not shared by other b)

classesof sliding surfaces.In other words, after a perturba- The transversality condition is trivially satisfied and the
tion occurs, all the control effort reacts to maintain the invariance conditions f + uEQglspOE As imply
variable of interest at the desired constant level. The V
control managesto do so even before other state variables EQ=-=- (41)
have reached steady state. For other sliding surfaces, the b E
control effort is geared primarily toward reaching the The existence condition implies that the capacitor voltage

must be smaller than the input voltage for a sliding regime

to exist, thus revealing the step down character of the
buck converter. It follows from (41) that the dc gain
coincides with the equivalent control, i.e., with the duty
ratio. G(p) = p. The regions of existence of a sliding -
motion are obtained from the condition 0 < uEQ< 1. This CiiV - R
translates into either - -
b>O,x,>Oandx,<- (42)

b<O, x,<Oandx,>-.

These two systems of inequalities define the regions R + (x)

I* b,E >O

and R-(x), respectively. In both cases,the resulting ideal
sliding motion is governed by
-x2 = - wlx2 + w,K (44
and if the stable equilibrium point


is to occur on the sliding surface, it follows that within

R+(x) K must satisfy 0 <K < bw,/w& while within
R-(x) the condition 0 > K > bw,/wi is to be satisfied.
The sliding motion is achievedby using (b)

for s < 0
u= (45)
i 0
for s > 0. R+ I
Fig. 3(b) depicts the nature and location of the feasible ; b>O
sliding motions in the plane.
Notice that for the sliding surface candidate

S= {(x,,x2)ER2:s=x2-K=O; K=constant} (46)

the transversality condition is not satisfied and the sliding

I I *
surface collapses into the equilibrium points. ;< 2 K2 X,
Example: 4 (Boost Converter): Consider the ideal SPC
circuit which is the topological dual of the buck converter -------1

previously discussed (see Fig. 4(a)). Using the same state

variables and parameter definitions as in Example 3, the
following dynamic model for the network is obtained:
Consider the sliding surface Fig. 4.

S= {(x,,x,)~R~:s=x~-K=O; K=constant} (48)

i.e., a sliding motion is sought which ideally maintains a
constant value of the inductor current. In this case,

a a
(49) g = wox2ax, - WOXlax,. (51)

The transversality condition is everywheresatisfied except result in

woxl - w,K WlK
on the x1 axis. The invariance condition is simply =l- -*
EQ =

(b - +oXz + %QwOx2);
It follows that xi cannot be zero and then the transversal-
ity condition holds.
Using the sliding mode existence condition, one is led,
+ (w,K - wlx2 - uEQ~oK)- E span (54
8x2 again, to consider two different cases:first with
So, the component of a/ax1 must be ideally null on the WlK
R+(x)= x=R2:xl>O; x1> - ; with K > 0 (60)
sliding surface. This results in i WO I
wox2 -b and second with
U EQ = (53)

XER~:X~<O; x1< -
WlK ; with K < 0
The existence condition requires that the capacitor voltage WO
exceed the input source voltage while maintaining the
same polarity. This indicates the step up character of the (61)
boost converter. If this is the case, then the capacitor The ideal sliding dynamics, in either case,are governedby
voltage cannot be zero and the transversal&y condition is
always satisfied. It also follows from (53) that for this case, d w,K2
x2 = K zx1= - -+b.
x1 (62)
the dc gain equals the inverse of the complementary duty
ratio. i.e., G(p) = l/(1 - p). The equilibrium point for the inductor current is un-
Reachability of the sliding surface is again accomplished stable as it follows from (62). The sliding motion is not
by the switching action: practical, and constant output voltage regulation is
u= 0 for s > 0
achievable in the proposed manner only at the expenseof
i1 fors<O. unstable inductor current (seeFig. 4(c).
The regions of existence of a sliding regime are de- Example: 5 (The Buck-Boost Converter): A more
termined from (12). It follows from 0 < < 1 that uEQ
versatile circuit which combines the capabilities of the
buck and the boost converter is representedin Fig. 5(a).
b Defining the state variables and the system parameters as
R+(x)= xER2:x2>Oandx2>-
i WO in the last two examples,the state equation representation
of this network is obtained as
=E@;withb>O (55)
R-(x)= xER2:x2<Oandx2<-;withb<O .
i WO I
(56) Consider the sliding surface
In any of the cases,the ideal sliding dynamics are governed S= {(~,,~,)ER~:s=x~-K=~; K=constant}. (64)
by The distribution associatedwith this surface is simply
d bK
x1 = K 32 = - WlX2
-- x2 . (57)

