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Parent Brag Sheet

Student: Reid Kantor Parent: Robin Kantor Email:

1. What do you consider to be the most outstanding academic/personal

accomplishment of your child during the past three or four years? Why
did you select it as the most important?
- Maintained full theatrical, dance, and voice schedule starring in
shows while taking heavy IB and AP load

- Challenges himself, crucial quality

- 11 dance classes piano

2. In what areas has your child shown the most development and growth
during the past three or four years?

- Challended himselfe with accelerated classes, always takes the hard


3. What activity or experience is the single most significant in expressing

the best qualities of your child?

- theatre!

4. Please describe your child as a person. What qualities do you most

admire? What anecdote might illustrate your child at his or her best?

- Works very hard to understand things deeply

- High emotional quotient, intuitive, understands people

- High level of empathy

- Perceptive, talking to him and sometimes think youre talking to a

40 year old forget hes only 17

- Very articulate and heady

- Can extract the most crucial elements of something, especially in

emotional situations
- Euology for pop was geat

- Completely politically aware

5. Are there any unusual or personal circumstances that have affected

your childs educational or personal experiences?

- Charity begins at home

6. What would you most like a college admissions officer to know about
your child?

- Enabled me to take care of my parents

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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