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Learning Objectives:

1. E xplain how presidential powers or functions can promote a policy agenda.

2. E xplain how the presidents agenda can create tension and frequent confrontations with Congress.
3. E xplain how presidents have interpreted and justified their use of formal and informal powers.
4. E xplain how communication technology has changed the presidents relationship with the national constituency and the other br anches.
5. E xplain how the president ensures that executive branch agencies and departments carry out their responsibilities in concert with the goals of
the administration.
6. E xplain how the bureaucracy carries out the responsibilities of the federal government.
7. E xplain how the federal bureaucracy uses delegated discretionary authority for rule making and implementation.
8. E xplain the extent to which governmental branches can hold the bureaucracy accountable given the competing interests of Congr ess, the
president, and the federal courts

Student Tasks
View the Presidency videos
Read Chapters 11 and 12 in your textbook.
Chapter Vocabulary on Qulzlet.


Standards for
Impeachment clause Presentment clause (A1S7) Presidential veto Pocket veto Treaty clause (A2S2C2)

25th Amendment 22nd Amendment Messaging power Pardon Power (A2S2C1) Clemency

Ambassadors clause Recess Appointments Clause Appointments Clause

Reprieves Take Care clause (A2S3)
(A2S3) (A2S2C3) (A2S2C2)



Commander-in-Chief Chief Administrator Chief of State Chief E xecutive Chief Diplomat

Chief Citizen Chief of Party Chief Legislator Cabinet E xecutive agreements

Presidential signing
E xecutive orders Divided government Party in power United government

Mandate theory of
pardon Bully pulpit State of the Union E xecutive privilege

Unitary executive theory Imperial president Presidential Doctrines Balance the ticket Watergate

Vice President First Lady Presidential coattails Crisis manager Six-year itch election


Cabinet National Security Council E xecutive Office of the White House Office Chief of Staff

Council of E conomic Office of Management and

Hierarchical organization W heels and spokes organization bureaucracy
Advisers Budget

Office of Personnel General Schedule (GS)

patronage Civil service Merit principle
Management rating

Independent regulartory Independent executive

Senior E xecutive Service Plum book Government corporations
commission agencies

Standard operating
Policy implementation Quasi-judicial Quasi-legislative Rulemaking
procedures (SOPs)

Administrative discretion Street-level bureaucrats Fragmentation Privatization Regulation

Deregulation Sunset provisions Incentive system Command-and-control policy Going native

Presidential directives Iron triangles Personnel is policy Red tape


War Powers Resolution of Pendleton Civil Service

Hatch Act of 1939
1973 Act of 1883


NLRB v Canning (2014) US v Nixon (1974)

Obj Homework Learning Targets Classroom Activity Remediation ( OPTIONAL)

Zombie Bureaucracy Activity: Work on your own
1, 2 Read pgs. E dwards 372-374 Formal and informal Warm-up: Discussion of Political Cartoon Analysis. Review
and 389-392 powers of the president are Federalist 70 the constitutional powers of the
represented by: president (here) Find and select a
Read Article II of the Veto and pocket vetoFormal Overview of presidential political cartoon for 3 out of the 4
Constitution power that enables the actions presidential powers. For each
president to check Congress by political cartoon, do the following:
Read Federalist 70 & answer denying passage of acts passed Watch excerpts of Cheneys
worksheet by Congress Law 1. Paste each cartoon into the
Treaties and executive document.
agreementsFormal powers 2. Label each political cartoon with
to influence relations with the power illustrated in the cartoon.
foreign nations 3. Describe the action taking place in
Bargaining and persuasion the cartoon.
Informal power that enables 4. E xplain the message of the
the president to secure cartoon.
congressional action 5. E xplain how the cartoon
E xecutive ordersFormal illustrates the power of the
power found in the presidents
chief executive role that allows 6. For one of the cartoons, create a
the president to regulate multi-part FRQ, with answers, see
E xecutive Branch actions this example.
Signing statementsInformal
Some Suggested Sources for Political
power that informs Congress Cartoons:
and the public of the
presidents interpretation of ons/
laws passed by Congress and
signed by the president

2, 3 Read pgs 381-384 Formal and informal Warm up: E xamination of War Powers, International Alliances,
powers of the president are the War Powers Resolution the President, and Congress. Read
Read the represented by: of 1973 the article & answer the FRQ at the
CRS Report W ar Powers Veto and Pocket Veto end of the reading. (Article here)
Resolution: Concepts and Practice Commander- in-Chief Watch excerpts from
1-9 Messaging power Obama at War or

Complete FRQ Practice #1 Listen to the segment on the War

Powers Act. Summarize the current
guidelines of the War Powers Act
and what recommendations were
made. Do you agree with the
recommendations? Why/ why not?

3, 5 Read pgs 374-380 The potential for conflict with the Senate Quiz on Presidency Create a colorful mind map that
depends upon the type of executive explains the relationship of Congress
Complete the FDR Activity branch appointments, including: Watch Frontlines Obamas and the President.
before class Cabinet members Deal
White House staff Wrap-up: Understanding
the Powers of the
Senate confirmation is an important check Presidency
on appointment powers, but the
presidents longest lasting influence lies in
judicial life-tenured appointments.

Policy initiatives promoted by the

president often lead to conflict with the
Congressional agenda.

Different perspectives on the presidential

role, ranging from a limited to a more
expansive interpretation and use of
power, continue to be debated in the
context of contemporary events.

Term-of-office and constitutional-power

restrictions demonstrate changing
presidential roles.
Read pgs 384-389 and 392- The communication impact of the Warm up: Bully Pulpit Going Public and the Problem of
4 399 presidency can be demonstrated through Activity Avoiding Presidential/Congressional
such Compromise. Read the article &
Modern technology, social Discussion: E xecutive answer the FRQ at the end of the
media, and rapid response to Privilege reading. (Article here)
political issues
Quiz on Presidency OR
State of the Union Message, and the
presidents bully pulpit as tools for Watch Reagans Address to the
agenda setting Nation on Federal Tax Reduction
and Speech to the Nation on the
Campaign Against Drug Abuse
evaluate as great communicator

Take a side: Grading Reagans

6, 8 Read pgs 456-461 Presidential ideology, authority, and Federal Bureaucracy Using this record of George W.
influence affect how executive branch Bullseye activity Bushs environmental record, find
agencies carry out the goals of the three major themes in his execution
administration. Discussion: Bureaucratic of federal law and explain the impact
implementation of Law of his administration on federal
Compliance monitoring can pose a environmental protection.
challenge to policy implementation. FRQ 2 Activity

Political patronage, civil service, and merit

system reforms in promoting
professionalism, specialization, and
neutrality, all impact the effectiveness of
the bureaucracy.

7 Read pgs 432-456 Bureaucratic agencies are given Quiz on Bureaucracy E xplain what constitutional and
discretionary and rule-making authority statutory authority allow agencies to
to implement policy Activity: Bureaucracy engage in the rule making process
Carnival delineated on page 5 of the CRS
Tasks performed by departments, Report on Rulemaking.
agencies, commissions, and government
corporations are represented by: OR
Writing and enforcing
regulations Create a colorful mind map of the
Issuing fines various reforms to the civil service.
Testifying before Congress Label all laws in blue, positive
Iron triangles and issue networks changes in green, and negative
consequences in red. Suggest three
additional reforms to the
8 Finish Zombie Bureaucracy Bureaucratic agencies are given Presentations of Zombie
discretionary and rule-making authority Bureaucracy
to implement policy

Tasks performed by departments,

agencies, commissions, and government
corporations are represented by:
Writing and enforcing
Issuing fines
Testifying before Congress

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