In the first case, if an equilibrium is to exist for the

In this case, the defining vector fields are
capacitor voltage on the sliding surface, it then follows
that x2 = bK/w, > E2C must be satisfied and therefore a a

K > E/Ra. Th e second case follows similarly but now f = - wox2-g

+ box1 - WlX2)Z

with b < 0; K < E/R&. Fig. 4(b) shows the regions of

existence of sliding motion and the equilibrium points in g=(wox2+b)-&+(-wOxI)-&. (67)
each case. 1 2

The second possibility for inducing sliding motions with The transversality condition fails to be satisfied only along
ideally constant output voltage results in an unstable slid- the line x2 = - b/w,x,. The invariance condition trans-
ing regime. Consider the sliding surface lates, in this case, into
S= {(~,,~,)ER~:s=x~-K=~; K=constant}.
(58) [- wOx2 + EQ

The transversality condition is now satisfied everywhere w1x2)- u,QwoK] - E span
+ [(WOK -
except in the x2 axis. The invariance conditions on x2 = K ax2

two possible casesare

x~R~:x~>O;x~>--;withb>O (71)

and considering both numerator and denominator as nega-

tive quantities in the equivalent control expression, we
(a) obtain
R-(x)= x~R~:x~<O;x~<---;withb<O

The ideal sliding motion is governed by

d WO
x,=K; -x2= l- w,K - w1x2. (73)
dt wox2 + b
The equilibrium points for the output capacitor voltage are
given in this case by

b b2 bK
x2 = - -f -+-. (74)
2w, d 4w; Wl

If a stable equilibrium is to occur on the sliding line in
R+(x), then it follows that the positive root must be taken
and, moreover, K > 0. On the region R-(x), the negative
R+ root must be retained but now we must have K < 0. Fig.
b>O 5(b) depicts both situations. From (69) and (74) it follows
that the steady-state dc gain characteristic function is
given by G(p) = cl/(1 - CL).The nature of the steady-state
dc gain indicates that the buck-boost converter enjoys
step up (p > 0.5) and step down (CL< 0.5) characteris-
The creation of a sliding motion which renders an
ideally constant voltage on the output circuit capacitor is
also possible. Unfortunately, in this casethe involved ideal
b<O sliding dynamics are no longer stable and the sliding
motion is not practical. Fig. 5(c) depicts the region of
existence of the sliding motions and the unstable equi-
librium points obtained in this case.
Example: 6 (Cuk Converter): A popular SPC is shown
in Fig. 6(a). This circuit is the result of a deliberate effort
to obtain as many desirable conversion properties as possi-
The equivalent control is thus given by ble with a minimum of component elements. The Cuk
WoX2 converter (named after its inventor, Dr. Slodoban Cuk) is
u -
EQ- w,x,+b (69) actually the topological dual of the buck-boost converter,
previously discussed, when the ideal voltage source is
The sliding mode existence condition implies that the replaced by an ideal current source in parallel with a
numerator and the denominator must have the same sign, capacitor.
and since the quotient is to remain bounded above by 1, In this example, it is shown that only sliding motions
the quantity wox2 + b must be bounded away from zero. rendering ideally constant current for the input inductor
This implies that the transversality condition will hold. result in asymptotically stable constant output regulation.
Reachability of the sliding surface is achieved by the Sliding motions for constant output current or inter-
control law mediate capacitor voltage are actually unstable and there-
UC 0 for s > 0 fore impractical.
(1 fors<O. Let xi = I,&, x2 = V2G, and x3 = I,& and define
The existence region for a sliding motion is determined the network parameters wi = I/m, w2 = l/m,
from the equivalent control existencecondition. Again, the W 4 = R/L,, and b = E/K.

The associated distribution is simply: A, = span

{a/ax,, a/ax,) while the defining vector fields are

From the invariance condition on the ideal sliding dy-

namics, the equivalent control is obtained as
uEQ=-. (79)

A sliding motion exists if and only if S is circumscribed to

the regions

R+(x)= XER~:X~>O; i,>$KwithK>O (80)

i i

R-(X)= xER3:x2<O;x2<W4KwithKi0 . (81)

i w2 1
In these regions, the transversality condition is satisfied
and the ideal sliding motion is governedby
d W4WlK
p= - WlX2 + -+b w2

d w,wJ w,K2
-32 = Wl-% - =x1 -

x,=K. (82)
If the equilibrium point
w,K b w,K2
x2=-+- x1=-
w2 Wl
is to exist on the sliding line, it follows that in the region
R+(x) the voltage sourcemust satisfy b 7 0. On the other
hand, in the region R- (x) the voltage source must satisfy
(4 b < 0. However, it is easy to see, from the analysis of the
Fig. 6. linearized equations around the equilibrium points, that
the ideal sliding motions are not stable in any of the two
cases(see Fig. 6(b)). The sliding regime on the considered
The dynamic equations for the system in this caseare
surface is, therefore, not practical.
Consider now an alternative sliding surface representing
a constant capacitor voltage
S= {xER~:s=x~-K=O; K=constant}. (83)
The equivalent control in this caseis
+u[ -lwl !; -;w2]}[~y+[g. (75)
UEPW = wlx;r;2;3 * (84)
Consider, as a first case,the creation of sliding motions The regions of existenceof a sliding regime are given by
in the output inductor current. Let the sliding surface be
R+(x) = {x E R4: x1 7 0; x3 7 O}

S= {x~R~:.s=x~ - K = 0; K = constant}. (76) R-(x)= {xER~:x~<O; x,<O}. (89


The ideal sliding dynamics are governedby

d w;Kx,
-x1= -w,K+ +b
dt wlxl + w2x3

x2 = K
d %W2%
zx3 = - w4x3 + WIXl + w2x3 *
Fig. 7.
The equilibrium points in this case are
(w,K - b)2w; Fig. 6(c) depicts the sliding motions projected onto the
Xl = x1, x2 coordinate subspace in R,. This sliding motion
x3 = w2;;t, b, . (87)
bwfw, guarantees ideally constant input current and constant
The equilibrium points will belong to the sliding surfaces steady-state output current regulation. From (89) the
whenever the following conditions are satisfied: in steady-state dc gain characteristic function is seen to be
R+(x):b>O, K>b/w, while in R-(x):b<O, Kc G(p) = l/(1 - p). The switching law that achieves local
b/w,. In this case, however, x3 is asymptotically stable to sliding surface reachability in this caseis
its equilibrium point, but the equilibrium point for x1 is
unstable in any of the two existenceregions. u= 1 for s < 0
Finally, consider the sliding surface which represents a i 0 fors>O.
constant input inductor current:
Example: 7 J&k Converter with Output Capacitor [ 151):
s={ x E R3: s = xi - K = 0; K = constant}. (88)
Consider the Cuk converter with a capacitor in the output
circuit, as shown in Fig. 7. The state equations for this
The equivalent control is now given by
circuit are given by
uEQ(x) = wlx2-b =I- b =I- f. (8%
WlX2 WlX2 2 Xl 1 ,ro -w1 0 0 1

A sliding motion exists in the regions d x2


R+(x)= xER3:x2>--withb70
i Wl

R-(x)= xER3:x2<-withb<O (90)

In this case, the ideal sliding dynamics are governed by

x1 = K
d bw,K + bw,x, - w1w2x2x3 with xi = I,&, x2 = V2Jc2, x3 = 13&, and x4 = V4G
zx2 =
WlX2 while the network parametersare given by wr =1/m,
d bw2
w2=1/m, w3 =1/K, w4=1/C4R, and b=
zx3 = - w4x3 + w2x2 -- w1 . (91) WJL,.
As in the previous example, the sliding motions created
The equilibrium points are stable equilibrium points and for constant output voltage, constant output inductor cur-
they are given by rent, or constant voltage for the C, capacitor are all
unstable. For this reason, only the sliding surface repre-
senting constant input current is considered:

w2 bw2
S= {xER~:s=x~-K=O; K=constant}. (94)
x3=-x2--= f e. (92)
w4 WlW4 J
The associated sliding distribution is simply
In R+(x), the parameters b and k are both positive, and a
positive sign is to be taken in the above square root. The
A,=span( -&=2,3,4). (95)
equilibrium point belongs then to the sliding line. On the
other hand, in R-(x) the parameters b are K are both
negative and a minus sign is to be taken in the squareroot. The intervening vector fields defining the systemsmotions

are given in this caseby

a a
f(x) = (- ~1x2 + b) ax + ~1x1~
1 2

a a
3 4

a, a a
2 3
Fig. 8.

tions. The magnetically coupled &k converter (seeFig. 8)
The equivalent control and the existence regions for the
offers a rich variety of possibilities for constant regulation
sliding regime are the same as in the last case of the
and realization of a number of desired output waveforms
previous example, i.e., they are given by (89) and (90), via VSS theory (sinusoidal voltages, exponentially stable
respectively. waveforms, etc.). This topic deserves separate attention
The ideal sliding motions are governedby and will be the subject of a short note elsewhere.Here,
x1 = K only the above-mentioned characteristic will be addressed
d bw,K + bw,x, - w1w2x2x3 in its relation to the sliding mode creation prvcess.
-j72= The standard state-spacemodel of the Cuk converter
modified by magnetic coupling is given by
d bw l-nk b
-x3 = - w3x4 + w2x2 - - Wl w4k
dt Wl &=- 1-k2 x 2 +l+ 3 +Ul-k2 w1x2+ l-k2
d i2 = WIXl - uwl(xl+ nx3)
;x4 = - w4x4 + w3x3. (97)
w4 Wlk l-k/n bk
As before, the equilibrium points are obtained by solving a x 2 + l-k2 %=-l-k2 x 3 +l+ w2x2+ l-k2
quadratic algebraic equation. It is easy to show, by lineari- 000)
zation around these equilibrium points, that they are
asymptotically stable and therefore that constant regu- where k = Lx,/-, 0 < k <l, is the coefficient of cou-
lation at the output circuit is achieved. pling, and n = {L,/L, = w2/w1 is the effective turns ratio.
The stable equilibrium points are given by The state variables and the rest of the parameters are the
b bK bK same as in Example 7 above.
w3 w4
x,=--f- - x3=*- - Reduction of Chattering in the Output Current: If in the
Wl w2. ii w4 w3 i- w4 above model one lets k = n, the following model is ob-
tained :
x4=* e . (98) b Wl
ii -x +-
Xl=-l-n2 2 l;;2x3+uwlx2+ lwn2

If these stable equilibrium points are to belong to the

sliding surface, then in R+(x) the quantities K and b i2 = wlxl - uwl( x1 + nx3)
must both be positive and the + sign must be adopted in w4 Win bn
the square root. In R-(x), K and b must both be x3=-1-n2
+ -x
1-n2 2

negative and the - sign is to be taken for the squareroot.

The steady-state dc characteristic gain is obtained from Notice that in the above model, the state differential
(98) and (89) as G(p) = p/(1 - p). equation defining x3 does not contain a direct influence of
The switching logic that achieves surface reachability the control u; nor does it contain a direct influence of the
and hence constant output regulation is, as in the previous x1 state variable. This implies that the chattering associ-
example, ated with the actual sliding motion defined on the surface
u= 1 for s < 0
i 0 fors>O. S= {xER~:s=x~-K=O; K=constant} (102)
Example: 8 (Cuk Converter with Magnetic Coupling):
One of the outstanding features of the modified Cuk will be substantially decreasedin the output current due to
converter including magnetic coupling among the input a second-order integration of the chattering control and
and output inductors [16] is the possibility of substantial the chattering state variable x1.
or total elimination of the chattering associatedwith the Reduction of Chattering in the Input Current: If now the
high-frequency switchings necessaryto sustain sliding mo- substitution k = l/n is made in (loo), the resulting system

of differential equations is such that the differential equa- equivalent control. In this approach, a truly closed-loop
tion defining xi does not contain a direct influence of the regulation of fast switching devices is demanded in terms
control. Indeed, one obtains of slidingsurface sign (rather than its actual value). This
unique feature provides increased robustnesswith respect
to fast periodic switching schemesand dramatically de-
J,= - creases the amount of necessaryinformation to decide a
network topological change (switching) to just one bit of
1, = WIXl - uwl(xl+ nx3) information.
The idealized version of the sliding mode behavior al-
w4n2 ready contains enough information for determining the
i3=-- n2-1X3+ -;:1, +uw2x2+ J!L-
n2-l. (103) salient features of the averagemodel, namely stability and
transient characteristics during sliding. State-spacefeasibil-
In this case, the chattering associatedwith a sliding motion ity regions for robust constant regulation are determined
created on the surface: directly from the necessaryand sufficient conditions for
the existence of a sliding regime.
It has been shown that simple concepts from differential
s= { x E R4: s = x3 - K = 0; K = constant} geometry regarding vector fields-u-id distributions provide
an intuitively appealing methodology for the assessmentof
is reduced in the input current through a first-order in- conditions under which a sliding mode can be created.
tegration. Other, more general time responsescan also be treated by
It is left for the reader to prove that asymptotically means of VSS theory. In particular, and also of interest in
stable sliding regimes are possible in this converter which direct drive joint manipulator control, exponentially stable
maintains constant regulation for both the input and out- and sinusoidal output waveforms are generally possible by
put currents. Several important issues related to this prescribing linear manifolds or circles as sliding surfaces.
versatile converter will not be treated here. These include The methodology is sufficiently general, and rich enough,
singular perturbation aspects, occurring when the coeffi- so as to be tried in closely related areassuch as dc-ac and
cient of coupling is arbitrarily close to 1, and their im- ac-ac switched power converter problems.
portant implications in the sliding regime creation prob-
lem; and the consequencesof allowing negative effective
coupling coefficients [16] and its implications in the total
annihilation of chattering at the input or output circuits. REFERENCES
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One of the advantages of the VSS approach is that 1141 S. Cuk General topological properties of switching structures, in
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analysis and design tasks are carried out without the need P51 F. Ueno, T. Inoue, F.,Tsuruta, and I. Oota, Steady state and
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hebertt Sira-Ramirez (M75-SM85) was born in ing and Vice President of the University. Dr. Sira-Ramirez has also held
San Cristobal, Veneiuela. He obtained the de- visiting positions in the Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical
gree of Ingeniero Electricista from the Universi- Engineering, the Flectrical Engineering Department, and the Coordinated
dad de Los Andes in 1970. He then obtained the Science Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
degrees of M.S.E.E. and E.E. in 1974 and the His research interests include nonlinear systems theory and the appli-
Ph.D. degree in 1977, all from the Massachusetts cations of variable structure systems to aerospace engineering problems,
Institute of Technology. robotics, and power electronics.
He is-a Titular Professor in the Systems En- Dr. Sira is a member of IFAC, the Colegio de Ingenieros de Venezuela,
gineering School at the Universidad de Los and Sigma Xi.
Andes, where he has held appointments as Head
of the Department of Control Systems Engineer-

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